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Israeli Military Buildup Near Golan Heights Follows Strikes On Syrian Capital

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Israeli Military Buildup Near Golan Heights Follows Strikes On Syrian Capital

Israel has deployed additional units of the Iron Dome and Patriot air defense systems near the borders of Lebanon and Syria. Pro-Israeli sources claim that the country’s military is preparing to repel possible retaliatory strikes from Hezbollah and other Iranian-backed forces following the recent airstrikes on alleged ‘Iranian targets’ near Damascus.

Over the past year, the Israeli Defense Forces have been steadily increasing their military presence in the area of the occupied Golan Heights under pretext of combating the so-called Iranian threat. Syrian sources describe these developments as a part of preparations for wider aggressive military actions against forces of the Damascus government and its allies in southern Syria.

Late on April 27, Turkish unmanned aerial vehicles dropped leaflets calling on Idlib residents to support actions of the Turkish Army in the area of the M4 highway. Such actions by the Turkish military likely demonstrate that the negotiations with Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, which were held after a military incident between the sides on April 26, likely ended with no real progress. If the Turkish Army continues its efforts to de-block the part of the M4 highway near Nayrab by force, it may find itself in the state of an open military confrontation with Hayat Tahrir al-Sham.

2 US soldiers were abducted after an attack on their vehicle near the Omar oil fields, on the eastern bank of the Euphrates, Syrian state media said on April 27. Arab media regularly report about security incidents involving US-led coalition forces and their proxies in eastern Syria. Earlier in April, Syria’s SANA claimed that a US soldier and 2 members of the Syrian Democratic Forces were killed in an attack near the village of al-Wasia in Deir Ezzor province.

On top of this, ISIS via its news agency Amaq regularly reports successful attacks against personnel of the Syrian Democratic Forces and civilians in the US-controlled area. For example on April 21, Amaq announced that ISIS forces had killed a “sorcerer” in the town of al-Sabhah. The victim was identified as Hassan Ghanem al-Osman. He became the third “sorcerer” killed by ISIS in eastern Deir Ezzor during the last two months.

The US-led coalition prefers to remain silent regarding the ISIS terror campaign, which is ongoing under the nose of its forces. However, it found time to comment on the April 27 report about the supposed casualties among US personnel calling it fake.

The Russian Military Police established a new observation point near the town of Tell Tamir in northeastern Syria. Kurdish sources claim that Turkish-backed militants regularly shelled the town and the surrounding areas during the past few weeks. They expect that the deployment of the Russians there should help to put an end to these regular ceasefire violations.

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Assad must stay

They trying to get beat again?

Free man

They are preparing for the very harsh retaliation of the mullahs regime. I’m only joking.


mullahs are stronk :-)

Free man

The mullahs regime is a world power in empty threats against countries like Israel. But they have no problem killing Iranian civilians, as in last November’s protests.

Zionism = EVIL

Two rotten Jew cunts posting to each other, this is beyond hilarious :)

Free man

Israel has been waiting for your very harsh response for years. LOL.

Karen Bartlett

Israel lying, as usual. The “US troops” killed may have been private contractors, thus denial by US gov’t.

Zionism = EVIL

Americunts are born liars and all their figures and stats are just made up baloney, even the figures they are giving about the Pimpeovirus are totally fictitious as real infection rates are over 10 million and about 200,000 dead. Their losses in the endless lost wars for Zionism since 2001 are at least 10 times what they state officially. Most of the dead are trailer trash or illegal immigrants forced to join the loser military as they have no other option to feed themselves. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/89ae75bc4850a204bd29574892630a8ca944e272bf22d2f9f881daef3f87a91e.jpg

Free man

The mullah regime’s supporters talk about liars. LOL. The mullahs regime, and their supporters like evil Zio robbed Iran and destroyed it.This is why these religious fanatics are unable to respond.


Hi everyone, come here to meet for sex – http://tiny.cc/y5b0nz

Karen Bartlett

Nobody cares, you cheap whore.


“…recent airstrikes on alleged ‘Iranian targets’ near Damascus.”

Civilians were killed in the most recent strikes. Russia will not allow Syria to respond, however, and Hezbollah won’t. They all know that the purpose of Israeli strikes is to provoke a response that will get more funding for Israel’s military-industrial complex (yes, they have one too) that dominates Israel.

Traiano Welcome

Very soon, an indiginous Syrian movement will arise, independent of the State which will attack Israel in response to these attacks on civilians.


Bring it on.


Big words from a failed state that lives on American taxpayer handouts to the tune of 6 billion a month……………

Zionism = EVIL

Big words from a PUNK wanker lol

Raptar Driver

What would you fake Jews do without us Americans? You’re not welcome!

Jimi Thompson 2

The world would rejoice for 1,000 years…

Islamic Power

Their plan is, America falls, Israel rises


More like Iran falls, Israel and the U.S rise.


I’ve told it many times before, the IDF is ready to deal with the SAA / Hezbollah / Iranian proxies on the other side of the Golan if needed. I would advise Assad not to try us and make sure the SAA stops any cooperation with IRGC that may risk our national security from Syria. Israel and Syria don’t have to go to a war because of Iran, but we will if things get escalated. Gantz as the new DM is not someone Iran should test.

