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Israel Used Advanced Ground-To-Ground Missiles In Recent Southern Syria Strikes

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Israel Used Advanced Ground-To-Ground Missiles In Recent Southern Syria Strikes

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The Israeli military used advanced Spike NLOS ground-to-ground missiles in its recent attack on key military positions in the southern Syrian towns of Tell al-Harrah and Tell al-Ahmar, Syrian activists claimed on July 24.

The Spike NLOS [stands for Non Line Of Sight] is a significantly larger missile than other Spike variants, with an overall weight of around 70 kg. The missile, which has a range of up to 25 km, is guided by an EO-IR/CCD seeker with an on-board data-link.

Israel Used Advanced Ground-To-Ground Missiles In Recent Southern Syria Strikes


Pro-government activists claimed that the Israeli military launched the missile from ground-based launchers. This type of missiles can be also launcher from helicopters.

According to several sources, the Israeli missiles destroyed military equipment in Tell al-Harrah in western Daraa and in Tell al-Ahamar in al-Qunitra’s countryside. No one was reportedly injured or killed in the strikes.

Spike NLOS and several other similar precision-guided, ground-launched projectiles allow the Israeli military to conduct pinpoint strikes on sensitive targets in southern Syria with no risk to its aerial assets. The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) is yet to find a solution for this threat.

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The solution is right there and stares in everyone’s face: un-proportional retaliation. It is not tracking and interception, it doesn’t work with the Israeli mentality. They kill one of you? Kill 25 of them back. Fired 3 missiles? Fire 30 missiles back. If they sent 2 bombers destroy 10 airfields. That’s the only language they understand.

Alas talk is cheap and it only works if you are also able to bloody their daddy’s nose; but if that was the case, they wouldn’t dare harass Syria. a 70kg missile or small-diameter bomb can’t affect anything, with constant harassment they working on the world’s psyche and specially appease to the lunatic part of their own population.


As long as Russia is in Syria, Putin will prevent any attack on Israel or Bibi will not inform Putin anymore before the strikes in Latakia.

Hasbara Hunter


Hasbara Checklist:

Toronto Tonto, Critical Thinker 911, Occupying Pig Meat, Jacob “the Nose” Wohl, Jens Holm,

Some Extra…: Roger Smellyman, Frank Behrenstein, Baron Von GoatBanger, Joe Dirt, Smaug, Mountains, Lord of the Wankers, DutchNational, Just Watching, Hamster, retiredSOFguy, Terry Penis, Vidura, Neil Barron, Total Pinocchio, Derapage, Fatime Oomayadin, Real Anti-Racist Action, Free man, King Tudor777, Velociraptor, Ajdin Aksoy, Superfly, Serious, أبو ياسر, NOD Beware! These Folks get paid in $hekels to manipulate & speak with Crooked Tongue…






Hasbaras Copy this and use it every time you run into one of those TROLLS: Taken from UNZ Review, article, “Use of TERMITE by Louis Farrakahna was exactly right” – “Arthur Koestler, ( a person of the Jewish Faith –My, Freespirit emphasis ) is quoting from Maurice Maeterlinck’s Life of the Termites in order to establish in his readers’ minds a salient political point. Not only does Koestler find the termite to be the most accurate metaphor for society’s decay, but his other book, The Thirteenth Tribe, debunks the claim by the white Caucasian Ashkenazi Jews that they are Jews at all! His careful, scholarly, and historically accurate 1976 study found that the white people we think of as Jews—the Netanyahus, the Jonathan Greenblatts, the Alan Dershowitzes and the rest of them—are imposters with no genetic connection to the holy land or holy people of the Bible; they are not even Semites! Koestler
proves that their Caucasian tribal ancestors converted to Judaism sometime in the 8th century. So the charge of “anti-Semitism” constantly leveled at Blacks and their leaders has no actual meaning at all.” https://www.unz.com/article…


Damn, I’ll be fired. I have to work for real from now on. Lucky me I have your mom to pimp

Hasbara Hunter

Never underestimate your Enemy…you Rats will be getting some Free Publicity from me….I bet you recognize a couple some will have changed there names but are still in here…hehehe…Filthy Parasites…


