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MARCH 2025

Israeli Media Says “Half” Of Syrian Air Defenses Were Took Out By Israeli Airstrikes

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Israeli Media Says "Half" Of Syrian Air Defenses Were Took Out By Israeli Airstrikes

The Israeli F-16I crash site

February 10 Israeli airstrikes took out nearly half of the Syrian air defenses, the Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported on February 14 citing “Senior Israel Defense Forces officials”.

In Saturday’s exchange of fire Syria scored a rare success, downing an Israeli F-16 fighter jet with an antiaircraft missile, apparently taking advantage of a vulnerability in the way the crew flew the jet. Israel however destroyed nearly half of President Bashar Assad’s air defenses, according to military estimates.

Senior Israel Defense Forces officials told Haaretz that the wide-ranging aerial operation over the weekend is considered a success and the army is aware of the risks involved in such an operation, which at times can also result in planes being hit. The strikes by Israel took out the batteries that fired missiles at its fighter jets and also hit four Iranian targets, including the drone control center and communications systems.

Syria was able to down the Israeli plane because it was flying too high. That, at least, is the initial assessment based on an Israel Air Force investigation of the incident,” Haaretz’s article reads.

So, according to the Israeli side, the February 10 encounter was a “success” for Tel Aviv even despite the fact that the F-16I had been shot down.

On February 14, the Russian media reported citing Syrian and Russian military sources that the Syrian Air Defense had shot down 13 of 18 air-launched cruise missiles launched by the Israeli Air Force on February 10. So, the different sides have quite different versions of the same incident.

Meanwhile, Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman said at the annual conference organized by the Federation of Local Authorities and Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael that Iran had declared war on Israel.

“Iran declared war on us. The highest echelons in Tehran want to erase the Zionist entity; they do not hide the fact that they want to wipe the State of Israel off the face of the earth,” the minister said. “Iran is also fighting us through its proxies – Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad and now Hamas, and of course the Syrian regime. Therefore, it is a daily war not only in the military aspect but also in the realm of international terrorism, and we do everything in order to preserve Israel’s security.”

Liberman continued adding that Tel Aviv maintains absolute freedom of action and “everything we need to do has been done”. Before the February 10 encounter, the Israeli military said that an Iranian UAV had violated Israeli airspace. MORE DETAILS

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leon mc pilibin

Lying BS,They will say anything to save face,and protect their Crime Minister.So if thats the case why dont they finish the other half?.I look forward to their attempt,,,if they have the nerve.lol

You can call me Al

The same crap the US gob off “Iran declared war on us. The highest echelons in Tehran want to erase the Zionist entity; they do not hide the fact that they want to wipe the State of Israel off the face of the earth,” …… they may well go again and I pray Syria is ready and prepared.

leon mc pilibin

Correction,the Iranians never said that they want to wipe israhell off the face of the Earth.What they really said is that they want to see the end of the Zionist regime in israhell.That mistranslation was deliberately used by nutty BIBI,in his anti IRAN rantings to generate sympathy for israhell,and hope that jewSA would attack Iran for them.


This is the same. You only try to play with words.


It is not the same. An analogy would be ‘ Fred said he wants to wipe out your family’ when a correct translation would have been ‘ Fred wants to see the end of your fathers abusive rule ‘.


“Israel however destroyed nearly half of President Bashar Assad’s air defenses” I don’t think so. But even if for once an Israëli official should be honest, take for sure Russia will provide more Pantsir systems to Syria.


Quite, it’s not as if the US hasn’t shown them how to replace equipment by flying it to occupied Palestine whenever the zionist filth as for it.

John Whitehot

one half, these israeli journalists are exercising refrain. I’d expect they would claim two halves, or perhaps even three halves.

You can call me Al

It I not the Pantsir they need, it is S-300 or S-400 units.


They were supposed to have already received some S300. But the fact is they don’t have, otherwise why use old S200? Some reports said they were bombed by Israël while still in containers in port.


I think its more likely that the Russians have not authorised the use of the S300’s yet. It is always wise to keep some of your powder dry as a surprise in an a more extreme situation. The S200’s and Pantsirs did a good job.There was no need for overkill.


Let’s hope it’s the way it is….:)


There’s news that the SAA has deployed a massive number of reinforcements in Deir Ezzor for an all out war against the SDF terrorists there. Syrians wouldn’t be doing such things if they didn’t expect to shoot down a few US-Coalition aircraft.

