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MARCH 2025

Israeli Military Vehicle Hit By IED In West Bank. 7 Soldiers Injured – Reports

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Israeli Military Vehicle Hit By IED In West Bank. 7 Soldiers Injured - Reports

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An Israeli military vehicle was hit by an IED on Route 90, in the area of Qasr el Yahud in the West Bank area on February 14, according to reports in Arab and Israeli media.

7 Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) service members were reportedly injured in the incident. The injured personnel were evacuated to hospitals in Jerusalem.

According to preliminary data, the IDF service members were repairing a fence near a mine field.

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jerry hamilton

The shit’s about to hit the fan.



An explanation of the Jewish fixation with ‘poop’. :)

You can call me Al

Did you really, really have to post that link ?.

http://media.breitbart.com/media/2016/04/Israel-Toilet-Paper-640×480.jpg https://img.memecdn.com/different-shit-same-jew_o_5275453.jpg http://i.imgur.com/qzyZLlY.jpg https://images.encyclopediadramatica.rs/thumb/2/29/Jewjitsu.jpg/300px-Jewjitsu.jpg

PS IT looks like you need to look at the last two links through the links.


Excellent. I recall a few years ago an interview with hotel house keeping in an upmarket Hotel in India. They were complaining how rude Israeli tourists were and that many defecated in the beds when they left.


Palestinians have long reported that IDF soldiers routinely defecate in Palestinian houses they search – in the sinks etc. It is apparently a notable behavioral phenomenon – but it is also notable as incredibly passive aggressive behavior – indirect aggressive insult.


General Patton wrote to his wife about the disgusting habits of the jews liberated from the labour camps. He was shocked that those jews defecated everywhere ,even when latrines were nearby.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Many of these Soldiers were all junkies and that should explain why that behavior exists.These teenage streeters all hang out in parks doing OxyContin and other opiods and they do everything to try to clean up them in parks even foist them on other nations through their work programs. Why you see so many Jews hawking wares everywhere in the world.

Overwatch D.VA

well, to be honest , many international western tourist especially backpackers are lacking enough sense to act decently.. they think just by being a westerner they are allowed certain leeway in acting indecently..

not all western tourist is this way but there’s plenty of them

You can call me Al

As a side issue, I was in Sri Lanka and they slagged off the tightness of the Dutch to part from their money and compared them with ….. our hooked nosed friends.


No to two state solution. Kill all Israeli terrorists and clean Palestine. This operation will soon launched in Palestine.


dream on….

Overwatch D.VA

that one gigantic tissue roll , i wonder what kind of A** they will be used on ?

You can call me Al

Merkel…..Clinton…..plus plus.


So, you Do like SOME jews :)))


Yes I do actually and Gilad Atzmon is one of them I have read his books. The ‘Wandering Who’ is well worth reading. He is a good musician as well and I am not obsessed with music :)


Good to hear Florian, i was afraid you were a stupid racist!!


I have never really cared what colour a person is BUT some people from all races are essentially amoral and evil and sadly it is often these people who with other like minded thugs gain power. Rather like a local street gang that is out of control.

Israel has been governed by thugs since its inception.

Many Israelis realise this but will not do what it takes to remove the monsters in power.


Most israelis are completely brainwashed by a sick ideology. But there was Hitler and the shoah (lets not argue about the details, because it wasn’t a nice event), so it was an easy job for the zionists to persuade a lot of jews to follow this ideology in the beginning. That doesn’t justify anything, but it makes it understandable and for us in our comfort zone it is much easier to critize it then from within. This is why i have great respect for people like Gilad Atzmon


‘Fear’ is the greatest driver of animal, fish, insects and human emotion.

Humans though have learned how to ‘ weaponise fear’.

You can call me Al

Yeah I agree, but like the Yanks I think and I hope that the hooked noses are overstretching themselves…Syria, The Lebanon, gobbing off about Iranians and now Palestine again.

But yes, in my view, as you, something big is about to happen.


IED’s will likely be the nemesis of the IDF as they were for the USA in Iraq :)

jerry hamilton

At what cost? This is likely the death sentence of hundreds of Palestinians.

