Israeli soldiers and IDF Artillery at a staging area in Southern Israel, near the border with neighbouring Palestinian Gaza Strip on November 13, 2019. Photo by Yonatan Sindel/Flash90.
The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) were ordered to prepare for the possibility that the U.S. will carry out a military strike on Iran before President Donald Trump leaves office next January, AXIOS reported on November 25.
According to AXIOS, there is no intelligence or assessment that Trump will order a strike on Iran. The order was given because senior Israeli officials believe that the transitional period in Washington will be “very sensitive.”
“The IDF’s preparedness measures relate to possible Iranian retaliation against Israel directly or through Iranian proxies in Syria, Gaza and Lebanon,” AXIOS quoted Israeli officials as saying.
A recent report by the New York Times revealed that President Trump raised the possibility of attacking Iran’s uranium enrichment facility in Natanz in a recent meeting with members of his national security team.
Top U.S. officials, including Vice President Mike Pence and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, had reportedly advised Trump against such move.
The New York Times said Trump was convinced that a strike on Iran will be “too risky.” However, he is considering other options.
Earlier this year, Trump ordered the assassination of Iran’s Quds Force commander, Qassim Soleimani. The assassination demonstrated Trump’s willingness to use force against Iran. However, an Iranian response with a missile strike on U.S. base in northern Iraq proved that Tehran will not hesitate to strike back.
An unprovoked U.S. military strike on Iran will lead to a dangerous confrontation in the Persian Gulf. U.S. troops and its regional allies, including Israel, will likely be targeted by Iran. Tehran and its allies are already on high-alert, according to the Associated Press.
Thats not news but procedure.
I’d say the procedure should include huge toilet paper stocks. Just in case.
Would be the last thing US or israel do in the region, iran wouldnt just defend itself, it would make sure every single target is destroyed
That would be last thing for US or Israel in the World.
Attack on Iran will be their last mistake…
Absolutely, the mullahs will destroy the United States with their prayers.
Not the U.S. but all their bases in a 2500km radius.
No, the mullahs can’t and they are too cowardly . Rumor has it that Netanyahu repeatedly hopes that the mullahs will carry out their threats, and is disappointed again and again.
Sofar Iran is gaining…
Took over most of Iraq. Beachead in Syria and Yemen.
These countries are now liabilities for Iran. Not in any of them is the war ended. Yemen’s government forces are not in league with Iran about its revolutionary agenda, because there are many Sunnis among them. Houthis are Iran’s yes-men, but they don’t have a monopoly on power like those in Iraq and Lebanon. Saudi Arabia and the GCC won’t allow a Shiite takeover of Yemen. This war is likely to continue for years.
Iran is patient. Look at the situation now amd 10 years ago, it obvious that Iran is slowly grinding away CIA/Mossad/MI6 backed Wahabinazis in the region.
I see a complete opposite of what you claim. Patience works when you are not under attack. Iran’s economy has collapsed. Hezbollah is in trouble in Lebanon. America might just pull out of Afghanistan, handing it over the Iran’s arch enemy (the Taliban). There is a resurgence of ISIS in Iraq and Syria (they killed many Shiite militias lately). Iran had its brightest military strategist killed. Iran’s neighbors and enemies just got a lot stronger (the GCC spend hundreds of billions in arms purchases). Russia takes credit for the degradation of Sunni militias in the region. ISIS had almost overthrown Assad when Russia intervened. It is clear that left to the Shiite militias, they are no match for ISIS.
Iran wasnt present in Syria innlarge numbers before Russia entered. Iranian economy isnt collapsed thats CIA propaganda in fact its sliwly gaining contrary to maximum pressure. Obongo also gavebback a $130billion to Iran. What do you think how could they boost their rocket tech and arsenal and secret underground bases in the region? Isis is toast. 80% of Syria is under SAA control. Houthis grinding away saudisis like the Vietcong did with the U.S. in NAM. Iran is actually supporting the Taliban in Afghanistan, no surprise dince tgey fid the same against the Doviets supporting the Mujhahideen. The Alliance against Iran is weak, its mostly weak proxies trying to deflect and absorb Iranian countermeasures. But like ee could see the U.S. is pulling out from the region,band Iran is taking its place.
