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Israeli Military Forgot At Least 5 Merkava Battle Tanks At Golan Heights (Video)

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Hikers in the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights found at least 5 armed and unguarded Merkava Mk. IV battle tanks. Doors of the battle tanks were open with equipment and munitions left completely unguarded inside.

“This is an exceptional and serious malfunction that does not meet the standard expected by the IDF,” the Israeli Defense Forces said in response to the incident.

“The issue will be investigated immediately by the commanders and will be presented up to the level of the regional commander. Lessons will be learned and those responsible will be prosecuted and severely punished. After the incident, security around the vehicles was tightened and procedures were sharpened for all soldiers and commanders.”

The video was published online amid the growing tensions between Hezbollah and the Israeli Defense Forces in both the Golan Heights area and the Israeli-Lebanese contact line. So, if Israeli sources do not know how to explain this failure, they can easily blame Hezbollah.


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Maurizio Pucci

The Hills Have Eyes III

Damien C

6 Merkava tanks ……. Jesus thats almost equivilant to one T14

Zionism = EVIL

Pisrael is a pathetic joke propped up by western dumbass cunts and Hollywood myths, the child killer IDF is full of faggots and perverts as Hezbollah has repeatedly exposed, in a real war these LGBTQ cunts would run home crying and that is why they are shit scared of Hezbollah that can fight back.

Fog of War

” Pisrael is a pathetic joke propped up by western dumbass cunts and Hollywood myths ”

Then put it out of its misery ? Why is everyone afraid of this ” joke ” ?


It’s not the joke itself that is scary, but it’s bodyguards aka NATO

Fog of War

But everyone here thinks NATO is a joke also, as is collapsing ZioAmerica and Impotent EU. All these ” jokes ” are keeping the world on edge ? Someone’s wrong here I think.


I personally don’t take NATO as a joke, I think it’s time is not over yet, maybe in a future not so distant, but possibly has a couple of cards under it’s sleeve still


A think it won’t give up without making a last stand in other words.



There is something wrong here … YOU’RE listening to a bunch of imbeciles … hello?


Afraid of NATO ? ?


NATO has the power and morally what it takes to depose a government, destroy a society, wreck a country to pieces, starve people by the millions. If that’s your enemy you have to at least aknowledge this, take it seriously and act accordingly


There is no fear, trust me. We are humane. The difference in our fight style should tell you this. One side uses the destruction of civilian infrastructure and cleansing ethnically in fashion and forms only evil genius can think up. We’ve boxed them up before and allowed them back into society with parameters and they’ve succeeded. ..it’ll happen again and will be by force, just not the type of force you’re dreaming up.


Mysterious … eh?

YOU must be an ‘insider’ … Yes or No?

‘We’ ? You’re a member of the ‘we’ … lol



More than you know. Ego is a weakness…yours is huge. 2w@


Turkey Shoot … 85 MIGs shot out of the sky in 2 days WITHOUT a single IAF PLANE going down

Today … don’t ask … it would be worse except the Syrians and Hezbollah don’t have a comparable Air Force … oh my

Death from above for YOUR cousins … I look forward to the sight of hands disattached from bodies … with the ring finger lying lifeless … eh? Just like Soleimani’s lifeless hand … LMAO

YOU Shia slugs will rue the day YOU crossed the Jews/Zionists/Israelis …



I love your comments. Every war you were saved or armed to the teeth by west, mainly US. Russia always phased out, both in military tech they sold and support…this time its not needed. You learn why when your master’s are gone and your still shilling from your bunker.


Wow … really?

Russia always phased out? Aww … is that Israel’s fault? lol

In 1948, there was no armed to the teeth going on … the Arab States had real armies … the Jews had 650,000 PEOPLE IN TOTAL and still managed to defeat the Arab/Muslims

Sure … they waited until 1967 to complete the deal … but they did and still control the lands from the River to the Sea … eh?

May it ever be thus …



In 48 the Jews were armed and trained by the Britain during WW 2…STFU YOU MORON. YOU’RE CLUELESS


Absolutely FAKE BS … lol

Britain provided arms and training to the Jordanian Arab Legion … their command group was populated by Brits with names like Glubb Pasha err John Bagot Glubb

I don’t need to use capital letters … the Truth is far more searing … lol


Revisionist history…you’ve been outed by your own tribe, do your homework, yid.


