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MARCH 2025

Israeli Navy Test-Fired New Anti-Ship Missile (Video)

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The Israeli Navy and the Defense Ministry’s Administration for the Development of Weapons and Technological Infrastructure have successfully test-fired a new anti-ship missile developed by Israel Aerospace Industries, IAI.

During the test, the new missile was launched from a Sa’ar 5-class corvette at a target ship. The missile scored a direct hit as seen in a video of the test released on September 25.

In a statement, the Israeli Defense Forces said the new missile system has better accuracy, flexible attack capabilities, longer range and a better ability to deal with advanced threats.

“The missile system will ensure the maritime superiority of the Navy,” the IDF Spokesperson’s Unit said in a statement, adding that “the implementation of the system is a significant step in strengthening the navy and maintaining the IDF’s superiority in the maritime arena.”

The missile system, whose name is yet to be announced, will be integrated onto the Sa’ar 5 corvettes and on the more advance new Sa’ar 6s, which are set to enter active duty in a few months.

Currently, the Israeli Navy arms its vessels with domestic-made Gabriel missiles as well as AGM-84 Harpoon missiles imported from the U.S.

The Israeli military is constantly working to reinforce and modernize is naval forces, which are highly active in Eastern Mediterranean.


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Lone Ranger

Looks transonic or low supersonic. Better than the Harpoon. Far from the real deal.


Hypersonic missiles are not simple to build. First, you need to make alloys resistant to very high temperatures. Second, you need to make electronics resistant to high temperatures and electrostatic currents built by plasma. Third, you need to find a way to communicate with a plasma covered device ( not needed for this kind of missile, but vital for things like the Burevestnik and Avangard ). Fourth, you must build engines capable of producing the necessary force to propel a projectile to hypersonic velocities.

The fourth point is well studied and understand around the world. The first one is a meh!, in the sense that there are good materials, but things like Mach 20 or Mach 27 ( for the Avangard ) are unobtainable with the common materials we know in the west.

The second and third points are a real headache. And this is one of the reasons why some folks in the west say that Avangard and friends are just a pr stunt. But military analysts are damn sure that the things exist for real. So the question is: how the hell did they manage to not fry the electronics and to maintain a mean of communication between the command and the missile?

You cannot send radio waves to a device embedded in a plasma ball. They used some other thing. Putin talked about “new physical principles”. And it is the only logic answer. The problem is to know what these principles are.

As of today there is nothing equivalent in the west, China, Korea and others.

Hind Abyad

”Israel destroys East Beirut with a new weapon”

August 7, 2020




the Beirut explosion was bona fide ammonium nitrate. I don’t understand why people want absurd solutions to simple problems.

Hind Abyad

You don’t understand simpleton, what’s it have to do with Lebanon?


ehm, you were talking about Beirut

Hind Abyad

So what’s your business with Beirut??


Ehm, i was answering to your first post

”Israel destroys East Beirut with a new weapon”

and I call bull**** about all the conspiracy theories about Israel using a nuke in Lebanon

are you people for real? nukes have fallout, a specific radioactive fingerprint…even the UN mission in Lebanon would have reacted to such an attack

Hind Abyad

Call it bull*** as you wish… White House Generals said this was an attack.

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/845cf0f29d1e094dc9f8ac6773a9fc3801c3b55c76900efec7bd5d1bab0763af.png g https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ay3K7T-pxI


I think the same. Attack as in sabotage. Not a nuclear attack. Seriously, who can get away with attacking another country with a nuke?

That thing in the video could have been a drone. Maybe a kamikaze drone equipped with C4 or other high yield explosive.

Just a “simple” sabotage. Nothing of the sort of nuclear bombs and the likes.

Hind Abyad

Ehm, Israel can. Have a good nap.


yeah yeah, the invisible nuke of the invisible zionists.

Hind Abyad

”The strike was carried out on August 4, 2020, at the exact location designated by Benjamin Netanyahu in his speech to the United Nations on September 27, 2018 [1].

It is not known what weapon was used. However, it has already been tested in Syria since January 2020. It is a missile with a tactical nuclear component in its warhead that causes a smoke mushroom characteristic of nuclear weapons. It is obviously not an atomic bomb in the strategic sense.

The weapon was tested in Syria on a plain in the countryside and then in the Persian Gulf on the water against Iranian military vessels. This is the first time it has been used in an urban environment, in a particular environment that made the air blast and vibrations reflect off the water and the mountains. Far from destroying only the port of Beirut, it killed about a hundred people, injured at least 5,000 others, and largely destroyed the eastern part of the city (the western part was largely protected by the grain silo).

Israel immediately activated its networks in the international media to cover up its crime and lend credence to the idea of the accidental explosion of a fertilizer stockpile. As is often the case, false culprits are named, and the international media machine repeats this lie over and over again in the absence of any investigation. Yet there was indeed a smokestack incompatible with the thesis of a fertilizer explosion.

Just as neither Syria nor Iran had communicated about this weapon when they were hit, the Lebanese political parties immediately reached an agreement not to say anything in order not to demoralize their population. An investigation was opened, not into the cause of the explosion, but into the responsibility of the port’s personnel for the storage of the fertilizer allegedly responsible for the explosion. However, this lie soon turned against the political parties that had imagined it.”

