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MARCH 2025

Israeli Warplanes Bomb Syrian Capital Amid Capitol Standoff In United States

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Israeli Warplanes Bomb Syrian Capital Amid Capitol Standoff In United States


The best friend of the US democracy, Israel, did not miss the chance to use the chaos in the United States to achieve some own goals.

Late on January 6, Israeli warplanes carried out a missile strike on the countryside of Damascus. Several explosions were reported in the area of al-Qisva.

The Syrian Air Defense Forces were activated to repel the strike.


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Fog of War

Putin’s ” partners ” are at it again.


That S-300 was a though move. Now everybody wants to buy them. Putin knows how to sell things.

Me&Myself None

I like sarcasm. Russia simply doesn’t know how to promote its businesses. One of its major incomes comes weapon sales, yet it seems to be doing everything but promoting the capability of their weapons. Letting the colonialist occupiers of Palestine to constantly bombarding one of your allies in presence of your self acclaimed S-x00 (x:3, 4), that can not be good for business.


Major, like 5% of exports… Israel said multiple times if SAA turns on S-300 they will whipe the floor with them and Russia didn’t say a single thing…

Rhodium 10

Israel told the same when a S-200 shot down an F-16 and damage a F-15…and they have failed to destroy that system…the proof is that before F-16 was shot down…they used to launch attacks with AGM 142 popeye air to ground missile…and now they only use Delilah cruise missile( less powerful) flying low and launched from israeli airspace and lebanon coast…


Yeah, but S-300 should be able to cover Lebanon.

Lone Ranger

Russia has no interest risking a full scale war for a few Hezbollah guys inside Syria. Its common sense. S-300 could take out those Flop-35s over Lebanon with ease but what than? Russia/SAA already won and Israel knows this too. What Israel does is a futile damage controll trying to precent Iran to gain ground inside Syria, bit with strikes like that its like shooting an elephant with a BB gun it my hurt but wont change anything on the longterm.


The point is nobody is buying S-300 anymore.

cechas vodobenikov

nobody buys bacon in ukrop village—sour and rotten


Gypsy checha just woke up near an empty bottle. What can be worse?

Lone Ranger

Because they buy S-400 instead. S-300 is ending product run.


That’s why Pootain sent them to Syrians, they were useless anyway.

Lone Ranger

They arent useless. They kept Israel from steamrolling Syria, they can only poke. And Russia wont start a war due to this poking especially since they arent targeting Russian assets.


Poke like 365 times per year

Lone Ranger

50* Russia bombed isis on a rainy weekend… Its useless, Bibi is like adolf trying to micro manage down to the grunt level and we can see his “success”. Israel is worse off than 10years ago and they can only thank the CIA and the mossad for this. Incompetent zionazi trolls.


Israel is bombing targets in Latakia few kms away of Russian bases. I wouldn’t think they can do that 10 years ago.

Lone Ranger

Actually they did. Russia knows they are in no danger.


As long they don’t play with fire they are safe.

Lone Ranger

Same is true for Israel.


Israel does as it pleases, they humiliated Ruskies and Syrians with that trick, it was like Maradona making an adversary to self goal.

Lone Ranger

Wrong. They cant enter Syrian airspace, cant launch a ground war, the Greater Israel Project has been blocked, Russia/SAA won, Iran has gained ground and influence. In fact Israels option are very limited, now Trump leaving office it will be even more limited as Bidens foreign policy towards Iran will be the same as Obamas, basically a lottery win for Iran.


There is no such thing as greater israel plan, it’s a conspiracy theoey, like those secret bases from cuba

Lone Ranger

Ok Shlomo. Glad you finally coming out as a hasbarat. Was about time… Knew that ukropnazi thing was only a shitshow ??

Lone Ranger



Miss me with that viruses :) i don’t click any spammy page on the net.

Lone Ranger

But you click Clown News Network and Faux News… No worries, it was meant for the others.


Good luck for them, I read this site more often than those you mentioned. But I clicked that global shit and voltaire shit once or twice so I have an idea why I don’t click them.

Lone Ranger

Because you cant handle the Truth.

Lone Ranger




Lone Ranger

Truth hurts try to handle it ?

cechas vodobenikov

bacon expert CIA military analyst–advises incompetent gypsy ukrop azov—loses Donbass and Crimea, wins towboat battle in bathtub


Unlike dirty Ruskeys I have a bathttub. Chechas stinks.

Concrete Mike

No there are mountains west of damascus.

Come on this war is almost 10 years on. You sho7ld know better dingus.


I don’t think mountains have to do with the S-300

Rhodium 10

it cover lebanon…but Israel only launch cruise missile flying low over Golan and Lebanon coast to avoid S-300..



