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MARCH 2025

Israeli Military Attacked Syrian Army Near Golan Heights

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Israeli Military Attacked Syrian Army Near Golan Heights

Late on May 27, aircraft of the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) delivered destroyed a Syrian air defense system near the Golan Heights, the IDF claimed.

According to the IDF, this was done after the system had opened fire at an IDF aircraft over the Golan Heights.

The Syrian military confirmed that one soldier was killed and another one injured as well as a vehicle destroyed in the Israeli attack at a position at Tal Sha’ar.

According to reports, the destroyed vehicle was a Shilka self-propelled anti-aircraft gun.

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Rhodium 10

Shilka dont have enough range from Syria to hit an israeli war plane flying over israeli zone of Golan heights..therefore israel attacked that vehicle to test weapons as SAA hands are tied as consecuence of Syrian war in Idlib and other fronts…otherwise SAA would have retaliate…thas why israel use to attack SAA since the begining of the Syrian war…but during 90s and 2000s..israel only one time has attacked Syria..never during the lebanon war 2006 when SAA were supplying weapons to Hezbollah!


I suppose the “one time” you are talking about when Israel destroyed the nuclear reactor in Syria. I can’t remember, how did Syria retaliate?


Syria never have a nuclear reactor…


He’s a dumb ass! Check out these 2 posts….. He wants to give up on Venez but not against Israel! Seems Venezuelans are not important enough to him! lol He’s a dumb ass troll!

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/51e677620ed31a5420eb7e078b22efd89116deb69222fc6d2614f085054caa95.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/aeefb8d0a8fb3b11cf781655c2dde8588525410b26d29d4e1c59301ad345413c.png


LMAO at your complete stupidity. You love to read your own ignorance into peoples posts. Two different discussions and two completely different situations. But I’m not surprised that you are too stupid to understand the difference. You are also to stupid to understand SARCASM. What a complete and total moron you are. BTW. Justin is a degenerate who demeans women as purely sex objects when he said “I like to watch women get F—ed” which also means he likes to watch men have sex. This is by his own admission. He thinks that sex is love as well. What a pathetic loser who has to watch other men have sex.


And you like to lie and say i watch gay porn yet call yourself a religious man! Religious men dont lie! they dont judge! And they are not Tyrants! You are all of those things! But you like to change the subject often! Syria does not, never has had a nuclear reactor! Morons like you would be smart enough to send a link to any source that claims that! but u dont! u just making moronic statements! The only statement made was that Syria had a Iranian Uranium Enrichment Facility in Syria which was destroyed by the US cruise missile attacks!

Dont be such a dumb cunt all the time! Have some sense to speak actual truths and send some fucking links to prove your point!


You are the liar. I NEVER said you watch “gay” porn. You said you like to watch women get “f—ed”. That means you like to watch men have sex. I’m not going to argue with a deviant liar.


“Faggot” and “homosexual” means gay! You lied! i proved this! Proof in link below! You are a fucking LIAR!

Dude you just exposed yourself as a liar! you think i dont have your comment? i have the link and the screen shot!

LIAR!!! You are a fake religious person! You will not apologise for lying (i know you wont) you will not admit to lying (i know you wont) and you will try to explain your words in some weird misunderstanding by me!

Youre a piece of shit! i am always honest even to the point where i admit to watching STRAIGHT PORN, u then judge me and cal me a “degenerate” and now here you are, a liar!

PROVEN FACT! You are wrong, i am right! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d8399a5ec177c80a5d2b9b5fb7da7219484c27212b15559c170cd73268670417.png

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/51040c8b37843e4567a5aa54ef62d861c4619df67fdb859e0ab0b4a7635cb566.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/12af0b14f3b078f7420e6f592ab0ccddf6d92ae4acd45111a3fad1711d537227.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/478a2a9e7deae2d885fe0ed26f86092b480f19fa98335023c7c9b67e92aed278.png


Every one of my statements are true. You have homosexual tendencies just like anyone who likes to watch other men have sex. YOU said it yourself. Looks like you can dish it out but cant take it. Keep posting my comments please. It helps get the truth out.


You want 72 virgins when u die? What if it doesnt come true? Why not become a priest and have your virgins now? You religious pedo scum!

“Looks like you can dish out the insults but cant take it. Crybaby Keep posting my comments please.” i was proving you are a liar! Going by your standards, i must be required to only watch lesbians have sex in order to not have “gay tendencies”! Youre a fuck head! and thats the kinda dumb shit religious people say! Straight men watch girls get fucked! We dont watch women with a strapon! https://youtu.be/Op064RGT6AM?t=228

Even Bill Burr agrees with me! And what that means is that religious dumb cunts like u have no say in anything! the reason u are religious is because u dont know how to find God urself so u need the owners manual! Different regions in the wrold have a different manual but dumb cunts like u think the one u got is the right one! Yet ull fight wars over it too!