Iran wasn’t present in large numbers in Syria at first, but Hezbollah and other militias were, and that means Iran was. Syria is critical node in the Shiite axis. Neither Iran nor the other Shiite militias can afford to let it fall. The fact Assad was nearly defeated in 2015 means the rebels and ISIS had given the Shiite militias a beating. If not for the Russian intervention, Assad would have fallen long ago. You can’t dispute that fact.
Obama gave billions to Iran. But with its involvement in may conflicts, domestic problems in the economy and corruption, there is little or nothing left of that money. Proof?: Iran requested a $5 billion loan from the IMF to curtail coronavirus. Another proof?: Iran is giving a few dollars (less than $10) a month to help the poor in Iran. Another proof?: Rouhani acknowledged sanctions have ground the Iranian economy to a halt. I can provide links if you want. But I think you already know.
ISIS is toast? 80% of Syria ruled by Assad? Well, the second claim is true, but Russia takes credit for it not Iran. As for the first claim, we might debate that another time.
Iran supporting the Taliban? Are you serious? I wonder how deep your knowledge is of Shiites. I consider you a Shiite despite appearing to be Christian from your profile picture. Most Shiite commenters don’t reveal their identity. But that’s not my point. I’m just surprised that you don’t know or pretend not to know that Iran will NEVER help any Sunni country or group sincerely. If they do, it’s temporary and with ulterior motives. I suppose you did not read the statement by Iran’s foreign ministry when the U.S and Taliban signed the peace deal.
In a nutshell, Iran helps the Taliban ONLY to keep the war going and prevent an American withdrawal. Know why? Because a U.S withdrawal means a Taliban takeover of Afghanistan. In case you don’t know, Iran fought side by side with the U.S during the 2001 invasion of Afghanistan. Thus, Iran helped overthrow the Taliban. And now you want to tell people that Iran is helping re-instate the Taliban? Well, tell that to Abdullah Abdullah.
Alliance against Iran is weak? You mean the USA, Israel, and GCC combined are weak against Iran? Well, I can’t say anything to that. But remember, one of them killed Iran’s top military strategists not up to a year ago, and Iran didn’t have the guts to retaliate IN KIND.
Why shouldn’t Iran request money, they probably will never pay it back same as the U.S. won’t ever pay it’s debt back. Iran didn’t support the U.S. in the past 40 years at any given time. Another CIA propaganda. You forget that is was backed by the U.S., UK, France, Turkey, Israel, and Saudisis. SAA was basically alone. When Russia entered the game so did Iran which turned the tide of war. They beat no less than 3 super and 3 regional powers. Quiet the feat if you ask me. Iran retaliated with around half a dozen missiles strikes against U.S. bases in Iraq, there were casualties but both parties kept it under the radar to avoid a major war. It was a warning to U.S. leadership which they got… Now they are pulling out Iran is gaining again. Iran is playing chess the rest okay checkers. The harder you push against them the more they gain, it’s just a fact. Iran was nowhere 20 years ago In the region now they have the initiative and rest can only react. Russia is laying back grabbing popcorn… Weapons sales are through the roof. Have a nice day ?
“Iran didn’t support the U.S. in the past 40 years at any given time” Interesting claim. You and anyone who believes such crap deserves to read this: http://viableopposition.blogspot.com/2020/01/iran-united-states-and-operation.html
Iran had been involved in the Syrian war from day one. I remember in 2011/2012 during Ahmadinajad’s presidency, Iran planted cameras in certain locations to film Syrian protesters whom the MSM was promoting as being peaceful, when in reality, fielded guns.
I repeat that Russia takes credit for Assad’s survival. If Russia were to pull out of Syria today, Assad will be history within months.
Iran’s retaliation didn’t kill anyone. There were hundreds of American soldiers on the Iraqi military base. It’ll be impossible to keep such information a secret in our today’s connected and anonymous world. Not when hundreds of soldiers witnessed their brothers-in-arms die. If Iran had killed Americans that night, they won’t still be threatening revenge.
Believe it or not, Iran is in a pretty bad shape and faces an existential threat.
Because he strikes the wrong places. And knows full well a fully-fledged response or escalation won’t ever materialize all the way from Tehran using its best assets based on a couple proxy militiamen taken out a thousand miles from home every once in a while, let alone when it’s the SAA itself, in which cases Iran can morally distance itself and claim it’s not its responsibility to directly retaliate in place of an army unwilling or unable to do it itself when struck, ally or not. All in all those are merely symbolic and psychological moves by the outgoing PM first to keep its neighbor’s border combat capability and morale on the floor as long as he can, and political at home to avoid thinking too much about the prospect of ending up in a cage. Good old security card, it never fails to rally a reactionary electorate.
