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MARCH 2025

Israeli Special Forces Destroyed Two Military Posts In Southern Syria – Report

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Israeli Special Forces destroyed two Syrian military posts in al-Golan Height buffer zone in a cross-border operation, Israel’s Channel 12 reported on October 14.

According to the news channel, the Nahal and Yahalom units of the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) took part in the covert night operation. Two posts located in the Syrian-held part of the Golan heights were destroyed. However, no casualties were reported.

Channel 12 said the cross-border operation was carried out in response to the growing Syrian military presence in the buffer zone, which violates the agreement on disengagement between Israel and Syria reached on 1974.

Lt. Col. Tal Goritsky, commander of the Granite Battalion of the Nahal Brigade, told Channel 12 that the IDF is following the cooperation between the Syrian military and its allies, Hezbollah and Iran.

“We are familiar with the cooperation between the Syrian army and Hezbollah, and any military entrenchment by the [Syrian army] has the potential to be a dual entrenchment,” the Times of Israel quoted Lt. Col. Goritsky as saying, “We won’t allow the south of Syria to become the south of Lebanon.”

The IDF carried out dozens of strikes on military positions in Syria since 2012. However, covert ground operations are rarely, if ever, revealed by Tel Aviv.

Israel believes that its military pressure will eventually force Iran and Hezbollah to withdraw from Syria. This strategy, however, has yielded no results thus far.


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rightiswrong rightiswrong

Medals all around for the Special Needs troopers, doing what an artillery shell or missile could have done, to an empty outpost.


Don’t you give them ANY credit for having YOUR thought too … but still going ahead with an audacious move UNDETECTED and throwing it on Twitter to FURTHER … SHAME and HUMILIATE the enemy?


rightiswrong rightiswrong

Are you Jens in disguise?

Give them credit for walking into an empty outpost! Are you taking crack, or what!


The enemy has binoculars … the enemy has drones … the enemy has snipers



rightiswrong rightiswrong

Israel has given up military victory, for an “embarrassing” moment! lol



Sorry General rightiswrong … you’re a dipstick NOT a general …


rightiswrong rightiswrong

A dipstick for you is seeing how far you can penetrate your goat.


As a Canadian I’m taken aback by your reference to a Muslim proclivity or a Greek one … eh?

I’m a city boy …

Go suck a goat’s horn …


rightiswrong rightiswrong

As a Canadian, you mean an escaped Nazi rapist who got taken in by Britains colony in America!

Nazi cocksucker.



So … NO REFUGEES allowed … eh?

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Not escaping war criminals like your lot, no.

Refugees from justice are scum, like your family.



sticks and stones … eh mo?

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Hey slowmo, I suppose that was your sister that was fired for being a Nazi with the dying patient recently in Canada, home of the Galician SS.

Those cowards who ran from their betters.


Incoherent these days bro?

The strain of ‘keeping it together’ too much for ya?

WTF … are you on about? lol


rightiswrong rightiswrong

Nah, just you being a prick with ears.

WTF, Ya, total queer you are. Must be from sucking your Dad.


Your standup routine is a failure … eh?

Incel bs … is all you got …


rightiswrong rightiswrong

Does it hurt you to talk about your pedo activities?

You should be jailed for that, meet some new people who will show you what the world thinks of your sickness.

Jessica Brown

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johnny rotten

Media rubbish intended to reaffirm just the unrelenting support for Islamist terrorism.


That was a ground operation when our forces crossed the border to the other side of the Golan, and blew up SAA positions that were against the DMZ agreement. Trying to break the rules will result in more operations like this. the SAA should not mess with our ground forces.

Steve Standley

Breaking the rules? You mean like seizing part of another country (Golan Heights) against international law and never giving it back? you mean that kind of breaking the rules? I haven’t met a Zionist that didn’t steep himself in lies.


UN242 states clearly that Israel will NOT return ALL the lands conquered in a defensive war … hello?

Steve Standley

ROFL you dumbass. Israel captured Golan from Syria in the 1967 Six-Day War and formally annexed it with the Golan Heights Law in 1981, in a move that was not internationally recognized. The international community has condemned the capture and annexation as an illegal military occupation by Israel.


Oh …. lol

‘international community’ … lol

That’s all you got?



