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MARCH 2025

Israeli Submarine ‘Openly’ Crosses Suez Canal Toward Persian Gulf As Iran Tensions Soar

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Originally appeared at ZeroHedge

Israeli media is widely reporting early this week than an Israeli submarine in an unprecedented move has openly traversed the Suez Canal en route to the Persian Gulf as a show of force “message” to Iran.

On Tuesday The Jerusalem Post detailed that “An IDF Navy submarine crossed the Suez Canal last week as a direct message to Iran, Kan News reported Monday evening.” The report said further, “Arab intelligence officials reportedly confirmed to Kan News that the Israeli submarine crossed the canal toward Iran visibly above water, in an act meant as a message to Iran’s supreme leader Ali Khamenei.”

Egyptian authorities gave approval for the provocative Suez crossing, and the submarine also later passed through the Red Sea without incident.

While the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) said it never comments on such military operational maneuvers, despite the traversing being done essentially out in the open, the submarine appears headed toward the Persian Gulf, which would constitute a huge threat and significant escalation from Tehran’s perspective.

“According to Arab intelligence that confirmed the reports, the submarine passed the Red Sea and was making its way toward the Persian Gulf, in what they believe was meant as a direct threat to Iran,” The Jerusalem Post report continued.

Both Israel and the United States seem to be coordinating a message of deterrence to the Islamic Republic, given also on Monday the US Navy announced publicly that its nuclear submarine USS Georgia is currently transiting the Strait of Hormuz, the vital Gulf narrow waterway where Iran’s IRGC frequently patrols

Israeli submarine route as presented in the initial Kan News report:

Israeli Submarine 'Openly' Crosses Suez Canal Toward Persian Gulf As Iran Tensions Soar

Iran’s leaders have of late issued repeat threats saying they are poised to take revenge against those responsible for the assassination of top nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh outside Tehran on November 27.

It was later revealed that a satellite-controlled machine-gun with “artificial intelligence” was used in the attack, which Iran has blamed on Israel, likely with US intelligence assistance.

The region is also on edge as it’s less than two weeks until the first anniversary of the US assassination by drone of IRGC Quds Force chief Gen. Qassem Soleimani at Baghdad airport on Jan. 3, 2020. For this reason US forces in the region, especially stationed on Iran, remain on high alert.

The US Navy also late last week engaged in joint war drills with Gulf allies in the area (the Arabian Gulf is a reference to the Persian Gulf):

It remains unclear whether the Israeli submarine will actually enter (or perhaps has already) entered the Persian Gulf alongside the US allied submarine.

If so, Israel certainly won’t advertise it at that point, or disclose the underwater vessel’s whereabouts. The IRGC would consider it a hostile enough act to respond, potentially setting off a chain of escalation leading to all out war.

Crucially all of this build-up in tension also comes as President-Elect Joe Biden has vowed to restore US participation in the 2015 nuclear deal (JCPOA).

Iran has said if the US comes back with no additional conditions or any attempt to renegotiate, Tehran will return to the deal “within an hour”. President Trump has meanwhile strongly signaled he intends to derail any such future Biden efforts to restore the deal. Currently this is being done through ratcheted up sanctions on the Islamic Republic.


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Proud Hindu

End of the terror of mullah regime in iran is near.All your allies have turned against you iran.Uou betrayed armenia,india,russia,turkey everyone.Now no one will help.

Assad must stay

keep dreaming punk, iran aint going anywhere


you sure you are even hindu bro? Since when are India, Russia, Armenia or even turkey is against Iran?……lol…..What makes you say this?


His eyes …

Jim Allen

The crack pipe he’s been sharing with the other equally stupid trolls commenting here.


His eyes …

Russia wants Iran out of Syria

India has nothing for Iran see: Chabahar port

Armenia is disappointed by Iran re: Nagorno-Karabakh

Jim Allen

Does it ?


Ask Assad …


Come on shyster, he’s hendu no……for Iranians that’s lower caste no? along with heenbs and camel jockey no? Jew always below the Aryan. It’s always been that way.


