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Israeli-UAE Peace Deal Marks Tectonic Shift In Middle Eastern Balance Of Power

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The Middle East is on the brink of the new tectonic shift in the regional balance of power. The previous years were marked by the growth of the Iranian and Hezbollah influence and the decrease of the US grip on the region. The January 2020 started with the new Iranian-US confrontation that had all chances to turn into an open war. August 202 appeared to mark the first peace agreement between an Arab state and Israel in more than 25 years.

Israel and the United Arab Emirates have reached a historical peace agreement. US President Donald Trump announced the breakthrough agreement on August 13, calling Israel and the UAE “great friends” of his country. In a joint statement, Israel, the UAE and the U.S. said the agreement will advance peace in the Middle East. The statement praised the “bold diplomacy” and “vision” of the three country’s leaders.

Delegations from Israel and the UAE are expected to meet within a few weeks to sign bilateral agreements regarding investment, tourism, direct flights, security, telecommunications, technology, energy, healthcare, culture, the environment, the establishment of reciprocal embassies, and other areas of mutual benefit.

In the framework of the peace agreement, Israel will suspend declaring sovereignty over areas outlined in Netanyahu’s “Vision for Peace” in the Western Bank. Also, Tel Aviv will reportedly focus its efforts on “expanding ties with other countries in the Arab and Muslim world.” The agreement will also provide Muslims with greater access to the Al-Aqsa Mosque and other holy sites in the Old City of Jerusalem. It still remains in question how Israel will comply with its part of the deal as the annexation of Palestinian territories is the cornerstone of its regional policy.

In the near future, the United States will likely work to motivate other Gulf states to follow the UAE’s footsteps. In particular, another US regional ally, Saudi Arabia, is already widely known for keeping close ties with Israel in the field of security and military cooperation. Both states are allies of Washington and are engaged in a regional standoff against the Iranian-led coalition of Shiite forces.

The support of the UAE-Israeli agreement is also a logical step for the Trump administration’s regional policy, which is based on the two main cornerstones: the unconditional support of Israel and the confrontation with Iran. Through such moves, Washington may hope to create a broader Israeli-Arab coalition through which it will try to consolidate the shirking influence and contain the ongoing Iranian expansion in the region. At the same time, the overtures with Israel, which has undertaken wide and successful efforts to destabilize neighboring Arab states, could cause a public backlash among the Arab population and contribute to its further dissatisfaction with the course of its leadership. All these developments, together with the consisted Iranian policy aimed at the defense of Palestinians, will increase the popularity of Iran as not only defender of Shiites across the Middle East, but all Muslims in general. Tehran has been seeking to achieve this goal for years and achieved a particular progress in the field. The US-Israeli aggressive policy in the region also played an important role in fact promoting the popularity of the so-called Axis of Resistance. Now, the Iranian soft power in Arab states will become even more noticeable and create additional threats to Gulf states involved in a direct confrontation with it.

The Saudi Kingdom, as the main candidate for the next peace deal, will find itself in an especially shaky position. It is already involved in the long, bloody, and unsuccessful intervention in Yemen, with Yemen’s Houthis regularly conducting cross-border raids into Saudi Arabia and even striking its capital, Riyadh. Also, the Saudi leadership has a long-standing problem with the oppressed Shia minority, protests of which are regularly and violently suppressed by Saudi forces. Other factors are the apparent economic and social problems, not least due to Riyadh’s own adventures on the oil market and the coronavirus crisis. Therefore, at some moment the Saudi regime may easily find itself on the brink of collapse under the weight of its own social, political and economic mistakes, and controversial policies on the international arena. And it’s highly unlikely that the friends in Tel Aviv or Washington will decide to undertake any extraordinary steps to rescue the current political regime in the Saudi kingdom.

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Shift? The Ziojew terrorist scum attacked Iraq’s nuclear plant in 1981 using Ziodi Wahhabia’s airspace, the Zioterrorists flew like 2000km over the Saudi-occupied Arabian peninsula to carry out the strike with the explicit complicity and definite consent of the Ziowahhabi king.

What Iran needs to realise is that what Saddam didn’t achieve back then is going to be tried again, this time without proxies like Saddam, but directly by the parties with the most interest in it like the Ziowahhabi terrorist regimes of Tel Aviv and Dubai.


The Saudis weren’t consulted nor was Jordan … the Israeli planes flew under the radar so that the USA’s AWAC’s, temporarily stationed in Saudi Arabia, couldn’t detect them …

2015 ? What happened?