He exposed your lies. Is that all that you have? Next.


Exposed is your lack of knowledge …



Copy and paste what I’ve written that demonstrates that and show how it does. You can’t so you won’t. Because you’re the liar.


STFU teenager …


rightiswrong rightiswrong

Wishing for a teenager is all you can do Twatz.

The last time you tried picking up a youth, he kicked the crap out of you.


Your words belie your age …. eh Pimple Face?

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Go trawl the kids sites you silly pedo.

You can’t stop thinking of kids can you.


That’s a dodge from a liar and loser who can’t walk the talk.


Dodge … Deflection?

You didn’t say anything … Steve did … don’t flatter yourself … unless you’re both the same … lol



Another dodge. You’re wasting my time with your blatant lies and idocy.





Another dodge. You’re wasting my time with your blatant lies and idiocy. 1


You can’t have a sane and rational fact and evidence debate with a retard like you who doesn’t want to have one. Because you’ll lose and lose badly. So you degenerate into a moron instead. Either way you just make a fool out of yourself.

If you want to add to that. Just keep typing.


What? Make a point … you haven’t made one yet … lol

Taking your home run trot a little early?



You’re a liar. If you want to make a bigger fool out of yourself keep typing. Or reread the thread and debate the challenge that you’re evading like a retard.


Again no point … finished? Wipe yourself



Just so I can rub your nose in your filthy Hasbara blood sucking Jew pedophile rape cult lies some more. I called out your lies:

“UN242 states clearly that Israel will NOT return ALL the lands conquered in a defensive war … hello?”

You replied:

“Exposed is your lack of knowledge …


To which I responded:

“Copy and paste what I’ve written that demonstrates that and show how it does. You can’t so you won’t. Because you’re the liar.”

And then you went on a multi comment dodge to avoid a sane and rational fact and evidence based debate on your claims that 242 allows Israel to keep stolen land and that I lack knowledge on the subject.

The ball’s in your court. I’m expecting a display of evasion, vulgarity, belligerence, obnoxiousness and insanity. To provide a demonstration of how filthy Jews earn their reputation. Let’s see how big of a retard, fool and mental midget that you can make of yourself.


I stated to Steve Standley:

“UN242 states clearly that Israel will NOT return ALL the lands conquered in a defensive war … hello?”

I base this statement on the following:

“The resolution does not make Israeli withdrawal a prerequisite for Arab action. Moreover, it does not specify how much territory Israel is required to give up. The Security Council did not say Israel must withdraw from “all the” territories occupied after the Six-Day war. This was quite deliberate. The Soviet delegate wanted the inclusion of those words and said that their exclusion meant “that part of these territories can remain in Israeli hands.” The Arab states pushed for the word “all” to be included, but this was rejected. They nevertheless asserted that they would read the resolution as if it included the word “all.” The British Ambassador who drafted the approved resolution, Lord Caradon, declared after the vote: “It is only the resolution that will bind us, and we regard its wording as clear.”

Israel returned ALL of the Sinai … so in effect they’ve ALREADY dealt with UN242 … they don’t need to return ANYTHING ELSE … eh?

“On October 29, 1969, for example, the British Foreign Secretary told the House of Commons the withdrawal envisaged by the resolution would not be from “all the territories.” When asked to explain the British position later, Lord Caradon said: “It would have been wrong to demand that Israel return to its positions of June 4, 1967, because those positions were undesirable and artificial.”

“Similarly, [American] Amb. Goldberg explained: “The notable omissions-which were not accidental-in regard to withdrawal are the words ‘the’ or ‘all’ and ‘the June 5, 1967 lines‘….the resolution speaks of withdrawal from occupied territories without defining the extent of withdrawal.”


What is it that you don’t understand about:

“(i) Withdrawal of Israeli armed forces from territories occupied in the recent conflict;”


UN Resolutions? Well …. Israel is still in place … the Trump Plan calls for the Settlement Blocs inside Israel along with the Jordan Valley ….

You seem to be an interested American … eh?



That’s a dodge, your lies about 242 and false accusation about my lack of knowledge have been outed.




You lost the debate moron.


F/kn goy


It’s the truth, you hate it.


