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Israeli Warplanes Targeted Military Airbase In Syria’s Eastern Homs

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Israeli Warplanes Targeted Military Airbase In Syria's Eastern Homs

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Syrian Air Defense systems were activated following the attack of Israeli  warplanes in eastern Homs.

According to Syrian Arab News Agency, at 10:23 p.m. local time Israeli fighting jets launched several missiles towards the T4 airbase that is located in the eastern countryside of Homs.

The strikes were allegedly carried out from the American base Al-Tanf.

The T4 military airport serves to transport weapons from Iran. According to some sources, a weapons depot belonging to Iran’s Revolutionary Guards group was targeted.

The Syrian air defense systems reportedly  intercepted most missiles. No casualties were reported. However, heavy material damage was caused by the airstrikes.

This is the second attack carried out by Israeli forces in the past two days. Late on August 31, air defense forces of Syria were activated to repel Israeli missile strikes on the countryside of the Syrian capital of Damascus and in Daraa province. Four air-defense systems were allegedly destroyed in the strikes.


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Servet Köseoğlu

Meanwhie Russia is negotiating with İsrael about Uavs…

Free man

Russia uses Israeli Uavs in Syria.

Servet Köseoğlu

ı know they cant do it..they are producing under the license of İsrael..they have engine problems..stealing from austria..altius uav has some issues..and some issues with thermal batteries too ı suppose..here is the agreement between israel and russia:1.closing eyes for 50 israel air-strike in exchange for recon uavs..2.closing eyes for 100 israel air-strike in exchange for male class uavs.3.closing eyes for 200 israel air strike in exchange for hale class uavs…syria is zero function defined by z(x) = 0

Lone Ranger

Russian drones are more advanced anything Israel has. Russia is mainly buying cheapo over the counter throw away drones because it’s cost effective. Aside from that I’m pretty sure Russian can turn off the spy programs Israel loaded on it. According to the U.S. Russian hackers are the best…

Servet Köseoğlu

you dont have advanced drones yet..mock-ups and thats all…israel has even anti-radiation drones…counter-measures is another issue,russians are very good at land-based ew applications..

Lone Ranger

Those drones you call mock ups are already in the air flying.

Servet Köseoğlu

advanced drones which ı call mock-up or at process are okhotnik and altius..the others are not big-deal..

Lone Ranger

Those are already flying.

Servet Köseoğlu

any serious source can you give me?,ı can read russian no problem..(su-57 is also flying)..

Lone Ranger

Indeed. Su-57 saw combat more than once over Syria.

Servet Köseoğlu

sawing combat and sniffing combat absolutely different…they are in calibration process….155mm KM-1 Krasnopol artillery guided weapon also saw combat but 2-3 years ago it became perfect product..su-57 is a way to go

Lone Ranger


Servet Köseoğlu

ı said serious source(bmpd,colonel cassad,top-war etc)..okhotnik is not ready yet..it could made experimental flights at various altitude but not ready…

Lone Ranger

It was ready enough to carry out combat missions in Syria… Case closed…

Lone Ranger


Servet Köseoğlu

jesus it can fly but not under serial production….

Lone Ranger

Never underestimate Russians…

Servet Köseoğlu

ı never underestimate any country let alone russia

Vox Populi

The Afghans sure didn’t.

Lone Ranger


Lone Ranger

Same as the Orion.

Jim Allen

Iranian drones are superior to Israeli drones as well.

Servet Köseoğlu

interesting details about russian drones.lol.. https://bmpd.livejournal.com/4130190.html

Fog of War

” According to the U.S. Russian hackers are the best… ” Israhell is full of ” Russian ” hackers. ” Aside from that I’m pretty sure Russian can turn off the spy programs Israel loaded on it. ” And those same Israhelli / ZioAmerican ” Russian ” hackers can disable any Russian backdoors in the s-400 and possibly reverse engineer technology. Cant they ? Or is hacking only a one way street. Don’t be so naïve.

Lone Ranger

U.S. couldn’t even reverse engineer the RD-180 rocket engine. Eventho Russia gave them the blueprints and the metallurgy specs… I’m not worried.

Fog of War

Try to keep up. We’re talking about Israhelli ” Russian ” hackers. The large ” Russian ” population in Israhell that Putin is always ” protecting ” according to many here.

The Objective

Good for everyone then

Fog of War

And the Israhellis see everything those drones are looking at. Either Russia is technologically naïve or that’s the intended result. Why have spies when ” Russian ” drones do everything for you ?

Vox Populi

Russia and its forerunner USSR have always played the Arabs. Sadat expelled them in 1973 just to preserve the secrecy of his Sinai crossing of Suez plans. Now Russia is toying with Syrians and a isolated desperate Iran being run into the ground by corrupt mullahs.

Fog of War

I tend to suspect you are correct. Let me add, Putin has two more objectives there.

1) To prevent the Jihadis from winning completely and turning on Israhell or other US ” allies ” or interests.

