Israeli forces cross a street during clashes with Palestinian protestors at Hawara checkpoint, south of the West Bank city of Nablus, on December 29, 2017. (Photo by AFP)
UPDATE: The IDF confirmed casualties among its personnel.
During IDF special forces’ operational activity in #Gaza, an exchange of fire broke out, during which an IDF officer was killed and an additional IDF officer was moderately injured.
— Israel Defense Forces (@IDFSpokesperson) November 11, 2018
The Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades launched at least 17 projectiles at targets northeast of Gaza. 3 of them were intercepted by Israel’s Iron Dome.
On November 11, the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades [the military wing of the Hamas Movement] announced that a unit of Israeli special forces had assassinated one of its senior commanders inside the Gaza Strip.
According to the official statement of the al-Qassam Brigades, the special forces unit sneaked into the city of Khan Yunis in the southern part of Gaza and killed the commander. On its way back, fighters of al-Qassam noticed the Israeli unit and clashed with it. However, Israeli warplanes stepped in and began conducting airstrikes to cover the unit.
“Enemy warplanes intervened and carried out airstrikes to cover the withdrawal of the special unit, which resulted in the martyrdom of many of our people,” the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades said in the official statement.
Palestinian sources said that “Nur Barake,” a deputy commander of an elite unit of the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades, was the target of the Israeli special operation. Five other Palestinian civilians and fighters were reportedly killed as a result of the clashes and the Israeli airstrikes.
The Israeli military confirmed that it had carried out an operation inside the Gaza Strip and said that none of the personnel involved in the operation were captured. However, the Israeli media claimed that an Israeli service member was killed and another one was injured during the clashes.
“During IDF operational activity in the Gaza Strip, an exchange of fire broke out,” the Israeli military said on Twitter.
Following the Israeli operation, many rockets were launched by Palestinian fighters at Israeli settlements around the Gaza Strip. Some of the rockets were reportedly intercepted by the Israeli Iron Dome anti-rocket system.
The situation in the Gaza Strip is expected to escalate even further in the upcoming few hours. This could delay the Qatari plan to open a naval route between Gaza and Cyprus, under a deal with Israel.
Apparenty the illegal squatters can’t get to sleep at night unless they’ve murdered some Palestinians during the day..
Even killing unarmed Palestinians did not go according to plan as one of the Zionist pigs was killed and another injured. The figures could be higher as the Zionist scum tell a lot of lies.
Oh that’s not fair, any Arab would do, in fact any non Jew would sate their blood lust. A murder a day keeps keeps the goyim away(Talmud chapter 7)
Is the Talmud an openly shared text?
Yeah, you can download it from PornTube
Pffft.Get real.
The Zionist swine seem to have suffered casualties are reporting one dead and one severely injured, even against largely unarmed Palestinians. Imagine what Hezbollah would do to the Zionist pigs.
That’s why IDF withdrew from Lebanon in 2006 :)
Israel unilaterally and under cover of night “withdrew” (ie, got evicted by Hezbollah forces) from Lebanon back in year 2000. In 2006, israel attempted re-entry into Lebanon by force and got the biggest ass-kicking EVER from Hezbollah!
So far, the score is: Hezbollah 2, israel 0.
Go Hezbo!
It’s no wonder Israel hates Iran. Iran and Hezbollah support each other. Iran is largest backer in way of funds and equipment to Hezbollah yes?
So what, they were going to set up a scout outing and singe marshmallows with all the kids while singing kumbaya and firing thee find in the air , them afterward run a soup kitchen because we all know vegetables are good for your mental health.Would you like a bowl?.No charge!. Weeeeell maybe a small little No 81 just to spice things up , a little.
LOL asshole – the idf could have at least taken their military ware with them out of Lebanon, but instead, they scrammed by moonlight like the jewy rats they are with barely their skid-marked underpants on lol! You’ve never seen so many jewish cowards run for the border back in 2000! No wonder Hezbollah refers to it as the ‘Divine Victory’! Apt naming cuz ANY defeat of evil itself (jews) IS a ‘Divine Victory’!
A mythomaniac to the end , oh boy no wonder the planet’s in trouble.
The planet’s “in trouble” because of the satanic talmud, actually.
Love the way you twist facts , youre the type of person that turns your underwear inside out every other day and convinces yourself youre being upfront and hygienic yet the stench belies your reality.Cowards , mmmm this from a bunch of “divine victors ” that hide behind women’s skirts and children at every oppurtunity when the bullets start flying.That set up weapons stores in hospitals and schools.That lie to the world at large and use foreign aid intended for reconstruction to build tunnels and conduct cowardly attacks in Israel .Methinks you been partaking in too much of the product of de- vine. Maybe less vine and more commonsense is in order.Your hatred blinds you.
Oh you can keep your head in the sewers all you want, you secret little panty-sniffer, FACT is, your terrorist israel got an ass-whoop it hasn’t yet either forgotten or reversed lol! The Hezb is coming for you sooner or later!
Fact is , Hezb and the rest are cowards along with all their ” supporters ” .Couldn’t organise a pi$$ up in a brewery even if they poured the contents down your throats and left you to stew.Keep it up , you’ll be reaping the whirlwind soon enough.