Israel, the U.S and the GCC have common goals and interests in the ME, it is a natural alliance against Iran and their proxies. I hope more Arab countries will follow the UAE and sign a peace deal with us to counter Iran’s influence and to build a better future in the region, for the Palestinians aswell. As long as groups like Hezbollah, PMU, Houthis and other shia terrorists exist, there can not be peace in the region. The best way is to chop off the head of the snake called Iran, meaning we should clearly say that any attack by Hezbollah on Israelis would be considered as if Iran attacked us, thus Tehran itself will be hit. Once their own Iranian people start dying, let’s see if they keep their adventure against us. Garga you have been warned, but I’m sure you won’t listen anyway. So bring your troops closer to our border so we can kill them even better.


Please don’t help the gulf Arabs.Let iran and gcc fight each other.Its like cancer killing cancer.All the mess in the region which includes india is caused by these Arabs.

alejandro casalegno

Gay-zion. Israel is THE reason of Iranian influenece in the arab world, you create the Hezbollah in Lebanon……….the zionists-whahabi alliace create the “Resistance Axis”……Enjoy it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

cechas vodobenikov

yet UAE continues to generously support the Syrian govt w millions in military aid…this will help Iran….UAE is populated with 500,000 Persians, the most talented people in UAE where their businesses frequently trade with Iran—-diplomatic relations has little relevance. Turkey now threatens to break relations with UAE. USA has diplomatic relations w many nations—they are at peace with nobody…not even their colonies


UAE is populated with 500,000 Persians,

shia, but not persians. they are arabs

btw., persians were in the ancient age. now are iranians, and the language is farsi.

Icarus Tanović

There’s are Sunni Muslims in the west who are not Wahhabis.

cechas vodobenikov

all religions are riddled with various sects—the Druze practice a different brand of Islam, the alewives, the Houthis in Yemen….sharia law varies from nation to nation….wahabis are mainly found in SA—Oman is dominated by a brand of Islam friendly to both sunni and Shia….the Azeri r mainly Shia yet they have “a special relationship” w sunni turkey…..kurds r mainly sunni yet they have a terrible relationship w sunni turks…there r different buddhist, christian, Jewish sects, etc

cechas vodobenikov

wrong idiot—Persians in UAE speak farsi and arabic—your stupidity is tiresome


you are stupid. probably serb, the bargage of balcan.


No knife fights … the Ummah is watching …. pmsl


but i have a colt. like indiana jones.


But I have an uzi




That is rich coming from Erdogan, who has an embassy in Tel Aviv (Tal al-Abib). What? Is he jealous? Only he has to have an embassy there? :D


Turkey recognized Israel in 1949 just as the War of Independence concluded ….


YOU said: ‘Persians’ not Jihadi / Islamist Shia revolutionaries … the UAE are accommodating

Syria is NON-Jihadi secular … the UAE are accommodating

Diplomatic relations ARE important … to exchange ideas and grow the the economy


iran was too greedy, to agressive. iran united all countries.

similarly does now china. all countires around china became its enemy and asked for american help. where is no brain, there is no help.

alejandro casalegno

All countries arond China became its enemy………….Russia is a China enemy dumbass??????


yes. i know the whole common history of these twolands. just now chinashows a polite face. in ten yers will be at war with russia.


They’ll take take the oil & fresh water … from Siberia

Russia is decaying from rot …


and will control the Arctic belt.


China will buy not go to war … they’ll absorb these vast tracks of land … Russia is shrinking demographically … their best before date … 2035 when Peak Oil will be arriving

Traiano Welcome

Peak Oil is a fallacy long debunked. Try to keep up and stop peddling that nonsense:


“Although the insistence that “peak oil” was imminent has largely faded from public view, it remains a valuable illustration of how poorly developed theories can nonetheless catch the public’s imagination, including those who should know better. So what were the theories and methods that were employed to support peak oil, arguments that a library of articles and books repeated to create a false narrative (and, undoubtedly, a ‘97% consensus’).”


So … Global Warming is a false narrative?

So … Renewables are NOT where everyone wants to go?

The issue of PEAK OIL … is when OIL will be banned from ALL USE to aid in stopping Global Warming

Did YOU win again … ROTFLMAO

Traiano Welcome

You really don’t do “logic” do you?

How did you leap from Peak Oil to Global Warming? Deflection as is your usual tactic?

