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Israeli Prime Minister Threatens That Israel Will “Destroy” Syrian Army If Fired On

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Israeli Prime Minister Threatens That Israel Will “Destroy” Syrian Army If Fired On

FILE IMAGE: Israeli battle tank

On June 7, Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that Israel adopted a new policy regarding Syria, under which the Israel military will strike the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) in response to any attack on it.

“When they waged this horrific civil war, Israel did not intervene. We built a hospital. Now the war is nearly over, he [Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad] invites Iran in? He is no longer immune. If he fires at us, we’ll destroy his forces,” Netanyahu said at the Policy Exchange Institute in London, according to the Israel Ynet News.

The Israeli Prime Minister also warned that Iran is deploying troops and weapons in Syria to threaten Israel and stressed that the Israeli military will not tolerate this.

“Iran is trying to move its army a thousand miles, so it can threaten Israel. They want to bring in precision-guided rockets with half a ton warheads and submarines to the Mediterranean,” Netanyahu said.

Netanyahu made these statements following a tour, during which he visited Germany, France and the UK. A senior Israeli official told Israeli reporters during the tours the leaders of these three countries have reached, a “general agreement” regarding the removal of Iranian forces from Syria, according to the Times of Israel.

Recently, Israel and the US increased their pressure on Iranian forces and Lebanese Hezbollah in Syria by diplomatic and military means. Syrian observers doubt that this pressure will lead to any result as long as Tel Aviv and Washington are not willing to stop their illegal interventions in the war torn country.

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Len Zegelink

the zionists ,are scary

matew ivanson

stupid shiite scum will be destroyed, nobody can against powerfull Israel Army, this time on the same side are Free Syrian Army, Israel Army and USA Army in the field in Darra, Quinetra and Golan, there will be a sea of dead Assad and Iran soldiers, no retreat from the sacred Israel soil


………………the bark of a rabid dog ! How well did your forces do whilst they were in Syria ……………. that is before they had their cowardly arses kicked back to the Golan ?


There is no Israël soil only stolen land bitchboy


Boycott the Apartheid fascist death squad abomination known as Israel. Shun its citizens, force them to understand that they are citizens of a pariah state.

Israel is a war crime!

Concrete Mike

LOL all you cowards are good at is shooting civilians in gaza. Your advocating for more war, you are a fucking tool, a cockroach would not even touch you thats how corrupt you are.

I laugh at your threats, so is russia and so is putin.

Im just worried you psychos will start nuking shit because you cant stand to lose.

Regardless the whole world is starting to hate you, i would lay low and shut up if i wete yoy guys


Why is he in Europe and not calling help from his so-called “god” ??? Why do he need american weapons ?? XD


Because he does not believe in Jehovah, he is a Israeli heathen. A tree is known by its fruit.


It is time to cut the Zionist tree down and burn it all Jesus. :)



[17] Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. [18] A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. [19] Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.

Divine retribution awaits evil Jews according to what Jesus Christ declared in the above scriptures.


Of course, never trust GB, France and Germany. You will not trust your dog neighbor if the master is mad !!

S Melanson

Yes, those three certainly. However, I think there are quite a few nations missing that qualify fo be on your list. But to be fair, most people cannot afford the hours that would be required to type them all in.


israel likes to kill defendless children. israel doesn’t like that Syria has weapons too !! That’s why Putin never gives weapons to Assad.


Most of the weaponry of the SAA has been procurred from or in many cases has been given to Syria by Russia. Please inform yourself.


The only weapon that Russia does not want to give to Syria is the S-300. Why ? because of the strong influence of israel in Putin.


Don’t you understand where come the root of terrorism ? Don’t you understand why abrahamic religion have killed and destroyed more culture and people than any other ideology ?

It’s because of this simple statement “God give me the right to do it”. “God” is simply an excuse to kill, rob, steal, enslave, …. You need no justification. All you have to say is “God gives me the right to do ….”.

“God gives me the right to kill this children”. “God gives me the right to steal you”. ……

The root of terrorism is Abraham.