LOL your brain is really fried: turning FACTS on their head again – sore fucking deluded jew loser! FACT IS EVEN THE ISRAELI ARMY ADMITTED THAT THE HEZB WERE VICTORIOUS BOTH IN YEAR 2000 AND AGAIN IN 2006! Google it motherfucking shekeled grunter!
Nah the IDF is just lulling them into a false sense of security , then when the time is right…….The arrogance being displayed is proof it’s working.
Yeah sure, iDF was attacking lebanon everyday. Its been a decade +2 years since the last attack. The hezb I am sure has been lulled to sleep LoL Lying Ghetto rat
They don’t need to , youre doing it to yourselves anyway , fighting amongst yourselves , starving yourselves into a punery state.Why should Israel waste resources on something worthless when all they have to do is wait for you to destroy yourselves without any input or help.Other than your tunnel rats getting wack-a-moled regularly Israel has no need to get involved in an drawn out life sapping urban conflict.Actually sad that when you had a chance at peace you couldn’t see the trees for the forest.
Tell that to Imad Mughniyeh (still waiting for that big promises revenge)
You need to go brush your yellow teeth mister headless chicken. Yeah I know: you need to find your head first ;-)
Heads just fine cupcake unlike a l9t of your hero’s victims..I see you lot took the money from Qatar , remember to thank the IDF for letting it land.
A “false sense of security” …
• Israeli military officials called their retreat from Lebanon in 2000 a “humiliating defeat”.
• Mossad and Shin-Bet directors called the war of 2006 a “national catastrophe” and “critical blow”.
“Even more revealing were the comments by Mossad Chief, Meir Degan, and the head of Shin Bet, Yuval Diskin, during a meeting with Prime Minister Olmert in the immediate aftermath of the war. Both men pointedly told Olmert “the war was a national catastrophe and Israel suffered a critical blow.”
Depends on your definition of catastrophe and critical blow.Does Israel still exist? Does it have a military capable of defending itself?.Affirmative on both counts , objective achieved and a whole lot less Hezbs and supporting evil to worry about.It just looks like a victory for Hezb bit believe me there’s nothing divine about blowing oneself up amongst civilians.Straight to hell where there are nooooooooo virgins waiting.Anyawy off to turn the world into the had an place possible.Have an absolutely worthless day.
It was/is not my definition as I am not the one who said it.
I don’t know why you keep on lying that Hezbollah commits suicide bombing but I suspect that you’re only desperate.
It was/is not my definition as I am not the one who said it. Mossad and Shin-Bet directors did.
I don’t know why you keep on lying that Hezbollah commits suicide bombing but I suspect that you’re only desperate. You might want to know that suicide bombing and other modern terrorist tactics were introduced to the Middle East foreign by Jewish Zionists. They would use booby trapped children to blow up markets full of people for instance. You can read all about it in Thomas Suarez’ State of Terror: How Terrorism Created Modern Israel.
SO in essence youre saying Hezb are such saintly individuals that have never committed any sins that they don’t belong in Gaza but a monastery in which case they’d have to opt for religiousconvention thus rendering them liable to the ultimate sanction of death because : they’re a peace loving , nation building , non aggressive orginisation ?.
You continue raving. I leave you to it.
Really? I got pics of your crying bitch IDF fighters crying their brains out in 2006. The Hezb organised the biggest Piss-up of Israel’s life in 2006.
So What?.I say something you’all get offended from zero to rabid in zero seconds flat , so that would make you way more emotional than any soldier involved in combat situation. Hey I guess that would make you my bitch wouldn’t it.
Not sure how “Hezb and the rest” are the cowards but, in the light of your ending sentence, it seems like you are only venting some fumes.
When Israel could not deter Hezbollah militarily in the war it planned and waged in 2006, it went after attacking Lebanon – bombing Christian towns and villages, civilians, bridges and commercial/industrial infrastructures unrelated to the war. In case you’re not aware, collective punishment is illegal by international law. And that is one tiny example of the long list of cowardly crimes Israel has committed since inception.
Everything about Israel, deep down to its putrid core, is British colonialism. Expansionism, military tactics, night squads, disregard of rules of engagement, civilians lives, etc. It should come to no surprise that one of Israel’s most precious document is written by a degenerate Brit in the name of Orde Windergate.
Then ask yourself , why would they have to resort to suchbextreme measures if their neighbours are such “peace loving” examples of humanity that consider suicide bombing a national sport.You really think they’re going to turn the other cheek and risk annihilation because a bunch of individuals in New York have suddenly become experts on how to survive a total onslaught from all corners of the country?.The SJW’s and their ilk , what viable solutions have they come up with amongst their workd wide panel of experts.Oh yeah , Israel must unconditionally capitulate and disappear of the face the of the earth.Yeah right , guess what , That’s what the Nazi’s also thought , think again if you can , if your very daily existence depended on the survival of your people and nation would you not explore every means possible to effect that.Who have a singular stated aim of the destruction of Israel since 48 and people have the temerity to run their little myopic pro head lopper agenda’s on social media trying to justify the unjustifiable.Israel has been constrained , across all fronts , certainly more mindful of human rights than Hezb and co had been.
Your psychotic meltdown continues.
Before pointing the finger at anyone, educate yourself on who created Israel and the motives behind the creation. You might find out that the people involved were also behind the rise of Nazism. When you’re done with that, see how foreign Jewish Zionists have used terror on the inhabitants of the land since 1937.