Below contempt …


no it ain’t…..when yous all the ghaad dhang time suck turds outta shitbillys fun-holes. Don’t fuvk with me. We know you. These oglu toglu and camel jockey are in da same boat as you. You think we don’t know?…….




you will be driven out joker. Your time is up.


How long can you hold your breath?


You’ll be struggling to breathe soon. Go back to Poland.


Simpleton … there’s only going forward …


but seriously brah forward where? lol……you ain’t got the manpower to hold the ground. you outnumbered brah……1.2 billion to 8 million no? What forward?…..lol


1.6 billion ain’t marching … hello?

In 1950 … the USA was fighting the Korean War … they advanced and the Chinese sent ‘human waves’ against them … with very little else … McArthur asked for the use of Nukes on China … but Truman balked and removed McArthur …

The Israelis won’t balk …


China beat McArthur. 53k dead and hundreds of thousands maimed later, the US lost. Same same in Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Lebanon, Yemen and Syria……the US lost. When the US couldn’t do much, what can you do brah?……yous just small time….lol…..come on brah, get real no?


Do you think you fucking morons become somehow of ‘übermensch’ when you flee from that cesspool called Iran ? Because that seems to be the case with all of you peasants.

Here are some ‘camel jockeys’ for you from central Iran, have fun with yr camel riding ‘higher caste’ compatriots. LMFAO.



We got some camel jockeys, oglu toglu, shyster, Afghani and even hendu-pak/ sikh minorities the whole 9 yards. Multi-cultural society.

Vox Populi

No he not, he is just a troll.


I can imagine you with your mouth wide open catching the last drops of cow piss. Urea not good for the brains, makes you dumb (and you are the perfect example).


It was good enough for Mohammed, the ‘perfect’ man LMAO

Assad must stay

this is just israel trying to get a few last “words” in before its little honeymoon with trumpenstein comes to an abrupt and long overdue end hahahah


Says the Assad Crime Family supporter?

Assad has kept his ‘head’ becsuse he hasn’t attacked Israel after 100’s of Israeli attacks on Syrian soil against Assad’s allies … eh?

He likes his head …


Jim Allen

Israel doesn’t have to worry about Syria attacking it. It should worry that Iran, Hezbollah, or both attacking the fake terrorist State of Israel. There will be an allied force to remove the pretender thieves from Golan Heights, at the convenience of SAA, and it’s allies. IAF pinprick attacks are slightly annoying at best, the damage they do is imperceptable. Your overinflated, fatally flawed parroting of Israeli propaganda is laughable. You embarrass yourself as you put on display your weak character to world view. Contemptible parrot troll.


Hezbollah & IRGC … you bark but your crew are paper tigers

Should Hezbollah attack … 200,000 Lebanese will be dead in the first 48 hours

The IDF have adopted the ‘blitzkreig’ style ‘Momentum’ doctrine …

The Future is About to Land …

Jim Allen

Yes, like in 2006.


How many dead?

How much damage?

Nasrallah begging the UN to call a ceasefire?

Nasrallah interview after the war:

‘If I had known they would attack so strongly … I wouldn’t have started up’

Jens Holm

The flee market from Lebanon and Iran has no military capasity for that having no supply lines for it too.

And Russia will never alowe something like that.

So this is not about propaganda. You only use it to try to unite Your own in fear by bajonets. I only see hairy butts incicles not see the rest of the world giving the rest of the world need for cleaning facilities.

Jens Holm

The main problem is, You sjopw this as a big thing. Facts are we already are many there guadig the Hormuz.

You just use that as internal propaganda.


the houthis should try to intercept the jew sub in the bab al mandab strait. it’s doable and the jews would be easy prey, provided houthis have some basic sonar instrument and then their small and fast vessels can sink the jews’ sub with which they, the jews, have threatened the entire middle east with for some 60 years. some heavenly justice in waiting.



I saw a Houthi put his head underwater … but he could hold his breath …. LMAO

Peter Jennings

Neither Biden, the Trumpster, nor any US official wants to negotiate with Iran. If biden gets to take his meds in the Oval office, his admin will just sucker punch Iran, after tales of understanding and cooperation. Whilst they woo, they also garner traitors and arm usurpers to do the dirty work.