F/kn goy


You can’t win a sane and rational fact and evidence based debate. So you degenerate into an obnoxious moron. 2


YOUR issue of the inadmissability of lands conquered is answered in the following:

“The first point addressed by the resolution is the “inadmissibility of the acquisition of territory by war.” Some people read 242 as though it ends here and the case for requiring a total Israeli withdrawal from the territories is proven. On the contrary, this clause does no such thing, because the reference clearly applies only to an offensive war. If not, the resolution would provide an incentive for aggression. If one country attacks another, and the defender repels the attack and acquires territory in the process, the former interpretation would require the defender to return the land it took. Thus, aggressors would have little to lose because they would be insured against the main consequence of defeat.

The ultimate goal of 242, as expressed in paragraph 3, is the achievement of a “peaceful and accepted settlement.” This means a negotiated agreement based on the resolution’s principles rather than one imposed upon the parties. This is also the implication of Resolution 338, according to Arthur Goldberg, the American ambassador who led the delegation to the UN in 1967. That resolution, adopted after the 1973 war, called for negotiations between the parties to start immediately and concurrently with the cease­fire.”

The Arabs and Russians DID NOT GET THEIR WAY at the UN Security Council …

The Pals will have autonomy on part of the WB …

• No Jerusalem • Demilitarized entity • Economically viable

That’s it bro …



Is English your first language? What is it that you don’t understand about:

“(i) Withdrawal of Israeli armed forces from territories occupied in the recent conflict;”


International Law? lol

YOU mean all the Progressives and NGO’s making claims and social media amplifying the message? It’s a fraud …

• No Jerusalem • Demilitarized entity • Economically viable • Major Jewish Settlement Blocs and Jordan Valley INSIDE Israel



That’s a dodge. The law contained in the resolutions is clear. You lost the debate. Your lies, idiocy and insanity have been exposed for all to see.


You exposed yourself goy …



You are one sick and twisted miscreant shilling for Jew crime and evil.


Really stupid f/kn goy


No I’m not stupid, that’s a false accusation. You lost the debate and have made a complete fool out of yourself.


F/k off goy


You can’t win a sane and rational fact and evidence based debate. So you degenerate into an obnoxious moron.


The way to deal with habitually lying Zionist idiots like you is with a regional coalition that outmans and outguns the IDF, and can keep the US from intervening on Israel’s behalf, to clear the IDF and Israeli government back to the 67 lines in compliance with the resolutions that Israel in chronic scofflaw violation of. And to supervise the right of return and a referendum outlawing Judaism and replacing Israel with a Jew free unified Palestine.

The US doesn’t want to fight Turkey or Iran. We’re definitely not going to want to fight a regional coalition armed with nukes on Israel’s behalf. You people are the planet’s biggest trouble makers. Judaism needs to be outlawed and abolished worldwide. And the planet dejudified so that it’s Jew free.


Thanks for ‘opening up’ RichardD … your true feelings are appreciated …



Your the one shilling for Jews who rape 1,000 children worldwide every week, infect them with venereal disease for life and who’ve shot 10,000 unarmed demonstrators breaking thousands of legs deliberately.


Can you do 15 minutes? lol


You’re the one shilling for an evil pedophile mass rape cult.


Can you say felony oral copulation with a minor by blood sucking Jew canibal prostitutes?



Thanks RichardD … for being a goy


Coming from a shill for these depraved criminals says a lot about your own depravity.




You’re a filthy Jew shilling for blood sucking Jew pedophile rapists.


Comin’ ta git ya goy


You can’t win a sane and rational fact and evidence based debate. So you degenerate into an obnoxious moron. 3


Slugs don’t have a life …


Don’t you have anything better to do than spam the threads with insanity?


Doesn’t matter, our law says it belongs to us and no Israeli PM can restore it. The only way for them to take it is by war, but then it will give us a good reason to remove Damascus from the map.