2) Putin’s role is to be the good cop to ZioAmerica’s ” bad cop “. Meaning, he will prevent Assad from winning until Assad agrees to the new Syrian constituion, written for Syria by the UN. Of course this will also mean the end of Syria as we know it.

The Objective

What a naive assumption. Putin doesn’t have to go through that process if he wanted a new Syria with a new U.N constitution. All he has to do is pull much of Russia’s forces from Syria or relocated them to more secure locations and watch as the Anglozionists take on Assad, Hezbollah, and Iranian forces in Syria. After Assad’s fall, Russia and the Anglozios will have a deal regarding what post-Assad Syria should be like.

Truth be told, I see Iran losing in Syria pretty soon. Here’s what I think will happen. Russia will make a deal with the U.S. and Israel that a post-Assad Syria will not allow Iran to ship weapons to Lebanon. Russia is Christian, and it’ll defend Israel. Most Christians have great respect for Israel. The only doubts Russia will have is Turkey. Erdogan’s Turkey wields tremendous influence over most of the Sunnis in Syria. Sunnis account for 74% of Syria. The emerging government is likely to be more obedient to Turkey than Russia. However, both Turkey and Russia can have influence in Syria that doesn’t clash. The only thing preventing this is Russia’s reluctance to switch over to Muslim sides in this intra-Sunni fight between dictators and Islamic patriots.

The Objective

I hope you understand that Russia’s presence in Syria alone is saving thousands of Hezbollah and Iranian lives. So do be grateful. If Putin were to withdraw Russia’s forces, Syria would be overrun in a matter of months with or without Iran and Hezbollah. Russia’s entry of Syria saved not only Assad, but Iran and Hezbollah. get that into your thick skull before you start blaming the Russians for not fighting your war.

The Objective

Your wish for Russia to fight Iran’s wars will never happen. Russia isn’t so stupid as to spill its blood for Iran. The Syrians, Lebanese, and Iraqis can keep doing that for you, but don’t expect everyone to be so foolish as to do that. You want victory, be ready to sacrifice. And don’t expect others to shoulder your burden just to please you. Fight Israel to stop its aggression on your forces, or keep dying like fowl. Not Russia’s problem.

Free man

An interesting point. I did not think about it.

Vox Populi

Putin is untrustworthy and is a protector of Israel and the Iranian mullahs are just idiots who have got in Arab affairs, just like Turkey, and made matters worse.

The Objective

Russia will not fight Iran’s wars

Free man

Tomorrow Hezbollah will release a very, very threatening video. So scary that the Israelis will have to place a few more guarding dummies at the border with Lebanon. Maybe this time Hezbollah will have the courage to fight the dummies.


Hezbollah isn’t a state actor with the backing of and nukes provided by global Ziocorporate terrorists like the Rothschild neocolony in Palestine. Either way, 8 yrs ago there wasn’t a single Iranian fighter in Syria, but now, their presence there is only set to increase in both number of fighters and quality of weapons deployed.

The Objective

Hezbollah isn’t a state actor? That’s a laugh. Hezbollah has taken Lebanon hostage. Not even the government can stop them. Since they have the guts to take a whole country hostage, then they should be ready to fight like a state actor. They claim to be the guardians of Lebanon. Well, guardians of a country are state actors.

If Israel were to use nukes on Hezbollah, I wouldn’t put the blame entirely on Israel. Know why? Cos Hezbollah picked on a bigger enemy than they can handle. So bear the consequences.

Eight years ago there were no Iranian proxies in Syria but now there are plenty? How does that help Iran?

Iran had better pray that Russia shouldn’t change its mind regarding Assad. Should this happen, you can expect massive American airstrikes against terrorists in Syria. And I guess you know who those terrorist forces will be.

I am beginning to notice a hidden trend in this war. America trained ISIS with the SOLE aim of destroying Iran. ISIS started in Iraq. The Iraqi military refused to fight ISIS until it conquered large territory. Sistani of Iraq issued a fatwa that saved Iran. He called on the Iraqis to mobilize and fight ISIS. Iran took this opportunity to train and arm Shiite militias loyal to Iran as a defense against ISIS. Luckily for Iran, the Shiites of Iraq managed to stop ISIS before it reached Iranian borders. That was a narrow escape for Iran. But now the U.S. is back in Iraq. It’s trying to disarm the Shiites while resurrecting ISIS at the same time. Maybe they will use Syria this time.


Its not like Hezbollah has an air force to respond with. They could fire off missiles but that would put Lebanon at risk so they have limited options other than Syria shooting down missiles & avoiding a larger more deadly attack

Free man

I am cynical in light of Hezbollah’s threats. This is a bloody game that will last a long time. Since the Iranian forces will not leave Syria soon and the Israelis will continue to bomb them. In my opinion, it is better for the Iranian forces to remain silent if they do not intend to respond.


I think the videos & threats are just part of the psyop game I wouldnt read too much into them.

The Objective

it wont convince even a child

Vox Populi

There are barely any “Iranian forces” in Syria, but a lot of outsources militias without any air defence protection. Iran regularly announces “military achievements” in developing SAMS systems and radars, so I wonder what is keeping Iran from deploying and using them in Syria? It is is quite perplexing.