Peak oil refers to the hypothetical point at which global crude oil production will hit its maximum rate, after which production will start to decline. This concept is derived from geophysicist Marion King Hubbert’s “peak theory,” which states that oil production follows a bell-shaped curve.

Try to keep up.Or just retire, if thinking is too hard for you.


How did you leap from Peak Oil to Global Warming?

Study … then STFU

Traiano Welcome

That’s a pretty lame comeback – even for you. Coming to the end of your shift?


btw., this is only 1 country, all others are fresh enemies.

Traiano Welcome



nam, laos, cambodia, philippines, ….

Traiano Welcome

You don’t know what you’re talking about. All of those are major trade and industry partners and all depend on a balanced relationship with China. Not one of them can afford to antagonise China at all:

1) nam, : Has been clashing with China for 2000 years, no change there. However, Vietnam will always be dependent on China as it’s main trading partner. China also controls the Mekong and can. shut off vietnams major water supply at will via upstream dams. Vietnam has become more dependent on China for its economic growth and stability. This dependency has made it difficult for Vietnam to challenge China when its sovereignty is threatened. According to the World Bank, China is Vietnam’s number one trading partner, with $50 billion in trade commerce in 2013.

Vietnam would fall in line quickly if China required it. They would certainly not support anyone in a war or blockade against China.

2) laos, : Laos has friendly relations with China and almost it’s entire infrastructure is supplied by China or in process of being supplied by China: investment projects in transportation infrastructure, a border economic zone, hydropower dams, schools, and military hospitals i. Laos is dependent on the Mekong, which is controlled by China.

So no significant enemy at all, definitely a partner.

3) cambodia,: Is a strong trading partner of China, has a large Chinese minority and is engage in infrastructure project with China. They are also dependent on China keeping the Mekong free-flowing.

Cambodia has no significant conflicts with China and is heavily dependent on it.

4) The philipines have hundreds of trade agreements, military cooperation agreements with china for more than 50 years that are still in progress. China is providing massive infrastructure development services in the philipines, and does trade of tens of billions with the philipines. Duterte flips back and forth between friendly relations with China and the US. philipines is no significant enemy.

So none of the countries you mention are actually enemies of China beyond minor border problems. They all are coupled tightly to the Chinese economy, or are dependent on China keeping the waterways open. Further, these countries have always had the same relationship with China for more than a thousand years, so they have not “become” new enemies.

Try again.

Traiano Welcome

illogical bullshit.

All the countries around China retain a careful relationship with China in trade.

There are no friends or enemies in geopolitics so your statement is meaningless.

What matters is that China controls tje major water supplies to all Southeast Asian countries connected to it. So they all have to maintain respectful relations with it – enemy or not.

Me&Myself None

As expected, there is not a single word from the coward midget closet jew. When he is not kissing Trump and Nethanyahu butts, he is promoting fake vaccine in order to profit from the suffering of people in countries desperate for a cure to this “covid-19” plague.


eat shit son of syphilitic nazi whore who shit filth like you onto this planet


Huh? Putin or Modi?

Me&Myself None

Modi reigns over a country that is still traumatized by the side effects of colonialism and slavery. Furthermore, India is a sh++hole country that still exhibits major inferiority complexes against its colonizers and the west in general. Therefore, I am not sure why do you expect me to expect anything from India’s leader.


I’m not down in India … seems to me the’m do fine and the 22nd Centry May be theirs …

Rodney Loder

The World is marking a tectonic shift, the power of God is no longer available to queer Jews complements of the homosexual Sid Loder, UAE are mostly queer Jews flying off to what they consider safety, take note the Gulen failed coup d’etat in 2016 was a message from God that queers won’t be tolerated, and didn’t Brother Erdogan do well out of it.

This queer coup will suffer the same result as the Gulenist’s got landed with, Hong Kong the same Belarus coming up, the queer vermin have no longer got the upper hand thanks to God and Donald Trump, Israel needs Globalists, needs Russia and China only Trump can deny poxy little Jew maggots that comfort.

Let’s hope he wins I’d gladly suffer 1000 pandemics to see Trump get his well deserved second term and UAE get what they deserve lead in the head.


Spewing bs … is your right hand on your knob or are YOU ambidextrous?

Just asking … eh?

Rodney Loder

Your anonymous I’m not tzartz what a funny name actually come on Quora and see me there I’m Terry Loder Terence is my middle name, or you can reach me through any of my Salafist Brothers and Sisters associated with the Brotherhood Quora my address is on Quora clearly printed.


