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Israel’s Best Friend: Turkey Proposes Tel Aviv “Mutually-Beneficial” Maritime Deal

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Israel's Best Friend: Turkey Proposes Tel Aviv "Mutually-Beneficial" Maritime Deal

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The supposed defender of Islam and conservative values, Turkey, is rushing to build closer relations with Israel.

On December 7th, a study was published looking into the possibility of a maritime teal between Turkey and Israel.

The article was written by Retired Admiral Prof. Cihat Yayci and Zeynep Ceyhan from Bahçeşehir University. As the architect of Turkey’s “Blue Homeland Doctrine” and the Turkish-Libyan maritime delimitation agreement, Yayci and Ceyhan argue that Turkey and Israel should become neighbors in the Eastern Mediterranean.

Cihat Yayci is a known close confidant of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.

Among other things, Yayci claims that this would be a win-win scenario for Israel and Turkey.

Delimitation of the Maritime Jurisdiction Areas between Turkey and Israel in Conformity with International Law: A pragmatic win-win

Turkey and Israel are two continental mainland coastal states of the eastern Mediterranean. Two countries can be seen to have coastlines which are positioned opposite to each other. In the light of their coasts that face one another, it becomes clear when diagonal lines are applied that, much like how Turkey and Libya share a maritime border, Turkey and Israel also share a maritime border.

According to this border shared by Turkey and Israel, in agreement with the principles of proportionality, land domination over sea, non-encroachment and equitability, and by using diagonal lines to delimit the maritime jurisdiction areas, it is lawful and possible for Turkey and Israel to make a delimitation agreement with each other. If Israel signs a delimitation agreement with Turkey, instead of the GCA, then it will obtain up to 16,000 km2 of maritime jurisdiction area. According to the Turkish-Israeli maritime border, Israel not only gains approximately 16,000 km² of maritime area, but this includes the entirety of parcel 12 known as the Aphrodite field, large amounts of the parcels numbered 8, 9 and 11, along with a portion of the parcels numbered 7 and 10. At the same time, Turkey gains around 10,000 km² of maritime area along with portions of the parcels numbered 1,5,6,7,8 and 10.

While such a delimitation agreement will be greatly beneficial for both Turkey and Israel, it is imperative to note that the delimitation line to be drawn in this regard would not be touching the island of Cyprus. Furthermore, the delimitation agreement between Israel and Turkey would not affect the current maritime jurisdiction areas of Egypt.”

The biggest issue is that according to Yayci, the deal that Israel struck with Greek-administered Cyprus is bad, because it provides too much EEZ to it, and as such is unfair because it doesn’t give enough to Turkey, according to its own understanding.

“The agreement GCA made with Israel demonstrated disregard for the principles of international maritime law, which has allowed the GCA to obtain a considerably larger amount of maritime area and to make it worse, an area which lawfully belongs to Israel. By signing such a delimitation agreement with the GCA, devoid of the guidance of the principles of international law, Israel has lost 4,600 km².

The maritime area within which the Aphrodite field is located also, is an area which Israel should legally claim. If we apply the above-mentioned principles in conformity with international law, and draw diagonal lines in accordance with geographic realities, the results also indicate that Turkey and Israel share a maritime border much like Turkey and Libya do. In this regard, were Israel to pursue a delimitation agreement with Turkey, based on the maritime border shared between them, Israel could gain up to 16,000 km² of maritime area.”

Yayci’s plan is such: outline what deals Israel has struck with Cyprus and Egypt, and has left Turkey out, and then say how Turkey would treat Israel more fairly, if Tel Aviv were to abandon the others and deal only with Ankara.

Also of potential benefit to Israel, based on Yayci’s proposal, is connecting Israel’s intended gas pipeline to Europe to the already existing Turkish pipeline. According to Yayci, this option would be “significantly more practicable and cheaper for Israel in comparison to the EastMed project.”

However, according to the editor of Turkeyscope Dr. Hay Eytan Cohen Yanarocak this was possible since relations were reportedly improving between Turkey and Israel in recent months.

