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Israeli Threat To Syria Grows Quietly

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Israeli Threat To Syria Grows Quietly

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Israeli Threat To Syria Grows Quietly
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Israeli Threat To Syria Grows Quietly

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As Israel intensifies military operations against Hamas in the Palestinian enclave of the Gaza Strip and makes loud threats to Hezbollah in Lebanon, the threat posed by it to war-torn Syria continues to grow quietly, away from the spotlight.

Following the outbreak of the war in Gaza last October, Israel sent several threats to Syria going as far as vowing to overthrow the government in Damascus if the country gets involved.

Israel also stepped up attacks on targets linked to Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and its affiliates on Syrian territory.

To prevent further escalation between the two sides, the Russian military group in Syria established a network of observation posts on the Golan Heights front in the early months of the conflict.

Despite these measures, Israel amassed a large force in its northern region and cleared nearly all the minefields in the Golan front. These movements received little to no attention from the media. Still, they indicated that the threat of a surprise Israeli invasion into southern Syria was unusually high.

In response to this apparent threat, a joint Russian-Syrian exercise to practice defending the Arab country’s “territorial integrity” began on June 5.

The exercise, which was clearly meant to deter Israel, covered the airspace of Syria, some of its territories, including the southern region, and the eastern section of the Mediterranean Sea.

Israeli attacks on Syria decreased after the exercise. However, they didn’t stop. On June 19 a Syrian officer was killed in Israeli drone strikes that targeted a military site near the town of Saidah in the southern governorate of al-Quneitra.

The deadly strikes came just two days after an Israeli drone crashed in al-Quneitra. The drone was on a reconnaissance mission when it fell out of the sky, the Israeli military said.

Later on June 25, a wave of Israeli artillery strikes hit the town of al-Hmidaiah in al-Quneitra. Following the strikes, the Israeli military dropped leaflets over the governorate warning Syrian troops against illegitimate military presence on the Golan front.

A more serious wave of Israeli strikes targeted southern Syria on June 26. An radar site in the southern governorate of al-Suwayda and other sites allegedly linked to Hezbollah in the southern outskirts of Damascus were hit. Two people were killed and a soldier was wounded.

Faced with a failure against Hamas in Gaza and fearing a risky war with Hezbollah in Lebanon, Israel could see a chance to score an easy victory in war-torn Syria.

The United States could support an invasion of Syria as it falls in line with its plan for a regime change in the country and could distract Russia from its ongoing special military operation in Ukraine. Still, such the invasion is way more risky than what it seems as it could end up turning Syria into the hottest front against Israel and the U.S. in the Middle East.


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about a century ago …………………..somebody warned the world about these people


the plan is greater israel from the nile to the euphrates everyone who lives in between and is nog jewish has to leave and the jews will make sure of that. i have observed them in their own chat groups discussing this for years now their supremacy ideology has no room for diversity or tollerance. people vote for jewish power party ben gvir. imagine we would vote for a party called white power in our countries we would be prosecuted for the name alone


isis is israeli secret intelligence service. the war in iraq and syria were also created to divide and conquer destroy cultural herritage divide the countries in several weaker states according to the oded yinon plan.


saddam had to be ousted as his army was strong and nationalistic he would have opposed the jews in their expansionist plans. this is why they want assad gone also. this is why they want the wa.r in ukraine to continue so grain shipments to the middle east can be cut off in the next war and so they can create a massive exodus of people from the middle east to europe to destroy europe culturally from within.


israel also fully supports ethiopia in their grand renaissance dam they want to use the dam as a tool to destroy egypt. either cut the flow or flood them sooner or later. if there is mass flooding or drought in egypt the 80-100 million egyptians will flee to europe helping the jews defeating 2 enemies at once the egyptian people and their state and the european nation states. its what these jews brag about.


they want aliyev to attack armenia and to annex the suynik province so the turks will have their corridor and make the jews rich. the jews want to flood europe with migrants and create wars that destroy syria lebanon egypt iraq jordan saudi arabia and kuwait.


iran also has to go according to them and they want to collapse turkey and divide it as well annexing the haytay province for themselves


big plans these jewish extremists have. we should not allow them to get away with it. they want to launch the next war in lebanon and southern syria starting in august. once gaza is mostly starved and they will ethni cally clea nse it. expelling whatever remains of the palestinians there same.for the west bank. big plans these jewish extremists have but they brag about it every day. how beirut and damascus will become a parking lot.


trump will aid them in this in every way as well as all other jew bot shabos goy leaders who control our countries. armenia was sold out in 2020 and 2023 also


jewish extremist fantasies have no limit we must be destroyed and serve them as slaves. they still want to see all germans exte rminated and it divided as in the book germany must perish from theodor kaufman 1941. they gloat at all these woke and gay agendas destroying us from within. its time we wake up and stop all aid and relations to these jewish supremists and do what is necessary to preserve our nations and cultural identity and remove them from all our governments and institutions.

