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MARCH 2025

Italian Troops Deployed Alongside US And French Forces In Eastern Syria: Turkish Media

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Italy has sent troops to the eastern Syrian province of Deir Ezzor to support the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), the Turkish state-run Anadolu Agency reported on June 12 citing local sources.

According to the report, Italian troops were deployed in the SDF-held area near the Syrian-Iraqi border about a week ago. The troops entered Syria from Iraq. Initially, they moved to the city of Hasakah and then were re-deployed to the province of Deir Ezzor.

Now, they are deployed in the US military base in the area of the al-Omar oil field alongside with US and French troops who also operate in the area.

The number of the Italian troops is unknown. Anadolu Agency added that Italian troops have not participated in combat operations so far.

Italian Troops Deployed Alongside US And French Forces In Eastern Syria: Turkish Media

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Trump and Israeli migrants are there in the Middle East countries to loot the lands and their assets by both hands. This is very good chance to invade these looters and send them to the hell for ever.

These bastards are used to loot lands and their assets. First they went to America and loot whole land and their assets then they went to Palestine and loot whole land and their assets.


Loot? The RICHEST empire in Human History ‘looting’ a patch of worthless ground. Is this how thick Universal ‘education’ successfully makes people on our side.

Simple minded chumps always look for simple minded ‘explanations’, which is why laws were passed to force every Human to attend schooling, of which 99% is state controlled schooling.

America LOST a fortune obeying Tony Blair’s instruction to invade Iraq. Any other power in Human History would have been ruined by the enterprise. America is so rich, however, they can flush trillions down the drain like you and I lose pocket change down the cushions of a seat.

It is the zionist LIARS who make chumps feel “big” by telling them constantly that the USA is going broke.

Take Palestine/Israel- a truly USELESS lump of land which is why all the muslim/arab powers had ignored it for centuries, and could not work up any enthusiasm to stop the jews when the jews conspired to steal it in the late 19th century onwards.

Yet a chump will try to claim this land has a unique economic worth which is why the jews grabbed it. The demons want their slaves to be SIMPLE-MINDED, hence universal education and newspapers- both devices to make the stupid feel clever.

For the demons, money is a MEANS to an end, not the end itself. To a worthless idiot dreaming of winning the lottery, this FACT is beyond their comprehension.

Let me give an example. Saddam was on his knees BEGGING the yanks to take him back, bring Iraq into the American Empire and make Iraq a rich vassal state again- which could only have enriched America. But America invaded instead, at a cost of trillions of dollars. Today Iraq is a ruined nation, the price of oil collapsed, and so on. Yet the zionist masters of the mainstream media easily con dribblers into ‘thinking’ the Iraq invasion was about “stealing wealth”.

And actually modern tech and science has meant Greater Humanity has never been so resource rich, as we discover the things we need in more and more places across the planet. Empire wars over resources were becoming redundant in the 20th century, and are completely redundant in the 21st.

But if an Empire conflict is NOT about ‘riches’, the average dumb-dumb cannot even conceive the real motivations.


Yeah you are right America is so Rich…so Incredibly Rich that it is BANKRUPT….




I used to watch over changes on that one few years ago. But than US – GDP was 17 trillion and now is over 20 ! Why would bankrupted economy grow 3 trillion in few years time?! Why is US-GDP “growing” all the time so much if not to cover the size of the debt?!

Now if somebody tells me that every bloody number in US finances is not rigged he is just going to make me laugh !


They can create Trillions of Fiat-Money out of thin Air, just add a few numbers on the computer..The FED is a Private owned Bank instead of being Owned by the Americans… it is a Criminal Organisation that uses the Babylonian Money Magic…



Yes I know all that. The point is that not only prices of gold & silver are rigged that whole Wall Street is rigged that dollar is rigged now even GDP and all other basic economy parameters are rigged.

If everything is artificial that means only that size of catastrophe (when everything false) is so big that is beyond comprehension. Before economy would reset itself and now there is nothing left of economy. Everything will just explode.


I have my Hands, my Brains, my Body… I can build a Home myself, grow my own Vegetables, have knowledge of Aquaculture, Animals, Nature, Fishing, Hunting & Trapping skills, Knowledge of Bushcraft & Arts… I’m an indepent selfsufficient human bein’…I don’t need Leaders or anyone telling me how to live or what to do…when I Leave for the Mountains & the Forests no one will find me….when I ditch my iPhone that is..

Promitheas Apollonious

you must be the personification of the absolute retard.


Ironically he cited that the education were what make people dumb to perceive what’s really going on yet he’s the one who on the perception that wealth = money. Wealth is resources available for ones not purchasing power.

Fred Dozer

America is so rich ? When the New York Yankees won the World Series many years back ! a janitor where I used to work said: We Won the Game.


The motivation always have been wealth either in treasures or materials all because a group of people eternally in fear and anxieties.


This links to Russia explaining that the West is planning another chemical weapon false flag, and another West strike on the people of Syria.