“In light of the recent reports of rapprochement between the countries’ intelligence agencies, Yayci’s very proposal put forth in the article he penned indicates Ankara’s desire for a new upgrade of relations [with Israel],” said Turkeyscope editor Dr. Hay Eytan Cohen Yanarocak. “With that, for the two countries to upgrade relations to the point of real normalization, trust-building measures must be put in place, which before all else requires the return of ambassadors and consuls.”

Yanarocak added:

“For the sake of any relationship built on mutual trust, Turkey needs to change the nature of its discourse toward the State of Israel. In other words, it must stop with the delegitimization of Israel that harms its image in the Turkish street. Beyond that, Ankara must scrap its intimate relationship with Hamas. If Erdoğan does this, it’s reasonably safe to believe Jerusalem will strive to find ways to make the relationship prosper again, as has happened in the past.”

He even mentioned Jerusalem in his argumentation.

In presumed response, an anonymous Israeli official told the National Herald that Israel rejects the notion.

“Cyprus is an ally of Israel and the maritime border between the countries is recognized by the United Nations and European Union,” the official explained.

There is no actual official report from Israel that’s coming from anybody apart from an “anonymous official” but it is likely that the deal will not come through.


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The Objective

Every move in the middle east is a calculated one. Things are not always what they seem to be on the surface. The Turkish government certainly is a pro-Islamic government whichever way you look at it. But if you are too dumb to decipher that, then study its domestic policies and see how it differs from most Muslim governments around the world. As a hint, read up: Erdogan’s policy of grooming a pious generation. That should be a good starting point to understand the current regime in Turkey.


While it’s true that the Erdoğan administration is pro-islamic, he does and will do unislamic things to preserve his power. Islam is just an excuse for him to retain his power at this point.



Problem is liason with too many p00fs only dumbs one down,use your head not the fake mates stapon:

How many times must truth be reiterated,cia narratives demolished over + out!

The crying Armenian

Because u can look in his heart? Aq vatan haini

The Objective

Your claim would have made sense if Erdogan wasn’t STRUCTURALLY modeling Turkey in an Islamic image. What many of you folks seem to misunderstand is that big success can’t be achieved in a rush. The damage to Islam in Turkey has been done over a long period, more than 10 decades. You can hardly differentiate Turks from Europeans except for some of the women. This damage to Islamic values is so extensive that ANY attempt to fix it overnight will result in public rebellion. Hardened hearts must be softened gradually. Signing a maritime deal with Israel is not haram in any way provided it benefits both countries and helps towards peace and stability. In fact, signing PEACE AGREEMENTS with Israel is completely permissible in Islam, especially if it serves the interest of peace and eases the suffering of any group of Muslims. It’s never haram to sign a peace deal with your enemy. In fact, Islam encourages it. Erdogan must be a smart politician to have survived this long. No Turkish leader ever tried his Islamic reforms and survived. He tends to know how to handle his adversaries tactfully, including Europe. He also seem to push his luck to the limit and avoids crossing his enemies when that becomes counterproductive. I believe strongly that Erdogan is leading Turkey in the right direction. My greatest evidence is the hatred of the disbelievers for him. So much that they tried to kill him in 2016.


No the dangers are millenial fascist kweers,whom have no class nor culture nor perspective, Your hatred of peoples eventually gonna be the cause of death,you low iq racist piece o sht!

The Objective

I just hate people who keep creating conditions that lead to civil wars and failed states in other people’s countries. Such creators of civil wars, sectarian strive, and failed states should be dealt with. No country can have two independent armies. Every armed organization in a country should be controlled FULLY by the government of that country otherwise, it becomes a failed state with the end result being civil war.


Just as the Persiana were forced to establish an islamic republic, in order to prevent Azeris, Baluchis, Kurds, Arabs from tearing the country apart, the turkish elites are emphasizing the religious identity of the residents of Turkey, in order to avoid having the Kurds unite and curve up land away from the turkish Republic.

Hind Abyad

Ultra False.

