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Israeli Strikes On Gaza Kill Three Islamic Jihad Commanders (Videos)

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Israeli Strikes On Gaza Kill Three Islamic Jihad Commanders (Videos)

Click to see full-size image. Source: the Israeli Air Force.

Three senior commanders of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) were killed in a series of Israeli strikes that hit the Gaza Strip early on May 9.

In a statement, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) said it had assassinated Khalil Bahtini, 44, who commands the PIJ in northern Gaza, Jihad Ghanem, 62, a top official in the group’s military council, and Tareq Izz ed-Din, 49, who it said directs the group’s activities in the West Bank from Gaza.

The three PIJ commanders were killed in separate strikes that took place within 20 seconds and were a part of anti-PIJ operation dubbed “Shield and Arrow”, according to the IDF.

Health officials in Gaza, which is de-facto ruled by the Hamas Movement, said that at least 13 people, including four children and four women, were killed in the Israeli strikes on the strip.

According to the PIJ, the victimes were the wives and children of its commanders. A spokesman for the group vowed that teh strikes would be met with a response.

“The Al-Quds Brigades [the military wing of the PIJ] and the resistance affirms we will abide by our commitment and duty toward the martyrs, and will confront the aggression with steadfastness and courage,” said the spokesman, who goes by the nom de guerre Abu Hamza.

The so-called Joint Operations Room of various Palestinian armed factions in the Gaza Strip, which includes both Hamas and the PIJ, said that Israel would “pay the price” for the deadly airstrikes.

Israeli Strikes On Gaza Kill Three Islamic Jihad Commanders (Videos)

A poster released by the PIJ with the photos of late commanders Khalil Bahtini, Jihad Ghanem and Tareq Izz ed-Din, from right to left.

Despite these warnings, Israel carried out another strike on Gaza on May 9 afternoon. The IDF said that the strike targeted a PIJ squad that was preparing to carry out an attack with an anti-tank guided missile. Two Palestinains were killed in the strike.

The next day, May 10, a new series of strikes hit Gaza, killing at least one. This time, the IDF said that the target was a PIJ rocket launch squad.

The Israeli decision to assassinate the PIJ commanders was reportedly taken in response to a series of rocket attacks which were launched from Gaza between May 2 and 3. The attacks, which saw the firing of 104 rockets, were a retaliation to the death of an alleged senior member of the PIJ who had been on hunger strike in Israeli prison.

Israel is now preparing for the retaliation. Israeli residents of areas within 40 kilometers of Gaza were instructed to enter or stay near bomb shelters and several key roads were blocked. More Iron Dome air defense batteries were also deployed around the strip.

In addition, Israel reportedly held talks with Egypt to prevent escalation in Gaza as well as with the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon to prevent rocket fire from the country.

The IDF and Palestinian armed factions in Gaza appear to be heading towards a heated military confrontation. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu may be escalating to appease his allies in the Israeli far-right, and distract his growing opposition.


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Dead Muslims! What is the problem.

Chris Gr

Egyptian Islamic Jihad wants to murder Copts. Hayat Tahrir al Sham wants to murder Alawis. Palestinian Islamic Jihad wants to murder Jews. Guess which one of the aforementioned three are hailed as heroes by the neo-nazis, commies and several basement dwellers.

Chris Gr

The third group actually

Porc halal

That’s too easy … egyptian islamic jihad and hayat tahrir al sham …

Last edited 1 year ago by Porc halal
Chris Gr

PIJ are hailed as heroes actually.


look for traitors who sold them for 30 shecels. How can the zio parasite know your location? Stop using smartfones !!!

Khazar Agent

Palestinians are SEMITES, Khazars are NOT

Uncle Ho

Anything to distract the israeli people from their own leadership depopulating them. Wink.

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