Gregory Louis

There reinforcements most likely from ISIS Hunters who lost men in that US-led airstikes but I don’t think the SAA will escalate that situation anymore, also the SAA is going for the Homs desert area which is why that area has so much movement


Good point, although it looks like russians were killed in Der-Azor and nothing yet on that..


That’s the ISIS hunters. Russian, Chechens, Kazakhstani and some other Europeans volunteers. They’re irregular paramilitaries outfit that’s not politically driven and non politically aligned.

Tudor Miron

“Looks like Russians were killed in Der-Azor” and also it looks like someone is trying to feed some BS to us. If it works with “highly educated” US population (Russian hackers) don’t expect it to work here untill you provide phot or video evidence.

You can call me Al

No he / she is right.


John Whitehot

Peskov has officially said that he doesn’t exclude the presence of Russian citizens on the territory, which is far from making he or she right.

You can call me Al

Now you are being pedantic.

Tudor Miron

Al, should I take it as evidence? “So far, the death of one Russian citizen Kiril Ananyev from an activist group “Another Russia” has been reported by the organization’s coordinator.” Do you mean this part? I’m not even aware of such organisation and its coordinator. The only fact is that Al masdar article says that someone confirmed something – the rest is questionable. Al, there may be casualties within Russian PMC ranks – 5 or so (to my knowledge). Don’t you realize that all this story is simple propoganda stunt?

You can call me Al

There is a lot on it. There were “Russian civilians” i.e. Mercenaries.


Not necessarily , Conico was to be turned over to SAA by agreement with SAA. These guys may have been oil field contractors , not mercenaries .


Yes, earlier in the year Russian soldiers were stationed in the CONOCO plant with the agreement of the SDF. Why and how that deal was made I do not know. It was shortly after the SAA bridgehead on the East bank was created.

Ishyrion Av

Is not about escalation from the SAA side… US will likely make another attack very soon in the future and SAA needs to be prepared. If, by any chance, ISrael launch another preemptive war in the region- against Syria and Lebanon, then it will be a coordinated war. US will strike in the east, ISrael will strike in the east. But I am convinced the situation is already analyzed by Syrian allied command.


The news were fake. The SAA did not engage SDF in Deir Ezzor. Opposition media is trying to escelate tensions.

You can call me Al

Yes they did; DZ is an area as well and there are both attacks East side of the Euphrates and shelling from the West.

The SAA and allies have good reason and International law behind them, so there is no point pretending it didn’t happen.

Gregory Louis

The logical thing here is why would the SAA launch this operation now? They have very limited amounts of reserves so why clash with 500 plus men now? They have Idlib, E.Ghouta, Homs desert to deal with already launching an attack would stretch them too thin

You can call me Al

Thanks to TC, there is a new trained corps that has just been let loose – I don’t know for sure, but I did look it up and a corp has 30,000 troops, so we may see big differences very shortly – all positive.

Manuel Flores Escobar

Syrian forces should deployed Pantsir S1 system and Buk m2 in Deir ezzor before launch military operation vs SDF to retake Oil Fields….Russia want to see pantsir or buk shooting down a F-22 and later examine the pieces…


Were Russians killed manning Panistar systems?

Gregory Louis

No because they weren’t hit….the ministry of defense would’ve said so, cause they have nothing to hide….I do believe the Israeli’s are compensating by saying they did this for the lost missiles and aircraft for little gain, its a bait and switch if you will to distract fromm the F-16 shootdown

John Whitehot

Things always go like Israel wants, says Israel.


The Russian Ministry of Defence learned from the days of infantile Soviet propaganda and the almost instant relay of real events today by civilians with mobile phones etc that blatant lying to the public is in fact counter productive. Lies create mistrust from the population at home and laughter from ones enemies :)

Gregory Louis

And families of military personnel would know even PMC’s families if somethings wrong with them….that’s our modern technology coming int play but people in the West have more of these devices but don’t research at all but get distracted by the Media, social media, games….all to distract from looking up what really happens…its Opreation MockingBird but evolved


Yes, in Britain the TV programming is dominated by inane trivia . This what our leaders wish to foster and few are bothered to criticise what our leaders do in our name.