If they leave anything of value for you on those bases. They are pulling out of Afghanistan and Iraq. They have deployed more nuclear-capable bombers to Diego Garcia (6000 km away). Believe it or not, they’ll bomb Iran like no other country ever should the current stand off result in a regional war. Don’t forget Israel and the GCC. The GCC have spend HUNDREDS of billions in the last few years stockpiling all kinds of arms. While they won’t like a regional war, you can be sure they’ll through all this armament at Iran should the Mullahs attack them without provocation. Then there is Israel’s nukes. The odds are stacked against Iran.
They said the same about Vietnam…
Then there is Israel’s Dimona, a perfect target for Quds-2.
Seriously, you should stop playing Call of Duty. Do you understand what it means to attack ( unprovoked ) a country of 80 million people?
Attack unprovoked people? The same people who have created Shiite militias throughout the Middle East that are killing and oppressing others on sectarian bases? Because you don’t know the damage that Iran’s militias are causing the civilians in Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, and Yemen doesn’t mean every other person doesn’t.
Iran will not attack Israel without a U.S bombing campaign that threatens to topple the Mullahs, even if Trump were to order a strike on Iran’s nuclear sites. They know very well what the Israelis are capable of doing. Israel is the most dangerous nuclear-armed menace in the world because of its likelihood to resort to nuclear weapons in a major war. Jews are mostly heartless, and the Mullahs know it.
I do support a U.S war on the Shiite militias across the Middle East. Iran won’t dare attack any U.S bases or Israel if America launches a sustained campaign to destroy or severely degrade all Shiite militias in the region. Iran would only offer covert support, but will never attack any American or Israeli targets directly. Sometimes I wonder why the U.S hasn’t done this already. The militias have refused flatly to be governed by the governments in their respective countries. These governments are powerless to do anything against the militias even as they kill and oppress citizens who oppose them. In Iraq for example, the PMU can kill anyone it sees fit without any consequences. Why shouldn’t the world support the destruction of these terror forces? These guys are worse than ISIS and should be treated as the terrorists that they are. The demise of ISIS only gave rise to another terror group. A more deadly and organized one for that matter. Have you ever wondered why the Sunnis don’t want America out of Iraq?
Dude, the US is supposed to be your enemy too, not just Iran’s. I don’t understand how the Gulf countries allow some distant imperialist power come and disorganize their neighborhood all in the name of Sunni/Shia divide. Aren’t you both Muslim with only minor differences of one group saying they are the Prophet’s family? What’s your deal man?
Iran is making a Muslim unity almost impossible. The militias they train and arm are targeting Sunnis more than any other group. In Iraq, many have become homeless because the militias prevent them returning to their homes which they fled during the war on ISIS. The UN recently had to intervene in Iraq’s rampant execution of Sunnis it claims are terrorists. Many Sunnis have been killed during the demonstrations and up till now. Anyone who disagrees with the militias will likely be killed in cold blood. The highest Shiite authorities in Iraq recently warned Iraqis to distance themselves from Iran-backed militia groups.
If Iran truly wanted to help these countries (Iraq, Lebanon, etc) it would support their OFFICIAL militaries directly through weapons, training, and even funding. That’s the right way to do it. But Iran prefers to single out only the Shiites, then train and arm them. Now these fanatical Shiites turn on the local Sunni populations instead of their eternal enemy (Israel and America).
For your information, Shiism is not Islam. It’s an anti-Islamic cult. Our believes are 180 degrees apart. Shiites consider all the Sahabas apostates except for about 9 or 10. Abubakar, Umar, Usman, and all others are kafirs or even worse, hypocrites. While the Sunnis consider the actions of these people I mention to be something Muslims should emulate. These three are the highest by moral and spiritual standards after the Prophet (S.A.W). But according to the Shiite doctrine, these are the most evil people.
Also, Shiites don’t work with the Sunnah (true hadith) and they claim the Quran is incomplete. The also accuse the prophet’s wife (Aisha) of adultery and rebellion even after Allah cleared her of the charge. A group of them believe that prophethood was wrongly given to Muhammad (S.A.W) instead of Ali. Others even worship Ali.
