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Israeli Strikes Hit Damascus And Homs Causing Civilian Casualties

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Israeli Strikes Hit Damascus And Homs Causing Civilian Casualties

Early on July 1, Israeli aircraft carried out a series of strikes on Syria targeting Damascus and the countryside of Homs.

The strikes were aimed at military targets in the districts of al-Mazzeh, al-Dimass and Jomrayah north and northwest of Damascus as well as three military positions west of Homs city.

The Syrian Air Defense Forces intercepted several missiles. However, most of the missiles hit their targets. One of the Israeli missiles hit a civilian area in the district of Sahnaya west of Damascus killing 4 civilians and injuring 22 others.

One of the S-200 missiles employed by the Syrian military crashed in Northern Cyprus, near North Nicosia.

The Israeli strike became one of the biggest this year, which confirms that Tel Aviv is not only determined to go on with its attacks on Syria, but also to increase their scale and intensity.

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Israel murdering and practicing terrorism. Just the norm for the non-Semitic terrorizers and squatters of the Semitic people of Palestine. Karma for these psychopaths can’t come soon enough!

Loung Kodak

Neo-zion!sts have betrayed the quest to achieve Semitic ideal, in sense that they must be denied identification with true Semites (Arabs, Christians, or Jews), since they also betray them.


Stop whining about the Zionists, the IDF, Israel, etc. The fact of the matter is extremely clear: Russian-made air defense systems currently deployed in Syria are totally useless while trying to confront any attack carried out by the IDF…end of story. Moreover, IRGC forces operating in that country are killed by Israel every time their facilities are destroyed and still today, Iran does not show any sign or have the courage to retaliate (just issue empty threats of retaliation designed for domestic consumption and propaganda).

Loung Kodak

But where would you have seen that I denied a ( potential) superiority of Tsahal’s means? That’s really not the point.

It would take a lot more time to develop that. However, there is a plausible explanation. As long as REALLY strategic sites are not targeted, the S-300s are not used, the Syrians and Russs are then considered victims and they win de facto the “media war, as well as psychological war”. As soon as such an objective was targeted, then the S-300s would be used immediately, and in the meantime, targets are shot down (here and there) with more or less success, using old “updated” models (allowing new missiles technologies to be tested secretly) and the West only sees the smoke screen. The idea of not using them (thinking that supposed superior capacity – of S-300 updated to S-400 – has been demonstrated) would be good, as it would allow the Russians not to disclose certain aspects of their technology, via electronic warfare-type spying methods. But that’s not the point and I have links, but I don’t plan to develop more. Find for it yourself. And of course it may also be that the superiority of Tsahal is significant.

But just one question: if (supposedly) S-300 should not been efficient, why Kerry menaced Russia not to sell the system to Syria, back in the days?


Hey Kodak, go and live in Syria and write,

Loung Kodak

I did don’t you?


Your comments are so boring, I should actually block you… What drivel!


A good human or a good Muslim is not that to do five time prayers and keep bared and take rights from women rather a good human is that to reconcile between two countries or two groups, protect women and children from terrorists (that is Israel and their supperters). God make you wise.

David Parker

And God is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, creator of the universe, personal and involved in the lives of his people, his elect.


Abraham,s God is evil,


Again you appeared with a new account, go and create another account. I wanna block you.


Are you drunk? what new account?

David Parker

There is one God – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit – only good. Abraham is the father of many nations, but the miscreant Zionists who claim to be descendants of Abraham are not. As Jesus said, they are of their father the devil. God created the world very good. Men made living on it very bad.

Graham King

All gods are the creations of evil men intent on power and wealth


New Koran?!


Israel are infact Americans and Britains. Israel use US and UK fighter jets to attack Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Yemen etc. Israel use US and UK drones to spy on Iran, Syria etc.

David Parker

The Zionists are the US deep state, the autonomous government since WWII. We the people pay, they the Zionists decide who to attack and where to spend our money, starting with military “aid” to Israel, free aircraft, technology, ammunition, UN Security Council votes, etc. The US central government is a facade behind which the Zionist work to rule the world while arranging for the goyim to kill each other.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

globalists, neo cons, they have had many names over the years. hitler called them banksters


With Russia’s approval I’m sure. And all the while Syria is fighting to get Turkish backed militants out of it’s country while Russia sells S-400 to Turkey. We are being played. There are no good guys.

