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MARCH 2025

Israeli Military Strikes Gaza Strip In Response To Mortar Attack (Photos)

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The Israeli military announced on January 31 that it had struck a post of the Hamas Movement in response to a mortar attack that was launched from the Gaza Strip.

On Twitter, the army’s spokesman unit said that 3 mortar shells were fired from Gaza, claiming that the Iron Dome had intercepted 1 mortar mid-air.

“In response to the mortar attack on Israel, an IDF tank just targeted a Hamas military post in Gaza,” the spokesman unit said on Twitter.

The Shehab Agency confirmed that the Israeli artillery stuck a post of Hamas in the district of Maghazi in central Gaza. The Palestinian news agency released several photos showing the aftermath of the artillery strike.

The attack coincided with large protests along the separation line around the Gaza Strip. Thousands of Palestinians took to line to protest against U.S. President Donald Trump recent peace plan, which will allow Israel to annex large parts of the Western Bank.

During the protests, 48 Palestinian were injured by the Israeli military, which used rubber bullets, tear gas and allegedly live fire.

The Gaza Strip may soon witness a new military confrontation as a result of Trump’s peace plan and the tight Israeli siege on the Palestinian region’s inhabitants.

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If one were an intelligent resident of Gaza, or anywhere in Palestinian areas, with an enterprising spirit, it would seem the quickest road to riches would be by owning a.Mortuary with its own casket makers and cementsry grounds. To keep buisness flowing one could encourage rock throwing juveniles and slip a few bucks to Hamas members so they can pay light and grocery bills and have enough left over to buy a few mortar or rocket rounds. On a smaller scale maybe a home repair or a tent and tarp making sideline.


A Kleenex franchise would be great as well with all the crying they do.


It was an empty Hamas post like always, they never have any casualties. Like I’ve said, Bibi and Hamas work together, those two feed on each other. Their wake up call is coming soon under Gantz.

Free man

I think Israel is smart in not killing Hamas terrorists in such incidents. Like Iran did by not killing American soldiers in its missile attack. By not killing, one is giving his enemy the option of not responding.

Luke Hemmming

You are right. Hamas is a creation of Israel. They use Hamas as an excuse to keep Gaza in lockdown and to siphon off funding from Israeli taxpayers to fund the ‘threat of terrorism. It’s the same thing the US CIA did by inventing Al Qaeda and ISIS. Create a terrorist group so you have an excuse for wars.

Free man

1. I don’t believe the conspiracy theories that Israel created Hamas and the US created Al Qaeda. But there is no doubt that Hamas / Iran allow the Israeli security system to receive huge budgets. And that the rivalry between Hamas and Fatah is serving Israel and weakening the Palestinians. 2. I also think that Hamas and Israel are making great efforts not to kill. In the past we have seen an exchange of fire with very few casualties on both sides. Because neither side has any interest in an all out war. 3. When the Syrian civil war began, Hamas supported jihadists fighting against the SAA. Hizbullah tactics developed against Israel have being used by Hamas against the SAA. That’s one of the reasons I always say there are no good jihadist terrorists.


1. Israel did not create Hamas; it supported its creation. There is enough verifiable information on this today – you just need to look it up. The creation of Al-Qeada by US intelligence is another matter you need to investigate. It began with Operation Cyclone arming jihadis in Afghanistan to serve US interests against the Soviet Union and had continued under Operation Timber Sycamore under Obama. It’s in reality an old British imperial tactic where Muslim radicals are to be used against British competitors. It began in 1877 under Wilfrid Scawen Blunt to target Russia.

2. The many IAF interventions in Gaza (especially the one of 2014) have shown a different reality.

3. It was/it not a “civil war” but a brutal Western attempt at removing Assad from power. Regardless, the “logic” where you equate Hezbollah to Hamas for (supposedly) using the same tactics is odd – not to say unfounded. Besides, you should make your bias a little less obvious: Hezbollah, whom you call “jihadi terrorists” came to be as a result of Israel’s illegal invasion and nearly two-decades long occupation of the south of Lebanon.


You can ask me whatever you want LR, no problem.