Fog of War

Becasue they get detroyed as soon as they get to Syria. Someone is backstabing Iran and giving intel to Israhell.

Vox Populi

That would be Russia and Putin. Russian involvement in Syria is more for their only overseas bases in Tartus and Latakia and not about Syrian sovereignty. Israel and Russia are coordinating their policies and attacks on Syria. Putin even absolved Israel after the death of 15 Russians in the ill-fated IL-20.

Icarus Tanović

Indeed! Who would say so! Giving Syria S 300 have always been Israeli interest coordinated with Russia! Downing the f35 with s 200 was also coordinated insult to super grown Istaeli cowardly ego.

Vox Populi

Could you kindly care to elaborate and post some proof about the downing of F-35. I eagerly await proof. Thank you kindly.

Icarus Tanović

You are very welcome, but I simply do not have time, so try to look for your self.

Free man

From what I know, according to the agreement with Russia the SAA could only operate Russian air defense systems.

Fog of War

And the parade of excuses rolls on.


Excuses or just common sense, what would you have them do thats a winning formula.

Fog of War

They could start by stopping these impotent threats. At this point, Hezbollah will need to kill a couple hundred Khazars to get equitable retribution.

The Objective

There are two wining formulas for Hezbollah: (1) Totally disband, disarm and hand over every weapon to Lebanese military and stay out of Syria, dissociate yourself from Iran, and sign a peace treaty with Israel. OR (2) Fight and hope to win.

Hezbollah chooses neither of these. But it claims to choose the second option.

There is this misconception in the Hezbollah leadership that that if the do not retaliate, somehow Israel’s aggression will stop if Biden wins. A big mistake.

Another misconception on the part of Hezbollah is that if they don’t retaliate, the attacks won’t grow into a full-blown war. This is a mistake too.

The U.S. and Israel understand that Iran and Hezbollah are willing to accept minimal human and material loses while they continue to grow their power. So they have stepped up the attacks to unbearable levels for both Iran and Hezbollah. First, they destroyed Iran’s economy even as Israel kills dozens of Iranian and Hezbollah fighters in Syria. Then they invaded Syria and Iraq in significant numbers. Then they killed General Soleimani and put several others on assassination list. Then they planted bombs in Iran that destroyed facilities and even killed people. Then they sabotage Lebanon with an explosion disaster that killed over a hundred, wounded thousands, and destroyed billions of dallars in property. Their next step is likely to start a civil war in Lebanon. Now Israel is stepping up its bombings of Iranian and Hezbollah forces in Syria.

I think they’ll seek to destroy Hezbollah through a civil war in Lebanon. Should Hezbollah attack Israel in return, both the U.S. and Israel will bomb Hezbollah across Lebanon into Syria and even Iraq. Should Iran overtly support its proxies, a direct attack on Iran becomes inevitable.

The Objective

Then why does Hezbollah talk big? It claims to have deterrent power against Israel. Obviously, the Israelis aren’t deterred. In fact, I think America is the one holding Israel back in order not to provoke a wider conflict without America’s say so.

Hezbollah isn’t holding back because they care for Lebanon. Hezbollah is holding back because Iran tells them to. Iran has a strategy to dominate without having to fight directly. It has nothing to do with the security of Lebanon. It’s all part of Iran’s strategy to dominate the Middle East. That’s why Israel should consider taking the fight to Iran directly. Iran is threatening a regional war if attacked. But I am pretty certain that’s a bluff. There can be a limited war with Iran provided they don’t threaten to overthrow the regime.

Bomb critical targets in Iran at first and when they retaliate, bomb even more. Fight in a short brutal war for a week or so, then sue for peace. If Iran refused peace, threaten to use nukes. If Iran still refuses peace, detonate a nuclear device over an uninhibited area like a forest or desert. If they still refuse peace, detonate another nuke high above Tehran so that it shatters windows and doors without causing any significant human or material damage. I’m sure they’ll settle for peace. Then the whole region will experience a period of calm. But you got to first deal with the Iranian proxies before taking these steps.


The terrorist Ziojew filth is proving 2 things with these bullshit; that they’re increasingly desperate over Iran’s growing foothold in Syria and that the Kremlin just wants to keep profitting from having Russia as a second-tier world power more interested in “business and trade” with the global Ziocorporate terrorists than putting an end to the war in Syria or changing broader geopolitical realities beyond the Middle East.

Fog of War

They’re not desperate just ready, Ready to start a war with Hezbollah. Strikes on Syria are a preparation for that as that’s where Hezbollah’s supply lines run through.


What’s interesting in this case is that T4 airbase is closer to the Lebanon border than to the US/ISIS Zioterrorist base in al-Tanf and the Ziojew terrorists decided to attack from al-Tanf. For some reason they may not want radars from Iran’s SAM systems deployed to the Syria-Lebanon border to lock on their planes.