Servet Köseoğlu

Looks like Taiwan Hsiung-Feng B-2B blue print is on the way to help İsrael..Gabriel is disappointment..


Analysts talk about “western hubris” and arrogance. Reading your comments, I understand what they mean.

Seriously, do you think Taiwan would stand a chance in case of a massive chinese invasion? The chinese could conquer them bare handed, because of the high number of soldiers they have.

I understand you have never seen a war in your entire life, but do you think there are ufos flying around? Or magical thunder striking the enemy? There are dirty bodies, sweat, blood, oil and vomit on a real battlefield.

The heavy lift has been and is, even today, done by soldiers.

Servet Köseoğlu

wait a minute…ı am talking about ”possible”blueprint help to İsrael , not taiwan vs chinese issue..how did you manage to connect anti-ship missiles to taiwan-chinese confrontation?..if you are bored,please knock someone’s door not mine

Jens Holm

….And all small ones should give up, when the big ones bark. The real world has never been like that. Small ones making schratches and might have friends too can win top.

I think You should write his short text again. It might be blured but it was thepossible relations between Taiwan and Israel. I think so.

They are the same in having not many friends but they do have a big one.


Launched safely, hit properly. Well done. Unlike some that kills its own scientists:)))))

Lone Ranger



can’t see no scientists


The scientists are below deck, so hard to see them from outside ship.


that is actually a very smart thing to do. Those scientists are smart

Lone Ranger



where are the scientists?

Lone Ranger



also not a weapon, irrelevant

Lone Ranger

Truth hurts, try to handle it…


not a weapon


In the lab polishing their test tubes? Certainly nowhere near any weapons tests.

Scientists do research.Engineers take that research and make shit out of it.

Scientists don’t build missiles, engineers do. An engineer can do science but a scientist can’t do engineering without being a professional engineer.

I appreciate the job you are doing here as a troll. It’s good to give the locals someone to hate …. keeps them coming back …. but if you can’t at least get the basic terminology right all you do is look like a fool.


so irrelevant to my comment


“where are the scientists?”

So that was a SERIOUS comment!

Sorry, I had no idea. if I had known I’d have taken the comment seriously.

Lets try again.

The scientists are back in the lab dear, polishing their test tubes. Now wipe that drool off your chin, put on your helmet and hold onto the rope cause your moms coming to get you soon.


smart of them not to die. well they are scientists after all

cechas vodobenikov

because your comment is irrelevant–can’t the CIA an idiot intelligent enough to think? rhetorical question


then don’t reply:))))itching much?:)))


Inside of torpedo tube pushing out the torpedo…suddenly one of them got stroke so the launch has failed…as we all can see in that video.


and he sank down in Black sea to the orchestra?


You are flattering yourself rat. There is nothing shocking or provocative about you. Just mild disgust


ohhh nooooo. I failed my objective. how will I live like this

Hind Abyad

Yes, Khazar’s Black Sea.


Khazars is more of Caspian Sea area, but their water is more or less similar, so yeah.


it looks like you know nothing of how engineering works

obviously there are no scientist on a ship testing a weapon…but there were scientists in the lab where that weapon was prototyped many times, each prototype tested to see if it worked

or do you think that because they are jews, they build things from thin air?

Lone Ranger

Was that in english…?

Lone Ranger




Lone Ranger



not a weapon, irrelevant

Lone Ranger

Truth hurts, doesnt it? Try to handle it…


it does, but still not a weapon

Hind Abyad

It’s a spam..


i figured



cechas vodobenikov

bring to learn your own language. “the functional illiteracy and ignorance of amerikans has made us an international joke”. Morris Berman



Traiano Welcome

A few decades too late for The Liberty …


In time for a false flag in the strait of Hormuz.

Traiano Welcome

Israeli attack ships in the straits of Hormuz would get wiped out by Iran. Every square meter of the strait is under Iranian monitoring.


Oh no..don’t scare us.

Traiano Welcome

I’ll do my best.

Jimmy Jim


Hind Abyad

Netanyahu UN Speech Sept 2018: Site 1 He Mention in Beirut Lebanon,Was Hit With A Bomb, Coincidence?


It just proved he told the truth that they hide rockets there, he also told the truth about what we will do to Lebanon in any future war.

Hind Abyad

”Israelis accused of encroaching on Lebanon’ June 26, 1980

An Israeli Kibbutz (collective farm) is reported to have fenced off about 60 acres of southern Lebanese land for its own use, and other serious Israeli violations of Lebanese sovereignty are occurring daily.

Beirut’s prestigious independent daily, An-Nahar, says that the fenced-off land is near the Lebanese village of Adeisseh, and has been taken over by residents of the Israeli border Kibbutz of Misgavam.

The Israelis also are said to have plowed up land and planted trees near two other south Lebanese villages, Aita al-Shaab and Alma al-Shaab.(..)” https://www.csmonitor.com/1980/0626/062651.html https://twitter.com/RBrulin/status/1092431185056288769

Peter Jennings

Exactly what i thought. It will come in handy for the next one.