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a064cc579947bbf841753e80025a92adbcbd0337ee903d72b04378eb55980dc3.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/25e5a350d5b4535c3c11043d5a3e78838ac62a1944552ed8ffe9559b3cdf22fe.png



“Cyprus is an ally of Israel and the maritime border between the countries is recognized by the United Nations and European Union” Yes, it is. Israel officially declared its support on Greece about maritime issues. Cihat Yaycı has sympathy towards Israel, it is already known. However he is nothing but a former soldier who was fired from the navy. Also the term ”Blue Homeland” was coined by Cem Gürdeniz, not Cihat Yaycı. Yaycı is just a TV clown.


Yaycı is not in a position to determine the axis or alliances of our country. He is just an ordinary person who became popular for a while because some people liked his maximalist maps, that’s all. You will see who is in denial after the upcoming embargoes from the US and EU to Turkiye soon. As i said earlier, we’re moving away from NATO day by day.


The whole Turkish administration is in denial and delusion. We will be sanctioned by the US and EU for very simple mistakes. Also Cem Gürdeniz is an eurasianist, like many current generals in the Armed forces. These people would like to see Turkey as the puppet of Russia and China instead of having a decent relations with EU and US.


Eurasianism is about cooperating with Asian countries against western imperialism. ‘Cooperation’ and ‘being a puppet’ are different things.


Our biggest trade partner is Europe, our biggest arm sales import is Europe. Russia is fighting against us in Libya and Syria, supports Greece in the Mediterranean, China is killing Uyghur Turks but we’re fighting against Western imperialism according to you, lol. Bunch of clowns

The crying Armenian

Bu T.E.D.S kadar bir mal görmedim bu sayfada.

Batıyamı yoksa Doğuyamı yakınlaşmalıyız diye düşünüp ikisinin arasında seçim yapmak zorunluluğu hisseden tam bir ezik. Batıdan tokat yediği zaman doğuya, doğudan tokat yediği zaman batıya dönmesi gerektiğine inanan bir gerizekalı.

Devletler arasında mutlak dostluk veya mutlak düşmanlık olmadığını bu daha anlayamamış. Günümüzün şartları hangi ülkelerle işbirliği yapmamızı gerektirirse o ülkelerle işbirliği yaparız, iki taraflı çıkar ile yürür bu işler. Ve buna asimetrik savaş denir.

Batıya gelince bu gerizekalı acaba hangi ülkeleri müttefik olarak görüyor? Başımıza YPG ve Işidi bela eden ABDyimi? Afrikada işimize çomak sokmak isteyen Fransayımı? Yoksa akdenizde bize düşmanlık besleyen Kıbrıs ve Yunanistanımı? Terör örgütlerine kol kanat geren Almanyayımı? Batıymış??

Ticaretini yine yaparsın, kimse sana ticaret yapma demiyor. Bizde kazanıyoruz onlarda kazanıyor. Bazı çakma ‘Türkler’ bu aşşağılıkkompleksinden bir türlü kurtulamadı la.


liveumap’ten hatırlıyorum elemanı. arada güzel yorumlar yapıyodu ama son zamanlarda saçmalamaya başlamış:))

batı konusunda dediklerine aynen katılıyorum kardeşim hatta daha biçok şey eklenebilir. adamlar yıllarca türkiyede darbe üstüne darbe yaptı, aydınlarımızı uğur mumcularımızı eşref bitlislerimizi katletti, sağ sol diye ülkeyi birbirine düşürdü. şimdi de pkksı fetösü yok edilince ve ülke ayağa kalkıp bunların batıdaki efendilerine meydan okumaya başlayınca tehditler, ekonomik baskılar, ambargolar gelmeye başladı. daha da şiddetlenecek benim tahminim. topu gelsin hiçbir şey yapamazlar hepsine yeteriz.

senin gibi düşünen yani sadece ticaretimize bakalım türkün türkten başka dostu yoktur diyen çok kişi var. bazıları olayı manipüle edip israil de bizim durumumuzda onlarla kaynaşalım diyor. şu sıralar onun propagandası çok yapılıyor bunun yalan olduğu ortada. israil abdnin kuklası ve bizimle düşman ne kadar ülke varsa yunanından tut birleşik arap emirliklerine hepsiyle müttefik. filistinde yaptığı katliamlar ortada. yani açıkça karşı cephede.