And last time? The false-flag happened, and Putin sat back and allowed the West to launch a massive strike. That many of the missiles were intercepted is neither here nor there. The planetary perception is what matters, and that went 100% the way of the Deep State.

Now the zionist appeaser is helping Trump ‘clear the books’ in readiness for the Iran War. Only zionist trolls suggest that the animosity between N Korea and the USA is ‘real’. But thickie yanks think it is, so a public show must be made where Trump APPEARS to defuse a non-existent (in reality) situation- else the thickie yanks would question why non-nuclear Iran is more of a target than nuclear N Korea.

But while Putin kneels at the feet of his jewish masters, they continue to try to boot Russia full in the face whenever they can- hence Syria. The ‘heat’ in Syria is designed to teach Putin a continuing lesson.

The DRUDGEREPORT (if you do not know the import of this psy-op site, google it) has been running the story of how Iran was behind 911. After the fake ‘victory’ in N Korea, Trump will declare Iran must either SURRENDER or be subject to absolute war- which a few of you here may recall was Blair’s method used to justify his genocidal invasion of Iraq.

Trump is due to declare war on Iran on the anniversary of 911 this year. Putin is aware of this, which is why he is selling Iran down the river just as quickly as he is able. The jewish Hitler is on his world tour for the same reason- as Israel prepares to inflict the FINAL SOLUTION on Gaza, Lebanon, etc.

Trump’s next act is to declare the American recognition of the Golan Heights as Israeli territory. Israel will then immediately invade S Syria, claiming the right to create a “necessary border zone”. This is how the jew filth expand. Steal land claiming it is a ‘protection buffer zone’- then make that stolen land part of Israel, and immediately steal new land in expansion for the new buffer zone.

Southfront will NEVER show the historic progression maps proving how the jews stole most of the palestinian land, slice by slice, after Britain created the racist terror state of Israel. By the end of the year, the jew demons expect to have gained a big slice of S Syria- the new ‘golan heights’.


What’s your prevention strategy exactly ? Go ahead enlighten us here.


So now we also have the Cosa Nostra involved…. nice…One Big Happy Crime Family…Shouldn’t they be in Afghanistan? Helping with the Transportation & Smuggling of Heroin?




All the vacancies were taken long time ago. Transportation =US army and CIA Smuggling of Heroin= (from Bondsteel -Kosovo to EU ) exclusive smuggling rights are for Kosovo-Albanian Mafia


Oh, so that is why Kosovo had to be independent…


Among other things Kosovo is major nod – terminal for EU heroin in last 20 years. Kosovo was taken also because of geo-strategic position. All major pipelines from Russia, Turkey or Middle East will pas near by. South-Stream (now Turkey Stream) will pass near Kosovo if US fails to stop it (Just like they have stopped South-Stream)

Kosovo was taken also for being very rich in all kinds of minerals including copper and gold.


How nice it would be when Humanity would Grab it All Back… if necessary With Brutal Force…


yeah that’s how they do business for centuries…

Fred Dozer

If the worlds people operated the same way ? Neighbor has a lot of money and a big house. Kill him and family , move in, and enjoy life. People will than call us heroes. Fact.


When Humanity realises that we are all the same bein’s and as long as we don’t get corrupted ourselves afterwards… yes I think we can have a beautiful life….otherwise it will be a continuum…a Never-Ending Story…

Promitheas Apollonious

humanity will never learn. My hope is the few who are needed to change history to finally come together. Mass populations always been sheep that follows what think it keep it safe and feed it. Historical fact. You can never awaken ones who pretend they are asleep always looking for number one.

Another historical fact always the few have changed the history of the world never the many.


3% of a Population did 100% of the Fighting in many many cases….3% is not that much…6% is better


Under the right perception humanity still can be saved. Although not the cherry colored rainbows the globalists make us believe. Humans need to grow and expand not killing each others or destroying it’s own sole habitats.


We have the technology to turn the Earth into a controllable Greenhouse..Foodproduction & Clean drinking Water..No Problemo …even creating a perfect Balance between Nature and us…easy as one two & three…it is just were the main focus is…Greed does not work…that is for sure…

Promitheas Apollonious

some humanity yes. Not all of it.


some examples?


grab it back? to where excactly? eleitists are humans as well, its part of human nature to be selfish


elitists are hardly humans being so evil

” its part of human nature to be selfish”

and its part of human nature to punish those who do evil things to other humans

ريتاج السلفية

Proud to be elietist and takfiri https://youtu.be/JJfNKOp3XmU?t=34s


you are in wrong section this is reserved for human beings

CIA -Mossad ISIS pedophile head-chopping animals are not aloud to comment here animals like you deserve only to be exterminated you false prophet pedophile was blood thirsty pig just like you

ريتاج السلفية

This thread is about flithy US bastards so enjoy this is why you will never defeat us bastards!!! https://youtu.be/lkYl56nyYGc

ريتاج السلفية

We are lions


you are Jewish pigs-servants Jewish whores CIA dogs


you work for CIA and that is the only reason you can post unhindred you filth over the internet you disgusting animal

ريتاج السلفية

Yes but does it matter? In the end we will defeat you anyway trust me.


you put your dirty finger up your filthy arse – that’s where your brain is

you good for nothing Jew prostitute !

