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Israeli Military: Palestinians Use Balloons With IEDs To Ignite Fires In Israeli Settlements

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Israeli Military: Palestinians Use Balloons With IEDs To Ignite Fires In Israeli Settlements

Illustrative image, Via Shehab Agency

On June 9, the Israeli military announced that an Israeli aircraft “fired a warning shot” next to a group of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip who were preparing balloons with explosive devices attached to them to be sent into the nearby Israeli settlement.

“The IDF views the use of incendiary balloons and kites with explosive devices attached to them with great severity and will operate to prevent their use,” the Israeli military said on Twitter.

The Palestinian Shehab Agency confirmed that an Israeli Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicle (UCAV) targeted a group of Palestinian activists who were about to launch several kites east of the city of Beit Hanoun in the northern part of the Gaza Strip. According to the news agency, the airstrike didn’t result in any casualties.

A day earlier, Palestinian activists launched several kits several kits carrying Molotov bombs at Israeli military positions around the Gaza Strip during the protests of the International Quds Day. One of the kites managed to down a mini drone that was being used by the Israeli military to monitor the protests.

Palestinian activists started using kites as a tool of protests after the US recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel in late 2017. Israeli media claims that these kites, which usually carry Molotov bombs, have caused many fires in the Israeli settlements around the Gaza Strip over the last two months.

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I thought they where molotov kites. This is very inventive, just like Benjamin Franklin.:)


Recently Netanyahu went to India and from there he brought the kite technogy to Israel to use it as a propaganda tool against Palestine.


Bibi Franklin :)


One time when India was ally with Russia and Palestine so they both were going down each day while Pakistan was ally with USA and China and they both were going up each day. Now Russia and USA have swapped partners.

Now Pakistan is allied with Russia and China and they both going up each day and India is allied with USA and Israel and they both going down each day. Now in the world there is no any other super power except Russia and China because Pakistan is ally with both Russia and China. This happened just with in short period of time.


If Mr. Erdogan stop their supply routes to US occupied areas in Syria and Iraq then just within two months US, NATO and their proxies Israel, PKK etc will leave whole Syria and Iraq. I mean they need to be blockade in Syria and Iraq as they have blockade Palestinians.


Using one of these to repel hostiles in the wilderness could be a problem in a wooded area. On a treeless mountaintop base camp or clearing, less so:



XM42 civilian flame thrower:



These can probably be legally upgraded to make them a more effective deterrent against non conventional threats. By using a fuel additive to create a napalm like material and improving the pumping system to increase the range.


Also good for starting a campfire. I found myself stranded on a mountain saddle after the “day hike” turned to crap. It was a 15 mile trail that degraded with landslides. I started a fire by a log just to keep warm. It was quite the adventure. :)


I got caught in a late spring blizzard 5 years ago at 55 years old and 11,000 feet elevation almost 10 miles in from the trail head without heavy winter gear. And to make matters I feel ill from what was probably some bad trail mix. It got down to around zero degrees Fahrenheit that night with a lot of wind. I had a small tent and sleeping bag. And spent the night on a drift half way up a head wall. The tent and sleeping bag probably saved my life. As sick and tired as I was I don’t think that I could have made it back down that night without passing out and freezing to death.


These trails you never forget. For me it was in early spring so not so cold. I carried thermals, food and water just in case. When I saw the trail become a landslide area. I was thinking now I’m fucked. I got out my map and navigated up the stream bed to the saddle. It was a rough night of trying to keep warm. When I got up in the morning the trail home was only 5 meters away from me!


I used to use a Garmin gps navigator. Now I just use my phone and Google maps because it has an off network satellite up link gps beacon that moves on the map as I move. This is a video that explains how it works. I’m doing the paper work now to buy a Globalstar 1700 and hotspot with an email compression client subscription that will send a picture in about 30 seconds. That I can wifi my smart phone to. So if I need back up or a haz mat team to clean up a problem. I can call and send pictures to get the type of help needed for the specific circumstances.



The moral in that Richard is to Stay in a Hotel instead :)


Yes, motels are very nice. I’ve lived in one for the past 4 years. And have had zero ET/ED contact experiences there. For that I go out in the wilderness where it’s just myself and the off planet visitors where it’s a lot less of a problem to make contact with them.


If you desire to have ET contact experiences ,why do you not go to a US AIPAC meeting :)


I have an aversion to evil.


Fair point Richard. Perhaps it would be prudent to cleanse such meetings with fire when the time comes :)


Closing the synagogues and yeshivas so that there are no more Jews works for me.


Here in the US we have something called freedom of religion but you wouldnt know about that.


You’re a lying two faced psychopath. And your evil fratricidal Nazi collaborator Jew pedophile mass rape cult needs to be outlawed and the synagogues and yeshivas closed so that there are no more Jews and humanity can be freed from your cult that has plagued humanity for thousands of years.

You people are the most persecuted, expelled and genocided group of miscreants in human history. Because you’re evil and your Talmud rabbinical cult ideology is evil. As your lies and venom here have illustrated over and over again.

In NYC alone:

“metzitzah b’peh — requires a mohel, the person performing the circumcision, to suck blood from the incision on an infant’s penis. …

According to the Health Department, 24 cases of herpes have been linked to circumcision since 2000. Two of the infants died and two others suffered brain damage.”

– New case of neonatal herpes caused by Jewish circumcision –


“as with any right, the freedom of religion can be abridged if its exercise would infringe on the rights of others.

As a result, several groups have been made into recognized criminal organizations. … These cults have generally been involved with activities like murder, abduction, statutory rape, or other serious crimes. Often, they hold an illegal activity to be a primary focus of their religious teachings, making adherence to the group’s beliefs a virtual guarantee of grossly illegal activity directly harming others. ”

– Are Cults Legal? –



The pertinent question for you is, if JackyD dose follow through with your suggestion are you criminally liable or do you really think your anonymity is absolutely, just asking ???


Get a life Hasbara. Try to intimidate someone else.

Children are a target for Zionists , in many ways. That is why you fellow travellers are despised.


Don’t get you dandruff up fat-ass-keyboard warrior, just asking if you could potentially face criminal prosecution.


That draconian law is reminiscent of the Stalin era laws where criticism of jews could be punished with the death penalty.

The old adage ” If you wish to know who has control over you ,one only needs to realise who you are not allowed to criticise “.

I do not like what the Zionist jews who control Israeli politics are doing , particularly to the Palestinians. I also dislike what Zionist jews did in Russia after 1917 and what they are doing in America today

I do not believe in the mass gassing part of the holocaust fable. It makes no logical sense in any sphere.

I do believe there are understandable reasons for jews to have been expelled from 109 locations in history. Even England kicked them out for 220 years :)


On a positive note, there are jews who also deplore the actions of Zionist jews. There is even a vibrant and ancient jewish community in Iran who have refused invitations to re-locate in Israel.


F Is that bit of bloviated nonsense you posted going to be your defence when RichardD goes postal?


It is all factual. Anyway, don’t you have something better to do ?

Like going to the Gaza border and shooting a child in the leg with a dum dum bullet .


You will doubtless carry a military style flame thrower in future in future PZIV or have a ‘porter’ to carry one for you :)


I would think that that would be illegal in the UK and rightly so I think. The thugs cause enough mayhem here with knives and acid.

What ever happened to Boy Scout fire lighting techniques :)


The .32 in my pocket will deal with thugs armed with knives and acid quite nicely. Off planet problems may require something a little more potent.


Britain destroyed your wilderness centuries ago and your gun rights decades ago. The US has preserved ours and is a better place for it. Your violent crime rate is double what ours is all things being equal. The only thing driving gun control here are the mass shootings, which are almost all psychiatric drug fueled and were almost non existent 30 years ago. The problem is dangerous drugs. You can’t get a commercial drivers license if you’ve ever used them. The government knows the drugs are a problem that needs to be corrected.

Joe Dirt

I’m sure ISIS will take in those Palestinian rats

Lena Jones

I’m sure israel will take in those ISIS rats. Oh wait – it already has!!! Israel gave all them wounded islamic terrorists medicine, shelter, water, kosher food and a jewish blow job.

Joe Dirt

Wow you go you keyboard warrior, you go be a martyr.

Lena Jones

Klepto terrorism is a jewish specialty.


Only the IDF could turn this into a “poor me” scenario. What the IDF has done is to develop several armies that are highly skilled in asymmetric warfare – against Israel. Beware the law of unforeseen consequences. What I can’t believe is that Israel can’t see how dangerous their strategies are to themselves. Do they think they can endlessly bluff the rest of the world? A lot of innocent israelis will die, and it will be the fault of the worst kind of satanic talmudist scum embedded all over the world. And yes, I do believe there are innocent israelis and jews. That idiotic talmudic idea of racial supremacy and treating the goyyim like scum will be the downfall of the state of israel as we know it.


Hamas leader Ismail Radwan urged protestors not to fear death, but instead to welcome martyrdom. For additional context, let’s not forget that another leader, Yahya Sinwar, exhorted protesters on April 6th to “tear down the wall and tear out their [Israeli’s] hearts

Lena Jones

So what?! It is universally accepted (except in terrorist israel) that “the occupied have the inalienable right to defend themselves by any means necessary” – this is enshrined in International Law too. So, no, dear brainwashed kirby1, israel does NOT hold the moral high ground against Hamas – how could it when it has ZERO MORALS and plenty of genocidal anti-gentilism!!!!!!

Apartheid, terrorist israel = the most hateful and the most hated nation on the planet.


“the occupied have the inalienable right to defend themselves by any means necessary”

It’s not the ‘occupation,’ it’s the Jews Israel withdrew from Gaza 13 years ago, but the Palestinians have not made civil government a priority. The “occupation” is not a claim, it is a perception, and it is founded on the notion that Jewish sovereignty over any part of the Land of Israel is abhorrent.


Look at any news site in the world, and in almost all of them, you’ll find the Gaza Strip reported as a territory “occupied” by Israel.

