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MARCH 2025

Israeli Warplanes Struck Hezbollah Posts In Southern Lebanon After Security Incident Near Separation Line (Videos, Photos)

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The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) announced on August 26 that its warplanes had carried out a number of airstrikes on “observation posts” of Hezbollah near the separation line in Southern Lebanon.

The IDF said the strikes were a response to a security incident, in which shots were fired at an Israeli force operating near the town of al-Manar on the separation line. The incident, which took place at 22:40 on August 25, resulted in no losses, according to the IDF’s statement.

“The IDF considers the Lebanese government responsible for what happens from its territory,” Lt. Col. Avichay Adraee, a spokesman for the IDF, said, adding: “We view the incident with extreme seriousness, like every attempt to violate the sovereignty of the State of Israel, and our forces will remain in a state of great readiness to preserve the sovereignty of Israel and the security of the population as needed.”

Lebanese sources reported a series of Israeli strikes along the separation line. White phosphorus munitions were fired by the IDF, which resulted in some fires. No human losses were reported, however.

Following the incident, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowed that Israel would respond to any attack from Lebanon, advising Hezbollah not to test Israel’s “strike force.”

Hezbollah has not commented on the incident, thus far. The Lebanese group usually address such incidents within a few days.

The IDF is expecting an attack by Hezbollah, which lost one of its fighters in the July 20 Israeli strikes on the Syrian capital, Damascus. The Lebanese group vowed to response to the strikes.

Since July 20, the separation line between Lebanon and Israel has witnessed a number of incidents. In the most recent incident, that took place on August 22, Hezbollah fighters shot down a small drone of the IDF.

Tension is growing along the separation line as a response by Hezbollah seems to be closer than ever. The long-awaited attack could lead to a serious military confrontation with Israel.


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Zionism = EVIL

And the brave IDF cunts set fire to more grass LOL


They thought the Beirut Zioterrorist attack would send Hezbollah reeling and Lebanon into the hands of Rothschild boytoy wanker banker Macron, but it looks like the Ziojew terrorist scum got tired of waiting for Paris, London or Washington to do their dirty job.


WTF are you talking about? lol

Jargon coming from a pimply faced wanker … pmsl

Zionism = EVIL

You the new hasbara cunt LOL. Quite pathetic and dumb


Traiano Welcome

He’s Iron_Zion’s replacement. They figured he needed backup.


I see you’ve met shylockracy, one of the bigger bastards here on SF. Don’t mind him and block him like I did, will be easier for you not to read his useless bullshit comments.

Icarus Tanović

Because he speaks true. How about you and me stuff?


It’s on, just come here.

Icarus Tanović

Coward, pick up some neutral soil.


Aww … the Hezbollah thugs wanted to make a surprise visit?

Phosphorus shells … a few observation posts destroyed … and a warning


Zionism = EVIL

Sure, you Jew cunts are running shitless and bragging LOL


We’re talking about Arabs aren’t we … pmsl

Zionism = EVIL

First thing is that not all Arabs are like the Wahhabi idiots, Hezbollah is in class of its own and the Zionist cunts are shit scared. If they could they would have “defeated” Hezbollah decades ago, but reality is different. War is not a kids internet fantasy. Hezbollah has the capability to inflict an eye for eye and the Amdericunt check book is broke as well.


The Jews/Zionists/Israelis are ‘allowed’ to finish the Arabs off … but there is always the next time … eh?

Zionism = EVIL

Comedian as well. LOL but very boring. Time to move on.

Traiano Welcome

You dont even make sense anymore. Retire, you washed out old bum.


Hezbollah is on life support …

Traiano Welcome

Israel the welfare queen is on life support. Hezbollah is self sufficient.


Hezbollah … the Drug running Mafia Crime Syndicate are self-sufficient until they’re not … eh?


Save Canada from the muslims first you bastards and then talk about Indian army you bastard


Relax Paul, maybe he misunderstood you. Keep it calm bro.


I’ll ignore him. :)

Traiano Welcome

What’s this? A three-way clusterfuck fag-party? Can you three homos get a room and pollute another forum instead?


You can also have an orgy with Ashok and shylockracy.


Trudeau is in charge of immigration … condos are popping up EVERYWHERE … eh?

Canada will be unrecognizable in a few decades … but hopefully it will remain prosperous … eh?

Traiano Welcome

Nope. Jews shooting at shadows again. Hezbollah nowhere in sight.


Defending scum … figures


STFU you paedo bastard


No … YOU STFU slug

Traiano Welcome

No U! twatz.


No U

Traiano Welcome

On what planet is Hezbollah scum? Nassrallah has more morality in his turban than all israeli leaders packed together. Certainly more than you!