I loathe the Muslim Brotherhood …

I loathe Islamists and Jihadis …

Stay on quora …

Rodney Loder

Well the Brotherhood is not the same as it was under Mohamed Morsi, peace be upon him, he did his best but wasn’t cut out for the job or maybe he was, after July 2016 the Gulen influence vanished, Sisi got in before that and took advantage, the point is the West was fooled, they got Gadaffi who started to turn the tide of history and Assad finished it off, that was I think Allah’s (swt) purpose in using the Brotherhood that way.

Traiano Welcome

Zionist occupiers are loathsome.


Ah, the Jihadi and now Erdogan fanboy from the US is back. And now also Trump fanboy. What a combination.

Rodney Loder

Don’t knock.what works , the point is I havs all those connections before considered impossible the only.2 groups of of contenders there are that aren’t the beneficiaries of my Salafist intention are Jews and Wahhabis, and the other thing is no one can kill a Prophet especially not Jews or Wahabbi.

alejandro casalegno

The zionits-Whahabi alliace is official…………………hard times for the palestinians, Israel and the Gulf only offer is a “Sweet” eternal occupation………..IF they become “Docile and submissive” servants of Israel.

One palestinian in one of the endless Gaza wars say..”A people who seek freedom, have only two choices, get it or die trying”..

Traiano Welcome

That’s what you get for thinking non-violent resistance will lead to peace …


Acceptance of their fate will bring peace … the Palestinian Cause is finished

alejandro casalegno

Say it to the palestinians…………….they will NOT listen………..


I’m Canadian … the Israelis have told them

Traiano Welcome

“Make my Day …”

You’re a hasbara troll. A dual national for sure.

alejandro casalegno

is logic…..Canada is the new ziomists whore………..


You got beef with Canada as well?


They won’t listen? Are YOU speaking for ALL of them alejandro?

alejandro casalegno

I am not palestinian, but why for the last 30 years the palestinian people don´t make a “Maidan Revolution”, expel Abbas, the Hamas and accept the occupattion and the billons of dollars?????

They want freedom and a real country……not five stars bantustans………


TFB …. let them move or accept their fate … full stop


Traiano Welcome

Acceptance of their fate will bring confinement to an eternal concentration camp run by zionist goons.

Not an option. Now, the best option for the Palestinians is an uncompromisingly violent and unending resistance to white colonial rule.


IF there’s another Intifada on the WB .. the death toll will be egregious … 10’s of 1000’s Dead and 100’s of 1000’s fleeing NEVER to be allowed back full stop

Make my Day …

Traiano Welcome

An intifada is a waste of time. There are better ways to fight for freedom than pure rage.

Technology, strategy and tactics of asymmetric warfare have advanced since the days of the intifada.

The geo-political situation in the world has also changed, leaving new opportunities open to resistance movements.

The day the Palestinians take it into their heads to adopt these new tactics, technologies, strategies and mindsets and begin waging modern guerrilla warfare from the surrounding states *inward* is the day the occupation will crumble like a butter-cookie.

Pray the Palestinians never learn the utility of biochemical warfare infiltrated into the water and food infrastructure of Israel. Pray they never become that desperate …

“israel” is a drunk man, balancing on one leg on a glass chair with a sword balanced in his nose.


Laughable … Israel is in charge from the River to the Sea

You suggest: “… guerrilla warfare from the surrounding states”

That was tried from the ‘50’s & ‘60’s … hello?

Besides … the IDF would clobber the State from whence they came … eh?

Israel isn’t drunk … it’s making their own people safe and secure … full stop

The Arabs can have a demilitarized autonomous entity on part of the WB … going once … going twice …


Traiano Welcome

Nobody remains in charge forever: What goes up eventually falls down, and so it will be with israeli occupation.

Evolution is an ongoing process. What makes you think it can’t be tried again with better technology and tactics, newer generations have newer thinking?

Clobbering only works until you get clobbered in your turn. Ask Hezbollah whose been clobbering you guys since 2000 – and they’re a weekend hobbyist outfit!

israel is drunk and stoned. Full stop.

Why should the Arabs have a “demilitarized” zone? White Apartheid racism is dead, you ‘israelis’ don’t deserve any particular privilege ahead of the Arabs. They have full rights to the same military defenses as the white, racist, colonial occupiers on their land.

Your notion of ‘autonomous state’ contradicts with ‘demilitarized’. You don’t seem to know what the term means.