Fog of War

Interesting observation, but there might be other reasons for that tactic. Additionally, based on past actions, I don’t think Iran would even be able to deploy them properly before they would be attacked. Someone ( possibly Russia ) is giving Israhell Iran’s deployment and movement information. All theories of warfare point to the fact that this war is being artificially prolonged and should have been over years ago.

The Objective

Syria is in this mess because Iran choose to arm Hezbollah through them. Had Assad steered clear of Iran and Hezbollah, it would have been easier for him to end the war.


There were no Iranians IN Syria before the war started,they are now there to help the Syrians smash terrorism,what don’t you get about that?

Fog of War

So you’re saying Syria should betray its allies and sell out out to the Zionist and then it can have peace ? Nice deal.

Free man

“All theories of warfare point to the fact that this war is being artificially prolonged and should have been over years ago.” – Agree 100%.

Vox Populi

Iran’s claims can not be taken seriously until there proof of a downed Israeli and US airport.

The Objective

Iran wants unconditional support and respect from people, but it’s not willing to earn it. perhaps they think wars are fought with bluster and hot air. I can only remember the war of words between Ahmadinajjad and Obama back then. Now I realize how badly I judged Iran then, thinking they’ll take no nonsense from anyone. It was all mouthiness, but deep beneath, the regime is paranoid. Obama obviously had the same feeling that Iran shouldn’t be messed with. Trump proved everyone wrong. Iran is more frightened than anyone regarding a regional war. But they are xperts in war-of-words. If there is anyone whole bring Iran back to its senses, it’s Trump. I hope the Americans realize this.

The Objective

Say whatever you want. It doesn’t change the fact that Iran is a coward in disgrace, incapable defending it’s forces and dignity.

The Objective

you want Russia to fight Iran’s wars? Iran always want others to spill their blood for Iran. Libya, Syria, and even Iraq fell for it. But Russia is smarter than that. Russia is in Syria to help Assad, not to fight Iran’s war. Israel is targeting Syria because of Iran. If Iran cannot leave Syria as the Israelis have requested, then Russia is not obliged to protect Iranian forces in Syria.

Russia’s silence on this matter proves that they are in serious disagreement with Iran over Syria. These Israeli strikes are highly destructive and lethal, killing many and destroying millions of dollars in equipment. For Russia to keep silent means its dissatisfaction with Iran’s action in Syria is significant.

No one should fight Iran’s wars anymore. The IRGC should face Israel itself and quit putting weaker countries in danger. They’ve got all the weapons they need to fight Israel, yet they use Syria, Hamas, and Lebanon to do their dirty jobs so when there is a blow-back, as there is right now, it doesn’t reach the Iranian soil. What wicked and heartless people ruling Iran. It’ll be a good idea for Israel to launch some direct strikes on Iranian soil as a warning that the war will not be limited to Syria, Palestine, or Lebanon. Maybe it’ll persuade the Iranians to either fight Israel directly or surrender and stop causing carnage in other countries under the pretext of fighting Israel.

I hope Israel accelerates the rate, deadliness, and destructiveness of bombings on Iranian and Hezbollah forces across Syria and Lebanon.

If you ain’t strong enough to fight at the moment, do not take on too much a challenge. But I guess it’s too late now, as you enemy has preempted the fight. And you want to brainwash us into supporting Iran. I did before, but never again. No one should support people who use others as a human shield to fight their wars. Fight and win or lose with dignity.


Except that Iran’s goal hasn’t ever been to draw first blood against either the US or Israel even in rethoric,had you actually listened to it over the years. It has been constantly saying it would give a crushing blow to anyone crossing its main red line , which is an attack against Iranian soil,which to date hasn’t ever happened despite 20 years of empty saber-rattling from the mikes of Netanyahu, and Israel instead keeps on relentlessly attacking its undefended proxies rather the what they call the “head of the snake”and they push the reluctant US into doing it and going all in for them instead. It’s actually the US and Israel themselves whom have been hell-bent on doing basically everything to provoke Iran into striking first and buidling a coalition against it like they did for Saddam in 1990 but the Mullahs are smarter. They perform aggression in countless ways against Tehran,with things like quitting interationally-backed security council treaties of which Iran abided by the letter, reimposing crippling and inhumane sanctions destroying its economy and populations left with a massive shortages of food and medicine,seizing billions of dollars worth of national assets worldwide wherever they can, deploying strategic bombers and missiles all around it in neighboring countries through the 36 bases they have next to Iran, the killing of an unsuspecting general in Iraq, and finally those strikes. And I find it funny to witness your usual blatant double-standards when it comes to treachery and cowardice, that you always see with one eye closed.

Had it not been for Iranian spilling blood and treasure for them,both Baghdad and Damascus would have fallen to either ISIS or Al-Qaeda affiliates years ago, and the whole of South Lebannon would still be in Israeli hands all the way up to the Litani river as they’ve always dreamed of and controlled for 17 years straight. Iranians do fight for their allies and have even extended a indefinitely extensible credit line and performed massive oil transfers to help Syria and even distant Venezuela overcome the crushing weight of sanctions while under sanctions and suffering themselves.