You have no idea what u are talking about! Youre a liar and a religious fuck head! Your god doesnt come and helpyou if im about to kill u! Even if i gave u the 30 minutes for God to come down and change the circumstances, do you think he would come? NO!

So youre an idiot! fuck off liar! calling someone “faggot” means u are directly saying they are gay! youre such a bullshit artist! i KNEW you were gonna try and argue ur way out of it!

YOU NEED RELIGION BECAUSE YOURE SCARED! HAHAHA You want to keep living! hahaha or u want 72 virgins? hahaha https://youtu.be/eorhfE3RUvE?t=21 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2tp0UNcjzl8


72 virgins? LOL More straw man from the resident pervert. You are an idiot and your posts are not worth reading.




LoL dude calm down, everyone is entitled to their own opinion? He merely stated that unless Maduro receives military support by either China and Russia, the inevitable will happen and US will topple him which has proven to be true in recent events in history?


Dude, you need to see his other posts! this was just an example! But going by your comment, i guess we should give up on Israel?


They didn’t have a functioning reactor is for sure. But it was “reported” as being one under construction. So you could say it was a supposed reactor. Either way the attack happened and there was no military retaliation.


shut the fuck up! “its been reported”! The only report that has been made is that they had an IRANIA Uranium enrichment facility. They never had a reactor you dumb ass Degenerate!

Send a link you dumb cunt if u wanna say shit like that!


I provided a link. If you were more than twelve years old then you would remember when it happened as I do and wouldn’t need a link. And all you are doing is making my point. Israel struck a nuclear facility in Syria with Impunity. Go away deviant.


Reported by Israel = ” Fake News “…


Ok. So that means the strike didn’t happen. Keep on believing that.


Not the strike… The nuclear reactor was a fake by Israel…


Israel destroyed a building site that was years away from completion.


And they did it with impunity.


Syria did not have the capability to challenge Israel and her US backers at the time, so any military response would have played into the hands of Israel.

There are times in our lives when great wrong has been dealt to all of us by a more powerful ‘force’.

We can either lash out in a frenzy of ineffective rage against such a force, forget the injustice, or pragmatically file away the injustice for action at a time when we have an advantage, as I have often done.


Syria will never have the “advantage”.


I have also learned that it is wiser ‘Never to say never’ in this world.


That’s a nice sound bite. So you think that Syria will produce or procure weapons that will out match the U.S. and Israel? There are a lot of people here who see things through rose colored glasses. The problem with that is it means they are living in denial of the unpleasant reality that we live in.


It is not necessary to match the US or Israel.

It is only necessary to be able to cause great damage to Israel with the thousands of missiles that are in range of the squatter state.

It is not only the US or Israel that have the ability to retaliate.


I really don’t know how many offensive missiles Syria has. But I assume you are talking about the missiles that Hezbollah, Hamas and Iran have as well. But even then if they all launched their missiles in a massive attack they would not “out match” or have an “advantage” over Israel and the U.S.. The U.S. and Israel also have the advantage when it comes to instilling fear. That is why, despite their continued criminal actions, such a retaliation has not occurred.


Times are changing at a rate that is leaving old strategies far behind though.


I’ve been waiting so long for change I have become very pessimistic.


We have become far too accustomed to movies where the timescales of the plots are miniscule. Real conflicts are not like that.

The US has been in Afghanistan for nearly 20 years with no end in sight.


Actually I don’t believe that. I think after Idlib is freed, Syria will beef up it’s air defence infrastructure with multiple S-300 systems and integrate new radars to its AD. They should also protect the defence systems by deploying short range defence systems to prevent drone attacks as we saw with an unprotected Pantsir system in Syria that was destroyed by multiple kamikaze drones. Sure Pantsir was out of ammunition but more systems should be able to solve this issue.


So you don’t think that the U.S. and Israel have even more precise and powerful “conventional” weapons than they are already using? No offense but that is a little naïve. And Syria will never have nuclear weapons. And Russia isn’t going to sell their best weapons to Syria or anyone else. Syria will always be playing catch up.

Icarus Tanović

That was in Iraq, under the fake pretext in ’80s.


No, I am talking about Syria. Look it up.

Icarus Tanović

Then don’t speak and talk nonsense.


Nonsense. Every one’s posts is proving my point. I say Syria, which DID happen, and I have some say “No it was Iraq” and others say “No it was Iran” Proves my point that Israel can strike with impunity any one of them. Apparently you are to stupid to comprehend that much less make a valid argument, or any argument as far as that goes. Who’s the troll?????????????

Rhodium 10

Syria lauched S-200 and put on flight Mig 25/29..the attack was fast and no casualties!


Yes but those are defensive measures. I’m talking about retaliatory measures.