ريتاج السلفية

Something big is behind the corner we will see how you will react then. Even if it wont start WW3 it will be pain in the ass for your kind.


Hey don’t insult animals ..other then that …continue


So, why they are not punished then?


They will be. Maybe not all and maybe not all the time, but some get punished sometime.


Yeah, sometimes it rains…sometimes i have an itchy finger…sometimes french people watch TV…. And???


I do not like you You are just insolent cynical guy who has very high opinion of himself. And you defend everything that is evil including your beloved NATO


You are mixing up things here


I’m not that selfish…. if I have a piece of bread…and I’m with someone who has no bread…I offer him half of my bread… I was raised that way

ريتاج السلفية

And what is wrong with you that you fight not in the Cause of Allah? So fight against the friends of Shaitan (USA, Russia) https://youtu.be/AqYeNIzUkdc?t=1m6s


I’m against Elitists… those folks hide everywhere….a better world starts with yourself….I have no problems with Good Americans or Good Russians or Good Muslims or Good other Peoples…do you?

ريتاج السلفية

Yes but then why is nobody protesting in America? They all silently agree because it is cash cow for them.


I know… Europe the same…them is ignorant sheeples… perhaps they will wake up some day… or not…but I’m from Europe & haven’t been silent…so we are not all the same after all…like I said it starts with yourself… not by looking at what your neighbour is doin’

ريتاج السلفية

Nothing can be done the majority is brainwashed in every country this world will soon fall into endless chaos thanks to your elites who plan to use nukes in Europe and blame it on us with the help of the Americans. I have this info from very good source and the date has been already pushed two times. Nobody can predict when it will happen but there is plan for that. And the consequences are unpredictable except total control of the population and total war on our people.


I’m not afraid for Nukes…I am that tiny ant…and the universe…what should I fear? What I know is that the Elites always try to have common folks fight eachother…with the help of Divide & Conquer…if they chose to drop Nukes then that is their choice..I think they will only use them as a last resort when the shit really hits the fan and they have nowhere to run..Nukes are to frighten people… nothing more


But some of us are, and even non selfish people can turn selfish in certain situations. To be a human being isn’t always that simple..

Promitheas Apollonious

Is one thing to take something and another to be able keep it.


kosovo was also taken because milosovic made a mess with his stupid policies


Kosovo was taken (against UN resolution) from sovereign country (after agression on that country with 3 month bombing) by terrorist US-NATO organisation to be NATO protectorate. And to serve as military base FREE of charge


Milosevic was killed (by deliberate bad medication) in Hague so that details and secrets related to his process never can get in public.


Well, he deserved it, he was an asshole


No hi didn’t “deserve” it because it was criminal what hey did to him They were walking all over his basic rights. He was accused to be “ultra-nationalist” actually he was communist who after the fall of communism has played on “nationalist” card without being nationalist himself.

Serbia was labeled from the start to be guilty to fit US-NATO narrative and since Serbs were presented by Western MSM as NAZI’s he was presented as Hitler


Nato toke jugo’s first while be considered as the lowest degree of communism and the highest degree in corrupt among Slovenians Croat Nazi’s and Kosovar albanian maffiosio more brutal than Italian !


Yes, Albanian mafia has become quite famous for cruelty. And powerful thanks not only to Afghan heroin but also trafficking weapons, white slaves, prostitution, selling children, selling organs and smuggling people to EU.


Don’t forget the Serbian mafia….


Let’s talk about “Serb mafia” How many Albanian population has Kosovo and how many of them are criminals ?! And compare that percentage with Serbs or any other nation !


its the same everywhere, Kosovars are humans as well…..


Well they are not “Kosovars” they are Albanians in the first place. Name “Kosovo” comes from Serb word “Black Bird” not Albanian word.

Yes they are “humans as well” just like those Mexicans who are now majority as Hispanic’s in many parts of US How about them decide to create second Mexico out of some parts of US huh?! Kosovo is now almost 100% Muslim Albanian country in Europe thanks to US-NATO terrorism.


I hope the usa becomes hispanic! In the end, the spanish came to america before the english. And Albanians lived in balkan LONG time before serbs Alexander the great was probably albanian, but just because he adopted greek culture, today the greeks think he was greek. He was not, he was macedonian. But slavs were still living in siberia at the time, so big chance the people that lived in the kingdom of macedonia, wich was considered barbarian by the greeks were actualy albanian


That is total nonsense. Serbs have their historic monuments all over Kosovo while Albanians have none ! So to justify their territorial pretensions they invented that they originate from very old tribes “Ilirians” that used to live in the region in the early days of Romans. Their history is totally false because they have no historic proves of any kind for their claims Alexander the Great was Albanian ?!! Ha ha ha ha ! This conversation is becoming totally idiotic because of your comments! Macedonians were Hellenic tribe you ignorant twat ! I see that you are full of that Albanian shit propaganda. You are ALBANIAN 100%! I will not waste my precious time on another Albanian criminal that turns self maid historian ! You even took Anglo-Saxon name but you are ordinary crap..an albanian. Good bye you pathetic albanian twat.


