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MARCH 2025

Italian Police Seized Guns And Missile From Neo-Nazis Affilated With Groups Supporting Kiev In Conflict In Eastern Ukraine

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Italian police have detained three men, including one linked to a neo-fascist Italian political party, after uncovering a huge stash of automatic weapons, material featuring Nazi symbols and even a missile.

According to the police report, the oepration stemmed from a previous investigation into Italians affiliated with far-right extremist groups who took part in the conflict in eastern Ukraine on the side of the Kiev government.

Italian Police Seized Guns And Missile From Neo-Nazis Affilated With Groups Supporting Kiev In Conflict In Eastern Ukraine

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Italian Police Seized Guns And Missile From Neo-Nazis Affilated With Groups Supporting Kiev In Conflict In Eastern Ukraine

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Italian Police Seized Guns And Missile From Neo-Nazis Affilated With Groups Supporting Kiev In Conflict In Eastern Ukraine

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On July 12, Dmitry Yarosh, the former leader of the Right Sector (a Ukrainian neo-Nazi extremist group that supported the Kiev government in the conflict in eastern Ukraine) called on ‘Ukrainian patriots’ to take Italians who come to Ukraine hostage in responce to the Italian court decision to find guilty Vitaly Markiv of the murder of Italian photojournalist Andrea Rocelli near the city of Slavyansk in May 2014. Markiv was one of the ‘Ukrainain partiots’ that particiapted in the initial push of the Kiev government to opress the protest of Russian-speaking population of eastern Ukraine by force in 2014.

Yarosh is not some ‘marginal leader’. He’s the current commander of the Volunteer Ukrainian Army and deputy in Ukrainian Parliament Dmitry. He’s just a common example of the modern Ukrainian mainstream politician.


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AM Hants

Just read this over on the Daily Mail, who were spinning the Kiev Nazis as the brave fighters who defend Donetsk.

namulit emperor

You should check BBC too. They made the headline there such that a connection to pro-Russian groups is made and people who don’t read the article are deceived. Fucking liars…

AM Hants

Yet, both the BBC and DM, fully support their Nazi friends, over in Kiev. Fake media and UK Government, are seriously doing my head in. The just keep doubling down on their lies, as memories of Blair lying in Parliament, with regards Iraq War, so comes to mind.

Toronto Tonto

The only Nazis are the Russian jew haters .


Ah, 22 million deaths at the hands of Hitler and you call the Russian Nazis, luckily you are a Jew and you remember the Shoah.

AM Hants

Remind me, who funded and created the Azov Battalion? Wasn’t he the leader of the European Jewish Community, over in Ukraine?


Good one AM.


The question I have is: Does the EU support the Nazis of Ukraine because they desire to or…. do they support those Nazis because they’re told to by their Emperor, the 1% in charge of the US regime. I do so hope the Europeans stop supporting those Nazis before they’ve ‘educated’ too many children into their fold to become a problem for everybody and requiring the Russians to put the rabid trash out of it’s misery.


Speak clear, the 1% that rules the US are Jews.

AM Hants

The answer is looking at over 250 MEPs, who are funded by Soros. They will do as they are told and have no concerns with regards those who elect them.

Toronto Tonto

The world supports the Ukraine people and we should help them kick the Russian fuccs the hell out of Ukraine for good , crimea included .


The Italians took a freedom fighter and gave him 24 years in prison. Is Minister Salvini a friend of Putin? The world with the Ukrainian Nazi-Jewish coup leaders? Which world, the Jewish one that governs the country with the Nazi gangs and who trains Islamic terrorists in Kiev?

Bogdan Latow

I’m so bored with your silly remarks. Crimea has never considered itself Ukrainian.

Why talk about what you don’t know? Support the Nazis if you want to, but let the people who live there choose their destiny.

Toronto Tonto

By the gun right stupid .

AM Hants

Darling, what Russian Forces? Or do you mean NATO in non-NATO Ukraine?

No Russian Troops in Ukraine says Kiev General… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T0x0mnrq9j4

BREAKING! OSCE Finally Speaks Up: No Russian Military Presence in Donbass; Kiev Lied!… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ubd9ZHRZXME



The problem, as you’ve known for years, is that the Russian MoD has always maintained that only “vacationers” from among Russia’s armed forces have been fighting and dying in Ukraine while the OSCE and the U.N. have each exhaustively documented otherwise.


One must look deeper than Russian media propaganda, Ms. AM.