There are so many dark beliefs of the Shiites that only one is enough to negate their Islam.
That’s just how different we are from them. If you want to learn more about this subject, I’ll provide a link to a 1000-page book that explains everything in detail about the historic and modern Shiites. Shiism might look like Islam outwardly, but it’s an anti-Islamic cult. The Saudi Monarchy with all its evil is far far far better than any Shiite rule.
What’s more alarming is that the ultimate target of the Shiites is the Hejaz (Mecca, Madina). All this talk about Israel is just a cover. The first and major goal is to capture mecca and mandinah from the Sunnis so they have a greater influence to spread their poisonous believe.
A bloody regional war is better than a Shiite takeover of the Hejaz.
Now we can see if your predictions are correct or if they are big cowards as I say. https://twitter.com/Reza_Khaasteh/status/1332316826085232649
Dont mix up assassinations with an invasion… Aside from that Iran fud retaliate, Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, plus the rocket strikes against U.S. bases in Iraq, there have beeen a lot of casulties CIA News Network forgot ro report about it…
It has just begun.
Oy gevalt…
More like گه.
Ay vey…
Don’t know this one, but you should know.
Iran will suffer more even in a regional war. The U.S is thousands of miles away. You can reach their bases near you (if they leave anything of value for you to attack). But they can practically annihilate your people if they choose to. Your mouthiness will likely cause your destruction. God helps not the arrogant.
In this case the U.S. is the arrogant.
Both the US and Iran are arrogant. Read the comments of Iranian generals. In fact, they are more vocally arrogant than the U.S. American generals in the region hardly make any boastful comments. Iranian generals on the contrary lavish their armaments and forces with praises almost on a daily basis. Even the doctrine of Shiism (A very distorted interpretation of Islam) preaches against this. Only God grants victory – not technological superiority. The Taliban is a good example.
Iran doesn’t have reach US dumbass. There’s enough nuke tipped hypersonic weapons parked within 200 miles of both US coasts to take out the 7 locations Putin listed to US military back in December 2019. He detailed everything right down to what kind of collateral damage US could expect should US go full stupid, also reserving the right to strike first if Russia believes an attack is eminent. Also detailed the same for Europe. Need I remind you there is no analog in the world for Russia’s hypersonic technology. Seems Russia tests another hypersonic weapon every month, or so. If Russia is moved to launch its weapons at the 7 US targets, the only thing US military can do, is watch. Get this through your fat stupid head, US military is not the superpower you think it it is, it’s sucking hind tit in technology, and is not catching up with it’s chosen enemies. Iran is far stronger than you apparently have a clue, Karen.
It is not realistic. But do you really think that an all out war against Iran will start and end in the ME? I see that Nuttanyahoo is mad like a mad cow. He is the only one who can think he can win against Iran.
Attacking Iran, means having thousands of american troops dead in the coming hours, with dozens of arab countries ( the ones with american bases ) attacked. There would be no way to stop a world war in such a scenario.
It has always been like that. No country has gone to a world war to save some “friend”. They do it because their “friend” means to much to their own geopolitical objectives, or because they think they can exploit the confusion to grad more land.
This is why I said that an attack on Iran will not be the same as attacking Iraq, Afghanistan or even Syria. Iran is too big, too strong, too important for the SCO, to let the yankees do what they want.
And keep in mind that attacking Iran means instant retaliation. The gulf States would be set on fire. The shia would rebel everywhere. And the conflict would inevitably expand beyond Iran. In such a scenario, China and Russia cannot stand still and do nothing.
You will not see a single Amarican there. NO WAY.
They will bombarde electricity, water, bridges, railroads whatever.
None americans will be lost for lowlives like Your kind. NONE.
To them Allah probatly is some town in Alabama as well.
An all out war in the Middle East may not start and end there. Iran can slip biological weapons into America and use it against the U.S population. But you can be sure this will guarantee the nuclear annihilation of much of Iran. I don’t think the Mullahs are crazy enough to try such.
First of all, it’s you and your family and parents who are dumb-asses with fat stupid heads, not me. Your comment says it all. Expecting Russia to nuke America on behalf of Iran. What an idiot you must be to even think of such a possibility.