Ignoring for the moment the fact that Hezbollah does not practice suicide bombing, it was Israel who illegally invaded and occupied the south of Lebanon for nearly two decades where they made the lives of Lebanese a living hell. It was also Israel who planned and waged the war of 2006. I’ll skip how Israel attacked everyone in 1967 to then lie it was attacked and it’s decades long meddling in surrounding countries.
They’ve really done a number on your brain.Rather give it a rest.
Before giving it a rest, read what you post.
By the way Orde Windgate was a genius insofar as warfare is concerned.Were it not for him a lot more lives would have been lost. Warfare on a strategic level and all it entails and the cause and effect of the various decisions made in pursuance of various objectives is clearly beyond you.
I did not expect a degenerate like you to think any less of another putrid degenerate like Wingate.
Ah good then we finally agree on something.
I merely stated an observation: that you’re a degenerate.
They Have not forgotten, or else they would have attacked lebanon again after 2006 – Now they only TALK, no Fight. They like to fight impoverished, under – armed Gaza resistance, mostly with cowardly airstrikes.
Tell that to all the dead Hezbollah fighters in Lebanon
Twist facts? Israel got ass-kicked in 2000 and a terrible bitch beating in 2006 (they were begging the UN to force Nasrallah to a ceasefire in 2006). Israel called up over 60 000 only to get F*ked up by 2000 Hezbos in 2006. In the entire 2006 episode lasting more than a month, these IDF P@ssies could not penetrate 5 km into Lebanon.
Hamas can go to the abyss of hell. When has it ever helped the Palestinian cause? Firing rockets that always land on empty lands only gave the Zionists a pretext to kill more Palestinians and a reason to continue their expansion.
Hamas’ very creation was supported by Israel and it represents the Palestinian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood (a British creation).
Feeble attempt to dissemble and disinform. A shortage of talent in the Hasbara department?
Even Rossa Brigada had more success in their short history than Hamas. You can’t win the war against superior oponent by playing the very same rules. If Hamas continue to do so, Omega is closer to the truth.
Before calling me a hasbara, I invite you to peruse/read the comments in my profile. There was no attempt on my part, the two points I brought up are verifiable: Hamas’ creation was indeed supported by Israel and the Muslim Brotherhood (which Hamas is its Palestinian branch) was a British-Masonic creation to keep muslim nations backwards in order to serve British interests. There is a reason why every Muslim Brotherhood was/is a freemason. See here:
Muslim Brotherhood: London’s Shock Troops for the New Dark Ages,/i> https://larouchepub.com/eiw/public/1979/eirv06n18-19790508/eirv06n18-19790508_014-muslim_brotherhood_londons_shock.pdf
It matters little, because the greater truth is that Israel is an occupying force, and Hamas is a representation of the Palestinian resistance to this illegal and brutal occupation. For Palestinians it matters little if the support comes from the Muslim Brotherhood or the Christian Sisterhood. Good for them, I say.
I stand by my comments: you dissemble, misinform and distract.
Where do you read me state otherwise on the Zionist state being an illegal and brutal occuping force? I don’t also don’t understand how you can entitle yourself to speak for the Palestinians from the comfort of your home thousands of miles away. My point, which you fail to realize, is that the Muslim Brotherhood was created by the British inteligence to serve British interests in the Middle East. Hamas is its Palestinian branch – literally formed by members of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood decades ago. There was a reason why Israel fully supported and cooperate with the creation of Hamas and the Islamization of Gaza. My original comment (that Hamas should go to hell) was/is in relation to how little Hamas contributed to the Palestinian cause – nothing more or less. You think any little effort counts, sure, but at what cost?
Omega has a point. Hamas are derived from Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood – Sunni fundamentalists – hence in 2012 Hamas officially declared their support for ‘opposition’ in Syria – precisely because the armed opposition was entirely based on Syrian branch of sectarian Muslim Brotherhood. As Qatar primarily funding Muslim Brotherhood based militants in Syria, Hamas went all in with Qatar, and shuttered their Syrian branch office in Damascus and moved offices to Doha. But after the Russian intervention in 2015, and the roll back of militant factions – guess who tried to come crawling back hoping to make amends with the Syrian leadership?! Hamas – proved to Syrians they cannot be trusted.
So best for the Pals to stop resisting then?
You are grossly simplifying and conflating reality – Hamas are sectarian Sunni faction and they betrayed Syria, who have long granted them assistance and hosted them in Damascus, almost immediately. That is entirely separate issue to Palestinian resistance against systematic Israeli political violence – Hamas doesn’t own the Palestinians or their resistance.
Hamas’ political wing betraying Syria/Iran was linked to the rise of the MB under Morsi in 2011. Hamas’ military wing was against it. Interestingly enough, when Morsi and the MB went down, Hamas’ political wing looked to go back to Syria/Iran.
Interesting break down of the internal Hamas faction roles – that wasn’t aware of – the political wing appeared to rashly think in early 2010’s everything in region would go in favor of MB. The MB rise to power in Egypt, and MB insurgency in Syria, with Turkey as ally, and Qatar as the financial sponsor. It was rash political assessment to say the least – and lacking realism and pragmatism. Cheers for quality dialogue.