Hasbara Hunter

The West are the Evil Ones….they have proven to be for at least 2000 Years….Crusaders, Inquisitors, Witchburners & Genocidal Massmurderers


You mean Muhammad and his genocidal maniacs running down and raping Europe for half that time in the name of their psycho Allah until they were driven out by the crusades? how about Genghis khan of the east spreading like cancer not even conquering but just mass massacring half of the population of the world for fun? Or maybe the tam tam Zulu tribes of Africa killing their own kind in millions for nothing?

Face it the west at the very least recognizes human rights when it comes to their own citizens and to very much extend onto its enemies. Now tell me one other nation in the entire world you would trust given all the power the west has to them and act the same way.

Iran with their religiously fanatic Ayatollahs? Or maybe the all head chopping Saudis and the other tribal Arabs?

Wait how about mass infesting robotized communist nation of china, i’m sure you would love to live under their rule while working in a factory and living in a cabin?


Tell me if times were reversed and the “east” had all the power tell me what kind of a world we will be living under.


That might be so about the Islam but the last 70 years was the depraved criminal butchering US regime .

David Parker

Thousands of Christians are murdered every year by Muslims and that doesn’t even make the news.

49 Muslims get wasted in one of their mosques and it is world headlines for weeks and affects national policy. South Africa is descending into the pit of barbaric all-black government atrocities.

The US deep state was formed by the Zionists only after 1948 and they didn’t get total control of the US military until the 1960s.

David Parker

Zionists control the US politically since 1948 (assassinate Adm. Forrestal), militarily since 1967 (attack on USS Liberty with no consequences), and financially since 1914 (federal reserve system and “fractional reserve” banking).

Hasbara Hunter

The Alhambra is a beatiful piece of art…. you are talking nonsense… I said the West has brought a Cesspool of Evil into this World…I know Western History and its Indigenous vey well for I am the West… Treacherous, Greedy White Boys together with the Vatican & Jews have plundered the Earth…Jesuits are Masons…Keep blaming the others… I don’t buy any of your Smokescreens



I cringe when Langley types bring that self pity, he said she said bullshit up. I’d be saying the same thing if anyone else (easterners, africans, etc) did the same in proportion.

Period. Thing is, no one but the west has a Strong provable track record of Filth at the highest echelons of Leadership; in the manner in which that Filth truly is.

And if you’ve done any due diligence on truth you’d understand what the reality is for those “secret societies” there.

Fuk em their Filth; don’t sugar coat it.

David Parker

You do not know Western or American history. You confuse Roman Catholicism with Christianity: It is not. Civilization is just another name for Christianity and “the West” – the Christian congregations – have been the civilizing influence in the world since the advent of Jesus. Israel – the barren fig tree that never produced any fruit – was booted out of the promised land of Israel and the Christian church is the new Israel, the true Israel. Creation.com, ICR.org, codoh.com, garynorth.com

Hasbara Hunter


The seven deadly sins, also known as the capital vices, the seven traits of man, or cardinal sins, is a grouping and classification of vices within Christian teachings, although it does not appear explicitly in the Bible. Behaviours or habits are classified under this category if they directly give birth to other immoralities. According to the standard list, they are:


These Deadly Sins are contrary to the seven heavenly virtues…..

I Can Tell you that the Devil Rules the Earth at the moment….He Won!


“Face it the west at the very least recognizes human rights when it comes to their own citizens and to very much extend onto its enemies.”

That’s the problem when you repeat lies over and over for hundreds of years. Some imbecile like you believes it and spews it all out, yet again.

The current entirely predicted Opioid epidemic in the US is just one of innumerable cases of the West’s benevolent treatment of their own. A casual survey of US veterans is further proof of evil intent.

Still not convinced, tell me that current obesity rates in the US proves anything but evil. The corporations are free to market any product, any. Dig deep into 5G, can you say weaponized internet? If you are free, quit paying your credit card bill, you’ll see how free you are!

David Parker

You are wrong. It is very difficult to manufacture and sell in the US unless you are big enough to hire enough attorneys to keep the bureaucrats pinned down with lawsuits. The problem with the US is that the Zionists have destroyed our once strong Christian culture and diverted into sexual promiscuity and then depravity. When we get back to being a Christian people, we will be civilized again and the deep state will be powerless.