Israel will be gone within a decade, like all the crusader states before it.


Whose leading the World into the Hi-Tech Future? lol

Hint … it ain’t your cousins

Demilitarized … Autonomous Entity

There is NO CONTRADICTION … that’s what y’all can get … going once / going twice …

Traiano Welcome

Asia is leading the world in high tech. Israel is irrelevant in that sector – it produces nothing that China, India, Japan or South Korea cannot produce on it’s own.

That is yet another existential threat israel faces: Asia.

There is a contradiction. Period.



Israel is A.I. Central … the EU car mfg are buying Israeli Technology and China doing deals with Israeli companies … hello?

Israel with its brainpower is the envy of the World … hello?

7 Million Jews … have 50% of companies listed on the Nasdaq exchange … hello?

Finished? Wipe yourself

They ain’t lookin’ at Arabs got Hi-Tech we’ll maybe … are suicide vests Hi-Tech? ROTFL


Alan Whitmore

A.I?? lets not get things twisted here. I know US, Rok and China are leading in this sector.

Met many from israel, I doubt your assertion. Many israelis with tech units have R&D in NY and NJ as well.

Well netanyahoo might soon look to Emirates to buy out EL Al.


Cool … Israel is a leader in AI

7 Million People and THEY lead the World ? lol

Get used to it …

the Future has Landed

Traiano Welcome

I just showed you all the hard stats but like a broken record you’re stuck on:

“Muh israel. Muh a.i! We da best!”

Truth hurts doesn’t it?


What truth? China has 1.5 BILLION PEOPLE … Israel 7 MILLION JEWS



Traiano Welcome

Your argument is a logical fallacy. They must not teach logic where you come from.

Punching WAY above your weight means nothing when you’re still LOSING!


Losing? lol

YOU seem to want to make this into a contest?

Hamas punching above it’s weight? How so?

Incendiary Balloons are Hi-Tech? lol

Rockets that are shot out of the sky at will? lol

The Gazans are stuck with Hamas … a marriage to the death

Traiano Welcome

Nice deflection. However the point remains: Asia dominates in tech, israel is a minor player. The future of tech is Asian, led by China, Taiwan, Korea, Singapore, india and even Indonesia. israel is on the way out …

According to your false logic, Hamas would be the winner due to being smaller and punching above it’s weight. Incendiary balloons against a modern military is certainly “punching above it’s weight”.

So that shows the absurdity of your logic. You lose. Try again.


It’s what Hamas is capable of doing … to attract attention

Hamas are mosquitoes … lol. Smack

YOU lose … try again

Alan Whitmore

You know you’re like a peddler.

You continue to peddle a stationary bike, as if its taking you anywhere.

Future indeed landed, on UAE as a docile little put.


The Future HAS Landed …

The Pals are stationary … not Israel or the UAE … hello?

The Pals are in the garbage bin … along with those Arabs / Muslims who see Islam as the FUTURE … lol

Jihadism/Islamism is about to be confronted in several places at once …


Alan Whitmore

Hmm ….. ISIS seems to be having a field day in syria.

Next is Iraq.

Who trumps more Arabs seeing Islam as future, or settlers seeing judaism as future?

Choose one …


IS/Daesh in Syria …. shocking

More Arabs are leaving Islam entirely is a goal … seems to be working just fine thank you … but certainly Judaism is secure especially seeing those ‘idealistic’ WB settlers … eh?

Gives me a ‘warm’ comforting feeling …

Alan Whitmore

Oh thanks for being so honest!!

Seems to me opposite is happening!!

Can you give me examples??

Where as I am seeing lot of judes are becoming afraid are leaving judaism more. Not only that worked in the past and it working in full steam even NOW.

You can feel warm too when I send you some good kush ……. takes you right off


OCS has good kush for under $5/gram … no complaints

YOU’RE dreaming about Jews leaving? lol

It’s not about Judaism … it’s about a Jewish Homeland


Alan Whitmore

Jewish homeland is partly owned by Her Majesty.

To find the Dafour’s paper you only need to look down her skirt.


I’m not a ‘royalist’ … lol

The ‘queen’ isn’t ‘owed’ anything … she was thrown out/scurried away in May 1948

Alan Whitmore

She wasn’t thrown anywhere.

Simply gave a present!!


She ran away … her ‘empire’ gone …. leaving debts

Alan Whitmore

Let me know how’s you new red light district in Abu dhabi turning out.