Contrary to what you claim,Tehran does sacrifice for its allies. They’ve lost more than a thousand men fighting countless miles away from home,and have along with Russia decisively turned the tide of the way in Syria’s favor, that stands to this day as a secular nation free from the clutches of GCC/US and backed salafist paramilitaries,or the Turkish-backed MB entrenched in the Northwest. and also by co trast to your claims, both Israel, the Us and the GCc wage their war against Syria through proxies,none of thel has had the guts to strike directly at the heart of Iran to back their firery speeches of taking the war to the soirce of evil. All they do is to dance around thousands lf miles away doing pinprick attacks that barely take any oives bar the occasionnal.unlucky soldiers passing by or guarding the wrong place at the wrong time and civilians happening to live near flashpoints. Most targets are dummies and/or civilian ones like parking lots or grain storage. You should do more research on what they hit in aftermath videos and pictures,and not the Israeli-based and funded “ISI” satellite imagery channel.

Even the Iraqi kurdish leadership officially thanked them for their invaluable help during the very first ISIS onslaught towards Baghdad’s suburbs and Irbil when they were desperate for US aid while the Pentagon just watched when the Iraqi army was running away from the fight while outnumbering ISIS by a ration of 10:1

Israel sheltered Salafist paramilitaries suh as Nourideen Harakat Al Zinki and Ahrar Al Shal fighting the SAA for years on their occupied side of the Golan,until tje joint Russian/Iranian initiative put an end to it in 2015.

Now I agree witht he fact that the Iranian leadershio is self-interested and the mullahs made a fortune during the sanctions and spend valuable ressources abroad that could otherwise be used to help their own people in times of need. They prioritize geopolicy over internal urgencies and this is unacceptable. But again,so do every single other regional actors around. Iran is certainly not an exception despite your endless attempts at singling thel out at every turn and wishing millions of them dead via strike by the devil itself if need be,as usual.

Poverty has been skyrocketting in Israel, Lebanon, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and the US itself of course,all their people bear the brunt of their adventurism and ever increasing military budgets while they keep on a spending spree to wage wars all around it and possible on it on the longer run,so I don’t see how Iran is so different and shameful. All leaders specially in this region are heartless extremists and self-interest sociopaths and they keep on lying and spitting either religious and/or nationalistic bullshit to support the sacrifices they force upon their respective populations.

The Objective

Hello, friend. Not heard from you in a long time now. Well, as usual, you said some pretty nasty things. The nastiest of which is quoted below.

“at every turn and wishing millions of them dead via strike by the devil itself if need be”

This is the second time you are accusing me of wishing genocide of Iranians. It’s either you misunderstand my position completely, or you just want to make me feel bad.

I am a very religious Sunni Muslim. There are hundreds of thousands of Sunnis in Iran. There are children in Iran. There are women in Iran (beautiful ones in fact. I love women, but strictly in a marital sense). There are old people in Iran. There are innocent people in Iran. All these combined number in the Millions. Whoever wishes for the collective death of these people is worse than the devil himself. No true Sunni Muslim would wish for that.

But you see, the Iranian regime threatens the sanctity of our faith. It threatens the heart of Sunni Islam. And we can’t just sit and watch. To me, Iran is a bigger threat to Islam than both the U.S. and Israel. But I won’t bother you with this. I’ll make a few comments on your claims about Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon.

ISIS was an American project aimed at Iran. Had ISIS succeeded in reaching the Iranian border and establishing a presence, the U.S would have fought Iran in a cost-effective way. Iran didn’t fight in Iraq to protect the Iraqis. It fought to save its neck.

The U.S/GCC/Israel/Turkey all fight through proxies. But there is a difference between their proxies and those of Iran. I’ll say the learnt this proxy war from Iran. Iran’s proxies are state actors. Hezbollah collects customs tax, has offices, openly trains and recruits in their country, have radio stations. ISIS/Alqaeda/Al-Nusra, etc are all considered terrorists by the whole world.

I treat Iran differently because it claims to be an Islamic government based on Shariah. It wants the world’s Muslims to take it as the leader in this fight to librate the Muslim world. The supreme leader claims to lead the Muslim world. And a lot more. That’s why I give Iran a higher bar of morality to prove that it’s not what it claims to be.

I’ve got a lot to say about this subject, but I won’t be making long comments like before. Just say what you disagree with and I’ll reply.