Actually it’s really wierd but it seems like the SAA is not deploying their pantsir systems between Damascus and Israel, it’s their most capable anti missle weapon but they chose to use old s200 and buk which both actually suck for modern missles, pantsir would be much more effective. Last we heard pantsir was deployed to idbil and all I can think of is that Russia nicely asked the SAA not to use pantsir against Israel. There is no reason they shouldn’t have it deployed to counter missle, it’s what pantsir1 is designed for.


All in good time. Presidents strategy has been to act retroactively to ant US/Israeli,NATO violations. Flashing all ones assets at the beginning is never a wise move.


I notice those calling for escalation are also to cowardly to show their real faces.


Who the fuck are you. .RAMBO ?, or did you forget to take your medication?

John Whitehot

what’s that, zionist humor?


He mean using stuntman (US and co) before switching in as if they did it themselves at the end.

leon mc pilibin

Anti zionist Humour,,why?

John Whitehot

ah, i get it, anti-zionist anti-humour.

Tudor Miron

And who are you to ask?

leon mc pilibin

I could say the same thing to you,who are you to ask?

Tudor Miron

My name is Tudor Miron, Russian of Moldavian nationality. Race engineer. What also do you want to know about me?


If they destroy nearly half they shouldn’t worry too much that they relocated their AD assets to occupied golan.

John Whitehot

“Syria was able to down the Israeli plane because it was flying too high”


Somebody stop them pls.


Maybe they refers to detection and lock area cones of Syrian AD system. But then that means their jamming suite and defensive measures (flares,flir,evasive maneuver) defeated in open confrontations.

John Whitehot

as their target is the general public, i think they are implying that the jet wasn’t flying low as in to “flight under the radar”.


Yes. Though so would they really brave it flying low with all those higher than .50 cal heavy machine guns all too common in the region ?

John Whitehot

see, Israeli press never had the need to explain any technicality.

They just go with the story that makes the Israelis more intelligent, brave and , lucky than their enemies, and their public is content.

They’ve been like that since 1948.

Vince Dhimos

“everything we need to do has been done”. Correction: Everything you CAN do has been done. I strongly believe that in that last phone call, Putin told Israel that there now will be S-400s and Pantsirs at these bases.


is that an assumption or you have any font? i hope what you say is true tho

Vince Dhimos

The media only reported a very short call. I don’t think it was as short as reported. Some analysts sounded like the knew something. The fact that there has been no repeat indicates that Putin warned Bibi of the Russians’ next step. Otherwise Bibi would not have backed down, It is a theory but backed by some solid bases.

You can call me Al

I can go with that.


Oh i do apologise for that sound of hollow laughter.


F-16 cost: 18 million USD SAM cost: 500k USD Israel scared shitless and talking crazy: priceless


+jamming suite and other upgrade assortments. Costs probably 500k USD alone. Then again they may only lost what’s free for their use.

USA MIC : USA government subsidized. Israel MIC : USA government subsidized.


Israeli terrorists shot down Syrian UAV and Syria in retaliation shot down their F-16. So UAV is costly or F-16 and now Israel show burnt F-16 photo every time, world knows Israeli frustration. Soon Palestine intelligence will get rid of Israeli terrorists.

You can call me Al

You forgot the F-15 and 2 x Israeli drones.


Wow. It makes me surprise.

Marvin Joel Zavala López

What about an Apache Longbow shot down too???


Seriously, I don’t know about that. Any way thank you for sharing information.


Mo’ Missiles…… we want Mo’ Missiles….


Yes, Syria is a no go area for Israel planes now . The one F16 went in got shot down. The rest of Israeli planes fired from Lebanon and if I am not mistaken , Iran is helping to set up missiles factories or bases ….

Once Lebanon has the SAM systems then the daily violation will stop and they cannot fire from Lebanon again.

Only direction is through the Golan Heights which can be monitored much easier.


Palestine should never trust UN, US, Israel and their friends. God helps those who help themselves. If Palestinians want to get rid of Israel then they should start gorilla war but after getting Russian and Chinese weapons and proper training to achieve some goals.

If Vietnamis can win from US in Vietnam war where US have left the dead bodies of their thousands of soldiers, so then Palestine can also win this Palestine war from Israel.