Icarus Tanović

Absolutely bad idea.

Zionism = EVIL

The Zionist military is a joke and made up of punks and in any case the rotten cunts don’t have the strategic mass to fight a long and sapping asymmetrical war on multiple fronts that will cause massive casualties. The cowards could not even enter Gaza after losing a couple of dozen scum at a well executed Hamas ambush in highly built up Shujeih district where Hamas used tunnels. The murderous bastards killed women and children in anger and frustration. A fight with a well armed opponent like Hezbollah will be a totally different story.

Traiano Welcome

Review the 2006 War for a model of how any future attacks like the one you depict would turn out. Ground attacks into Lebanon are basically a non-starter for the foreseeable future.

Now, let’s imagine that somehow Israel manages to break in and occupy South Lebanon. Refer to the result of Hizbollah’s ejection of the the IDF from South Lebanon in the 1980s. Today, Hezbollah is much better armed and prepared than it was in the 1980s. They have already prepare a plan for how they would conduct guerrilla warfare if South Lebanon were to be occupied again.


And you ignore the fact, that if we invade into Southern Lebanon again then it would be with a massive force and we won’t keep any village standing. Here is what an IDF commander has said about any coming war:

“Israel will launch a brutal war against Lebanon if provoked by Hezbollah, senior Israel Defense Forces officers warned Thursday.

Though the northern border has remained mostly quiet since the end of the Second Lebanon War six years ago, Northern Command officers remain leery of hostilities breaking out again, especially as tensions with Iran remain high and Syria continues to spiral out of control. “We will fight in a very aggressive way,” said Brig. Gen. Herzi Halevi, the commander of the IDF’s Galilee Division, charged with defending Israel’s border with Lebanon. Any village from which rockets are fired – will be destroyed.”


Traiano Welcome

“No battle plan ever survives contact with the enemy.”

— Field Marshal Helmuth Karl Bernhard Graf von Moltke

Swift Laggard II

let him fight 2006 over and over as many times as he needs to achieve a win in his mind. in real life, things are very different on the ground. what you are seeing is a psychologically disturbed person who yarns fantasies because he is unable to cope with reality

Traiano Welcome

Maybe I’ve been alive too long. I’ve seen this circle go around so many times and people just don’t learn. I still remember things like this:

“When we entered Lebanon… there was no Hezbollah. We were accepted with perfumed rice and flowers by the Shia in the south. It was our presence that created Hezbollah.” (Ehud Barak)

How do they hope to defeat an enemy that emerges from nothing and only grows stronger the more they try to kill it? Only fools wage war like that.

This is the problem with the entire Israeli method of warfare – it creates dedicated enemies where there are none in the beginning, and the more it wins, the more it guarantees it’s eventual defeat. It is a stupid method of warfare, devoid of strategy but full of spite for ordinary people. The Israeli method of war is actually a method of war against civilians.


The founders of zionism studied how the whites destroyed the Natives of America and innovated the method…fact.


Your soldier used the word, aggressive, he meant, dirty and illegal.

no worries, preparations have been made. Idf will be put down by the hundreds if not thousands In mere seconds.

Your enemies weakness is within himself…Israel and you have absolutely no idea how hard and fast this will end and not in your favor.


LR, except for Russia (which we won’t fight for obvious reasons), the IDF can put up a large force in an all our war even if they bring 70K PMU fighters. We’ve got 150K on standby, another 450K-600K can be called into duty if needed. 2700 tanks, 10,300 AFV’s, over 1000 artillery pieces (with the most deadly rockets you can think of) and more than 500 jets. Also, we have some of the best AA systems in the world, and the laser system will also be operational soon. The SAA should stay out of it, they are not our target.

Zionism = EVIL

hahaha little faggot.


I liked the visualization of it LR :) and ofcourse, it’s better to deal with one front only and it should be Lebanon, but even SF admits that Iran is doing whatever they want in Syria and don’t obey Russian commanders on the ground. Opening the Golan front should be the last option, the SAA itself must remove Hezbollah and IRGC forces that operate in the area. Let’s not roget they tried to attack us with drones back in 2018 and failed, after that we attacked many military positions inside Syria including the SAA. Also, we fight for our home so we have more motivation to win, I don’t think that Iran can send so many troops here or that PMU will send more than 20K, but if they do then it will be easier for us to target them with white phosphorus and thermobaric munitions that will make them regret they even tried doing it.

Jimi Thompson 2


Like a child with a new squirt-gun… ready to take on all comers!!

You pathetic human parasites couldn’t even wipe your own asses without the help of your U. S. and UK babysitters.

The party is almost over for you dregs of humanity… laugh it up while you can clown.


I’m be happy to meet with you Jimi, promise me you’d be there too.

Jimi Thompson 2


Sure thing champ!!


Good, come here when we start our operation.

Jimi Thompson 2

Aaaaaaawwwe… the little tin soldier has an operation… how cute!


You won’t be laughing when I’ll put a bullet into your head, like I’ve done to your Hamas friends. I’m just waiting for my call.

Jimi Thompson 2


Stand Fast little soldier… I’m sure your phone will be ringing any minute now!!


