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MARCH 2025

Israeli Soldier Killed By Stone Thrower Leads To IDF Raids And Arrests In West Bank

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Israeli Soldier Killed By Stone Thrower Leads To IDF Raids And Arrests In West Bank

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On May 12th, an Israel Defense Forces (IDF) soldier was killed by a Palestinian rock thrower in the West Bank, while the IDF was carrying out a raid.

The Israeli military said 21-year-old Amit Ben-Yigal died after being struck in the head by a rock thrown from a rooftop in Yabad village, near Jenin, as his special forces unit withdrew after detaining four wanted Palestinians.

The Israeli military said troops were back in the village later in the day, searching for the rock-thrower, and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Twitter that Israel would “settle the score with him”.

This led to the beginning of IDF raids all around the West Bank against Palestinians, with numerous videos being released to show what transpired.

During the nighttime clashes west of Jenin, several Palestinians received gunshot wounds. The operation to search for those involved in the killing of an Israeli soldier continued all night in the area.

IDF arrested several individuals, but have reportedly not found the one responsible for the death of the soldier.

Separately, a Palestinian tried to stab Israeli security staff at Qalandiya checkpoint, around to the south on the West Bank boundary and was shot, an Israeli police spokesman said, adding that no Israelis were wounded. The Palestinian was taken by ambulance to hospital and he was in critical condition.

The incidents came one day before US and Israel plan to discuss Tel’Aviv annexing more parts of the occupied West Bank.

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is to visit Israel on May 13th. He is to meet both Netanyahu, and his coalition partner Benny Gantz.

“We [also] hope that we can convince the Palestinian leadership that they should engage with the Israelis on the basis of the [Trump] Vision for Peace,” Pompeo said.

On May 14th, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu plans to swear in a new coalition government whose agenda includes a possible declaration of sovereignty over Jewish settlements and the Jordan Valley in the West Bank – a de facto annexation.

President Donald Trump unveiled a new plan for Israel-Palestine in January, but his administration has been boycotted by the Palestinians, who justifiably see bias in moves such as his 2017 recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. The plan, essentially, also provides greenlight for many Israeli aspirations to annex further into the Jordan Valley and West Bank


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Even in my country India they do the same and when we retaliate they cry. We learnt the concept of retaliation from IDF.Long live India and Israel :D


True man, finally a normal Indian guy unlike Ashok. God bless India, crush those terroristic Pakistanis.


Thanks bro. China is the main culprit as it is helping the pakis and iranis.If we take out China all things would become peaceful.Please give your thoughts on this.


No need for a war between India and Pakistan, only for India to take back whole of Kashmir which is yours and stop the Paki terrorists from killing anymore Indian people from their territory. Israel gave the Indian army some good technology, including the Barak8 and IAI drones. We stand wth you, love from Israel and stay safe from the virus. Namaste.


lol stupid curry you didn’t stand a chance with the Sino-Indian War and you want to take out the Chinese.You couldn’t defeat the Naxalite insurgency and your are talking about take out the Chinese ahahah .

Gary Sellars

I’ll have a lamb rogan josh, 2 garlic narn and a small saffron rice. Chuck in a samosa as well while you’re at it.

And make it snappy when you’re serving your betters.


dang thought my entire day would be bad..


Shut your filthy mouth you roach.


shut the fuck up stupid kike


Another roach. Where do you all come from, roachland?

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Go pick up your fourth skin, from the butchers floor.

Even cockroaches don’t mutilate their own kids, like your lot does.


ask your hooked nose


ask your hooked nose.

Jens Holm

Thats how things sometimes are. Throwing stones seemes to be some kind a de escalation to me…




R.I.P hero, if it was up to me I’d carpet bomb that entire village with everyone in it. Too bad I’m not the DM.

Gary Sellars

Spoken like your hero Adoph.

Jens Holm

If all was like You not even You would be here:(


Well Jens, sometimes you have to use more force in order to defend your people. The Palestinians can have their state, but as long as they do terror attacks then we need to kill them.

Jens Holm

I can only see You fight against war and are skizzos.


Well thats speaks a lot about you that you would kill women & children over one soldier. How many have the IDF killed with snipers including medics & journalists.


Not enough apparently. Pali terrorists only understand force, I can tell that from my 15 years of experience. Let them know that if they kill Israelis, they will get a collective punishment.

Gheddafi Did Nothing Wrong™

Rest in Hell.

One less terrorist in the World.


Only the village? The Jews will probably genoicde half of the West Bank because of this. One Jewish life is worth 100,000 goy lives afer all. They`re only cattle, as it`s written in the Talmud.


stupid question (maybe)…how was he killed with a stone?he was a soldier wasn’t he wearing a helmet?they are supposed to stop bullets! just curious.


An Israel Defense Forces soldier was killed during a pre-dawn arrest raid near Jenin on Monday after a large rock was dropped on his head from the roof of a nearby home.

21-year-old Staff Sgt. Amit Ben Ygal died a few hours after being injured in the Palestinian town of Ya’bad, the first IDF death during military operations this year.

The Israeli soldiers raided the village around 4 a.m. and arrested four Palestinians, two suspected of terrorism and two of throwing stones at nearby Israeli vehicles.

IDF spokesperson Brig. Gen. Hidai Zilberman told reporters the soldiers were not able to identify who dropped the large rock that struck Ygal near the edge of the village.

Ygal later died at the Rambam Medical Center in Haifa.

Israeli soldiers returned to the town after the incident to find the person who dropped the stone, reported the West Bank’s Wafa news agency. Several arrests were made.