Here’s the reality: Israel withdrew from Gaza in the summer of 2005, under the misguided assumption that the Palestinian Authority would have jurisdiction there. But that was not to be the case. Six months later, Hamas won the Palestinian election and the following summer staged a violent coup. The fact that Hamas was preparing for war prompted Israel to monitor the border crossings between Israel and Gaza, knowing very well that Hamas was less interested in the welfare of the residents of Gaza than in obtaining weapons and building defenses.

The facts are readily available to anyone who looks, though that never seems to matter. Israelis are consistently described as occupiers. Incidentally, the Egyptians also monitor their border crossings with Gaza, but no one ever pulls the “occupier” label on them. That’s reserved only for the Jews.


Lena Jones

Jews even lie to each other – it’s THAT pathological with them!!! Jews are the most brainwashed people on the planet. Jews in the Middle East ARE NOT THE VICTIM!

Get outta town with your stupid propaganda links! Nothing in israel but lying, kleptomaniacal terrorist.


Stop grabbing fairytales from your deep dark orifice.

Lena Jones

Stop your land-grabbing and mass-murdering unarmed GENTILE civilians!


“land-grabbing” – doesn’t quite jive with the facts https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a8c69c9ebd631b997bb8701f2574df48a514078f0475f33f7038a1038854ab60.png

“GENTILE civilians” -again doesn’t quite jive with the facts https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/489aba65c28218d95ccb7306d98dfc388bff1b86d351908e084706bc5fdc711f.jpg 9

Lena Jones

LOL yeah and what a frigging kind and gentle GIFT you’ve given to the REAL SEMITES of the middle east! It’s high time for you fake khazarian jews to fuck off outta Historic Palestine. ‘The suitcase or the coffin’: this be your only choice now that the whole world knows you for the genocidal swindlers that you really are – now that the Axis of Resistance is at your (stolen) doorstep you frigging klepto, cowards!!!


Typical moronic response with all the substance of a bumper sticker. While you sit on you fat assss inciting other to fulfill you antisemetic dreams, go play in traffic.

Lena Jones

The fake jews of israel ARE the most antisemitic people on the planet! Just observe how many REAL semites they’ve killed, maimed, refugeed, kidnapped and tortured etc. Get the eff out of Palestine already or else be forced out – and while you’re packing your scumbag suitacase, GET THE EFF OUTTA MY DC AND GIVE ME BACK MY STOLEN TAX DOLLARS!


“GET THE EFF OUTTA MY DC AND GIVE ME BACK MY STOLEN TAX DOLLARS!” Get the Arab lobby out of my US government, get the Arab lobby out of my US education system, stop the Pali Authority to stop giving my US dollars to terrorists.

Lena Jones

LOL you pathetic know-nothing brainwashed turd! The only ‘Arab lobby’ in DC with any influence is the ZIONIST KINGDOM OF SAUDI ARABIA (and its midget oil poodles): you know, saudi arabia IS israel’s best friend! And don’t you dare call America yours when you’re clearly a frigging israel-firster!!! Jews run our Education system btw, hence the dumbing down of the American people while dual-citizen jews practice nepotism, cronyism and steal our tax dollars from us while we sleep AND in broad daylight too! But your grand scam is unsustainable. Backalash is coming – because you fucks never learn!


You really do have an ingrown hair up you ignorant Jihadist loving dump asssss

Lena Jones

It’s ISRAEL that loves jihadists and gives them medical help, shelter, food, water, kosher blow jobs AND operates as the jihadist air force in Syria! Lol you really are a factless, brainwashed zio cog. Anally obsessed scumbag!


Jihadist, It sounds like you’ve had one too many anal encounters.

Lena Jones

As predicted, you’re looking in the mirror and talking to yourself again you little turd of a gnat. Now stop being a fake jew and embrace your european gentileness already!

Empire's Frontiers

Outright whacky, this Kirby guy.

He did get awfully puckered when I made a quip about the Palestinians and their Pale-neighbors.

I think your remark about his European heritage hits the nail.

Lena Jones

Jews like to claim special intelligence but I have never met so many stupid people as I have jews concentrated in one god-club. You bet khazar jews get triggered when you expose their non-semitic bloodline. Always fun watching them defend their delusion while drowning in their brainwash.

Empire's Frontiers

It’s Southfront, Kirby.

No one here is sympathetic to barbarian Muslims.

At the same time, no one here has compassion for those who antagonize and cultivate barbarian Muslims toward their own ends.

You’re in agreeable company, but seem too hit in the head to notice.

One too many gas canisters upside the noggin, perhaps?


You are arguing with child butchers from Israel.


http://www.palestineportal.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/Maps_1897-Present.jpg Notice in the left map there is no Israel. Israeli migrants scaring from this map very much. Israeli migrant state is like ISIS state created by UK, US, France and Saudi regimes. They all are one gang.

After full liberation of Syria all Muslim nations Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Russia, China and Pakistan will come together to liberate Palestine from US proxies Israel by using their own weapons and army units. They will not stay calm until to erect the Palestinian flag on Tel Aviv.


Try some Facts Robert.



You mean that the Middle East was Israel before and their population was about 20 millions before but then Arab Muslims migrated from US and NATO member states and took whole land from Israel. In which book it is written? Israel do any other thing except conspiracy, terrorism, child butchering, lie and deception.


Dick what are you talking about, moron.


Israel should be extinguished and the planet dejudified to get rid of your evil pedophile mass rape cult that pedophile rapes 1,000 of your cult babies world wide every week with homosexual cannibal prostitutes, takes their virginity, infects them wit venereal disease, brain damages and murders them.


“Israel should be extinguished” – brave words coming from a coward hiding behind an avatar. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/50f59175d6388fb4b33291866e1c6f8367992bca285883d24576cf5a41069770.jpg


It’s the truth and is why China and many others have outlawed Judiasm. The rest of the world should do the same.


Actually China has outlaw Islam.


That’s a lie, Islam is legal in China, Judaism isn’t:

“The law affords protection to five officially sanctioned religions: the Buddhist Association of China, Chinese Taoist Association, Islamic Association of China, Three-Self Patriotic Movement and Chinese Patriotic Catholic Association.”

– Freedom of religion in China –



Don’t waste your time with child butchers. Just block him.

Lena Jones

Thanks for the tip, Stephen – but truth be told, I actually do enjoy bitch-slapping jewish infanticidal, klepto terrorists every now and then.


Nobody is buying it moron. That’s why Israel has over 100 UN resolutions against it, more than any other UN member by far. Because you people are criminals.


In nearly all cases, terrorist attacks in Israel are carried out by Palestinian extremist groups, though the particular perpetrators have changed over time. Prior to 1967, most terrorist attacks were carried out by loosely organized groups of militants. After 1967, Palestinian terrorism grew more organized, with most of the high-profile attacks carried out by affiliate groups of the Palestine Liberation Organization, founded in 1964 to wage armed struggle against Israel. The first high-profile attacks, in the late 1960s, were carried out by the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, a secular group responsible for a series of attacks on El Al planes in the late 1960s. A number of splinter groups from the PFLP also executed deadly raids during that period, including the 1972 attack that killed 26 people at Lod Airport (now called Ben Gurion Airport) and the Avivim school bus massacre in 1970 that killed 12. Black September, a group of Palestinian fighters who took their name from the 1970 conflict that resulted in the expulsion of the PLO from Jordan, was behind the 1972 Munich attack. Fatah, the largest PLO faction, carried out the 1978 coastal road massacre, in which 38 Israeli civilians were killed.


With over 100 resolutions against Israel, the world has determined who the primary criminals are, the Jews.


2005 January 2 – Nissim Arbiv, 25, of Nissanit in the Gaza Strip was mortally wounded in a mortar shell attack while working in the Erez Industrial Zone. He died of his wounds on January 11. Two others were wounded in the attack, for which Hamas claimed responsibility.

January 7 – St.-Sgt. Yosef (Yossi) Atia, 21, of Petah Tikva, was killed and three fellow off-duty soldiers were wounded when Palestinian gunmen opened fire on their car on the Trans-Samaria Highway. The Fatah al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades claimed responsibility for the attack.

January 12 – Gideon Rivlin, 50, of Ganei Tal was killed and three IDF soldiers were wounded when a bomb was detonated as a military vehicle patroled the route near Morag in the southern Gaza Strip. Two terrorists were killed by IDF forces. The area was booby-trapped with explosive devices, in addition to the bomb that exploded. The Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility for the attack.

January 13 – On Thursday night, shortly before the closing of the Karni Crossing, terrorists activated an explosive device on the Palestinian side, blowing a hole in the door through which Palestinian terrorists infiltrated the Israeli side of the crossing and opened fire at Israeli civilians. As a result of the explosion and exchanges of fire, six Israeli civilians and three Palestinian terrorists were killed, and five Israeli civilians were wounded. Hamas and the Fatah al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades claimed joint responsiblity for the attack. The victims: Dror Gizri, 30, of Sderot; Ibrahim Kahili, 46, of Umm al-Ghanem; Munam Abu Sabia, 33, of Daburiyeh; Ivan Shmilov, 53, of Sderot; Herzl Shlomo, 51, of Sderot; and Ofer Tiri, 23, of Ashkelon.


And having ‘torn our’ the eternal victim hearts ‘protesters’ will find a stone.

It would be useful for use with a catapult though :)


But they have launched 15,000 rockets and then whine about the embargo, go figure.


What would you do if your home and homeland was taken from you by cult members of any sort ?


I’d kick the squatting arabs back to Jordan.


And would you do the same to Jewish squatters in your home ?


Well said.


Jewish Hitler has his jew weapon teams turn tear gas cannisters into cannon shells with perfect aim, so they can be used to murder protestors. There is an horrific video from yesterday showing a poor man with a jew nazi teargas shell blasted into the side of his face. So what does Southfront choose to do? Demonise palestinians by showing jew nazi ‘terror kite’ propaganda.