I agree with you LR, the Israeli/Zionist project that started in 1948 was supposed to let us live in security side by side with the Arabs, but wars have changed it. We did manage to have a peace deal with Egypt and Jordan, and now we have joint projects with them in terms of energy, security, water and mutual work places on the border. They realized that wars are bad for both people, and they did what was right. Unlike the Palestinians, that keep refusing every deal Israel and the U.S offer them – simply because they want it all. I support a two state solution and negotiations with the PLO, while removing Hamas from Gaza at the same time. In the end it’s up to them, can they accept living next to us and accept Israel as a Jewish state? right now it’s not the case. I think Trump’s plan is a very fair, and it gives them 70% of the West Bank with a tunnel to Gaza, and Eastern Jerusalem. We don’t need 300K Palis in the east city, they can take them.


Nahhhhhhhhhh…I just know my fellow Jews way better than you. Serious and deadly civil war among Jews is taboo. If I was Israeli, I never would vote for Bibi. I’m American and hate Trump. And have never voted for a Republican. If the Palestinians and their Arab allies had accepted their own state way back when, none of this would be happening. And by now there may well have been a very viable and prosperous common market uniting the economies of Israel and Palestine. The Palestinian leaderships’ always wanting it all is at the heart of this tragedy which the Palestinians will never win.


Im willing to die working in a radio active nuclear winter to so that other people have a better chance of making it.

The Magnum Opus of your lunatic raving.


Bonsoir, Bonjour Omega

Reçu ce soir ! Ceci pourrait vous intéresser

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Bonsoir Alex. Merci pour le lien. Le nVoc a tout l’air d’être ça: une arme à l’apparence biologique mais en réalité destinée a faire d’énormes dommages économiques.


Bonsoir Omega,

court et édifiant !


Un Évêque balance tout sur le Pape François et George Soros


What’s happening to Europe is outrageous. The statements in the video are accurate: it’s to destroy Christianity and the State. Insult to injury is the Church on board with the current vile, double-faced Pope Francis. The previous one, Benedict, opposed globalism and all the nonsense currently being pushed. I guess it’s the reason why they got rid of him.

In his Morals and Dogma, Albert Pike spoke of a Knights Templar’s “Degree of Revenge” in the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. It’s against the Churst (or rather, Christianity) and the Nation state. It has its roots in the 14th century with Pope Clement ordering the execution of the Knights Templars and their Grand Master, Jacques de Molay. Some of them escaped north to Scotland and remained underground. They later became the Freemasons.


You have my full respect and confirmation, restart the server and send me a link, maybe joining 1-2 supporters from each side would be nice aswell. If Jake, Free Man or bob are interested then I’m cool with it. You can bring the other side too.


the Israeli/Zionist project that started in 1948 was supposed to let us live in security side by side with the Arabs, but wars have changed it.

There never was a “side by side”. Form the very get-go, it was masqueraded as such by the British government while the British Deep State worked its way to achieve the complete opposite.

Both sides of the (violent) riots of the 1920s/1930s (violent) were fomented by the British Deep State to create further division. It lead to the 1937 Peel Commission – reject by both sides. It was then that Grün (a.k.a. Ben Gurion) unofficially set in motion the forcible migration of non-Jewish Palestinians out of Palestine. A decade of terror was waged in Palestine by the Jewish Zionists. It was so bad the British Army couldn’t contain it. In the last months of the British Mandate of Palestine, the same Jewish Zionists attacked and captured several hundred Palestinian towns/villages prior to self-declaring independence. This did not happen in the heat of battle but was planned since 1937.

Archives belie Israel’s narrative of Palestinian conflict https://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/originals/2017/08/israel-palestine-photography-narrative-conflict.html

Secret Israeli Document Reveals Plan to Keep Arabs Off Their Lands https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/.premium-secret-israeli-document-reveals-plan-to-keep-arabs-off-their-lands-1.8473226


end the criminal occupation of palestine now and send the friggin jews on a trip they’ll never come back from -the world can arrange it and the holocaust 2.0 will be the consequence of the criminal ways the jews perform their lives vis a vis other people. holocaust 2.0 will be their own undoing and no one will miss the jews.


And who will do that to them? You? Any country or group there that tried that would be turned into very pretty glow in the dark dust and vapor, if need be.


you’re a bore and a repetitive one at that. go hop in front of the next train and make the world a better place.


