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Israeli Warplanes Once Again Bombed ‘Iranian Targets’ In Syria’s Al-Bukamal: Reports

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Israeli Warplanes Once Again Bombed 'Iranian Targets' In Syria's Al-Bukamal: Reports

Israeli Air Force F-35 flies during an aerial demonstration at a graduation ceremony for Israeli air force pilots at the Hatzerim air base in southern Israel Dec 26, 2018. REUTERS/Amir Cohen

Reports claiming that Israel conducted a new round of airstrikes on Syria’s al-Bukamal appeared on December 26. According to reports, Israeli warplanes once again targeted suppused Iranian ‘military facilities’ in the border area.

The pro-militant, UK-based outlet, the Syrian Observatory of al-Bukamal, claimed that 5 members of Iranian-backed forces were killed in the attack.

The Israeli military activity in Syria increased amid the Syrian Army advance on terrorists in Greater Idlib. Israel apparently decided to use the Idlib battle as a cover for own actions.

Early on December 23, the Syrian Air Defense intercepted several missiles launched by Israeli warplanes from the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights and the Lebanese area of Mount Hermon.


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Either a drone strike or pure BS report. Jacob Jackass to talk about trash Israeli F-35 here in: 3-2-1


100% correct. These are militarily meaningless strikes with drones and stand off missiles from Saudi airspace, it is mainly for domestic Zionist desperate consumption as the Russian, Iranian and SAA juggernaut rolls on the headchoppers in Syria. Nutter Yahoo had to hide under a table when a single Hamas grad was launched at a political rally in Ashkelon. These are totally pointless to bomb mud huts with million dollar missiles and killing a few Shia kids in a population of 400 million. What difference will it make? ZILCH!


In all fairness, these pin prick strikes by Zionist pricks reeks of desperation as they just fire stand off missiles from Jordanian, Saudi and Lebanese airspace at some mud huts in the desert manned by Afghan, Pakistani and Iraqi militias. These “strikes” have more to do with the Zionist fear of SAA victory in Syria than anything to do with Iran.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

you may be right but i am really sick of it and wish iran or someone would put a stop to it already


and rest assured that they, the squatters, the hymies, the kikes etc will be dealt with in a manner they dare not even think about and thus the desperado acts.


They might be afraid of a lot of things but there is one thing they are not afraid of: S-300,400,500 etc


Oh yes they are……………………….

David Parker

They most certainly are and that is why the IAF shoots missiles and drops glide bombs into Syria from OUTSIDE Syria. They know the SAA has been cleared to shoot at invading aircraft as well as incoming ordinance.


I’m waiting to read SouthFront’s people here, saying their regular crap about how “Israel is afraid of Iran and Hezbollh”, even though I keep saying here we will bomb them anywhere and anytime we have intel on their operations against us. Oh well, few more Ianians got back home in bodybags.

Jimmy Jim

Ianians were defeat by Thracians you KIKE ignoramus!

Hasbara Hunter

Jews never fight their own Wars…they have Goyim-Cannonfodder to do the Fighting & Dying for them…Jews are more into Paedophilia & Child Sacrifices…


Your bombing sand kid.


In Gaza we mostly do, because of the corrupted PM that orders not to hit his friends. In Syria we hit Iranian targets, if we hit sand how come they have casualties?

Jimmy Jim

KIKER liar, we is from Missouri, SHOW ME!




Stop spamming me with pictures or you’re blocked.




Last warning, ask the 9 other guys I’ve blocked here.




Ciao, blocked.




Is that a promise or just a threat?


I already did.

Kenny Jones ™

Make that 10, Likudist :D he won again didn’t he?


Nah Kenny, he has no government to work with. He won inside his own party, doesn’t mean anything about the general elections as you already saw twice.

Hasbara Hunter

You always crawl away like a little Cockroach…why is that?

Hasbara Hunter

When the time is right…You will have shitloads of Casualties…more than you ever Bargained for…


Repeat, they are bombing sand kid. If you anything about a bombing campaign, you would understand. The IDF is jerking the Israeli public ……. and apparently you too.


I know what you know from the media (in my case the Israeli media), I’m not inside the Defense Ministry to know which targets they bomb. Iran is weak in Syria and they know it, they have spent billions of dollars and still failed to threat us like they wanted. When they do shoot rockets into Israel from time to time, they get destroyed the same day.


not a bad reply but, I am not basing what I know from the media. I am basing it from military training and history. I have read what some from the IDF are thinking about Iran, most of those people are not looking for a dustup with them.

Hasbara Hunter

Here are the Casualties…screaming for their mommies https://youtu.be/4RBMu4zcqvQ?list=PLxCWZDxGmVWefTxrAF448EOV_UhoXfrBh


Israel is afraid of Iran and Hezbollh Not long to wait? This is fake report.


We’re shaking :-)




He looks like a nice mullah, I don’t see any Jews looking like that. Failed much?



