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MARCH 2025

Israeli Police Used Force Against Muslims Near Al-Aqsa Mosque In Jerusalem

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Israeli Police Used Force Against Muslims Near Al-Aqsa Mosque In Jerusalem

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Israeli police clashed with Muslim worshippers near the Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem during prayers marking the Islamic holiday of Eid al-Adha.

According to Palestinian medics, at least 40 people were wounded in the clashes at the site. Israel Police claimed that at least four officers were wounded.

Police employed force, including tear gas, to dispress Muslim worshippers. At least two people were arrested by Israeli forces.

Tens of thousands of Muslims flocked to the site for holiday prayers. Jews are also observing on Sunday the Ninth of Av, a day of fasting and mourning for the destruction of the two Biblical temples which stood at the site in antiquity.

Initially, Israeli police barred entry to Jewish visitors, but reversed their decision. The situation immidiately escalated. Israeli Public Security Minister Gilad Erdan’s office said 1,729 Jews entered the area.

The incident came just several days after an Israeli soldier was killed south of Jerusalem. On August 10, Israeli forces killed four Palestinian gunmen who attempted to cross the Gaza border fence.

Israeli sources blame the Muslim worshippers for the escalation. At the same time, Palestinian supporters say that Israeli police intenitonally allowed the situation to escalate in order to undermine the Muslim holliday. Initially, police released contradicting data regarding the decision to allow or not allow Jews to enter the area. This became the source of the tesnions that turned into clashes after Jews were allowed to enter. The clashes were used as a pretext to use force and dispress Muslim worshippers.

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Christian S

Still waiting for HTS and other so called ”jihadist” to protect their holy sites from zionist terrorists but apparently their holy site is Israel.

Free man

You probably don’t understand the Middle East mentality. Jihadists, rebels, SAAs, Iranians, etc. know how to kill each other. Regarding Israel, at best they will threaten Israel and at worst accept the Israeli beating quietly.

stupid is as stupid does

What are you driveling? You presume that Iranians would ”accept the Israeli beating quietly”?! You are insane! The rest I don’t even want to comment. You understand jack s*it about the the Middle East !

Free man

Then prove me wrong. Why is the “resistance” axis constantly getting an Israel beating but refusing to resist? Why is the Iranian response to the Israeli bombing are only empty threats? Why did Hamas send terrorists to Syria to fight the SAA and not Israel? What do you think I don’t understand?

stupid is as stupid does

You ”don’t understand” because you let your emotions and passion taking over the reason. Everybody in that conflict has different objectives and interests. Whatever are the appearances the fact is that Assad is advancing. Not fast enough but advancing despite huge West+stooges opposition to that advancement. Instead of exaggerating, try to understand what are the Iran options. And is it worth it for Iran to start all out war now against Israel + NATO just to get the quick revenge? There is always time to get the revenge for much lower price. Unlike you, I don’t expect to have answer on everything. But I also don’t jump on stupid conclusion because I don’t have logical answers on everything. If things frustrate me I don’t start to immediately lose basic common sense just because they don’t bother to keep me informed and keep their secrets. Many things are meant to be kept secret, just like many things are used as war propaganda. If you feel like, just continue with your bullshit deductions. They sound idiotic and it is like that because they are idiotic. Israel is just tip of an iceberg behind which there is whole NATO & US hidden including their Arab stooges. It is no easy task to overcome those obstacles with their heterogeneous alliance but their enemy is also heterogeneous. Nobody normal expected this to be easy and straight forward. Almost whole planet is preparing for crisis and war and this Syrian conflict is foreplay for something bigger only.

Free man

You have no answers, but I’m the one who doesn’t understand. LOL. So I’ll explain to you what you don’t understand, the Middle East only understands power. The strong in the Middle East can do whatever it wants regardless of law or morality. While the weak are slaughtering each other.

stupid is as stupid does

You sound like totally retarded person and you want to ridicule somebody?! I tried to explain to you subtle things but you obviously can’t (or don’t want) even grasp basics. Your would be “mighty” Israel is in deep s*it up to their neck. Soon time will come when they will fight for their survival as country. The war in Syria is in stalemate and advances very slowly because Syrians must now liberate their own country without much help from the others. West did everything to drain population out of the Syria so pool for novices in the army is very small. Things go slow but they go in right direction.

Retards like you will gloat over their theory that “glass is half empty” and try to be pessimists as much they can. Simply because you are moron or troll. Most probably you are troll pushing defeatism and like that giving support to Western, Israhell agenda. US+ West + Israhell+ stooges will never win in Syria. Either way it is, I have only one message for you: f*ck you, you adolescent retarded peace of s*it !