Leif Oskar Zetterstrøm

Israel has promised to destroy the world if anyone wants to destroy Israel. Not easy to use atomic bombs when the enemy flows into Israel. But they are happy enough to drop atomic bombs over their own heads to exterminate the attackers.

Potato Man

You remind me of this video, @(1:15 – 2:16) they are fuked in head all of them and some Americans. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fo77sTGpngQ

Leif Oskar Zetterstrøm

Christians love Israel but the Jews hate Christians. But now it is the case that worshipers of religion do not belong to the intelligentsia.

Potato Man

Have you watch “Border Wall II: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)” he talk about how a fuked up company got billions of dollar to build a shity “wall”, what I was going to point out is why US don’t look in to who they are paying? That also goes with what they are doing with their military, like F-35 why should you not make the whole damn thing? Or why US “working” with other countries to make new weapons? Did all the Deutsche and other good European engineers died in US or the pigs find a new way to make money?

The “new” warships & jets of US cost a lot (to make) and need repairs after some time. This goes with this new Zion anti-ship missile, how much it is cost, how good it is, how hard it is to make it. We don’t know :/ if it is the same as “Zion dome”….they can fuk off.

cechas vodobenikov

after bribing Bahrain, UAE to recognize Israel it is now reported that US will lift sanctions on Sudan and bribe Oman to do the same perhaps these missiles are designed to sink Palestinian fishing vessels

Traiano Welcome

Sa’ar class … Isn’t that the same class warship Hezbollah took out in the 2006 war?

“During the 2006 Lebanon War, the vessel was patrolling in Lebanese waters ten nautical miles off the coast of Beirut. It was damaged on 14 July 2006 on the waterline, under the aft superstructure[1][2] by a missile (likely a Chinese-designed C-802[3]) fired by Hezbollah that reportedly set the flight deck on fire and crippled the propulsion systems inside the Four crew members were killed during the attack: Staff Sergeant Tal Amgar, Corporal Shai Atas, Sergeant Yaniv Hershkovitz, and First Sergeant Dov Steinshuss.”

So they put an anti- ship missile on a target for an enemy that has no ships. Dumb joos.


A message to the Iranian navy, we can sink down your ships anytime we want. Never forget that. Also, they say in Hebrew how the new development can help our navy to confront hostile targets while keeping our maritime borders safe.

Servet Köseoğlu

I am planning to visit israel maybe 2022 or 2023..Can you advise me the best place for Sabich sandviches?Beteavon! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b5a0425f3b7acbcdc4c8127b69848af297ba6a510c41c4f6d9341778e3a080d0.jpg


Hey Servet :) Right now we are having an economic crises due to the pandemic, so I can’t tell which restaurants will stay open or not. We need to wait and see till mid 2021, so I can tell you about locations and low prices once it all clears. Also sadly, Turkey doesn’t accept Israeli tourists now becuase of the virus, so we can only fly to Greece, Serbia and Bulgaria. I don’t like seeing Israelis give the money to the ungrateful Greekos, but Serbia and Bulgaria are cool and I like them. Also, I want to see Vas claims again he can destroy us, he needs to look at the missile and what will happen to his loser Greeko navy if they come here.

Servet Köseoğlu

bro,this is south front community…dont take serious %80 accounts here..ı advise you Croatia..much better touristic destination from serbia and bulgaria..


Croatia was open to us till 1 month ago, now they also have alot of confirmed cases of Covid so we are not allowed to go there. We can only go to those 3 countries, and our main airport is going to be closed next week too so no more flights for about 2-3 weeks. And yeah, I don’t take most of them seriously but I mean some Greekos here are deluded thinking they can take down the IDF or TSK easily, when they don’t even have money for a toilet paper.

Servet Köseoğlu

we cant forbid them dreaming bro..Greece is absolutely joke..

Traiano Welcome

Really? Go ahead, pile into the Persian gulf and see Iran sink you kosher assholes to the bottom of the sea.

To date israel has not been able to sink a single Iranian ship.

On the other hand Iranian weaponry and training helped Hezbollah take out a Sa’ar 5 warship.

Iran 1. Jizzrael 0.


Have you beem missing the news lately Traiano? Iran and Israel are going to a war probably in the coming 6 months, it depends on their nuclear program. So yeah, in a war we WILL sink down their ships. make no mistakes about it.

Traiano Welcome

I’ve been reading that news since 2000. It won’t happen because a war with Iran will mean destriction of Israel.

The reasons have been studied in technical detail for decades now, so no reason for me to explain them.


Yeah yeah, always the same comments saying how Israel will be destroyed. I believe the U.S will join the war too, and I don’t see anyone coming to help the mullahs against them or us. Wait and see, like I’ve told to Garga they will never have a nuclear bomb. Remember it.


the soon to be homeless jews in palestine are desperate to get some stuff together to deter the enemies at the gate, now that the yankee-twats are skint and unlikely to come rescue the war criminals and thieves illegally occupying palestine. moreover anything they, the criminal jews, manage to put together is more than likely stolen from the yankee-twats in keeping with their dna formed over couple of millenia.

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