YOU have no ‘history’ to back up your points … only bile

I’ve done the homework … all YOU’VE done is picked up pieces of bs and thrown them at the wall to see what sticks … eh?



What does ‘ eh ‘ mean? Is that the sound you make when you spit out daddy’s jizz?


Leave the joke telling to the yids …


Shit sticks. Walls have your peeps lined with it…wail away yid boy


Still ready to make my day?

The yids are flying F-35’s these days … the results will be breathtaking … that is, literally taking the breath from the enemy … lol

“You can’t expect any kind of mercy on the battlefield” Suzanne Vega


Lucky to bases if they can get back


They’re trained and they’re ready … eh?


More yids are sick, genetically, due to a high concentration of inbreeding…yall are a mistake. Gene editing will fix it


Gene editing will fix what ?

Even more Nobel Prizes in Maths / Physics / Chemistry et al




Times of Israel reported it was a ‘controlled test’

Iranian media reported it as caused by Iran as ‘retaliation’ …

YOU louts continue to grasp at straws …

The Future is About to Land …


Revisionist garbage like your revisionist nation. You have no history…youll keep wandering.

Read ” wandering Jew ” written by an Israeli…have mommy read it to you.


Spoken like a true scumbag goy with an animus … a filthy son of a pali? Desperate to ‘keep the dream’ of return alive?



Also the Britain disarmed all Palestinians gave the Jews arms from ww2, trained jew pilots, etc…revisionist history, all you.



650,000 Jews were around in 1948 … everyone had to defend the Jewish State … eh?

The Jews/Zionists/Israelis didn’t get arms due to the World sanctions … NO ARMS to the Jews but by April/May 1948 … Stalin and the Czech surplus arms allowed for these arms to be transferred clandestinely to Israel … and the Jews took care of business AGAINST the 6 Arab/Muslim States that attacked … eh?

1% of the Jews died defending their state … in 1948

That’s as if:


That sacrifice is at the heart of the battle with the Arab/Muslims … eh?


Bs. WW 2 weapons were stockpiled ready to go all over M E. Yids had fought during ww2, had traning on sophisticated western weapons including aviation. Stop with your g-string ‘ ARAB ARMIES CAMP FOR US ‘ , crying bs. Arabat raies were à joke à didn’t have weapons like the teror groups of the yids and polaKKKS

Next… Revisionist history dead


YOU have an animus certainly … eh? LMAO

The Yids … lol

YOU’RE a f/kn GOY … with a hard-on for the Jews? TFB



Yids and jews are not the same…yids are zio-fk-nut freaks from Europe that were firced to learn Hebrew when they stole Palestine. Its in your yid history books, although its been removed since.


Too much alcohol tonight boris … stick to crack it’s quicker


Bs…English trained and armed the yids during WW2. Then gabe them all surplus and left over weapons left behind in M E. Including the most advanced fighters planes…revisonist garbage. You have no history. So you create it.

Btw, my info is from Israelis. Do your homework. Begin with ‘ Son of a General ‘, it’s written by an Israeli that supports the end if Israel and Palestinians to return….both he and his sister support this. His sister lost a child in a bombing. Youre just a yid shill with a closed and stupid mind.



Your source was Miko Peled? lol

Talk about revisionist garbage …

Did you ever wonder why the pre-State Jewish Terrorists aimed ALMOST exclusively at British troops? Then why would they train and arm the yids? lol

You’re garbage ‘ham’ …


Trained to fight Germans during WW 2, yid 2w@


Drunk again?



Also, please provide proof of your constant BS. And try not to provide it from your usual revisionist sources. You morons also assassinated your own PM…Yid/Ashkenazi. Your tears will fill the Dead Sea once more…salty tears, Mmmm.




The IAF pilots are great … their planes are great …



Lmao…Israeli propaganda written by israelis…revisionist history


Denial … Deflect

YOU and your ilk will witness it live …

Even RT and PressTV will show the devastation … it will be clear from satellite cameras … lol


‘We’ve boxed them up before …’

YOU talkin’ about me? lol

Ashok Varma

Israel is a small bully hiding behind the west. The US is its protector, you should pay more attention to global realities. On its own its military is inept and engaged in suppression of unarmed Palestinians and will not be able to sustain a conflict which will spread regionally. However, with the main bully US in trouble now, Israel’s future is far from certain, unless they stop their racist expansionism.

Concrete Mike

This joke is armed with nuclear weapons. This joke has no problem using these nukes against ANY civilians. Beirut and 9 11 are excellent examples.