Rhodium 10

Not needed then..because Palestine Hamas and Pro Syrian popular front of palestine liberation in Gaza attacked israeli forces days after!


Huh? Dont you mean Iraq? Youre always lying or you are a dumb ass! Youre a lying religious degenerate! You always use Straw man arguments! And you lie. i got proof! EVERYONE on here KNOWS about the Iraq reactor attack but you think it was Syria? Youre a dumb cunt! Thats what you are!


More stupidity from the resident moron. Why don’t you get a clue?


Hisham Saber

You think the Washington Post isn’t an establishment mouthpiece with strong ties to U.S., Mossad and AIPAC? You are so naïve.


I remember when it happened I don’t need the WaPo. The moron said I was lying and the article proves him wrong. Israel struck Syria. Whether or not it was a functional reactor is not the point. You are dodging the subject. Israel struck Syria with impunity just as it is doing now. You are so obtuse.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I think you mean Iran.


No I mean Syria. I remember when it happened. And now it is common knowledge.


Willing Conscience (The Truths

“suspected to be a secret nuclear reactor being built by President Bashar al-Assad”.

The Israelis have told us a lot of lies about Assad over the years, so not only do I doubt the validity of the Israeli claims, I also question their motivations, I’m very sceptical of anything they tell us due to their known past bad behaviour, but thanks for the info.


So are you saying that the strike didn’t happen????

Willing Conscience (The Truths

No I’m not saying the strike didn’t happen, I’m saying I’d prefer to believe Assad when he says there was no nuclear reactor, instead of believing the Israelis when they said he did have a nuclear reactor, that’s what I said.


OK. So we agree that Israel struck Syria with impunity.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

We do agree on that.


And we see this info was released on 26 May 2019! This may be true after all but i have 2 points to make! 1. Washington post = CIA / Mossad 2. The most recent US cruise missile attacks were said to have destroyed Iranian Uranium enrichment facilities in Syria that Iran used in order to escape sanctions and inspections under the Obama deal! This is why the US cruise missiles mostly went missing, they hit secret targets and also why russia allowed many of these to go through! Hence why on the first volley, the Joint Chiefs of staff were in Moscow when the first volley occurred! This means US and Russia cooperation under Trump!

But you are right about it since its been a recent post and i didnt know about it!


And once again Israel demonstrates it’s military superiority and impunity.

Concrete Mike

Really? This.aint a using hammer to.swat a fly type.deal??

Your definitition of impunity is inaccurate.

Israel has been punished in the.past ( gaza rockets hit tel aviv last time) and will be punished in the future if its necessary.

Do not fall for these little provocations, it means nothing.on the ground, and israel has a noose around its neck and it knows, otherwise it would not send its little troll crew here every night.


Not sure what you mean by “little troll crew”. But Hezbollah blindly firing some rockets is not much of a retaliation. And how much damage did it cause to Israel’s military. Syria is not capable of real retaliatory strikes.


Syria is very capable of hitting anything in Israel.


Then why don’t they?

Concrete Mike

To not open another front like i mention above!


Sooner or later that front has to be opened.


Because they have higher priority issues to resolve and don’t want to divert resources to deal with Israel. When once the current war is won they’ll be in a stronger position to recover the Golan and help get the region’s Jew problem corrected. And some of the weapons like the S-300s are more advanced than what Israel has and they don’t want them reverse engineered.


I understand your reasoning but I think there is a bit of wishful thinking. S300 is no savior and can be overwhelmed easily by the U.S. or Israel. It is also a defensive weapon and would provide little help in retaliatory offensive strikes. Russia has made great strides in weapons advancements but the U.S., and by proxy Israel, still remain ahead. And Syria is not going to get Russia’s most advanced weapons.


Your comment doesn’t make sense.

Please provide proof for your assertions. Russia is decades ahead of the US and Israel in anti aircraft and hypersonic missile technology.

99% of SADF systems have been untouched by NATO or Israel. If they were so easily overwhelmed, it would have been done long ago and NATO and the IAF would be all over Syrian airspace. Instead they stay out of it west of the river because they know that it’s effective and not easily overwhelmed.


If Syria and Israel went to war then Israel, and the U.S., would overwhelm Syria’s air defenses. All they have to do is fire a bunch of cheap dummy rockets to empty Syria’s defenses, just like the Panzer, and then lay waste to what’s left. I am not going to let wishful thinking cloud my judgment. We have seen it time and time again and I don’t see Syria being any different than Iraq, Serbia, North Korea, etcetera. And don’t forget that the U.S. and Israel have cards that they haven’t played yet. Just look at the stealth planes that flew for years before any of us common folk even knew they existed.