Palestine needs to do some surprise attacks on Israeli terrorists but should never use stones, knives or rocket attacks. These methods are useless. ————————————————————————————————————————————


Apparently russophiles and Putin cheerleaders who hang around this blog (many of them disenfranchised Americans who abhor own their country and its political system, and of course, the confessed anti-Zionists) are unwilling to accept the realities taking place in the ongoing civil war in Syria: Russia’s strategy to eliminate ISIS and anti-regime forces has been a total failure since the adversaries are well alive and kicking, and in many instances regaining lost territories while consolidating their current positions – thanks mainly to US, NATO and Israel military assistance. In a few words, seems that Vladimir Putin and associates assumed that America (and Israel by extension) will sit idle and do nothing on behalf of their clients as soon as Russia started its military campaign on Syrian soil…facts on the ground proved that the Kremlin was 100% wrong.

Albert Pike

Good name – nomen est omen…


And you are right na. drink more may be one day you will end in hospital.


Dream on, boy. West’s strategy in Syria has failed miserably, either you like it or not. Unless US goes to all out war in ME, there is not a chance they can have their way. The time of US and west’s supremacy in world affairs will soon be over. Even in terms of military power, the one undisputed sector of US power will diminish, slowly but surely. No shekels for you today, daydreamer.

Frank Behrens

everyone has his/her (wet) dreams….so, what´s the deal ?


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There’s no banana big enough for you….


Washington 300% Retards…….

Ariel Cohen

Too much of that wanking will drive you insane bud…looks like it may be too late..


I don’t know how the heck you arrive at that conclusion.

Practically all the heavily populated areas and major townships that matters are in the hands of either SDF in the North or SAA in other parts of Syria.

Only pockets of newly trained ISIS by US are emerging but these are hardly enough to turn the tide. Russia as usual stop just before completing their jobs many times to allow ISIS to regroup and resurface again…

No you are 100% wrong on this.

Without Russia , today Syria would be ruled by ISIS and other rebel warlords worse than Libya but with US controlling the north .

Now, even Israeli planes are not afraid to fly into Syria as most of the vital spots for Radars have been restored . Now Israel can only fire from Lebanon. Even in Lebanon SAM sites will come up soon.

Frank Behrens

Nope, the diverse groups will continue on, at least as long as the domestic reasons (economic, religious, political and ecological ones) for the quarrels there remain (and I don`t see that much will change) there will be no peace. Perhaps the Assad gov. (central gov.) will “rule” the most parts of the country (at daylight) in name..especially in the cities (in rural parts eit will be even more uneasy) were you will hardly notice a difference between gov. troops, rebels, terrorists and mere bandits (some of them will call themselves loyalists or rebels…but in the end are just mercs/robber clans) We might see some years of uneasy peace with terror acts here and there but in a decade or two the same will start again…same as in Afghanistan today. Like the Nato in Afghanistan, Russia and Iran will have to stay and poure in money, material and even troops to make sure, that the Assad regime will still have a certain amount of control of the country.


Well you can have your opinion.

Facts does not reflect your observation though.

Assad is gaining new grounds everyday and it may take a bit of time but they are not losing any ground for sure.

At the moment, the tough spots would be US controlled SDF regions and the East of Euphrates river.

That can wait a while as Assad cleans up other areas as is actually happening now contrary to your observation .

Afrin areas would be later and let Turkey takes care.

When those have been done, likely would be the US controlled SDF. Already as you have observed SAA and actually tried to go in… but attacked by US air power. Next time , surely SAA would not go into US areas like before but supported by Air defence systems or Hezbollah style.

As for Turkey, once Assad gives guarantee Kurds will have no autonomy etc , Turkey will withdraw .

Let’s see.

Frank Behrens

I can have my opinion ? That makes you a rather nice chap here :)

“Facts”….well , Facts…or what one would persive as that.

Well, I never denied that Assad has gained a lot of ground (did I ?), but as I wrote:

Perhaps the Assad gov. (central gov.) will “rule” the most parts of the country (at daylight) in name..especially in the cities (in rural parts it will be even more uneasy) were you will hardly notice a difference between gov. troops, rebels, terrorists and mere bandits (some of them will call themselves loyalists or rebels…but in the end are just mercs/robber clans).

We might see some years of uneasy peace with terror acts here and there but in a decade or two the same will start again…same as in Afghanistan today: Gov. “rules” in various degrees the big cities and most parts of the country…but there are few parts were it is really save.