These psychos would not have a problem killing 10 million civilians, in a day. One must tread carefully with them. I say give em just enough rope so they hang themselves.

Hard Hawk

No if you give them enough rope is you they be hanging not themselves. What they need is a rain of fire. As for using nuclear weapons despite what you like to believe so you have an argument no nuclear weapons been used in either case you mentioning.


Cautious … that’s good

200,000 Lebanese dead in the first 48 hours … should Hezbollah attack … eh?

No place to run to … nowhere to hide



I thought the Jews are afraid? lol

Get your story straight ….


Fog of War

They’re so afraid they just blew Beirut’s port sky high. So much fear. BTW, only little girls use ” lol “. Are you a little girl or just gay ?


What’s it to you? lol

Hezbollah’s fingerprints are all over the Beirut port disaster … eh?

If Israel did it why hasn’t the ‘resistance’ started a War? pmsl


Fog of War

” Hezbollah’s fingerprints are all over the Beirut port disaster … eh? ” If you believe that then you’re a bigger idiot then I suspected. ” If Israel did it why hasn’t the ‘resistance’ started a War? Same reason Russia didn’t retaliate for its shot down awacs plane. They’re all afraid to strike the Khazars for some reason.


Syria shot the plane down … the Syrians are a poorly trained and lack the skill set

‘for some reason’ …. LMAO

Go ahead haven’t you or someone like you … made up an answer ? pmsl


Ashok Varma

Israel is a petty thug hiding behind the real evil, the US which itself is now facing KARMA is spades!

Zaphod Braden

I am offended when I see the “Star of DEATH””. Judaism is neither a race or a religion, it is Xenophobic Tribalism. XENOPHOBIC: n.A person unduly fearful or contemptuous of that which is foreign, especially of strangers or foreign peoples. TRIBALISM: n. 1. The organization, culture, or beliefs of a tribe. 2. A strong feeling of identity with and loyalty to one’s tribe or group. For 3,500 years Israel has practiced eugenics …. Jewishness is based on: Jewish mother determines that you are Jewish …. Jewish father determines the Tribe (cohen, levite, dan, benjamin) They are a TRIBE …. a family based GANG. If you are not an active member you are NOT part of the GANG. No more than having a cousin in the Hell’s Angels makes YOU a Hell’s Angel. ALL people of Good Will should oppose the ORIGINAL “nazis”. The most Genocidal Monsters in history: Jews BRAG about the murder of Egypt’s first born and celebrate every year at PASSOVER. Jews BRAG about the genocide of 75,000 Persians and celebrate it every year at PURIM. Never FORGET, Never FORGIVE, the SHOAH of 1.5MILLION Armenian Christians under the crypto-Jewish “Young Turks” “necessary for the Rothschilds’ Baku Oil. The Armenian Christians’ financial and intellectual prominence was not “good for business.”” Armenians had lived in peace thousands of years, until Jewish money wanted them out. Never FORGET, Never FORGIVE, the SHOAH of 66MILLION Christians under the Jewish Bolsheviks Never FORGET, Never FORGIVE, KATYN FOREST & the Ukrainian HOLODOMOR where the Jewish Bolsheviks slaughtered the Educated Elite CHRISTIAN Leaders. Teach about Bela Kun and his Jewish comrades who committed the Red Terror in 1918 Hungary. http://www.jrbooksonline.com/some_pics_from_cecile_tormay.htm Never FORGET, Never FORGIVE, the ongoing SHOAH of the PALESTINIANS. The sight of the “STAR of DEATH” sends a frightening and offensive message to ALL NON-Jews. “The classes and the races (RACES) too weak to master the new conditions of life must give way…. They must perish in the revolutionary holocaust.” -Karl Marx, Marx People’s Paper, April 16, 1856, Journal of the History of Idea, 1981 ………….. “RACISL HOLOCAUST” advocated by a JEW against NON-Jews years before Hitler was even born ……… Israel does not have a ‘right to exist”, because Israel is born of genocide and war crimes that ISRAEL brags about. To recognize their false claim today is to validate crimes against humanity The “STAR of DEATH” represents the ORIGINAL “Nazis”, the perpetrators and braggarts of the Humanity’s first SHOAH: FUNNY that everything they claim the nazis did is an EXACT COPY of what they brag about doing to the ORIGINAL Palestinians. Deuteronomy 7:16, 20:16 “And thou shalt consume all the peoples which the Lord thy God shall deliver unto thee; thine eye shall not pity them…thou shalt save alive nothing that breatheth.”