Thats right


Fight against those who (1) believe not in God, (2) nor in the Last Day, (3) nor forbid that which has been forbidden by God and His Messenger (4) and those who acknowledge not the religion of truth (i.e. Islâm) among the people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians), until they pay the Jizyah with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued. S. 9:29 Hilali-Khan


“Until they pay the Jizah with willing submission”. There you have laid bare your real motivation in forcing your brand of “real Islam”.

Its All About the Money. Your “complete” religion of Wahhabi authoritarianism is its covering.


You speak like a clueless knuckle head, why don’t you read what God said first to the Jews:

1] And God spake all these words, saying, [2] I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. [3] Thou shalt have no other gods before me. [4] Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: [5] Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; [6] And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments. [7] Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain. [8] Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. [9] Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work: [10] But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates: [11] For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it. [12] Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee. [13] Thou shalt not kill. [14] Thou shalt not commit adultery. [15] Thou shalt not steal. [16] Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour. [17] Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour’s.

If Jews do not keep these commandments they are heathen and they are destined to hell.

Stephan Williams

“Gawd” didn’t say anything to the jews. The hebrew jews made up their murder-loving gawd like they make up everything else. Hebrews wrote the words they attribute to gawd and millions of suckers still believe that gawd actually spoke to them.

You can’t fix stupid.

What was it that PT Barnum said? “There’s a sucker born every minute.”

Raptar Driver

The ‘Jews’ were only one tribe of 12 and one half of the Hebrews, people need to remember this.

S Melanson

If you are not familiar with the names of the princes of hell, no worries, just look up the Gods of the other 11 tribes and there you have it.


The jewish Hitler is free to boast about world jewry’s demonic plans in Britain, France, Russia, Germany and the USA. Even world jewry’s idol, the original Adolf Hitler, did not dare do this- keeping his real intentions for speeches in Germany at the time.

The jewish Hitler, having the backing of every major jewish organisation on the planet, and 90%+ of jews worldwide, feels no cause to be constrained.

World jewry knows it is on the very edge of having its slaves destroy Iran. And when the monster Trump declares war on Iran this September, the jewish Hitler will take his chance and apply the FINAL SOLUTION to Gaza, the West Bank, Lebanon and other regions.

We all witnessed the ISIS murder videos with jewish Hollywood production values. The jews finally coming out of the closet and partnering in public with their wahhabi brothers. The proud demonic sadism in those ISIS videos was an in-your-face message to Greater Humanity from world jewry. A statement of intent and power.

Raqqa is today in total ruins. But when it was an ISIS stronghold, master jewish propagandist, Rupert Murdoch, sent his jewish journalists to Raqqa to make a major multi-part documentary series, in co-operaion with ISIS, showing the wonder of ISIS rule. This documentary did more than anything else to con young stupid muslims across the Earth to travel to Syria to join the wahhabi cause.

The monsters trust that you have the memory of a goldfish. So you say nothing when Putin offers the s-400 to every wahhabi state today.


And strive hard in God’s Cause(jihad) as you ought to strive (with sincerity and with all your efforts that His Name should be superior). He has chosen you (to convey His Message of Islâmic Monotheism to mankind by inviting them to His religion, Islâm), and has not laid upon you in religion any hardship, it is the religion of your father Ibrahim (Abraham) (Islâmic Monotheism). It is He (God) Who has named you Muslims both before and in this (the Qur’ân), that the Messenger (Muhammad) may be a witness over you and you be witnesses over mankind! So perform As-Salât (Iqamat-as-Salât), give Zakât and hold fast to God [i.e. have confidence in God, and depend upon Him in all your affairs] He is your Maula (Patron, Lord, etc.), what an Excellent Maula (Patron, Lord, etc.) and what an Excellent Helper! S. 22:78 Hilali-Khan https://youtu.be/cGQwTOsh__0

Concrete Mike

Get back in the sewer you!!!

Tudor Miron

South Front, why do you allow this daesh propaganda to be posted here? Whats wrong with you?


Good call Tudor. It was just a matter of time. DAULA HAS BEEN DELETED! :))

Tudor Miron

Thanks PZIVJ, that crazy rat was polluting this website with open daesh propaganda – thats unacceptable.