Interestingly enough, 2010-2011 coincidenced with a Western (NATO) plan to place the MB in every nation in the Middle East. Likewise, cheers.
Hasbro Omega thinks Southfront forum members are monkeys. Zionists dont need pretexts to kill women and children. Its part of the Talmudic faith they brought with them from the Polish Ghettos
Actually, hamas does not respond to every deadly provocation inflicted on them by the terrorist jews – but sometimes they have no choice but to respond with the little weaponry that they have, futile as it is.
The muslim brotherhood is only one segment of hamas – not ‘everything’ hamas is controlled by the muslim brotherhood, just as you can say that not all Republicans are neocons – which is a truth and a fact.
In this instance, it’s more helpful to applaud the killing of the terrorist ‘special forces’ jewish invader than it is to blame hamas. Blaming hamas means that jewish terrorism won the narrative in this story.
Your alternative reality beggars belief. The fact you try and justify it even more.
Of course to ugly-faced jews like you, FACTS are apparently ‘alternative reality’ – facts are ‘antisemitic’ too, aren’t they lol?!
Don’t bother giving me your brainwash hasbara version – won’t sell around here, or around the rest of the world either.
Shame poor little victim.
Nah haemeroid, I irritate @$$h0le$ like you.
Turd that gnat shits! That’s how inconsequential you are motherfucker lol!
As usual the last resort of someone thats run out of reason or logic , expletives and whataboutisms .Weren’t spanked enough as a child were you ?.
You can’t address facts of israel’s defeat against hezbollah? Then STFU already! Never mind the ‘spanking’ little terrorist wanker, billions of people around the world are very much looking forward to israel’s nuts getting kicked by hezbollah in the near future.
True but numbers mean nothing. I don’t care if not all Hamas is Moslem Brotherhood. They however,control Hamas as the Neocons do control Uncle Sam.
The fact that Israel treats with Hamas everything you need to know. Controlled opposition!
No, Hamas are NOT “controlled opposition”, they are AN ARMED RESISTANCE, in case you haven’t noticed.
So much hasbara comes out of you that methinks it’s actually YOU who are the asshole “controlled opposition” agent.
So PLO wasn’t resistance? HAMAS is jew -controlled and aided headchoppers and nothing more. These dogs got rid of the secular Moslems resistance and are Takfiri dogs. You should know better.
If in fact ,you really are a Christian european girl they will have you for breakfast. That is code for much worse things.
Oh just shut it down already with your stupid hasbara! No, hamas do NOT have christian euro girls for “breakfast”, but they would indeed have a genocidal, mass-murdering jew for breakfast – and who wouldn’t?!!!
I thought we were on the same side Lena. Anti -zionist and anti-head chopper. Has that changed?
Are you really-really anti-zionist? Your claims are suspect: especially that your profile is set to ‘private’.
Rachel Corrie was taped and forced to keep it quiet. I assume you’re used by the townspeople and local farm animals as well, which would explain your anal fixation.
You must be one of them craven jewy porn addicts who masturbate at pictures of dead gentiles murdered by pimply coward jews. i hear this is a nightly national sport in Apartheid jewland.
LOL you’re just getting more and more triggered motherfucker and I got all day to chase you and your bestial jewy filth.
Look at the headlines: nothing but jew perverts like you getting outed for their disgusting perversions in the West lol!
The party is over! Fasten your seatbelt, Hezbollah is coming…
Well, I certainly do think Mia Khalifa is a good example of what Lebanese are good for, I do get a little excited at the thought of you being mounted by your goat lover. Do you ask permission first or have you trained the goat to just hop on? You keep talking about apartheid Israel but haven’t answered my question about Lebanese law and pali citizenship. And land ownership. And job restrictions. Maybe you’re too stupid (and we certainly have established that fact). Now, about Nasrallah coming. Will it be on your face? In any event, please wipe it up when he does.
Yet another jew who’s seething jealousy of the FANTASTICALLY BEAUTIFUL Lebanese people lol! They kicked your ass so very many times now to the applause of the WHOLE WORLD! Keep dreaming of being a semite you cum-addicted wannabe semite lol! You will NEVER have peace as long as you worship at your synagogue of satan! We will hunt you down till the last of you motherfucker lol!
Soooo jealous. They totally kicked Israel’s ass. What were those numbers again;
1,900 killed Lebanese factions 11,000 killed Palestinian factions 1,000 Lebanese killed 5,000–8,000 civilians killed
Lebanese sources: 15,000–20,000 killed, mostly civilians 1,400 killed IDF 954–1,456 killed SLA 191+ killed Israeli civilians
Right, totally kicked out asses. You’re totally hunting g us down from that bunker nasrallah hides in. Well, sure you can kill kids on vacation in Bulgaria. Super tough guys you are. Remind me again what you did?
Jews are simply JEALOUS, covetous motherfuckers – proof of this is EVERYWHERE in history and in our present.
You always know when the idf is losing because they start attacking unarmed civilian populations. Whereas the Hezbollah attacks military jew targets. So you citing how many Lebanese civilians the satanic jews have mass murdered is but an indicator of the pussyness of the jewish army lol!
And besides, jews have NOT DARED attack Lebanon since 2006 when they were AGAIN humiliated by the Hezbollah. THIS IS A FACT that needs to be shoved down every orifice on your stinking frumpy body!