You are very ignorant. Propaganda started as soon as people could write. So all your “historic” claims are as false as the Nato propaganda….


Ha ha ha Albanian is labeling me to be pro NATO ! Now that is very funny! All I know that you Albanians in majority cases hardly know how to write.


Basic rights? Why would that bastard deserve basic rights?


And why was he “bastard” ? Because your NATO say so? Surly that is not proof because some NATO sympathizer(bot) from the West tries to label him with usual MSM anti-Serb NATO propaganda.

That NATO narrative was created to label not only him as war criminalbat also all Serbs as NAZI’s to justify NATO aggression on Yugoslavia that was portrayed as “humanitarian bombing”


See? You got it :)


Yeah your grey mass only have to make the right connections…can take a while

ريتاج السلفية

Amerika https://youtu.be/Dc1CMXBB9F8


So you forgot what the serbs did in kosovo since 1988?


Goodevening Matt…no I don’t, but now I know that it were “Soros-Like-Elements” that created that War….a sneaky little plan made by Our Beloved European & American fellow countrymen in the Government & Beyond..and that all the news I read in the Newspapers and saw on Television were straight-up Lies

ريتاج السلفية

How does it feel to be flithy kuffar? https://youtu.be/0jloLCvpaLc?t=46s


There we have Simon Elliot again..how are you today?

ريتاج السلفية

Internet keyboard warrior even our women know how to defend themselves and what did you achieved in your life? https://youtu.be/gPovv64CMIQ


I’m recycling waste…with the help of Maggots…your buddies can be recycled too… I feed them to the Maggots…and feed the Maggots to the Chickens…and eat the Chickens or the Eggs…Circulair Economy

Daniel Castro

Shoting is easy, destroy is always easier than to create, to build. An ak47 is designed in such a way even a 10years old kid can shoot it.


That is bullshit Merijn. I went to Yugoslavia in 1984,85,86 and 87. Most young people i met did not believe in Yugoslavia AT ALL. The Slovenians were complaining to pay most taxes, while making most of the money, the Croats were complaining about the Serbs not working hard, the Serbs were saying the Croats were corrupted and all those said Macedonians were a bunch of thieves and Bosnaks were dangerous…. Off course these were the typical prejudice that people tend to have all over the planet, especially when people are being oppressed and played out against each other. But it is too simple to always blame outside forces. People were fed up with the artificial so called socialist state of Yugoslavia. What really surprised me was the differences in incomes, while it was supposed to be socialist… Milosevic mistreated the Albanians majority for over a decade, just ask any Albanian from Kosovo. Yes the west took advantage of the situation, but that is not the same as CREATING the situation….




Sure I bet that there were lots of things to complain about in former Yugoslavia….Same as Iran where the Younger Generation just wants to be Free like us in the West…But is that a reason for us Westerners to start a War and shove OUR Democracy through their throat? I don’t think so… Let countries decide for themselves decide in what way they change… Not by sending in NATO with all their Lies about Non-Existing Chemical Weapons or Fabricated Lies coming from the Trustworthy CIA MI6 or Mossad…I myself am completely done with those Lying Bastards….Once a Liar..Always a Liar…


The fact remains that Kosovars were a majority in Kosovo for decades and also had autonomy under the yugoslav regime. Milosevic decided to take that away in 1988, a big mistake. This started the process, not Nato. Stick with the facts here please…


you do not want to understand that THERE IS NOT REASON why USA-NATO have to bomb Serbian. NOT REAL REASON AT ALL but grab. The same way, THERE WAS NOT REASON AT ALL for USA_NATO to bomb and destroy Irak. The same way, THERE WAS NOT REASON AT ALL for USA-NATO to destroy Lybia. The same way, THERE WAS NOT REASON AT ALL for Israel-USA-NATO to destroy Siria (using their terrorists). USA-NATO-Israel must stop trying to impuse their MORALITY on other countries to destroy them.


Don’t mix up things here, i never said ANYBODY has the right to bomb others!


Kosovo was/is just a part of the same program we in the Balkans used to recognize as “The Green Transverse” whose plan still is to establish a connected route thru the Balkans for the Islamists (zionist tool) to the heart of Europe. Its purpose is to conquer Europe by the Wahhabis (read the elite) and then further onto Russia. The way I see it it is still in progress and it has achieved significant mile-stones on its way to the goal. The Russians have slowed it down and SCO is now working towards defeating it in full. The Kosovo Albanians had no legitimate claims on Kosovo hence American separation of the province of “Kosovo and Metohia” from Serbia/Yu. The Finnish dude who was tasked with promoting the separation (Ahtisari?) among the EU was bribed with the heroin money (some even say with new organs). Needless to say this is current status quo and once SCO has prevailed (not so long to go), Kosovo separatists will be thrown under the buss and forgotten and the provinces will be re-integrated with the original owners.