Jew terrorists infiltrated the editorial body of Southfront quite some time back. Of course they don’t call themselves jews- that would get them immediately exposed and kicked out. But they are there to monitor and direct the form of ‘reporting’ here. They are the scum making the arguments that keep the story of Ahed Tammimi off this site- same as preventing images of the young female medic murdered by jew snipers, or the guy with the jew nazi cannister embedded in his head.

But any image or story that demonises palestinians is promoted here.


Maybe if Hamas spent the aid money on improving conditions in Gazs instead of diverting funds to construction of terrorists tunnels, rockets and the ussually assundre of weapons they wouldn’t have this problem.


Zionism is blasphemy. Zionists have hijacked the star of David and the religion of Jewish community and use it for political and financial gains. Zionists are child butchers. Zionists do step by step crimes. Zionists have built Jewish state of Israel which is according to Jewish book prohibited.

So Zionists have not only attacked on Palestine, they have attacked on the Jewish religion too. The world all Jewish community condemn the establishment of Israel. Zionists says that they are religious but in reality they are not because they are butchering children without human feelings.

Zionists have created a big rift (hate) between Muslims and Jews. 70 years have passed but Zionists have not succeeded in their mission. How many prime ministers passed on Israel but they have never succeed Just more blood, more blood because the root cause of this whole bloodshed is purely Zionism.

The world communities are not doing enough to stop Zionists’ crimes. Therefore, now the world all Jewish community will come together and will kick out all Zionist Israelis from Palestine and they will restore the name of Palestine and the native people of Palestine back in their home land. Palestine is the land of Muslims where Muslims are in majority while christians and Jews are in minority.


Hamas should hold their little riot in the main streets of Gaza away from the security fence, this way no one gets hurt. But foolish me isn’t that the main purpose of these riots to create a body count 2nd to infiltion Israel to commit terrorist activities. As Hamas continues sending it’s people to breach the fence one needs to hold them responsible for the resulting casualties.


Q1. Y Israeli migrants secretly entered into Palestine? Q2. Y Israeli terrorists are holding native Palestinians hostage and butchering children when they retaliate on Israeli thugs move of border fence inside Palestinian lands to occupy more land?

Q3. Y Israeli terrorists using the star of David and the Jewish religion for own political and economic gains?

Note it. Zionists have created a big rift (hate) between Muslims and Jews. 70 years have passed but Zionists have not succeeded in their mission and remember Israel will never succeed and eventually Israel will leave Palestine.


Designated Foreign Terrorist Organizations

Date Designated &Name

10/8/1997 HAMAS

10/8/1997 Harakat ul-Mujahidin (HUM)

10/8/1997 Hizballah

10/8/1997 Palestine Liberation Front (PLF)

10/8/1997 Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ)

10/8/1997 Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP)

10/8/1999 al-Qa’ida (AQ)

9/25/2000 Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU)

12/26/2001 Jaish-e-Mohammed (JEM)

3/27/2002 Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade (AAMB)

3/27/2002 Asbat al-Ansar (AAA)

3/27/2002 al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM)

10/23/2002 Jemaah Islamiya (JI)

3/22/2004 Ansar al-Islam (AAI)

12/17/2004 Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (formerly al-Qa’ida in Iraq)

6/17/2005 Islamic Jihad Union (IJU)

3/5/2008 Harakat ul-Jihad-i-Islami/Bangladesh (HUJI-B)

3/18/2008 al-Shabaab

7/2/2009 Kata’ib Hizballah (KH)

1/19/2010 al-Qa’ida in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP)

8/6/2010 Harakat ul-Jihad-i-Islami (HUJI)

9/1/2010 Tehrik-e Taliban Pakistan (TTP)

11/4/2010 Jundallah

5/23/2011 Army of Islam (AOI)

5/30/2012 Abdallah Azzam Brigades (AAB)

12/19/2013 al-Mulathamun Battalion (AMB)

1/13/2014 Ansar al-Shari’a in Benghazi

1/13/2014 Ansar al-Shari’a in Darnah

1/13/2014 Ansar al-Shari’a in Tunisia

4/10/2014 ISIL Sinai Province (formerly Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis)

5/15/2014 al-Nusrah Front

8/20/2014 Mujahidin Shura Council in the Environs of Jerusalem (MSC)

9/30/2015 Jaysh Rijal al-Tariq al Naqshabandi (JRTN)

1/14/2016 ISIL-Khorasan (ISIL-K)

5/20/2016 Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant’s Branch in Libya (ISIL-Libya)

7/1/2016 Al-Qa’ida in the Indian Subcontinent

8/17/2017 Hizbul Mujahideen (HM)


You call it answer of my questions. Moronic reply. Take a cool bath.


Your response is that of a typical moron being an apologist for Islamic terrorism, grow a brain.




Try some real facts:



With over 100 resolutions against Israel, compared to 1 against the Palestinians. The world has determined who the primary criminals are, the evil Jews: https://socioecohistory.files.wordpress.com/2012/11/ex-italian_president_francesco-cossiga_911_mossad_cia.gif


January 15 – Ayala-Haya (Ella) Abukasis, 17, of Sderot was mortally wounded when a Qassam rocket landed near her and shrapnel penetrated her cerebellum, leaving her brain dead. She was struck while protecting her younger brother, who was lightly wounded. Kept on life support throughout the week, her parents agreed to stop treatment when doctors told them there was no chance of recovery. She died on January 21.

January 18 – Oded Sharon, 36, from Gan Yavne, an ISA officer, was killed, an IDF officer seriously wounded, and four IDF soldiers and three members of the ISA were lightly wounded in a suicide bombing attack at the Gush Katif junction in the central Gaza Strip. While search procedures were being implemented at a post at the junction, the suicide bomber with explosives strapped to his body detonated himself. Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack.

February 25 – Five people were killed and 50 wounded Friday night, when a suicide bomber blew himself up outside the Stage club on the Tel Aviv promenade at around 11:20 P.M., on the corner of Herbert Samuel and Yonah Hanavi streets. The Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility for the attack. The victims: Yitzhak Buzaglo, 40, of Mishmar Hayarden; Aryeh Nagar, 37, of Kfar Sava; Yael Orbach, 28, of Rehovot; Ronen Ruevenov, 30, of Tel Aviv. Odelia Hubara, 26, of Jerusalem, died of her wounds on February 28.


It’s far less than the Jews crimes against the Palestinians.


Elite Hamas soldiers defecting to Isis from Gaza-based group in increasing numbers

Increasing numbers of highly-trained Palestinian commandos from the Gaza Strip are fleeing to pledge allegiance to Isis, report says

An increasing number of elite Hamas soldiers are defecting from the Gaza-based group to join Isis, it has emerged.

Dozens of members of the Iz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades, and Nukhba, Hamas’ commando wing, have deserted their positions and fled to nearby Sinai in Egypt – which has a heavy Isis presence –



With over 100 UN resolutions against Israel, compared to 1 against the Palestinians. The world has determined who the primary criminals are. The evil Jews.


Yes, Jewmerica is a huge problem. That’s why the US needs to be dejudified, to get these evil pedophile mass rape cultists out of government and take away Israel’s support so that it can be extinguished.


Arab terrorism targeting Jews traces back to the 1920s, when a series of riots gripped the land, which was then under British rule — most famously, perhaps, the 1929 Hebron massacre, which resulted in the deaths of nearly 70 Jews. Following Israel’s establishment in 1948, Palestinian guerrilla fighters known as fedayeen mounted cross-border raids that resulted in hundreds of Israeli deaths and prompted a number of reprisal attacks by the Israel Defense Forces in the 1950s and ‘60s.

Terrorism grew more sophisticated in the 1960s, with Palestinians launching a number of attacks on Israeli targets abroad and carrying out deadly bombings at home. In the 1970s, Palestinians successfully pulled off a number of high-profile attacks, including the 1972 murder of 11 members of the Israeli Olympic team in Munich, Germany, the 1976 hijacking to Uganda’s Entebbe Airport of an Air France plane en route from Tel Aviv to Paris, and the infamous 1974 attack on a school in the northern Israeli town of Maalot that culminated in the deaths of more than two-dozen people, 22 of them children.

In the 1990s, the first suicide bombings were carried out by members of the militant Palestinian group Hamas. According to data from the University of Chicago, 114 such attacks, in which the assailant blows himself (or herself) up, have been carried out in Israel since 1994, resulting in the deaths of 721 people (including the perpetrators).


Jew terrorists, look whose on the list: https://theuglytruth.files.wordpress.com/2016/09/israel-terrorist.jpg


Those pictures are older than your old senile mother.

2006 February 5 – Kinneret Ben Shalom Hajbi, 58, of Petah Tikva was stabbed to death by a Palestinian terrorist while traveling on a number 51 service taxi to Tel Aviv. Five other passengers were wounded.

March 1 – Eldar Abir, 48, of Migdalim was killed when two Palestinian shot him at point blank range at the gas station near Migdalim in the West Bank. The Fatah Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades claimed responsibility for the attack.

March 30 – Rafi Halevy, 63, and his wife Helena, 58, of Kedumim, Re’ut Feldman, 20, of Herzliya, and Shaked Lasker, 16, of Kedumim were killed when a suicide bomber hitchhiker disguised as an ultra-Orthodox yeshiva student detonated his explosive device in a private vehicle near the entrance to Kedumim.

April 17 – Eleven people were killed and over 60 wounded in a suicide bombing during the Passover holiday at the Rosh Ha’ir shawarma restaurant, near the old central bus station in Tel Aviv. The Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility for the attack. The victims: Philip Balhasan, 45, of Ashdod; Rozalia Beseneyi, 48, and Pirosca Boda 50, of Romania; Marcel Cohen, 73, of Nice, France; Ariel Darhi, 31, of Bat Yam; Victor Erez, 60, of Givatayim; Binyamin Haputa, 47, of Lod; David Shaulov, 29, of Holon; Lily Yunes, 42, of Oranit. Lior Anidzar, 26, of Tel Aviv died of his wounds on May 13. Daniel Wultz, 16, of Weston, Florida (USA) died on May 14.