KILL THE SICK and CRIPPLED Numbers c.5 v.2-4 KILL HOMOSEXUALS & UNDESIRABLES Leviticus c.20 v.13 well, really the whole chapter KILL ALL DISSIDENTS: Exodus c.32 v.27 Numbers c.11 v.1-2 Numbers c.16 all Numbers c.21 v.5-6 Numbers v.26 v.10 KILL anyone who engages in “DIVERSITY” or “INTEGRATION” Numbers v25 v.4-8 Deuteronomy c.14 v.2 DEHUMANIZE and then EXTERMINATE ALL NON-MEMBERS: SEXUALLY ENSLAVE any females “who have not KNOWN a man” a very brief selection, many more in THEIR book. Numbers c.21 v.03 Canaanites Numbers c.21 v.24 Amorites Numbers c.21 v.33-35 Bashan Numbers c.31 all Midianites Numbers c.32 v. more Amorites Deuteronomy c.2 v.34 People of Heshbon Deuteronomy c.3 v.6 really the whole chapter. threescore cities Joshua c.12 A list of victims of Israeli GENOCIDE OCCUPY YOUR VICTIM’S DWELLINGS/LAND Numbers c.21 v.25 Numbers c.32 v.39 Numbers c.33 v.53 (just to name a FEW) GENOCIDE CODIFIED IN THEIR RELIGION Numbers c.33 v.31-34 Deuteronomy c.7 v.2 Deuteronomy c.12 v.28-30 Deuteronomy c.20 v.11-16 TERRORISM CODIFIED IN THEIR RELIGION Deuteronomy c.2 v.2 Deuteronomy c.7 v.1 Jews SELF-anointed “The CHOSEN People of GOD” Nazis SELF-anointed “The CHOSEN People of GENETICS”. TODAY Israel states that it is creating “A PURE Jewish State” YESTERDAY the Nazis were creating “A PURE German State” And they utterly destroyed all that was in the city, both man and woman, young and old, and ox, and sheep, and ass, with the edge of the sword . . . (Joshua 6:21) For modern day reinforcement of these “rules” research/google “the KINGS TORAH” is a good start.


Wow …. a strong case of anti-Judaism

A terminal illness … you’ll die knowing your hatred will simply die with you …. lol

I’ll remember to especially shout out loud on Purim … persian

Zaphod Braden

My words will live on and teach.


The IDF isn’t afraid of anyone … lol

They’ll crush their enemies … lol

You’ll be watching the Jews/Zionists/Israelis grow in strength all the days of your life …


Potato Man

“lol…lol…lol” Yes, indeed you are a funny one clown.


Yes indeed … did I spoil your party?


Zionism = EVIL

SAA lost Golan primarily because the cunt Sadat backstabbed Syria, and had cut a deal with the ugly repulsive Jew arsewipe Kissinger and stopped the Egyptian advance in the Sinai.

johnny rotten

Not only that, the real betrayal was the Egyptian one, they are still paid now, then came Camp David and the Begin-Sadat accord.

Zionism = EVIL

The cunt Sadat sold out Syria for mere $3 billion annual begging bowl.


He didn’t live to spend it.

Icarus Tanović

Al Sadat is coward and bitch. That is why he was assassinated.

Ashok Varma

Sadat sold Egypt and the consequences are there to see.


Not only that. Egypt, in its agreement with israel, forced by us, the US, was made to abandon its agricultural and scientific aspirations in turn for that 3 billion. That was the true betrayal. Egypt had the ability to feed all of Africa and every Arab nation with its AG. Evil genius yid monster Kissinger, once said, ‘…control the food…’, and you get what we have today, chaos.

In Exile

Kissinger caused a lot of problems world wide and the miscreant is still alive how can this be he must be 100 if he’s a day. Has he sold his soul to the Devil or maybe he is the Devil?

Assad must stay

Here’s hoping the fucker croaks sooner rather than later lmao


Have you seen him lately? He IS dead, just too evil to rot. Even the worms don’t want him.

Assad must stay

Yea hes an ugly fuck


Ihttps://youtu.be/h3zrbc_fc2s?t=280 Yes and these are what did the damage,they incinerated loads of Israeli tanks.

johnny rotten

They ran away so fast, they were so afraid that they even forgot to go back to get their tanks, they are probably still running away, who knows where those fools are now, maybe not even in israhell anymore.