asya olayına gelince orda sana katılmıyorum, kurtuluş savaşında sovyetler bize yunana karşı en büyük desteği verdi. silah yardımı, para yardımı, vs. ölüm kalım savaşımızda polatlıda sakarya meydan muharebesinde atatürkün yanında sovyet subaylarıyla fotoğrafları var. gözüm sakaryada kulağım ineboluda sözünü boşuna söylemedi, karadeniz üzerinden gelen yardımları kastederek. kurtuluş savaşı sonrasında da altyapı olsun, eğitim olsun destekleri devam etti. taksim meydanındaki anıtta sovyet şahısların heykellerinin olması tesadüf değil. atatürkün vasiyeti var sovyetlerle dostluğunuzu asla bozmayın diye. ama 1945ten sonra inönü de menderes de batıya yöneldi natoya girdik ve yarı sömürge olduk. şimdi yavaş yavaş kırıyoruz zincirlerimizi. rusyla iranla çinle anlaşamadığımız noktalar olsa da batı emperyalizmine karşı müttefik olmalıyız bence. adamlar abd gibi ülkenin dört bi yanına askeri üs kuracağız demiyor. karşılıklı çıkar içinde sana saygı gösteriyor. abd bize patriot vermezken s400ler anında geldi, su30lar istense hemen gelir aynı şekilde. yıllardır beklediğimiz nükleer santral kuruldu. ermenistan konusunda gayet güzel işbirliği yaptık. doğu akdenizde de, 12 mil konusunda da çıkarlarımız uyuşuyor. fransız amiral uçak gemisi türkiyeye karşı yunanın yanında gövde gösterisi için gelirken yarı yoldan geri döndü. nedeni antalya istasyonundan yapılan navtex ilanı:) ilanda dendi ki rus gemileri türk karasularımızda tatbikat yapacak(suriye tartus üssündeki donanma). bunun tek bir anlamı var: türkiyenin yanındayız, akıllı olun. akdenizi abdye fransaya bırakmamak için müttefiklere ihtiyacımız var ve yalnız kalmak zorunda değiliz. karşı taraf ta aynı mantıkla hareket ediyor.

benim olaylara bakışım özetle bu şekilde kardeşim, katılmadığın noktalar olabilir saygı duyarım. ortak derdimiz vatan gerisi hikaye.


Silinmiş yorumum liveumap’ten hatırlıyorum elemanı. arada güzel yorumlar yapıyodu ama son zamanlarda saçmalamaya başlamış:))

batı konusunda dediklerine aynen katılıyorum kardeşim hatta daha biçok şey eklenebilir. adamlar yıllarca türkiyede darbe üstüne darbe yaptı, aydınlarımızı uğur mumcularımızı eşref bitlislerimizi katletti, sağ sol diye ülkeyi birbirine düşürdü. şimdi de pkksı fetösü yok edilince ve ülke ayağa kalkıp bunların batıdaki efendilerine meydan okumaya başlayınca tehditler, ekonomik baskılar, ambargolar gelmeye başladı. daha da şiddetlenecek benim tahminim. topu gelsin hiçbir şey yapamazlar hepsine yeteriz.

senin gibi düşünen yani sadece ticaretimize bakalım türkün türkten başka dostu yoktur diyen çok kişi var. bazıları olayı manipüle edip israil de bizim durumumuzda onlarla kaynaşalım diyor. şu sıralar onun propagandası çok yapılıyor bunun yalan olduğu ortada. israil abdnin kuklası ve bizimle düşman ne kadar ülke varsa yunanından tut birleşik arap emirliklerine hepsiyle müttefik. filistinde yaptığı katliamlar ortada. yani açıkça karşı cephede.