Well ur pathetic “state” is defeated and its servants are send to hell ?


Strange thing. If a god wants mortals to kill other mortals then he seems not to be able to do it by himself. Very impressive projection of divinity. It´s always the same thing. The “kill the infidels” has been solely secular interests from the very beginning, be it christianity or whatever. With the 10 rules of Ponsonby in mind read the bible or the koran. Find any similarities – must be pure coincidence… Being agnostic is very pragmatic btw. Should try it sometimes. Even the time for counting how much time one has spent with religion is wasted.

neil barron

Your light burnt out when you Arabs came out of the northeastern no mans land to conquer the sands of time and still don’t grasp it. Shifty Sands so you are.

Stephan Williams

Satanyahoo is the jewish STALIN.

Hitler was a great man. Someday, once we throw off the shackles we wear because jews control the flow of information, he will be once again generally acknowledged as a great man.

Satanyahoo, on the other hand is an acknowledged psychotic, serial-lying shit stain. Comparing him to Hitler is just dumb.

I thought the rest of your comment focused, informed and intelligent.

(Hell, we can’t all be right about everything, can we?) ;-)

Raptar Driver

Hitler was a Jew.


So was Genghis Kahn Cleopatra Alexander the Great and Abraham Lincoln. But no ones perfect?

Raptar Driver

True, nobody is but to hide your identity and intentions is another thing. Never heard of these others being Jews, I will have to research this.

Declan O'Hara


Wahid Algiers

And you are an idiot.

Declan O'Hara

Raptar Driver: How on earth can you possibly say that Hitler was a Jew?? Are you deaf, dumb and blind?

Wahid Algiers

You are right, absolutely.

Wahid Algiers

Don’ t compare a filthy zionist, jew or something like that with Adolf!!!

Declan O'Hara

Starlight: Though I am aware that Putin has offered to sell the S-400 Air defense system to Turkey, I am not aware that Russia has offered it to Saudi or UAE, which certainly can be called wuhabbi states, especially in regard to thier despicable genocidal war against Yemen. Please reply specifying what states aside from, for example, India, that Russia has offered to sell the s-400 to. Thank you.


You must read about the death of Magellan. People who say to me that Spaniard were not Christians or whatever are delusional. Indeed, Magellan was a christian fundamentalist.

He wanted to submit and convert some indegenous of a fucking useless pacific island. He though that “god” will help him and that 60 of his others christian terrorists will be enough with “god help” to submit the indegenous. Of course, god doesn’t exist and didn’t about this mad man and he was killed when he attacked people who did nothing to him.

Everyone knows that Jerusalem was destroy twice. Because “God” doesn’t care about jerusalem or whatever. Only these stupid human care about stupid things.


In the same way, the stupid sunnis are dying and think that “god” will help them by stoping american bullets. XD.


Most of Sunnis are dying because the Russian backed enemy (Assad terror regime) does not care about civilian lives. Funny how the Russia is keeping alive and supporting every opressive regime on Earth. They are the shaitan (satan) which will be destroyed once for all according to holy books: https://youtu.be/rP5qBvb7J5w

Concrete Mike

And the saudi pigs and yemen?? Noo its all assad and russia. Go fuckyourself you biased peice of pig shit


Stop saying stupidities and learn something of many intelligent people here.


Funny how? That’s an American Jew talking?


This is a return to the pre-war stance Israel had with regard to Assad, although in this case one must consider that the SAA will be held responsible if any pro-government militia wages an independent war.

Concrete Mike

As i posted earlier, i think this is a call for daesh/green daesh to attack israel , then israel attacks saa, they have done it many times before…why not again?


That being the case, it is only fair that Syria can make Israel responsible for Islamic Terror groups that operate from and take refuge in Israel, which incidentally is their ONLY supply line for all the toys of war.

It is time to destroy Dimona.


Only need one missile, and the whole israeli population would run to America.


That would be rather funny to see Sinbad. Would they be frightened of the de-lousing showers there as well I wonder?

Carol Davidek-Waller

It’s doubtful Netanyahoo can back up threats. Syria has a modern, well equipped, battle hardened military with state of the art air defense. It’s not the Gaza Strip where Israel prides itself on bombing defenceless civilians. Israeli is unlikely to be fired on if it stays out of Syrian air space and the IDF stays behind 1967 borders.