Russia will NOT risk a nuclear war to please the devils ruling Iran. In fact, Putin won’t throw at America even a conventional bomb. Nothing short of a direct overwhelming attack on RUSSIAN SOIL would provoke the kind of response you anticipate.
No worries, you’ll know when the time comes. And it’ll come.
Thats right. No nukes.
Iran may not have nuclear weapons now, however Pakistan or N. Korea can deliver some nuclear warheads to Iran to settle the score in the area.
It it ever get out that a nuke dropped on America originated from Pakistan or North Korea, these countries will likely be on the receiving end of big American trouble. The Pakistani nuclear arsenal was funded by Saudi Arabia.
Both these countries will likely help Iran with the technical knowledge and maybe some components to build nukes. That’s the best they can do and secretly. Iran must build its own nukes if it needs protection. No country on Earth will put a nuclear umbrella over Iran because of its disruptive actions that heightens the chances of war. For example, even when Iran is lobbying to become a full member of the CSTO, the organization will not make Iran a full member because that’ll risk dragging them into a war Iran provokes by meddling in the affairs of other nations. No country wants an alliance with a troublesome country like Iran.
Many would argue that Iran is innocent and that it’s a victim of America’s aggression. My question to such people is: How does it feel to be the president of a country and certain groups of armed men aren’t under your command as the commander-in-chief? This group refuses to integrate into the country’s military, refuses to disband, and refuses to take orders from you as the president. If every other group were to have their own militias, would there be a country? Is that not creating conditions or civil war? That’s what Iran has done to Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon, and Yemen. They are building the same in Syria so that whichever government emerges would have to contend with these militias. They are also believed to be controlling a Shiite militia in Pakistan. They’ve attempted to export their revolution to Azerbaijan.
Iran is causing so much trouble for people in the middle east. Many have died as a result. More will die too. All these crimes will one day be paid for by Iran. Should a civil war erupt in Lebanon or Iraq, I put the blame squarely on Iran. Because of the terrorist militias.
The trouble US and Israel is causing in the ME are far greater than what you attribute to Iran. Iran is a counter force against that. Iran can keep working on a nuclear weapon, unless Biden observes the treaty Trump reneged on. Even so, low yield warheads on Trident missiles to make up for air ineptitude of US forces in the area, is not enough to balance Iranian ballistic missiles cruise missile capabilities deployed in ME. Iranian ballistic missile CEP capability would cause high American and Israeli casualties in the ME.
Actually Nato is neerbye. Very impressing ignoraece from You.
Iran is only a strong local power hardly visble from space. You have no realisme for, what we really can do.
Most of Nato of today only spend 2% of Our budget for arms, because we we prefare giving Our inhabuítants wellfare instead.
We easy can change that into much more very fast.
In the other hand Iran is in their highest level for warfare production almost starving its population in stead of make them well fare, which as country should.
You really dont get how many missoles and other kind of stuff we can make very fast.
Here Iran is a dwarf and there is no vitamines.
Iran could deploy Shahab 6 in Venezuela, and reach most of the US with conventional payloads.
You think Venezuela will sacrifice its people to help Iran get at America? There is a limit to Venezuela’s cooperation with Iran. All the claims I’ve read about Iran moving missiles to Venezuela is bullshit. With the kind of Traitors and infiltration of Venezuela by the CIA, such a move by Iran will not go unnoticed. And the U.S surely would have reacted viciously against Venezuela.
We in US have already made the scenario several times and it shows we would win, but it will take a little time. That means that we would win against both Russia and Iran at the same time, and nobody would even think and dare to attack US………………………LOL.
When Iran is done with their counter strike US positions in ME will crumble and Israel will be a target for thousands of missiles from Iran, Syria and Lebanon.
“Coalitions” could not impose total control and destruction of many other nations, nations with max 25 mil people and outdated&poor state military. What makes you think that there is any chance in war with Iran. It would be pointless killing. Anyhow Iran can destroy US bases in wide region and that would leave US with ”only” air and navy (which would be contested by Iranian decent? air defenses). No troops and ground recon and no supply lines would make it hard for anyone who attacks Iran. War game has changed, unless US wants to obliterate Iran and 80+ mil people, which just wont happen. Be real.