Actually the collapse of the Keynesian economic system in the US (and the rest of the world) in which fractional reserve banking is permitted, will end the power of paper (that costs the scum who call themselves government nothing) being used as money. When and if we start using real money – silver, gold, etc. – that cannot be counterfeited, we will be on the right path to honest weights and measures again and Christian will resume instituting the Kingdom of God on earth. All men will acknowledge God – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit – and not any fake Muslim idol, as sovereign. As for the Zionists, they will die with their bizarre Talmudic “traditions” when they can no longer exploit the goyim into killing each other.


Well actually we agree on a number of items so starting your response by stating I am wrong is both inflammatory and counter productive. I said the corporations are free to market any product. You essentially agreed with me. Any outcome in the US can be bought. Certainly Christianity provides ample proof of that.

As far as your narrow view of religion. Do you honestly think God would allow a religion that contravenes the bigger plan. Yours is the logic that allows extremists of all stripes to kill one another in the name of God. Anytime this happens surely God is not in the least involved.

David Parker

You lost me: “Do you honestly think God would allow a religion that contravenes the bigger plan.” No, I don’t. On the other hand God created Satan and his demon followers and they are useful to discipline Christians and for other purposes (Job). God allows Islam, Eastern Mysticism, Confucianism, etc., to temper Christians. Those are false religions and it behooves Christians to be able to say why. How is mine a “narrow view of religion”? Logic is a tool and argument the means of using the rules of logic to discover truth as opposed to quarrels which are exchanges of invective with no attempt to reach truth. My view of religion is that Jesus is very God and very man. Jesus informed us that killing each other is not the way to establish the kingdom of God on earth. Christians have been given all power on earth and in heaven to institute the kingdom of God, (Matthew 28, the Great Commission), but the weapons of our warfare are not carnal. I accept that Christians must be able to defend themselves against physical attack. The key word there is defend, not attack. “Any outcome in the US can be bought. Certainly Christianity provides ample proof of that.” Yes and No. Christians provide ample proof that they cannot be “bought”. I argue that anyone else has a price. Who can be bought is not Christian. I argue that Judas was not a disciple of Christ. He was a statist and a materialist at heart and showed his true colors. Please do define “extremist”. Media hype is invented by Zionists and is designed to deceive, not inform.


How is mine a “narrow view of religion”? That’s as far as I got. Sorry responded to you, won’t any more.

Graham King

Under Trump America is rapidly descending into white supremacy and fascism which is driven by American Zionists. That leaves us with New Zealand as the only appropriate government

Raptar Driver

Never has been, only bad and worse guys.

Christian S

Syria needs more serious upgrade of air defence, dont give those enlarged zionist cancercells so much freedom to bomb whatever they want, today the serpent people crossed the red line of patience, this kind of terrorism against the people of syria should not be left unanswered.

Saddam Hussein

True but whos gonna upgrade it for them? Putin never gave them the S400 because of the israeli regime.

Christian S

only Russia or Iran can, yes politics are a strange phenomenon, business without showing your real intention.When Israel stepps up in strikes so are Russian in arming SyADF to counter but there stilla inbalance, S-300 needs to be online fire and command control using Russian radars is required to stop Isreali terrorists, non-military casualties should be a red line to change ROE for RuAF support to SyADF.

Loung Kodak

Don’t worry about it. it took time to deliver the S-300s to Syria. Back in the day, Kerry threatened Russians with heavy sanctions (and/or war) if Russians would delivered S-300s to Syria. And then, seeing the favourable international policy, the Russians put the international community in front of a “done deal” for the delivery of the S-300s! In fact, the S-400s are just an upgrade of the S-300s, so if the Israelis will press too hard, it would be a good pretext to convert S-300s into S-400s….. So I think the Israelis should calm down. They are just furious that Trump has given order to strike the HQ of their proxy.

David Parker

“… strike the HQ of their proxy.”

I’m confused.

What did Trump do to Israel besides say Israel should keep the West Bank they took from Syria?

Loung Kodak

z!on!st support to Al Qaeda is a known fact isn’t it?

David Parker

It’s not free. Israel gets their weapons free from the US deep state, Syria does not.

Black but still Racisss.

Syria doesn’t require any upgrade on their Air-Defence systems, the Russians already have that covered. The only problem is the political – clandestine between Russia and Israel. For the mere fact that everytime Israel launches Air raids, carpet bombing major cities without any condemnation from the Russian side is stupid. Syrian forces should be given operational duty over the s400… And start knocking some ‘ Jew – jets. But that is very unlikely considering the fact that Russians are also controlled opposition by the Jews.