You have a very simplified view on matters, can’t you handle complexity or what?


(How did I miss this comment?) God you are so structured and analytical, you must be a brain-surgeon or sub-atomic physicist? The Indian immigrants in Fiji outnumber the indigenous population 3 to 1 yet still they don’t have any special rights there nor will they ever (and why would they) get any autonomy, where does it state that just because there has been a massive immigration there should be a separation from a Country?


And why they were majority in Kosovo? And why “Kosovo had autonomy under the Yugoslav regime”? Why don’t you create a state in US that would belong only to Muslims?! Milosevic was set up by CIA who were training and arming those Kosovo Muslims to start the war. How do you explain presence of Al Qaeda and Bin Laden there? No it was not NATO to “start” the civil war it was CIA !


Oo, so now milosovic was working for the CIA? Ti si lud, od jebi


“setup by CIA” setup = something done by deceit or trickery in order to compromise or frame someone ——— I will also explain how did they set him up if you want to know


My perspective is not the same, so no thanx, don’t “explain” me your stories


Oh I know that you are just another NATO stooge from the West. Why would I care to explain you anything. It is just basic manners.


That was not to “explain”. I was translating to you because you obviously didn’t understand the word.


Lets hope the USA will fall apart as ALL big countries should. Too much power concentrated, creates corruption and violence, just study human history, NON of the empires was sweet and peacefull!!


Just get down from your high posture and lecturing. And answer my direct questions on the subjects you have started.

By slandering Milosevic and Serbs you have sticked to that globalist NATO mantra of “humanitarian interventions” that were pure aggression justified by nothing. Kosovo (the 2nd Albania) today is mafia state in service of CIA and NATO In the numbers the biggest percentege of JIHAD fighters in Europe comes from Kosovo! You have been advocating for that evil state all the time And now at the end you even try to present yourself as person of wisdom with wide horizons What travesty!


When did i say anything bad about serbs in particulair? I would never do that. Humans are migrants and often migrating means land grabbing. Serbs are not unique in that, ALL cultures do similair things You are talking rubbish


You didn’t say directly but buy labeling Milosevic “bastard” that doesn’t deserve basic human rights you did it indirectly supporting the same US-NATO narrative they have in Libya, Iraq, Syria to justify their aggression. And you support openly war and violence with that rubbish about human nature. For you what NATO does is good thing yet because rejected (on this forum) you pretend you do not support it . And you never answer the questions because you don’t have good answers.

WHERE SERBS did that “LAND GRABBING” you NATO liar?!


Friesland can be independent if they want if it is up to me…Milosevic was a Power-Hungry Authoritarian Elitist…same as all the others… Look what is inside the European Parliament… I never voted for these Failed Politicians… They are Dictators because they chose themselves


Not only Nato bomb innocent people. In my view bombing people should ALWAYS be considered illegal! And it isn’t all that easy as you put it. Those bombings had its purposes and one of them is that West Europe is rich and not at war. Don’t misunderstand me, i am not saying it is the right thing to do, the capitalist system is brutal and unfair, but i am not so sure what would happen if Nato would become soft and just. Big change another powerhungry force would take over and do something similair, as sad as it is….


The good ol’ V.O.C. Looted Indonesia burned down the Banda Islands and killed the inhabitants to keep Monopoly on the Nutmeg…the Hudson Bay Company in the Americas traded Furs until


You forget to describe how the Han Chinese democited all other cultures in china, how the russians destroyed siberian native cultures, how the thai and malay people killed the original black tribes in south east asia, how the khmer empire whiped out the mon, how the aztecs used other tribes to sacrifise for their awfull religion, how the turks used christian slaves to train as elite soldiers, how those sultans killed their own brothers to stay sultan or grab power, how the arab tribes destroyed the syriac culture

Its the story of humanity Europeans aren’t unique Merijn


Most things you describe happened locally.. sure there were many atrocities everywhere… that is Human Nature obviously… Europeans did it on a Global Scale…plus we Pretended over & over to be the Good Guys… Lies… I heard them & I saw them lying on TV… to me Personally…With their stupid Grins on their faces…they have made it a bit more personal…and China never went outside China to Conquer the World nor Did Russia nor did Iran nor did Thailand nor did the Aztecs…we Europeans went all out…