Zionism = EVIL

They are just PUNKS.


IDF is not a professional military but made up of conscripts who have been dehumanized into brutalizing unarmed Palestinian civilians and have yet to face a real armed foe, like Hezbollah. The IDF weakness is masked by their bluff and bluster. In the next conflict they will fare very poorly and they are petrified,


In a next conflict with Israel I assume that US military will not be able to help them out again.


Not that we asked for it, just need more ammunitions.


200,000 DEAD Lebanese in the first 48 hrs

Lebanon destroyed ….

El Mashi

The Lebanese Hezbollah can defend themselves with long range missiles. They have thousands. Syria too can defend themselves. Muslims and Christians will not be the only ones who die. They are prepared and motivated. IDF is demoralized, and its battle experience are snipers killing women and children. That is hardly battle experience. Shalom.


War = Death and destruction … Israelis will not be spared

Israel’s capabilities far exceed those of its adversaries … full stop

Lux et Veritas

The IDF like their fake charity based state is built on stolen Palestinian lands is a facade of lies that is wearing off fast.


Probably scared Hezbollah would attack them and ran home crying. https://media1.giphy.com/media/zxrBRsH9GxuX6/giphy.gif


Maybe Iron Zion left the keys in one of these.

Icarus Tanović

That could be the cause.


I don’t knoiw how it’s possible so I don’t comment on something I have no facts about. 5 tanks means 20 IDF soldiers, I can’t believe 20 guys just disappeared like that. Something went really wrong here.

Lone Ranger

Im only guessing now but it could be a botched false flag, these tanks could have been designated to be hit, but were found by civs before it could happen. But like I said thats only a wild guess from my part. It simply could be that they locked the tanks and went for a cold beer.


Too weird Ranger, during my trainings with the tank crews they were always near the tank or even sleeping in it. I can’t explain it.


Makes sense. The tank crews I know never thought of walking away by foot. They always got transported. So if tanks are left unattended, they are to be secured, and hatches and doors closed. A really curious case though


Yup, unless those 20 soldiers defected from the army altogether, I have no other explanation for it. They could have atleast locked the doors if they planned to leave, but didn’t even do that. I pray for them they have a good excuse, otherwise they are sent to years in prison. Overall, I’m impressed with the civilians that found it.

El Mashi

Demoralized. Israelis who don’t want to play the Nazi role, perhaps.

Rafik Chauhan

May they heard Rumours that hezbollah going to attack. so they Ran away putting tails between thier legs . and when they knew it was just a rumor they are trying to use excuse of that they all wanted to shit same time in one toilet or May be they made excuse that they saw one zionist women they all ran to jump on top of her. HAHAHA. what a cowards.


I love your humor Rafik xD

Assad must stay



WOOPS! Russian TV reporter walks around deserted IDF post hit by Hezbollah missiles. Sept 2019 https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e170a7dbbe90daafbf173e82c1edc7582335923d8eeca3e2010cee39c58f863b.jpg

Pave Way IV

Shows capable intelligence apparatus of Hez. The ‘deserted’ IDF post was obviously bait for them and they didn’t bite. No army, especially the IDF, is going to ‘accidentally’ desert a post like this. It was intentional, along with everything else the IDF does. Love or hate Israel, it’s sure as hell not Zimbabwe.

Not a bad plan for the IDF, I guess. If Hez did take over this post, then Israel would just snoop in on them for a day or two – the entire place has to be bugged. Tanks guns are not operable and all the ammo is sabotaged to kill anyone stupid enough to use it, so ‘armed’ is a bit misleading. If Hez tried to haul the tanks or anything else valable away, then the IDF artillery would just level their pre-bracketed target and destroy everything. Place is probably wired with explosives, too. Hez obviously knew, i.e., were ordered by Hez commanders to stay away.

Bonus: the IDF could screech in the MSM how Hez ‘overran’ their innocent post and slaughtered ‘dozens’ of Israeli soldiers for no reason. Casus belli to attack south Lebanon. Maybe grab the Litani River while they’re at it. All this after a few days of extensive Israeli coverage of the smoking ruins of the post with many well-staged IDF victims of the horrific, unprovoked Hezbollah slaughter of Israeli soldiers. Then some flag-draped caskets paraded in front of a weepy Netanyahu vowing to avenge their death. CNN would spend a week interview the grieving young widows hugging her confused-looking ‘children’, with another one on the way.