What fun would that be when I can watch you get fitted for a suicide vest and practice a lot? Pass the popcorn till you go pop…


What are the odds that virtually all rockets fired by Hamas end up on empty lands with virtually no injuries/casualties – and that, for decades? The rockets are also fired at the most appropriate time – every time – when it benefits Mileikowsky (a.k.a. Netanyahu) the most. Let’s get real.

There again, Israel did support Hamas’ creation (and thus the Islamization of Gaza) to thwart the (secular) PLO. Hamas is also the Palestinian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood, an organization created by British intelligence to serve British (and now Anglo-American) interests in Muslim nations. Feed both sides to keep the chaos going – good for business.

Free man

Have you considered the possibility that in these kind of exchange of fire Hamas doesn’t want to kill Israelis and Israel doesn’t want to kill Palestinians, so as not to cause a total war? Instead, you develop a theory that Israel / Britain is actually running the Palestinians. Which are too stupid to understand what’s going on.


Have you considered the possibility that in these kind of exchange of fire Hamas doesn’t want to kill Israelis and Israel doesn’t want to kill Palestinians, so as not to cause a total war?

You are yourself postulating a theory here. While it’s very possible, what would the purpose of Hamas firing rockets and Israel retaliating be? Additionally, why does Hamas always fire rockets when it helps Netanyahu the most?

Instead, you develop a theory that Israel / Britain is actually running the Palestinians. Which are too stupid to understand what’s going on.

If you re-read my comment more careful, you’ll see that I did not write that Britain/Israel run the Palestinians. Nor that the Palestinians are too stupid to understand what’s going on. I’ll add here: Palestinians do in fact not understand what’s going on but it’s not because they are stupid. It’s because the truth about the Muslim Brotherhood has been concealed well enough (most Muslims, not just Palestinians are aware of this). The case of Jews and/or Israelis isn’t any different – they have been duped in other ways.

My theory is based on the reading/research and cross examination of historical facts outside the mainstream version of history/media. It’s a complex and lengthy matter with roots in the cult of British Israelism. I won’t go into further detail here since it goes back to past centuries. To stay in more current times, Hamas today is akin to the likes of the (not so) Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Amin Al-Husseini. They are controlled opposition. In the 1920s riots in Palestine for instance, the British Deep State pitted Jews and non-Jews against one another. Al-Husseini was backed by the same Brits who supported Jews under Jabotinski. A typical British case of pitting people again each other to further British interests and hegemony. A British intelligence officer (Richard Meinertzhagen) had written a report depicting how the British military helped the Arabs riots against Jews in 1920 and take a stand against Jewish rule in Palestine. At the same time, the same Brits helped create the reactionary Jewish militias.

When I wrote above that virtually all Israelis and Palestinians are not aware of what’s going on, it echoes the thoughts of Adolphe Stern, a prominent Jewish Romanian. In his letter (currently held at the Israeli National Archives), he had made the observation that the (Anglo-Saxon) British ruling class consider themselves as the rightful owner of Jerusalem/Israel – not the Jews nor the Arabs.

“This is a Christian organization from Great Britain and the United States, in other words, from the Anglo-Saxon world, which, by means of Biblical-historical, ethnographical, archeological and linguistic proofs, establishes the presumption that the British (English) are direct descendants of the ten lost tribes of Israel.”


While the Balfour Declaration aspired to establish a national homeland and the writer of the Mandate even aimed for Jewish self-rule, the Federation saw itself as the exclusive heir to this territory. Neither the descendants of Ishmael – the Arabs, nor the Jews have any right to the land.


It’s not a coincidence that the same (Anglo-Saxon) British ruling class waged the two world wars and gave rise, funded, supported the rise of Nazism.

Zionism = EVIL

Zionist scum cowards have been killing defenceless Palestinians, so what’s new? and yet the pathetic fucks don’t have the balls to enter Gaza for the fear of death. Jews are lower than rats.


They have entered Gaza several times before and killed lots of Hamas goons and their supporters. They will do it again when they feel it’s needed but next time will surely be by far the worst for Hamas and friends given the governments now in Israel and the US. And the PLO will cheer them on in order to get back control of Gaza.

Arch Bungle

The World’s Most Moral Army.


joke321 is at it again polluting these commentary fields with his boring boring inanities – ignore ignore! he ain’t worth the bother or double your anti-zionist messages to an extent that he, idiot joke that he is, can’t achieve anything but will be exposed as the full fledged idiot he is.

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