Steve Standley

a simple summary of UN resolution 242 says exactly the opposite, dumbass. here is the britannica summary of the resolution. Note that it contains language requiring israhell to vacate lands it took during the 1967 war: United Nations Resolution 242, resolution of the United Nations (UN) Security Council adopted on November 22, 1967, in an effort to secure a just and lasting peace in the wake of the Six-Day (June) War, fought primarily between Israel and Egypt, Jordan, and Syria. The Israelis supported the resolution because it called on the Arab states to accept Israel’s right “to live in peace within secure and recognized boundaries free from threats or acts of force.” Each of the Arab states eventually accepted it (Egypt and Jordan accepted the resolution from the outset) because of its clause calling for Israel to withdraw from “territories occupied in the recent conflict.” The Palestine Liberation Organization rejected it until 1988 because it lacked explicit references to Palestinians. Though never fully implemented, it was the basis of diplomatic efforts to end Arab-Israeli conflicts until the Camp David Accords and remains an important touchstone in any negotiated resolution to the Arab-Israeli conflict.

Steve Standley

Here is the most recent re-affirmation of the position of the UN Security council on Israeli occupation of the golan heights. It condemns it and says it is illegal. Boy, you are some kind of moron to bring up an old resolution that you clearly didn’t read or understand. More magical thinking, more lies from the biggest liars on the planet. Here you go: UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) – United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres is “clear that the status of Golan has not changed,” U.N. spokesman Stephane Dujarric said on Monday after U.S. President Donald Trump recognized the Golan Heights as Israeli territory.

“The U.N.’s policy on Golan is reflected in the relevant resolutions of the Security Council and that policy has not changed,” Dujarric said. Israel seized the strategic land from Syria in the 1967 Middle East war.

A U.N. Security Council resolution adopted unanimously by the 15-member body in 1981 declared that Israel’s “decision to impose its laws, jurisdiction and administration in the occupied Syrian Golan Heights is null and void and without international legal effect.” It also demanded Israel rescind its decision.


So … the UN says?

The UN demands ?

That’s it?


rightiswrong rightiswrong

Why don’t you go back to Galicia you Nazi roach, must be a waft of war crimes waiting for your scum family there.



F/k you mo …. and ur little dog too

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Does it bother you talking about your Dad being a child rapist?

Good, the scumbag should have been hung for his crimes.


Wow …


rightiswrong rightiswrong

Wow, so queer you are.

Rafik Chauhan

Retardede kid . are you and your Zionist cowards doing dummy opertaion there. bcuz doesnt look like any action.if you blew up some post defently SAA Soldier or NDF has to be there . just go and do some practice on unraned palestine kid you will atleast get experiance to fight with women in syria


Where is your Nasrallah? stop barking here you coward.

Europe hates America

No wonder the whole world hates u dirty zionists. Hope one day Israhell will burn


Keep hoping, bitch.

itibi ra

It’s not a hope. It’s a 100% prediction.


Yes we know its never your fault its always someone else. https://media3.giphy.com/media/I4Jmrcjnr8Zfq/giphy-downsized-medium.gif


“blew up SAA positions that were against the DMZ agreement”

You really don’t expect anyone to believe lying Jews without proof do you?


or this is a clear example of why the jews in palestine – illegally occupying palestine and engaging in hard core theft of land and property and the genocide of palestinians and the operation of concentration camp Gaza – have to be discontinued, either voluntary, diaspora 2.0, of the hard way, 6 feet under pushing up daisies. ne excuse valid no more so no mercy one way or the other.

look forward to october 18th when the weapons embargo finally is over and the world can sell whatever kind of weapons to Iran, Pakistan some handy nukes to go with their new missiles and take out tel aviv, should it come to that. israel some 21000 sqkm (of which about 75% is stolen land) and iran 1.7million sqkm and israel 9 million cowering jews and iran 85 million proud iranians, on their own. nothing much about it – a walk in the park when the jews swim desperately for safety.


The free world would rejoice with hell Aviv destruction


Why are you mad you dick? that’s your name right? dick?


Yea dogshit jew gayboy.. Your wife and sisters love it…


I know you tried your best with the little worm you have down there, but I mean c’mon, we all know small dick guys called dick such as you like to brag alot. Nothing to be ashemd, just take a pill it might help, keep it cool. dick.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Better than the deformed little 3skinner you have no doubt. Child mutilation comes easy for the desert people, as babies can’t fight back.

Leif Oskar Zetterstrøm

Yet another destructive result of religious idiocy.