AM Hants

Darling, how many millions of citizens from Ukraine, are residing in Russia? Including, those who had to flee for their own safety, courtesy ‘The Maidan’ and after events? Would you class that as Ukraine invading Russia?

Guess you have no idea that Eastern Ukraine, was actually part of Russia, prior to the Bolsheviks overthrowing the Russian Empire? Lenin, handed Russia’s ‘Novorussia’ to Ukraine. Stalin, gave Ukraine Lyev and then you had the Ukrainian leader of the Soviet Communist Party, who then handed Crimea over to Ukraine. Not forgetting how much territory the Tsars handed over to Ukraine. So it might be difficult to comprehend the family connection, between brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, grandparents, etc, etc, etc, between the people of Eastern Ukraine and Russia. If they wish to lend their kin a hand, what is the problem?

Can the same be said of the NATO and ISIS members, who have set up camp, in non-NATO Ukraine?

What exactly did the cookie monsters and their GM toxic cookies actually do for the people of Ukraine? 100,000 dead, 900,000 with life changing injuries and millions displaced. Figures from Oleg Tsaryov, UN figures are more conservative.


If you’re attempting to distract from the fact that no one with the OSCE has said that no Russian soldiers (and munitions) have been sent to fight and die in Ukraine it’s not going to work. As you’re already aware, both the OSCE and the United nations have, since 2014, reported otherwise.

In short; the Russian government has been outright lying and, I believe, you’ve known this for many years, Darling.

BTW: NATO has been invited into Ukraine. Not so with Russia.

AM Hants

Darling, the words came out of the OSCE stooge.

Now what was ‘The Maidan’ all about and what came next? Have the people of Ukraine benefitted from those GM toxic cookies? I wonder if McCain nibbled on them, before he went to meet Lucifer?

100,000 dead, 900,000 with life changing disabilities and millions displaced. Figures from Oleg Tsaryov, UN figures are more conservative.

Not forgetting the $billions, Ukraine has lost, owing to chasing the ‘EU Neighbourhood Agreement’, where the EU takes all and gives nought. Still, the oligarchs get fatter and their bank accounts, off shore of course, are happily growing by the minute.


We should all be clear on this. The particular words you’re going on about today did not come from anyone within the OSCE. What you’re going on about, what you see in that video clip, are words which came out of the mouth of a Russian field reported. A monumental distinction, sweetie.

Really, you must do a better job of verifying what you see and hear in the media.

AM Hants

You mean The Deputy Head of the OSCE Mission, Alexander Hook, who stated, as shown in the video, ‘that his organisation found no evidence of Russian presence there’.

Even I had heard of Alexander Hook, and his remit in Ukraine. Not exactly Russian friendly now is he, so why would he state the above, if not true?


Yes. The Deputy Head of the OSCE Mission, Alexander Hook, who we never do see in the video as shown. There’s a reason you never see him actually saying those words.

Nowhere will you find Mr. Hook claiming the OSCE found no evidence of Russians fighting and dying in Ukraine. In fact, Hook said something quite the contrary. You should check into that, yourself, and not allow others to so grossly mislead you, sweetie.

AM Hants

Darling, if what you say is the truth hahahaha, sorry, should stop laughing, then they would be singing it from the rooftops, and not just NATO member states and Ukraine.

Funny, how the Ukraine General, stated exactly the same thing and it was not like he was heavily supportive of Russia, now was it? Neither of them were supportive of Russia, but, they could produce no evidence owing to the fact that Russia had not sent Forces into Eastern Ukraine, or their old territory of Novorussia. If Russian Forces, wished to visit their relatives and friends, there were entitled to.

Now, what excuse did the NATO member states, have to invade non-NATO Ukraine and set up training camps for the Nazi Battalions? Funny, how the Governments who sent the teams that had to train the Nazis, could not admit what they were doing to the electorate, or those paying the bills, via taxes, now could they?


Sweetie, when you actually see either of the individuals you write of saying the words you attribute to them please do come back and share.

AM Hants

No Russian Troops in Ukraine says Kiev General… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T0x0mnrq9j4

Russia: OSCE observers saw no Russian military movement across border… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4IMwngVUje8

Nebenzya: OSCE Statement Confirms What Russia Was Saying All Along; No Army in Donbass!… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ann4JHW5-BE


Thank goodness most people are not so easily led about by the nose.