Nonesense! Russia started as a small kingdom, china as well, thai came from china, the persian empire started in one little province. You have a very colored view on history….and yes eventualy, Europe and their culture took over the planet. Russia used the same technology to become as big as it is now and asia will soon be more powerfull then the west as it was in the past, but this time because they used western technology. … Europeans are not unique, they just were in a process at the right time and right circumstances, while other empires got stuck because of stupid policies, not because they were more humane! For instance the conquering of the americas could never have happened without the right winds that took the boats to the west in autumn and back to europe in spring. You should read that book i told you about: Sapiens by Yoval Hariri it is not pro west or with any political agenda in my opinion, it describes very well how the humanoids became in time what we are today and why our species was able to become so succesfull, while cruel at the same time. To see the west as especialy bad is ridiculous in my point of view


We are living today…I know what happened in history… and do not blame myself for what my ancestors did in Indonesia… but when I traded in Indonesia it was always in the back of my mind and treated the people I worked with… with respect and refused to take a betjak because it had a bad taste around it..I don’t talk about how we betrayed the Moluccans..for me it is about the Lies of today… not the Lies of Yesterday….the West needs to take a couple of steps back, that is basically all I’m saying….a bit Modesty & Humbleness…they should leave their Arrogance, Greed & Lust for power were it belongs…. They have shown that they are not worth it to be Policing the World because in fact they are War Criminals that have committed many crimes the last Century…Rutte or his predecessors could have made apologies to Indonesia… nothing wrong with that…and we have made an Art of Lying…


Putin is also lying, Xi Jingpin is lying, Modi is lying, Rouhani, Erdogan, Maduro, ALL leaders are lying, not only the west….


Now we are getting somewhere….yeah…I never defended anyone of’m in here… Yeah Putin a bit for stepping in when the West was trying again to replace another Leader with a Puppet of their own…the West did not care whether or not Assad was a Good or a Bad Leader… the problem was: It Was Not “Their” Leader…


I strongly believe we have NO decent leaders on this planet, except for some small scale leaders like some mayors, parlementarians, or civil servants….


That is what I mean….there are Good people on this earth…and NONE has a Major Leading Role…So I think it is fair to say that the System is Corrupted…Because only Bad Folks are allowed to Rule…

PS the U.S. Has fought 118 Wars since Indepence Day (1776)….perhaps you can find an example of another Nation that has fought that may Wars… but it will be pretty hard I guess…


The UK fdid fight more wars or sure. The other day i red the Netherlands fought 500 wars in Indonesia. The thing is that if you will start counting the amount of wars of ANY mayor power in history you will be flabbergasted, i am SURE Russia fought 93 wars since 1740 for example.China’s three most lethal civil wars alone collectively killed roughly 176,000,000 people. Its up to you, but i don’t see ANY differences between different cultures.


For that matter you are right….and perhaps they should keep fighting eachother until none is left….retards


The main reason that Europe conquered the planet was their open view to new thinking and curiousity, not because they were more evil..


you consider yourself free in the west?

Is this a joke or a slip of the fingers?


I’ve always been a Free Man…. and you would be surprised how others still think the West is the Free World….

Promitheas Apollonious

I know how others think west is a free world. Is one thing to believe so and is another to be actually free. I take your word for it that you always been a free Man, so are we, in out territory, where our laws are above the human laws, imposed on the tax slaves.


Name me a real free country on this planet! Yeah, you can’t


free country? I don’t know such country to exist. But I can name you few thousand free people, who united with us and created our own country within a country and in our territory we are above the laws you slaving under.

And we are the ones enforce the laws where we live, not some perverted corrupted errand boy or girl of the system. It is a classic that united power talks and bullshit walks kid.


“Slovenians were complaining” “Croats were complaining” Yet both those(today NATO) countries acquired independence only thanks to Serbs and Yugoslavia (the countries they like to accuse so much). Those countries (Slovenia,Croatia) that were never independent countries wanted their independence. That is the core of the problem and starting point of destruction of Yugoslavia. Germany has helped the destruction of Yugoslavia(with their secret service) as much as they could. Because Yugoslavia was created by US-UK-France for 2 reasons. To destroy Austro-Hungarian Empire and to prevent Germany-Austria to get access to the Balkans and Mediterranean Sea.

Kosovo is 2nd Albania and Albanians are only nation on the planet with 2 countries thanks to NATO aggression-occupation and ignoring of UN resolution.


BS, you’ve been never overthere !


Yes i did, Split was to me what Costa Brava was to many others, a bit more exotic though….


Your not a poster, just a propagandatroll !


You are a silly cow…


Reed the book of CIA Robert Baer, chopperdropped with 3 collegues and boxes of money to bribe and stir up slovenians, croats, Kosovars against Serbians !




Sure, actualy i think this guy was bribing the people i met on that camping called trstenik on the outskirts of Split, where i went 4 times. He was staying a couple of tents further…



What Serbs did in Kosovo?! If you are going to spill usual US-NATO propaganda about “massacre” …that was debunked long time ago as staged false flag to justify NATO intervention and bombing of Yugoslavia…than you are wasting your time


I won’t spill NATO blah blah, i just followed the news from 1988, when the oppression started. At that time, Europe was still busy with the cold war, the fall of the iron curtain and the Berlin wall. Later in 1991 and 1992 talked with several Kosovars, that left Kosovo for West Europe. The fact is that Kosovars were resisting oppression for a decade non violently. All this is very well documented. Only after the Serbs got more and more violent, because Milosevic was losing control in Serbia because of other reasons, the west took advantage of the situation.