Unlike you, I’m proud to fight for my country and kill Jihadists, I only regret we don’t do it too often. Now, when Gantz becomes the PM, you will see your Gazan terrorists crying for a ceasefire when we come for them, and you can join them too.

Jimi Thompson 2

Wait… so, you’re telling me the Satanic Talmudic terrorists are going to start crying when?


When a new unity government will be formed according to the deal, Hamas used that situation to shoot rockets. It’s going to end.


Lmao…Get on the boat or get buried. You’re going to be overrun, you’re going to be pounded like a fkn poocee. 2006 was just a lubricant, you’re gonna get fkt like a cherry redhead in prison! LMFAO

Traiano Welcome

Ground attacks won’t matter when the missiles begin falling on Tel Aviv.

Missile technology has made ground forces largely irrelevant in a conflict between States of a certain size (the “certain size” being the size of Israel and Syria in this case).

If Israel began any kind of large ground movement into either of Lebanon or Syria, it will be only a week at most before they have to pull back sharply and negotiate an Armstice in response to missile destruction carried out on Israeli cities.

This is the fundamental reason why the 2006 Lebanon War did not go Israel’s way. That fundamental problem has not been solved.

Raptar Driver

You are only ready to change your diapers.


I don’t wear any, and you?

Raptar Driver

Only when I’m in Israel.

Traiano Welcome

“crossing the golan to attack Hezbollah position on foot in syira a bad idea”

Finally, someone with sense.

Icarus Tanović

It is very clear that ISIS are American players, and who is their master. They’re all Wahhabi pretending to be Muslims.

Zionism = EVIL

The IDF is a faggot child killers diaper force and all hype.

Jimi Thompson 2

What else would you expect from the Satanic Talmudists?



Jimmy Jim


Willing Conscience (The Truths

The Israelis are about to proactively start pushing Iran and it’s proxies out of Syria according to latest Israeli statements, so get ready for some aggressive actions by the Israelis in the coming weeks. All the planets are aligning for Israel right now, politically, economically, diplomatically, and TACTICALLY, and all the precursors for decisive Israeli actions and countermeasures have already been triggered too, thanks to Iran’s failure to adhere to Russian diplomatic protocols, so if there was ever a perfect time for Israel to strike at Iran, it’s right now. Likud is in a power sharing coalition government right now, but in 6 months time they have to hand power over to the Blue and White party, and Netanyahu who’s the leader of the Likud party and currently the Israeli prime minister [for the next 6 months], is facing multiple charges of corruption when he finally leaves office, so he’s not going to want to leave office at all is he, he’ll end up in jail [where he belongs] when he does. And Israel wouldn’t switch Prime Ministers or even hold elections if was at war with Iran, so Netanyahu has nothing but incentive to start a war against Iran right now, because a war against Iran would prolong his political life and also keep him out of jail, so really he doesn’t even have a choice, it’s either a war against Iran or go to jail within a year, what do you all think he’d prefer to do. Get ready, something’s about to happen. Iran’s suffering from revenue loss right now [so are all the other oil producers] due to dirt bottom world oil prices, therefore Iran won’t have the same economic capacity it did pre price drop and coronavirus complications, so that’s another incentive for Israel to strike now. But on top of that the Israelis also have Trump on their side, and Trump’s currently also on the warpath against Iran too, so they may feel emboldened to strike Iran in the hope that their actions might also provoke the US into doing the same thing too, that’s if they don’t coordinate a strike together. All the planets are aligning for Israel right now, they’ll never have a better opportunity or more incentive to start a war than they have right now, so I think it’s a very dangerous time for Iran, and more importantly for me Syria. The Israelis have already released that provocative statement concerning the forced removal of Iranian assets and forces from Syria, so was that the warning sign for an imminent war, we’ll see.

Russia’s been doing whatever it can whenever it can to help de-escalate tensions between Syria and Israeli, and opposedly Iran’s been doing everything it can whenever it can to try and escalate tensions between Syria and Israel, so totally opposing agendas from the 2 allies, Russia’s pulling Syria in one direction and Iran’s pulling it another, so somethings going to give eventually. Putin’s a statesman extraordinaire and deals well with everyone [too well with Erdogan], but the Iranian’s aren’t, their obstinate insistence on pursuing their own selfish agenda and unwillingness to compromise on even the smallest matters is proving to be a hindrance to everyone, especially the Russians. So I wonder what will really happen if push comes to shove, if Israel and the US do attack Iran in Syria but avoid any positions the Russians are operating in, and don’t harm any Russian interests or personnel, will Russia really try to stop them. And since Iran doesn’t seem willing to cooperate with Russia in de escalating tensions with Israel, they’re not really giving the Russians to much incentive to help them are they, mmm. I think the coronavirus is about to lose headline status soon, it’s looking like something else will be taking the coronaviruses place on the front page sometime soon.

And no I’m not pro Israel or even really anti Iran [just the idiot Islamic government], but I think if Assad listened to the Russians more than he does, or has up until this point, he’d probably be discussing terms for the return of the Golan Heights by now, not suffering from an escalation of Israeli airstrikes against Iranian military assets on sovereign Syrian territory. Read official Russian government statements concerning Russia’s stance on the matter before you call me a troll, read what they have to say about Israel, Iran and Syria before you try and tell me I’m not saying exactly the same thing they are, I don’t agree with Putin’s stance on Turkey but I wholeheartedly endorse what Putin and the Russians have to say about the best course of actions for Israel, Iran, and Syria, I 100% endorse their goals objectives and desired outcomes, and it’s a real pity the Iranian’s don’t feel the same way too, the dumb f–ks.