Shia scumbag

Jim Allen

Anxiety getting to you pretend Jews ? Since your ill advised false flag attack against Lebanese civilian infrastructure, (terrorist attack) blundered, and the CIA’s puppet Government was found out, then ran away leaving Hezbollah leading the country. The upcoming election would’ve seen Hezbollah take a few more seats, and that would never do in the fake State of Israel, and it’s plans for Lebanon. The militia kicked pretender ass last time you arrogant sociopaths, and lunatics invaded the country, your puppet Government wasn’t able help your cause. Hezbollah became popular, gaining political power, and the militia has grown exponentially, better armed, supplied, with training upgrades courtesy Russia, and fighting beside SAA for years, it’s battle hardened. While you pretenders talk shit, and make further terrorist attacks (crimes against humanity) that are largely ineffective pinpricks you spin a narrative of success around your glorious defense of the stolen land you squat on, the after action reports show you’re lying. You need US military to protect your 60% Rothschild owned fake asses, but it’s too busy stealing resources, invading/occupying countries it’s been directed to take control of their resources for your masters. US Government serves your masters exclusively. While your fake State is little more than a theatre prop, to show Zionist Khazars are fake Jews. Atheists pretending to be God’s Chosen Ones. IDF actions are a display of false bravado, against a chosen enemy you fear. In fact you’re terrified of Hezbollah, the militia doesn’t like you, or your terrorist, genocidal ways. You hate the militia for humiliating you, giving your fake State it’s first defeat, a strategic defeat. You humiliated yourfakeselves, invading another country who’s land and resources you covet. Your actions since, do not endear you to the world, you’re learning you’re not feared, and your terrorist activity is ineffective, and really just pisses people off. It’s you pretenders that live in fear of being wiped right off the map you arrogant bastards attempted to change, a lot prematurely. Good. You should fear being repaid in your own currency.


Very well said.


Much agreed


Such an eloquent response to a savage of the lowest form.

The New World Order is simple and as follows…mutual respect enabled by enforcement of international law. And a healthy economic condition that allows the unfortunate to flourish i.e. Africa, S. AMERI, Iran, Asia, etc


Finished? wipe yourself

Icarus Tanović



Fuck that shit. Ziojew terrorist scum need to be sending their US airforce because they’ve been too afraid since 2006. The Russian airforce needs to take advantage of its anti-ISIS ops in the Syrian desert to cover for a major Iranian deployment along the Golan Heights and Lebanese border. If they’re not containing the globalist Zioterrorist corporatists, they’re aiding and abetting their new world order.

Ashok Varma

Zionist regime is in trouble and rudderless and trying all sorts of meaningless gimmicks for domestic consumption, without provoking a war with Hezbollah which they will lose gain.



Traiano Welcome

Indeed. Just as they lost on the last 3 occasions.


So much for all the clowns here that keep saying “IDF is scared of Hezbollah, Israel lost in 2006 bla bla”. We showed them last night that if they try to hurt our soldiers then we will strike them directly in Lebanon, too bad their posts were empty. They can keep provoking us till we decide we’ve had enough, that is when they call guys like me back to service to deal with them.

Ashok Varma

Silly chit of boy posting nonsense and upvoting with the fake “owen friday” account. Quite sad and pathetic at the same time.


What is sad is your stupidity, Ashok the bastard. You need to say thanks it’s Bibi and not some other Israeli PM like Sharon, we are just waiting for our greenlight to re-enter Lebanon and to teach those Shias a good lesson, all of them.

Ashok Varma

You are attention seeking silly child. People just laugh and dismiss you. Now go away and play.


It’s all funny till we start the operation, then I promise you they won’t laugh and neither will anyone else on this site.


I hope that China does some misadventure with India.Only then we will give them a devastating response as the current govt doesn’t want an escalation and they are ready to give up the captured Indian land :(


Laughable … India’s army is pathetic

Zionism = EVIL

India is a poor country with no military history. It is fragmented and been independent nominally for barely 70 years, China is a unified superpower. But I just enjoy the kiddie fantasies. This is the best free entertainment for us old retired folks.


China was poor … India is corrupt

Zionism = EVIL

Actually, China, thanks to Americunt and Jew greed became rich in mere 3 decades and the world’s manufacturing hub, while the stupid Bilderberg cunts are now broke as China grows, even in a pandemic it is growing 5%.


So … that’s called progress … lol

Zionism = EVIL

Rapid progress that the dumbass Americunts are killing each other as they implode



Americans are dying becuz of Covid and stupidity

Traiano Welcome

Americans are dying of AIPAC. worse than AIDS.


Crying baby.

Traiano Welcome

You should see the smile on my face. AIPAC taking Uncle Sam down for China.


Not AIPAC, it’s your niggers that burn down American cities not the Jews. Down with the nigger criminals, and fuck BLM.

Traiano Welcome

Niggers? I watch those videos and I see niggers protesting. It’s the Crackers and washed out white crackheads burning and looting mostly. Just check the videos.


Covid … you’re an anti-Judaism hater

Your ilk will be victims as well …. no one gets out alive


Traiano Welcome

Joodaism is not worth hating. I save my hate for worthy opponents.

Neither do you.


Traiano Welcome

Yes. Read a book.


Bilderberg … a whitey meeting of racist scum ?