Hasbara Hunter

I have to disagree on this point with you…

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/c9233b0eadd694468a7bc95efc4f8c7b95b1faf26ed06779403100f5a071dc12.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e38afb51fb0e781a18194c8e98bcef7e9927e877112b1e711b5f93a8d24e0e62.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2ae274826a1e95109d68721fb09b4901cc43d85157c144f8a20551ca3dfe5f97.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9442885795417a26ae18f4851284b3769af32cbe695f8d086630e35b4bb7aa32.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/090297b4c9b38505c1af564ef95c5d9ec8c0bf36d27d5970f5c316599be44ccc.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/da36cd7b78708e673d22288f4b7e081dbd3d60242fc2e5af12f2bb760f5ba963.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9626823368db2231271fa38b969e0771c2095bdd4a228bc6f7d016ea52eae13d.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/31ef2d2f6011b92e605aab910f9942c200c710f469723d201a1efd2bca1e2c4a.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/4d542e5b1afaf9e6947db8d849ead5c53c734248cf6f70f8dce054f1e520e5e1.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/6bd83e23b16f0b4c3c717540d6bddcd17a6d476a64cb1dd90b50d6651233b96b.jpg


that’s a typical specimen of the hymies – thoroughly frightening!

Dylan Madden


Hasbara Hunter


Hasbara Hunter

Relax…Calm down…no Fear Mister Protocols of Iron Zion…it will only hurt for a very short time…the Total Destruction of ISSISraHell will be over in the blink of an eye…After that the rest of Humanity can shake hands….No more Jewish orchestrated Wars….

Hasbara Hunter

Fuck Rothschild’s Satanic Fascist Balfour-Declaration, Aparheidstate, Illegal occupation of Palestine, Beachhead & Steppingstone into the Middle East called ISISraHell & their Filthy Import Khazarian Sabbatean ZioNazi Crypto-Jews…That they may be obliterated in a Blaze of Fire…

Derek Johnson

You also have Putin on your side – its obvious but they don’t like to hear it, Russia is a great friend of Israel, they have said so over and over, Klove and Light can see it but the rest don’t want to.

Read this Iron Zion – it explains “alt Media” precisely. Southfront. Almasdar, SOTT etc

https://orientalreview.org/2018/05/10/president-putin-on-israel-quotes-from-the-kremlin-website/ It has quotes from the Kremlin website (ah but its fake, photo shopped yada yada)

Many websites have popped up and fed into this delusional “wishful thinking” with outlandish headlines and false narratives in order to reap revenue from increased web traffic and the donations that they hope to solicit as a result.

Sounds exactly like this website with that big flashing DONATE pop up and the HUGE banner at the top telling the drones how much longer they have to cough up their hard earned dollars and euros but not rubles because toilet paper is worth more

When confronted with the facts, many people who have been exposed to Alt-Media dogma for too long of a time react with verbal violence as they writhe in the throes of cognitive dissonance, unable to countenance that everything that they thought they knew (or rather, were brainwashed to believe) was a lie

Hmm look at all the verbal violence here because you express another view – Korybko has described this lot to a tee and the HUGE down votes i am going to get lol.

There have been many Tiger force casualties and many many civilian but NOT A MENTION HERE because its bad for business! any exodus of civilians are “jihadi rats” and they deserve it.

https://twitter.com/ynms79797979/status/1208735336391741445?s=21 They were blown to smithereens, its official with a screen grab of the martyrs on the tweet and the video with drone footage.

Then there is this https://twitter.com/ynms79797979/status/1209947123401318400

The Mechanism of the Military Commander of the Al-Quds Brigade of the Deir Al-Zour Axis was exposed to an explosion of m / d, which led to its destruction and the injury of the Military Commander (Kamroni) with moderate burns, which was then transferred to Aleppo for treatment…

As a result of the accident, five members of the Jerusalem Brigade were martyred: • Mahmoud Al-Ezzo bin Mustafa Basil Zaidan bin Abdul Karim • Muhammad Al-Karim bin Faisal • Omar al-Basha bin Mohammed • Nasr Mahmoud Al-Hassan bin Rabie

Again fuck all mentioned here because its bad news and calls into question the invincibility of their heroes …. business is business i suppose.


Hey Derek, thank you for your objective POV, unlike most of the guys here. People should ask themselves, why would Russia not support Israel? we have about 1.7M Israeli-Russians here, and most of our tourists in June-August hot summer months come from Russia, they feel like home here as they should. What can Iran offer Russia? they just complicate them even more in Syria, while Israel said we only care to remove them from our borders and not to hurt any Russian interests in Syria (unlike Turkey). We also have a tight cooperation between the militaries and I’m glad we have it, in order to prevent any more mistake like the downed Russian plane (that was hit by a Syrian AD system). People need to wake up and see that Iran’s plan is to have “Greater Iran”, controling their puppet states in Lebanon, Iraq and Yemen. Israel’s main objective it to stop them from opening another front in Syria.


for the simple reason that Russia was happy to see the back of the 1,7 million hymies leaving and they’re happy that they won’t come back and if they are in palestine or somewhere else is of no interest to russia/putin or anyone else in russia and in fact if they could get rid of the rest it would be a day of celebrations across russia. rest assured dimwith!