That’s a pretty stupid assessment. If that strategy worked don’t you think that the baby rapers would have done it already? And why use dummy rockets when they cost almost the same as real ones? Using your strategy soldiers should fire blanks to run the enemy out of ammunition while they’re getting killed with live rounds and the enemy isn’t getting hit because blanks are being fired. Losing launchers because they’re firing blanks would be a fast track to the end of a military career and possibly prison or execution.

The bottom line is that Syria can take down incoming missiles, bombs and aircraft, and hit launch platforms a lot easier than Israel or the US can. And that 99% of SADF systems have never been damaged or destroyed by NATO or the IAF. All of Israel is in range of Syrian weapons that Israel has no defense against.

Do you really think that that the US wants to risk losing planes and ships to superior weapons that show the inferiority of NATO equipment? Ignoring the fact that both NATO and the IAF have been backed out of Syrian airspace by Russian equipment as you are. Shows a lack of even the most basic understanding of military strategy, tactics and capabilities. Israel can’t even stop Palestinian bottle rockets. Let alone the most advanced Russian missiles on the planet.


Sorry but your post is stupid. Israel and Syria are not in an “active” war. And if you don’t know how decoys are used then you have absolutely NO military understanding. Even MIRVs have decoys for that very reason.

The rest of your post is just nonsense. For instance you say: “99% of SADF systems have never been damaged or destroyed…” as if their air defenses have been primary targets when in fact almost all of the attacks have been against infrastructure. So you saying that is like saying Syria never “succeeded” if landing a man on the moon.

If a real war between Syria and Israel broke out then Syria’s air defenses wouldn’t last and Israel/U.S. would quickly have air superiority.

Isn’t there anyone on this site anymore who believes in reality???? Oh, that’s right, anyone who doesn’t live in la la land is called a Zionist.


The blood sucking Jew pedophiles have been bragging about destroying SADF systems for years, just like you. The systems that are capable of destroying IAF planes and facilities on the ground in Israel. They claimed, like you, to have targeted and destroyed half of the systems in a monstrous lie. When 99% of the SADF was never hit or destroyed.

The US isn’t going to do more than it has because it takes Russian threats to destroy launch platforms seriously and doesn’t want to risk WW3 for the Jews. Just like the SAA and SADF would do to Israel in an escalation. Which no Israeli government is going to risk with their obsolete equipment when they know that they’ll get hammered just like in the occupied Golan.

Now your changing your story about not using live ammo when I called out your stupidity.


Bragging??? Bragging??????? Reality is not bragging. Have I heaped praises on Israel????? NO. From what I remember the “claim” by Israel to have destroyed half of Syria’s air defenses was referring to “one” installment, not the whole country. Russia has already proven that they will not retaliate for attacks on Syria. So your assertion that the U.S. is impeded by Russia is false. Syria has no credible threat to Israel’s military, not as you suggest anyway. And Israel doesn’t need escalation since it already operates with practical impunity. And I have not changed my story. You keep grasping at straws.


If you can’t recognize that the IDF which can’t stop Palestinian rockets is unable to stop massively more advanced Syrian satcom guided missiles. Then I’m wasting my time with trying to debate military matters with an imbecile.


I knew when you started to get angry that this conversation wasn’t going anywhere. When you started the name calling, ad hominem and straw man responses you proved your weakness. What I originally said is true. Israel/U.S. could overwhelm Syria’s air defenses. And if you truly think that Russia is “decades ahead” of the U.S. in anything then you are just buying your own propaganda. Russia is just now catching up. And Syria isn’t even close.


I asked you for proof to support your false claims after your first post. You provided none. I’ve provided proof exposing your disinformation and stupidity.

Any idiot can come on these threads and spew nonsense. And like you they frequently do. Just like the IDF bs about destroying half of the SADF systems almost overnight. Which is an obvious lie.


“Any idiot can come on these threads and spew nonsense.” So you finally looked in the mirror? The U.S. is years ahead of Russia in most if not every aspect. You have given no Proof yourself. You think that just because Russia has announced some new weapons that they are all the sudden ahead of the U.S. That is very naïve. But not nearly as stupid as claiming that Syria is in any way comparable.


That’s a dodge. Russian anti aircraft and hypersonic missile technology is vastly more advanced than NATO equipment. If you disagree than post side by side performance capabilities showing NATO superiority.

Like I’ve already asked you once to do. You can’t, so you won’t. Because you’re a lying hasbara troll shilling for the evil blood sucking Jew baby rapers. You lied about the Jews not claiming that they destroyed half of the SADF systems. And you’re lying about NATO weapons superiority.


The proof is in the pudding.


And the proof is that 99% of SADF systems are operational and untouched and the no fly zone over 70% of Syria is stayed out of by NATO and the IAF so that they don’t get shot down. Like their missiles and bombs routinely are.


And if a real war ever started then those air defenses would be destroyed.