Those scum hate Jews as much as y’all

Jews are all you got to keep your interest in life alive … pmsl


Traiano Welcome

“Those scum hate Jews as much as y’all”

Ha. Ha. Ha. Pull the other one. Bilderberg. Goldberg. Greenberg. Epstein. Shekelstein … You get the rythm …


anti-Judaism HATER … got it slug

Traiano Welcome

Most corrupt is Israel, decayed to its core. Richest are China and India, with wealth you cannot yet comprehend


I happen to like Modi … he hates Muslims … eh?

I’m ok with China … they hate Muslims as well … eh?

A certain leitmotif going on …. lol


Traiano Welcome

Ugly old man are just your type eh?

Actually they treat muslims as well as they treat christians and buddhists. No worse, no better. The Chinese are too smart to waste energy hating ideologies.



Unified superpower my ass.India has nukes and can send China 30 years back if China attack us.But I don’tknow if Modi had theguts to do that


Modi is a UK/US nuisance elected thanks Facebook =============================================

How Facebook’s Secret Unit Created India’s Troll Armies For Digital Propaganda To Influence Elections

by Shelley Kasli

What Alternative für Deutschland, Rodrigo Duterte, Mauricio Macri, Narendra Modi, Barack Obama, the Scottish National Party and Donald Trump have in common? They relied on their election campaigns on the advice of Mark Zuckerberg. Taking the case of the falsification of Indian elections, Shelley Kasli reveals the way Facebook manipulates democracies.




A recent Bloomberg report has revealed how a secret unit of Facebook has helped create troll armies for governments around the world including India for digital propaganda to influence elections [1]. Under fire for Facebook Inc.’s role as a platform for political propaganda, co-founder Mark Zuckerberg has punched back, saying his mission is above partisanship.

But Facebook, it turns out, is no bystander in global politics. What he hasn’t said is that his company actively works with political parties and leaders including those who use the platform to stifle opposition—sometimes with the aid of “troll armies” that spread misinformation and extremist ideologies [2].

The initiative is run by a little-known Facebook global government and politics team led from Washington by Katie Harbath, a former Republican digital strategist who worked on former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani’s 2008 presidential campaign as well as 2014 Indian elections.

Since Facebook hired Harbath to run their secret global goverment and politics unit three years later, her team has traveled the globe (including India helping political clients use the company’s powerful digital tools to create troll armies for digital propaganda.

In India (many other countries as well) the unit’s employees have become de facto campaign workers. And once a candidate is elected, the company in some instances goes on to train government employees or provide technical assistance for live streams at official state events.

In the U.S., the unit embedded employees in Trump’s campaign. In India, the company helped develop the online presence of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who now has more Facebook followers than any other world leader.

At meetings with political campaigns, members of Harbath’s team sit alongside Facebook advertising sales staff who help monetize the often viral attention stirred up by elections and politics. They train politicians and leaders how to set up a campaign page and get it authenticated with a blue verification check mark, how to best use video to engage viewers and how to target ads to critical voting blocs. Once those candidates are elected, their relationship with Facebook can help extend the company’s reach into government in meaningful ways, such as being well positioned to push against regulations.

That problem is exacerbated when Facebook’s engine of democracy is deployed in an undemocratic fashion. A November report by Freedom House, a U.S.-based nonprofit that advocates for political and human rights [3], found that a growing number of countries are “manipulating social media to undermine democracy.” [4] One aspect of that involves “patriotic trolling,” or the use of government-backed harassment and propaganda meant to control the narrative, silence dissidents and consolidate power.

In 2007, Facebook opened its first office in Washington. The presidential election the following year saw the rise of the world’s first “Facebook President” in Barack Obama, who with the platform’s help was able to reach millions of voters in the weeks before the election. The number of Facebook users surged around the Arab Spring uprisings in the Middle East around 2010 and 2011, demonstrating the broad power of the platform to influence democracy.

By the time Facebook named Harbath, the former Giuliani aide, to lead its global politics and government unit, elections were becoming major social-media attractions. Facebook began getting involved in electoral hotspots around the world.

Facebook has embedded itself in some of the globe’s most controversial political movements while resisting transparency. Since 2011, it has asked the U.S. Federal Election Commission for blanket exemptions from political advertising disclosure rules that could have helped it avoid the current crisis over Russian ad spending ahead of the 2016 election.

The company’s relationship with governments remains complicated. Facebook has come under fire in the European Union, including for the spread of Islamic extremism on its network. The company just issued its annual transparency report explaining that it will only provide user data to governments if that request is legally sufficient, and will push back in court if it’s not [5].

Facebook Troll Armies In India

India is arguably Facebook’s most important market recently edging out the U.S. as the company’s biggest. The number of users here is growing twice as fast as in the U.S. And that doesn’t even count the 200 million people who use the company’s WhatsApp messaging service in India, more than anywhere else on the globe.

By the time of India’s 2014 elections, Facebook had for months been working with several campaigns. Modi relied heavily on Facebook and WhatsApp to recruit volunteers who in turn spread his message on social media. Since his election, Modi’s Facebook followers have risen to 43 million, almost twice Trump’s count.

Within weeks of Modi’s election, Zuckerberg and Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg both visited India as it was rolling out a critical free internet service that was later curbed due to massive protests. Harbath and her team have also traveled here, offering a series of workshops and sessions that have trained more than 6,000 government officials.