Promitheas Apollonious

Let them worry about the cost. They do pay the cost, every day, after all.

jerry hamilton

Was it even planted by a Palestinian. They understand their whole families could be killed for this.

Promitheas Apollonious

that did not stop them in the past, fighting against the occupiers of their lands what make you think they back down now ? I don’t think you understand very well their mentality and what they stand for, or what they are fighting for.

Who planted it to your opinion?

jerry hamilton

I read years ago that Hamas was policing their area and stopping rockets being fired.

Promitheas Apollonious

years ago was years ago. Today is today.

jerry hamilton

They know many Palestinians will die for that attack, which is exactly what netanyahu wants. Strange all the IDF were only injured. I’m half inclined to think it was planned by Mossad.

Promitheas Apollonious

I will not put it pass them. But I don’t see the profit in doing it. They don’t need an excuse to hit the Palestinians, already doing so at will and it will not help them in any way to press an attack where they want to go, that is Syria.

Unless they use the Palestinians for bait against the Iranians and Hezbollah. But that is way long shot.

jerry hamilton

They know most of the world hates them, possibly they feel they have to justify a large scale slaughter.

Promitheas Apollonious

ok……… but already are in open conflict with the Syrians – Hezbollah and Iranians. First blood is openly taken from both sides. That the world hates them is not new is as old as history. As they also know that slaughtering Palestinians at this point will not be left unanswered and they will have more loses they care, right now.

More than likely, the stupid queens, they went to service the land mines just stepped on one and blew themselves up.

Mustaffa Ashaa

This is a repeat of the biggest Israeli hallucination: It was not the Palestinians for, (as Golda Maier said in 1957), “there no such a thing as Palestinians” …. up to the downing of the F16 few days ago. Lieberman: “It was the Iranians who shot down the F16 THERE IS NO SUCH A THING AS Syrian ADS ” .. The God Father Bibi in the WP : “There is no Lebanese fighting Israel … It is the Iranian Rev. Guards .” …etc … For the Palestinians, they have to prove their existence. They look forward to the day that there will be a day in which there will be no such a thing like a Jewish State, but a secular democratic state for all its citizens. History shows there is only one way to achieve that.

Overwatch D.VA

everything coming from their mouth are lies , because they behave and act like their father which is Satan..


Yeah just let ISISrael do what they want, they will treat the Palestinians well if they get what they want. All they want is to expand about 4000%.

jerry hamilton

Palestine can’t win this. Someone has to win it for them.


Read the story. ‘The IDF service member repairing a fence near a MINEFIELDS’

They don’t waste any kind of story for that’s their best talent.

Overwatch D.VA

remember this is IDF the most casualty averse army.. these people would scream for help if they got stung by a wasp or bee and claim it is evil palestinian wasp / bee that attacked the innocent and righteous IDF soldiers..


It seems Russia, Hezbollah, Iran and Syria are doing it. Turkey is now getting on board, but they aren’t trustworthy. This loss in Syria is really the combined sanity of the nations there to the end of the Greater Israel Project. This loss for the Zionists is catastrophic, they have invested 70 years and $trillions on this massive project.

jerry hamilton

They still have the American government who will jump through hoops for them.


Yeah you’re right but we are being marginalized throughout the world. We are becoming irrelevant. The sane world is doing what you do with a rabid dog let us spin and bite in an open dirt field. If you don’t think we are fading into impotence think of this. We import 85% of all we consume. Our money is being fazed out. Our reputation is about as tarnished as it can get. No one trusts us. We can’t even make our own clothes, about half of our food is imported. The real reason we attacked Libya, Iraq, Lebanon, Sudan and everyone of these nations is because they were trying to get away from the usurious US$. Every other reason is BS. Afghanistan is about the $trillion a year heroin business.

Promitheas Apollonious

Not for all of you. For example you sound as one who knows what is happening and he don’t pretending he is asleep to reality. Too bad anglozionists have turn north america into a living heel and spreading it around the world now, but even that has an expiration date.