June 11 – Marwan Abed Shweika, 35, of the Abu Tor neighborhood in Jerusalem was killed and two other Arab Israelis were wounded in a shooting attack while driving late at night West Bank highway north of Jerusalem.

June 25 – Lt. Hanan Barak, 20, of Arad and Staff-Sgt. Pavel Slutzker, 20, of Dimona were killed when terrorists from the Hamas and Popular Resistance Committees terror organizations infiltrated Israeli territory between the Kerem Shalom and Sufa crossings, by means of a tunnel dug from the Rafah area. Another soldier was abducted, and four others were wounded.

June 25 – Eliyahu Pinhas Asheri, 18, of Itamar was kidnapped by terrorists from the Popular Resistance Committees while hitchhiking from Betar Illit, southwest of Bethlehem, to Neveh Tzuf, where he was studying. His body was found on June 29 in Ramallah. It is believed that he was murdered shortly after his kidnapping.


The British found the Jews guilty of many crimes, including inciting riots and terrorism. As these pictures prove. Nothing has changed. Which is why Israel and Judaism need to be done away with.


The Barbaric Palestinians killed 5x more Brits


June 25 – Eliyahu Pinhas Asheri, 18, of Itamar was kidnapped by terrorists from the Popular Resistance Committees while hitchhiking from Betar Illit, southwest of Bethlehem, to Neveh Tzuf, where he was studying. His body was found on June 29 in Ramallah. It is believed that he was murdered shortly after his kidnapping.

July 17 – St.-Sgt. Osher Damari, 20, of Netanya was killed and six IDF soldiers wounded by an explosive device in Nablus as troops from the Haruv Battalion were engaged in anti-terrorist activity. The Fatah al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades claimed responsibility for the attack.

July 27 – The burnt body of Dr. Daniel Yaakobi, 59, a doctor from Yakir in the West Bank, was found in the trunk of his car near Qalqilya. The Fatah al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades claimed responsibility for the attack.

August 10 – Angelo Frammartino, 24, of Monte Rotondo, Italy was stabbed to death by an Arab knifeman while walking with friends on Sultan Suleiman street in east Jerusalem. It is believed that the attack was a nationalistically motivated terror attack, and not an attempted robbery.

August 19 – St.-Sgt. Ro’i Farjoun, 21, of Yehud was killed when a terrorist opened fire at the Bekaot chekpoint in the Jordan Valley. The Fatah al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades claimed responsibility for the attack.


Those picture are older than you’re ugly mother.

September 12 – An IDF reserve Bedouin tracker, 44, was killed by sniper fire in the course of an army operation to uncover terror infrastructure in the Gaza Strip, near the Kissufim Crossing. The armed wing of Hamas and the Popular Resistance Committees claimed responsibility for the shooting.

November 1 – Staff Sergeant Kiril Golenshein, 21, of Moshav Keshet, was killed by a sniper’s bullet as his unit entered the town of Beit Hanoun in the Gaza Strip in pursuit of terrorists firing Kassam rockets at Israel.

November 15 – Fatima Slutsker, 57, of Sderot, was killed by a Kassam rocket fired into the town by Palestinian terrorists in the Gaza Strip. A barrage of six rockets hit Sderot at about 7 a.m., also seriously wounding a security guard for Defense Minister Amir Peretz.

November 21 – Yaakov Yaakobov, 43, of Sderot, died following a day-long struggle by doctors to save his life, after he was mortally wounded by a Kassam rocket fired in the morning by Palestinian terrorists in the Gaza Strip.


Q1. Y Arab migrants secretly entered into Palestine? Q2. Y Arab terrorists are holding native Palestinians hostage and butchering children when they retaliate on Israeli thugs move of border fence inside Palestinian lands to occupy more land?

Q3. Y Arab terrorists using the Cresent and Moon and the Islamic religion for own political and economic gains?

Note it. Islamist have always treated its Jews as 2nd class citizens, progroms and all.


Have you taken cool bath? Its summer season.

This time if Benjanyahu come to Washington for more charity money then Trump will kick him out from US.

We US have lost important allies due to Israeli bastards. We lost UK, France, Germany and other NATO member states on which our economy and defense was dependent. We lost Pakistan due to which we lost war in Afghanistan. We lost war in Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Libya. All wars we lost due to Benjanyahu wrong policies and his wrong directions.

We see that Israeli bastards are sinking in Middle East but Israel have sunk us as well.

Anyway soon we will see the destruction of Israel.

Empire's Frontiers

The Palestinians mission is martyrdom.

The Israeli mission is to oblige them.

The Palestinian victory over their pale neighbors will come only in an age when men once confined to the enclaves are holding land and raising children throughout Israel itself.


“pale neighbors” Since skin color is obviously important to you, you should know more than half of Israeli Jews are of Middle Eastern origin.

Empire's Frontiers

It was a play on words doofus.

Pale-stinian Pale neighbor

And the post is saying exactly what you suggest, the Palestinians need to quit fighting and work gain citizenship so that much more than half of Israelis are of middle eastern origin.

You’re dense.


no just a stupid hasbara, getting paid in shekels.


Really, care to present evidence that I’m getting paid or is this just another post you grabbed out of that orifices you sit on.

Empire's Frontiers

Odd about him is that he seems to argue with anyone.

Person A says the Palestinian are acting against their own interests, he argues.

Person B says Israel is pleased to wage war against foolish Palestinians, he argues.

Person C says the Palestinians need to quit fighting and seek a political invasion of Israel and he pastes unrelated txt about Jordan.

Kirby should’ve eaten less drugs, I think. He might’ve come up more agreeable than he is.


no he believe what he does, is intelligent, in his amoeba thinking.


Hey HardHawk,

Where is that evidence that I’m getting paid or is this just another post you grabbed out of that orifices you sit on.


Well…. you do remind me of a very bad comedian that people laugh at and he think they laugh with his poor jokes.


Evidence none- Sound of crickets, your nothing but a pathetic simpleton.


evidence of what that you are an idiot or a mouth piece, with conflicting multiple personalities? That you do an excellent job yourself, when you post. No need for evidence on the obvious.




“Palestinians need to quit fighting and work gain citizenship”

– Take your complaints to Jordan

The Kingdom of Jordan began the process of revoking the Jordanian citizenship of about 30 Palestinian Authority and Fatah officials and their families, London-based Arabic language newspaper Raialyoum reported Wednesday.

The officials who are slated to lose their citizenship include Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, Chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat and Palestinian Authority negotiator Ahmed Qurei (“Abu Ala”).

The also stated that there would be major changes in the visa arrangements for entry into Jordan of the senior officials, granting them only temporary visitor’s rights.

You’re a MORON

Empire's Frontiers

The Palestinians as a result of their current choices are being slowly exterminated.

They only have one option that isn’t martyrdom.

Glad to see you agreeing with me.



Salah Bardawil, a senior Hamas official, told Palestinian news outlet Baladna TV that 50 out of the 60 who died on Monday were members of his organization, while the rest were civilians. Hamas won elections in 2006 and has run Gaza since the end of a violent power struggle the following year.

Israel has long argued that Hamas has used the protests, which began on March 30, as cover to for terrorist attacks or attempts to infiltrate its border.

The U.S. listed the head Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh, as a specially designated global terrorist. Hamas has been responsible for an estimated 17 American lives killed in terrorist attacks.

Enough said!!! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ec205ff9f47431f342c3e856f34d8d26bf51eb38f42ee3592f7e8a6f299ab4cb.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/21b9eea7126fddaaa15af41ed33686ca55e0836a988c250da196fb17b2e4d882.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7c5cb281f1aa9af272d0033286fec181abe2ef8205f52788bda27106ec2ea623.jpg


That’s a dodge trying to divert attention from shooting 1,000s of unarmed demonstrators. Your evil cult belongs in the trash can of history.


“unarmed demonstrator” – Stupid lying basterd https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/5f62ee15661de06bfd0b4a0e2addf1d13552133e2fea74c30af75b372272c4ae.jpg

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a4da757ba61a13632b5ceba1c85f3ffd6a7fade3f1a2f264937ecf49e3cd4bbf.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/78eef30384ccdda21c05a498e11cc5a89f48ec497cd16b92520ccab32e8b0247.jpg


You lie like an evil Jew raised from birth by your Talmud rabbinical pedophile mass rape cult to lie, cheat and steal by your evil cult. Rehov is a Jew. He probably works for Zionist security services producing hasbara propaganda trying to cover up Jew crimes of the type that have led to over 100 UN and other international law resolutions against your scofflaw crime state that should have never been admitted to the UN in the first place and that should be delisted from the UN and replaced with Palestine as part of dejudifying Palestine to contribute to creating a Jew free planet.

99% of the people who’ve been shot are unarmed demonstrators. The IDF is one of the most immoral criminal militarys on the planet and it’s crimes are a large part of all of the resolutions against Israel.

I hope that Israel’s neighbors work together with the Syrian government coalition to clear the IDF, Mossad and Shin Bet out of the occupied territories as part of implementing some of the UN resolutions that the baby rapers are in chronic violation of. And that it doesn’t result in Masada nukes turning Israel into a nuclear oven where the criminally insane AshkeNAZI mutants are cremated alive. To be followed up by the right of return being implemented and Israel and Judaism being voted out of existence as part humanely dejudifying our planet to create a Jew free world that will be much better for humanity.

You people are humanity’s number 1 problem. It’s high time that your evil cult is thrown in the trash can of history where it belongs.


Ignorant lying idiot, even Hamas and Islsmic Jihad admitted that 80% of those neutralized are terrorists operatives, moron.


Salah Bardawil, a senior Hamas official, told Palestinian news outlet Baladna TV that 50 out of the 60 who died on Monday were members of his organization, while the rest were civilians. Hamas won elections in 2006 and has run Gaza since the end of a violent power struggle the following year.

Israel has long argued that Hamas has used the protests, which began on March 30, as cover to for terrorist attacks or attempts to infiltrate its border.

The U.S. listed the head Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh, as a specially designated global terrorist. Hamas has been responsible for an estimated 17 American lives killed in terrorist attacks.