Wow man I really enjoyed reading what you wrote, my English is not that perfect so I couldn’t write such a detailed and well exaplained comment, but I agree with you 100%. Israel has kept saying time and time again our war is not with Syria, we want iran out to protect our border. The Status Que in the Golan Heights needs to be like in 2011, no peace but also no hostilities. I do hope that when we make a large offensive against Iran and Hezbollah in Syria, then the SAA won’t join the fight. It might be bad for us, but it will be worse for them and I hope Russia stops them from making any mistake. Syrians don’t need to die for the Iranians, but it’s their call.


LOL, first you were going to fight Hamas and now you’re going to fight the Syrian government coalition armed with nukes and superior weapons that have kept you out of Syrian airspace for years. And rolled up your terrorists on the Golan border and replaced them with Syrian government coalition forces.


What exactly did you take man? that comment doesn’t even make any sense xD


Coming from someone who agrees that Netanyahu is going to be gone in 6 months. You’re the one not making sense, along with the idiot that you’re agreeing with.


It’s either that or no government, and he won’t be gone he would actually become the 2nd in command after Gantz so he will also be responsible for both relationships with the U.S and Russia according to the political agreement. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-52358479


There’s nothing in the article about Netanyahu being gone in 6 months.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2020/04/israel-netanyahu-gantz-sign-unity-government-agreement-200420162532262.html He’s trying to save his skin and work out a deal to remain as deputy prime minister now, but he may not be able to, but even if he does he’s going to have to face court after the next election.


Copy and paste a quote from an article with a link proving that Likud has to transfer power to Blue and White in 6 months. 2

Willing Conscience (The Truths

You must’ve missed this then,

“The deal will see the pair rotating the leadership of the country, with Mr Netanyahu going first as PM.”

And it’ll be a bit more than 6 months if they agree to share power right up until the next due date for elections, as much as 18 months each if elections are held in 3 years time, but it’s looking more like they’ll agree to hold early elections in about 12 months time, which would give them each a 6 month term in office.

RichardD, the champion anti Zionist who doesn’t even bother to read Israeli news, LOL.


Copy and paste a quote from an article with a link proving that Likud has to transfer power to Blue and White in 6 months. 3

Willing Conscience (The Truths

“Mr Gantz, a former military chief who was elected speaker of parliament three weeks ago, will start off by serving as deputy prime minister and defence minister, before taking over as prime minister in October 2021 for another 18 months.”

Well this is the latest agreement they’ve come to and it says the election will be held in 3 years time, so it’s officially now 18 months each, and this seems to be the latest development, they’ve been squabbling over dates and who’s going to rule first and who’s going to get which positions in cabinet for months now, and I think they can still change things even now, as I’m sure they still have a few more days before the agreement is finalized and set in stone, so even though this link says they’ve signed up for 18 months each in this article, it still may change in the next few days, it has 100 times already.

Are you in lockdown? do you wear a mask? did you get sick? and where have you been? not on a holiday that’s for sure. You went silent after the coronavirus hit, and I was getting worried you wouldn’t be back, LOL.


That’s a dodge. You’re spamming the thread with disinfo. You have no proof that Likud will relinquish the prime minister’s office in 6 months.

I posted dozens of virus comments on my Disqus thread here over the past 3 weeks.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

You do realize they’ve been hashing out a deal for the last 3 months don’t you, and during that 3 month period there have been countless different proposals to share power, the timeframes involved, cabinet positions, and the date the next election will be held, have all been debated, this latest link Iron Zion provides the current consensus but as I said they still have a few days left to change their minds, so this may not even be the last word. So tuff tittie Richard, my 6 month, and my 12 month statement was off, and yes I re read my comment and I also put down 12 months as well as 6 months,

“it’s either a war against Iran or go to jail within a year, what do you all think he’d prefer to do.”

So forgive me for not checking Jewish news to find out what the latest consensus was concerning election timetables, but whether it was a 6 month, 12 month, or 18 month term isn’t really relevant, the fact he’s going to go to jail along with the fact a war against Iran would keep him in office and out of jail are the most important factors, the time frame less important. I said all the planets are aligning for Israel right now, but in 18 months they may not be, so Netanyahu still has an imperative to act while conditions are conducive for his purpose, if he waits until his 18 month term in nearly over he may not be in the same position he is now, Iran could back down, Iran could become Nuclear capable, internal and International support may change. So you can argue semantics concerning the date of change but the problem still remains, Netanyahu now has a huge incentive to start a war against Iran.

I haven’t seen any comment from you lately and I began to imagine the worst, and I also remembered my last comment to you concerning the virus, which I didn’t really mean, I wouldn’t really wish the coronavirus on anyone, but my conscience is clear now, I didn’t hex you after all, phew.