As Modi’s social media reach grew, his followers increasingly turned to Facebook and WhatsApp to target harassment campaigns against his political rivals. India has become a hotbed for fake news, with one hoax story this year that circulated on WhatsApp leading to mob beatings resulting in several deaths. The nation has also become an increasingly dangerous place for opposition parties and reporters.

However its not just Modi or the Bharatiya Janata Party who has utilize Facebook’s services. The company says it offers the same tools and services to all candidates and governments regardless of political affiliation, and even to civil society groups that may have a lesser voice.

What is interesting is that Mark Zukerberg himself wants to be the President of US and has already employed in succession David Plouffe (campaign adviser to Barack Obama in 2008) and then Ken Mehlman (George Bush Jr.’s campaign adviser in 2004) [6]. He is currently employing Amy Dudley (Senator Tim Kaine’s former advisor), Ben LaBolt (Barack Obama’s former press adviser) and Joel Benenson (Hillary Clinton’s former campaign adviser in 2016).

Facebook’s Emotion Manipulation

A 2014 study titled “Experimental evidence of massive-scale emotional contagion through social networks” [7] manipulated the balance of positive and negative messages seen by 689,000 Facebook users. The paper details the experiment running from January 11 to 18, 2012, in an attempt to identify emotional contagion effects by altering the amount of emotional content in the targeted users’ news feed. The researchers concluded that they had found “some of the first experimental evidence to support the controversial claims that emotions can spread throughout a network, [though] the effect sizes from the manipulations are small”.

The study was criticized for both its ethics and methods/claims. As controversy about the study grew, Adam Kramer, a lead author of both studies and member of the Facebook data team, defended the work in a Facebook update [8]. A few days later, Sheryl Sandburg, Facebook’s COO, made a statement [9] while travelling to India. While at an Indian Chambers of Commerce event in New Delhi she stated that: “This was part of ongoing research companies do to test different products, and that was what it was. It was poorly communicated and for that communication we apologize. We never meant to upset you.”

So what was this new revolutionary product for which Facebook was conducting psychological experiments on emotion manipulation of its users? These revolutionary products are called digital propaganda Troll Armies that spread Fake News like wildfire assisting its clients during elections.

Shortly thereafter, on July 3, 2014, USA Today reported that the privacy watchdog group Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) had filed a formal complaint with the Federal Trade claiming that Facebook had broken the law when it conducted the study on the emotions of its users without their knowledge or consent [10]. In its complaint the EPIC alleged that Facebook had deceived it users by secretly conducting a psychological experiment on their emotions: “At the time of the experiment, Facebook did not state in the Data Use Policy that user data would be used for research purposes. Facebook also failed to inform users that their personal information would be shared with researchers.” Most of the guinea pigs for these emotion manipulation experiments were Indians [11].

Most of us don’t give much thought to what we post on social media, and a lot of what we see on social media is pretty innocuous. However, it only seems that way at first glance. The truth is that what we post online has a frightening potential. According to recent research from the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and the University of Washington, the things we post on social media could be utilized by software to predict future events – maybe even the next Prime Minister of India.

In a paper that’s just been published on ArXiv, the team of researchers found that social media can be used to “detect and predict offline events” [12]. Twitter analysis can accurately predict civil unrest, for instance, because people use certain hashtags to discuss issues online before their anger bubbles over into the real world.

The most famous example of this came during the Arab Spring, when clear signs of the impending protests and unrest were found on social networks days before people took to the streets.

The reverse of this is also true. Meaning that anger can also be manufactured on social media & once it reaches an optimum level be targeted on to real life events on the streets as we have been witnessing since atleast a couple of years in India with cases of mob lynchings and such.

How India’s Fake News Ecosystem Work

In India a massive fake news industry has sprung up exercising influence over traditional discourse of politics and has a potential in becoming a security challenge like the Arab Spring if not kept in check. As the debate over mob lynching in India is raging it should be understood that such incidents would not have had such a rapid and massive effect if the youth had not had access to Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and other social media that allowed the fake news industry to organise and share made-up videos and information. The mob lynching since the past years are a direct result of the fake news industry spilling over from social media to the real world.

This takes a totally new dimension now that it has been revealed that Facebook & WhatsApp itself colluded with the establishment in creating such “troll arimes” for digital propaganda, resulting directly into violence on Indian soil. This is a clear textbook case of terrorism. Terrorism is defined as ‘the systematic use of terror or violence by any individual or group to achieve political goals’. In this case this terrorism is perpetrated by a foreign company Facebook on Indian soil using digital information warfare. What more are we waiting for to respond to such an act?

Fake News was used very effectively during US Presidential elections. It was part of the official campaign itself run in collaboration with tech companies and it is also being alleged that even the Russians also ran their own network. The same method was used to shape the Brexit debate as well. As we write this the fake news industry is spreading its tentacles in India as well. Many of India’s leading sportsmen, celebrities, economists, politicians have already fallen victim to this by disseminating such fake content. This is a dangerous trend and should be kept in check by our intelligence agencies to avert future disaster.