Enough said!!! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ec205ff9f47431f342c3e856f34d8d26bf51eb38f42ee3592f7e8a6f299ab4cb.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/21b9eea7126fddaaa15af41ed33686ca55e0836a988c250da196fb17b2e4d882.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7c5cb281f1aa9af272d0033286fec181abe2ef8205f52788bda27106ec2ea623.jpg


More lies from a Jew brain washed from birth to lie cheat and steal for your evil cult. 99% of those who were shot were unarmed demonstrators. Not a single Jew was hurt. So obviously the Palestinians were unarmed. Almost none of these people were armed:

“Almost 14,000 Palestinians have been wounded.[5] No Israelis were physically harmed from 30 March to 12 May”

– 2018 Gaza border protests –

There’s going to be an investigation, and it’s going to find your evil cult guilty, because it is:

– UN votes to send war crimes investigators to Gaza –



Aljazeera really, NO

HRW: HRW asserts the false and disingenuous claim, often proffered by BDS activists, that Israel imposes “discriminatory restrictions” on Gaza. (Use of this dishonest terminology by HRW is not surprising given that HRW’s Israel program is headed by a long-time BDS promoter.)

In contrast to HRW’s claim, under international law, all countries have the right to control access to their territory. To the extent it applies, Article 23 of the Geneva Convention (which sets standards for the provision of limited humanitarian aid), Israel has no obligation to provide any goods, even minimal humanitarian supplies, if it is “satisfied” that such goods will be diverted or supply of such goods will aid a terrorist organization. Under the legally binding Chapter VII Security Council Resolution 1373, it is illegal to provide any direct or indirect material or financial support for terror organizations.

Since 2007, the terrorist organization Hamas has been in control of Gaza. Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and other Palestinian terror factions have launched thousands of indiscriminate attacks against Israeli population centers. These groups have attacked the border crossings into Israel on numerous occasions disrupting the flow of goods and people. Hamas has stolen hundreds of millions of dollars in humanitarian aid and diverted that aid for weaponry, building terrorist infrastructure, and the personal bank accounts of Hamas officials. Hamas has also exploited Israel’s entry system to carry out terror attacks on Israeli civilians and to import weaponry and materiel.

Although Israel is under no legal obligation and despite the diversion as well as attacks on the Israeli border crossings, Israel continues to provide hundreds of tons of humanitarian supplies to Gaza on a weekly basis and tens of thousands of medical permits annually.

These facts are ignored by HRW.


The AJ article is a factual report of what’s happening. Your denial of it is a premeditated lie of the type that brain washed Jews habitually spew. There is an UN investigation proceeding as AJ is reporting. Which hopefully will result in further resolutions to help with the dejudification of Palestine and our planet to help bring about the end Israel and our planet’s Jew infestation.

The HRW quote isn’t addressing the BDS or the transfer of goods, it’s addressing the IDF’s crimes of shooting and massacring unarmed demonstrators. Which you’re trying to cover up and divert attention from.


“The AJ article ” Hamas spokesman.


– UN to launch war crimes investigation into Israeli forces’ shooting of protesters –



Try again DickyD.

Since it took control of Gaza, Hamas has failed politically, economically, and militarily, and found itself in search of a new strategy. Its recent decision to lead violent protests along Gaza’s border with Israel indicates the adoption of an approach that seeks to confront Israel below the threshold of war and in an arena in which it has comparative advantages—in this case, it is the fight for global public opinion.

By doing so, Hamas aims to place Israel in a dilemma: to protect its sovereignty and border security Israel must neutralize individuals (some armed and others unarmed) attempting to storm the border at the expense of its international image, while failing to defend its boundaries could result in mass border infiltration and many dead on both sides. However, the IDF has operated with exceptional professionalism, and despite the fog of war it has achieved three important aims: protected the integrity of its border and avoided Israeli civilian and military casualties, minimized the number of Palestinian civilians killed to the extent possible, and prevented escalation to a broader conflict.



Trying to divert attention from the IDFs crimes by accusing others of crimes isn’t going to stop the investigations or nullify the outstanding resolutions against Israel. Israel has over 100 resolutions against it, the Palestinians have 1 and wouldn’t have any if they hadn’t been so severely victimized. The Jews are the problem, not the Palestinians. The Jews have hidden behind blame shifting for 3,000 years. Israel’s 70 year history has stripped that all away and exposed your evil cult for the malicious entity that it is. –


Palestinian and Arab terrorist attacks against Israel have left dozens dead and hundreds wounded. Below is a timeline of major attacks since Oct. 1, 2015.

June 2, 2018: A Palestinian assailant carried out a car-ramming attack against Israeli soldiers stationed near the Tomb of the Patriarchs holy site as well as against other civilians nearby, but was shot before he was able to successfully hit anyone.

May 22, 2018: Palestinians shot at an Israeli car in the West Bank. The attackers fled the scene but were later apprehended by Israeli security forces.

May 11, 2018: Two Palestinian terrorists perpetrated car-ramming attacks against Israeli soldiers in two separate incidents in the West Bank. The first attacker wounded a soldier before fleeing the scene, while the second failed to harm anyone and was immediately arrested.

April 27, 2018: Two Palestinian assailants were arrested by Israeli security forces for attempting to smuggle pipe bombs into Israel. A further inspection of their vehicle yielded additional home-made explosives, a knife and tens of thousands of shekels. The suspects are currently in custody for questioning by Israeli police.

April 26, 2018: Two Palestinians attempted to smuggle a homemade explosive device, a knife and tens of thousands of shekels into Israel from the West Bank, before being arrested by Israeli security forces.

April 17, 2018: A Palestinian was caught smuggling high-grade explosives at the Reihan Crossing in the West Bank. The would-be terrorist intended to carry out a terror attack at an Independence Day celebration in Israel, a subsequent investigation confirmed.

April 5, 2018: A Palestinian terrorist threw explosives at Israeli soldiers and Jewish worshipers early Thursday morning at Joseph’s Tomb near Nablus. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) arrested three Palestinian assailants connected to the incident.

March 18, 2018: A Palestinian terrorist fatally stabbed an Israeli father of four in the Old City of Jerusalem. The terrorist was shot dead at the scene by an Israeli police officer.

March 16, 2018: A Palestinian terrorist rammed his vehicle into four Israeli soldiers, killing two and seriously injuring the others, in the northern West Bank. The terrorist was captured by Israeli security forces.

Feb. 9, 2018: Israeli Border Police prevented an attempted stabbing attack at the Tomb of the Patriarchs holy site. Police arrested the suspect after finding a knife hidden in his clothes, and an investigation confirmed that he intended to stab Israelis at the holy site, which is a frequent target for stabbing attacks.

Feb. 7, 2018: A Palestinian terrorist stabbed an Israeli security guard in Gush Etzion in the West Bank. A second security guard immediately neutralized the assailant, and the victim was in stable condition.

Feb. 5, 2018: A Palestinian terrorist fatally stabbed an Israeli man at a bus station outside Ariel in the West Bank. The victim was pronounced dead at the hospital, while the terrorist managed to escape following the attack.

Jan. 31, 2017: Israel Defense Forces (IDF) thwarted an attempted Palestinian stabbing attack near Negohot in the West Bank. Following the arrest, the IDF confirmed that the would-be attacker was carrying a knife and a map of the community he planned to target.

Jan. 23, 2018: Two Palestinian terrorists carrying knives attacked a group of soldiers at a bus station near the Tapuach Junction in the West Bank. The attack occurred as the soldiers confronted the terrorists, suspicious that such an attack was about to take place. The terrorists were subdued and arrested.

Jan. 22, 2018: A Palestinian man was caught carrying a knife through security at the Tomb of the Patriarchs holy site, a frequent target for stabbing attacks. A police investigation confirmed the would-be attacker intended to carry out a stabbing attack at the site.

Jan. 9, 2018: A Palestinian terrorist shot and killed Rabbi Raziel Shevach, an Israeli father-of-six near, in a drive-by shooting near the city of Nablus in the West Bank.

Jan. 1, 2018: A Palestinian assailant with two knives ran towards Israeli soldiers at the Beit Einun Junction in the West Bank. The attempted attack was effectively stopped and no injuries were reported.


You’re obviously a Jew pedophile rape cult fanatic whose sick in the head.


Do your parents know you’re on their computer.



Actually I’m a real tough guy. But I don’t need to prove it to anyone.




You’re a truth hater trying evade your evil cult’s crimes.


Jan. 31, 2017: Israel Defense Forces (IDF) thwarted an attempted Palestinian stabbing attack near Negohot in the West Bank. Following the arrest, the IDF confirmed that the would-be attacker was carrying a knife and a map of the community he planned to target.

Jan. 23, 2018: Two Palestinian terrorists carrying knives attacked a group of soldiers at a bus station near the Tapuach Junction in the West Bank. The attack occurred as the soldiers confronted the terrorists, suspicious that such an attack was about to take place. The terrorists were subdued and arrested.

Jan. 22, 2018: A Palestinian man was caught carrying a knife through security at the Tomb of the Patriarchs holy site, a frequent target for stabbing attacks. A police investigation confirmed the would-be attacker intended to carry out a stabbing attack at the site.

Jan. 9, 2018: A Palestinian terrorist shot and killed Rabbi Raziel Shevach, an Israeli father-of-six near, in a drive-by shooting near the city of Nablus in the West Bank.

Jan. 1, 2018: A Palestinian assailant with two knives ran towards Israeli soldiers at the Beit Einun Junction in the West Bank. The attempted attack was effectively stopped and no injuries were reported.

Dec. 15, 2017: In the West Bank city of Ramallah, a Palestinian wearing an apparent explosive belt, which did not detonate, stabbed an Israeli Border Police officer during a violent protest.

Dec. 10, 2017: A Palestinian stabbed an Israeli security guard in the chest, seriously wounding him, near Jerusalem’s Central Bus Station. Policemen and civilians apprehended the attacker who attempted to flee the scene.