Anger at UAE … eh? Lol

Alan Whitmore

Not as angry as the judia and samaria settlers. LOL

Hardly surprised.

Anyways, only people who would soon get angry are the israelis.

Traiano Welcome

LOL! Rubbish. You don’t know what you’re talking about:

“Israel is A.I. Central … the EU car mfg are buying Israeli Technology and China doing deals with Israeli companies … hello?”

Israel doesn’t even feature in the top three. Here are the facts:


So China leads in intellectual property related to AI. Ahead of USA, Japan and the EU. Israel is nowhere.

Let’s move on to academics, which proves you even more wrong:

“China has emerged as the world’s lead­ing source of top-flight

ar­ti­fi­cial in­tel­li­gence re­search tal­ent (AI) ac­cord­ing to a

new re­port from Macro Polo. Ac­cord­ing to Macro Polo’s Global AI Tal­ent Tracker

China is the coun­try of ori­gin for 29% of the world’s top-tier AI

re­searchers, as com­pared to 20% from the US, 18% from Eu­rope and 8%

from In­dia.”


Chinese brainpower is now the ENVY OF THE WORLD, nobody wants your smelly yarmulke encapsulated know-how anymore.

Further, Chinese AI talent is imported by the very same countries leading in A.I to do their research and provide that very lead:

“The De­cem­ber 2019 NeurIPS con­fer­ence saw the sub­mis­sion of 6,615 pa­pers by a record-break­ing 15,920 re­searchers, with an ac­cep­tance rate of 21.6%.

While China is the biggest source of the world’s top-tier AI tal­ent, the US is where most of them do their re­search.

59% of the world’s top-tier AI re­searchers work in the US, while China comes a dis­tant sec­ond at 11%, fol­lowed by Eu­rope (10%), Canada (6%) and the UK (4%).”

You got that? Even the leading countries are leading due to Asian talent. We are just talking Chinese here, not even Indians, Koreans, Japanese, Singaporeans aall of whom are the cream of the a.i crop.

Who is the next A.I superpower? Well, take it from Forbes: China.

LOL! Game over, sucker. Want to play again?


China has 1.5 BILLION People … hello? They have more Engineers graduating than Israel has people … LMAO

Israel has 7 Million Jews in total

Game over ? Google: Israel leader in AI


Traiano Welcome

LOL! Are you logic challenged?

WTF has population count got to do with it?

Are all 1.5 billion involved in a.i including Xi Jin Ping’s granny?

All 7 million israelis are involved in a.i including bibis uncle?

The numbers don’t lie, even if you can’t accept them.

Try again, loser.

Note: This is just a.i. You’re losing in every other tech arena AS WELL!



What does POPULATION have to do with it ? ROTFLMAO

As for losing at other Tech … you’re wrong again

Israel develops NEW tech for War … anti-Missile Systems … fires its own spy satellites … tried a moon landing … develops Meds / therapies et al

These require AI integrated into the science … a Covid Plasma therapy is being used today so that within months there should be a viable therapy to make Covid less deadly … the vaccine by Gilead is run by an Israeli as well


Traiano Welcome

Wrong again, loser. Your argument is a straw man.

My argument is fact based:

According to the Japan Science and Technology Agency, China now ranks as the most influential country in four of eight core scientific fields, tying with the U.S. The agency took the top 10% of the most referenced studies in each field, and determined the number of authors who were affiliated with the U.S., the U.K., Germany, France, China or Japan. China ranked first in computer science, mathematics, materials science and engineering. The U.S., on the other hand, led the way in physics, environmental and earth sciences, basic life science and clinical medicine.

The Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence (Ai2) examined not just the number of AI research papers coming from China but the quality of those papers—as judged by the number of citations they receive in other work.

The study suggests that China will overtake the US in the most-cited 50% of research papers this year, the top 10% of research papers next year, and the top 1% by 2025. China is already ahead in the number of AI patents filed, AI venture capital invested, and research papers cited worldwide. The number of Chinese students studying AI and graduating from universities worldwide exceeds the total number of other countries’ AI students combined China has overtaken the US to become the world’s largest producer of scientific research papers, making up almost a fifth of the total global output, according to a major new report


The World Intellectual Property Organization, WIPO, ranked 167 universities and public research universities for the top 500 patent applications. 110 of the patents were from China, 20 from the United States and 19 from South Korea. China dominates a global ranking of the most-cited research papers published in the 30 hottest technology fields. https://www.wipo.int/edocs/pubdocs/en/wipo_pub_941_2018.pdf

Let me repeat that:

“The number of Chinese students studying AI and graduating from universities worldwide exceeds the total number of other countries’ AI students COMBINED”



Innovation … Start UP NATION … is Israels domain

1.5 BILLION ≠ 7 Million

“The number of Chinese students studying AI and graduating from universities worldwide exceeds the total number of other countries’ AI students COMBINED”

thanks for stating the obvious


Traiano Welcome

Bullshit. Your straw man logical fallacy about population count is *meaningless*/

It does not change that fact that:

China leads in intellectual property related to AI. Ahead of USA, Japan and the EU. Israel is nowhere.