You have a long history of misrepresentation. That I’ve pointed out examples of many times. This one is just the most recent.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

You mean the same idiot who told you you were wrong about the coronavirus, what do you think now, I’m assuming you copped a dose of the virus yourself since you’ve been offline for nearly 3 weeks. So was it as bad as I said it was, most countries went into lockdown because they thought it was pretty serious, so what do you think now that you’ve had a dose of the virus yourself, have you changed your mind :].

LOL Nutty Yahoo just signed a power sharing agreement, it gives Likud power for 6 month and then the Blue and Whites power for the following 6 months, so what sort of anti Zionist are you if you don’t even know that, a pretend one that’s all, the sort of dickhead that says the ‘Jews did everything’, ‘kill all the Jews’, ‘the Jews are all evil’, you dickheads do more to harm to the anti Zionist cause than you do to help it.


Copy and paste a quote from an article with a link proving that Likud has to transfer power to Blue and White in 6 months.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Richard never makes sense, and that’s because the doctors that work at the mental institution where he lives have put his medication up way too high, and I think I know why they did it.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

We may be on opposite sides concerning some matters but it doesn’t mean we shouldn’t agree on known facts or come to the same conclusions when presented with the facts, that’s how people stop fighting and start talking, so thanks for the comment. I’m sure most Syrian don’t want to die for Iran either, but sadly Iran’s not giving the Syrian people much of a choice, which is the one thing that pisses me off the most. Russia’s just moved the 5th army corps into Daraa so I suspect Iran’s going to lose some influence in that area soon, that might calm things down a bit but I don’t think it’ll stop things altogether, so I’ll wait and see what Iran does about Darra now, if they dig in I’d say we’re looking at a war, and God help everyone then.

Raptar Driver

You’re so called border is Syrian and occupied territory.


Well we don’t see it like that, and de facto it has been under Israel more time than it has been under Syria.

Raptar Driver

Yes I’m sure you don’t see it like that Unfortunately for you Syria is an ancient state going back thousands of years where is you fake Jews can only date back to 1947. You do realize you’re not the ancient Hebrews right?

Assad must stay

What have you got against Iran buddy? They hurt you? Drop your hatred for them, its obvious in your writing. What are their “selfish agenda”? You speak of? They are in Syria to help assad fight off daesh and other rats. What in Gods name are you rambling on about them for? Are they supposed to pack up and go home and let Israel have its way with syria? Its actually a lose-lose for nutty yahoo, if he doesnt start a war with iran now, hes screwed, if he does, israel is gone. Not too many good options for him there are there?

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Read some official Russian government statements from time to time, they’ll tell you exactly why both Russia and myself and others keep saying Iran’s being selfish. I’ve linked many official Russian government and RIAC statements that openly criticise Iran’s activities in Syria, they continually condemn Iran’s behaviour and claim it not only hurts Syrian interests, but also harms Russia’s interests as well. So why don’t you put the RIAC website on you list of news sources, then you can criticise them for saying exactly the same thing I just did.

Iran’s only been fighting pockets of Isis in the Deir ez Zor desert for the last 2 years, since June 2018 they haven’t even lifted a finger once to help Assad eradicate the Turkish backed opposition forces, and the one and only time they did help Assad over the last 2 years, it ended being a total disaster, and yes I’m referring to the Aleppo campaign. So you show me one instance where Iran or Hezbollah or any other Iranian affiliated militia, has actively assisted Assad in Syria, other than the disastrous Aleppo campaign, THEY HAVEN’T, not since June 2018. One fight in 2 years, sure they’re a great help. Deir ez Zor is where Iran has most of its bases and military forces in Syria, but it’s being overrun with Isis right now, and Isis is also running amok and attacking Homs from Iranian held Deir ez Zor, so they’re proving to be the most useless Isis fighters in history, why has Isis got such a strong foothold in Iranian held territory? And also please explain why no Russian aircraft have launched any combat sorties at all over Deir ez Zor for the last 2 years, I know it’s not because the Russians don’t want to attack Isis forces operating in Deir ez Zor, so do you know why they don’t?

“Are they supposed to pack up and go home and let Israel have its way with syria?”

No Syria should do exactly what the Russians say they should, Russia has the only plan that will work, perhaps you should find out what the Russians actually think and say about the situation before you continue to criticise my comments, because you’ll find you’re also criticising the Russians, they say exactly the same thing I do, the only difference is they do it much more diplomatically than I do.

Please find out who and what the RIAC is, and then add their website to you browser, and then try to use it every now and again, you may find out a few revealing things about the Iranian Russian relationship, and you might even end up agreeing with me by the time you’re finished, and also say, ‘the Russians are right, that’s the way to do things in Syria now, f–k Iran’s stupid plan.

Jimi Thompson 2

You say “ISIS” as if you weren’t referring to the U.S. / UK / Israel / House of Saud… goodness.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I used to refer to Isis as the US proxy force when Obama was paying their salaries but I don’t anymore, now I say it’s Erdogan and the Muslim Brotherhood , and it’s definitely not the house of Saud anymore, they’re mortal enemies now, where have you been since 2018.

Jimi Thompson 2



You poor ignorant dolt… my goodness.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

So you don’t think Obama funded Isis when they invaded Syria, LOL, I do.