America’s air power is what Iran should worry about. It won’t aim at nuking the whole of Iran. America’s objective will be to weaken Iran to a point where the regime falls. Don’t forget the massive violent protests of 2009 and 2019. It shows there are people in Iran that’ll pick up arms against government forces should they have the opportunity. After a devastating war, Iran’s security forces CANNOT handle another domestic revolt even slightly approaching that scale. This is why Iran will avoid war as much as it can.
Protests happened because detiorating conditions under economy, directly influenced by sanctions which are also instrument for war. Iranians showed that they can not be overtaken from the inside on both occasions while the West had to use fabricated movie videos as evidence of police brutality in Iran. Meanwhile in the West police brutality is hailed as necessary security measure. They tease and beat up ppl who do not wear masks for example ? Now, as I already say about situation if war breaks out… It’s jet to be seen how US air force ( which is surely, along navy, most feared force for decades ) would cope with Iranian defenses. It’s one thing to bomb from 10km height but completely different thing is to impose air superiority over Iran. It could prove to be so costly war for USA that it might risk her economy to great extent. Best evidence for this is the fact that Iran is not attacked jet, many US generals agree it would be close to impossible to win that war unless millions of ground troops were ready to invade.
Your comment shows that you don’t know where Iran’s strength is and don’t know why the U.S has not attacked Iran yet. I’ll clarify them to you.
First off, Iran’s air defense system is no match for America’s air power. Why? 1. because Iran’s air defenses are limited in number 2. They won’t be dealing only with planes. there are missisles to defend against. It’s nearly impossible to defend against a missile barrage. 3. Russia’s S-400 is yet to be proved in combat. They have refused to use it in Syria against Assad. And I suspect this is out of fear that Israel may expose a glaring weakness of these defenses. Other Russian air defense systems have been humiliated by Turkish NON-STEALTH drones. There are too many American planes to defend against. Don’t also forget Israel and the GCC should Iran attack them. Iran can’t protect its airspace from the combined might of its enemies.
The reason America has not attacked Iran yet is because Iran NEVER gives the U.S a reason to attack. There is something about America that you don’t understand. The American public are highly averse to war casualties. They’d rather their government pursue diplomacy than engage in wars that end up killing and maiming their soldiers. Your politicians understand this American mindset very well, and they exploit it.
the Mullahs know that Trump cannot start a war without a major provocation from Iran. By a major provocation, I mean openly killing Americans. That’s why the Mullahs refrained from killing any American after Soleimani was killed. They will also not kill openly any American or Israel for the recent assassination.
That’s the reason Iran has not been attacked yet.
I stopped reading after your first point. Iran has demonstrated how s capability in producing AA defenses. You can’t be sure how it would play out and the only American chance is indiscriminate bombing from very high altitude. You seem so sure that US can impose no fly area over Iran. IF IT COULD USA AND ISRAEL WOULD FABRICATE EVIDENCE TO START WAR AGAINST IRAN IN THE SAME MANNER WITH WHICH IRAQ WAR WAS STARTED. GET REAL MISTER. all your points I wrote in earlier replies here. I explained it too.
I don’t blame you as you seem to only get your news from SouthFront and presstv. If you were reading other military analysis blogs (even pro-Russian blogs like “The Saker Blog”, you’ll know that Iran doesn’t have the capability to stop a determined U.S air assault. I doubt even SouthFront can claim that the US cannot impose air dominance over Iran.
Iran manufactures systems that have not been tested in combat. It’s certainly inferior to what the Russians have, and that’s why Iran is interested in buying the Russian AA systems after sanctions are lifted.
Iran’s strength lies in its missiles and ability to turn any war into a region-wide conflict through its army of militias.
You assume too much. Don’t discredit yourself. As if you are God himself to know what I read and where I get my info. That’s Zionist smear tactic which has nothing to do with healthy discussion.
Of course, everyone who points out Iran’s evil must be a zionist. The Muslim world largely hate you guys for the constant sectarian wars you fuel on Muslim lands. Why don’t you take the fight to Israel and America? Why take your fight to the Sunnis of Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, etc.? You are cowards and only prey on the weak.
Not every Iran hater is Zionist, but most of them are at least supportive of Israeli policies.