The IAF bases and aircraft on the ground would be destroyed before they even got off of the ground by missiles that the baby rapers have no defense against. They can’t even stop Palestinian rockets, let alone satcom guided hypersonic missiles. And the ones that got in the air would be shot down by S-300/400s.


Really? I guess that is why Israel bombs Syria with impunity. LOL


Like I said you’re an imbecile. Any rational person can see that the baby rapers have no defense against their air bases and planes being destroyed on the ground. They can’t even stop Palestinian rockets. Or rocket and missile strikes on the Golan.

If they were bombing Syria with impunity they would have taken out SAF and SADF equipment long ago. Instead 99% of it is untouched and killing Yinon plan terrorists every day and shooting down IAF missiles and bombs on a regular basis.


No. You are the imbecile who thinks that Syrian air defenses are invulnerable. And your argument as to whether or not Israeli air strips can be destroyed is just a diversion tactic. And just wishfull stupidity since Syria has not struck a single Israeli air base while Israel bombs Syria with impunity. You say if Israel were bombing Syria with impunity then they would have destroyed all of their equipment. Why??????? That is just ignorance. The fact is that Israel is bombing what they want and Syria CANNOT retaliate and HASN”T retaliated. Your la la land view does not jive with reality.


You’re a moron ignoring the obvious. Israel has no defense against it’s bases getting hit. You seem to think that Syria is incapable of targeting Israel or it’s equipment outside of Syria. Only an imbecile or a liar would hold that position.

Syria doesn’t want to divert resources to escalate hostilities with the evil blood sucking Jew pedophiles. When their Yinon plan is being soundly defeated. And their nuisance strikes are having 0 effect on Syria winning the war or preventing Hezbollah or Iranian entrenchment.

Israel couldn’t stop Hezbollah or Palestinian rocket attacks. Syria can hit any target in Israel that it wants and cripple the IAF. And Russia and Iran will make sure that they have everything that they need to it.

Israel would see devastation like it’s never experienced in it’s miserable 70 year existence.


And according to your link there were reports of “big damages and losses” to Syria but they report nothing about damage to Israeli bases. Just that they were targeted with shelling. Shelling. Look. I never said that Israel couldn’t be hit. In war it is inevitable. But in a real war Syria’s air defenses would be overwhelmed, Just as it was reported in the link YOU provided, but even more so. And every artillery position would be immediately destroyed. That is the difference. Israel attacks and is not counter attacked but when Israel is attacked they immediately counter attack. Your excuse for why is very poor. Syria is no match for Israel.


The SOHR report of big losses to Syria is from an opposition disinformation source. Ignoring the fact that Israel can’t stop Syrian missiles that are exponentially more accurate and powerful than the Palestinian and Hezbollah rockets that Israel can’t stop. And that Syria can hit IAF bases and aircraft on the ground as you are. Just shows that trying to conduct a rational military debate with an ostrich imbecile like you is a waste of time.

If the Jews could have prevented Syria from defeating their terrorist proxies with IAF airstrikes. They would have destroyed the SAF and SADF long ago. They can’t, they don’t even try. Because they know if they try that they’ll get hit a lot harder than they have been. And that it would be the end of any administration that tries it.


So you link an article to show you are right but then claim it is “opposition disinformation”. Who is the imbecile?


The information on the IDF targets hit that I quoted was from a Lebanese source reported in the article, not the SOHR. You’re the one shilling for the Jews who quoted the SOHR, not me.



“S-400 vs. Patriot PAC-3

According to the table above, the S-400 comes across as the most advanced serially produced air defense missile system in the world. Its closest rival is American Patriot with both systems capable of shooting down both aircraft and ballistic missiles. Here is a comparison of technical parameters: S-400 can shoot down targets moving at a speed of 17 km/hour. (while Patriot/PAC-3 could only shoot down a target moving at 8 km/hour)

S-400 can engage with 72 targets simultaneously and track 160 targets at the. Same parameters for Patriot are 36 and 125 targets

S-400 locates a target at 600 km distance and can destroy at 400 km range (with the latest 40N6E missile that just has been successfully tested). Patriot can locate a plane at 180 km and an enemy’s missile at 100 km

S-400 is able to down targets flying as low as 10 meters and as high as 30 km while Patriot PAC-3 destroys its lowest target at a height of 50 meters with the highest at 25 km

The deployment time for S-400 and Patriot PAC-3is 5 minutes and 25minutes respectively. …

The US-built THAAD is an effective missile defense system … However it is strictly an anti-missile system, which can hit targets only at very high altitudes (minimum 40-50 km) which makes it useless against fighter jets or long range strategic aircraft. It is not an air defense missile like S-400 or Patriot.”

