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Israeli Prime Minister Demands Withdrawal Of UN Forces From South Lebanon

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Israeli Prime Minister Demands Withdrawal Of UN Forces From South Lebanon

File image, via the UNIFIL account on X.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on October 13 called on the United Nations to withdraw its peacekeeping force from southern Lebanon, where the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) is currently operating against Hezbollah.

“Mr. Secretary-General, get the UNIFIL [United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon] forces out of harm’s way,” Netanyahu said in a public video statement, addressing UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres.

“It should be done right now, immediately,” the primer added.

Netanyahu then went on to claim that the presence of UNIFIL forces in southern Lebanon makes them “hostages of Hezbollah.”

The prime minister also expressed regret over the incident last week in which the IDF wounded two UNIFIL soldiers in southern Lebanon. “We are doing everything possible to prevent this harm,” he said.

The clashes on the Lebanese-Israeli border first broke out after the start of the war in the Gaza Strip, with Hezbollah launching attacks in support of the Palestinian enclave. Israel escalated its attacks on Lebanon starting from September 17 and on September 27 it assassinated the Secretary-General of Hezbollah, Hassan Nassrallah.

The IDF officially announced the launch of a limited ground operation against Hezbollah in southern Lebanon on September 30.

Since then, several UNIFIL peacekeepers were wounded in attacks by the IDF. Israel faced backlash over these attacks, with some of its closest allies like the United Kingdom and France issuing condemnations and voicing their support for UN forces.

Netanyahu’s latest remarks indicate that the IDF is planning to expand its ground operation in southern Lebanon. This won’t be possible with the presence of the UNIFIL.


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i hate israel but i think they will capture beirut


only beirut? then you’re really a big optimist. i’m a realist.they will take half of lebanon and in the meantime they tear the ass of iran . and they will also involve u.s. army, composed mainly from african-americans, overwhelmingly former muslims, because jeeewish blood is veery sacred for that. and the best at the end. not only will they break it up so that the grass won’t grow there for a hundred years, they will also get rich from it.

Last edited 1 day ago by SnowDen

bloodthirsty jew fantasies. so far they haven’t got six inches inside lebanon. they will pay a high blood rent for every day they stay there. just like 1982-2000 creating a quagmire for themselves. the zio tik tok army is falling apart, plummeting morale & indiscipline. many have bugged out to avoid military service like nutteryahoo’s little boy living it up in miami. religious jews don’t want any part of it. even uncle sugar has had a bellyful of talmudistan. hamas will cleanse gaza.


you naive simple minded suckers are all the same stupid. imo


gay jewboy fantasies


Zionistas cucarachas

lmfao 🤣 jewcunts wet dreams

Zionistas cucarachas

fuck israhell


keep snorting that there horse poison that has made you the most deluded clown on this thread. snoooooooooooooooooort!!!


sunni turks love israel, because hezbollah has destroyed turkey’s plan in syria. and should israel take beirut, it doesn’t mean anything. usa also once occupied kabul. lol.


bro sunni can support hezbollah and i support houthis world best 😉


i hate erdogan because he is dumb

Jewish pimp

and i hate you because you are dumass turk. go now to your goat.

Last edited 21 hours ago by Jewish pimp

self-loathing s a curse


this is not the first time the zionist have tried this,

1967 six day war, 1987 and 2000 2007 and now 2024

thay will get their ass kicked!

this time lebonon has been ready for years 💥💥🔥💥💥

or will iran beat lebonon to the punch and totally destroy israel?


grow up brother. england is the jews landlord they allowed the jews a 20 year lease on the designated area allotted to them by the crown. its the landlords responsibility to enforce the lease not the tenants. when the landlord runs and hides and acts as if its none of his business at all then you know somethings not right.

Last edited 16 hours ago by Anonymous

according to zionist israel the land was given to them by god, they are confusing god with england!


sure that’s part of their dream of a greater israel! however, they will be on the run before that happens or they will all be dead! hope for the latter!


i hope but if israel capture beirut what will do you so ?

Keyboard warrior

lol. beirut?! they can’t even capture the villages that is few meters away from the border and they have been there for over 2 weeks. they might capture ankara or istanbul but beirut is a distant dream for them.


bro they have captured the village you can look at liveuamap.com

Keyboard warrior

yes i am going to trust a website that is made by ukrainians that is allied with israhell.


they can’t even “capture” the pile of rubble with the thousands of buried dead that they have caused in gaza let alone advance into lebanon except where hezbollah leads these idiots to their slaughter. are you too young to remeber the thrashing the idf terrorist trash got in their “adventure” in lebanon 2006? you need to lighten up already and understand the reality of these tranny baby killing terrorists and thier inevitable destruction when they dare face real men and real armies.

Jewish pimp

because you are stupid turk.


haha, that’s nice one. to be honest, muslims are a bit stupid to cry over genocide at the un. the un is a private rockefellers club, so maybe muslims should create their own club, pay salaries, bribes and everything that goes with it, and then shout about genocide there. they seem to be drinking in the wrong club, to be honest. credit to netanyahu for not telling the un peacekeepers to leave or get killed :d


and so ends the fairy tale of democracy, the un and a multipolar world order (putin’s own words) in confrontation with reality. p.s. don’t expect too much fuss or condemnation from the western mainstream, because it’s murdoch’s private club. and don’t expect a reduction in financial aid to israel, because it’s a rothschild’s private club. only soros will arrange the transport of muslim illegals to europe to lower iq there.