Syria could take out the Israeli planes as they took off. The problem is political not military. Because Israel controls the western media, any strike against Israel would result in Israel getting the UN to invade Syria, to protect the Israelis from the Syrians? They have people in key positions in most governments. Virtually every Jew is an Israeli agent, it doesn’t matter if they are in the American British French Australian Canadian etc Governments, they all work for Israel.

Israel farts, and the whole world wipes its arse.

Al Carbone

putin has stabbed Assad of Syria in the back. S-200’s ?? come on. they need S 300-400’s. Lebanon should have the same

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

putin stabbed assad in the back? are you mental?

Al Carbone

I am not mr canard tropeberg cause the jew planes would have been shot down with S400’s and Lebanon needs them

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

s-300’s are being deployed along the SDF border as that is where the biggest threat will come from once idlib is liberated

also if s-300’s were in that region, then with the amount of attacks israel have been launching at syria, then this would just give israel more and more practise in overcoming that defense.

Al Carbone


Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

i know… whats your point? Syria has s-200’s along near the israeli side, and S-300’s are deployed against the front near SDF.

the biggest threat is from SDF because yank pigdogs are the more likely to start attacking with a lot of aircraft once the SDF terrorists start getting hit

Al Carbone

are you retarded? S-200’s are useless against the jews

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes


last of the s300 systems have now been deployed within the last 48 hrs

it aint a fucking ikea flatpack wardrobe

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

and this conversation started with people claiming russia had stabbed assad in the back

David Parker

So what? An anti-aircraft is an anti-aircraft missile. Practice with the old stuff and save the newer more expensive stuff for higher value targets.

Same as Trump giving the Navy practice launching an inventory of outmoded Tomahawk missiles in the big show after the White Hats pinned the head-chopper chlorine gas attacks on Assad.

Raytheon got a few hundred million more dollars and the US Navy gets the latest from Raytheon.

Al Carbone

maybe you right. but we have heard nothing but bulls hit for 40 years. next time we will get them… he is playing 4D chess. if I had the house and senate (but you did) I could do this and that. NOTHING WILL HAPPEN EVERYTHING STAYS THE SAME AND NO JEW PLANES WILL BE SHOT DOWN. they need the s-300’s in Lebanon so that means Lebanon govt being paid off by US to suck satanyahus ass

Xoli Xoli

He is right Putin is a sellout and Erdogan infected floppy drive. Western nations remote control him.Syria is at stake soon will be decided by western nations.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

yeah… gl with that.

tel it to the russian soldiers who have died fighting for syria

Sallie Ann

Putin’s withdrawl from Syria is a more a betrayal of Iran than is to Assad.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

Russia hasnt withdrawn from Syria

David Parker

The Russians have not “withdrawn” from Syria.

Even now the Russians are helping the SAA hit head-choppers in Idlib. The Russians are very interested in expanding and maintaining the naval base at Tartus. If Israel gets crazy enough to directly provoke the Russians again, they may pay in blood for the blood they spill.

Edward Huguenin

Syria has the S-300’s not 200’s.

Al Carbone

the article stated a S-200 landed in a field in another country

Al Carbone

read the godamn article. it says a S-200 fired at the jews landed in cyprus

PJ London

Syria has serious financial problems, several hundred 40-year old S200s and relatively few S-300s. Plus Russia is probably in charge of actually firing them and will hold them in reserve for when the IDF planes cross the border instead of IDF firing American missiles from off-shore in the Mediterranean. Syria to fire up the UN. Israel is dying for a counter strike so that it can attack Iran and bring USA into the war. Then WW3 is on! Assad and Putin are too smart. 3 casualties is a single traffic accident. 40 million dead is a world war.

Stefan Srbija

Serbia have S 125 NEVA even older then S 200 and we shot down F117A, F16, B2 and lot more plane.. I can’t undersund why Syria dosn’t use S 300.. This is ridiculous.

PJ London

IDF are not flying and attacking Syria from Syrian or even Israeli airspace, they are standing off beyond Lebanon and Jordan and hiding behind US air defences in Jordan. All Syria sees are the missiles once they are in flight with only minutes to respond. Israel are testing the latest in US missiles and will fire volleys of them. Why not they don’t have to pay for them anyway. Israel will continue to escalate. Syria will absorb the losses and the world will say “Naughty Israel” and do nothing. Not until USA falls through the total destruction of its economy a la 1929.

