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Israeli Strikes On Syria In 2018 (Map)

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The pro-Turkish mieda outlet, Suriye Gündemi, released a map providing summarizing locations of Israeli strikes on Syria in 2018. This map allows to see general locations of the strikes with comments from pro-militant and pro-Israeli sources. So, it’s possible to get a general look at what kind of the media narrative the audience of pro-Israeli and pro-militant media outlets consumes.

Israeli Strikes On Syria In 2018 (Map)

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and they downed how many? zilch! when the world would like to see every fecking last of israeli airplanes going down in flames and no catapult last second escape. how disappointed the world has a right to be!

John Whitehot

the world is happy that the ziojihadist scum has been defeated.

the rest is zio-blabbering, including your kind of comment.

Zionism = EVIL

Realistically, the Zionists have destroyed Syria and it will be very hard to put back together as a cohesive state. The Turkeys are about to annex 20% of the best Syrian agricultural lands not to mention all of eastern Euphrates valley.

Promitheas Apollonious

They been trying to do that for years I dont think they manage at the end to apply their planning. Already is a lot of opposition in turkey about the war in syria.

Zionism = EVIL

I hope you are right. But the scum Erdogan is a Wahabbist fuck and his AKP is indebted to the Saudis, Qataris and the Persian Gulf petro-pimpdoms.

Promitheas Apollonious

I dont disagree that ertogan is what you saying or turks want what you suggesting. but is one thing wanting and another at the end achieving target. turkeys have been opening their asses in many fronts, for a very long time now and one of this days they will get what they begging for.

I also disagree with your conclusions about putin and your notion that russia is weak. Quite the opposite. you just dont comprehend russian mentality and from your comments I think the compass of what you saying is directed by your dicks personal disappointments as per your comment above and not because you understand what is happening in syria, or the strategy behind it.

Zionism = EVIL

Only time will tell. I am not that impressed by Russian tactics so far. No country with nuclear weapons allows a third rate failed state like Turkey to shoot down its planes with impunity. I am old school, no need to act like bully, but must act when attacked.

Promitheas Apollonious

well they need turkey to build their gas pipe as alternative to the ukrainian ones that shut down same as they need germany for the same reason. since greece with her puppet governments following all instructions from UK/USrael rejected all offers of russia, their only outlet now is turkey to stay competitive in the gas supplies of europe, until their pipe lines to china are finished, and then they can play the gas game in europe.

Also they failed to control or in any way influence the gas extraction in Mediterranean, that the moment is begin to be extracted russian gas in europe will be something of the pass and the war is an energy war, thus their need for turkey. On the other hand turks strategies and what they support is directly opposite in what russian strategies are not only in syria but also in the balkan area as well ukraine, so in my view mathematically, one of this days all will come to a head as turkeys economy relays 100% on western investment and know how, so turks will have to decide destruction of them or coming back to the western fold and I am sure the russians know this.

John Whitehot

“well they need turkey to build their gas pipe”

They don’t need nothing, Russian economy is not anymore dependent on energy products, it’s proven by how null was the effect of sanctions and low oil prices on the overall growth.

Promitheas Apollonious

I am not talking abut economy and never said that russia economy was depended either on oil or gas.

Germany and all europe need gas and their economies are heavily depend on what russia provide them with so it is a strategic weapon energy. So understand in the correct context what I am saying.

Who controls ENERGY – WATER -FOOD, controls the world.

John Whitehot

“so it is a strategic weapon, energy. ”

Why it becomes a strategic weapon only when is Russia sellling it?

When it was the terrorist financing Saudi Arabia or the rogue state of the US they were just called “energy products”.

Promitheas Apollonious

ok use your brain and it is strategic weapon, any one is selling it. Imagine what will happen to europe if russia tomorrow close the valves supplying gas not only to the industry but also the common people who relay on gas for heating their homes and cooking their food.

Who ever supply energy a country has also control if they want to on many aspects of that countries life.

John Whitehot

so let’s use a metaphore.

Is a chair a weapon, like a pistol?


Yet, you can kill someone if you slam one into him.

The same goes with what you are discussing.

It’s not Russia that is “weaponizing” energy products. In fact, who in this world has always sold oil and then financed terrorists?

Saudi Arabia is the first name that comes at mind, although Qatar, Kuwait, UAE, Bahrain and so on follow closely.

So what you are saying about the EU interest in buying Russian gas is right, but incomplete:

For every dollar the EU spends in buying Saudi oil, 30 cents (figurative amount) go to terrorists, terrorists that then go to Paris and kill 120 people. I mean, what should prevent the french to bring out the guillotines for leaders and enterpreneurs that kept paying Saudia for oil, knowing all to well it was financing terrorism?

Promitheas Apollonious

ok kid I did not say russia is weaponizing energy products I said energy it is a strategic weapon, and given an example what will happen if russia turns the gas off for europe. You take what I said wrong and I think intentionally because up to this point you have not shown yourself to be that stupid.