DENIAL … is all ya got

Lone Ranger

Only one in denial is you Shlomo. No greater Khazarian Empire anytime soon… Oy oy…


7 million Jews …. no need for Empire

Just ‘mowing the grass’ … clearing the detritus from Syria

BUT …. should there be an attack?

The gloves come off … eh?

Lone Ranger

Without Trump there wont be any major war.

cechas vodobenikov

titzy projecting her stupidity —tiresome


You’re the loser … ya f/kn goy

Peter Jennings

Their planes also use civilian and military aircraft to hide behind. The regime cares little for civilians and even less for military personnel. Decades of abuse towards Palestinians have proved that time and again. So much so, that they should have been sanctioned years ago by the UN.

cechas vodobenikov

porky speaks pidgin ukrop gypsy–CIA clown at SF


Checha mommy is sucking a fat cock right now, bacon will give her party leftovers to feed checha whole year


So … why is Putin doing it?

cechas vodobenikov

false durak…weapons sales a small portion of Russian exports….far more advanced than incompetent trash produced by USA and colonies

Fog of War

The best way to keep your enemy guessing about the effectiveness of your weapon is never to use it. ( Putin’s military logic 101 )

Lone Ranger

Pentagoons military logic*



Russia sells things that don’t work … that’s Putin

Lone Ranger

You spelled the U.S. and Trump tho wrong Shlomo…


Hey Lonly, thell the next guy, you’re in love with his comebacks.

Lone Ranger

I love you too…


I know, comrade. That’s why you’re here ;)

Lone Ranger



Trump is yesterday’s man …. the new man is up

Lone Ranger

You shouldnt be happy about that. Biden may tell he is a zionists but his actions tell a different story. Trump was a lottery win for Bibi, Biden? Meh.


Hey, next dude, Lonely copies you :) https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/81e6245a5dc7cc4a00b40ceb8caa04f731b401e80d70632509aa170d3c0a31ac.jpg



Concrete Mike

Oh look its the racist dual national scumbag telling what works and what doesnt anymore.

The amount of natural gas(ch4) coming out of you is amazeballz!! Call irving and lets pipe you up.

Show those russians how is the king of gas. We will pipe up both ends, as duke nukem said;” your face your ass, whats the difference”


Terrorist Ziocorporate globalism is unaffected by whatever result US “elections” have. Same with Russia, since the times Moscow told Damascus to withdraw from the Golan Heights in 1973 when, after Kissinger’s orders, the Pentagon tookover IDF to avoid Ziojew defeat to Putin’s “business and partnership” today.

Furkan Sahin

Putin is nothing

Lone Ranger

Your comment*


Putin is shit

cechas vodobenikov

little bacon disturbed–mommy was upset when porky still sucking thumb age 21—bacon not receive enough attention from mommy


Checha mommy didn’t come home from new years party, she forgot to pull out from dicks. Checha hungry but she still has plates full of dicks to finish.

Concrete Mike

Well you diddnt start the new year breastfeeding off your mother for once.

Its a sign to grow up and change jobs, you can do better than this¡


Like you, sucking your father?

Peter Jennings

Your moniker suggests that you fuck pigs.


Like your mom.

Lone Ranger

Time to Insert your Tampax Karen ?

Furkan Sahin

honestly I think if NATO attacks Syria Putin will not do anything I promise you he does not care about Assad but he just plays with him because he is not interested in him Putin is only interested in that war against jihadist nothing else

Lone Ranger

Syria wont fall. Thats for sure. There is no alternative for Assad, only jihadis, mossad and CIA agents. Assad is better than any western politician by the way.

Furkan Sahin

know ;)


More lies,you ungratified coward,go out and fight like a man so concerned about syria!

Gutless wonder,coward!


Pootin is a coward hiding in a bunker.

Furkan Sahin


look this picture

Fog of War

Putin looks like he just had an orgasm in his pants and is trying to act natural. Although, this looks nothing like the Putin of the 90’s


BS … your Syrian Army sucked … they had the opportunity and were COWARDS …



Kissinger will die soon as will his signature!

Furkan Sahin

Only 1 SAA Dead Airstrike

Furkan Sahin

Sorry Yes only one SAA mener died

Fog of War

Tell that to his family.


If the IAF isn’t going after dead Arabs yet … that’s coming … eh?

The Future is About to Land …


Wanker the Future has landed. The rednecks hate the Jew scum even more.




yep and yep – hate them and will never give them room for anything.


It’s not going to stop … hello?

The Jews/Zionists/Israelis aren’t looking for love? lol

They’re looking for respect … the Abraham Accords have brought normalization … that’s a start … eh?

A Jew, Jon Ossoff, was elected Senator yesterday in Georgia … a former CENTER of the KKK … hello?