Nov. 17, 2017: A Palestinian terrorist rammed his vehicle into two pedestrians in the West Bank, seriously injuring one. After the rammings, the Palestinian terrorist exited his vehicle and attempted to stab a group of soldiers at the junction but was shot by soldiers present.

Oct. 4, 2017: An Israeli was found dead in Kafr Qassem, Israel. The Shin Bet security agency later confirmed it as a terrorist attack, arresting two Palestinian suspects from the West Bank in connection with the murder.

Sept. 26, 2017: A Palestinian terrorist killed two Israeli security guards and a Border Policeman before being shot and killed at the entrance to Har Adar in the West Bank.

Sept. 13, 2017: A knife-wielding Palestinian ran toward a bus stop near Kiryat Arba in the West Bank before being shot and wounded by Israeli troops.

Aug. 12, 2017: An Arab resident of East Jerusalem stabbed and lightly wounded an Israeli man near Jerusalem’s Old City. The attacker was arrested by security forces at the scene.

Aug. 2, 2017: A Palestinian terrorist stabbed and seriously wounded an Israeli supermarket employee in Yavne. The assailant was tackled by bystanders and subsequently taken into custody by Israeli police.

July 28, 2017: A knife-wielding Palestinian assailant charged at Israel Defense Forces (IDF) soldiers near the Gush Etzion Junction. The attacker was shot and killed. No soldiers were injured.

July 24, 2017: A Palestinian assailant stabbed and wounded an Israeli in the central city of Petah Tikva. The attacker tried to flee the scene but was wrestled to the ground by civilian bystanders and subsequently arrested by the police.

July 21, 2017: A Palestinian terrorist entered an Israeli family’s home in Halamish in the West Bank, and proceeded to stab members of the family, killing three. An off-duty Israel Defense Forces (IDF) soldier rushed to the scene and shot the attacker through a window.

July 18, 2017: In the West Bank, a Palestinian terrorist rammed his car into a group of Israel Defense Forces (IDF) soldiers, lightly wounding two. Israeli security forces subsequently shot and killed the assailant.

July 14, 2017: Three Arab-Israeli terrorists killed two police officers, Haiel Sitawe and Kamil Shnaan, in a shooting attack near the Temple Mount in Jerusalem’s Old City. A third officer was struck by shrapnel and was lightly injured as a result. The three assailants fled to the Temple Mount compound where they were shot dead by security forces.

Later in the day, an infant was among three lightly injured in a Molotov cocktail attack on a car traveling in the East Jerusalem neighborhood of Silwan. The perpetrators subsequently fled the scene.


July 10, 2017: An Israel Defense Forces (IDF) soldier was moderately wounded in a car-ramming attack in the West Bank. After striking the first soldier, the terrorist exited his vehicle and attempted to stab another. The assailant was shot and killed by security forces at the scene.

July 6, 2017: A Palestinian terrorist attacked and lightly wounded an Israeli Border Police officer at the Damascus Gate in Jerusalem. He was quickly arrested by security forces.

June 20, 2017: A Palestinian attempted to stab Israel Defense Forces (IDF) soldiers in the West Bank, north of Jerusalem. Israeli soldiers shot and killed the attacker.

June 16, 2017: Three Palestinian terrorists armed with knives and guns carried out an attack outside Jerusalem’s Old City, killing one Israeli policewoman and wounding three other people. All three assailants were shot dead at the scene.

June 1, 2017: A female Palestinian terrorist stabbed and lightly wounded an Israel Defense Forces (IDF) soldier outside Mevo Dotan in the West Bank.

May 8, 2017: A Palestinian attempted to stab Israeli police officers near the Damascus Gate of Jerusalem’s Old City, but was shot dead by security forces.

May 4, 2017: In the West Bank, a Palestinian assailant attempted to stab Israeli Border Police soldiers near the Tomb of the Patriarch in Hebron. The attacker ran toward the group of soldiers screaming with a knife in hand. He was shot and subdued at the scene.

April 26, 2017: A Palestinian assailant attempted to stab Israel Defense Forces (IDF) soldiers at a checkpoint near Nablus in the West Bank. No Israelis were injured in the incident. The attacker, whose cousin carried out a similar attack the previous day, was shot and subdued at the scene.

April 25, 2017: In the West Bank, a Palestinian terrorist attempted to stab IDF soldiers. No Israelis were injured. The assailant was shot and wounded at the scene.

April 24, 2017: A Palestinian assailant stabbed and injured an Israel Defense Forces (IDF) soldier at the Qalandiya checkpoint in the West Bank. Israeli security forces subdued the terrorist at the scene.

April 23, 2017: A Palestinian terrorist stabbed and lightly wounded four people in a Tel Aviv hotel. The attacker was overpowered by hotel staff and police at the scene and was subsequently arrested.

April 19, 2017: A Palestinian terrorist lightly injured an Israeli man in a car-ramming attack near Gush Etzion Junction, in the West Bank. Israeli security forces shot and fatally wounded the assailant at the scene.

April 14, 2017: In Jerusalem, a Palestinian terrorist from East Jerusalem stabbed and killed a 23-year-old British student visiting Israel. The assailant was apprehended at the scene by security forces.

April 6, 2017: An Israel soldier was killed and another was lightly wounded in a car ramming attack near Ofra, in the West Bank. The alleged attacker was apprehended by security forces at the scene.

April 2, 2017: A Palestinian man threatened to stab an Israel Defense Forces (IDF) soldier near the West Bank city of Qalqilya, but was apprehended without the use of force.

April 1, 2017: A Palestinian assailant stabbed and wounded three Israelis in Jerusalem’s Old City before being shot dead by security forces. The terrorist first attacked two young men and subsequently stabbed a police officer while fleeing the scene.


March 29, 2017: A Palestinian woman attempted to stab Israeli Border Police officers at Damascus Gate, outside Jerusalem’s Old City. The attacker was shot and killed at the scene.

March 13, 2017: A Palestinian resident of East Jerusalem stabbed and moderately wounded two Israeli police officers in Jerusalem’s Old City. The assailant was shot dead at the scene.

March 1, 2017: A Palestinian stabbed and wounded an Israeli inside his Havat Mor home in the West Bank. The victim shot and killed the terrorist.

Feb. 9, 2017: A Palestinian assailant injured at least four Israelis in a terrorist attack in Petah Tikvah. The attacker reportedly opened fire with an improvised rifle on a group of bystanders before proceeding to stab other victims. The suspect was arrested at the scene.

Feb. 2, 2017: A Palestinian driver lightly injured three Israelis in a vehicular attack at the entrance to Adam in the West Bank.

Jan. 29, 2017: Israeli security forces arrested two knife-wielding Palestinians who tried to enter Karnei Shomron, in the West Bank.

Jan. 27, 2017: A Palestinian assailant opened fire at an Israeli vehicle near Nili in the West Bank and subsequently fled the scene. Israel’s Shin Bet later arrested two suspects in a neighboring village.

Jan. 26, 2017: A Palestinian terrorist carried out shooting attacks near Azzun in the West Bank. An Israeli lookout reported a similar incident near Abud, also in the West Bank.

Jan. 25, 2017: A knife-wielding Palestinian rammed his car into a bus stop near Kochav Yaakov in the West Bank, but failed to injure anyone. Israeli troops shot and killed the attacker. Also in the West Bank, near the village of Abud, a Palestinian attacker shot at Israel Defense Forces (IDF) soldiers. The soldiers returned fire and injured the assailant.

Jan. 23, 2017: An Israeli soldier was lightly wounded by a pipe bomb hidden in a burning tire outside Mughayir, in the West Bank.

Jan. 9, 2017: A knife-wielding Palestinian attempted to stab Israel Defense Forces (IDF) soldiers in the Far’a refugee camp in the West Bank. The terrorist ran at the soldiers and shouted “Allahu Akbar” before being shot and killed.

Jan. 7, 2017: Fadi al-Qunbar, a 28-year-old Palestinian resident of East Jerusalem, plowed his truck into a group of IDF soldiers touring the Haas-Sherover Promenade in Jerusalem, killing four and injuring at least 16. Witnesses said that the assailant then reversed the vehicle and struck the soldiers a second time before being shot and killed by Israeli security forces. The four slain victims were identified as Lt. Yael Yekutiel, 20, Cadet Shir Hajaj, 22, Cadet Shira Tzur, 20 and Cadet Erez Orbach, 20.

Jan. 3, 2017: An Israeli Arab carried out two shooting attacks in Haifa, killing one and injuring another. The suspect admitted to carrying out the attack due to a hatred of Jews.


Dec. 18, 2016: An Israeli man was injured in a drive-by shooting attack in the West Bank. The perpetrators fled the scene.

Dec. 14, 2016: A Palestinian assailant stabbed and lightly wounded a police officer and a 12-year-old boy in Jerusalem’s Old City. The attacker was shot at the scene and later succumbed to his wounds.In the West Bank, a Palestinian gunman opened fire on an Israeli vehicle traveling. The occupants, a mother and her two children, were uninjured in the incident. The gunman fled the scene.

Dec. 8, 2016: In the West Bank, a Palestinian assailant attempted to stab Israeli guards at the Tapuah Junction. He was shot and killed by Israeli security forces.

Nov. 26, 2016: Israeli police arrested at least 35 people on suspicion of arson—or inciting others to commit arson—in connection with more than 1,500 fires reported across central and northern Israel. Over 60,000 Israelis have evacuated their homes, including tens of thousands in the northern city of Haifa. According to reports, more than 15 of those arrested were Palestinians and at least 10 were Israeli-Arabs.

Nov. 25, 2016: A Palestinian attempted to stab an Israeli security officer at a checkpoint in the Shuafat refugee camp in East Jerusalem. The attacker was shot and killed.

Nov. 21, 2016: A Palestinian man armed with a knife attempted to stab an Israeli guard at the Qalandiya checkpoint north of Jerusalem. Israeli security forces shot and killed the attacker.

Nov. 9, 2016: A Palestinian attempted to stab an IDF soldier in the northern West Bank. Soldiers shot and injured the attacker.