Our day of reckoning is coming and it won’t be pretty. We are nutty enough to take down as many as we can. Russia and China get that. We are/will be like a dangerous wounded rat. I include myself in this as it is written it rains on the just and the unjust alike. The sins of our fathers are about to be visited upon us. Lack of vigilance to the evils of our ZOG IS a sin.

leon mc pilibin

Dont forget theREEs worth trillions buried in the Afghan ground.Thats why -Trumpy changed his mind about pulling out,when he was briefed about this wealth.Its mostly in Helmund province,and thats where most of the ethnic cleansing is going on,to clear the way for Mining.Check it out.


No, you’re correct, but US Army went into Afghanistan in 2001 when the Taliban had cut poppy production by 98.5%. This is a $trillion per year business. The mineral wealth came later. The US Army is in the heroin protection business.

leon mc pilibin

The wealth of the REEs leaves the poppy fields in the shade.Do the simple research.


I have done the simple research. Just go to the AP and track the poppy production per year from 1990 to 2010. The metric ton production per year during this time was 400-500 metric tons with the exception being 2001 when the Taliband decreed it evil and destroyed 98.5% of the crops. That was the year US Army invaded and it went right back up. I don’t know what your bank account looks like, but $1trillion per year for 15 years would at least double mine. This graph of poppy production was printed in the El Paso Times newspaper… amd many others I’m sure.

leon mc pilibin

You are missing the point,of course the poppies are worth trillions,BUT the REEs will prove more profitable ,and they havent really started full time mining yet,,thats why trumpy changed his mind about pulling out,and why they are bombing the hell out of Helmund province,where most of the REEs are .They are trying to eliminate the civilian population so as to have free movement in their thieving.


No I get your point and you’re correct. I think the original reason we went there was the poppies. The REES came after, and we’re not going to leave until we wear out our welcome. That is happening in Syria. All of this is related in the NWO scheme of things. Even more important than REES and poppies is our presence in these companies to antagonize and destabilize them. This is all a world play with the IMF and the Jewish banking cabal the primary driver. When Iraq and Libya and other countries tried to get away from the US $ we destroyed them. The only real hope for the world is the BRICS countries with their value backed monies.

Mustaffa Ashaa

That is the exact sentence used by the Gestapo chief in occupied Czechoslovakia after the assassination of Nazi commander in Prague in 1942 .. !!!!! Collective punishment did not ensure 1000 year for the 3rd Reich nor it will guarantee the survival of the new Fascist racist Israel. Greeting and Respect to all those fight the settler apartheid Zionist state and its imperialist supporters..


This is the retaliation I think you refer to Mustaffa.


The obliteration of Lidice.

Mustaffa Ashaa

No ,,, is not retaliation ,,,, If IAF attack Syrian military airports, downing one or more Syrian warplane this is called retaliation ,,, Lawyers,then, argue about proportionality …. What the Nazis did in Lidice is called collective punishment which is a War Crime.However, the Nazi did not have. monopoly on war crimes. The ally burning of Dresden, Hiroshima, Agent Orange in Vietnam and Israel bombing of Gaza which resulted 12000 wounded. 3200 killed among them 824 children under 14 are war crimes,too. The Nazis received what they deserved in just punishments, while Olmert , Sivilibny, Nathanyahoo are free travelling as statesmen and recieved with trumpet pomp. A Palestinian child; (15) arrested because she slapped an Israeli soldier who wanted to search her. Her charge “Giving the occupation a bad Image”. Himler and Eichmann Eat your hearts out someone surpassed and contesting your records. Her Himler, did you had more children in your jails ? someone have in a place called Israel .


Hezbollah is the nemesis of Israel. They whupped Israel’s butt in ’06. They are vastly more experienced after 6 years of fighting in Syria and way better equipped. We created ISISrael and now Hezbollah is one of the most capable armies on earth. Not only are the Merkava tanks fish in a barrel, their air force is rocket bait. Their ground troops? they are laughable.

Promitheas Apollonious

WE created ISISrael…. whose we?


“We” would be we(US) with help of Sodom Arabia, ISISrael and Turkey… Turkey loved ISISrael as long as they got 75% discounted oil. Them Russkies gotta queer the deal all wanting peace and the end of our(US) invading nations. Read ”

Global Warfare: “We’re going to take out 7 countries in 5 years: Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan & Iran..”