Rafik Chauhan

U r whabhi cunt u are not sunni . you are slave of zionist only knows how to divide shia and sunni. Sunni was getting killed on daily basis with the hand of ISIL/US/Israel/Alqaeda.etc where where you. palestine dying everyday but your master GCC are shaking hands with same criminal. if its not for iran or hezbollah or Houthis or shia fighters to rise up . most of the sunni in iraq syria and palestine shuld have been wiped out. and also in Afganistan Taliban is killing civilan (sunni ) mercilessly. where were you u hypocrite. If iran wants and shia they should have waged a long war . with this GCC and remove all Wabhi slave from ME but unfortunatly they have been thaught have patient till end and wait for time and keep up Defence . give time to this hypocrite muslim to understand islam and wait for appearence of Imam Mehdi. that day the final war will take. so you hypocrite far from the reality of islam and quran . just shut up


Not Sunnis, Hamas terrorists. We have peace deals with 3 Sunni countries now, and as you can see we don’t try to hurt any of them. We also want the Palis to have a state, but first they must reach unity between Fatah and Hamas so a peace deal can be made. You are a slave of Hezbollah, which is a slave of Iran. You are being used to hurt Israel, even though you know you have no chance to win. But alright keep trying to provoke a war at our border, I’ve told Gryzor, Objective and Garga I don’t wish to harm Lebanese and a war can and should be avoided, but I swear to God, if you kill one of our guys we will unleash a living hell on you like you have never seen before. Your choice.


“Well, as usual, you said some pretty nasty things. The nastiest of which is quoted below.”

Indeed it has been quite some time I hadn’t stumbled on your fairy tales, mate  Come on, these are not “nasty”, but rather some factual element you never seem to be able to hear.

“This is the second time you are accusing me of wishing genocide of Iranians. It’s either you misunderstand my position completely, or you just want to make me feel bad.”

It’s because you have mate. And so more than once, quite verbatim with that. My claims are not gratuitous, believe me. I am simply appalled at your worst diatribes. Something along the lines of “I prefer a region on fire and hell on Earth that would destroy Iran rather than see it dominate it”.

No matter the angle from which you want to see or portray this kind of statements, they are tantamount to wishing the end of a 80-million population or at least huge, irreparable harm to it that would kill millions and destroys generations of history and culture, and so no matter the rationale that leads there, or its sincerity. Indeed, despite my equal hatred of gulf monarchies, I would never in my worst day wish a similar fate to any of their countries or people, since they aren’t responsible for their rulers’ madness and backwardness.

“I am a very religious Sunni Muslim.”

Quite true indeed, and I have seen that it sadly doesn’t help you develop a solid, realistic view on today’s world but rather some anachronistic and vain hopes on realities that never materialize…

“Whoever wishes for the collective death of these people is worse than the devil himself.”

Agreed. So stop doing it, and we’ll be fine on that topic once and for all. “No true Sunni Muslim would wish for that.”

And no Muslim (as per your definition) would ever wish a certified, giant evil like the US to win the day by attacking and destroying Iran as a country and integral state along with its national fabric, à la Iraq in 2003.

“But you see, the Iranian regime threatens the sanctity of our faith. It threatens the heart of Sunni Islam. And we can’t just sit and watch. To me, Iran is a bigger threat to Islam than both the U.S. and Israel. But I won’t bother you with this. I’ll make a few comments on your claims about Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon.”

That whole vision emanates from a belief that the current competition and resulting wars in the region are religious at heart. On this, you and I will forever be irreconcilable I’m afraid and there is no need to debate it in lengths all over again. I totally disagree with this and I have explained more than once why.

“ISIS was an American project aimed at Iran. Had ISIS succeeded in reaching the Iranian border and establishing a presence, the U.S would have fought Iran in a cost-effective way.

And this is the kind of insane, criminally machiavelistic entity you support in its struggle against Tehran? congratulations, what a pious Muslim showing its true worth yet again.

““Iran didn’t fight in Iraq to protect the Iraqis. It fought to save its neck.””

It protected both itself and also its allies abroad, which is exactly what any sane government would do in its sphere of influence before a given threat reaches its borders, there is nothing abnormal about that, while this is a concept that I oppose conceptually since this is only true of bigger powers protecting their hold on smaller ones, nonetheless a reality that today transcend nationality of faith. This is what Israel does, what Saudi Arabia does, what the US does, what Russia and China do. What did you expect Iran to do in this situation? just watch ,relax and see their position, interests just crumble to the ground to look good in the eyes of haters like you that blame it whatever it does , when it intervenes and even when it doesn’t directly like in 2003.

See the double-standard I was referring to? it is quite apparent right there. When it comes to the Sunni camp, they do it because it’s a supposed fight for survival against a blood-thirsty Iran willing to crush Mecca. When Iran does the same, it’s seemingly a cheap way at defending its own arse and nothing more. Your very derogatory wording betrays your strong bias and contempt against everything Iranian, just as before.

In 2003 Iran helped the Iraqi insurgency defeat the American occupation exactly in the same way that the Soviets helped the Vietcong win the day against them, and this is exactly how it garnered its initially widespread support, at the time even within nationalistic Sunni ranks. Of course it developed an unbalanced relationship with the countr on the longer run and I object to it strongly, as much as I do the GCC in their militarily-enforced massacre of the likes of Yemen, or the violent crushing of peaceful protests in Bahrain.