Swift Laggard II

you write loads of rubbish

Willing Conscience (The Truths

No I don’t, you’re just really stupid.

Swift Laggard II

i may be stup1d, but your rubb1sh is on another level. way beyond stupid. it’s in the realm of fantasy, wishful thinking

Willing Conscience (The Truths

No It’s actually you living the fantasy, and you’re stupid as well.

Jimi Thompson 2

You’re beyond elementary…

Willing Conscience (The Truths

You are elementary, and very elementary.

Laura Green

What a disgusting liar you are . Russia has NEVER “criticise Iran’s activities in Syria, ..” but is grateful for supporting Syrian gov. in war and in peace.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Are you totally stupid, you need to read way more than you do. The Russian’s have been sacking and demoting pro Iranian officers from command positions in the SAA [except for 4th and 7th divisions] and then replacing them with mostly ex Baathist party members. So do you think they do that for no reason, have a guess as to why they do it, it isn’t making the Iranians happy seeing all their ethnically Iranian supporters losing their command positions in the SAA, and that’s been happening for 2 years now. Why don’t you do some research on this simple point I just made, before you call me a liar again, then you can go do some more research and find out more about what I said.

Laura Green

idiot !

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I hope you’re really pretty, good looks often makes up for being a bimbo. And did you bother to check to see just how many pro Iranian commanders have gotten the sack or been demoted over the last 2 years, probably not.

Jimi Thompson 2

Hopefully Iran will disregard the known threat of the United States and wipe the Satanic Talmudic state of Israel off the face of the Earth.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

But they can’t and won’t be allowed to, so why keep trying to do something most intelligent people object to, surely the path the Russian are offering is a far better way to proceed, no one but Iran wants to go to war, especially the Russians.

Jimi Thompson 2

Iran doesn’t “want to go to war”, they’re simply trying to save humanity from the Luciferians.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Looking at what Iran’s actually doing in Syria leaves me in no doubt that they’re actually preparing for a war against Israel, a blind monkey can see that. And I don’t need Iran to save me from anyone, I just want them to listen to the voice of reason, and on this particular matter, Russia seems to be the only voice of reason.

Jimi Thompson 2

Based on your last comment to me, it’s obvious you could hardly no less about the matter.

That you are so dumb that you honestly think the Kenyan is / was running the show is absolutely mind numbing.


Willing Conscience (The Truths

You’re the dumb one, and you’re dumb because you don’t read official Russian government statements.

Swift Laggard II

Russia is weak. that is just a reality. no one takes the Russians seriously, not even Turkey. the Russians cannot deliver anything to Syria.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

They could if Iran would cooperate with them.

Swift Laggard II

I like debating objective people, not trolls spewing n0nsensical childish notions that have little in relation to the real world

Willing Conscience (The Truths

But you’re not objective at all, you’re the true face of ignorant bias, you don’t even read official Russian government news or statements, if you did you wouldn’t be so ignorant.


You’re manipulating the facts and creating a new narrative.

1st, Iran is invited to help Syria…period.

2nd, Iran hasn’t asked for help, militarily, from Russia, no need and irrelevant.

3rd, International law is being broken by Israel, US, et al

Basically what your saying is might makes right…ok. Iran accepts the challenge. It’s lose ooze situation, with 1 exception, last man standing. And it won’t be israel and US can’t hold gast amnuts of territory. ..insurgency is the least response after the missiles stop falling.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Changing situations and differing agendas are creating the new narrative, not me.

“1st, Iran is invited to help Syria…period.”

So what, does that mean they have the right to take over 80% of southern Deir ez Zor and treat it like their own country, and does it give them the right to tell the local Sunni population in Deir ez Zor, western Aleppo, Daraa and Quneitra what they can or can’t do, and does it give them a right to turn Syria into a future battleground for Israel and Iran to fight over. All the ballistic missiles Iran’s setting up all over Syria means innocent Syrians will die, not innocent Iranians.

“2nd, Iran hasn’t asked for help, militarily, from Russia, no need and irrelevant.”

I didn’t say anything about Iran asking for Russia’s help, only that Russia’s never offered any military assistance to Iran, and that the Russians want Iran to stop provoking Israel.

“3rd, International law is being broken by Israel, US, et al.”

Yes it is, Turkey included, but put yourself in Israel’s shoes, you expect them to just sit back and watch Iran set up deadly ballistic missile systems in Syria that only have one specific purpose, threaten Israel. That’s like saying to me leave your arms down and don’t defend yourself when I hit you, sorry that doesn’t happen, most people have a defense response and try to stop the incoming attack, even if they do deserve to be punished and also know it.

Ok let Iran accept the challenge, let Iran, Israel, and the US all duke it out for themselves, but don’t do it in Syria, do it in Iran, Israel or the US, let them smash up their own furniture, not Syria’s, Syria doesn’t have much left thanks to the war they’re already fighting, another war would leave Syria with no furniture at all. A lot of people seem to think Syrians want to start another war before they’ve even finished the last one, but I can tell you right now, most Syrians just want to finish the war they’re already got, and the last thing they want to do is start another one.

Traiano Welcome

They certainly have the capability to do so. The cost of doing so is a matter of calculation.