Video Interview with General Wesley Clark”

Promitheas Apollonious

k you just confused me using the WE. I am aware of what you mentioning but then again any thinking person knew what UK and colonies been trying and keep trying to do around the world long before any one of them began to talk. NWO and globalization it is not a new fruit, or is the first time is attempted, by the same culprits.


You’re absolutely correct. The UK, except for the City of London, is pretty much irrelevant. We(US LOL), are the big dumb brute attack animal of the NWO Zionists. Yeah they’ve been doing this for 4-500 years as we know it today. This loss in Syria is the first major loss they’ve ever had and it is catastrophic for them.

You can call me Al

Actually it was the UK and France.

it is hilarious to see the supposedly ‘christian’ USA wholly support the anti christian ‘israel’ where according to christian bible it will be the place of world government led by Anti Christ who seek to kill every single christian in this world..

the delusional american evangelist movement who supported israel are the one paving the road for antichrist personage that will destroy christianity in this world..

what a sad irony


There are no two religions more diametrically opposed than is Judaism and Christianity. If one belief is right the other by definition is wrong. There is NO nexus between them. The greatest coup the Zionists ever did was to hi-jack Christianity. Without the power of them the Zionists would be a head cold rather than a world wide plague.

Overwatch D.VA

yes, the zionist cleverly manipulate the christians to support their despicable zionist israel agenda which is on par with genocidal NAZI action.. yet so many of so called “chrisrian” who never study their own bible saw modern israel as another reincarnation old ancient israel.

the today israel is fake jewish nation , whose rabbis are waiting for a fake messiah , and they will get their messiah all right , the one the bible called thr antichrist and his prophet..

american foolish christians will be the one ushering thr antichrist who will murder all christian in the world.. talk about irony..


The old testament story of the promise to Abraham is the Messiah would be of his bloodline. Today’s Israelis are not of the biblical bloodline. It is a fantastic sale to sell this hoax on 95% of the world’s Christians. I don’t agree with your anti-Christ assessment, he won’t destroy Christianity, he will pervert it. I think has happened in the time of Constantin. The Jews are a perversion that rose up from the Khazarian hoards in the 800s when they “found God”.

Overwatch D.VA

the bible itself said in the end times there will be fake jews serving their satanic synagoue , and antichrist’s capital is jerusalem..

makes one wonder why so many american so called christian really read the bible , or they just “thing” they are christian ?

Hide Behind

HEZBOLLA DID NOT WHIP ISRAEL..The Israeli attack was what is known as a “punishing expedition”, not a full fledged invasion. IF you call it a victory when over half your dwellings are demolished, 80% of your people running like he’ll out of your domain, and After inflicting minor casualties to invaders, you find a few troops crawling out from under concrete slab shouting Allah ERG happened a victory… you are she’ll shocked delusional or some kinda maniacal nutcase.


Israel lost 49 “invincible Markava(Chariot of god(small letter for the Talmud god of Israel)) tanks in their 2 separate four hour invasions into Lebanon. About as bad as the Egyptian slaughter in 1972… and yeah you’re correct, ISISrael are experts on conducting war on unarmed civilians. The fabulous IDF diaper army…

Overwatch D.VA

read the books on lebanon 2006 war , not books by pro israeli writers who write propanda crap , but neutral book by western military writers..

Look up the interview with IDF officers/soldiers in these books.. it is eye opener..

– IDF soldier expect hezbollah to retreat just like the PLO did in 1980 – IDF tankers never expect hebollah anti tank commandos to use saturation attack on merkavas, using salvoes or unguided RPG , old SAGGER ATGM and modern Kornet/Metis ATGM.. – IDF reserve totally inept and undersupplied , some even ran out of food and water.. Speaks volumes on IDF logistic capabilities in real war , against shooting opponent and not poor unarmed civilians.. – IAF ran out of targets to shoot because they cannot discern the location of missile launchers and all they bombed were decoy sites.. – IAF bombed civilian vehicles and homes and then count the casualties as hezbollah combatant , thus inflating the kill count by factor of 10 – IDF E/W cannot jam hezbollah battle communications since the hez use underground FiberOptics. Never once during the month long war the hezbolla command center lost contact with their forward units.