Last edited 3 months ago by Awakend

israeli/jewish bloodlust for the mur der of children and wanting wars of ext ermination against the palestinians have no limits. they gloat and laugh at dead and mutilated children in their chat groups like the satanic seed psychopaths they are everything the nazis are blamed for in history is what the jews themselves are and what they do how they behave and how they think its fulll mask off once you see them speak.


we are all the palestinians: http s://rumb le.co m/v3vgt2q-we-are-all-the-palestinians. ht ml


the plan is of all the capitalists that killedd their mothers and fathers for a profit of 200%.


they dont need money they already own world finance and all the world banks they just print money and cause us inflation and lend it to the countries they control and exploit for interest. this is about the end game of a supremist agenda to wipe us out and leave them as the seat of the world government and sole super power.


the profit of 200% is not about money, is about slave me, you et caetera. and, by the way, one thing is a hebreo and another thing is the devil on the form of a capitalist jew.


your spending too much time monitoring these chat groups.


observed the chat groups, you are the chat groups.


hebreos, the romans disgraced you, and now you are in the hands of the zionaziyankies. get wise.


in the christan bible , it says that area will be where millions will die from around the world.


that is exactly what they will do and they will present themselves as the gods chosen people that we as noahide slaves have to worship. know this they are not god chosen they are satanic seed. they are the devil incarnates that we have to destroy in order to free ourselves from their crimes and torture against us. their endgame is our destruction its us or them. their flag is the number 666 its the mark of the beast. hebrew is the language of the devil

Last edited 3 months ago by Awakend
jens holm

cuz u amerikunts inferior to jews


the bible begins by the texts of the old testament, all they wrote by babilonic capitalist jews.

jens holm

gay potato threat to my anuz


conclusion: jews are jews, as christians are christians, as muslims are muslims, but it’s truth that capitalist jews are real sons of the devil, brothers in arms of the satanic christians that frauded the jubileo in the forgiven of the sins. the jubileo was the forgiven of the debts, before the christian fraud.


netanyahu is mentally ill. he is paranoid, delusional and has a special affinity for human blood, especially that of women and children. netanyahu is murderous and orders the military to just dump his victims in mass graves, one on top of the other. a bitter end will come for bibi and his people for their brutal butchery of the palestinians and the state of israel will dissolve into the dirt.


he is a supremist. menachem mendel the lubavich rebbi told him to hasten then comming of the mosiach hes probably just doing that. creating end times prophecies deliberately to create greater israel and to fufill their end times prophecies. their endngoal is greater israel between the nile and the euphrates and turning the gentiles into noahide servants who obky exist to serve them.


he will not approve that you released his medical records. now you have to watch your back even if you have already fled israel.

R. Ambrose Raven

only if netanyahu was drunk or on drugs. appallingly arrogant and pathologically vicious though the zionist public may be, it is hard to see how many could be persuaded that syria was a more important enemy than hezbollah, especially as any serious war against syria must further degrade the zionist military’s already degraded strength despite not concluding either the war in the gaza ghetto or the war with hezbollah.

Conan M

the headlines elsewhere – “uk military planes making secretive flights to lebanon from cyprus”… “iran threatens israel with ‘obliterating war’ if it attacks lebanon”…

Conan M

great details in these posts. but like the article(s) above don’t lie, i don’t see the anglo-zioni$ts on all these fronts being successful and maintaining their presence everywhere else on the globe they want to be -especially ukraine! i think they call it the polar opposite of “full peak”!

Last edited 3 months ago by Conan M

the zionists don’t have enough hell going on so just start on syria, fuckin tards


a serious fatwa on netanyahu, dead or alive, would at least at first take the edge off the jews insane need to be war criminals engaging in genocide and operating the auswitch concentration camp gaza. the jews need to be gone now.


jews don’t give a sh$t about any fatwa.

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