Free man

Your name matches you, you are really stupid. The solution is to stop this stupid war, but bloodthirsty fools like you enjoy the unnecessary killing of other people. And your stupid rationale is that the West and Israel are to blame.

stupid is as stupid does

F*ck you double talking western troll ! The war was brought to Syria by thousands paid mercenaries from Maghreb to make regime change in Syria & Iraq with would be “Jihad” to make room for greater Israhell and colonial power US and their stooges to rip Syria &Iraq to peaces and garb their resources! It is not up to Assad or Syrians or even Russia to make “peace” when those mercenaries are paid above all to destroy Syria just like it was destroyed Iraq, Yugoslavia and Libya with objective to leave divisions and chaos. And to exploit such situation by the neo-colonial West. The war will “stop” once Syria is liberated from Western scum their stooges and their Muslim servants. So f*ck you million times you Western hypocrite lying pig!

Free man

For losers always others are to blame. Don’t compare yourself to Russians, they are winners.

stupid is as stupid does

F*ck Israhell and US and f*ck you pig ! You are only here to bullshit and talk rubbish you stinking troll ! You pigs will be kicked out of Syria and from everywhere else for good.

Free man

Not sure you want my people to leave Syria. But if I understood correctly who you are, we really want you guys to leave Syria together with all the other jihadists.

stupid is as stupid does

I had enough of you Jewish moron you are blocked !

Free man

I guess you’ve run out of excuses for why you guys always need others to come and fight your stupid wars.

Hasbara Hunter

ISISraHell will be the Sacrificial Lamb Sucker….I suppose you are not in Hell Aviv I suppose you Filthy Traitor…because you ZioNazis are going to sacrifice them Jews right boy? You are a Filthy Soros-Parasite…You want Nukes on Jerusalem… That is why you come in here to create more Hatred…Fucking Traitor to your Species!!!


I don’t waste time with morons just I block them. Our time is very important.


Sorry you are Zionist racist.

stupid is as stupid does

Their ”holy site” is the same as ”holy sites” of all Zionists where they gather together right in the Jewish asshole.

Hasbara Hunter

Sodom & Gomorrah are the ZioNazi Holy sites….Bunch of Devilworshipping Khazarian Paedophiles….


Eid greetings to all world Muslim brothers and sisters especially to those who are living in greater prisons e.g. Palestine, Yemen, Kashmir, Libya, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan etc due to US, NATO and Saudi perverters. They are strugling to break the siege.


moslems aare the death sentence for the planet. pure killers. pure parasites.

stupid is as stupid does

Whatever you are up to, you are on the wrong site. This here is pro Assad forum so take your NAZI supremacist arse elsewhere.


moron, moslems destroy the planet. pure parasites, who kill living organism. away with moslems.

Hasbara Hunter

Piss off Filthy Whore…

stupid is as stupid does

You are pathetic neurotic female retard. West Europeans have abandoned Christianity by themselves. The fact that your Italy is profoundly corrupt country thanks to which Italy has received armada of illegal Muslims from Africa and Asia has nothing to do with religious and moral values of those Muslims. It talks more about totally brain washed EU masses and European decadence and collapse of European culture and identity. It is not fault of those Muslim opportunists or even smugglers that EU as globalist organization is in service of betrayal of Europeans themselves. Once Europeans understand that their “elites” want to replace European population with those from Africa and Asia it will be too late for them.


You mean the jews, right? We know.


First yews and then next second all moslems to the hell.


Your English is so good.

Hasbara Hunter

Piss off Khazarian Cunt…we can do without Babylonian Whores like you…go Suck Satanyahu’s Dick & get Mo’ $hekels


wrong. I am Slav. I hate all moslems. They have to leave Europe and die in hell.

Hasbara Hunter

I don’t givva a Fuck what you are…You are a Filthy White Supremacist Brainless Bitch…so get the Fuck out! Go Suck some Dick

Pave Way IV

Israeli police stirring up shit a the Al Aqsa Mosque on Eid. Yeah, what could possibly go wrong?


If US and NATO perverters exist then this will happen to anybody. Who has created SDF, Israel, ISIS, Al-Qaeda definitely these perverters.


Tonto’s wet dream.


I could talk a lot about Islam, but this time I will not, just remind you what its about. I am deeply disturbed by the wall of ignorance, willfully or not, the massive amount of bigotry, the fake prophets teaching fake Islam. And I must remind you some few facts, there is NO compulsion in religion, never have, and never will be, and when that said, the Umah, is our reality, our world. And in that Umah, everything comes from our Creatore, every living thing, and its not up to me, or you to judge anything or anyone, thats is something even I dont tread into, but instead teach knowledge, and then hopefully you will gain wisdom. Allah is love, the greates force I know of, since it creates life, from nothing, and that, is Light. God is Light. Be it, and you will live forever. I like this Videos, of Poems, made thru Kinetic writings Islam: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_C0QznjLqVQ

And remind you all, about the hard truth, everything is up to Us, everything, and thats why the prophets lived, even thoe their powers came directly from God, yet they preatched Peace and Love, they did it because eventually, we are the ones whom have to show our worth, and if we cant do it, whom then will. And again, never ever forget this, it may save your soul, our Lord will just ask you One question, thats all the Creatore needs, because it tells Him everything. What did you do to others.

Be the light in this days of evil and darkness.



Isisrathell Occupation Force stormed the complex with violent, Yet Jews are the victim! … My my…

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