Quote from one of your links:

“By 1929 Stalin had decided to liquidate the kulak as a class and to once and for all destroy Ukrainian Nationalist feeling. Thus, collectivization and forced famine began. Million were deported by OGPU agents, hundreds of thousands executed for even the slightest resistance. In 1933, Stalin caused a forced famine that killed millions. It is said that 14.5 million died from 1929-1933 as a result of the collectivization polices”

I think you are a Hasbara Rat ;;))

Hasbara Hunter

Yeah there are indeed some pretty interesting links among them…the Khazarian-Bolshevik Yagoda the Jewish Butcher have you read that?


No I don’t have time for that, come with something about the actual Khazarian Oligarchs from Moscow to prove you are not a Hasbara Rat

Concrete Mike

You dont have time for that?

Why are you busy workkng a.real job?

Day shift a.mcdonalds is still a better job than what your doing now.


What I’m doing now other than pimping your concrete ass mom?

Steve Brown

sucks Bibi dry פֵּאוֹת mohel mf’r

Hasbara Hunter

We’ll have to see how things develop….First the AngloZioNazi-Empire has to come down…FIRST THINGS FIRST! The AngloZioNazi Empire are the worst of’m All: Genocidal Maniacs…


Yeah, no word about the Khazarian Billionaires from Moscow as long as they keep their money in Western banks, as I thought, you are a sell out, a tool of the Rothschilds, while the Russian people is being robbed of resources, you are talking only about the West, shot up about the biggest pillage in history.

Hasbara Hunter

First read about Yagoda….then come back to talk a little bit…I wonder how happy the Russians will be with those Khazarian Bolsheviks in charge…it is best for Russia to just confiscate their Fortunes…


A UN convention like the one abolishing slavery abolishing Judaism for institutional statutory rape would help get the problem solved.


Nobody has been tougher on them than Putin. And judging from what’s been done in Syria since 2015. There’s more to come.


Other than dealing with Bibi a secret nonagression pact in which Bibi tells Putin where he will attack Syrians and Iranians and Putin tells him what he knows in case of an attack on Israel, yes it was a nice figure, thought most people including me believed those s-300 will work…


Last time I checked, they agreed that the US and Turkey need to get out of Syria.




This sure sounds like declare victory and leave to me.

From Netanyahu’s Facebook page:

“We also have a common objective to achieve that larger goal, and that is no foreign forces that arrived in Syria after 2011 remain in Syria. We think there are also ways to achieve this common goal, which will create a more stable Middle East, or at least a more stable Middle East in this part of that region. I believe that the outcome that I’ve just described – the departure of all foreign forces from Syria who entered Syria after 2011 – will be good for Russia, good for the United States, good for Israel, and may I add, good for Syria.”

– PM Netanyahu Leads Trilateral Summit Meeting of US, Russian and Israeli National Security Advisers –



He’s reminding everyone who’s boss in that region, nothing more. Meanwhile Israel always announce Russia before strikes in Syria so Russian personnel can run, like 30 mins before. Bibi is expecting Putin to do the same if Israel is targeted and Russians have any info. That’s why it’s not targeted, cause they’ll know before…from Russians :)


Like I said Putin & Netanyahu agree that the US and Turkey need to get out.


From your quote: “and that is no foreign forces that arrived in Syria after 2011 remain in Syria.” Isn’t Russia among them? I mean I can close the eyes that your comments are random and not integrating in any discussion but are you so retarded that you can’t interpret your own quotes even after repeating them?


No, Russia has been in Syria for decades.


Ahh then Mossad and CIA too

Steve Brown

and you slathering on the hand cream with rabbonim at shabat bath time… lol


False, not Stalin, the jewish bolsheviks killed 18 millions of Christian russians. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2944eda8005a2bd31994090c8c57eb62f9d4a2a4e05ba2398babe7722f269acb.png


Yeah? the same jewish are ruling Russia today with Putins help?


I hope to close it here with you that tells the story of Abraham & c. Russian Jewish zionists betrayed their country and fled to America and Palestine. Russian jews are with Putin, not with racist Netanyahu.