Your meaningless slogan “Start UP NATION” proves nothing. Startups are known to be the worst performing business model in existence.

So again: China, and Asia in general lead the world in A.I innovation.


Traiano Welcome

And while you’re in denial about your clear defeat on the subject of a.i, lets look at semiconductor manufacturing:


Even there, israel is a non-factor in an area dominated by the US, EU and Asia.

Asia will soon be gobbling up the lead in semis from the US and EU, with israel nowhere to be seen.


Again …. Israel is tiny …. hello?

Israel is a ‘huge beast’ compared to many others but without numbers cannot scale up like China or the US … for example Taiwan has 3x Israel’s population

Is Taiwan a World leader in drones? Israel is out of necessity …. having brought this platform to prominence

Traiano Welcome


Exactly – that is why Israel is insignificant in comparison and will not rate anywhere in a few years – Asia, led by China will completely swamp the tech field and claim any last tiny market share israel is under the delusion it can maintain.

I already did see the links I provided earlier. The data shows definitely that China leads the world in A.I innovation with USA and EU – israel is a minor player.



So … die trying? or acceptance?

alejandro casalegno

Acceptance of what???………..”Bantustans’????..since Sharom times Israel is promissing money and jobs IF the palestines accept the apartheid……….it will not happen.

Traiano Welcome

Acceptance of this:



Hey war ain’t pretty … be careful not to start

Traiano Welcome

Spoken like a true psychopath. Zionist terrorists started this conflict.


The Arabs started this fight rejecting the UN PARTITION PLAN and going to war … after every war more territory was LOST along with more lives … hello?

1% of the Jews in 1948 died fighting in the WAR of Independence the one the Arabs call the Naqba … that sacrifice is important to the Jewish People … eh?



Then … status quo ante will suffice

Traiano Welcome

For the occupier. Not the occupied.

Traiano Welcome

Or win. There are more choices than you think are available.

Joao Alfaiate

The Palestinians just don’t get it. The UAE matter is just another example of how wrong the Palestinians are to expect outside help to get them their own country. To recover “Holy Palestine” the Palestinians have relied on the UN, Iran, Egypt, the Arab League and even Bill Clinton. The only way the Palestinians will ever win is to fight for their land. Israeli control, via their friends abroad, of the media and the levers of power means the Palestinians will never, never get a fair hearing. In a struggle against the Zionist enterprise many, many Palestinians may die. Is it better to die quickly or be squeezed to death? Is it better to die standing on your feet or crawling on your knees? We know the answer the Palestinian Authority and Abbas have give and it is clearly wrong-as events keep demonstrating.

alejandro casalegno

In the XX century “Quisling” was the word for traitors…………in the XXI century is “Abbas”……..


nah the quislings or the fifth columns are the jews embedded/entrenched in different societies around the world softly and with great duplicity against their host nations supporting the corrupt criminals in palestine, or the jews with other words.


It’s YOUR ilk that are staying silent in the background in the West … until you’re numbers rise … eh?

Muslim immigration to the West must be stopped … eh?


Traiano Welcome

Magical thinking. NEXT.


So … it’s over … the Pals get autonomous demilitarized entity on part of the WB … Gaza is an enclave


alejandro casalegno

Is over WHEN Palestine surrender………….the zionists are waiting 75 years…………you and me will NOT live to see the end……


Maybe …. The Future has CRASH LANDED on the Pals …. there future sealed

Traiano Welcome

That is the past you’re talking about. The future is about to crash land on the zionist occupation.


The Jewish State will crush any state that attempts to do harm to the Jewish People … full stop

You can’t accept … your parents and/or grandparents fed you bs


Traiano Welcome

The Jewish ‘state’ will be crushed eventually.

Your parents have evidently been feeding you bs pre-birth. It’s part of your dna now.