I honestly don’t know a damn thing about the IDF schemes, but this is right out of the U.S. psyops playbook, including a shocking report of the deserted post by a credible-sounding news agency. See how incompetent they are, Hez? You should attack them NOW! Oh, and reportes miraculously DON’T get shot in the knees by IDF and the ‘forgotten’ vehicles quickly removed and post stripped immediately after the reporters leave, but before the report comes out.


Have not heard from you for quite some time. I recall IDF parked a vehicle nearby with a manequin soldier inside. Hezbollah knew they where being baited.


Old news this was1 year ago mate, NOT related to the five “abandoned ” Merkava IV in Golan Heights.


Yes but ONE YEAR AGO !

Potato Man

” So, if Israeli sources do not know how to explain this failure, they can easily blame Hezbollah.” Wut? What are they gonna say?


That HZB kidnapped all the crews? Wouldn’t that be a propaganda nightmare.

Potato Man

You do know how long their noses are my dear, they would never say such things. Most likely the crews went to have some gay party that’s all. For all I know, the Zion state said it is going to look in to the matter.

Icarus Tanović

They’ve seen Hezbollah flag from satelite, and start to run away and forgot that they can use tanks to run even faster.

Icarus Tanović

And yeah, don’t forget the grove is in the heart, thanks for additional gifts.

Icarus Tanović

Iron Zion loosing on this one, so he’s nowhere to be seen. He losted couple of tanks.

Alberto Garza

iron zion wth happened here ? how can they abandon fully functional tanks ?


I don’t know, I have never seen anything like that. Someone will be punished very hard, perhaps it has some kind of criminal activity too (soldiers that wanted to sell weapons to criminals for money). Either way, they are going to jail for a long time.

Miri Nature

Soldiers who wants to sell weapons to criminals are also criminals. Iron Iron ncncnc :P


Exactly, I just said that because it’s not the first time military weapons end up in the hands of criminals for domestic violence.

Rafik Chauhan

so civil war is coming in Zionist occupied terrtory. war between zionist and jews. ggod. US is paying the price for occupation of Native land and now israel will pay.

cechas vodobenikov

no cia Mossad trolls here—israels scurried away from the Druze back to Haifa


It says in Hebrew that the families found tanks in the open field unguarded and it will be investigated. Who said the soldiers were not nearby? I’m sure there is a good explanation for it. I’ll wait for the IDF report.


Simple explanation; Hezbollah must have made an appearance.


Can anyone ID the equipment(s) panels, orange tanks and abandoned pallet filmed from rear entry? Sure looks like abandoned, insecure set-up ??


The orange ‘tanks’ appear to be the rear ammunition storage bin. The rear hatch allows for faster resupply of ammo (less downtime).


Further forward interior looks looted or abandoned – equipment damaged or removed, what appears to be spares/barrels for M2 12,7 mm secondary MG? As for rear hatch I have always thought this is an excellent design – two MBT or ambulance back-to-back allow protected entry or egress – the Merkava can thus deliver or pick up 6 troops on the battlefield : “It also creates more space in the rear of the tank that allows increased storage capacity and a rear entrance to the main crew compartment allowing easy access under enemy fire. This allows the tank to be used as a platform for medical disembarkation, a forward command and control station, and ammo resup.The rear entrance’s-style doors provide overhead protection when off- and on-loading cargo and personnel.” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Merkava


I have a feeling this indicates a low morale in tank crews of IDF who are facing Hezb. It is understandable, if hostilities break out their lives are counted in hours, or even minutes. They don’t want to be the fodder for the oligarchs who sip their bubbly in T-A. While it is against all military code and patriotic sentiment I somehow understand these guys. The war they are facing is totally mindless. They know that personally they will not win anything. They’d be the victims of decades of bad policy by insane leaders, who are some of the worst in the world.

Assad must stay

hahaha hah wow they must have seen something truly terrifying to run and not even think of getting back in the tanks hahhahhaha

The Farney Fontenoy

IDF runs at the first sign of trouble, even during the wars, once an Israeli jet was targeted, the pilots immediately bailed out even before a missile was fired, they didn’t even attempt evasive action. Truly Israelis are the coward’s coward.

AM Hants

Lol, how do you forget your tank?

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