You are too cute. Jews are jealous, of what? Your mud hut? All the Nobel prizes we win? All the scientific, medical, and technological advances advances we create? Our positions in government around the world? What exactly are we jealous of? Projecting again, I see. Shame. Yes, Israel hasnt attacked Lebanon since 2006. Instead it’s decapitated Hezb al shaitan by assasinating Imad Mugniyah, the head of Hezbollah’s military arm. Boom.
Again, You’re interested in exploring my orifices? Are you sexually attrition me? Is that why you keep talking about that? I know, Anything is better than your camel, but we live in a #metoo world and I can simply not allow you to sexually come on to me like this. Shame on you for objectifying me.
Oh yeah right – jews set up ‘prizes’ that they win themselves lol! Oh we know this jew trick ONLY TOO WELL! Go fuck yourself with an Oscar, why don’t you, you little satanic klepto cunt!
Hezbollah is coming to smash your criminal delusions of grandeur any day now!
But you can always run and hide up the stinking arse of Saudi Arabia, your bff in the region lol!
Now I know how jewish divorcees in Golders Green spend their evening: drinking ziocain shots and going all bolshie jew-supremiicst on the net lol fucking psycho antigentile cunts!
I hope you and your evil ilk are fast asleep and having nightmares of gentiles exposing your evil deeds and skulduggery and PUNISHING you for it all night long lol!
I’ll be waiting right here for you when you wake up all scrambled with paranoia and looking like the ‘back end of a bus’ motherfucker!
Yeah, the same takfiri dogs Israel likes to support and medicate in Syria
The same Hasbara echo under different signitures. Fewer and fewer people are falling for their lies.
True. Thats why the BDS movement is gaining such traction. the entire world sees the Zioscum BullSh1t for what it is.
I disagree. Exposing the real face of Hamas (at its leadership level) as a branch of the British-Masonic Muslim Brotherhood is the only way to help the Palestinians, their cause and deter the mendacious Zionist narrative. The Muslim Brotherhood has its roots at Oxford and the Scotish Rite of Freemasony and was created to serve British interests in the Middle East in keeping targeted Muslim nations backwards. In a nutshell: to replace secularism with realigious zealotry (see [1] below). Something that was tried in the present bogus war in Syria.There is a reason why every Muslim Brotherhood leader was/is a freemason. The very man behind its ideology, Sayyid Qutb, was himself freemason (see [2] below).
[1]: https://larouchepub.com/eiw/public/1979/eirv06n18-19790508/eirv06n18-19790508_014-muslim_brotherhood_londons_shock.pdf
[2]: http://www.voltairenet.org/article201316.html
You are mistaken about the Hamas leadership – they are NOT massonic, like the Egyptian founder of the muslim brotherhood was. Provide evidence of this massonic connection to hamas or please stop spreading this mossadist falsity. Sure the hamas leadership have made mistakes since the so-called ‘Arab Spring’ erupted, but in case you were not aware, they have since fully re-aligned their military wing with the Axis of Resistance, which includes Hezbollah and Iran. The hamas ‘brotherhoodness’ agenda currently lies second to their liberation project. Also, islamic jihad in gaza, who are umbilically connected to the Leb Hezbollah, would have NOT banded with Hamas against israel if for a second they thought that hamas were ‘brit-massons’ and controlled opposition. I think islamic jihad, living in such close proximity of hamas would know better than you and I who is and who isn’t a genuine resistance force. I ask you therefore to review and reconsider your analysis of hamas. And here, I will say that I do NOT support hamas’s islamic lifestyle, but I do indeed support them as a Palestinian resistance group. This is the pragmatic view.
Suggesting that I am spreading “mossadist falsity” is displaced. If you’re not aware of my stance on the putrid Zionist state yet, I can only invite you to read about it through my comments.
You’re caught up on the “Masonic” aspect of the ordeal when “British intelligence” is what matters. The Muslim Brotherhood was created by the British deep state to serve British interests in the Middle East. The Masonic nature is structural sort of speak (secrecy, loyalty, communication, etc). Hamas was literally founded by members of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood and both share the same political ideology. Israel not only supported Hamas’ creation but also fully cooperated with the Islamization of Gaza.
I am aware of the historical ups and downs between Hamas and Hezbollah/Syria/Iran. What you call “mistakes” by Hamas were in reality directly related to the rise and decline of the MB in Egypt under Morsi. When the MB rose in Egypt in 2011, Hamas (at least its political wing) gave up on Hezbollah/Syria/Iran. When the MB decline in 2013, Hamas sought a rapprochement with Hezbollah/Syria/Iran. It is true that Hamas has re-established official military ties with the axis of resistance in October 2017 but I certainly wouldn’t call the ties between the two as “umbicilical” in the quest of “Islamic jihad”. The political wing of Hamas and the one of Hezbollah diverged greatly. They found common interpretation ground in some of the Islamic teaching and that, mostly for the sake of their respective interests.
The leaders of Hezbollah/Syria/Iran are high likely aware of the British relation to the Muslim Brotherhood. They can however discern between the political and military wing of Hamas. For instance, when Hamas reconciled and realigned with the axis of resistance, Hezbollah/Syria/Iran did so on the basis of Hahya Sinwar (founder of Hamas’ military wing) being elected as Hamas’ political leader.