No, those are most definitely not Russian troops fighting and dying in Ukraine. Those are vacationers!

AM Hants

Darling keep taking the Harding Soros Shilling. Believe what you want.

Must admit, I am looking forward to the German Court Case, where the families will be suing Ukraine, for sending the aircraft through a warzone. In a court of law you are presented with facts and evidence, that can be substantiated. Not the Soros/Integrity Initiative version of spin.

At the end of the day, as has been stated, there were no official Russian Forces helping their kin in Eastern Ukraine. Those with the same DNA as their Russian relatives.

NATO member states, operating in non-NATO Ukraine, are not doing it for the love of their family, now are they?



The fact that you call the (former) OSCE man, “Hook” proves that you don’t check anything. His name is Hug. He was deputy head of the OSCE’s observer mission in Ukraine. And he has stated that his words have been distorted. In a later interview he stated:

“We also record the districts where the armed formations are carrying out exercises. We have seen a lot of heavy artillery: tanks, minethrowers, multiple launch rocket systems. We have published photos of this technology.

Over the last three months, we have reported at least nine cases when military convoys have entered or left Ukraine, sometimes with weaponry.

We have on several occasions spoken with people who said that they were members of Russian units, in the Russian Armed Forces who had taken part in fighting in Ukraine.

We have even met people who said that they were from a particular brigade, which they named and which had been fighting in Ukraine.”

You can take decisions on the basis of these reports, he adds, or you can ignore them.”


PS I still find Vladimir Starkov’s case very illustrative.

AM Hants

Reminds me of the Senator, over in the US, who happily told all and sundry that the Russians had invaded and even provided photos. Proven fake.

Hook/Hug – name from the past, whom I had no respect for then or now. However, funny he was saying the same thing as the Ukraine General, who was in charge of the Forces. NO RUSSIANS FORCES INVADED UKRAINE.

Senator Inhofe Shows Fake Photos of Ukraine War… Video of Sen. James Inhofe presenting photographs to the Senate on Feb. 11 of what he said were Russian tanks in Ukraine last year. Two of the three images were in fact taken in 2008 during Russia’s war with Georgia; the third shows Russian-backed separatists. More here: http://www.nytimes.com/2015/02/14/world/europe/sifting-ukrainian-fact-from-ukrainian-fiction.html


Ukrainian delegation misled U.S. senator’s office with fake photos of a ‘Russian invasion’ February 13, 2015… https://www.newcoldwar.org/ukrainian-delegation-misled-u-s-senators-office-fake-photos-russian-invasion/


NATO Member States must be so impressed with supporting those below.




Hug did not say what you write in capitals.

And I still find Vladimir Starkov’s case very illustrative.

AM Hants

Really? Said the same time the Ukrainian General stated exactly the same. As video, showing the General, in his own words, stating the same as Hugs/Hook or whatever he is called.

AM Hants

I did look further, hence the General from Kiev and in his own words. Nought to do with Russia, what he decided to admit to, now was it?


You’d better watch that video with English subtitles, It’s not what you’ve been mislead to believe it is.

It’s essential that one look deeper, Darlin.

AM Hants

Really darling? One gets so bored with the ‘Integrity Initiative/77th Brigade/Joel Harding’ trolls. Must remind myself life is far too short and pleasant to spend time, replying to them.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Looks like a NATO Gladio summer ball.

Real Anti-Racist Action

The indigenous tribes of Europe are so desperate to liberate their lands and their ethnic people that they will travel to almost any war zone for training and weapons. They would fight for Putin if Putin supported the de-colonization of Europe. These people are not really for the Jewish-powerhouse in Ukraine. They just need weapons and training. There is coming a great war of liberation in indigenous lands. Europeans want to end their enslavement and become a free and united people. https://naturalnews.com/


Ever since I came to Europe, I was diligently busy liberating your tribeswomen. You are mostly decadent man-child living in their moms basement, we are true man, you have no chance in that ‘Great War’ you are talking about

Real Anti-Racist Action

You are a racist bigot who colonizes others. But that is alright. The power will go off soon, and racist like you will be shocked and what events transpire in short order will be beyond anything that you can comprehend. Justice will be swift and shocking to the perpetrators.


In the meanwhile, do you have a sister or a daughter I can liberate?

Toronto Tonto

Wack job .


Join freedom piracy gang for international water.

Toronto Tonto

Thats all Russian terrorist pro Russian junk you will see proof soon losers .

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