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MARCH 2025

Israel’s Security Agency Says It Foiled Attempt By Hezbollah To Recruit Palestinians Via TikTok

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Israel’s Security Agency Says It Foiled Attempt By Hezbollah To Recruit Palestinians Via TikTok

The TikTok accounts involved in Hezbollah’s alleged recruitment attempt. Source: Shin Bet.

On February 1, the Israel Security Agency, Shin Bet, announced that it had thwarted an attempt by a former Lebanese operative of Hezbollah to recruit Palestinians via the TikTok video-sharing mobile application.

Two said two East Jerusalem men, with Israeli ID cards, were arrested over their alleged ties with the operative who identified as Salah Swouti, also known as “Abu Ghassan”.

In a statement, the Shin Bet alleged that Abu Ghassan Abu Ghassan instructed the two men to conduct surveillance operations in Israel. According to the agency, the men “photographed places in Israel, with a focus on Jerusalem, in order to advance terror attacks.”

Abu Ghassan contacted the two men and other potential operatives in East Jerusalem and the West Bank via the TikTok app.

“At the beginning of the exchange, Abu Ghassan focused on personal matters and general discourse, such as the situation in Jerusalem and conflicts between Jews and Arabs,” the Shin Bet said. “Later, as part of the recruitment process that is characteristic of Hezbollah, Abu Ghassan moved the conversation to Telegram. There he forwards seemingly innocent requests to carry out tasks, such as taking photos and videos in Israel, as a possible target for an attack.”

The agency added that “over time and with the strengthening of the connection between the parties, Abu Ghassan instructed his operatives to initiate terror attacks against Israeli citizens, ignoring the damage that will be caused to the operatives and their families.”

The Shin Bet didn’t clarify how exactly it was able to identify Abu Ghassan as a former operative of Hezbollah, or reveal any evidence to back this claim.

The agency warned that attempts to recruit Israeli residents are “gravely,” adding that it “calls for vigilance online in light of the threat posed by various terror elements on social networks.”

Last week, the Shin Bet revealed that operatives of the Palestinian Hamas Movement, the de-facto ruler of the Gaza Strip, were recruiting Palestinians via Facebook while posing as people looking to hire couriers.

These attempts show how Israel’s foes are using cyber space to overcome the country’s strict security measures. They also highlight how the Israeli crackdown on Palestinians is pushing more towards working with the so-called Axis of Resistance.


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Whores earn well.


I”ll say….


AI GPT 5.0 says that satanyahu is an r1a slav leading j2 subhumans.

AI GPT 5.0 also says that E1b1b are the True Ancient Romans, Greek, Persian, and Hebro Line.

Chris Gr

So I am E1b1b


God describes His chosen race from whom Jesus came as stubborn and ‘stiff necked’.

Chris Gr

Hezbollah and Hamas are legit groups, however, they support Bosnia and Azerbaijan so…

Tommy Jensen

Tik Tok is not the only cyber place where Israel and Hezbollah are fighting. There is more than meets the eye inside Metaverse.

Mr. Guldar Tate Esquire

Tik tok? Really? Hezbollah would be more sophisticated than that. And when they recruit I’m sure it’s more personal than via an app or website. Another false flag op by the fake ones.


SHell game they have people at BYte Dance and PLA intelligence factions are still working with the AMericans and democrats. CHeck Caspian and Black sea fleet intelligence. Hunter Biden was head of the world food fund for the U.N and there is massive activity. The Israelis know a global food spike is coming and want that 10% return the way they got in with the sheldon adelson cartels. Its an ephrussi move. They are too greedy for rothschild syndicate and rothschild boluelvard kosher diplomats. PLA intel, Hunter Biden……Cross reference dupont fertiliers and perhaps mosaic group. 5 eyes and deep state have to work through the conglomerates but have old palyers on the ground. Money on the side blood down the drain.

Perhpas the Ifhsna Charity bonyad thatlikely buys in bulk knows something.


I’ll know whpse legit when I get paid an armed. Family are the mossd and they areall over Bengeurrir training the army brats in morocco to secure marrakech for a big inside job and take over. Kings alreadylet them in. If they have Meyer Lansky fantasies they will want the grand hotel Lammamounia….

Mandaly to Guantanomo Bay I think i heard the spooks say…. Tiger tiger burning bright we burn out CIA agents in one night!


They come they go and they speak of ABraham accords and Michelangelo from the price of bread they should all know and let the dragon set the sight for us from the atlas again comes another Quietus….


CHeck the Khorsan bureau when kissenger made his visit and run it past who he would have met before the NIhaou luft ballooon floated by. Rumours kissenger and the CIA almost provoked a coup.

QUestions about those things visiblity and cloud cover are they tested to take into account wind based guidance systems adding a humidity calculating and buyoancy system might make them more dangerous as the hug the clouds.

I hear they called the nephilim because of how they effected the light around clouds. silver lining we shall say. Different rules on dracos world. The Alchemy meant the clouds were our equivalent….

All blck aura……6 days…..


DOn’t get fooled by Reseacrh ANaylsis WIng……they still run mystery cults have upgraded IT with limited man power intensive israeli data harvesting and manipulation suites. Heavy in Balochistan but Ihave no idea what they’ve brough in with the Theseophy and Red SHambabahla movement. Its like capture the artefacts with them but generally graviatates back to India. The Old Astor spy ring and the Cameron clique are working with them heavily around the himilayays ato form a rift in the SCO around counter terrorism. The super wealthy fear kinetik assasination but the hindu cultists have a similar world view. Kill their god men and they’ll break. Put a few into custody if you can find them and watch their followers show up en masse. Digital Intelligence links will go berserk. Prpeapre for people to get sick and cray. Indian diplomatic core have been working with the British for centuries now. DIsraeli Gears….


Persian torturers know how it works with them……In thewhite room or CIA black box….

WHere the sun never shines and the shadow runs from themselves……telepaths know…..the infrasound they pump in disrupts everything.


CHeck the auction houses and diplomatic gifts archives and storage lockers. Soviets should have tons of stuff lying around lost or owned by the state that will tell you who knows who. Back at SOAS they had spectrometer analysis charts of onsome extreme rate archeological finds. They are probably to crap to have been lost or stolen but move ASAP. Imperial style intelligence operations always keep a reliquary. Gy who guarded the queens paintings and papers was KGB asset.

Danger High voltage…..some of this stuff doesn’t exist and the people who got it don’t either….


DOn’t even look for the SOviet equivalent of John todd…..wiped out or fled I think. SOviet mental institutions ahve been cased by the CIA Q wing for telepaths but their may be people like orderlies and old psychiatrists.

Remember all men die……some of thse weird fuckers alot slower than normal…..The todds know…..

Archangelesk to Tungusgka to Vladivostok…….there always around. Guys stronger than harlie Bronson burning brighter in Karelian Digital Versicolor…..

Thats a suicide mission in my opinion but snippets of old information like the weirdo linguist with 7 dead girls in his house might point in a direction. Miskatonik Harvard Boston Brahmins Salem Asylum…..

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