They walked actoss the border and blew up a pile of rocks unopposed in violation of the resolution. Called it a special operation that any boot camp neophytes could have done.

And then blamed the Syrians for committing the crime that they film themselves committing. Typical Jew inversion. These idiots are an embarrassment to themselves and humanity.


Keep crying, where is your PMC cavalry? so you can see what Israeli SOF feels like.

itibi ra

yes, Israeli SOF, crybabies in diapers who run at the first sign of, well, anything. Do you also wear diapers like they do? How often do you need to change them? Every 15 minutes? Hour? 5 times a day? More? Does your “Iron” zion rust when they are wet? Do you cry yourself to sleep every night?


How about you come here and find out if I wear it too? brave enough?

itibi ra

Why, Zion baby, are you hitting on me? I’m not at all flattered. How about you go into Hezbollah territory by your lonesome, instead, and tell them you are an israeli goon? What? Not brave enough? I thought all you jews were brave, upstanding, moral, etc. etc. ….Did you see what i did there? I used typical israeli lies, BS and deception to paint the opposite picture of what you are all really like…


The day I come for your Hezbollah, is the day you will count down your bodies by the thousands. Want to put it to the test? still waiting for Nasrallah to respond, after all he isn’t afraid from some IDF troops like me right? or maybe he is? we shall find out. I still hope to catch one Hezbo guy alive someday.

itibi ra

Racial supremacists like you are soooo brave when it comes to taking on unarmed children (from a distance, no less!), but when somebody with weapons comes for you, you shit your pants, collectively. That’s why you wear diapers and need to buy copious supplies of them in Isn’tReal. All jews talk tough but are all pussies. You always get the goys to do your dirty work because otherwise the sewers in Isn’tReal would be more overflowing than they already are. What’s Nasrallah got to do with anything? YOU are the problem. Not Hezbollah, Not Nasrallah, Not the Palestinians. YOU.


Less barking here please, it doesn’t impress me.


You already tried that and lost. Which is why you never went into Syria to prevent your terrorist subsidiaries from being defeated.


No, it is because I haven’t got the order to do so, yet. But as you can see in the video, our brave soldiers did cross into Syria and did what they had to do, when they were told to do it. Angry much?


And you won’t get one. Because your leadership doesn’t want to repeat the same mistakes and suffer the same consequences.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

You just get orders to post instead, yellow bellied coward.


I’m in Miami… How bout you come and meet me and we settle your zio terrorist jew dream??? Fucking daughter of lucifer hiding behind a keyboard. Why don’t you go brave into S Lebanon and try eliminating some Hez real soldiers? Scumm of humanity are you zio Jews.


I don’t need to come to Miami, I’m here to protect my country. You can come here and face me anytime, it will be my pleasure to send you back to your family the proper way. Don’t threaten someone you don’t know, scums like you now lie 6 feet under the ground thanks to me.


You jewish piece of pig shit thinks you are brave while hiding under our disgraceful President skirt?? I can take u on with my bare hands as I have trained our soldiers in lethal combat.. Get that fuck straight!! I have always told my superiors that don’t ever send me to isrealhell because I will honourably disgrace our military by instead killing you zionist piece of shit called jews. He knows this so they will never send me or my men to stolen Palestine!!


Then come, let’s see how lethal you are, but I warn you – I know some self defense moves myself. Again, don’t threaten me I am not scared easily from big talkers like you, I don’t need to hide behind anyone.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

You have a black belt in cowardice ffs. You hung about for 2000 years waiting for someone else to steal Palestine for you.


A lot of people that shouldn’t be dead are dead because of Jews. Your evil blood sucking baby raping cult needs to be outlawed and abolished.


pmsl goy


You’re degenerating back into a retard.


Stupid f/kn goy


No I’m not stupid, that’s a false accusation. You lost the debate and have made a complete fool out of yourself. 2




You can’t win a sane and rational fact and evidence based debate. So you degenerate into an obnoxious moron. 1

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Why not, most of your brethren call Miami home you coward.

Yellow suits you.


You’re a head case. You violated the ceasefire resolution. Just like all of your missile pot shots from outside Syrian airspace do.