Gary Sellars

One less child murderer is a cause for celebration. That one rock has most likely saved the lives of several Palestinian children.

I’d hand out two medals. One to the thrower, and another to the rock.


pre-dawn arrest raid near jenin says it all – only Gestapo used such tactics and the jews in israel. guess they picked up the tactics and methods of Hitler’s gang and we can witness that every day – concentration camp Gaza, lebensraum extensions or thievery of the palestinian’s land, erasing settlements and cutting down olive trees hundred of years old and forcefully relocating palestinians to useless landfills (that’s the jews for you) and stealing the gas under the seabed which under any law would be considered palestine’s gas and shooting kids with slings indiscriminately. that is what the world allows to go on before its eyes.

just one thing to do – evict the evil bastards to the nearest dump and allow them to fester till they are no more (of them around).

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Made in Israel ffs. lol

Gary Sellars

Give that stone thrower a medal.

Jens Holm

I amsure the kid wil be decprated:/ I allow me to say kid, because those people raise their people to it and in the name of reward from upstairs go home and make a new one for happiness and understanding.

A pety we cant take out electricity from that kind of perpetual motion machine driven by olive oil only.

Gary Sellars

Palestinians are a people under occupation by a foreign racist culture intent on stealing their land and resources, and which even endeavors to deny them their very identity.

They have a RIGHT to resist their occupiers, and if that means teaching their children about how the world really works and what their tormentors have done to them as a people, then we have no reason to criticize.

Peace will reign when the filthy racist Zionist doctrine ends up in the bin of failed ideas, right next to its progenitor (Nazism).

Jens Holm

I dont care a shit about that at all. You are blind and dont see how the real world works even its right in front of You.

Now go and kill each other. There will be no peace there until You all are killed. Stones seemes to be fine too.

NOW GO ON. Maybee there will be peace in my time.

You have more chances to make a united PaleKurdistan with the PKKs in Turkey. And remeber to thank western feeding You by UN since 1949.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Learn some English, you arse licking nazi twat.

Jens Holm

I am sure other sites is more for You being for spelling only. The winners there usually are printers with OCR.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Post again you dyslexic moron.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

What is a “pety”?

For the thousandth time, get a translator you penny pinching twat.

Jens Holm

I sorry my comment reached above Your brightness.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Are you Asian, or what!

Peter Moy

An Iron Cross, 2nd Class and a big bowl of ice cream will do very nicely.

Zionism = EVIL

Just look at the ugly repulsive Zionist midget child-killers, they are scared of Palestinian kids with stones, imagine if the Palestinians united and had guns.

James Adams

The Israelis would finally be able to rid themselves of the terrorist scum !!!


nah, the jews will soon be extinct by the ‘terrorists’ in the neighbouring countries and no on will miss their demise.


I hope is suffer good hehe


Not as much as when we lay our hands on the bastard that killed him, we will hang him from the balls.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

More skin on his balls than yours, you child mutilating weirdo.

If only your own race had the balls to fight back, like the Palestinians do to your US funded terrorists. 2000 years of shame.

Free man

“we will hang him from the balls.” – The thing is that you won’t. It would have happened in every other Middle Eastern country, but you don’t have the death penalty. Which is a good thing. But the occupation is a bad thing that needs to end. I hope there will be no fatalities on both sides and peace will prevail . But with Netanyahu at the helm, I’m not hopeful.


I agree Free Man, Netanyahu is part of the problem. That soldier was his parents only son, you should had seen how his father reacted when he heard his son was killed, all of Israel cried with him. Luckily the Pali terrorist has no where to escape, he will either get caught and wish he was dead, or a SOF unit (wish I was there) will find him first and put a bullet in him. I am following the story, waiting to hear any information about his fate.

Free man

It’s always sad that young guys are killed. But it is more likely that you guys will catch him soon, and he will be released in few years in a prisoner exchange deal. After all, Israel gives 1000 Palestinians for every Israeli soldier.


That is our weakness, freeing alive prisoners for 1 soldier or even for dead soldiers like the Hamas deal. I would be happy to read he was shot and killed, we don’t need him to waste our money in prison.

Free man

This weakness is also Israel’s strength. As a former soldier, I can tell you that it is very reassuring to know that your country will do anything to bring you back.


I knew that if something ever happened to me, my family would get my body. I jsu tdon’t know if it was the right price to pay, it just shows they are savages that have no respect to human lives at all.

Free man

You guys choose to live in a tough neighborhood.


I hope one day your people and my people can have relations again, both the Jews and the Persians share alot of common history. I wish you’d see your country free from that regime, you sure have my respect.

Free man

Thanks, I believe peace will prevail


and that is why the jews soon will be on a list of endangered specimens on their way to extinction – whoahahaha


the world could use and support many more of those throwing stones at the idf mass-murdering band of jewish filth – please note that the world doesn’t need the jews and they are thus dispensable and once disposed of in a suitable manner (never to be seen again, ever) quickly forgotten and the world can settle into a world less warring as the thieving and the killing on the hands of the jews comes to an end.

James Adams

Islam is a cancer to the world !!! Palestine is filled with terrorists !!!

cechas vodobenikov

one observes the racist and crude nature of Israelis—merely by observing their behavior and reading comments below


ZioNazi IDF bastards are only effective against children, women and armless Palestinian. They would cry and run their asses off from the true fighter of Hamas & Hezbollah.

Arch Bungle

History Repeats itself. Dawood Kills Goliathstein.


the rock was kosher mouhaha

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