Leon Auguste



All you said is true, but it is hard to find unbiased reports on anything Israel. The Zionists own the mass media.. and we(US) have a ZOG. One thing to think about is today’s Hezbollah is not the Hezbollah of 2006. They are immeasurably more capable today. Way better armed, much much more experienced. A war today will be more like the war against Egypt in 1972. Israel will have to annex more land just for cemetery uses.

Overwatch D.VA

you are correct , too manu people in the west are under this stupid influence that israeli military can do no wrong.. the lebanon 2006 defeat of israel give them nasty case of cognitive dissonance. i know a military oriented forum admin who ban people posting facts about multiple merkava tank destroyed during that conflict..

seem like some people truly under severe case of delusion when it came to IDF myth..


Denial is about the strongest of human propensities. The IDF is a second rate army, and that is training wise. Factor in the Jews reluctance to endanger themselves and the IDF is more like a third rate army. Get them boots on the ground, downrange and they are even worse.

Overwatch D.VA

well theres one thing IDF good at , promoting themselves as the “best” military unit in the world.. and the funny thing ? most IDF conscript believe in their own propaganda thinking they are the best..

thats until the hezbollah show them the reality of combat against armed opponent..

easy to brag and talk big if they only fight against helpless unarmed civilians in occupied territories..

crybaby military.. thats what they are..


They sure don’t understand what battle hardened troops are like. Hezbollah’s very way of life is harsh. The IDF live in the military life of smart phones, pizza orders, warm showers and the gym after a hard day of pushing Palestinians around… with an eight hour work day. War with Hezbollah will be somewhat different.

Overwatch D.VA

yes, thats what most people in the western world got wrong.. they think israel got jets, tanks, and high tech mumbo jumbo , they forgot the israeli today are far weaker generation compared to their father’s ..

the one born these days are just weakling who never knew war..


We(US) have been fighting their proxy wars for them for 30 years. The 7 countries in 5 years by general Wesley Clark was for Israel’s benefit.

bernie garland


The true events 2006, got a whooping,hide behind lol

Hide Behind

THANK YOU, Had already visited in past, and have notes on other. US military was privy to Israeli debriefing and own satellite debriefing. Only soldiers win or lose wars, polititions claim victory on either side. Civilians suffer, and to them no glory, and they are ones who have to pick up and repair ravages of war We from afar get to play as experts, and drool spiral over weapons of destruction. Being a man during War is easy, you simplify your life, kill or be killed.

bernie garland

At the end of the day,its not all about air power,when youv’e bombed everything too smithereens .its all house to house fighting.and the IDF 100% cant handle that.as its not women children and rock throwers there up against


IDF is not real comfortable with opponents that can punch back, they are partial to punching bags. It is not in their belief system to get in harms way for their country. After all in the siege of Jerusalem by Rome the Jews literally killed and ate their young. There is not a Muslim on earth that would do that. BTW I am of the Christian belief, I don’t even know a Muslim but oh do I know our Jewish “friends”.


…and that was the archaic Hezbollah. Can you imagine the fear the IDF diaper army has about the vastly better armed 6 years battle hardened Hezbollah of today? MANPADs to go along with their Kornet missiles. IDF better buy some mobile diaper changing armored units built on the Striker platform. They could call it the Wiper. Hey great idea, maybe I should patent that idea. BTW, thanks for the video post.

Overwatch D.VA

dont forget the syrian army today , far from their previous form , they are reborn into a battle tested unit in wartime.. the lame and cowardly officer are weeded out during long syrian war and brave / motivated / clever officers rise up thru the ranks with members trained by russian and iran , armed by russian modern weapons , experienced in dreaded urban combat with well equipped rebel/ISIS..

tell me , when the last time IDF fight and win against enemy that shoot back ?



Good call. They have had some great training from Hezbollah, Iran and Russia. Plus like you say they are extremely battle savvy…. To answer your question, I’m not sure that has ever happened. The 6 day war of 67 wasn’t really a war but a surprise attack against at best poorly trained opponents.

Overwatch D.VA

egyptian forces in 67 really just posturing and not ready for real war , the israeli knew about this since Nasser was just blustering threat of blockade while in closed doors he said israli ships still allowed to pass ..

then in 1973 the egyptians returned the favor , invading the lazy and lax israeli during yom kippur.. causing so much havoc that israel beg for help from uncle sam..