The way it works in short is like this. Numerous websites and portals of varying degree of legitimacy and funding are floated. Specific news contents are generated for different groups based on their region, ideology, age, religion etc. which is mixed with a heavy dose of soft porn to slowly blend in with their objective. These fake contents are than peddled in social media and specific groups targeted via analytics tools developed by tech companies. As a lot of such fake content is generated slowly it starts getting a momentum of itself and somewhere down the line it is picked up by any unsuspected person of influence – celebrities, politicians and even journalists themselves. What happens after this point is sheer madness.

Whether by choice or by ignorance even the mainstream media starts peddling this nonsense, dedicating their entire primetime news shows in analyzing the fake news, who said what and why and blah blah… instead of identifying where the fake content was generated in the first place and getting it shut. Due to the nature and sensationalism of the generated content and also because its echoed by persons of influence with time this fake worldview has the potential to spill over in the real world with physical casualties, as we have seen in so many lynching cases. If not kept in check it could capture and take over the entire national discourse. We will reach a point where it will be very difficult to keep track of what is fact or fiction and the entire society would be radicalized into different opposing camps all based on lies.

Facebook & Indian Elections

Around the time of the Indian election in May 2014 a serious-headlined story began spreading which asked “Did Google affect the outcome of the Indian election?” Beneath the headline was an iceberg – If Facebook can tweak our emotions and make us vote, what else can it do? [13]

Surprisingly, the Election Commission of India itself has partnered with Facebook for voter registration during election process [14]. Dr.Nasim Zaidi, Chief Election Commissioner, Election Commission of India, said “I am pleased to announce that the Election Commission of India is going to launch a ‘Special Drive to enrol left out electors, with a particular focus on first time electors. This is a step towards fulfilment of the motto of ECI that ‘NO VOTER TO BE LEFT BEHIND’. As part of this campaign, Facebook will run a voter registration reminder in multiple Indian languages to all the Facebook users in India. I urge all eligible citizens to enrol and VOTE i.e. Recognize your Right and Perform your Duty. I am sure Facebook will strengthen Election Commission of India’s enrolment campaign and encourage future voters to participate in the Electoral Process and become responsible Citizens of India.”

All 17 American Intelligence agencies have raised serious concern about the impact of this fake news industry on their election process and their society. According to a study conducted by the Pew Research Center a majority of Americans (a whopping 88%) believe that completely made-up news has left Americans confused about even the basic facts [15]. And we in India are heading towards a worst scenario than this. Why? Because unlike India, the US Government and Intelligence community has publicly addressed this issue and are working towards resolving this menace. Will Indian govt address such meddling by Facebook in India’s internal affairs?

Committees after committees are being setup, senate hearings are being convened to reach to the bottom of this and new Units are being created to effectively counter this threat to their society. While Facebook is being investigated for meddling in US Presidential elections not much focus has been given to how Facebook’s secret unit has influenced elections in India. In light of these revelations Facebook’s interference in India’s elections should be thoroughly investigated. Ofcourse in order to do so first the Govt should have to acknowledge the existence of this fake news industry in order to take action against it.

Along with Facebook, American Microchip Inc and Japanese Renesas contracted by Election Commission for fusing secret EVM code should also be investigated for interfering in India’s elections and all those who colluded with them. It will be a grave mistake to take this threat of foreign companies interfering in India’s elections lightly [16].

Shelley Kasli


India is a U.S and Israel ally mate, we’re on the same side here me and Paul. We fight against the Islamic jihadists pigs.


BUT … India has a pathetic armed force


Actually we provide them with some of our weapons to counter Pakistan, and even without our help or U.S support they can crush the Pakis and the Chinese. I pray for them to win and keep Asia a normal continent.

Traiano Welcome

You zionist parasites also provided Pakistan with nukes.

Everybody knows you’re playing both sides trying to get each side to wipe the other out.


yeah yeah, idiot.

Traiano Welcome

Must be coming to the end of your shift, troll. That the best you can come up with?


Bring a proof we gave Pakistan nukes, clown.

Traiano Welcome

Public knowledge, idiot:


You should be paying me for all the education I have given you. In bitcoin.


That is not a proof.

Traiano Welcome

That is proof. For those with brains it’s easy to begin there and follow the trail. That guy was the same agent used by Israel to assist the South African government with it’s nuclear programme.

Fact: The colonial outpost of israel is the biggest proliferator of nuclear weapons on the planet.

Traiano Welcome

India has nukes. That means the capability to wipe israel off the map if ever they took it into their heads to do so..


Why would they use it? troll.

Traiano Welcome

The question is not “why”.

The fact is that they *can*. And anything that *can* be done *will* eventually be done.



Israel and Modi are ‘sympati’ … Israel has many friends/allies … lol

As for wiping … finished? lol

Traiano Welcome

You gringos amuse me. You always think the Asian man is your best buddy until he shoves his kukri up your asses and leaves acting like a jilted whore.

I repeat: Asian states have no ‘friends’ just economic interests. Modi would sell israel for a better deal tomorrow the moment the offer was made.