– Battle of the Air Defense Systems: S-400 Vs Patriot and THAAD –



Those numbers mean nothing. The U.S. flew stealth jets across the globe years before Russia or you even knew they existed. Those numbers you list are just what you are being shown. Go to Lockheed Martin, or any defense contractor, and ask them to show you the latest technology. FAT CHANCE. When I see Russian equipment outperform Israel and the U.S. in combat then I will start to believe the hype. Until then it is just bluster and numbers on paper.


You have no proof. So you lie and ignore the proof that exists.


Reality and history is the only proof needed. I guess you think that the U.S. spent billions of dollars on “Star Wars” since the eighties and got nothing out of it as well. But then again, aren’t you the one who never heard of decoys and deception in warfare? Like I said, when I see one of these countries successfully confront the U.S. militarily then I will believe they have achieved parity.


Then stop lying and ignoring reality. They obviously mean something to NATO and the IAF who stay out of the no fly over Syria with manned aircraft so that they don’t get shot down.


They don’t need too.


Your comment doesn’t make sense.


They are bombing Syria with impunity as it is. There is no need to put their equipment in any more danger.


And 99% of SADF systems are untouched and alot of what they’re attacking Syria with is being intercepted. Which would include manned aircraft if the decision is made to start taking them down and destroying them on the ground before they take off.

99% of SAF planes are untouched by the IAF and fly their missions without interference.


That is because Israel does not need to target antiquated aircraft that pose no threat to them. They have hit what they want. The Syrians have shot down some missiles and one older Israeli jet. Other than that the most damage and loss of life they have caused is in shooting down their own allied planes. We are talking about the here and now where Israel IS and DOES bomb Syria with impunity. As they just did again.


The Jews must have the worst air force in history. Because their air strikes are accomplishing next to nothing. Other than getting attacked in return because of the nuisance that they’re making of themselves.

The facts are that Israel has no defense against it’s bases and airforce being destroyed. Which is why their air strikes are so inconsequential to the outcome of the war. Which they’re clearly losing.


“The Jews must have the worst air force in history. Because their air strikes are accomplishing next to nothing.” Really, so I guess SouthFront and Syrian State media are lying as well?

From SouthFront:

“Overnight on June 3, the Israeli Air Force carried out a missile strike on the T4 Airbase in the Syrian province of Homs. 2 Israeli missiles were intercepted, according to the Syrian state media. The rest of the missiles hit the airbase killing a service member and injuring 2 others. The state media also confirmed damage to the structures of the base, including an ammo depot. This was the third Israeli strike on Syria during the last 10 days.” And how did Syria respond to these attacks? They didn’t. It’s called reality.


Wars are won by gaining ground and defeating the enemy. The war crimes and UN resolution violations that you’re describing by the blood sucking Jew baby rapers. Are the actions of losers having next to zero effect on slowing down their Yinon plan proxy terrorists ongoing defeat. Which demonstrates the IAF’s failure to accomplish anything beyond criminal behavior.

Concrete Mike

Little troll crew meant specifically rocket nose and his friends.

I dont think your in that crew. But your inaccuracy in the names is troubling.

What i meant was Hamas , which is independent from Hezbollah, fired and hit tel aviv many times during the last Gaza dust up. It was hit enough that IDF called for a ceasefire.

We dont know what Hezbollah has now do we? Who are we to speculate what Hezb has and dont. I will beleive Hzb before I beleive IDF.

I remember who did 9/11 , it was Israel, not iran not al quaeda not iraq, it was Israel.

So why should I trust anything IDF says?


I concur with all of what you say. Mike.


Hezbollah and Hamas are the only ones who seem to fight back. Sorry If I got the names mixed up but it doesn’t change the facts. I am not going to skirt the truth just because I dislike of Israel. Neither one is based in Syria. And despite their efforts Israel is constantly annexing more land and evicting more Palestinians and they fly over Lebanon regularly to strike Syria. And I can’t say for sure if Israel DID 9/11 but it was an inside job and I’m sure it was a Zionist plan. I agree that it was not Iran nor Al Quaeda. And I don’t believe everything IDF says.

Concrete Mike

I am not skirting the truth either, but details matter, it hard to.cover all the details and staying brief.

Who in there right mind would retaliate to Israel bitch slaps, thus opening another front in its war in the south?

No smart Syrian commander would do that. Al Nusrah first!

Israel will be dealt with diplomatically, wether the jews like it or not!


When you have the U.N., U.S. Russia and others backing Israel then I don’t see how diplomacy will accomplish anything. The way I see it is IF diplomacy or economic pressure does start having an effect then the front will be opened anyway. You have to understand that Israel thinks/says that they are God’s chosen and the U.S. thinks/says it is a Christian nation with a manifest destiny. Both of which are very dangerous lies. And Russia’s support for Israel makes me think that we are being played from all sides.

Concrete Mike

If you look for dust samples from 9/11 there is something special. Have a look at veteranstoday.com, they have an extensive archive of nuclear attacks in modern times.