Stefan Srbija

Syria is in war for long time. Now they have best wepons fore defence. They must use S300, and not to put Pantsir on open fields. Nothing more.

David Parker

Yes the inevitable economic collapse of Keynesian economics and the Zionist federal reserve system of fractional reserve “banking” and paper as money will change things. It will be refreshing to see the Zionists covering their tracks and hiding wherever they can like the Nazis they hunted for decades.

David Parker

You did? I remember the 117 and the 16, but where is the wreckage of the B-2? I wish you had had an air force. I would really like to see an F-16 go up against an equally well maintained Su-35 flown by a Russian with lots of time in type.

Stefan Srbija

B-2 Spirit of Missouri. Shot over Serbia emergency landind in Croatia.

You can call me Al

Syria has both. The S-300 systems were only recently turned on, this weekend some say.


Lol and hours before Israel attacks SF reported the fourth tube has been raised. Syria has nothing that they have operational control of. It’s just for window dressing, so the Syrian’s don’t ask for the Iranian clone, which the Syrian’s can operate.

You can call me Al

Piss off Yid.


Says the Paul Simon fan

You can call me Al

Damn…. no response. Oh OK, go on then you win.

LOL, good one. Cheers for now.

David Parker

The SAA has the S-300.


Yes and SF did a whole post about the fourth tube being raised. Hours later Israel attacked multiple locations. Syria doesn’t have the S300, yes Russia have several S300’S in Syria but Syria has jack shit, maybe Iran could give them their version. Oh yeah, that’s why Russia pretend they gave it to Syria but every attack the same lame reason for not employing is reported. Syrian’s need more training – same colonial narrative.

Edward Huguenin

This Warmongering nation is a parasite on the West, rabidly xenophobic, apartheid, serially ethnic cleansing, self-proclaimed democracy with several hundred nuclear weapons, refuses to sign the nuclear non-proliferation agreement, refuses IAEA inspections, was caught trying to sell a clandestine nuclear weapon to the former government of South Africa, and a history of constant belligerence to neighboring nations. Netanyahu demands the world get a better deal from Iran, which HAS signed the nuclear non-proliferation agreement, DOES allow IAEA inspections, and has not initiated a war of conquest against another nation in over 200 years!

Val Shadowhawk

Yes indeed.


Iranian Troll


American goy troll


Back under the bridge with you!


You can take that to the bank! +1

Hasbara Hunter


https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/253bba7b5498eeb4d5d2c423b7680ae53b7cab338eed4719c79f0c013eaf1d79.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e5cf1b93092708fc0158ea3b9381aa8ebba0b0358a93fb63d9e0f39d7bbed577.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/5eccd5d5626e2c558c63cb65c020ef3030789ef5d2ad37c220c25a071c45a9e0.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8d6a0db52eb9972f83cfc3748a427900f29654d0e3a5bd069feb93a80814f010.jpg


Thats Israel for you! But at least we have the bastards in one place: Israel! Much easier to control.

Hasbara Hunter

Don’t forget the Elites, Knights Templar & the Vatican…without their backing the ZioNazis would never have come this far….

Rhodium 10

No SF you are wrong most of the missile were shot down!..Israel used 15 aircraft and 30 missile and when satelite image post damage..as always will be minimal, in grey colour and seen from afar…. but when I saw colour photo of Him Shinshard I only see 3 impact and USA told that 22 cruise missile hit that storage…so Syrian air defense work well in spite of bad qualification of crew members in comparison with Russian or western standars..

El Mashi

If all out war, as Israel wants, and Iran is attacked, Iran’s response will include its allies Hezbollah and Iraqi Shia militias. Syria and Hezbollah will try to occupy Northern Israel and occupied Golan Heights.