A better deal?

Modi is buying what Israel’s selling … today … hello?

The pakis would like some but they not invited … eh?

It’s only about economic interests … ?

Sounds jewy …. eh?


Traiano Welcome

You’re out of your mind.

India, like China, looks out for itself and is on whoevers side benefits it.

Not a single Indian soldier will ever fire a single bullet in support of American or zionist goals.

The days of the White Raj are over and India does not fight the white man’s wars anymore.


Better than your pussy army I guess you bastard


I’m not abusing your army because Iron Zion is my friend.Otherwise I could badmouth your army as well you paedo bastard


He is a Canadian bro, and please don’t fight with each other we’re on the same side!


He started it.I didn’t start.Ill ignore him for now.


Okay Paul, I’m sorry for his comments maybe he didn’t realize who you are. China and Pakistan are both shit, they support each other. Israel will keep helping India, I hope Modi doesn’t give them an inch.


Thnx bro.You don’t Need to apologize.Lets see what happens in the future :)




God bless you guys and keep India safe from the Chinese bastards, Israelis stand with you. Hopefully when we kick out Bibi then we can cancel every Chinese project they have ever done here, one way ticket back to China.

Traiano Welcome

China all over Haifa port like a fat kid on a cupcake. Earning those shekels.

When the jews can’t build their own ports and need the Chinese to do it, it’s only downhill from there.


Bibi’s dirty money with China, that’s all.

Traiano Welcome

Jewbucks. American taxpayer money.


You can bribe people like Bibi, not people like me. But once we give him a good kick from the PM office and send him to jail, Israel will return to its rightful policy.

Traiano Welcome

Who wants to bribe worthless plebs like you? What you’all got to offer?


Just my loyalty, which you can’t buy. Chop chop dead Hezbo rats soon.


People lime you are who selling weapons in black market. Care for proof, yid?


Tell the other Israeli to be in his limits.I respect Israel and you know that.


When you are evicted the Chinese will have new partners. xooxxooxoxo


Historically Hindus have been defensive which has cost us a lot.But I’ve observed this, when we start defending, our enemies have always been defeated even when we were outgunned.

Zionism = EVIL

India and China is a different situation. In Palestine were are talking about 6 million alien illegal land squatters living off western charity and killing unarmed Palestinians. In India and China’s case, we are talking 3 BILLION people and the whole world going up in flames. Luckily, adults are in-charge in both countries.


Iran is helping us in countering Paki bastards.


Laughable …

Zionism = EVIL

Some of the kids do get carried away, and don’t understand strategic mass or how a conflict is fought in real terms. A lot of braggadocio here.


Wow … so it’s a little ‘game’ with y’all

I prefer golf but we’re in Covid Times


Still shamefully enslaved by British Colonial bastards


This is such a nothing incident its not even a skirmish. Hitting empty posts achieved nothing.


Because it’s Bibi’s orders, just like against Hamas. That is why I’m saying our enemies are lucky to have him in power, for now anyway.

Lux et Veritas

It just shows their weakness and fright at the mere mention of Hezbollah.


Is that you in the basement? :) https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7405686192e44978f800ccce98333e5a756272b70f72a586aa477c7c9e9fe195.jpg

Zionism = EVIL

He is stupid in a funny way, he and the Indian kid are going to fight in Lebanon LOL This is the best entertainment with high school drop outs. Now we have another one tzatz.


Hardly, but you’re welcomed here to find out.

Zionism = EVIL

ENGLISH idiot, WELCOME, not welcomed.


Let’s see your pic, cmon Hulk, what do you care, you’re strong.


I don’t post my personal information for obvious reasons, anyone who wants to meet me is welcomed to try and kill Israelis. When I come for you, you either kill me or I kill you, and so far I am still here.


I was a boy younger than you, many years, child…your time on our land will end. Promise. Thowrah, haht al n’as!


I don’t LR I know what we’re about to face, but we will win them make no mistakes about it. Also welcome back!

Traiano Welcome

“We showed them last night ”


Shooting smokebombs at empty ground and being careful not to hurt anybody in the villages proves it was all smoke an mirrors.

Not a single Hezbollah warrior was even near.


We could have hit them if we wanted to, but it was a political decision.


Yes, politics, diplomacy…capitualation. you’re no more than a dog. GO bark at a cat, bítch


I love dogs and cats, they are great animals. But you are a roach, and I don’t like roaches I smash them.


And you’re iraqi, an Arab traitor hiding within the enslavement of Europe yids…fk u traitor


Pùssy lips are flapping again, sir. Please tuck them into your panties. I guarantee your gov will fold long before Hezb tears you down and sends u back to your wondering golden calv god


Let’s test it shall we? I hope next time we start killing them and not just scaring them away. If they want war, then by all means time to do it.

Lux et Veritas

Israel is scared of Hezbollah and staging these meaningless theatrics to get more aid out of US as Mike Pompeo is visiting.

Free man

The response of the Iranian militia will be very, very, very harsh. A powerful response, which has never been seen before in human history. Like their response to the Imad Mornia assassination and like the Iranian response to the hundreds of Israeli bombings of their forces in Syria.