Last edited 1 day ago by SnowDen

more free netty-zio publicity from s.f. unifil are there to help the idf, and this latest fake ‘toys out of pram’ rant from ‘mr genocide 2024’ ain’t fooling no one, surely…


the unifil peacekeepers are so stupid that they let hezbollah hide near them. what would you actually expect from unifil? they got paid to go to lebanon and walk there in israel’s line of fire – it takes to be a 1st class dumbass. which they are. and as for as israel, they don’t need intel from unifil, they have vast net of informants and everybody could learn from them how to do that. the pagers stunt was world 1st class sabotage.


9/11 was “world class” jew sabotage criminality and terrorism as well. maybe everybody should “learn” from them and start targeting jew civilians. 40,000 dead jews as a start. shlomo has always targeted un peacekeepers just like they have murdered 200 journalists – they don’t want any witnesses to their crimes and nazi style atrocities.


it is not so easy to “learn from them” as they are working on world control for hundred years already. and then there’s the iq barrier. if muslims weren’t such idiots, they might ask themselves how it is possible that their oil-rich countries are stripped to the bone, but israel, in inhospitable desert, has only shit there, but has all the money in the world at its disposal.


that puzzler cannot be discussed openly.


gay clyde like me in amerikunt gay bar he fist my anuz


congratulations. i love that for you.


no. because “nothing that is done in secret comes from god”

Jewish pimp

which is actually drying out. americans have enough of isisrael.

Last edited 1 day ago by Jewish pimp

it has all the money because it steals it by swindling and pimping and blackmailing frequent flier whore politicians like clinton when they get the videos of their kiddie fiddling trips to epstein island sent to them in the post.


good idea, target jews far from palestine but nevertheless provides help to the scum in palestine!


you’re clueless. another trollope for the globalists nazi world order.


oh youre real good aren’t you.

Zionism 101

it now looks like the zionists/mossad set up the hamas kidnappings to draw the american public into the conflict and planned the gaza genocide to provoke the muslims with the goal of gaining control of the region financed and fought for by the u.s.a. while growing rich themselves.


it’s not a big deal for jeews. some slower individuals take a year to figure it out. some never get it. and then there are first-class idiots like putin who will claim to the death that false flags, disinformation campaigns, brainwashing, etc. are dishonest ways of fighting, so russia doesn’t even bother to get better at these things. if russia had been led by neanderthals instead of putin, it would have had the same results.

American Chumps Inc.

putin’s honesty makes him a great leader someone armed with the truth does not need treachery. the whole zionist plan could blow up in their faces if iran has nukes or can delay until they have them this is not a done deal by any means


mr shekelstein pimp me to gay mulattos in amerikan gay bar for 19 years–now i need diapers

Edgar Zetar

hahaha… guess you don’t know their machinations? but it’s never late to learn about the exceptionals and their advanced outpost in palestine. since born israel was the beloved son of two empires u.s.a and british with the blessing of the catholic church institution and all lackeys defend them in the six day war france – germany and so on so on (too many lackeys)

Dick Von D'Astard

turkish army should be protecting muslims in lebanon from satanists and zionists.


turks are literally fueling this genocide


relying on the turkish people? well, it’s the same as if i were to give my money to the jews for safekeeping. or if i tried to sober up with the russians. turkey is just a slightly different word for betrayal. but i have to admit that they have a balanced approach. they betray anyone indiscriminately, even themselves.


they actually seem like pussies. harping in the news but no action for 1 year.


as long as the fight goes against shiite hezbolah erdogan is happy with it. if not for iran and hezbolah erdogan would have been allready able to proclaim himself the sultan of syria. the russians came late to the party.

Edgar Zetar

turkey understood the israel war since the beginning, they would not do anything, they will only try to take advantage and get stronger by the time nato and eu collapses. nato would not survive the test of time also eu us flagged to be kill since his creation.


ohh, interesting explanation, unifil are “hostages of hezbollah” and since the zionist occupation forces simply have an instinct for killing hostages, it’s not their fault! xd they also have an instinct to kill civilians though, especially children. good thing zionists didn’t mistake unifil for children otherwise they’d all be dead or maimed by now.


nonono, you messed it up a bit. netanyahu said, that hezbollah use unifil as human shields. which is perfectly true. as i said before, hezbollah fight like cowards, they are hiding behind civilians. and as the civilians got evacuation orders and flee, hezbollah try to hide behind unifil. but it doesn’t work against israel and their most moral army, because they are in charge in the un. you can’t use jeewish own tricks against jeews lol.

Jewish pimp

idf uses kids.