The calculation goes something like this:

If the US or Israel push the Iranian State into a corner where it believes it’s existence is threatened, the cost of destroying Israel will equal the cost of doing nothing.

Therefore, it will not be a matter of what they will or will not be “allowed to do”, it will be a matter of what they are forced to do when pushed into a corner, and that is for the Iranians to decide, not the US or Israel.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

You’re absolutely right about this part of your comment,

“If the US or Israel push the Iranian State into a corner where it believes it’s existence is threatened, the cost of destroying Israel will equal the cost of doing nothing.”

But Israel isn’t doing that, it’s doing something entirely different, this is what Israels actually doing, they’re telling the Iranians they can’t have military parity with Israel, and they don’t want them to have the same rights and abilities that the Israelis have, that’s what they’re actually saying, not threatening their existence. Now I don’t agree with that at all, I in fact thinks it’s wrong to tell Iran they can’t do exactly the same thing the Israelis have done, even build nuclear weapons My only problem with Iran is that they’re doing it on Syrian territory and making them a target too, that’s my biggest qualm with Iran, if they were doing everything they are just on Iranian soil I wouldn’t say a thing about them. So I’ll repost your comment with just a few changes,

“If Iran pushes the Israelis into a corner where it believes it’s existence is threatened, the cost of destroying Iran will equal the cost of doing nothing.”

The mad Zionist say this sort of thing quite often you know, but it’s actually your comment I re-posted with just the identities switched, so just switching the names easily makes the comment applicable to both parties, that’s ironic isn’t it. Iran’s doing what you claim Israel’s doing, it’s not the other way around, the Israelis just keep telling Iran to get out of Syria and stop using it as a launch pad. And now Trumps suddenly started threatening Iran too, so something’s changed, just a few months ago Trump was promising Iran the world if they came back to the negotiating table, he’s not anymore. Iran’s not helping anyone anymore, not even itself, Russia’s solution may not be the perfect solution but it’s a lot better than having a war, so Iran needs to tone down it’s actions, and it needs to do it now if it wants to survive, I don’t think Russia will come to their aid when the Iranians have done exactly the opposite thing the Russians wanted them to do, so if it comes to war Iran may be on their own.

Traiano Welcome

Some comments:

>And Israel wouldn’t switch Prime Ministers or even hold elections if was >at war with Iran, so Netanyahu has nothing but incentive to start a war >against Iran right now, because a war against Iran would prolong his >political life and also keep him out of jail, so really he doesn’t even >have a choice, it’s either a war against Iran or go to jail within a >year, what do you all think he’d prefer to do. Get ready, something’s >about to happen.

a) It’s not about “incentive”. Netanyahu has to weigh the fact that a conflict with Hezbollah is an existential threat to himself and Israel.

b) Netanyahu would have learned the lesson of Ehud Olmert, who thought he could achieve the very same thing with a “nice little war with lebanon”. Of course that turned out to have the opposite effect on him and his career.

Netanyahu would need to find another strategy, otherwise he’d be essentially throwing Israel under the bus to save his own bacon.

>Iran’s suffering from revenue loss right now [so are all the other oil producers] due to dirt bottom >world oil prices,therefore Iran won’t have the same economic capacity it did pre price >drop and coronavirus complications, so that’s another incentive for Israel to strike now.

Iran has been under extreme economic duress for almost 50 years now. Yet they’ve been able to fight and survive an 8 year war of anihilation against the entire West (Iran-Iraq war). Survive the destruction of their oil platforms and still restart their industries, feed their people, develop an intimidating nuclear program, educate their youth and defend theor borders. This is an indication of their resilience in those decades, but it is also an indication of their resilience in the current decade. My point is that their economic status is no different than it has been, on average, over the last 50 years.

Therefore we can expect them to be no weaker than they have been. However, having now possession of ICBM technology, and mastery of the nuclear fuel cycle, it is almost certain they are in a stronger defensive position than before.

Further, Iran has access to a massive black market, which means that there is no certainty about it’s true economic status. For example this:


Through 50 years of experience they have become masters of blockade busting.

>But on top of that the Israelis also have Trump on their side, and Trump’s currently also on the >warpath against Iran too, so they may feel emboldened to strike Iran in the hope that >their actions might also provoke the US into doing the same thing too, >that’s if they don’t coordinate a strike together.

There is nothing unique about Trump regarding the US-Israeli relationship. Regardless of the POTUS, the USA has always been a servant of Israeli policy, while also ensuring that Israel does not extend itself too far to jeapordise the US’ position in the Middle East by putting itself at risk. An analogy: Israel is Humpty Dumpty. Should it fall and break from the wall of the middle east, the US will not be able to put it back together again. So any major war instigated by Israel will factor into this calculation by the USA.

The US will not risk Israel risking itself, and thereby putting the US plans in the middle east on the line. The 2006 war was an accident which the US worked hard to pull Israel out of when it became clear Israel was not going to win.

> so I think it’s a very dangerous time for Iran, and more importantly for me Syria.

How can this be, when it’s opponents are:

a) stronger than ever and more pressed to fight back

b) It’s own economy is under more duress than ever, partially due to covid19

c) It’s allies far less prepared than ever before to stand with it – can you imagine US marines flooding in the next 6 months under these conditions? the EU? NATO?