This new category of racists nazijews live with hatred, they are irrecoverable to human society.

Hasbara Hunter

I have learned a lot from these Hasbararat-Parasites…a little insight in the Khazarian Mind….they are the Lowest Lifeform on this Entire Planet….


The truth is that Hitler wanted to imitate their racism with Arians instead of jews. He considered the slaves inferior race. For exemple to day in Ucraine nazists and jews are brotherhood against russians.

Hasbara Hunter

Divide et Impera…

Steve Brown

damn your פֵּאָה mohel axx haeb..


Great job to unmask the false continuos of racists nazisionists. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/357f8fe2b4fb5bfe99bb608fdfde48a932d6ed40d7a2c4b15687d8f1a2c39f7b.jpg


What is the name of Aleksandr I Solzhenitsyn book ? please.

Hasbara Hunter

The Gulag Archipelago…


Zionism = EVIL

Sadly, that is a realistic assessment. Russian policies in Syria have been about the preservation of the Zionist criminals from get go. That is the reason Iran and Hezbollah no longer participate in SAA operations and are focusing on strengthening the Axis of Resistance in the region with the Tehran-Beirut highway now operational. Iran is a regional power with its influence dating back to the Zoroastrian era and is thinking long term strategy. Russian endgame in Syria is confused, unattainable and will not last as it is aimed at pleasing its Americunt and NATO “partners”, the Turkeys and Zionists. No wonder Assad has gone to ground and not seen in over six months now.


If the war was won they’d be in a lot better position to do that. The sooner that Iraq closes the Syrian border to the US. Rather than playing both sides. The sooner that the baby raper problem can be resolved from a position of strength rather than weakness. It’s the Iraqis not the Turks who are fueling the biggest part of the problem.


In a perfect world, that would be the way to go. Every country has traitors and sold out and Iraq is no exception. Do you think all the money which the US spends for “war” in Iraq (and Afghanistan) goes to pay for the equipment and soldier salaries? A big chunk if it goes to buy “influence” and managing/shaping public opinions. To make the matter worse, it’s not just the US who does that. Saudis also spend unbelievable amounts of money. Iraqi Kurdistan is absolutely sold out. Never assume they let go of their dream about cutting parts of Iraq just because their referendum failed miserably. There are a lot of Sunni politicians, army officers, public servants and average joes who feel oppressed by the Shi’a majority despite being in the structure of power. They missed the good old days of Ba’th party and not sharing power. There are also sold outs in Shi’as. With all these traitors (you probably remember the army officer who gave Americans coordinates of PMU bases) and all the money spent and also the matter of being occupied, it’s no wonder why the country can’t decide for a firm course of action or blocking the US access to border.

Regarding the attack on PMU, there are stronger possibilities than the attack originating from Israel. Iraqi Kurdistan is where terror groups are free to roam and have bases and sanctuaries. They conduct terror attacks in Iran and Turkey and then flee back to KRG where they are protected. KRG was defeated by PMU and terror or sneak attack is just the way Kurdish militia do business. Saudi Arabia is also another possibility and most importantly, there are numerous US bases in Iraq and Syria. The culprit in my opinion is the US, either military or intelligence but the US nevertheless. At the moment PMU is not a threat to Israel and there’s no political or their twisted version of moral gain for them in attacking PMU. Iraqis felt the taste of Yinon plan with their bones, believe me.


No Iraqi politician with an IQ in the double digits is ignorant of the fact that Mossad and the US occupation forces in Iraq are joined at the hip. They know that every compromised Iraqi politician supporting US occupation is a Jew boot licker.

These traitors have zero self esteem and patriotism. From the PM on down. They’re sitting on one of the greatest oil reserves on the planet and need nothing from no one if they’d get their act together.

What is Jewmerica going to do, sanction Iraq on top of Venezuela, Russia, Iran, Libya, China, India, the EU and others? At the rate that they’re going there isn’t going to be anyone else left to sanction. The world needs oil that the US and GCC can’t provide.

China is openly ignoring them and numerous others are simply paying lip service while circumventing them as the obvious bs that they are.