asya olayına gelince orda sana katılmıyorum, kurtuluş savaşında sovyetler bize yunana karşı en büyük desteği verdi. silah yardımı, para yardımı, vs. ölüm kalım savaşımızda polatlıda sakarya meydan muharebesinde atatürkün yanında sovyet subaylarıyla fotoğrafları var. gözüm sakaryada kulağım ineboluda sözünü boşuna söylemedi, karadeniz üzerinden gelen yardımları kastederek. kurtuluş savaşı sonrasında da altyapı olsun, eğitim olsun destekleri devam etti. taksim meydanındaki anıtta sovyet şahısların heykellerinin olması tesadüf değil. atatürkün vasiyeti var sovyetlerle dostluğunuzu asla bozmayın diye. ama 1945ten sonra inönü de menderes de batıya yöneldi natoya girdik ve yarı sömürge olduk. şimdi yavaş yavaş kırıyoruz zincirlerimizi. rusyla iranla çinle anlaşamadığımız noktalar olsa da batı emperyalizmine karşı müttefik olmalıyız bence. adamlar abd gibi ülkenin dört bi yanına askeri üs kuracağız demiyor. karşılıklı çıkar içinde sana saygı gösteriyor. abd bize patriot vermezken s400ler anında geldi, su30lar istense hemen gelir aynı şekilde. yıllardır beklediğimiz nükleer santral kuruldu. ermenistan konusunda gayet güzel işbirliği yaptık. doğu akdenizde de, 12 mil konusunda da çıkarlarımız uyuşuyor. fransız amiral uçak gemisi türkiyeye karşı yunanın yanında gövde gösterisi için gelirken yarı yoldan geri döndü. nedeni antalya istasyonundan yapılan navtex ilanı:) ilanda dendi ki rus gemileri türk karasularımızda tatbikat yapacak(suriye tartus üssündeki donanma). bunun tek bir anlamı var: türkiyenin yanındayız, akıllı olun. akdenizi abdye fransaya bırakmamak için müttefiklere ihtiyacımız var ve yalnız kalmak zorunda değiliz. karşı taraf ta aynı mantıkla hareket ediyor.

benim olaylara bakışım özetle bu şekilde kardeşim, katılmadığın noktalar olabilir saygı duyarım. ortak derdimiz vatan gerisi hikaye.


No future in fascism nor the lgbtq,grow a set harden the fk up!

Hind Abyad

Dementia.. thy name is Zionism

Cruelty to animals and sub-human to humans


https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/54cdc3155be0130e6211c7a7ce09843bdc1a319b229df78a6500e8818fbe15ed.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/78bf25430a35c44102d62696fbfdfb40dc2b0aaf2a62f13868ea9fbbf799eacb.png

The crying Armenian

Decent relations with EU and US? WHaha. Uhu sure

Graham Steinberg

Went to Turkey TWICE in 2019.Great place to visit.Noticed regular flights from Istanbul to Tel Aviv & ‘that’ diplomatic mission for HABITUAL war criminals still open in Istanbul.Frankly, after Flotilla 2010 any principled regime would have walked AWAY from such a malicious, barbaric ‘neighbour’. Guess the turkish people are the only ones who should decide their fate……

Graham Steinberg

Over many years, have found Greeks very ARROGANT in Australia & this includes Cyprus.Anyone who ‘sucks up’ to Tel Aviv is UNTRUSTWORTHY & beware !


My jewish friend the sad truth is that only a Persian or a Greek can rule this planet. Greetings from the birthplace of Maccabi, Tel Aviv (Salonica).


That might have been the case over 2000 years ago, Alexander the Great conquered Persia and within a few years died as a drunkard.


We will all die someday.

Hind Abyad

Again grandeloquence

Hind Abyad

Have a a good Turkish coffee..or Kahwa https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b88e21626af487f2bc5824dbd9c948ffa50377b52f99ccb2acdef1087ceceb0f.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/28e50d3fb96ba1c87c8e14ad52928a1f7d5ec4ff92a0dba2cea16d66aca7ae96.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3f167cd57b63629c29e5152b7bc9c4392dc1264c6b8b5a14106028f91ceea700.jpg


Hmmm, it is widely accepted in my city, Salonica, that Maccabi was founded on Greece. Thanks for the info.

Hind Abyad

‘Maccabi was founded on Greece.’ After WW1.. same Salonika Jewish community as Sarkozy. Salonika must mean salty..



Hind Abyad

Sarkozy is a Mallah Jew by his Spanish mother Mallah is Arabic word for salt..sigh..


Thanks for the info. His maternal grandfather left Salonica a few months after the Greeks took it over from the Ottomans. He went to France and he studied to be a gynaecologist.