Zaphod Braden

For 3,500 years Israel has practiced eugenics …. Jewishness is based on: Jewish mother determines that you are Jewish …. Jewish father determines the Tribe (cohen, levite, dan, benjamin) They are a TRIBE …. a family based GANG. If you are not an active member you are NOT part of the GANG. No more than having a cousin in the Hell’s Angels makes YOU a Hell’s Angel. ALL people of Good Will should oppose the ORIGINAL nazis. Never FORGIVE, Never FORGET, the SHOAH of 1.5MILLION Armenian Christians under the crypto-Jewish “Young Turks” Never FORGIVE, Never FORGET, the SHOAH of 66MILLION Christians under the Jewish COMMUNIST Bolsheviks KATRYN FOREST & the Ukrainian Death Camps where the JEWISH Bolsheviks slaughtered the Educated Elite CHRISTIAN Leaders. Never FORGIVE, Never FORGET the ongoing SHOAH of the PALESTINIANS. The sight of the “STAR of DEATH” sends a frightening and offensive message to ALL NON-Jews. Israel does not have a ‘right to exist”, because Israel is born of genocide and war crimes. The “STAR of DEATH” represents the ORIGINAL “Nazis”, the perpetrators and braggarts of the FIRST holocaust: FUNNY that everything they claim the nazis did is an EXACT COPY of what THEY BRAG about doing to the original PALESTINIANS. Deuteronomy 7:16, 20:16 “And thou shalt consume all the peoples which the Lord thy God shall deliver unto thee; thine eye shall not pity them…thou shalt save alive nothing that breatheth.”

KILL THE SICK and CRIPPLED Numbers c.5 v.2-4 KILL HOMOSEXUALS & UNDESIRABLES Leviticus c.20 v.13 well, really the whole chapter KILL ALL DISSIDENTS: Exodus c.32 v.27 Numbers c.11 v.1-2 Numbers c.16 all Numbers c.21 v.5-6 Numbers v.26 v.10 KILL anyone who engages in “DIVERSITY” or “INTEGRATION” Numbers v25 v.4-8 Deuteronomy c.14 v.2 DEHUMANIZE and then EXTERMINATE ALL NON-MEMBERS: a very brief selection, many more in THEIR book. Numbers c.21 v.03 Canaanites Numbers c.21 v.24 Amorites Numbers c.21 v.33-35 Bashan Numbers c.31 all Midianites Numbers c.32 v. more Amorites Deuteronomy c.2 v.34 People of Heshbon Deuteronomy c.3 v.6 really the whole chapter. threescore cities Joshua c.12 A list of victims of Israeli GENOCIDE OCCUPY YOUR VICTIM’S DWELLINGS/LAND Numbers c.21 v.25 Numbers c.32 v.39 Numbers c.33 v.53 (just to name a FEW) GENOCIDE CODIFIED IN THEIR RELIGION Numbers c.33 v.31-34 Deuteronomy c.7 v.2 Deuteronomy c.12 v.28-30 Deuteronomy c.20 v.11-16 TERRORISM CODIFIED IN THEIR RELIGION Deuteronomy c.2 v.2 Deuteronomy c.7 v.1 Jews SELF-anointed “The CHOSEN People of GOD” Nazis SELF-anointed “The CHOSEN People of GENETICS”. TODAY Israel states that it is creating “A PURE Jewish State” YESTERDAY the Nazis were creating “A PURE German State” And they utterly destroyed all that was in the city, both man and woman, young and old, and ox, and sheep, and ass, with the edge of the sword . . . (Joshua 6:21) For modern day reinforcement of these “rules” research/google “the KINGS TORAH”

David Parker

What God said to do is the right thing to do.

Realize that since the advent of Jesus, the “Jews” are no longer God’s chosen people. The Christian church is the New Israel. Do not confuse the Christian church with Roman Catholicism: That is not Christian. RC doctrine denies the very essence of Christianity which is salvation by the grace of God alone through faith alone and not of any meritorious works. The Inquisition, the bloody persecution of the Christians, the endless wars for control of everything are RC, not Jesus. Realize also that the bloodline, sacrificial, and dietary laws were abrogated at the advent of Jesus. The law that remains is law.

For example, if you want a good society, the entire community stones all queers who take their insanity public or try to recruit children.


The butchering Israeli regime at it again, helping Al Qaeda and murdering Syrian childeren.

William Hinkle

It appears that Russian intervention has only been helpful in regards to i$rael’s ‘tools’. Unfortunately, the ‘Abomination of Humanity’ (i$rael) continues to operate with impunity….


The Russian intervention was to stop the American gas pipeline from Qatar. Russia accomplished that mission, and at the same time they stopped the US bombing Syria. It’s about time Syria grew up and started defending itself, and stopped relying on others to do the fighting for them.


You act like Syria is not occupied by America, Israel, UK, Turkey and France. The Russians are not Syrian friends just preventing real friends from really helping. Keeping the balance to showcase weapons.


When the US/Israel tried to takeover Syria in the 1970’s, Hafez al-Assad defeated them without the help of others. It was the incompetence of the Syrian Government and the lack of patriotism of the Syrian people that allowed the situation to get this bad.