Anything that the US can provide can be obtained elsewhere. The Iraqis need to grow a pair and stop being Yinon plan flunkies.


Syria cant afford opening another front with the Zioscum, at least not yet.


why can’t syria or iraq or iran or even turkey sneak a couple of drones across the border and strike at tel aviv or haifa or even knesset – would be fun to watch and at the same time have every defensive missile in those countries on full alert.


Because Putin will inform Bibi before any such attack.

Black Waters

Cut the shit with propaganda dude, nobody believes your bs.


Why wouldn’t you do the same, cut the shit? Putin is linked to Bibi through people like Abramocich. And even if they weren’t, every before Bibi trikes Syria he informs Putin to be sure Russian personnel is not killed, wouldn’t be logical for Putin to do the same in exchange?

Parisa Zoorgoo

funny how ziochitts call putin a zio to give him a bad name. we know they are desperate for ww3. its ok to take a few slaps before the world coordinates and gang nukes the problem into a greater peace project. Palestinian oil belongs to palestine ,Golan to syria and no kurdistan as long as dancing child burners are in charge. evrything else BDS.

Floyd Hazzard



Parisa Zoorgoo

bexause only a few nukes would do the job or massive anti 911/mafia demonstrations demanding cheneys skin . BDS more than ever

Rhodium 10

Meanwhile SAA have Kornet D with more than 10km range enough to hit israeli position in Golan heights!…but SAA are a useless army which need the help of RUAF and Hezbollah to avoid be defeated!


Is preparing Russia to retreat from Syria or just childish excuses they are sitting ducks for Israel?

Taz T

Russia is becoming a problem making deal with Turkey and Israela and stopping Syria to defend herself. These attacks are carried out with Putin’s knowledge and it usually happen whenever they meet. Israel will not stop until Syria retaliate., that is the only language Israel understand.


Nazsion is a terrorist state, like Saudi Arabia, assassins and butchers. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/0bcf1e3817d88a543029eb2a26edc73768720e260ad60e0a20da4495fdd74cda.jpg

Lena Jones

Why doesn’t the article also include that several of these jewy surface-to-surface were intercepted?

Jimmy Jim

Time to whack some Zionists.

Lena Jones

Waaaaaaay past time.


because Spike is not interceptable. Can only dodge, by hiding behind a wall or something. The missile is a low altitude evasive trajectory, and no current technology can intercept it. Theoretically can be jammed, but if on self-guidance mode, then impossible.

Lena Jones

I like the image of a missile “hiding behind a wall” lol!

Here’s a statement on the attack by anti-Bashar mouthpiece: “The regime’s anti-aircraft defence has been activated to counter the attack,” director of the Observatory Rami Abdel Rahmane said. “Some missiles have been shot down, others have hit their target.”



Its not missile hiding, but the target. Missile cannot idle on air, hence cannot hide behind a wall:)) He perhaps was not talking about Spike. Spike is an ATGM. ATGM is a cheap and small missile, so no country has developed an anti-ATGM. There are systems that can jam them, but not shoot down. So that interview has nothing to do with Spike.

Lena Jones

Hey thanks for the info. And about that “missile hiding behind a wall”: It’s just the cartoonish image that reading your comment conjured :-)


I had the same image in my head after i read your reply, i think i have seen it from “Wile E. Coyote and the Road Runner”:)))

Xoli Xoli

Israel Jews are very important for satanists,supremacist, racist, oppressors,warmongers like Trump, Bolton, Pompeo, Satanyahu, Macroni,Merkel,May,Boris the gay sodomy. Because Israel Jews have killed Jesus Christ and never ever accept him as Messiah and God.


Israeli attacks on Syria are like the Space Shuttle. At first everyone is interested but after it happens so many times then people don’t even seem to notice except for a limited few. Even most other alternative news outlets didn’t even report on this latest attack. Syria threatened retaliation 4 or 5 attacks ago and what have we gotten??? Zip, nada, zero, zilch. Now Israel is evicting more Palestinians and destroying more homes. All with impunity. Like it or not Israel is King of the middle east. Welcome to Zionism. Bow to your Talmudic masters.

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