David Parker

The IL-20 shootdown was a well-planned and executed IAF operation. It was a 100% deliberate operation to kill 15 Russian (goyim!) air crew in cold blood and pretend the SAA deliberately targeted the IL-20. The IAF knew the IL-20 had been ordered to return to Khmeimim Air Base. Israel provoked the IL-20 to abort its reconnaissance mission and return to base in the first place and timed the return to the second.


You can claim that, but in the end it was SYRIA who shot at the plane. Don’t they check who they shoot at? amateurs.

David Parker

It’s not like a gun you idiot. The SAA properly targeted the missile at the IAF F-16 and would have blasted the IAF killer to hell except that the F-16 deliberately flew into the path of the IL-20 that the IAF had planned to be on approach to Kheimem Air Base, rolled behind the IL-20 to merge targets and put the missile onto the IL-20. The IAF deliberately killed the 15 crewmen, just as surely as MOSSAD killed the 3,000 some odd people in the Twin Towers and the hundred or so military accountants in the Pentagon who were tracking down a trillion dollars mysteriously “missing” from the “defense”budget.

No question whatever where the money went either.

Kenny Jones ™

Who says those Russian Jews are happy with the racist zionist state they live in, where they’re being spit on and thrown things at, they’d be treated better in a secular Palestine, and this is anti zionist, not anti semitic.

Wayne Nicholson

Ok but for years now we’ve been hearing about how the IAF continually bomb the same sites over and over and over …. every time 100% success.

We hear how the Iranians, SAA and Russians are powerless against the IAF and USAF yet the these air strikes never seem to deter the Iranians or even slow them down. If you add up all the ordinance lobbed into Syria over the years by the IAF the Damascus airport should be a smouldering pile of rubble right now yet iranian planes full o/f military supplies and weapons still land there.

If the IAF can operate in Syrian air space with impunity why are Iranian planes even making it to Damascus? Although if you believe it took 70 some TLAMS and JASSMS to partialy destroy a classroom building at the University in Damascus you’ll believe anything and of course the photos of recovered US missiles downed by EW is propaganda.

So “Assad the butcher” continues to gain ground in Syria. The mighty US coalition is down to playing dog in the manger with Syrian oil …. basically saying “if we can’t win were taking the oil”. Iranians continue to land planes and build infrastructure in Syria while no one questions why this has happened under the complete military dominance of the USA and IDF.

Marcus Porcius Cato

Bombing the sand in the desert, hmm, where have I heard that before? Oh yes! Operation Inherent Resolve! That was was when the Yankistanis bombed the desert for years and claimed it would take two generations to eradicate ISIS. For the two times we know the Yankistanis actually did lob missiles into Syria, the results were hilariously lacking. With the Kikestanis, who knows if they even managed to take off.

Jimmy Jim

KIKERS is some serious desperado moves!


harass the stupid filth under the tag iron zion – he deserves no respect on this site.

otherwise, I’m waiting for syria/russia to finish in idlib (it seems to take a while) and then the north east and then turn their might on the hymies in tel aviv for the final solution of the illegal occupation of palestine, i.e. send them packing once and for all. and if they decide to hang on it will be a grim awakening for the squatters when they realize the world is against them, except maybe the bought and paid corrupt criminals in washington dc who sold the country’s interests for a shekel, forgetting the rightful owners of the tax pay – the american people.

David Parker

I’m waiting for the SAA to clear out the ISIS trash under the air and artillery protection of Al Tanf. I think the SAA is strong enough for an artillery duel now. It’s about time to turn Al Tanf into a desert Dien Bien Phu with S-300 / Russian Aerospace Forces preventing USN and USAF air superiority this time.


they will – matter of time only and question is how the squatters are going to save their proxies, if they will flee to turkey or to israel. they will have to flee somewhere and as usual, time will tell.

Xoli Xoli

Keep suppressing terrorists in Idlib then Pay attraction to Israel borders.

Rhodium 10

SOHR is not a reliable source…

Marcus Porcius Cato

At this point it is safe to say that they are SOHR losers.


The Zionist reich Heretz Israel goes from the Nile to the Euphrates and Israel bombs its backyard at will, exactly as it does in Gaza, it is idiotic not to understand this. Not believing in God is allowed, but not in the holocaust means jail.

Marcus Porcius Cato

The only hollowcosts the Jews have suffered are the ones they inflicted on themselves.

I await the Thought Police.

David Parker

It’s a holohoax, the notion that the Jews are the only ones who suffered in WWII and that therefore everyone owes the Jews a living forever and no one may question that perpetual victim funding status is the most lucrative device the Jews ever invented to separate goyim from their money. cocoh.com

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