I wont tell you how to think, but I can point you to something interesting.

The dust is the key;)


I couldn’t find the article on “nuclear attacks in modern times” so perhaps you could provide the actual link. But I don’t buy the nuclear explanation for 9/11 as I have heard it. I actually see it as disinformation just like the holographic planes and other outrageous claims. I’m not saying that agents of Israel were not involved. I am saying that they were not solely to blame. This was a coordinated effort.

Icarus Tanović

Let me explain you what he means by troll. You’re zionistic troll that just showed his ugly face.


OOOh. Really good argument. I guess you win. You are just like a Zionist. Accuse others of your own actions. Trolling me by calling me a troll. Simple minded.

Icarus Tanović

What other actions? You’re here from yesterday, you do not know me nor my actions. Be gone with you.


What’s the matter with you? Can’t you read what you wrote? Can’t you read what I wrote? YOU ARE A TROLL accusing me of being a troll. You are an idiot for calling me a Zionist for telling the truth. You offer no argument just stupidity. You be gone.

Icarus Tanović

WHAT OTHER ACTION YOU MOTHERFUCKER; WHAT OTHER ACTIONS? Explain that, you internet hero, and if you are so brave, send me DM with address, so we will talk about this insult toe to toe. You degenerated animal. Let me see just how brave you are. You are for fight, not this bitch dick fuckery, but real one? How about that, you degnerate?


Wow and I thought that Justin guy was the biggest idiot. Not only are you an idiot but you are a coward too. A keyboard warrior without a brain making threats that you couldn’t possibly carry out. OOOH! I’m quaking in my boots. What a troll idiot.


How many IAF drones, missiles and bombs has the SADF shot down, hundreds?

Rhodium 10

israel have lost many of its stock of AGM 142 and Delilah cruise missile…in these months all attacks have been made with small aerial bombs..


It doesn’t matter how many drones and missiles the Syrians shoot down, the US will gladly replace them for free, it’s good for the American economy to kill brown people.


The US has to borrow money to pay it’s debt payments and fund it’s war machine.

Kell McBanned

It demonstrates hubaris, hubaris comes before a fall. Seems your about to enter “interesting times” as the old Chinese curse goes.


We have been supposedly entering interesting times as long as I can remember. I’m still waiting and hoping sooner or later someone will fight back.


The SADF may have been taking down drones near the border.

David Parker

That’s what I heard. It is high time the SAA started drawing blood, just as the Zionists have been doing to the Syrian people for decades.


There are foreign government forces embedded with the terrorists who are being captured and killed without it being reported.


that sounds like great news! How do you know this?


It’s common sense. If you look hard enough there is probably supporting evidence. But most of it is kept out of the press. Just like all of the dead CIA agents.

Concrete Mike

Remember that Kalibr strike in North West Aleppo province, in the mountains, 2016 perhaps, it was on a big “operations” room that got absolutly flattened, that must have hurt.

But think of when SAA liberated Aleppo, how.many captured western agents there?

There are many more stories that will come out eventually. Its too soon right now.

Brother Ma

Excellent points by the above and yourself. Well we heardh tat they caught many belgian,israeli and german military intelligence types in nabuda just days ago didnt we? Where the chinese turkistanis are and where turkey has been bringing in personnel carriers for terrorist use .

Why they keep these captured foreign intelligence personnel I will never know. They should be shot out of hand and not e en mentioned in news reports.

The syrians never get enough of a benefit out of it. The israelis used the syrians andrissians to find some of their dead israelis only a coypoe of weeks ago. Once the bodirs wererurned over blam! They rockettedy Syria again.


look i believe half of what u say! but making a blanket statement like that is not noteworthy! Of course there are foreign agents! IF, and i mean IF they get caught they might be killed by accident (thinking they are regular soldiers) or they are captured and interrogated for intel or used as a bargaining chip!

That makes more sense (if you are guessing)! But if for example, the IDF is fighting with HTS, it would be in Syria’s interests to capture them alive! Imagine what could be proven! “Israel fights with terrorists”!

Think about it a little more! YES I AGREE they are helped by foreign nations but to say they have been captured and killed without proof is almost pointless to say! Sorry just my opinion!


The governments supporting the terrorists are losing people there. Just like the Russians and Iranians supporting the Syrian government are. And the Russians and Iranians have the ability to retaliate and know where foreign forces are embedded with the terrorists. Governments aren’t going to compromise intel ops by publicizing losses.


ok if u are talking about Saudi backed militants shipped in from other countries as those being killed, yeah i can agree! but if u are talking about IDf,Mossad, CIA, US soldiers, Brittish soldiers then i disagree! If they are captured they are used as bargaining chips or proof and intel gathering! They were used as bargainign chips in Aleppo!