And you trying now to make a big deal out of it and a very stupid argument. Learn to understand what someone says and how he mean it and stop playing with words. Now re read what I wrote understand what I said and for the rest you saying that is all yours and I care less.

John Whitehot

no big deal.

i’m just saying, in other words, that nobody ever talked about weaponization of energy products when it was the gulf states selling them – yet they are the ones which support terrorism.

John Whitehot

“Realistically, the Zionists have destroyed Syria and it will be very hard to put back together as a cohesive state”

We’ll see. Realistically, the zionists have failed.

“The Turkeys are about to annex 20% of the best Syrian agricultural lands not to mention all of eastern Euphrates valley.”

Nonsense. Turkey had to choose between being the next victim of zionism or accept that Assad stays. Of course “they aren’t that stupid” to commit suicide for the good of the zionist cabals.

and: since 1948 only one country has performed landgrabs after thorough manipulation and exploitation of wars, wars started with false flag operations and disinformation – that country is not Turkey.


oh why don’t you find yourself a long rope and you know what’s to follow – you’d make a lot of near and not so dear happy!

John Whitehot

booohooooooo sigh sigh

Promitheas Apollonious

R U representing the world?


sure with unfailing fingerspitzgefuehl can I tell what the world thinks and feels in that regard plus another hundred regards which you can’t – just friggin jealus

Promitheas Apollonious

Do you now? The only thing that can make me jealous kid, In a good way jealous, is if you own a Huben, something I been trying to buy for the last year but can not find a supplier that has them in stock yet.

Other than that, when I hear someone to claim that is understanding or representing any one but himself, I can only smile and feel sorry for them and their bravado.

Zionism = EVIL

Not if the Russians can help it. They clear and approve of these daily strikes. Even a rudimentary phased array radar can pick up a Zionist air strike package as it takes from from northern Occupied Palestine as the distance from Occupied Golan to the Mediterranean coast is barely 60 kms. The Zionists enter the Litani line in Lebanon and then fire volleys of Popeye stand off missiles at Syria. If Russia wanted to, the F-16 can be downed even before they hit cruise attitude. The Syrians are obviously too inept to have long range radars functional or know how to vector the decoration piece S-300.

John Whitehot

bullshit. you have no clue on the operation of these system.

there are problems that cannot be solved because a radar “has a range of xxx kilometers”, that’s the most amateurish kind of analysis ever done, and in fact the bullshit all the zionist trolls are repeating over the whole internet these days.

The point is another one, and it’s that Israel has failed to effect the outcome of the war in Syria, and now performs fake strikes to show its population that they are dominating the area. All for keeping bibi in power.

Zionism = EVIL

I have consistently held the view that the Turkeys, Americunts and Russians have their own interests in Syria and all cater to the Zionist agenda of a weak truncated Syria. The next phase is a large chunk of northern Syria being annexed by Turkeys with NATO backing as a “safe haven”. Russia is too weak to do anything and in any case follows the dictates of its Americunt and Zionist “partners”. Russia has had advance warning of over 1000 Zionist strikes all over western Syria and done nothing, nor intends to do anything.

Tommy Jensen

Agree. Something is wrong on the Russian side. Kremlin is stopping the Russian military from actions and defense.

Zionism = EVIL

Absolutely right. Putin is in Zionist pockets from day one as I posted ages ago. There are over 1.2 million Russian and Ukrainian “Jews” in occupied Palestine and Russian decision making is totally compromised. They played Iran for 8 years before antiquated S-300 were delivered and then offered SU-35, backed out and even canceled the Sukhoi 100 commercial jet contract as it has western components. The Turkeys played the Russians too and tested them out as weak after killing Russian pilots and downing the flying dishwashers. I am no fan of Russia and have lived with Russian women, they have no moral compass or loyalty to anyone. Only interested in money, hence the Jew Oligarchs. Why do think Russia is the largest suppliers of prostitutes in the world and the white slavery trafficking controlled by Jews?

John Whitehot


more go away.

You can call me Al

See, now you have turned into an absolute knob. You were doing well before that; go away.


Yes, there is something strange in Russia behavior dealing with Israel, and everybody can notice that. On the other hand, are you talking about jews-Russian prostitutes ?

John Whitehot

“1000 Zionist strikes”

1000 fake strikes equate to zero strikes.


no wonder s-300 & s-400 sales is dropping…

You can call me Al

How do they get over to the Euphrates ?.

Israel has won. Hundreds of thousands of Syrias lay dead, and like less then 12 Israels lay dead in this war. Israel is the master at war. Jews genocided some 45,000,000 indigenous Russians during the https://holodomorinfo.com/, and like less then 1,000 Jews died doing it. Jews are better at killing people then anybody else on earth. Earth might as well just surrender to the Jews and give up.


Of course, Russia always watching the show since the beginning (when Israel planes take off),…. supporting Israel ?

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