Hind Abyad

Sarkozy is son of an immigrant.. why gynecologist.. for abortions i suppose? Morgentaler in Canada killed millions of fetus.. as politician Sarkozy killed millions of Christians in Middle East ;-(666



Potato Man

The supposed defender of Islam and conservative values, Turkey, is rushing to build closer relations with Israel.

Said who, Turkey was in bed with Zion from long time, the Muslims brotherhood are best friends of Zion. Sunni Muslims brotherhood + Wahhabi Sunnis + Zion are all together having 3some….for fuking long time, drop the fuking BS with “defender of Islam” ffs. Why would Turkey would be against them? why? Both of them are the same shit, they do the same shit. Stealing land YUP, War crimes YUP, SUPPORTING TERRORISTS YUP, AID WHORE OF WEST YUP.

Only and only Iran/Iraq/Syria/Lebanon are the “good” countries in ME and “west and the 3some shithead” never stop to not give them headache.

Graham Steinberg

Totally agree with you ! Was in Iran only last Nov , 2019. Awsesome country & it’s people ! Tehran is a great city.

Over 40 yrs of sanctions ? Life goes on & was reading that the sanctions from america cost THE US $176b to 2012.

HATE IT when ‘that maniac’ has his name mentioned from the White House……

He’s not worth peeing on !


Ideas do not last forever, they only last within the timeframe they have validity, afterwards they die. How many ideas from antiquity and Middle Ages are valid today? Make America great again is an idea that will die down when America is a lesser power and financially bankrupt.


150 years ago there was saying that the sun never sets in the British empire, today the British are ……what they are.


The British are extremely powerful in this world. London is the financial capital of the world. The rothchildes live in Britain British power is more hidden now.

cechas vodobenikov

dreaming…UK a decayed nation w 1 million families in extreme poverty, huge debt, terrible NHS and fragmenting—soon to lose Scotland


Not the British people the British government.

Shlomo Shekelstein

London is the financial capital of the world since so-called “Glorious revolution” of 1688. when mercenary army under William of Orange and fully sponsored by wealthy jewish merchant Israel Abraham Suosso conquered England. Historical facts. British historians today call it ‘glorious revolution’ but it wasn’t glorious, nor it was a revolution. It was a foreign invasion supported by paid traitors from England, the original “regime change”. Soon after the conquest jewish capital moved from Amsterdam to London, the United Kingdom of Great Britain was created, modeled after the United Provinces of Netherlands (their first project). Britain soon took control of the world, and they control Britain. Suosso, Rothschilds, Schiff, or Soros today, they are all part of the tribe.


Thanks for that info I didn’t know that stuff.


A = The Muslim Brotherhood was created by British intelligence.

B = Israel was created by the British Empire.

C= Erdogan is the official latest protector of the Muslim Brotherhood.

A = B = C

About Iran, some (the Rouhani clan) also support the Muslim Brotherhood. Don’t forget that the Mullahs of Iran were brought in with the support of the Mi6 and CIA. So, I would be wary about Iran, at least partly.

Shlomo Shekelstein

And Britain was created by the Jews. “Glorious revolution” of 1688. was fully sponsored and paid by Abraham Israel Suasso. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Francisco_Lopes_Suasso

When they took England, most of jewish capital from Amsterdam (already controlled by the Jews) soon moved to London, the United Kingdom of GB was created similar to United Provinces of Netherlands. Very shorty it became the most powerful country in the world. The key traitor in England was John Churchill, 1st Duke of Marlborough, later on favourite general of the new regime. His descendant – Winston Churchill (yes that Churchill) was directly responsible for creation of Israel (even received the first Herzl/zionist award). All historical facts. Some rabbit holes are very deep, indeed…


I wouldn’t say Jews created Britain but they definitely created the British Empire. Your comment is 100% accurate. Before Amsterdam and England, they were in the south (Venice, Genoa, Italy, Spain and the area). They moved north after the war of Cambrai. Interestingly enough, the sephardic jews of the south of Europe were once the carthagianans/phoenicians… who operated exactly like the jews of today do… fomenting wars and usuriously financing both side.