>The Israelis have already released that provocative statement concerning the forced removal of Iranian assets and forces

The Israelis have been releasing such provocative statements, and doing even more provocative things for more than 40 years since Iran’s IRGC began setting up their bases in Lebanon and Syria – Yes, the IRGRC forces were embedded in Lebanon when islamic Jihad was blowing up American Marines in their bases and Reagan was shelling Beirut with missiles the size of buses.

This is not a new thing.

>from Syria, so was that the warning sign for an imminent war, we’ll see.

These are not warning signs. These are the status quo.

So, no. Nothing will happen for this year at least.

Swift Laggard II

air power can only accomplish so much without boots on the ground. some one is about to re learn the lessons of 2006 on limits of air power

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Only if the Israelis and the US try to put their boots on the ground, but what happens if they don’t, what happens if they just do what the US usually does, send in 200 Israeli cruise missiles and 400 US cruise missiles in just one day, a preemptive strike that devastates all Syrian/Iranian air defenses and a lot of important infrastructure, then they commence a 24/7 aerial bombardment.

Swift Laggard II

you seem to understand little. i am saying air power without boots on the ground is sub optimal if not useless. it cannot accomplish what you desire no matter how heavily you bomb. this was the lesson of 2006. you seem to live in a world of fantasy. anyway there are many trolls like you on these pages who write loads of n0nsense, but my suspicion is that they are actually paid agents of disinformation


Well why not doing both? hitting them with cruise missiles while at the same time starting an operation with no less than 100K troops backed by jets and artillery. I don’t think most guys here understand we used just 10K soldiers in 2006 and that was enough to reach the Litani in less than a month. If you need some help check the map, if we had crossed the river then we would have reached Beirut in less than 2 weeks. Our main objective is to remove Hezbollah from Southern Lebanon and it will be done, the population is mostly shia so we shouldn’t feel any guilt by targeting them.

Swift Laggard II

spare us your rubb1sh please. we are tired of childish rubb2sh. we are mature analysts with enough information to know reality from fantasy. today you fear even to maim hizbula members, leave alone a whole scale war. you are free to fight 2006 in your mind as many times as it takes you to win


Just don’t be mistaken between the IDF willingness to fight and our politcal leadership. Goodday.

Swift Laggard II

It is the generals who make security decisions in your country. stop being childish and grow up. you are immature


Not really, it is mostly a one man show. But for what it’s worth, the show is about to end so stay around it’s going to become interesting.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

“it cannot accomplish what you desire no matter how heavily you bomb”

I’m not Jewish and I’m not pro Zionist, so your assumptions are as incorrect as your analysis is, I’m actually pro Syrian. Israel doesn’t want to do what you think it does, their main concern is the tactically placed ballistic missiles Iran’s popping up all along their border, those missiles and their logistic centres will be the targets of any Israeli hostilities, as well any infrastructure or personnel that service them. And the most important point, the US keeps saying it’ll support Israel 100% militarily, but the Russians never ever say that about the Iranians, NEVER. You should read official Russian government websites, they tell everyone the truth, but reading Russian propaganda sites only confuses the truth. If you can show me just one official Russian government statement or article, that shows the Russians prefer a good relationship with Iran over Israel please link it to me, the only ones I find on official Russian government websites say the opposite. The Russians actually want to invite Israel to become one of the main contributors helping to rebuild Syria, and in fact they also make a point of saying they want to diminish Iranian influence in Syria by using the Israelis to do it. So why do people like you seem to think it’s the opposite case, why do you think Russia approves of what Iran is doing in Syria, and why don’t you believe Russia wants Israel to become more involved in Syria, not less involved, it’s because you don’t use official Russian government websites, and no I don’t mean SouthFront, RT and Sputnik.

Gotama Siddhartha

good luck buddies be carefull you suffer too much already let me take it with my friend

cechas vodobenikov

to this day Israel occupies the Golan illegally —in violation of international law condemned by the UN, only accepted by the amerikans who provide them 3 billion$ annually in military assistance

Jimi Thompson 2

Unfortunately, the Satanic Talmudists have managed to usurp the governments of all Western nations… and unfortunately, Russia as well.

So, although the world knows that, in fact, the demonic terrorist state of Israel could not last a single day on its own, unfortunately, Syria is at the mercy of powers greater than that of the Jewish Luciferians.

Hopefully one day, sooner rather than later, mankind will rid itself of the greatest plague on humanity that was ever born.

Raptar Driver

It won’t be mankind.

Jimi Thompson 2

Aaaah yes!


putin erred when he failed to retaliate against the jews after they had downed the russian airplane a couple of years ago – he ought to have retaliated right away by sending a number of missiles on tel aviv/knesset to tell the jews that downing a russian plane was stupid and it comes with immediate repercussions, say one missile for each of the people onboard the plane and that died. missiles fired from the Caspian Sea to tell the jews that the iron dome isn’t what it is said to be.

thus and when russia and putin is vacillating on where they are in this conflict, it will be up to the regional powers to finish off the failed geopolitical experiment called israel and send the packing or to an early grave. an alliance of turkey, iran, syria and iraq will be able to make mince meat of netanyaho’s cabal of war criminals once and for all.

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