Concerning SDF…and the “attack” of the gov. troops…well, I am not that sure that this was a serious push into SDF area (mayhaps a testing at best). But with all those mercs. around and “militias” who often just pay lip-service/loyalty to one side , there might be often only a light control over them from the centrals/general staff/headquarters. And often some undisciplined hot-heads just got too borred or trigger-happy (both sides) and swiftly and easily there is such an…”accident”. Children tend to play with fire sometimes, untill they feel that it burns…

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Stop doing what your posting name implies you do, and start reading some real news instead of all that LGBTQueer controlled MSM propaganda you have been. Due to your appalling lack of knowledge about what’s really going on in Syria, I suspect you have other motives for hating Putin and Russia as much as you do. I’m starting to think you only hate them as much as you do because of their anti gay laws, and not for what’s happening in Syria, am I right. I don’t admire Putin at all, I just see him as the lesser of 2 evils and hope to God he helps keep the LGBTQueer dominated western powers out of both Syria and Russia.


Regaining lost territory


Typically the binary thinking of dumb americans. Either winner or loser. This kind of thinking amuses me, the subtility of the russians is way above your head. But you may continue wishfull thinking, just giving you some relieve before the reality catch you on.


I understand that some official statements are made for internal consumption only – but you still have to be a total moron – even by ultra-right wing Israeli standards – to buy this hogwash…Evet Levovich doing some more barking…Good dog…

Samuel Boas

Iran has declared war on Israel? What a joke, if they did then Israel would have already been annihilated.

Tudor Miron

Yeah, about the same way they “won” 2006 war in Lebanon.

You can call me Al

The Lebanon kicked their arse. Same as Libya though.

John Whitehot

Israel isn’t concerned about Hezbollah presence in Syria, the real, main reason of its silent support for Assad toppling is to not have Russian, or Iranian early warning assets able to detect their nuclear capable vectors deploying if they ever decide to strike Iran, in order to have some “maneuvering space” when they’ll have to invent a cover story, and to prepare a defense or a counter attack in time.


Good point John.


Think you might be off the mark regarding Hezbollah. Hezbollah now have the capacity to do real damage to Israel. I’m not saying it is a conflict they could win, however, it is one which would demonstrate increased Israeli vulnerability

John Whitehot

It’s sad and primitive, but peace, especially in this issue, is probably obtained in that way. If someone has a way to make real damage to Israel, that would create a balance that would bring people to peace negotiations.

Israel can’t think it has to destroy everyone that has once said “Fuck Israel”, particularly because itself has derailed every attempt at establishing peace since the murder of PM Rabin.

The international community is no less responsible, as they gave Israel all the freedom to keep perpetrating its crime both inside and outside its borders, especially with the US vetoing any UN resolution that even hinted at Israeli responsibility.

The nuclear issue with Iran is particularly aberrant, as Israel has developed and deployed nuclear weapons since decades, without the UN ever forcing the issue, while Iran shouldn’t be in their view allowed a civil nuclear program that was agreed on with international backing.

Provided we all want peace, and not a world in a constant state of war and destruction, that process necessarily pass through peoples treat themselves as equal. The exceptionalism some countries display, and insist on trying to force on others, has to end one way or another – the sooner it happens, the less suffering will be caused everywhere.


John, I agree with almost everything you say in the above comment. Unfortunately, observation over these past 30 years or so, has revealed the dominance of a hard core physical force agenda, pursued by megalomaniacs and other nut cases who in their ignorance believe all wars are good and a nuclear war is winnable. It really doesn’t matter that the elite of which they are the psychotic motor force will have to live out their pathetic existence in well designed and constructed underground whatevers even if their demise is imminent. Israel has over these past 8/10 years taken into its navy 4 dolphin class subs, which carry 50 nuclear armed Tomahawk missiles for their “Armageddon Solution”. Another 2 of these Dolphins will be commissioned soon if they haven’t been already, all six paid for by the German taxpayer, although theoretically, the Germans only picked up a third of the bill. The USA officially spends $765 billion on “defence” p.a., while the real figure is $1.6 Trillion. I can’t see how we are going to get rid of the nut-jobs who are installed in almost every country that matters across the planet, there are of course exceptions to the rule, too few at the moment to create the balance we need…..

You can call me Al

“February 10 Israeli airstrikes took out nearly half of the Syrian air defences”, unfortunately I believe this could be true, so they need repairing or replacing on an urgent basis, because I have a very bad feeling about this.

This is very similar to the play book played out in Iraq and Libya, knock out the air defences and then cause hell.