Who runs British intelligence? freemasons that’s who and im led to led to believe that Freemasonry stems from the Talmudic stuff the same things the Jews are into. And yes those iranian leaders are in deep with European bankers that’s why the sanctions haven’t been working that well.


Agreed, high ranking masons do run intel agencies, MI6, CIA, etc. There is definitely a link between freemasonry and talmudism. After the Knights Templar, who contrary to popular belief were not Christian and did not protect Christians (they were also strangely masters of the seas, weren’t they knights on horses?), returned to Europe from Jerusalem, occultism boomed. The same happened when the Jews of the south of Europe moved north, freemasonry, rosicrucianism, etc appeared.


Idjit! You took the largest chunk for yourself and their zone didn’t change, no wonder they refused you. If you want them to consider your offer, at least steal more from Cyprus and offer it to them, Be very clear and forward that it’s “stolen” and they can’t resist the temptation!




Well it’s what I do…

Hind Abyad

We’re talking of the Levant- ‘hustlers of the Desert’ were created after WW1.


Good, this will benefit both countries. But i don’t think Israel will agree to this and undermine Cyprus.


I guess that will depend on egypt too,either way eu-epp don’t call the shots,butt out france!


I am no longer a francophile but… France is going to stay in the East Mediterranean

Hind Abyad

France? Wait a minute! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a32161ec9278fdfc767834850ed3499fd6fd7e23076c093a768fe794df56ea3a.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d9a2e879ca3014a7b6abb9fae26a325de2e6220f7fa1460fd8ef2be9870a6380.png

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/0b487953dc5bed31b3e8a3fd2a19a86ced2ff9dad23ee76dcc97bb50b8b7fdc9.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e82197a6bbcaa7f08b21ab5e1821af9890b623440890793c64819eb6c03cc11d.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/38a779fa81ec4f877f3a8dc4229b907d91e6bebf71048148b7cf5e8f9c76fe4b.jpg


Hahaha! As I told you, I am no longer a francophile. The “gnome of Paris” is the main reason I am no longer a francophile. Yes, Nicolas divorced with Cecilia because of me. I agree with the message of all the photos you have posted, with a reservation about Macron. Macron apparently, has little idea about his country’s elites have done but he is trying to find out. Nevertheless, his visits to Lebanon were a joke.

Hind Abyad

Witch ‘country’s elites’ have done’ (what)!

BTW. Israeli elites

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/93a2c1f065f4629a024e30d836ce565bb6fad59c397031eec7fe21bbd8d09f03.jpg ?


Aren’t you being a bit too much manichaeistic?

Hind Abyad

..Happiness did exist in my region before WW1… Jews Christians and Moslems lived in peace for hundred of years.


Okay, please admit this: Both Islam and Judaism are religions that espouse theocracy.

Hind Abyad

Yes of course



I had no idea he was a Donmeh. The Donmeh, before they were forced to convert to Islam, had their headquarters in Salonica. The Karakash branch of the Donmeh is the one that has practiced more than the others the exchange of wives during certain jewish feasts.

Hind Abyad

‘Wahhabis Are of Jewish Origin’.

West and Rothschild used the Arabs to help oust the Turks with promises of Independence to all, including Palestine, British (Lawrence of Arabia) friendship with the Hashemite Sheriff Hussein made them win WW! After winning, the West stabbed Hussein (&) Laurence in the back, you know the rest. Hashemite family ruled Arabia for 900yrs, Sykes Picots gave Arabia to Wahhabi tribe of Bedouins Desert raiders, with no History living in tents.


Hind Abyad

-M.K.Ataturk was not Turk, born and raised in a city, Salonika, the majority of the population of which was Jewish in the mid-nineteenth century.

Salonika was the only city in the world at the time (until Tel-Aviv was founded in 1909) with a majority Jewish population. If we add to the city’s Jews population, who were traditionally counted among the Muslims, then the Jews and converted Jews would make up an absolute majority of the population.

This is why Salonika was called the Jerusalem of the Balkans then.-

(He died as a Turk).


Actually we do not know where Ataturk was born. He grew up in Salonica. The house were he grew up is now the turkish consulate.