In 1972 Egypt introduced Israel, and the world, to the TOW missile, on the Sinai Peninsula, It was like shooting fish in a barrel. The Russian Kornet missile makes main battle tanks just about obsolete.

Overwatch D.VA

you mean the Egyptian use of Soviet era Sagger ATGM that destroyed hundreds of Israeli tanks in 1973 ?

the funny thing , the hezbolah in 2006 still use old Sagger ATGM against merkava mark 3/4 and achieve success..


Yep that’s what I meant. I wasn’t aware enough until the last 10-12 years how much I really like the Ruskies…. There is a cemetery in Israel dedicated to those tank crews of the 1973 war.


and now this just in from Beezlebuba Rice…

Ariel Cohen


Overwatch D.VA

what do you EXPECT from IDF ? decades of IDF experience in hassling civilians and fighting unarmed women and children , and then believing their own propaganda on how great IDF is..

then they meet trained and motivated enemy like hezbollah , and is it any wonder they got really really scared because the enemy can SHOOT back ?

Ariel Cohen

Israeli soldiers were having nervous breakdowns, weeping and hugging each other, thankful to be alive after exiting Lebanon. But what would you expect from an army whose only real recent battle experience has been shooting young Palestinian rock throwers, bulldozing down olive trees and breaking babies arms (Yes, they have been trained to break young toddlers arms as a punishment to the parents). Hezbollah very astutely recognized that the Palestine occupiers can not handle heavy casualties (Too many angry Israeli mothers to contend with), so all Hezbollah has to do is make the Israelis pay dearly for every inch of territory temporarily occupied..

Overwatch D.VA

poor fella , totally cannot accept facts and reality.. who is the one getting punished in lebanon 2006 ?

– Israel want to retrive the kidnapped soldiers = FAILED – Israel want to stop hez daily missile attack = FAILED , missile attack increased in freqency instead – Israel want to secure a zone inside south lebanon = FAILED , IDF only able to enter 1-2 miles before getting hammered by hezbollah – Israel want to pressure lebanese govt to remove hezbollah = FAILED – Israel want to Helo Assault south of litani river behind the hezbolla defense line = FAILED , Hezbollah shotdown an israeli CH53 killing all crew and the op aborted , paratroopers have to WALK back to israeli border since no helicopters allowed to retrieve them – Israel want UN security zone manned by NATO countries = FAILED , maybe because the israeli attacked French UN soldiers before ? – Israel want total sea blockade of lebanon = FAILED , the hezbolla demonstrated their Anti Ship capabilities and killed israeli sailors..

so many FAILs.. i wonder who punishing who here ?

numbers ? 30.000 IDF regular and reserve personell commited in levanon 2006 and only 900 hezbollah commandos and militias defending the south lebanon…

casualties ? IAF bombed civilian vehicles trying to escape the warzone and claimed these are hezbollah.. thus inflated the kill count to 500-1000.. reality ? Hezbollah only perform 150 military martyr funeral after the war..

Promitheas Apollonious

ONLY INJURED? The IED must been defective. Try to do a better job next time.


Or the IDF just has good equipment? Say what you want about the Israeli army, but they are literally obsessed with avoiding casualties. That’s why their Merkava MBT is a slow moving behemoth, sacrificing speed for armor. And why they converted old MBT’s into APC’s. Which is why that obsession often gets used against them when Hezbollah and Hamas tried and succeeded in capturing Israeli soldiers.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Just old M15 mine and it was theirs and no one else’s.