The nature of my initial comment was two fold. One, that Hamas’ political wing is a branch of the MB and two, that Hamas’ military futile actions have always resulted in disproportionate reactions from the putrid Zionist state. I can understand the military limitations due to Gaza’s precarious situation but it’s politics are dubious, especially when linked directetly or indirectly to Britain. It makes me think, right or wrong, that Hamas always ends up benefiting the Zionist cause. I hope to be wrong.
Thank you for your thoughtful comment, Omega.
First, I’m sure you’re aware that the mossad would love nothing more than to isolate hamas and have people refer to them as a ‘terrorist’ group instead of a legitimate armed resistance to the euro jewish invaders of Historic Palestine – the mossad would love it for regular folk to trash talk against hamas especially when the terrorist idf is actively pummeling Gaza. This is why I had asked you to be careful with the ‘timing’ of your criticism of hamas (plenty to criticize, I know) while Gaza is actively being bombed so as NOT to play into the mossad and shin bet’s propaganda hands. I am 100% aware of your anti-zionist stance and would never accuse you of being a hasbara etc. You’ll therefore forgive me if a misunderstanding there occurred.
Second, sure the original Egyptian MB was a skanky colonialist British project, but I don’t believe the same applies to the Palestinian Hamas of today – the Brits are NOT in Gaza working it: the israeli jews are. The Brits do NOT covertly support Hamas: directly or indirectly – they instead overtly support the terrorist Rothschild idf army. The birth of hamas may indeed have been enabled by the terrorist jews in order to counter Yasser Arafat, but that plan soon went to the toilet when Hamas found its infant feet and immediately went rogue against its jewish midwife – hamas has been rogue ever since then.
It’s a fact that for the past several years, hezbollah has been actively providing training (and some arms) to all Gaza resistance groups, including Hamas. I doubt that the smart and well-informed Hezbollah would give this kind of assistance to ANY group what even whiffs of colonialist or talmudic ambitions. I tend to go with hezbollah’s assessment because they’ve proved themselves to be righteous, honest, incorruptible, logical, brave and successful at their military missions. I tend to look at where Hamas is at TODAY and not yesterday – and I tend to be fully sympathetic to them as a resistance group when the mass murdering jewish airforce is assaulting Gaza.
One of the major problems that the Arab world suffers from is disunity during crisis. I therefore ask all Arabs to unite against their common enemy when one of their own is being attacked by the jewish terrorists. This was simply my message to you.
I’m a non-religious Californian who now lives in south Lebanon – have been in south Leb for almost six years so I’ve learned much history and nuance on the topic of the Axis of Resistance groups – I’ve also learned Arabic. My sympathies lie with all Arab nations under attack or under threat of attack by the terrorist jews.
I am of the mind that the forced establishment of the jewish state is a crime against humanity itself – and this crime should be corrected by the dismantlement of the state of israel: either by peaceful or by violent means. Simply, the destruction of israel by any means possible is what I fundamentally support.
I believe that Hamas (and all other resistance groups in Gaza) also desire the destruction of israel too.
Therefore, I am pragmatic towards Hamas, instead of critical – especially when Gaza is under attack.
Hi Lena, I received an email notification for a reply you sent me but I don’t see the comment posted in order for me to reply back.
Thanks for the heads-up on my comment, Omega – I just found it in my account box under ‘Detected Spam’. I have rescued it – let’s see if the moderators send it back to ‘spam’:
Thank you for your thoughtful comment, Omega.
First, I’m sure you’re aware that the mossad would love nothing more than to isolate hamas and have people refer to them as a ‘terrorist’ group instead of a legitimate armed resistance to the euro jewish invaders of Historic Palestine – the mossad would love it for regular folk to trash talk against hamas especially when the terrorist idf is actively pummeling Gaza. This is why I had asked you to be careful with the ‘timing’ of your criticism of hamas (plenty to criticize, I know) while Gaza is actively being bombed so as NOT to play into the mossad and shin bet’s propaganda hands. I am 100% aware of your anti-zionist stance and would never accuse you of being a hasbara etc. You’ll therefore forgive me if a misunderstanding there occurred.
Second, sure the original Egyptian MB was a skanky colonialist British project, but I don’t believe the same applies to the Palestinian Hamas of today – the Brits are NOT in Gaza working it: the israeli jews are. The Brits do NOT covertly support Hamas: directly or indirectly – they instead overtly support the terrorist Rothschild idf army. The birth of hamas may indeed have been enabled by the terrorist jews in order to counter Yasser Arafat, but that plan soon went to the toilet when Hamas found its infant feet and immediately went rogue against its jewish midwife – hamas has been rogue ever since then.
It’s a fact that for the past several years, hezbollah has been actively providing training (and some arms) to all Gaza resistance groups, including Hamas. I doubt that the smart and well-informed Hezbollah would give this kind of assistance to ANY group what even whiffs of colonialist or talmudic ambitions. I tend to go with hezbollah’s assessment because they’ve proved themselves to be righteous, honest, incorruptible, logical, brave and successful at their military missions. I tend to look at where Hamas is at TODAY and not yesterday – and I tend to be fully sympathetic to them as a resistance group when the mass murdering jewish airforce is assaulting Gaza.