Nov. 3, 2016: An IDF soldier was shot and lightly wounded in a shooting attack near Tulkarem, in the West Bank. Israeli security forces have launched a search for the assailant. Also in the West Bank, a guard post outside Ofra was reportedly targeted in a drive-by shooting. No injuries were reported. In a separate incident, IDF soldiers foiled an attempted stabbing attack near Ofra, in the West Bank. The assailant was shot dead at the scene.

Oct. 31, 2016: A Palestinian Authority (PA) police officer shot three Israeli soldiers at a checkpoint near Beit El, in the West Bank. One of the soldiers is in serious condition. The assailant was shot and killed at the scene.

Oct. 30, 2016: A Palestinian man carried out a car-ramming attack north of Hebron in the West Bank, injuring three Israeli Border Police officers. Security forces at the scene shot and killed the attacker.

Oct. 28, 2016: A Palestinian man attempted to run over and stab Israeli soldiers near Ofra, in the West Bank. The assailant was shot and subsequently rushed to the hospital to receive treatment for his injuries.


Nov. 3, 2016: An IDF soldier was shot and lightly wounded in a shooting attack near Tulkarem, in the West Bank. Israeli security forces have launched a search for the assailant. Also in the West Bank, a guard post outside Ofra was reportedly targeted in a drive-by shooting. No injuries were reported. In a separate incident, IDF soldiers foiled an attempted stabbing attack near Ofra, in the West Bank. The assailant was shot dead at the scene.

Oct. 31, 2016: A Palestinian Authority (PA) police officer shot three Israeli soldiers at a checkpoint near Beit El, in the West Bank. One of the soldiers is in serious condition. The assailant was shot and killed at the scene.

Oct. 30, 2016: A Palestinian man carried out a car-ramming attack north of Hebron in the West Bank, injuring three Israeli Border Police officers. Security forces at the scene shot and killed the attacker.

Oct. 28, 2016: A Palestinian man attempted to run over and stab Israeli soldiers near Ofra, in the West Bank. The assailant was shot and subsequently rushed to the hospital to receive treatment for his injuries.

Oct. 19, 2016: In the West Bank, Israeli security forces thwarted a Palestinian stabbing attack against IDF soldiers at the Tapuah Junction. The assailant, a 19-year-old Palestinian woman, was shot and killed by security forces.

Oct. 15, 2016: An Israeli Border Police officer was stabbed and lightly wounded north of Jerusalem in the West Bank. The attacker fled the scene.

Oct. 9, 2016: A Palestinian gunman killed two Israelis and injured six others in a drive-by shooting attack. The attacker opened fire near the light rail stop across from Israel’s national police headquarters in Jerusalem. Following the initial attack, he shot and wounded a woman inside her car, and then drove to the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood of Jerusalem and opened fire at Israeli police officers. Israeli security forces eventually shot and killed the attacker.

Sept. 20, 2016: A Palestinian attempting to stab an IDF soldier at a checkpoint outside of Hebron was shot and killed.

Sept. 19, 2016: Two Palestinian men attempted to stab IDF soldiers near the Tomb of the Patriarchs in Hebron. One attacker was shot and killed at the scene, the other died of his wounds in the hospital. Earlier in the day, two Israel Police officers were stabbed by a Palestinian assailant in Jerusalem’s Old City. One of the officers, a 38-year-old female, was taken to the hospital in “very serious” condition. After attempting to stab an IDF soldier in Hebron, a group of Israeli soldiers arrested the would-be attacker.

Sept. 18, 2016: A Palestinian assailant stabbed and wounded an IDF soldier in Efrat, south of Jerusalem in the West Bank. The attacker was shot and subdued at the scene.

Sept. 17, 2016: A Palestinian assailant stabbed and wounded an IDF soldier in Hebron. The attacker was shot dead at the scene.

Sept. 16, 2016: A Palestinian assailant slashed an IDF soldier’s face before being shot dead in Hebron. Also in the West Bank, a Palestinian driver rammed his car into a civilian bus stop near Kiryat Arba, in the vicinity of Hebron. The driver was killed and a female passenger was injured. At the Damascus Gate in Jerusalem, a Jordanian attempted to stab a Border Police officer and was shot and killed.

Sept. 5, 2016: A Palestinian assailant was shot and killed in East Jerusalem as he attempted to run over Israeli police officers.


Aug. 24, 2016: An IDF soldier was stabbed and lightly wounded in a Palestinian stabbing attack near Nablus in the West Bank. The assailant was shot and killed at the scene.

Aug. 14, 2016: A Palestinian stabbed and lightly wounded a female IDF soldier in the northern West Bank, near Shaked. Security forces subdued the attacker without the use of force.

Aug.11, 2016: A Palestinian man stabbed an Israeli teenager with a screwdriver in East Jerusalem. The attacker fled the scene.

July 31, 2016: At a West Bank checkpoint, Israeli security forces thwarted a terrorist attack when they discovered improvised pipe bombs in the car of an Israeli-Arab man. The man was detained by security forces.

July 18, 2016: Two IDF soldiers were wounded in a Palestinian stabbing attack during their patrol duty on Route 60 between Hebron and Gush Etzion. The soldiers were approached by the assailant, who then stabbed them with a screwdriver. The attacker was subdued and is currently being treated at a hospital in Jerusalem.

July 17, 2016: A Palestinian armed with explosives attempted to carry out a bombing attack on the Jerusalem light rail. Israeli police thwarted the attack at the last minute and took the terrorist into custody.

July 14, 2016: A Palestinian man approached Israeli police officers with a knife in the East Jerusalem refugee camp of Shuafat. The assailant was subdued and taken into custody by Israeli security forces.


A Hamas terrorist who reached the border fence between the Gaza Strip and Israel explained how Hamas incites residents of the costal enclave into violent protests, in a video posted by the IDF on Wednesday.

In the video the terrorist, who was captured by security forces on May 15th, explained, “Hamas is the one that sends us Facebook and text messages telling us to go and in the mosques they call and send fliers that tell us to go to the fence.”

“They control the Gaza Strip, and everything that happens there goes through them,” the man explains.

“Hamas organizes these riots so that the people won’t revolt. Hamas tell themselves, instead of having people revolt and turn against us, we’ll send them to the fence and let them ‘revolt’ there freely,” he continued.



Trying to divert attention from the IDFs crimes by accusing others of crimes isn’t going to stop the investigations or nullify the outstanding resolutions against Israel. Israel has over 100 resolutions against it, the Palestinians have 1 and wouldn’t have any if they hadn’t been so severely victimized. The Jews are the problem, not the Palestinians. The Jews have hidden behind blame shifting for 3,000 years. Israel’s 70 year history has stripped that all away and exposed your evil cult for the malicious entity that it is. —


Two groups founded in the 1980s became major sources of terrorist violence in the 1990s and beyond and marked a shift from the avowedly secular Palestinian militants of the 1960s and ‘70s to an Islamic religious violence aimed at liberating Muslim lands from Jews. Hamas, which was founded in 1987 as an offshoot of Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood, emerged as a major terrorist group after it carried out the first suicide bombings on Israeli targets in the mid-1990s. During the Second Intifada, Hamas was responsible for a number of high-casualty suicide attacks, including the Sbarro restaurant bombing in Jerusalem in 2001 (15 killed), the Dolphinarium disco bombing in Tel Aviv in 2001 (21 killed) and the 2002 bombing of a Passover seder at a Netanya hotel (30 killed).


“The AJ article is a factual report” Bull$hit.


– UN to launch war crimes investigation into Israeli forces’ shooting of protesters –

https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/gaza-killings-israel-hamas-un-war-crimes-investigate-border-deaths-sniper-a8357981.html –


Try again Dicky D.

The Palestinian Ambassador to the U.N. Human Rights Council, Ibrahim Khraishi admitted on a live television interview recently, in a moment of extreme candor, that Hamas are the ones perpetrating war crimes against Israel and not the other way round.

His comments, which were made on a Palestinian Authority TV interview in July and translated by MEMRI, are particularly interesting as the U.N., over the last few days, has put together a panel of so-called experts to compile a report on alleged Israeli war crimes against the Palestinians. The claims arise over Israel’s actions during its recent defensive war against Hamas in Gaza, and its response to the launching of thousands of rockets and the digging of dozens of terror tunnels.



Trying to divert attention from the IDFs crimes by accusing others of crimes isn’t going to stop the investigations or nullify the outstanding resolutions against Israel. Israel has over 100 resolutions against it, the Palestinians have 1 and wouldn’t have any if they hadn’t been so severely victimized. The Jews are the problem, not the Palestinians. The Jews have hidden behind blame shifting for 3,000 years. Israel’s 70 year history has stripped that all away and exposed your evil cult for the malicious entity that it is.


Dick you’re quite the novelist but if I wanted $hit I’d squeeze your brain.


You’re a moron with no legitimate argument. So you choose to display your depravity to debase the thread.


terrorist attacks this is how now is called fighting back an invader and genocidal maniacs? How amerkan of you.


Deal with the facts moron, get an education.


moron is the one who did not jerk you off shit4 brains.


Jr. That’s no way to talk to Daddy, now get off of my computer before I get home.


yes broken condom, keep dreaming.


“broken condom” – now you know how you were conceived.


run out of sticky notes and using my words ? poor amoeba. Try not to stress your self too much and stop foaming at the mouth.


You get what you give, deal with it fool

Feudalism Victory

Without being partisan for either side a very good example of military thinking striking with every available means. It’s clear israel only wants palestineans to disappear so war is the only answer.


Ecological terrorism and the lives it endangers must not be and can not be tolerated.

600 such kites have been sent from Gaza with wo-hundred succeeded in reaching Israel burning 9,000 acres of crops and forests. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/34f152ec6eb6445ef8de86751dd5290941345874d27b6e0dd3f65c76809d5a1e.jpg

Empire's Frontiers

It’s a war, after all.

What do you call Israeli F15s dropping bombs? Architectural terrorism?