A black preacher was elected in Georgia … too

Trump is/was an anomaly


and this is precisely why the jews in palestine need to be obliterated for ever, never to show their ugly noses anywhere ever again. these attacks against other countries are entirely illegal and war crimes and crimes against humanity on a scale not seen since the north vietnamese wupped the yankee-twats’ asses and sent them home in disgrace. it’s time to clean out the bad smell and the rot in the mddle east and that is the jews in palestine. they need to go!


Big talker … ya f/kn loser

Looks like Iran and it’s proxies need to go … hello?

The Future is About to Land …


Frankly, you are just a wanker, the Future has landed lol



In Australia the other word meaning SEPTIC!



Just Me

Your days are numbered in Occupied Palestine, these US taxpayers funded wasted strikes are just theater of the absurd. The Iranians are not going to leave because a $1 million missile took out a mud hut and killed a Syrian child in the Damascus countryside. Either invade Syria or wait till Iran marches in.


the jews in palestine can’t do anything, they’re out of ideas and the new fangled Syria/Iran group is full of tricks and when Turkey join the process to clear the middle east of these jews, they will scream and holler and expect the exceptional morons to come to their rescue – and no one will listen since the exceptional morons, although bought and paid by the embedded friggin jews, are skint, can’t rub two pennies together – what a pathetic group, the jews and the exceptional morons, they are.


Denial …. is all you got

There’s nothing worthwhile in Syria …

Just get rid of detritus … IRGC / Hezbollah / Shia Brigades attempting to ‘hide’

Seems to be working … eh?

Ashok Varma

The Zionists fate is as bright as Trump’s :)

Peter Jennings

If Syria Is nothing worthwhile then why does the isreali apartheid regime want part of it, and parts of other nations too, for their ‘greater isreal’ project?

The US won’t be around for much longer to bail you out again and the Brits certainly won’t lift a finger.


Syria attacked Israel in 1967 FROM the Golan Heights … I visited a kibbutz in the plain below … they had an inferior position … the Syrians lost it … as a result … wars have consequences … there are only 7 million Israeli Jews … so there’s no need for expansion … eh?

Nobody lifted a finger to fight on behalf of Israel … the Jews/ Zionists/ Israelis KNOW they are ON THEIR OWN … hello?

The demise of the USA is greatly exaggerated … the Dems aren’t as pro-Israel as one term Trump but that was an anomaly …

Israel is a military superpower … they’ll have to and can handle their enemies … full stop

Normalization … has opened the door to more opportunities … other Arabs will join or they’ll continue to suffer …


Peter Jennings

You don’t seem to know your regime military history.

‘other Arabs will join or they’ll continue to suffer …’ at the hands of the isreali apartheid regime no doubt.

I think the Arabs have had enough of your regime. Your leaders seem to think they have a lasting agreement with some Arabs they have recently made deals with, under the wing of a USadmin. How long do you think that will last? Hitler thought the same when he sent Ribbentrop off to Moscow.


Don’t remember your history?Hitler broke that pact … hello?

It gave half of Poland to Hitler … then he wanted the rest and more … pieces of Russia … hello?

The Jews/Zionists/Israelis are in complete control of their destiny …

The Arabs have joined up attempting to defeat the Jews but have been Humiliated and Shamed … again and again and again and again … hello?

It will last as long as it takes for the Arabs to accept a sovereign Jewish state … full stop

BUT … the next war will certainly be the last war … the death toll so egregious … the beat down so complete …


Ashok Varma

Hurling childish invective will not save the Zionist cancer. The clock is now almost at midnight and then curtains.


Shia apologist …. ya f/kn loser

Ashok Varma

You post utter rubbish as you well know.

Iranian Army experts have dramatically increased the flight endurance of suicide UAVs, manufacturing drones with an operational range of 4,000 kilometers, a.NATO source confirmed.


Shia apologist …

Peter Jennings

I guess no more Lockheed Martin Sentinel overflights. Also, since the Houthis have been able to down the Reaper, they probably ain’t flying either.

Jimmy Jim



Ya would if ya could but ya can’t …. eh?

Ya f/kn goy loser

cechas vodobenikov

titzy talk loud—repeats like 1960’s broken album


I can’t hear YOU … eh?

The missiles exploding are so loud ….

The Assad Crime Family’s days are numbered ….


Ani lo maamin eyzeh eedeyot atah!


Eevreet kalah?

I speak English …



Did I tell you about that movie? The one Dollar w#ore has returned, thirsty for the next customer!

Dafuq!? Don’t tell me you can’t even speak Hebrew.


mamzer … ben zonah

Mee aifo u-tah?


Haha… Eyfoh metzatem et zeh, muteq?, Gugel tiregum?