One of the major problems that the Arab world suffers from is disunity during crisis. I therefore ask all Arabs to unite against their common enemy when one of their own is being attacked by the jewish terrorists. This was simply my message to you.
I’m a non-religious Californian who now lives in south Lebanon – have been in south Leb for almost six years so I’ve learned much history and nuance on the topic of the Axis of Resistance groups – I’ve also learned Arabic. My sympathies lie with all Arab nations under attack or under threat of attack by the terrorist jews.
I am of the mind that the forced establishment of the jewish state is a crime against humanity itself – and this crime should be corrected by the dismantlement of the state of israel: either by peaceful or by violent means. Simply, the destruction of israel by any means possible is what I fundamentally support.
I believe that Hamas (and all other resistance groups in Gaza) also desire the destruction of israel too.
Therefore, I am pragmatic towards Hamas, instead of critical – especially when Gaza is under attack.
Hi Omega, I’ve already answered twice IN DETAIL but it seems that the moderator keeps dumping my comment/response to you – wtf?!
Briefly, apologies for not making myself clear I am 100% sure that you’re NOT a zio – I just ask that supporters of the Axis of Resistance be pragmatic and not critical of anyone in the resistance while they’re being assaulted by the terrorist israelis.
Also, there is zero evidence of hamas collusion with the genocidal jews.
Let’s see if this comment makes it through.
You keep getting knocked off bu the moderator bc you’re a dumb twat whose stupidity is offensive to anyone with 3 brain cells.
Oh a little jew stalker with a ‘Freudian’ oral fixation who’s just sucked off the blood and foreskin of their neighbor’s circumcised toddler .
My comment is THERE you blind and triggered jew terrorist lol!
Do you have an original idea or insult? I mean, sure you can piggyback my Freud thing (interesting that you consented to use him as he was a Jewy Jew Jew.) I guess you love Jews after all. Maybe you’re projecting. Did a Jewish boy break your wittle itty bitty heart and now you’re mad at them all. Those meanie Jewys weren’t nice to poor wittle Lena. But that goat never talks back and is always ready to go! Yes
Erm, sorry to interrupt your goat cock-sucking session, but Nasrallah’s on the phone for you, wondering when you’ll be coming over to Lebanon lol!
Fucking puerile talmudic pagan cunt lol!
We were there, Remember 1982 invasion, kicked your ass? Left because you cried to mommy and we agreed to leave so the UN would stop bitching. The best Hezbollah can do is kill children in Bulgaria. Too cowardly to face the IDF straight on (remind me how many died in Syria and how many times the IAF dropped missiles on them).
Congrats, BTW, on learning how to use Google and looking up words with far too many letters for you to understand. But hey, at least now you can use it in scrabble.
Earth to jew cunt: THIS IS 2018 not 1939 or 1982! Boy do you love living in your bullshit cunt past!
I’ll remind you that in 2006 Hezbollah SLAUGHTERED your best and brightest jewy Golani Brigade and sent the rest of the pimpled and weeping idf soldiers back to cunting tel aviv! LOL you can’t even win a war against poor Gaza these days! Get fucking real motherfucker: you’re as good as dead now!
Now go take another shot of ziocain and come back to me pronto with your moronic non-insults jew bitch!
What is the point of your Anal rant? remove hamas and Israel will stop murdering Palestinians and stop stealing their land.? You are a fckin idiot.
Please read your current and previous comment before point long the finger at “anal rant”. I am not suggesting anything but question Hamas’ political origin and military end results. Neither am I blaming the death of Palestinians on Hamas; that is entirely attributable to the putrid British-Zionist state. You have a valid point with that PA in the WB and Hamas being a beacon of hope.
You are simply misinformed mister or you just shout Israeli hasbarist shits.
Hamas’ creation being supported by Israel and the Muslim Brotherhood being a British creation are bothe verifiable facts.
I am neither. Israel did support the creation of Hamas – this isn’t really news. What is unknown to most is that the Muslim Brotherhood is a British-Masonic creation aimed at keeping Muslim nations backwards to serve British interests:
Muslim Brotherhood: London’s Shock Troops for the New Dark Ages,/i> https://larouchepub.com/eiw/public/1979/eirv06n18-19790508/eirv06n18-19790508_014-muslim_brotherhood_londons_shock.pdf
Who gives a F&ck? hamas kills zio soldiers. thats all thats important. They create some balance of fear, albeit miniscule. that stops the bully from beating up on the pals everyday.
I think it’s easy to talk from the comfort of your home away. In the meanwhile, the Palestinians in Gaza live a different life.
I’m aware of the content of the link you presented.
Thanks for sharing; I am aware of the content of the link you presented. What am I missing?
Well, others might not. Awareness ain’t enough. Spared it. Readers can decide for themselves.
Very true. Funny how the Israelis helped cutthroat palestinians ie Hamas to defeat a secular moderate group called PLO . Yet at the time they made out the PLO to be the big bad wolves. Lying zionist dogs. Like the Americanos. It was all al qaida this ,al qaida that and then presto ,well nusra is the new bad guy and hey now isis is our buddies and are mostly al qaida and nusra and Mc cain gets photos with them. American turkeys!