It was also called the Hong Kong of the East.

Hind Abyad

I would say Cecilia divorced Nicolas.


She refused to go vote for him, on the day of the second round of presidential elections (year 2007), because she knew I was in Paris spreading rumors about her and how she was used as a courier between Nicolas and Langley (HQ of the CIA), when she would visit New York. She was visiting New York many times every year, btw. It took a Greek to get her kicked out of Nicolas’s bed and Paris. Is Greece the most powerful country on the planet?

Hind Abyad

You did well she much class, i don’ know Langley.


Langley is the town where the headquarters of CIA is located. It is in the State of Virginia.




I was not able to open the link you sent me.

Jim Allen

Why would any leader seek to make a deal with the pretenders ? Doing so, just place’s them higher on the pretenders list of countries to destroy. One would think eventually these leaders would learn about dealing with a people who’s entire existence is a lie, Zionist Khazar Atheists pretending to be God’s chosen ones. No semite, Godless Eurasians. Squatting on stolen lands, and the regional terrorist organization, and supporter of terrorism.


Considering that a Biden administration might clash with the saudi elites, it makes sense for this man to make this proposal to the Israelis.

Hind Abyad

A lot of sense..


Hind Abyad

Magniloquence with no consequence..


Thanks for the new word (magniloquence).


Judaism needs to be outlawed and abolished worldwide and the synagogues and yeshivas permanently closed. So that Jews go extinct and the planet becomes Jew free. Israel needs to be replaced with a unified Palestine.

If the Czars and US General/President Grant had succeeded in dejudifing Russia and the US in the 19th century. The 20th century would have been far less problematic, life would be much better here, and we wouldn’t be progressing in an extinction grade event at the hands of JWO omnicialists trying to kill every man, woman and child on the planet with their criminal insanity.

Shlomo Shekelstein

Roman emperor Hadrian tried that and many people after him (and even before him)… but roaches are very resilient pest.


Agreed. But that doesn’t change the fact that it needs to be done. Slavery was legal in places until the mid 20th century.


welll a “man” or an “idiot” in this case can dream and have an opinion…opinions are like buttholes.. everybody has one….but we dont have to smell it.. so he can take his dream and opinion and stick it up his fat arse.


the entire exclusive economic zone the jews in palestine lay claim on is stolen, in true jewish fashion, from the palestinians. and the theft of the gas under the palestinian eez must be stopped and the eu must not turn itself into a fence for the thievery perpetrated by the jews in palestine.


Laughable … who are you kidding ?

Da joos …


you’re one of them, thieving and murdering and lying deceitful trash- right!


No sh Xt Sherlock …


Lol those are the most absurd maritime borders IveI’ve ever seen. Makes even China’s 7 dash line look humble.

AM Hants

Greater Israel Project and Erdogan’s Ottoman Project – sit back, munch on the popcorn and watch the comedy. Both want what the other has and neither has learnt how to share.

cechas vodobenikov

Israel has no friends; it is a US colony

Or perhaps it’s vice versa: US is an israeli colony….


I am pretty sure that somehow “chechas” is aware of that.

He is a very wicked fructus when it comes to posting on Disqus ..

Zaphod Braden

Check Erdogon for circumcision ——- https://zaidpub.com/2013/04/15/jews-muslim-bigots-zionists-and-the-popes-freemasons-behind-armenian-genocide-holocaust/ The Young Turk movement, AKA Committee of Union and Progress, arose out of the Rothschilds’ oil interests in the Black Sea area of the Ottoman Empire in the late 1800s. ‘Creating stability’ in an incendiary realm was necessary for the Rothschilds’ new oil enterprise Baku Oil. The instability of the Armenian Christians’ financial and intellectual prominence in the area was not “good for business.” …………………… — “Shortly after the revolution in July 1908, it soon became known that many of the Young Turks’ leading members were Freemasons. It was noticed that Jews of all colours, native and foreign, were enthusiastic supporters of the new dispensation, till, as many Turks expressed it, every Hebrew became a potential spy of the Young Turks. Turks began to remark that the movement was rather a Jewish than a Turkish Revolution.” — long read lots of data

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