It’s the same white supremacy bullshit the Nazis fed their children.


Comparing Nazis with Jews is anti-Judaism HATE SPEECH as defined in the IHRA definition … as accepted by the USA and many states around the World


Traiano Welcome

I don’t care about their definitions really.

Israel is a Nazi state. Period.



sure some 150 mullion arabs in neighbouring states will crush the 10 million jews illegaly occupying palestine to pulp and then bury them at 6 feet forever. there is no room for jews in this world any longer.


7 million Jews … in Israel along with 2 million Arabs

Arabs will be fried … bombed … missiles launched … et al

Talking tough there verner … lol

Coming ta git ya …

Traiano Welcome

Doesn’t look “over” to me:


… and population is just one issue along one axis in favour of the palestinians.

The “israeli” occupation faces a number of other existential threats that cannot be simply bombed into submission.


Oh my …. other existential threats?

Joao Alfaiate

The Zionists should keep their foreign passports handy for return to their ancestral homes in Minsk, Pinsk and Miami Beach.


Your ilk will be seeing a scramble for new accommodations on the WB … should there be another Intifada on the WB …


Alan Whitmore

So same arrangement that has been close to 15 years.

Getting gidy up doesn’t seem so cool …..



Traiano Welcome

There’s nothing ‘tectonic’ about this shift. It’s simply there to help Trump and Bibi. By end of the year it will be null and void.


I agree, it’s a deal written in water and will disappear at the first sign of disagreement between the parties, e.g. when the jews decide there is room for their usual mendacity in the interpretation of the agreement. it will happen just as certain as a stone falls to the ground if you drop it. the jews just can’t stop lying or thieving or murdering.


Magical thinking …


Traiano Welcome

Seems reasonable to me. Next.


Laughable … old Jihadis never die they just fade away? lol

Denial of the new normal … is called childish behaviour … lol

Before the end of the year … Abbas will be dead / resign / accept the Trump Plan or his successor will …

Traiano Welcome

Your acceptance of the new normal means you accept that the ‘normal’ can change.

So when the even newer normal comes around and the zionist entity passes away, will you deny it?

Magical thinking on your part. Abbas dead or alive is irrelevant. His successor is irrelevant. Nobody will accept the trump ‘plan’.


The Arabs will accept the Trump Plan since that’s the ONLY Plan the Israelis will accept … hello?

The State of Israel won’t be falling or limping … they’ll be growing from strength to strength and the Arabs who are looking to the Future will join with them … or be left in the dust …


Traiano Welcome



Alan Whitmore

What’s in for Arabs who are looking to the ”future”?? Be real!!! All very cliques talk.

Perhaps Dubai hosting 2 cent escort brothels and cheap booze spots for israelis? funded by jared diversified LLC? That’s it?

israelis will insult Emirates once they start setting their feet in Dubai , Abu Dhabi or Sharjah. I can already tell the scorn many will carry when meeting with Emiraties. israelis are too used to it ….. hard to shed off.

Family reunion in Dubai?? with cheap arab prostitutes or indentured servants for india ? hmm……. seems fun.

Seems to be local arabs will be in a huge rise.

alejandro casalegno

Israel, the the Gulf satrapats, Trump plan……….ALL promise THOUSANDS of millons of dollars to the palestines if they accept the occupation, Five stars “Bantustans” full of jobs and money…..

Gral San Martin did say “en bolas como los indios……..pero libres!!!…..”Naked like the natives….but free”!!!


wonder who this tzatz is – but never mind since he obviously is a jew working on behalf of tel aviv.

Traiano Welcome

Yep. Mostly hangs out at MEMO trolling Arab news sites. I see they’ve moved him over here recently, must be poor performance.

Traiano Welcome

Like I predicted, this fake ‘deal’ would go down the toilet within 1 day:


“Adding to US arms sales-related talk about the Israel-UAE peace, signs are that the deal was meant to lead to US sales of F-35 jets to the UAE. Israel, however, is warning against that, saying they oppose such sales. The UAE is bristling at the opposition for a few reasons. They just got done with normalization with Israel, and this hardly seems like Israel acting normal with someone they’re on good terms with. It’s also weird that Israel feels entitled to tell the US which nations they can and can’t sell to.”

‘Peace’ huh? ‘Normalisation’ ? LOL!

cechas vodobenikov

if Israel seeks relations w UAE why do they ask USA to refuse to allow the emirates to purchase US weapons? normal for Israel is antagonism


One word: Trump

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