Matt I can’t even start to explain the complexity (how,when,why it all has started) because you don’t have basics about the region and history of that country and it would be too long to cover all. Lets try it simple explanation.

Talking about “oppressed” Muslim Albanians on Kosovo is like talking about “oppressed” Muslims in suburbs of Paris who when they want to manifest their unsatisfaction start riots and burn cars. And they do that not because they have right to do that, but because they are absolute majority in those regions. So they directly defy authority of the state. US-CIA has “helped” those riots in Yougoslavia-Kosovo become civil war by actively training “KLA” paramilitary organization. Because ( like in Bosnia ) US was on Muslim side from the start.

US has directly helped growing Muslim population to create 2nd. Albania. So today Albanians are only nation in the world with 2 countries (thanks to US) Kosovo was created to become US-NATO protectorate for obvious US interests. And to start destruction process of Serbia ( because considered pro-Russian ). Serbia if doesn’t obey might lose other parts of the country in the future.


Kosovo whas a big maffia going paired with the CIA maffia !


True. And they still are. CIA smuggling heroin that comes to Bondsteel military base in Kosovo from Afghanistan. And from there was smuggled to EU through Kosovo-Albanian mafia channels.


In the near future Kosovo and Albania will merge…. They are the original inhabitants from that region in the end. Slavic tribes came invading these lands around 700-800 AD, stealing the land from the Albanians, a bit similair as the West Europeans stole the America’s frome the indiginous Americans…


So you must be showing your true face now You are some Albanian I had opportunity only to meet thieves and criminals when it comes to Albanians. Very bad reputation follows you and for reason. The worst and the most cruel Mafia in Europe are Albanians. Very primitive and very tribal people.

No Albania and Kosovo will not “merge” that is something I am more than convinced


I knew it, a pathetic nationalist that still believed some cultures are better then others…. :))))


You are really Albanian globalist and direct supporter of NATO and U.S. aggression’s. You Albanians are 100% Muslims on Kosovo with no culture at all and in the majority cases just plane criminals. Google “Kosovo failed state” and you will have all the answers you need


The oppression whas comming from the Kosovars, living in Jugoslavia while not willing to do military service or paying taxes or even justice wenn fathers sold there doughters on the market as hookers !


Yes, and no way was America going to allow them to vote on America annexing their country, and turning it into a huge open air brothel for American troops.

Joe Dirt

USA here to stay!


I guess that Poppy Fields could now be a source of income for the Kurds to augment their stolen oil and heroin is far easier to ship to the US/EU in aircraft :)


Everything you post is a distraction or misdirection- selling the George Soros FAKE indy media talking points.

Meanwhile, away from your jew trolling, the REAL story is how Italy and others PROVE a NATO invasion of Syria, with Putin’s explicit permission and co-operation.

Here’s a clue for the clueless. After WW2, Germany (and Berlin) were divided up by the Great Powers in the same way. Troops from Italy could be found in the NATO sections of Germany as well (before East and West re-unified).

During Tony Blair’s invasion of Iraq, an amazing number of nations proved their fealty by sending forces to join Blair- most of these were TOKEN in nature, but that wasn’t the point. Yeah the heavy lifting in the invasion was done by the USA, the UK and Iran (yes, Iran was a key part of the West’s invasion of both Afghanistan and Iraq- a fact few care to discuss). But the participation of so many other nations was a blood ritual.

Of course this isn’t really about Syria, but the coming Iran War. What thickies here still don’t get is that the USA will ‘persuade’ dozens of nations to participate in the Iran War (again most as tokens). All of West Europe will actively side with Britain and the USA when they declare war on Iran. Putin will force Russia to give his usual assistance (just as happened with Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya- Russia assisted all three, not least with Russia pro-war votes at the UNSC).

The Deep State demons yet fear widespread anti-war movements forming- hence all the distraction jew troll posts that get the thickies so worked up.


I can say the same from your posts because you didn’t come up with a single link when I asked… at least I come up with Links..although even those might be a Lie by the one who wrote them…you go from here to the moon and back again with your stories…my conclusion is: Everyone can be right and everyone can be wrong…It is One Big Smokescreen they Create & Even the Keyplayers in this Whole Story don’t know the Whole Truth…just follow closely what will happen….I only trust my common sense…in 50% of the cases I was wrong & in 50% I was right…pretty nice balance if I might say myself

Dušan Mirić

It took a day for me since I read this article to think about Italian involvement in this way. Thank you for writing this instead of me.


My pleasure…:)


Yea they are too busy enforcing the satanic ((PNAC))) plan put in place by the (((Kosher Nostra))) all controlled by the ((ones)) who control the cash…


Turkey has proven to be a worthless ally to every side it joins. Russia should just blow up those Turkish observation posts .