You can’t blame Iran for not going toe-to-toe against an unleashed superpower, especially considering its own military was only a fraction of its current strength at the time, as their level of self-sufficiency was of no compare to what it is now and its many homegrown assets, namely in precision-guided ballistic and cruise missiles and air-defenses. Nobody does that. The concept of proxy forces has been a new normal since the beginning of the Cold War, you should know that, for every nation able to practice it, in no way is Iran or its neighbor any different in that.

“The U.S/GCC/Israel/Turkey all fight through proxies. But there is a difference between their proxies and those of Iran. I’ll say the learnt this proxy war from Iran.”

And that is supposed to excuse them more than Iran. What kind of rationale is that? If anything, they went down the level of the evil Mullahs that they hate so much for what it does, the issue is they can’t have it both ways and still complain about that dirty little game going both ways. Either both camps stop doing it and start meaningful steps for a dialogue, or none ever will. Plain & simple.

“Iran’s proxies are state actors. Hezbollah collects customs tax, has offices, openly trains and recruits in their country, have radio stations.”

So do ISIS and Al-Qaeda linked paramilitaries in Syria and once in Iraq when they controlled a whole third of the country. Collecting taxes on non-Muslims, boasting training centers even for children (which Iran doesn’t, precisely because they’re official and can’t take such publicity in host countries) and perform organized recruitment in regions they controlled. They keep a stranglehold and monopoly on the media, have a fully-fledged TV and Radio wing for their propaganda, build a state within the state that they call Caliphate, and block the internet wherever they find “illegal connections”, close cybercafés etc…

“ ISIS/Alqaeda/Al-Nusra, etc are all considered terrorists by the whole world.”

Completely untrue statement for groups other than ISIS and official AQ wings. Only a handful of countries designated them as such, the US to this day refuses to blacklist the Muslim Brotherhood and its operating battalions in Idlib. And it took it several years to follow suit on Nusra and still doesn’t recognize Ahrar-Al Sham and Nour_al-Din_al-Zenki or the Turkish Backed islamist ”National Liberation Front” as such either, despite its many war crimes and blacklisting by other western countries such as the Nederlands.

From the MB’s dedicated wiki page :

“Past U.S. presidential administrations have examined whether to designate the Muslim Brotherhood as a Foreign Terrorist Organization and have decided not to do so.[265] During the George W. Bush administration, the U.S. government investigated the Brotherhood and associated Islamist groups, but “after years of investigations, … the U.S. and other governments, including Switzerland’s, closed investigations of the Brotherhood leaders and financial group for lack of evidence, and removed most of the leaders from sanctions lists.”[266] The Obama administration was also pressured to designate the Brotherhood as a terrorist organization, but did not do so.[267][268] During the Donald Trump administration, there were serious steps towards designating the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization.[269] »

From Ahrar Al-Sham wiki page :

“Ahrar al-Sham is not designated a terrorist organization by the U.S. State Department, the United Nations, or the European Union. Since December 2015, the UN Security Council has been trying to assemble a list of terrorist groups in Syria. Syria,[170] Russia,[citation needed] Lebanon, Iraq, Egypt, and the United Arab Emirates[171] support classifying Ahrar al-Sham as a terrorist group, but they have not been able to achieve a unanimous consensus.[3][172] Ahrar al-Sham’s relationships with U.N. designated terrorist organizations has been, and continues to be, a key point of contention in U.S. and Russian foreign relations and in their Syrian ceasefire negotiations.[173] The U.S. Department of State has said that “Ahrar al-Sham is not a designated foreign terrorist organization”.[174] However, some U.S. officials have reportedly considered designating it as a terrorist organization because of its links to al-Qaeda subgroups such as the al-Nusra Front.[165]

From the Nour_al-Din_al-Zenki wiki page :

On 9 May 2016, a plan was reportedly proposed by the US, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar to have the Nour al-Din al-Zenki Movement form a “Northern Army” to gather more than 3,000 fighters for the operation. The next phase will be to transfer the fighters from Idlib to northern Aleppo through the Bab al-Hawa Border Crossing and the Azaz border crossing. This reportedly began on 13 May.[59] However, the plan was delayed due to doubts from U.S. officials about the capabilities of the Syrian rebel forces that Turkey had recruited to fight with its military, the opposition from the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces, and the rift between Turkey and Russia that had only been mended in early August 2016.[60]

“The closest to Iran’s sophistication in using proxies is Turkey. Because those Syrians in IDLIB have some legitimacy in the eyes of the world.

They have zero legitimacy. The “world” you refer to is the anti-Assad gang, and at most they simply keep silent on the many recorded abuses ongoing in Turkey-dominated regions because they want this conflict to drag on and keep Syria on the floor. I live in France and we even have occasional articles and undercover journalistic piece describing life under Salafist and MB factions, for instance on international channel France24. Same happens with the British BBC. Nobody supports them, yet they don’t condemn them outright either for the reasons I mentioned since they’re still useful tools to pressure Assad, but the whole political spectrum considers them non-state actors and the fact that the immense majority of them are Islamists controlled by Turkey is commonplace now in the media and parliamentary halls alike.