There’s nothing in the resolution permitting you to strike Syria because Iran is legally authorized to be there to help to clear out your terrorist subsidiaries, retrieve the Golan, and enforce UN resolutions and international law that you’re in chronic scofflaw violation of.

You shoot 10s of thousands of unarmed demonstrators in the greatest crime against humanity of it’s type and conduct stupid publicity stunts blowing up an empty observation post in a DMZ in violation of the resolution that created the DMZ to demonstrate your criminality.

You people are the planet’s biggest trouble makers. Israel needs to be delisted from the UN and replaced with a unified, dejudified Palestine. And the planet dejudified so that it’s Jew free.


Always the same crappy comments, I don’t even read most of it.


It’s called truth. I know that you have an aversion to it.


It’s called bullshit.


Then disprove it. You can’t so you won’t even try. Because you’re a habitual liar, like many Jews raised to lie for your evil pedophile mass rape cult that rapes 1,000 children worldwide every week. Infects them with venereal disease for life, brain damages and murders them.

Israel is the pedophile rape capitol of the planet.


What you lie about and what you can prove are two different things. Because you’re a liar and intellectual coward who can’t walk the talk.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

You read every post you coward.

Even after blocking them, lol.


Where are the graves and prisons that your MAI sof are buried and incarcerated in, or aren’t there any? Because you’re all talk and the only ops that you run are riskless idiot criminal publicity stunts like this one.

Peter Jennings

The isreali apartheid regime insists that Syrian military presence violates the agreement on disengagement reached in 1974. They themselves have been breaking that agreement ever since it was signed. Very probably the very next day.

US/isreali/nato plans to label the leader of Iran as the next Saddam are failing as are the lame excuses for bombing Syrian territory.

‘however, covert ground operations are rarely, if ever, revealed by Tel Aviv’.

The regime brags about everything else so my guess is that they don’t have any to boast about. No casualties reported maybe means these posts weren’t manned. So ‘special forces’ were used to run a few hundred yards and take out a few cameras that weren’t guarded anyway. Another big win for the isreali apartheid regime.

El Mashi

The Templar/Zionists have no future in the Levant. They will fail again.


Inta Misri no? you already tried and failed.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

The locals in Quneitra, Daraa, and As Suwayda are out protesting in the streets because they don’t want a continued buildup of Iranian forces in their neighbourhoods, and the opposition groups in Daraa Quneitra and As Suwayda are assassinating pro Iranian members of the Syrian Intelligence agency whenever and wherever they can, and now the Israelis are forcibly responding to the Iranian buildup too, so things are already out of hand and the next step is open rebellion, and I have to add it will most likely have International support from the US and Israel if it starts. Israel doesn’t need to invade Syria to get rid of the Iranians, they only have to offer air and missile support and some equipment and the local Sunni’s Christians and Druze will do all the groundwork, they want Iran out just as much as Israel does. And everyone seems to have completely forgotten about the Southern Front Alliance [SFA], we all seem so focused on the ex Free Syrian Army fighters [FSA] who’re causing all the trouble now, but the SFA is still there and they still have all their weapons and equipment. The Arab League brokered reconciliation agreement with the Syrian Government allowed them to keep all their weapons, tanks, mortars and artillery, ALL OF IT. Back in 2017 the SFA, 50,000 strong, and 2 other Arab militia’s 10,000 strong, 60,000 in total, entered a reconciliation agreement with the Syrian Government. King Abdullah of Jordan the Arab League [AL] representative negotiated the deal and he got the US and Israel to agree to it as well, that deal left just the FSA, 30 to 35,000 strong, HTS 10,000 strong, and Isis 2,000 strong still actively opposed to the Syrian Government in Darra/Quneitra/As Suwayda. The other 60,000 SFA rebels ended all hostile actions against the Government, which then allowed the SAA to enter Darra in 2018 and wipe out the FSA, HTS and Isis altogether [well not quite altogether]. And from that time right up until the time the Iranians started to build up their forces in Darra/Quneitra/As Suwayda, things have been going extremely well between the SFA and the Government, so why am I even mentioning the SFA now, especially since I haven’t read or heard anything at all about them for quite a while now, there are several reasons. For a start the SFA is supported by the AL, which means the SFA are very well funded thanks to the AL, more importantly the AL is totally opposed to the Iranian presence in Darra/Quneitra/As Suwayda and coincidentally so are 95% of the locals, so there’s a mergence of interests already. And most of the AL countries have good relations with Israel and both parties want Iran out of Syria, so direct cooperation between Israel and some of the AL countries is highly likely if another rebellion starts. So all these combined factors are a recipe for total disaster, all it takes is a mergence of interests and the whole area will once again become a warzone. Iran’s so determined to gain a stronger foothold in areas they’re not wanted and it’s causing Assad more grief than anything else is now, the unwanted Iranian presence is the biggest threat to his Government and more of a problem than the Turks or US are, a successful rebellion in the south means Syria shrinks even more, so avoiding a rebellion in the south is what Assad has to do if he wan’t to survive.