War with the isreali apartheid regime is inevitable. The isreali regime has been pushing for it for a long time. The Iranian admin plays a waiting game. Maybe the US will ruin itself before too long and support for the regime will dry up. No foreign entanglements, it’s in the US Constitution.


Waiting game? Waiting for Godot … lol

Fog of War

” his admin will just sucker punch Iran, after tales of understanding and cooperation. ” In the same manner that this whole Iran nuclear deal was designed to. Basically, lull Iran into a sense of complacency .

Jim Allen

Think it will work ?




I advice!



Jens Holm

There are no possible negosiations with Iran.

And there are changes for and ny Israel. More and more dont like Your versions og lies. So they now unite in dimplomacy. And only because none of them like You.

Thats how facts are.

Any real negosiation from Israel was gone in 1983 in Golan after no learning by Syria in 1967.

Israel has peace with Jordan, Egypt man almost half in Lebanon or at least no confrontation. You ignore You also are only a small minority in the whole myúsmleim world as well as the whole world.

Ypu also ignore others can collpase or almost has. Lookat the Iranian inflation:

ran inflation rate for 2019 was 39.91%, a 21.89% increase from 2018. Iran inflation rate for 2018 was 18.01%, a 9.97% increase from 2017. Iran inflation rate for 2017 was 8.04%, a 0.8% increase from 2016.

And the friends and affiliated. Lira Syria ? Lira Lebanon ? Turkey ? Russia?

Potato Man

LMFAO now you know why American sending all those ships and nuclear sub near Iran LMFAO. Yeah Zion femboys show their female cuck under US flag only LMFAO. Iran have been next to Palestinian border for years now Zion coming near Iran with all US warships and Wahhabi morons LMFAO….ohhhh no


Iran … has been hit 100’s of times in Syria

ALL w/o a response … the paper tiger’s days are numbered …

Jim Allen

Allegedly been hit. You wouldn’t recognize a paper tiger if one bit your ass, you sub-standard jackass.


Allegedly … so YOU have doubts?

Did the nuclear head Fahrblongit … get zapped by REMOTE CONTROL STAR WARS ‘magic’? lol

Your … IRGC seems to think so … lol

They’re everywhere … maybe they’ve got the ‘cloaking device’ from Star Trek … lol

Vox Populi

It is just propaganda. The Zionists are scared and desperate.

Jens Holm

..And that off course explain everything in Your world.

The enemy is lying all the time and are very scared too.

Its more a routine like ctting grass or beard – and if You dont …

Pave Way IV

President (((Kamala Harris))), non-Jew, but rabid Zionist and her (((husband))) were put in there specifically to execute the war against Iran. Geezer Joe will be put to pasture as soon as possible.

Just in case Kamala Harris had any second doubts, the U.S. is covertly supporting Saudi Arabia’s acquisition of nuclear power and weapon-making capability (via China). The U.S. doesn’t really trust Saudi Arabia, but if they knowingly posses nuclear weapons… well, think of all the false-flag possibilities for stirring up a nuke war with Iran.

Saudis are processing uranium ore into yellowcake now from the huge deposit in northwestern Saudi Arabia. Well, most of it is really around At Tanf, Syria, but that’s kind of American sovereign territory now. At some point, Iran will do the only rational thing in response – develop their own nuclear weapon. Even if they don’t, the mere suggestion by Israel is enough to have American troops throwing their bodies in front of Iranian bullets to protect israel.


BS … every word

Pave Way IV

Take it up with the Jewish press, anti-semitic freak…

We can’t kvell over Kamala Harris’ Jewish husband while we demonize interfaith marriage [link]

Saudi Arabia, With China’s Help, Expands Its Nuclear Program [link]

Multifractal Approach for Delineating Uranium Anomalies Related to Phosphatic Deposits in Area3, Northern Palmyrides, Syria [link]



Comprehension is required … sluggo

Headlines are there to attract YOUR eyes …

anti-Islamism / anti-Jihadism freak … proudly so … eh?