Regarding Iran, I certainly support Israel’s policies. Because right now, I believe that Iran is the cause of suffering from many people in the region. By deliberately building thousands of militias in different countries based on sectarian lines, Iran has created a fertile ground for civil war. Not only that, it’ll also invite the wrath of America and Israel on those countries. Take Lebanon as an example. The country’s economy has collapsed and despite a disaster that destroyed a major source of international revenue, no foreign aid can come in to help the Lebanese government rebuild the destroyed sea port. All this thanks to Hezbollah.
Iraq is a second example. There is the threat of American attack on Iraqi soil due to the militias.
Yemen too is suffering the same thing. Iran is supporting the Houthis and doesn’t want a negotiated end to the war. For this reason, America continues to support Saudi Arabia even as it murders Yemeni civilians. Tracing the roots of this problem carefully shows a major Iranian contribution.
Many Syrian soldiers have died from Israeli airstrikes attempting to curtail Iran’s infestation of Syria.
The U.S and Israel are ready to totally destroy any country that Iran lays its evil hands on. Iran knows this, but doesn’t even give it a second though before getting other countries in harm’s way to save its neck. That is the main reason why I hate Iran – nothing more nothing less.
Israeli policies? Like Bibi’s ”positive reverberations all over the region if Iraq gets attacked and Saddam overthrown”?
We all know how it ended. Sorry for late reply.
Iran will avoid war of course, it has never attacked anyone and it doesn’t want war. Unlike Zionist puppets in the USA.
Iran has attacked many countries and caused thousands of deaths. Only that it does so using its army of terror militias. Name one country which has militias in multiple countries. Please just name one.
Whom did Iran attack? Take your Zionist fairy tales where they belong – read them while you are taking shit in toilet. Iran hasn’t attacked anyone for hundreds of years and never since Islamic revolution.
Iran even does worse than attack. It occupies countries. Iran occupies Lebanon through Hezbollah. Iran occupies Iraq through the PMU. Iraq occupies parts of Afghanistan through Liwa Fatemiyoun. Iran occupies Syria through its Militias there. Iran occupies Yemen through the Houthis.
These are all occupations as they are military in nature. The governments of all these countries will need Iran if they ever want to disarm and disband the militias, even after the war. Hezbollah has controlled Lebanon in times of war and peace. So it cannot be said that they’ll disband after the war is over. Should the governments decide to forcibly disband the militias, you can bet your last buck there’ll be a war.
so what do you call such a situation? is that not an invasion? Suppose you were the president of a country and another country creates a parallel army in your country who refuses to disband or come under your command. How would you look at the situation? Will you not consider it an invasion of your country by the creator, owner, and manager of that parallel army? Would this not constitute an attack? Be honest.
Hezbollah liberated Lebanon. Enough said. Western and Israeli raping of the region has made both Hezbollah and has strengthened Iran. Think about it.
Frankly, this has gone beyond a YAWN, either do it or shut your cornhole for good.
All Middle Eastern countries prepare themselves. Another example: The United Arab Emirates has stopped issuing new visas to citizens of 13 mostly Muslim-majority countries, including Lebanon, Iran and Syria.
Yes because they want to protect the foreigners from the balistic missiles XD
No, but they might not want a ” fifth column ” when the fireworks start.
From 10 millions, 1.5 are Shia anyway.
Thats a handful already, why add foreigners to the mix ?
If true it seems like a desperate measure. They need those workers cuz thwy are lazy. And that’s worse than the 5th column.
Yes, they especially care about the Iranian guests. LOL.
So it begins: : https://twitter.com/Reza_Khaasteh/status/1332314261943689218
It happens quite oftenly from what I remember, that means they have huge breaches in their security.
This is a huge blow to Iran.
Yeah, bet that really breaks their hearts…
A lot of these guys make a very good living in the UAE, so yes it breaks their hearts.
If a major war breaks out tgze transission process can be halted according to the U.S. Constituton.
Don’t forget the recent “secret ” meeting between Israhell and Saudi Arabia, and the war that just transpired in NK . I’m going to wager something is afoot and the whole US election soap opera is both a cover and a distraction for the upcoming festivities. The creators of Hollywood know how to put on a good ” show ” . Get your popcorn.
its bull. If Trump had wanted war he would have started it with Iran after the deep state killed the Iranian general.
China will be a better alli for maggot Jews, its all about economics not war any more, sure Jews keep attacking Damascus that’s because Assad doesn’t shoot back, also that’s why Biden won, so I can’t see the vermin Jew squandering their success, China wouldn’t like that, and China is not such a pushover as the US.