This statement by the hooked nose also lends credence to my view ““Iran declared war on us. The highest echelons in Tehran want to erase the Zionist entity; they do not hide the fact that they want to wipe the State of Israel off the face of the earth,”

My view only and I hope I am wrong.

Pave Way IV

“…Syria was able to down the Israeli plane because it was flying too high. That, at least, is the initial assessment based on an Israel Air Force investigation of the incident,” Haaretz’s article reads…”


The vertical lines on all the labels below are 5000m above ground level. An Israeli PopeyeII/TurboPopeye missile or a SPICE 500 glide bomb need to be launched sufficiently high for the aircraft to see the target and use either weapon’s terminal optical/IR TV guidance. The aircraft may be able to ‘sneak’ back to Israel staying low, but they can’t land back at Ramat David without exposing themselves to Khalkhala radar. Keep in mind that all SAM radars in Syria are networked and integrated – any and all radars that can see a target are used, not just the one at the SAM launch site.

John Whitehot

yes, but the absurdity is another, that is presuming that flying low is the right thing to do to avoid radars and sams. The british learnt that at their expenses in Desert Storm with Tornados, switching to high altitude after a series of losses. Same with the USAF rethinking the A-10A into being able to stay high and making the A-10C version.

Missiles are evaded staying high in order to enjoy potential kinetic energy. As a general rule with todays air defenses, staying low is much more risky, especially if the Russian AWACS are networked into the Syrian air defense (Can’t remember if it’s been redeployed home, but in any case SU-30s and 35s on CAP stations will probably datalink their look-down radar data to the network).

Mahmoud Larfi

Kind of news for internal consumption.. Hope the bloodthirsty kike’s public opinion will fall for it and won’t ask for more escalation.

Langaniso Mhlobo

Down lot of special Israelis jets with that old s200.


The S 200s that are being used at present by the AA units of the SAA have had serious upgrades which were mostly carried out in Iran. It is believed, that S 200 modification teams are working in Syria to complete the task which will also increase it’s range. There are strong rumours that this upgrade includes a new guidance system, which make its flight more unpredictable and deadlier for the adversary. Here is to happy hunting over the coming days and weeks.


Well that ends all doubts. If Israel is saying something this means that it isn’t true


Lol, and very true :)


Netanyahu and his Cabinet desperately need to come up with heavy doses of diversionary and positive public spin – because his domestic leadership is tanking fast. Israeli police have issued statement that there is sufficient evidence to indite Netanyahu on at least two cases of corruption and bribery charges. Bibi is on his way out.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

From what I hear, it’ll take several years or longer to get him to trial, and that’s only if there’s enough evidence to get a conviction. Also will it change Israeli politics in any way at all if he is convicted, I don’t think so. If he is convicted and goes to jail, I hope he has a few Palestinian prison guards looking after him, so justice can really be served.


Either way, as an electoral candidate to lead the Likud Party into elections, Netanhayu’s brand will now be too toxic and divisive – his political party will be looking toward the successor.


Unfortunately, the Net-any-yahu’s of this world have a way of clinging on, like shit to a rope..


Fair call – but let’s wait and watch the car crash.

Андреј Милојески

…were taken* out…

Ariel Cohen

Liberman is utterly insane, living in an alternate reality, overestimating Israel’s ability to sustain a war of attrition. What cuckoo’s nest did they dig this guy up from? He’s the Vladimir Zhirinovsky of Israel..


Liberman was shown holding an assault rifle at an arms show. A man had to support him and Liberman still had no idea how to hold the weapon. :)


It’s amazing how these neolithic neocons keep popping up in increasing numbers in each new decade, it is as if the Brzezinski of the 70s, 80s and 90s morphed into multiple new sleeves and with every new transition becomes more vicious and unstable.


“Iran declared war on us.”

If people weren’t being killed and injured, this would be laughable. Even if one Iranian drone did fly into Israel. It didn’t bomb or damage anything. Israel violates it’s neighbor’s airspace on an almost daily basis and has for many years. And when one surveillance drone enters Israeli air space. The baby rapers go berserk.


Lol! The Israeli AF adventure into Syria was an abysmal failure. They dropped their loads and ran. All missed their objectives. At most some stand off weapons were launched as they turned tail and ran. Even as they ran one was shot down, others scraped. But the propaganda machine has no difficulty in lying to us by claiming a victory! Biggest LOL of the year so far.


were taken out, not took out, English

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