I call it a counter strike to 15,000 +rockets launched at Israel civilians, countess terrorists attacks and terrorists tunnels.

Empire's Frontiers

War, then.


For the Palestinians it always has been and always will be, that’s just reality.

Empire's Frontiers

The Israelis too.

They prefer, even demand this war because it’s their only path toward expansion.

You seem to be insinuating that there is a good guy fighting a bad guy, and that’s somewhat small thinking.


small thinking is the trade mark of all hasbara single cells send here by tel aviv


Single cell intelligence is your trade mark, moron.


the upstairs department is not your strongest point amoeba stick with the moronic things you trying to pass here.


“They prefer, even demand this war because it’s their only path toward expansion.” – contrary to facts. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a8c69c9ebd631b997bb8701f2574df48a514078f0475f33f7038a1038854ab60.png

Empire's Frontiers

The notion that the state of Israeli has been contracting is preposterous.

Coloring books notwithstanding. They’re more powerful and more capable of exerting force than they’ve ever been.

Their regional neighbors quite weaker than ever too.


“The notion that the state of Israeli has been contracting is preposterous.”

Are you insinuating that those maps have been photoshopped, sorry but that really is preposterous

Empire's Frontiers

Those maps don’t describe the expansion of the state of Israel, and taken on their own without historical context of the Israeli rise to power they are as dishonest as calling a party to a war a terrorist.

You’re arguing aimlessly with people whether they agree with your or not.

Some mental illness you’re nursing.


“Those maps don’t describe the expansion” – so are you saying they’ve been photoshopped, talk about arguing aimlessly, dishonesty and projecting your own pathetic mental illness on others. Sort of like the moron who claims Israel occupies Gaza 9 years after the last Israeli left Gaza, only idiots can come up with absentee occupation.

Empire's Frontiers

No one said they’re photoshopped but you.

They don’t tell the story, or any story. They’re maps without significance as you’ve presented them.

Pointlessness is the defining characteristic of your correspondence with other posters.


They’re all stolen land.


Dick here are the Facts

Several waves of Jewish immigration in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries resulted in economic development and job opportunities for the local population. Therefore, as the Jewish communities grew, so did the Arab population. Jewish organizations and individuals bought property from private landowners—many absentee—often paying exorbitant prices for barren desert and malaria-infested swamps. Upon statehood, Israel assumed title over any public lands once held by the Ottoman Empire.


The facts are that the Jews engaged in ethnic cleansing to expel the Palestinians from their lands, so that the Jews would have a numerical majority over the area that they claimed for Israel. And then wouldn’t let the Palestinians return to their lands so that the Jews could maintain a numerical majority. And that they stole all of the lands that they expelled the Palestinians from.


Israel is the only country in the Middle East with a growing minority th as t includes Arab Christians and Muslims but if you want to see actual ethnic cleansing try any of the 22 Arab states that have ethnically cleansed its Christians population from 22% in 1900 to just 5% today. Of course there is the Arab cleansing of its Middle Eastern Jewish communities.

In 1948, the year Israel was declared a state, 265,000 Jews lived in Morocco, 150,000 in Iraq, 140,000 in Algeria, 100,000 in Egypt, 100,000 in Tunisia, 55,000 in Lebanon, 40,000 in Libya, 30,000 in Syria and thousands more throughout the Middle East and Northern Africa, for a grand total of 880,000. Shortly thereafter, over 850,000 Jews were expelled from the very countries they called home. The Arab League rejected the establishment of the State of Israel and ultimately decided in forcing out the absolute majority of Jews from their countries.

Next time try growing a brain.


Judaism should be outlawed. The Arabs expelled the Jews in response to the Jews expelling the Arabs. Because Jews are an internal 5th column national security threat. We need to get rid of 6 million Jews in the US and get these parasites out of government, academia, the media and finance where they do so much harm. The synagogues and yeshivas should be closed.

Do you have any proof of this:

“if you want to see actual ethnic cleansing try any of the 22 Arab states that have ethnically cleansed its Christians population from 22% in 1900 to just 5% today.”

Hopefully you’re a member of the last tribe of Israel, the dodo Jews. And there won’t be anymore after your evil pedophile mass rape cult is outlawed.


“Judaism should be outlawed” – your mother needs to be outlawed but fortunately we have penicillin.


Coming from an evil cult member whose cult pedophile rapes 1,000 of your cult babies every week world wide, infects them with venereal disease, brain damages and murders them. The filth coming out of your mind isn’t surprising. You’re sick in the head.


All stolen land.

Val Shadowhawk



only? What a pity.


It’s not the ‘occupation,’ it’s the Jews Israel withdrew from Gaza 13 years ago, but the Palestinians have not made civil government a priority. The “occupation” is not a claim, it is a perception, and it is founded on the notion that Jewish sovereignty over any part of the Land of Israel is abhorrent. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a8c69c9ebd631b997bb8701f2574df48a514078f0475f33f7038a1038854ab60.png


Since when is arson a form of protest? I’m not sure what to call this but the word protest means something other than what it’s being used for in this case.

Empire's Frontiers

Right, this could be called armed resistance, armed provocation, or armed response.

Not properly a protest, nor does it share the goals of a protest.

Initiating weak clashes is still war fighting.


“videos reviewed appear to show demonstrators shot while slowly walking toward the border empty-handed or holding only a Palestinian flag or retreating from the border.”

– Gaza Killings Unlawful, Calculated Officials Green-Light Shooting of Unarmed Demonstrators –





Ignorant lying idiot, even Hamas and Islsmic Jihad admitted that 80% of those neutralized are terrorists operatives, moron.


Salah Bardawil, a senior Hamas official, told Palestinian news outlet Baladna TV that 50 out of the 60 who died on Monday were members of his organization, while the rest were civilians. Hamas won elections in 2006 and has run Gaza since the end of a violent power struggle the following year.

Israel has long argued that Hamas has used the protests, which began on March 30, as cover to for terrorist attacks or attempts to infiltrate its border.

The U.S. listed the head Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh, as a specially designated global terrorist. Hamas has been responsible for an estimated 17 American lives killed in terrorist attacks.

Enough said!!! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ec205ff9f47431f342c3e856f34d8d26bf51eb38f42ee3592f7e8a6f299ab4cb.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/21b9eea7126fddaaa15af41ed33686ca55e0836a988c250da196fb17b2e4d882.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7c5cb281f1aa9af272d0033286fec181abe2ef8205f52788bda27106ec2ea623.jpg


Arab states Ethnic cleansing of Jewish citizens




The short movie Behind the Smoke Screen by filmmaker Pierre Rehov shows exclusive images from inside the Gaza Strip, aimed at changing the international perception of the ongoing six-week protests dubbed the “Great March of Return” by Hamas.

“I shot the video because I observed many times first hand how Palestinians build their propaganda and I strongly believe that no peace will be possible as long as international media believe their narrative instead of seeing the facts,” the French filmmaker told The Jerusalem Post.

“Hamas knows that it can count on the international community when it launches initiatives such as those ‘peaceful protests’ which have claimed too many lives already, while Israel has no choice but to defend its borders.”

Rehov, who also writes regularly for the French daily Le Figaro, has been producing documentaries about the Arab-Israeli conflict for 18 years, many of which have aired on Israeli media outlets, including The Road to Jenin, debunking Mohammad Bakri’s claim of a massacre in Jenin, War Crimes in Gaza, demonstrating Hamas’ use of civilians as human shields and Beyond Deception Strategy, exploring the plight of minorities inside Israel and how BDS is hurting Palestinians.

Behind the Smoke Screen, which was shot in recent weeks by two Palestinian cameramen who work with Rehov on a regular basis, went viral and was published by many pro-Israel organizations.

“Welcome to the parade for the return – the latest big show organized by Hamas. Every day between 10,000 and 30,000 Muslim Arabs will participate in this smoke screen operation,” the video introduces the subject matter in the opening remarks.

The short movie then goes on to show shocking images of children being dragged to the front lines of the clashes as human shields and disturbing footage of animal cruelty.

It shows the contradictory tone of Palestinian leaders speaking in English in front of an international audience versus speaking in Arabic to their own people.

It shows the health and environmental risk of the burning tire protests and then asks rhetorically: “Where are the ecologist protests?”

It shows Hamas’ goals of crossing the border and carrying out attacks, and, if all else fails, trying to provoke soldiers, hoping for a stray bullet and making the front pages of international newspapers.

“I want to present facts, and one image is worth 1000 words,” the filmmaker emphasized



The short movie Behind the Smoke Screen by filmmaker Pierre Rehov shows exclusive images from inside the Gaza Strip, aimed at changing the international perception of the ongoing six-week protests dubbed the “Great March of Return” by Hamas.










Victims of Palestinian terrorism



The Palestinian lie



The Jew lie is that they were victims of the holocaust, when in fact the AshkeNAZI Jews were the cocreators of it. The Jews worked hand in glove with their Nazi partners on the holocaust to insure the fratricidal mass murder of millions of their coreligionists in the holocaust. To a large extent the holocaust was manufactured by the Jew death cult to support their crimes against Palestine:

In 1934, Stephen Wise, head of the American Jewish Congress said:

… I cannot be indifferent to the Galuth [the Jewish diaspora living outside of Palestine] … if I had to choose between Eretz Israel and its upbuilding and the defense of the Galuth, I would say that then the Galuth must perish.7

On October 2, 1937, two SS officers, Herbert Hagen and Adolf Eichmann, disembarked in Haifa and were met by the Gestapo’s agent in Palestine, Fritz Reichert, and later in the day, Fevel Polkes, a Haganah agent, who showed the Nazi officials Haifa from Mt Carmel and then visited a kibbutz. Some years later, when Eichmann was hiding in Argentina, he taped a story of his excursion to Palestine, stating:

I did see enough to be very impressed with the way the Jewish colonists were building up their land. … In the years that followed I often said to Jews with whom I had dealings that had I been a Jew, I would have been a fanatical Zionist.”

– The Zionist-Nazi Collaboration –


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