Keyboard warrior

nonono, you messed it up a bit. hezbollah are using the israhelli diaper force as human practice for shooting. they have opened a shawarma shop in south lebanon and are sending kosher shawarma with free delivery back to israhell. it is so nice that even the israhelli diaper force agreed to use their helicopters for a speedy delivery.


the problem is that they dont see nonexceptionals as real humans so its no crime in their eyes. something the people that worship some stone have in common with them. i mean to be honest the bank disguising as religion in rome has preached the same in the past.


qué es lo que significa una guerra abierta y desembozada contra la población civil? qué significa la matanza de mujeres, ancianos y niños? la destrucción total de cualquier tipo de infraestructura humana básica y esencial?

no es suficiente con que los imperios actúen disimuladamente. no alcanza con la contratación directa de agentes en el terreno para sembrar el caos, con la invasión “legalizada”.


no alcanza con la cobertura mediática, ni con borrar completamente a los indeseables del espacio virtual, no alcanza con imponer las maneras correctas con un algoritmo, ni con la contención institucional.

el mundo, el poder, está dando vuelta la página

ya ni siquiera importan los antecedentes nacionales, las pruebas históricas, los mitos, las tradiciones, la cultura…ya no importa nada…


luego de alcanzado el poder total, los dominadores del juego se sienten acorralados por reglas que ven completamente obsoletas e innecesarias. constreñidos, incómodos, los viejos fundamentos éticos y morales sobre los que edificaron su grandeza han dejado de ser útiles.

la estética de la convivencia se ha vuelto un corral donde no pueden desarrollarse mas: como los aros de hierro de un tonel lleno a reventar, impiden que sus duelas colapsen y exploten, pero tampoco entra mas nada.


pero el mundo cambió. cambia, aceleradamente. y no hay ninguna decisión, ninguna palanca, ningún resorte que este en nuestras manos. toda decisión es ajena. y ajena, quiere decir, que si no nos perjudica, será solo por… casualidad? …descuido? no. por conveniencia estratégica. nada mas.

qué es lo que está pasando??


que las únicas fronteras que aun respeta y convalida la son las fronteras económicas, porque son las únicas que permitirían homologar todo, homogeneizar el territorio humano, en un solo código de interpretación.


y por qué? porque si hablamos de dinero, hablamos de matemática, que como sabemos, es invariable en sus resultados, permitiendo la generación de listas, jerarquías, parámetros fijos, que combatan y terminen por extirpar, exterminar, cualquier tipo de individualidad sospechosa, cualquier tipo de lazo basado en la tierra, el amor, el tiempo o la historia común.


and i actually demand that the jews pack up and leave palestine now, without delay or gods wrath will fall on their heads till they are all dead!!!


boat cleaner is a hell of a drug.

Edgar Zetar

hahaha great joke…

Edgar Zetar

they are aligning all the hate in the midwest against israel and their allies, meanwhile the usa empire cannot continue to bribe forever arab goverments and the most western aligned muslim countries… so the arab spring will go away and probably the alah archangel will come down straight to earth to remove christian and jews from muslim holy land. israel has they days counted, they wont be on earth in the xxii century.

Last edited 23 hours ago by Edgar Zetar

when i demanded mulatto withdraw peniz from my anuz they refuse unless i pat shekels

V for Victory

more zionist bullism vs the onu (=rest of the non zionist world)

Zionistas cucarachas

satanyahu must be send back home to hell.


hehehe, isr think their law is supreme over un mandates and lebanese laws and gives orders. they are quite stupid to not see the criminality of that. btw the icj and icc are still awaiting orders from their kings and masters in the uk, eu and us on what decisions to take.

Last edited 17 hours ago by peacenowstopwar

“the pope is the moral authority for rule of law” barracks o bomber


course the un want globalism want an end of the whole entire existing world order except fro the vatican and the royals everything else has to be recreated “built back better” as thatcher and reagan legally contracted to do back in 1984.


where is putin now just sit and make back door agreements without all russians concern.hezbollah,wagner supported putin in egypt,syria,azerbaijan.let putin also support allies only in his time of need.


russia use to immediate supporting country in colonial struggle of africans,south americans,indians,chinese,koreans,vietnamese.but putin came with suppress the ally defence will and only allow us,nato to destroy.divide and rule.


to be putin’s ally you will first die and then praise and help with useless words.just like saddam.and gaddafi died and putin question us/nato that who give them right to kill.assad is scared to asked for erdogan forces withdrawal. then putin will threaten to withdraw also to please the enemy.


it should be noted that saudi, uae, bahrain etc have all forbidden the americans to use their bases in those countries in a war against iran! and the jews are not allowed to use the airspace of those countries in an attack on iran. i guess the jews realize that their iron dome leaks and that a counterattack by iran would seriously threaten the jews existence in palestine, thus the wait.


the khazar terrorist maggot entity is frothing at the snout and flailing against a world ever more nauseated by $lumville financed entitled chosenite terrorist garbage nesting in palestine. if the khazar jew does not excise the cancerous puss oozing from its orifce the rest of humanity will indeed do it for them. we can no longer tolerate this demon hollow co$ cult of genocidal monster$. enough!


this is unheard of. this shows that israel does not care about anything. the un is just a retarder. israel believes that the western countries will not do anything about it. usa supports, but for how long? trump hardly.

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