David Parker

Bullshit. The Russians prevented the CIA head-choppers from overrunning Syria and butchering whatever Christians and moderate Muslims were left. The Russian Air Force and artillery blasted the living shit out of the head-choppers practically from the moment they landed in Khmeimim. The Russians have very accurately expended a tremendous amount of ordinance in defense of Syria. The SAA and SAAF have a fighting chance of finishing the job on their own in spite of the constant diversionary attacks from Israel.


Yes and as SF reported the fourth S300 tube was pointed in the air – Israel attacks Syria – dragging it out so pilots can practice. SF reports tend to forewarn of imminent attacks its funny to observe


When SF dedicated a whole article to the raising of the fourth S300 tube, it was evident an attack was about to occur. When you have the skill, as taught by Chomsky, you see the truth in plain sight. Anyway, the raising of the fourth tube did nothing (except raise questions about SF and the Russians. Syria will never really have control of the S300. Lots of pre planned practice for pilots though. The Iranian clone is a better option but is not being allowed in the area of operation.

Israel has already bragged (Jan 2018) the war will not end until till 2025. That’s fine with Russia.


Ehhh Syria has just been through a 5-7 year long civil war… They have not got the resources to do anything.


Syria has not been through a civil war, it has been attacked by the USA/Israel. Syria has been on Americas hit list for decades and it’s the second time the US has attacked. They should have nipped this in the bud like last time.

David Parker

The SAA has been fighting NATO and Israel all along.

They have prevailed against overwhelming odds just to keep their government alive. The Russians prevented the CIA head-chopper army from overrunning the entire Mideast, but the SAA has never stopped trying to defend Syria.


it’s just the squatters getting their knickers in a twist when they and the disunited states of A failed to get Russia to agree to try to get Iran out of Syria and also apparently Russia made it clear that Israel’s nukes must be accounted for and the proliferation agreement adhered to and that the squatters can’t any longer refuse to answer questions on the actual nuke situation and moreover russia declared that it was a friend of Iran and will help Iran sell it’s oil, enter into barter deals with Iran and so on and so forth – of course the squatters are upset and the attack was under the disunited states of A’s protection umbrella knowing full well that retaliation might just cause bolton (who was present in jerusalem) and fatso and dunny to do something stupid, more stupid than normally is the case.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

Russia is allied with Iran. And Russia does not dictate syrian policy. Iran has a border with Syria. do you not think it is in Irans interests to help defeat ISIS within Syria? USA pigdogs have trained a whole new army of terrorists and ISIS joined the SDF. on Irans border


Iran has no border with Syria,

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

yeah for some reason i was thinking of the iraq border… (was pretty early) there is the ‘corridor’ from syria to iran and from the northern point of syria is where SDF are located.


well to the dismay of netanyahu and bolton russia explained that it was in parthership with iran and it would help iran sell its ol und zu weiter. it’s the third time that ntanyahu and bolton/fatso has failed to raise any kind of support for a war against iran. the first cock upwas in poland the second recently in bahrein and now a third in jerusalem with russia, all three failures. fatso has met with mogherini and no support, fatso has met merkel and no support and with putin and no support and now jerusalem with a secretary of the national defense as the participant. can it be better spelled out – the world and russia won’t allow a war against iran no matter what netanyahu thinks and wishes for.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

the one belt road initiative requires military protection to be successful for trade routes. and is going to make pax americana redundant


I’m just ever wondering how far the rogue state can go violating the international laws and when they will be held accountable for what they’ve been committing day by day…


As far as US,Russia,China,UK, France and Germany give Israel green light,


The squatters commit new war crimes. nothing new.

Taz T

To stop Israel, Syria need to pay back in king . Hit Ben Gurion airport with some missiles otherwise they will not stop. They probably inform Russia before carrying out these aggression.


These attacks are the fruits of latest security conference between Russia-US-Israel, Russia have given green light to Israel for attacking Iran IRGC in Syria, More Israel attacks against IRGC are coming and they will make Iran-IRGC-Hezbollah to leave Syria and also will help Netanyahu to win the coming election, You people must not listen to what Putin/Russia says, you must look at the acts, dont follow the talk , follow the walk,


In Helsinki/Finland Puting gave Golan heights to Trump-Netanyahu, and in Osaka/Japan Putin gave (the head of) Iran to Trump-Netanyahu,

Nasty yahu

Netan-yahu stands for Anti-god.

Why would “it” care for human?

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