Overwatch D.VA

Nope , Merkava is not good tank.. the world been propagandized by IDF PR on the superior israeli military , until the reality show that merkava is the same as other tank in this world. Hezbollah trained anti tank commandos easily destroy merkava mark IV when this lumbering beast tried to enter lebanon in 2006.. a single IED destroyed whole merkava tank flipping it in the air and killing every israeli inside..

there’s plenty of articles and books written by western military authors who interview IDF personel and they all said what really happened in the combat zone .. which totally different than what IDF PR said.. Lack of Training , Lack of Motivation , Lack of Courage , which according to interviewed IDF officer resulted from decades of operation against unarmed civilians thus rotting IDF capabilities in real combat.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

That’s ok they flip the Merkava all the time think this new one is for jumping an climbing with , think they are the Kooks of Hazard.

yeah , i love how the hezbollah IED flipped the merkava mark IV and totally destroy it , shocking the israelis who think their tanks are invunerable..

talk about cognitive dissonance… no wonder many IDF soldiers prefer disobeying order and go to jail instead of storming hezbollah position and got killed..

the most casualty averse military in the world = IDF

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

They are the worst train tank crews it is mind boggling these people actually have an IQ, but they use specialized testing for them.

well , these IDF tankers and their “chariot” mark IV never face true opponent other than stone throwing kids..

what do you expect from tank crew who confidently think they are the best , even if their previous opponents were unarmed stone throwing children ?

talk about believing your own propaganda..


True, but that’s more a failure of IDF training and underestimating their opponents. The American Abrams has not proven invincible either in the hands of idiots. But I reckon that in capable hands you’d be a lot safer from IED’s in Israeli armor then in some wheeled APC. And we have to assume that the IDF learned from its mistakes in the 2006 war and has improved training and their gear accordingly. Never assume that your enemy will make the same mistake twice.

Overwatch D.VA

Nope, IDF today still the same as the one in 2006. Still cowardly and casualty averse , any war with capable opponent like hezbollah commandos will unnerve the israelis.. because they been for decades fighting unarmed civilian and never took real combat loss , they become complacent and even today they are not ready to face hezbollah in lebanon.

it is simiar to US military which for decades only fight against unsophisticated insurgents.. In a war with capable nation the US military will face a shock of their life..

when the last time IDF or US forces ever been under massive rocket / artilery bombardment ? when the last time they encounter enemy with air defense ? Israeli airforce got few jets shotdown and damaged by syrian ancient air defense few days ago.

is it really IED ? remember this is the casualty averse IDF we are talking about .. they will claim enemy attack if the crew hit a beehive and they got attacked by bees.. these pampered boys of IDF whose only battle glory achieved by killing and hurting unarmed civilians for decades ..


Caution… don’t build fences on other peoples land…


French confirmed to reinstate compulsory military service for all it’s young people. USA and the rest of EU should follow suit since at the rate of things the Israeli worshipping banksters is very unhappy that Israel subjected to hard labor fighting it’s own war with Syria and Lebanese.

You can call me Al

What the new Muslim Frenchy army of the future…oh vey !!.

Jim Prendergast

Yes, take the land-mines and use them as IDE’s! Good one!


Right! Should read:

IDF members accidentally trip one of their own mines, blame Palestinian “terrs”. Use as excuse for further crackdown and humiliation of locals.


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US became insignificant due to their terrorism in the Middle East states. Now US distributing bribes blood money to different states like Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq, Afghanistan etc. to padlock their mouths. The Syrians, Iraqis and Palestinians blood and land is not for sale. Sorry. Only traitors can accept that blood money. ————————————————————————————————————————-


Palestine should never trust UN, US, Israel and their friends. God helps those who help themselves. If Palestinians want to get rid of Israel then they should start gorilla war but after getting Russian and Chinese weapons and proper training to achieve some goals.

If Vietnamis can win from US in Vietnam war where US have left the dead bodies of their thousands of soldiers, so then Palestine can also win this Palestine war from Israel.

Palestine needs to do some surprise attacks on Israeli terrorists but should never use stones, knives or rocket attacks. These methods are useless. ————————————————————————————————————————————

Smith Ricky

More to come ?


I smell a rat. Perhaps they mistakenly ran over one of their own mines and are now blaming it on the Palestinians cos absolutely everything is the fault of those Palestinians. There have been a couple of high-profile f&ck-ups by the Israeli military of late


The IDF now is basically scared punks used to beating up unarmed Palestinian women and children and stealing their lands. They will fare very poorly in next war with Hezbollah or SAA.

Overwatch D.VA

Thats why the Jewish lobby in America pushed the War with Iran , as long as it is America that send troops to die in Iran v USA war , and not IDF conscripts..

the real joke ? some in US govt really think it is totally ok to send american boys to die for israeli interest..

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