How’s that “we won’t tolerate a single Iranian in Syria” going for the Ziojew terrorist filth?


What has Iran done to Israel after 200+ attacks on their men and material?

The ‘paper tiger’ is a hopeless mess …



Israel would love Iran to respond then they would use that as an excuse to increase air strikes or even send forces into Syria. Given that Iran in Syria is much weaker than Israel how does it benefit them from escalating things.


Syrian troops aren’t being targeted by the IAF … but they’d be forced to respond should the Iranians start firing at Israel from Syria …

Wiping out Iranian bases and supplies is in Israel’s strategic interest … so an assault on them is necessary … but the Spy Satellites provide the INTEL necessary to keep themselves informed …

Syria will not be allowed to become a 2nd fire base …

Traiano Welcome

What exactly have you done to Iran? Hitting decoys in the Syrian desert does not equate to strikes on Iran.

Pussies piss around on the Golan. Real men go straight to Teheran!


Decoys …. lol

Iran … where things are blowing up ?

As for a direct attack on Iran … that’s in act 4 …. silly

Stay tuned ….


Free man

I respect people who talk the talk and walk the walk. Like the Israelis. I have no respect for people who talks the talk but don’t walk the walk. Like the mullahs regime and their militias.


What exactly would you have Iran do, they dont have a comparable airforce to Israel. Other than fire off missiles what would it achieve except Israel ramping up more attacks on Syria.

Free man

“What exactly would you have Iran do” – Stop talking about the destruction of Israel and stop the empty threats. You’re right, the mullahs regime and its militias can not really do anything significant without paying an unimaginable price. But the mullahs regime is inviting the Israeli attacks by their never-ending talk about things they can not do in reality. The world will always support those who attack the regime that threatens to destroy them.

Traiano Welcome

This looks like walking the walk to me:



Old footages is all you’ve got, clown.

Traiano Welcome

Got a load more, thought I’d start with a nice loud bang …


Here is what’s coming to Lebanon if Hezbollah tests us again: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hx6T26VPqyk

Traiano Welcome

Probably before you were born:


Take a guess :-)


I know it was a suicide bombing against our HQ in Lebanon. But did it help them? no.

Traiano Welcome

Of course it did. There is no IDF HQ in Lebanon now is there?


There are also a couple of dead Hezbollah rats too. It’s all relative.


So a big zero …. lol

johnny rotten

The cold calm shown by Hezbollah is driving the Zionists out of their minds, how much fear the illegal occupier of Palestine shows in these situations, it would not seem that it is such a powerful army.


Laughable … the IDF are unafraid … rather they are prepared … what’s that I smell johnny? lol

Zionism = EVIL

Not really, they are crapping as a real war will destroy Zionist hovels.


Let me predict:

200,000 Dead Lebanese in the first 48 hrs of War …. the infrastructure of the state destroyed …. Nasrallah dug our from his underground lair … his head on a stick

Make My Day …


Zionism = EVIL

Fantasy at best LOL

Traiano Welcome

Dead civilians, yes, with a large number of UNIFIL members in that because when the idf can’t strike the enemy even little children will substitute.

Be glad that Nasrallah has better ethics than the entire zionist leadership combined.


We showed them enough mercy in 2006, it’s over.

Traiano Welcome

Do you ever even speak a word of sense or just paste from the hasbara playbook your supervisor hands you?


I write from my heart, no need for apologies.

Traiano Welcome

Heart. Damn straight. No brain there …


I got brains too, alot more than you for sure.


Yes … of course civilians … lol

Anyone present in Lebanon is a target …


That clown haven’t even seen a real battle and he says we are scared, after 3 Gaza operations I don’t fear of anything but God. Just waiting for an order from our political leadership.


You mthrfkr, killer of innocence. Killer of children and thief of anything and everything your grubby fkn fringers touch. The day will come when you will beg. I promise you and your god, you will beg for mercy! You will cry as the Hezbollah soldier lines you up for arrest. You coward mthrfkr think fighting refugees with pistols and kites against f16 and f15 and tank and artillery. ..FK U U YID CLOWN MTHRFKR.


Don’t bark at me you filthy roach, I will deal with you too if you come to face us. Understand bitch?


Lmfao…tell your superiors to check out where I’ve been, when I’d been there. Keyboard hero, u skinny hairy limp dik bitch. I know you’re sitting in office cubicle. moron.


So come, nothing to be afraid right?


Wow! 3 Gaza operations? Truly you swam past seven seas of fire!

Aren’t you a little fearless Rambo? You showed them unarmed women, children and cripples the true meaning of bravery. No wonder whenever IDF faces real men, they run away and cry like little baby girls.

As I asked you before, if you really are a man, do something about those 30 animals (and many other incidents like that, there’s no shortage of rape in the occupied lands) or keep quiet. Just so you know, i do not ask you to do something I didn’t myself. If those sub-humans had no problem gang raping a child, they shouldn’t have a problem if another group make sure they will never use their member ever again

Do that and you’ll earn all the bragging rights in the world plus my personal sincere respect. Otherwise kindly keep your empty threats to yourself.