Precisely; supporting religious Hamas’ creation was to thwart the secular PLO. Something (replacing secularism with religious zealotry) Britain has done for decades.
Precisely, replacing the secular PLO with a religious zealot Hamas was in line with the British modus operandi. One only needs to look at the Palestinian-Israeli conflict since Hamas came to be to realize how Hamas has only benefited the (British) Israeli side. The very same does indeed apply to the rest of the Anglo-Americans creations (Al-Qaeda, Al-Nusra, Al-etc).
An interesting article on British long term strategic approach to colonial divide and rule in middle east:
Excellent article, thank you for sharing. The British Empire was always determined to thwart any competition at all levels in the Middle East. When Egyptian leader, Mohamed Ali, who had made allies up to Syria and secured the technologies that made Europe an advanced continent, wanted to take the Middle East out of its centuries-long stagnant state, Britain unleashed war on him which eventually spread to Mount Lebanon Ethernet the Druzes and Maronite to crush French influence.
It’s worth noting how Britain always used, abused and dropped said allies. Everything about their cunning colonial ways is reminiscent of the Venetians. A lesser known fact is how Venice essentially morphed to become the British empire after the capital was move north to Europe in the same way the British empire continued its hegemony under US after the capital was moved West. Something covered in depth by Tarpley in his Against Oligarchy: http://tarpley.net/online-books/against-oligarchy/
The Zionist swine are now like any third world military, they messed up even trying to kill unarmed women and children and had to be evacuated under fire, one Zionist scum dead at least. They have been killing unarmed women and children in the Gaza gulag for 50 years now.
Aren’t you just a barrel of vitriol.We have plenty of your type in our part of the planet crying the same refrain while planning nefarious and disgusting deeds under the auspices of emancipation.They always seem to be running dual agenda’s though .Much like you.
Were you born a fcukwit or took lessons :)
Stop playing vile genocidal massacres under the auspices of being real jews
What are you trying to say?.That I approve of massacres?.That I applaud the loss of life?.However I don’t blame the Israeli’s for playing wack-a-mole everytime a tunnel comes into their territory courtesy of European construction aid meant for schools , hospitals and infrastructure.The guys planning the terror attacks aren’t playing bridge or Yatze.Theyre trying to destroy the Nation of Israel which is and always has been their stated aim.Israel has an obligation to protect her citizens by any means necessary. Why don’t the Palestinians expend the same amount of energy building up their society as they do trying to destroy Israel’s. Soldiers who join the SOD do so well in the knowledge that death is a constant companion.If they weren’t comfortable with it they wouldn’t be willing to pay the ultimate price unlike the Palistinians who have a predil8cction for pushing woman and children out as human shields while h8ding behind their skirts.You want to know who’s to blame for the high civilian fatalities ? .The Palestinians themselves. Any way the poxy ignorant trolls that push their pathetic attempts at detracting from the truth are just as complicit in the deaths of innocents as anyone else in this long standing conflict of attrition.
Lies – ONE ZIO scum CLAIMED dead. In reality, they lost 7
Mess with the IDF… Get merked from the first fence boy…
Even the lauded jewy “special forces” fail in Gaza, just like the revered (in israel) Golani Brigade got slaughtered by the Hezb in 2006 when they attempted a ‘penetration op’ – (I’d say it was the jews who got ‘penetrated’ there heh!).
It’s just been one failure after the other for the mass murdering jews in occupied Palestine. And yet Don Leiberman keeps threatening to send idf ground forces into Gaza? LOL! I think the coward jews of israel know to stick tight to their cowardly air force and not their pathetic foot soldiers.
Oh get a life.
Killing aint the business it use to be for the zioscum. They getting their asses kicked even in poor gaza by calorie starved Palestinians
This is just normal, basically the problum is that, if you create a false reality and force everyone to support a pretence it will end up destroying everything.
Now listen up, !!! this has been going on for 68 years Jesus Christ (me) came along and my Holy Ghost was hijacked by the Masonic Lodge queers who were Zionists, they teamed up with the Roman Catholics and put the squeeze on the Russian Orthodox until they defected from the Soviet Union thinking the Catholics and Zinosists were goung to be their friends, but they found out different.
The Palestinians are only the first to be annihilated, everyone will get their turn last to go will be the wealthy people in general, well that’s if they get that far, Allah is doing just fine last one to be martyred is a Zino boot licker.
very smart man u r .. spot on
Double Xanax and vodka with a free complimentary hug me jacket for you.
My Salafist Brothers and Sisters don’t see it that way, the Muslim Brotherhood is reformed, many believe it was because of me.
Claiming to be Isa Son of Myram doesn’t go unnoticed come to my place well discuss issues my address is on Quora I’m Terry Loder on Quora.
Oh ok whatever.
what a great day…. 1 jew less
Thing is you wouldn’t make it for one day in the zone.No wonder there’ll never be peace with the likes of you around.
Gaza Resistance targeted 6 military bases of zionists with J-80 missiles. Kisifum, Sufa, Nahel Uz, Aynu Salise, Karam Abo Salm, and Erez military bases were targeted.
So fake Jews lie if they say there are no casualties. Also, settler rat settlements also targetted and houses damaged in Sderot. Even Ofekim and Eshkul were targetted with J-80 missiles. Total combined resistance response was approx 200 missiles