Atah bimett khashuv shetah yakhol leha’aliv oti?


Frankly, the Zionists are scared shitless as the US burns down and they know they are next. These are impotent signs of sheer panic.


Spot on !


Good call,by the way I ponder if rodger waters,will make a song about the teenage girl fighting for her constituates,unlike that soros funded traitor back then in china on the take?

Potato Man

There only one place for Zion that god give them which is….in hell


Seems to me you’ve accepted that the Jews/Zionists/Israelis can do exactly what they want to do in Syria with IMPUNITY … your ilk on this site denied that reality … eh?

The IDF will continue to destroy IRGC / Hezbollah / Shia Brigades arms stores and buildup … until the Big One gets going … eh?

The Future is About to Land ..

cechas vodobenikov

titzy confused as usual that LSD u r provided by CIA must be high quality


Tired denialism …. lol

Concrete Mike


How about impotent. Lobbing expensive missiles to acheive basically nothing. Over and over and over.

Just like your life, post the same shit over and over and over. Is israel safer? No.

Is the west safer? Hell no.

It will be safer once we get rid of dual national traitors like you.

Hopefully covid takes csre of your lying ass!


Impunity: Exemption from punishment or freedom from the injurious consequences of an action

Denial of reality ya f/kn Arab/Muslim

Expensive? Are you paying for it? lol

Another Arab country signed the Abraham Accords …. normalization is growing apace …. the resistance is weakening … as Israel, the military superpower grows stronger …. hello?



Try flying over Syrian airspace you TIT.


IAF rule the skies … be afraid … ya f/kn goy

If Syria/ IRGC / Hezbollah / Shia Brigades had ‘brass balls’ they would have attacked/responded to the IAF attacks …. hello?

Your bs doesn’t fly … hello?


Potato Man

I blocked him and I don’t want to know what (he/she/dog/shit/gay/etc) wants to say…just a hint buddy block that thing/person. Let him pick his 2 cents and put it up his ass. Trolls like when some-one reply…ignoring them is the best thing.


Denialism …. ya f/kn loser

The paper tiger you shill for is worthless … their days numbered … eh?

The Future is About to Land …

Just Me

Future has landed with a gale force.



What’s that got to do with it?

Trump is gone in days … transfer of power is / will be conducted legally

Elections have consequences in democracies … Trump wasn’t a politician but a wannabe ‘strong man’

He thought he was a leader in Tunisia or Turkey or Egypt …. lol

Ashok Varma

You are an idiot and rant like a parrot everyday, while on the ground the Zionist position becomes untenable. The US is now a global joke and as some have correctly pointed out, unless the Zionist entity and its child killing IDF initiate a costly land invasion of Syria and Lebanon, these strikes are meaningless, killing a sole Syrian soldier with an expensive western taxpayer funded missile borders on desperate impotence and tacit acknowledgement of defeat. The whole imperialist Israel Project has failed in mere 70 years.


Land invasion … lol

Why step on turds ?

It’s a rhetorical question … eh?


I agree, it’s time for over 100,000 IDF troops to cross the border. This time we keep no alive there, I will order strikes on every fucking house that shoots upon us. I don’t give a shit if they have civilians there.

cechas vodobenikov

poor titzy—israeli missiles all intercepted except those that attack scorpions in desert


Denial …. pathetic loser … a f/kn goy


The Jews/Zionists/Israelis can hit Syria … anytime / anywhere … they can destroy anything /anywhere including troops but this is the ‘war between the wars’ … no need to wipe the floor just yet … eh?


The Future is About to Land …

Concrete Mike

Bring it on jewish pricks.

Ill come over and beat you up myself.

I can beat you up anytime anywhere anyplace.

You want to see some floor wiping? Ever tasted grout?

Davide Herzog

Russian air defence doesn’ t work : israel jets can bomb when they want , where they want , how much they want , as long they want . Impotent russians only can watch the deadhly show and thanks israel pilots to not bomb them . It’ s a shame they cannot defend their ally and neither themselves ! Who sent them there ? And why ?


Tell that to yugoslavians you wankka!

cechas vodobenikov

another CIA employee projecting her insecure feminized stupidity….Israel so weak and decayed Hizbollah humiliated Israel in 2006—now cowardly Israelis even more fearful

Concrete Mike

Nice projection. Kinda backwards. Its the other way around. Its israel that impotent.

Thats why an army of mercenary goons was hired to destroy syria, because idf army was too impotent to do it. Even us army was to impotent to do it. The home front will never allow another middle east war.

Who sent you here?


Another IAF nothing burger.


I’m fed up of airstrikes, I want us to cross the border to Syria and slaughter those motherfuckers. For every rocket we will wipe them out a village, let’s see how they like it.

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