China is investing in Iran, and I’m not sure if China cares much for Israel.
That’s what I have been saying on the internet for 7 years about China and Iran, however about China and Israel, – every time the Chinese representatives commented during that 7 years on the Middle East they usually finished up with, “come on Arabs recognise Israel”.
Sure this would be great for China’s belt and road, China recognises economic interests only, take Myanmar for example, China couldn’t care less even though the ethnic Chinese in Myanmar are fighting to survive, they ask China for help shouting accross the border and China turns a deaf ear.
That’s what China is non – interventionist, only sees economic opportunity. When Nixon went to China the border war with the USSR was raging, new economic opportunities presented themselves and China conceded almost everything to the USSR, I’m surprised they persisted with Taiwan.
Trump pushed China into the anti Israel camp with the trade war Biden will wind that back because the Jews have dumped the US and switched to a China First policy and the Democrats are the Party of the Jews.
The US has lost control of its attack dog and it’s running amok whilst a fight takes place to decide who owns it. It’s only in the interests of the isreali apartheid regime to keep kicking Syria whilst it’s down and blaming their self inflicted woes on Iran.
Dont get to excited its all theater and obfuscation. You’ll realize this when the real show begins.
iran betrayed armenia, fuck iran, i support the yid bombing now. they want to align with turkey and azerbaijan they get what they deserve!
And let the yiddds supply more harops Azeris.
Armenia was hopeless they already had a zionist government. It was unwinnable. Also the zioturks have all these bullshit drones that Iran probably cannot counter yet.
Armenians were abandoned by Russia and secondly they could not fight and were led by a Soros Bilderberg traitor. Blaming Iran is like blaming your neighbors wife for your impotence.
If your neighbours wife is Nancy Pelosi………………..?
Perhaps a strike on Natanz nuclear reactor and subsequent radiation fall out will even force Iran not to deal with next US adminstration.
Making the water more muddied and filthy before leaving.
Yeah Trump is definitely the person to do just that!
He’s an ardent Zionist and Khazar boot licker. Ask yourself, what do the Zionists want ? Thats what fat ass Pompeo wants also. This is all just pre-show misdirection, just like the US election cartoon show.
I guess the fake Khazar jew are begging for a real holocaust this time.
There’ll be no such thing as a regional war even if America attacks Iran’s nuclear sites. Much of Iran’s threat is pure bluff. Iran would start a regional war ONLY if regime survival is threatened by a military attack (like a massive bombing campaign aimed at toppling the regime). Neither will Iran retaliate against Israel. The likeliest Iranian response to a US strike on its nuclear facilities is to attack Saudi Arabia, and maybe if it manages to summon up enough courage, launch some strikes on U.S bases. Iran would try to prevent a regional war as much as it could. Look at it this way: (Iran + Shia militias) vs (America, Israel, GCC, and most likely NATO). No country in its right mind, not even Russia or China, will dare fight such an alliance of nations. A regional war means Iran will fight all the countries I mentioned in the parenthesis. It gets even worse if Iran were the one to start the regional war. Not to mention that some of Iran’s enemies are nuclear-armed. Even if America exercises restraint with its nukes, I have zero doubt that Israel will nuke Iran should the mullahs rain missiles on Israel like they always threatened. I think it’s Iran’s terror militias infesting six countries in the Middle East that should worry about the twilight of Trump’s presidency. Weaken or destroy the militias and you’ve weakened Iran beyond recovery. I hope for the sake of civilians that the U.S does not try to destroy Iran’s militias by starting civil wars in Lebanon and Iraq like it did in Syria.
Pitiful troll.
Yeah, your comment would have been more convincing had Soleimani not been assassinated.
netanyahu’s wet dream almost fell into place – but sofar chief moron has failed to deliver knowing full well that Iran can and will bankrupt the gulf states in one swooop and then take it up with the jews in palestine. iran would very much like to delay an outright war with the morons right now since the preparations for the annihilation of the jews in palestine aren’t yet finanalized. but once the preparations are in place the jews in palestine wil be driven out of the middle east and find it extremely difficult to find shelter anywhere on earth.
He knows. After all he is CIA. Fat but not stupid. Only someone with mental health problems ( Netanyahu ) could really think of attacking Iran.