But when u are talking about saudi paid muslim sunni soldiers, of course they are captured and killed! To be honest, most of isis fighters were not from Syria or iraq! They were sourced from other areas of the middle east! Very easy to find sunni wahabbis to join a jihad and hope to become matrys, get 72 virgins in heaven and have sex slaves whilst they fight! So if your talking about those, id say most of those killed would be foreign!


If you don’t think that terrorist backers are losing spec ops and intel people in an operation the size of the Syrian war that are going unreported when it’s government policy not to report these deaths. Then you don’t understand spec ops and intel ops.


the only foreign fighters that can be written off are mercenaries (Mil contractors). But even still, they are often rescued or used for bagaining chips!

what u seem to be saying to me is that a US black water (blonde hair and blue eye’d) soldier is being captured and killed and nothing is said about it! thats what u are saying??


Well when Russian Wagner troops are killed, we do hear about it! Both Foreign news and isis news outlets report this! Do you think Wagner or Russia doesnt try to retrieve them? Do u think isis doesnt use this news for morale! u think they dont try to extract huge intel? Do u think isis doesnt use captured Russians as bargaining chips from russian negotiators?

Dude, u need to be more realistic! A Russian, UK, USA or IDF soldier are worth a lot! intel, money, swap, propaganda, morale boost, ransom, threat to kill if something not done in return!

i dont think u are thinking this through properly!

However, a saudi malitia man from the backwaters of some poor muslim country who wants to be a martyr, is just cannon fodder! He is a worthless piece of shit with a gun in his hand getting a wage!

So there are 2 types and u need to be clear in making the difference!

i disagree with u dude! Weather its Wagner or Black water, or actual US or Russian soldiers, i am telling u right now, nobody is going to kill them if they are captured! They are going to use them and kill them if they dont get what they want!

However, when u see video of green berets fighting isis and being overwhelmed! Yes the green berets get killed because the green berets arent captured! They are fighting until they die! So they are shot!

But thats just normal war dude! But if u capture one of these guys, if uve got half a brain, u keep them alive! But if its between u and them in a gun fight, of course u kill them!

So i still fail to see what point u are making! im not trying to be argumentative here! i just dont see anything u are saying as a reason to be excited! Both sides have losses! Syria a lot, Russia a fair bit, USA not too much! So we can easily say all sides have lost! So again, whats the point?


I’m talking about talk about US government employees. 17 intel agencies and 5, now 6, military branches. Plus 70 other governments. Do the math and read the links.


When Syria liberated Aleppo, there was a lot of buzz going around that Mossad and CIA agents were trapped there. According to reports, Hezbollah managed to capture 1 CIA agent during the operation and according to Iranian sources and preliminary sources on the ground, Russia allowed Israel to evacuate agents and assets from Aleppo after a deal was struck. This was during a peace negotiation with the jihadis opposition (FSA). Google CIA agents in Aleppo and you will see sources talking about this.


yes i heard about the Aleppo events! they even proved the British intel rooms north east of Aleppo! but he said “captured and killed”! killing them would not make sense when u can extract intel or use them as a bargaining chip! Perhaps expose them as helping terrorists!

Real Anti-Racist Action

“Fortune Favors The Bold” Either Israel or Syria is going to gain victories. But only the one that is most bold deserves to survive. The other shall disappear from history. If Syria wishes to be victorious, they must stop fearing everything so much. They must go face to face with Israel, they are hurting today because for 40 years they have feared their duty to fight for survival.

Kell McBanned

Shilkas 23mm cannon have a range of 2km at most, it may have been tracking the aircraft with its radar – yet another zionist provocation!

Willing Conscience (The Truths

It’s about time Assad invested in some very expensive MANPADS and lots of top of the range AA missiles for them, as well as lots of cheap ones for the drones. The Israelis are good at targeting things that reflect or emit a radar signatures, but I wonder if MANPADS would be as easily targeted by the Israelis, especially if the MANPAD users had a safe bunker to escape to after they made their shots, they may not be that effective at hitting the super fast jets but they can if conditions are right, low altitude, close range, angle of attack or retreat, just a thought.

John Whitehot

I’ve heard Bibi is having trouble forming the government, and also facing square riots and protests due to a law he’s trying to pass, that would protect him from indictment in the judiciary cases of corruption he faces.

Strangely enough, when Bibi is in some struggle at home, news come out about “Israel attacking Syria”.

Icarus Tanović

From 100 Istaeli governments in last 5 decades, and PMs almost all have been charged with corruption and stuff.

John Whitehot

I know nothing about them. I’ve read a lot abt bibi and his wife being crooks though.

David Parker

So the bloody IAF kills a man over a drone. The Zionists are absolutely idolaters, there is no fear of God whatever in them to murder a man after sending a drone into Syria.

Tom Scott

Zionist Terrorist Bullshit


A cheap shot attack, nothing noteworthy or new.

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