Concrete Mike

No this is something different i beleive.

This is a message to daesh and green daesh to shoot at israel, israel will then attack saa. Same old playbook.

Bibi, go fuck yourself

Val Shadowhawk

Empty threats, that will get him and his fellow tavelers, their long overdue just desserts.

Michał Hunicz

Death To Israel!

leon mc pilibin

This demonic Zionist lunatic who amongst others of the same psychopathic ilk,just want Iran out of the way,by any means possible,lies and more lies to get the Americans to attack,which will leave the middle east at israhell mercy.But don’t forget Russia has a big say about what happens to Syria,and they didn’t sacrifice a lot fighting Isis only for their creators to take over,NO WAY.

R PLobo

Billions of dollars spent and all the oligarchy has to show for it is bibi spewing threats. The entity is back to pre-2011 – in fact they are in the worse position ever. Even more desperate that after the rout in Lebanon in 2006.


What do Robert Gates, Bill Clinton, Nicholas Sarkozy and Barrack Obama all have in common? They were all reported in media as having indicated, with varying emphasis, that that Netanyahu is a pathological liar who crudely alters facts to suit his agenda.


Of course every one of those people is a zionist shill.

Declan O'Hara

Vitex: Yes, they are essentially living definitions of cowards, psycopaths, & simple go-alongs to get along. Disgusting, each one of them.

Tudor Miron

Destroy SAA? Same way they destroyed Hezbollah in 2006?


He’s just running off at the mouth. His voters like listening to him run off at the mouth. That’s why he does it. Everyone has a million terms with which they try to describe Netanyahu, but they never describe him as what he is first and foremost.

Bibi Netanyahu is a politician.


The Netanyahu soldiers are scaring from babies that is why they use sniper rifles on babies. The Child butchers will always scare and will never win the war.

Declan O'Hara



Yes, the best army in the World. Have you seen them fighting with those terrible Palestines ?

Tudor Miron

IDF “heros” look very brave when shooting at children.

Joe Dirt


starting them young….


Is that an israeli pre-school?

Joe Dirt


Declan O'Hara



Syria is more than half-way dead by it’s own hands.


And yet it still terrifies israelis?


Don’t start a war and then bitch about losing territory.


Exactly, and Israel started this war in Syria, so suck it up buttercup.


Try again keyboard warrior Golan Hieghts make a wonderful addition to israel.


No such place as israel, it never existed, perhaps you mean Palestine or Syria?


“No such place as isreal” – Well that doesn’t speak well for the Arabs that lost 4 wars to an imaginary opponent.?????


Nethanyahoooo is getting nervous about SAA, Hezbollah, Iran, and their capacity to inflict serious damage on Israel.


Built a hospital? Yeah, for HTS and their mates. All that needs to be said about the Syrian Civil War is that ISIS never attacked Israel. That pretty much is the smoking gun right there.

John Whitehot

most of the times, he speaks to jews who listen to him. the rest of the world appears increasingly uninterested.

Declan O'Hara

Exactly. They and thier obedient Step-N-Fetch-It in the White House

Manuel Flores Escobar

israel can waste all of its arsenal of air to ground missiles attacking Syria and they will not cause significant damage!…we hve seen how USA wasted 106+59 cruise missile to damage just only some warehouses , 3 small buldings and a fuel depot in Shayrat!…Israel have wasted more than 150 missiles along these years of Syrian war to cause less than a median offensive of Nusra or ISIS!…


Israel has an unlimited supply of free weapons. Americans would gladly starve their children for Israeli fascism.


Another delusional rant by Israel, what a surprise.



Putin signs law on countermeasures against US & its allies.

Well done Mr. Putin. God bless you. Be aggressive on child butchers Netanyahu, Trump and on their allies.

Raptar Driver

The fake Jews are a pathetic bunch of rats but to do underestimate their will to make others suffer.


Diarrhea of the mouth.

Icarus Tanović

I wish I can give you 300 ups!


I appreciate your one. :)

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