“I treat Iran differently because it claims to be an Islamic government based on Shariah. It wants the world’s Muslims to take it as the leader in this fight to liberate the Muslim world. The supreme leader claims to lead the Muslim world. And a lot more. That’s why I give Iran a higher bar of morality to prove that it’s not what it claims to be.”

Same goes for the KSA claiming they’re the only true representative of Allah’s kingdom because they host Mecca. I agree with your claims on Khamenei’s personally twisted goal, but the House of Saud is absolutely no different. I will continue to blame both hypocritical dictatorships for exactly what they are: a fallacy of a regime masquerading as humble, pious leaders.

“ Because others use proxies to destabilize countries doesn’t give Iran the excuse to do the same.”

True, but that logic work entirely both ways, while you only hold one side of that truth against Iran while disregarding the other, and that one-sided position disqualifies you from claiming it as an argument, I’m sorry.

“It’s like say, you fornicate because others do it too. That’s never a justifiable reason in Islam.”

Funny example you bring up to the atheist I am. Why does it always have to end up being about sex with you guys? Don’t answer, I’m just joking ;-)

Seriously though, my main issue with you is that you always fail to blame everyone with the same moral strength while they technically commit the very same atrocities and cynical manipulations on the ground. That one will forever be an unworkable mindset to me, since it’s based on completely arbitrary morality you unilaterally decide to apply on one side of the fence only, and in my view inherently prevents it from becoming a receivable argument in the absolute. Anything that is arbitrary in the face of the same set of facts is ideological rather than objective thinking.

“I’ve got a lot to say about this subject, but I won’t be making long comments like before. Just say what you disagree with and I’ll reply.”

Thanks but no thanks, I only pick occasional exchanges with you from time to time when I’m in the mood and stumble upon some unacceptable claims I want to challenge on the spot, merely for posterity on this site rather than “convincing” you on anything, as I have seen this is a lost cause, and I don’t really mind that much, to be perfectly honest.

Free man

well said.


I doubt that within Syria is within Syria. It looks like a zioblock troll site to me.


I’ve pointed this out before. This “Within Syria” site uses a Jewgle zio email address. You might as well get your disinfo from that SOHR MI6 shill in England or Debka file.


Assad must stay

Thanks God no deaths or injuries but it came from at tanf wtf? Need to set up AA/sams near there too


I am not convinced it came from Al tanf,if it did the place should be wiped off the map.


Dated Nov 2019: “The Russian Foreign Ministry accused Israel Wednesday of violating Jordanian airspace when Israeli aircrafts flew over the country on Monday on their way to attack targets near the Syrian-Iraqi border.” This could explain a launch from the Al Tanf area.




Fog of War

Lets be honest. Israhell didn’t violate anything. They were allowed to use the airspace.


Good point.

Jordan has the resources to prevent it, Iraq less so, given the location and probably limited duration of the violation. So yes, at a minimum, Jordan didn’t interdict violations of it’s airspace. At the speeds and distances involved, It’s possible that the IAF could have flown along the border going in before the RJAF got planes in the air. But there’s really no way to return without going back over Jordanian airspace. The same goes for Syria.

How effective the RJAF would be in it’s current configuration of F-16A/B against IAF F-16C/D and F-15C/D is an open question. And probably a similar ecm deficit. Which no doubt effects the consent vs coercion equation.

So if Jordan is going to participate in a regional coalition against Israel. Upgrading air and air defense assets to parity or above. Will be a necessity. The equipment is available to do it. And the RJAF has the personal and facility resources to do it without a lot of upgrades. The Egyptians are already well down that road. And could assist the RJAF with this transition on an as needed basis.


Wouln’t surprise me the Jordanians are prostitutes.

Assad must stay

Yes should have been a long time ago

The Objective

You make me laugh. How do you know there was no death or injury? It is in Iran’s and Hezbollah’s interest to cover up any number of deaths. Their reputation has dangerously eroded. Your AA/sams will do nothing to help the situation. Israel will just keep bombing them until Iran runs out of stock. AA systems are expensive. Iran is currently going broke. Syria is bankrupt. Both cannot afford to lose war machines at this rate. If not for Russia being in Syria, the resistance axis won’t stop be able to prevent Assad’s fall.

If nothing is done, those bombs will soon start falling on Tehran.


most if not all attacks in and around syria (and lebanon and,iraq) are executed by the jews in their low intensity war against the neighbouring countries and the only viable solution is to close out or annihilate the jews illegally occupying palestine. no other solution will ever bring peace to lebanon, to syria, to iraq, to iran and so on. the jew perpetrated genocide against palestinians must be stopped and since reason and decency long ago went out the door in tel aviv, the only just solution is to finish off the jews once and for all.


I love it how we light up Damascus and Homs like a Christmas tree, that’s the price for helping Iran and Hezbollah. More to come.


I agree LR, we need to keep up the pressure on the SAA-AD crews.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Unless Israel used choppers to launch the missiles they couldn’t have used al Tanf as a base of operations, no airfields for planes there just chopper pads, and I don’t think the Israelis used choppers.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x