The Iranian allies are trying to take over Darra/Quneitra/As Suwayda but I wonder why they even bother, they can’t even protect the holdings they already have in Syria. In Deir ez Zor Isis has been making them look like fools and killing them all over the place, now Russia and the SAA have to intervene. As I said the other day in the forums, how the hell can Isis operate a training camp just 50 km southwest of Abu Kamal, which is where Iran has it’s biggest and strongest presence, and yet it was US aircraft that destroyed the Isis training camp just 50 km away from Abu Kamal, and the same thing happened just 50 km west of Ma’ Adan, which is Iran’s second biggest stronghold in Syria, and where the Russians bombed Isis command posts just a few days after the US bombed Isis in Abu Kamal. ISIS OPERATES JUST 50 KM AWAY FROM IRAN’S 2 BIGGEST STRONGHOLDS IN SYRIA, any pro Iranian supporters care to explain how that’s possible, training camps are semi permanent and hard to hide, but not from the Americans or command posts from the Russians, so why is it Isis manages to hide right under the Iranians noses and still manages to be a big threat to Syrian security, oh I forgot, it’s all the US’s fault.

The southern territories are just one small spark away from open rebellion and yet many of you aplaude Iran’s behaviour, your all consuming hatred of Israel and your ignorance, or possibly contempt of 95% of the Syrian citizens demands totally blinds you to the real potential consequences of Iran’s current actions, which would be a total unraveling of all of Russia and the Arab League’s hard work to stop the rebellion in the south. And just like a game of snakes and ladders just when you think you’re about to end the game and win, you’re suddenly sent back to where you first started it all. That’s what I think Assad’s facing right now, and it’s all thanks to the religious Zealots who run the Iranian Government, and because Assad can’t say no to them. I’d nearly bet that Assad could get the Golan heights back if he negotiated an Iranian withdrawal from Syria [along with Russian guarantees to back up the permanent departure of course], and he’d also get heaps of cheap Israeli financial assistance/loans to help with the reconstruction process as well, and even better still possibly/probably get Israeli help/support in the fight against Erdogan, they want Turkey and the Muslim Brotherhood out of Syrian nearly as much as Assad wants them out, but only if Iran removes it’s military infrastructure from Syria, if only.

If Iran stopped doing everything the US and Israel didn’t want them to do militarily, and returned to a fair trade agreement that ended all US/Israeli/EU sanctions completely, within just one decade they’d be wealthy beyond all measure, they’d become the wealthiest nation in the region and have more power than they have right now. So why isn’t that even a starting point for negotiations, Pompeo made the offer a few months ago and Iran turned their noses up, the US even added a sweetener for the Russians to get them to help convince the Iranians to comply but that didn’t work either. So surely at the very worst Iran could lie and pretend to comply to their demands just to buy some time and make some money, but no, escalation is the only answer the Iranians have, and I don’t think moral conviction stops them lying to buy some time, just the fear of losing political support as a consequence/repercussion if they did appear to back down to Israel and the US. Iran could become one of the most wealthy nations in the world and have 10 time the political power they have right now, wouldn’t that be at least as good as being militarily powerful, and maybe even better for Iran.


The day will come when mysterious fires, water contamination, building collapses and strange deaths will occur on israeli soil and then the jews may realize that others can play the same game.


Hah pathetic they are HAPPY Zionists they are applauding, Hahaa


Israeli? Epsteineli? Israhell? Epsteinhell? Or just some nazi sons of of a bitch, without any worth or value?

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