Garga, have you ever fought in streets so narrow that sometimes only one person can cross? or shot from the top of the buildings? Have you ever entered a booby trapped house where Hamas keeps Gazans inside just so they can kill Israeli soldiers and blame us? if you have then I respect you even more. The “women and children” propaganda looks good on the media, but it’s far from the reality on the ground. I can honestly say I did whatever I could not to hurt unarmed Gazans, unless I had no choice and I had to order an airstrike on the house so I won’t risk my unit (in that case yes the Gazans were killed too in the bombing sadly). I was shot upon so many times, seems I have luck or some guardian angel that saved me multiple times. If I need to die then so be it, but I will protect my countrymen from your terrorist scums and do whatever I can as I swore. About the gang-rape, well they need to be hanged or cut their dicks into small pieces. But it is not my duty to judge them we have courts for it, I hope they get their well deserved punishment. I personally have never hurt a girl and I show respect for women, not all of us are sex animals. And as I’ve said before Garga, go back home and stay away from our border. We don’t need to fight each other on the ground, but we would do whatever it takes to protect our country and families from Hezbollah, Hamas or any IRGC proxy from Syria. Goodluck.


Sorry, I cannot give any information that jeopardises my anonymity. Suffice to say what you brag about is childish. Maybe someday on your 4th, we meet in Gaza when I’m in vacation.

Yeah, let judge and police do their work. The usual excuse of pussies and do-nothings.


You can call it an excuse, that is not how we do things around here. I obey the law, if I like it or not. And where did you see me braging? I just described to you some situations we were going through during the operation, sadly it’s the Gazans who pay the most for Hamas actions.

Traiano Welcome

Of course they’re scared. Are they ordering everyone into bunkers like the last border incident?


Roast kosher …


Old news … lol

Hezbollah and Lebanon are on the brink of annihilation … eh?



not at all -the jews will soon beg for mercy and none will be given. it’s either swim or annihilation (for the criminally corrupt jews in palestine).


Don’t expect mercy on the battlefield … hello?

One small push should do it …



Good news.


Most of Israels attacks are airstrikes not ground assaults by IDF


The IDF has fought armies in the past …

Hezbollah is a non-State actor hiding among civilians … using underground lairs from which to hide and appear suddenly …

BUT … the IAF is unmatched in their ability to harm their enemies … eh?



Wow … aren’t you observant


When you know your strength is absolute, so overwhelming that you actually pity your enemy and become number to their throws.

All their tech and allies will not stop what’s happening. And they’re losing allies left and right. As well as in the Us.

Non response by Hezbollah is for one reason only. They’re going to drag israel, kicking and scream like a child, into abiding international law. This is the ( only ) reason israel and US are pushing for war..lose lose for the yid occupiers.

Traiano Welcome

Jumping at ghosts. They must be nervous.


just one thing to do – drive the jews in palestine right into the Med where they can swim for some safe shore (there won’t be any such shore for the illegal and criminal occupiers of palestine). the value of the jews as beneficial to the good of the world is zilch, nada and they are thus expendable down to zero.

King Cliff

Hezbollah need to target all they commercial infustructue and ports…i know Hezbollah will respond when the time is righr.


Shut up you fucking nigger terrorists lover.


hey Zion https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/0ea172331fae708b2ca36874ad075225d6eec5c42d3e6cc5fb4e625d447efc6d.jpg


As far as I care, those guys are the same as Hamas and Hezbollah. They deserve only one thing.


they are jews like you. maybe more jews than you. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ff53fb3603dcf0be7f0fcd4f5dcc44407877e7a6623be6121922439f4afc799d.jpg


They are self loathing Jews, the ones that have always suffered as an outsiders. We are proud Zionist Jews, we are Israelis that protect our country from filth like them.


i have respect for them, true Jews, not khazars like most zionists.. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d31973534dfebcd8205b016531d5378d9237b676d2e6d4aad3916a442f9cfbc8.jpg


I am an Iraqi Jew, after the exile in 70 AD many Jews were exiled to Iraq. I am a true Hebrew and a proud Jew, and I love my country. So no, there are not “true Jews” especially not them.


did you take a DNA test too see how pure a jew you are? you may have surprises that you have a turcic ancestors heh?? If you say yes i take you word for it.;)


I think almost 2000 years in Iraq can prove it, but my grandparents came to Israel in the 60’s so I might be mixed.


read this book.. because it’s written by one of yours https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/56a5211060281112885ac81dc25f9d4774498af4047cd3189487b60dffc9489c.jpg

Mustafa Mehmet

But but when that is the question?


The bastards love using Posphorus on civilians.


Oh trust me, they haven’t even felt 0.001% of what we can do to them. Patience.

Icarus Tanović

We are waiting for you. And you, Zionists are the ones who are loosing nerves.


nutyahoo squeaks again!!!! he thinks he can intimidate Hezbollah into not paying back by all these tough guy antics.. But payback will come.. keep waiting nutty.. go crazy until then.. set fire to some more grass and light up the sky..

Assad must stay

What the fuck!!

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