Pave Way IV

Heh heh… Decisive tzatz VICTORY! they must have really tore you a new one over on /pol/, didn’t they? Well, good luck with your new assignment of turning SouthFront comments into a sewer, loser.


Aww … did I break up your teenage playgroup?

The real world is more than a video game … eh?

I could give a sh Xt …

chris chuba

This is no laughing matter. No country uses military force in a more irresponsible manner than Israel.

This lets them start a dumpster fire in someone else’s backyard. I knew that MbS was a narcissist but I thought he had a survival instincts. He is a moron. Well, this will end his career. He will not be able to escape blame for starting a war.

Free man

“This is no laughing matter.” – I agree. There are missiles with nuclear warheads on this submarine.

chris chuba

I’m blaming MbS and the other Gulf States because there is no way Israel would go into or near the Persian Gulf unless they agreed to it. Either one of them or the U.S. navy will have to resupply the Israeli sub at least once, they only have diesel propulsion.

Limited speed, endurance as compared to nuclear power subs. Israel has nuclear warheads but no nuclear powered subs.



International waters are fair waters to cruise in …

Free man

“…. unless they agreed to it. ” – More like they asked for it.


An Israeli-U.S-Arab coalition was already formed Chris, the question is are the mullahs stupid enough to make a move that would bring a total destruction upon them and their country. Time will tell.


YOU got that right … multiple war head GPS cruise missiles … eh?

Free man

But the mullahs have the answer: https://twitter.com/peymaneh123/status/1341790498718007297


Exactly …


Don’t tell them that Free Man, let them sleep better at nights :)


No country uses its military forces with more precision and more judiciously than Israel against their enemies … hello?

So … am Iranian afraid of leaking his identity … Chris?

What’s MbS got to do with this? Cuz … they’re your Sunni Muslim ENEMY?


Jim Allen

Your stupidity is endless. Ever see what a fishing net does to a ship’s screws ? The Headcutters are Zionist Khazars hiding in plain sight pretending to be Arab, and Wahabbis. Dumbass. Related by blood to the Zionist Khazar pretenders squatting on stolen lands in Palestine. The Vatican, and City of London, too. Uneducated slob.


Do they use a wet finger in the air … to decide where the drone is coming from?

Spare me your BS about your DNA knowledge … lol

Slug … yer a f/kn Shia scumbag

Jim Allen

I’m certain Iran is suitably impressed, by the announcement of additional targets arriving well in range of it’s missile defense systems.

Jens Holm

Its pathetic seeing that many here see thye cant handle Israel and still dont change, so the can.

The best start would be women took over. The men certainly has shown what they can and cannot.

The main problems here seemes to be the men here work hard to make theor women even more stupid then themself.

Even before some small dot named Israel was started, there was the same kind of missery in the Region driven by the locals and Osmans.

The only real change is oil is no more for lamps only and locals by that are given a lot for still doing no devellopments. Thats done by Westerns and cpuntries such as India, Korea, Japan and China.


Exactly, let the Persians know we can hit them anywhere and anytime we decide.

Bruno Gama

Hello Trump supporters of this Site! What have you to say now? Trump is Sociopath, that just want to start a war to the Democrats have problems with it. Russia doesn´t need Trump, Russia needs China and India, forget the West, Europe and US, once and for all! Israel is menacing Iran with one sub? Really? Hahaha.. Well, the 200 nuclear bombs they have must be a smaller menace… Trump is a sore loser, so is everyone like him…

Bruno Gama

And congratulations to Putin, to have Russia humiliated again by the CAS/WADA/IOC, have being expelled from the next 2 Olympic Games… This would never occur with the Soviet Union… Soviet Union had a law that banned for life athletes caught in doping… Russia not only humiliated herself, but cast a shadow under the Legacy of the largest superpower in world sports that was USSR from 1952 to 1992, 40 years of Dominance. Russia should accept, it will never be like Soviet Union… doesn´t have the discipline, the Ethos. It´s a shame.


fake news


they would not dare to come even close to yemen let alone iran

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