Don’t follow news a lot. Instead use your brain. Many fake news are around in the media from Israel.

Promitheas Apollonious

Fake news yes are in full effect but that does not alter what Xanatos said about turks and the fact are whopres who change their price according to the size. It is a historical fact unless you think the mongols ever will change from been opportunistic whores.


Will be interesting times for Turk ahead.

Promitheas Apollonious

I hope to make the mistake and attack us as they been farting all this years, so the army can take over from the corrupt politicians. Then it be a very interesting time for them as well for us.

One way or another they will end to exist, in my life time.


The Army took over several times in Turkey. They were West-Point drilled officers, CIA-whores. Like PINOCHET in Chile. Now Erdogan f*cked the “USA-friendly officers” and there aren’t many left to try a move against “The wannabe-Sultan”

Promitheas Apollonious

and I give a shit about turkey exactly why?


One can hope….. At least to an end for the credit from the rest of the world to fund wars and conquest back at them.



Empire's Frontiers

Those are all friends posing for a photo.

And they’re under the correct impression that they own you and the food you eat.


The picture is perfect, two ugly Americans, strutting their stupidity.


The Turks f*ck the YPG aka ISRAEL’s assets, what RUSSIA doesn’t dare (because BIBI is sooo sweet and friendly to Russia… (SIC!) .

Russia will let Erdogan play his game and so BOSPORUS remains open for the Russian Navy and SUPPLIES-ships to Syria, operating from Sevastopol -Black Sea

And maybe Putin expects that the “Mini-Trump” egomaniac “Sultan” Erdogan will break it with NATO, if the USA and (automatically the EU-slaves of the Big-Bully Wall-Street) won’t deliver ammo and weapons for TURKEY

Empire's Frontiers

Turkey has not been an ally to anyone.

And no one has believed they’ve been allied with the Turks.

The turks know their bloodline and manners and so does the world.

The patient gardener leaves the snake to sort out the mice, and counts on the hawks to sort out the snakes.

Trut Tella

Fuck Italy.


They are not a force multiplier. They are just more targets for the next wave of IEDs to go off. I don’t think they will last long if they get hit on the regular.


An Italian after an IED will look like Spaghetti Bolognese


Yes. the thing is, Italy is really just a tag along power. They did get involved in Libya and they paid heavily for it. I don’t think Italy has the stomach, so to speak, for the dish they are potentially ordering in Syria.


Pasta Soldiers. :)


This looks like LIBYA, more and more. Now they can do what they want as long PUTIN is occupied with his f*king Soccer-World-Champuionship


Interesting time ahead. World cup in Russia. Election in Turkey. Breakages of JCPOA. At the same time NK – USA denuclearization negotiations.

Obscured were Palestinian genocide. Yemeni genocide.


Looks like an old ISRAELI-plan: 2008-Olympics in CHINA ->Georgia (Saakasvili eats his tie as the Russians f*ck his idy0ts armed and “advised” by US and Israeli troopers Winter-Olympics Soci -Ukraine NOW.. what will be now? ..


Syria perhaps.

Daniel Castro

I don’t know why the russian government keeps doing these tournaments in their territory, it is always a bait, always!

They are only good to waste public money and get you in a vulnerable situation, it’s way better to invest all that money in the actual sports and send the atletes to the other countries to actually get the 1st place.

Harbouring olympics and WC was a huge strategic mistake by Putin, everyone of these tournaments the zionist used to stage attacks against russia or russian allies.

But then again, we know here the olympics and WC were used by our politicians to steal billions and billions, so perhaps there is something more to this…

Just saying…


BTW, BREITBART published some crap by PrisonPlanet. And STEVE WATSON ( some Paul-Joseph Watson-breed, I guess) published an article, too. BOTH CENSOR NOW like wild. And that started as I said that trumpist Alt-Right RedneckTROLL “Clark” that he is an EMPLOYEE by PrisonPlanet. The dvmb-a## CONFIRMED by CENSORING desperately :)))) The same a##hole is censoring FOR BREITBART AND PrisonPlanet.

If somebody still wanted a proof about the ZIONIST-control over the ah so “free and alternative PrisonPlanet”, now it’s clear that it’s a BIBI NETANYHU-pigsty


Disinfo-Agents everywhere… even if they were honest the day before.. folks can tell bullshit the next day… I myself talk a lot of bullshit too…at least I can blame it on the Disinfo-Agent…don’t shoot me.. Shoot the Disinfo-Agent…


Well… Breaibart is CLEARLY a Jewish-Zionist sh*t-hole. But to see how a guy from PP plays “Admin” by Breitbart.. that is really disgusting

This PrisonPlanet tookki that fantastic interview to ALEX JONES about Nicolas Rockefeller and their Sept-11 involvement and the AGENDA with the War-on-terror scam.. ..And now look at them, what a “HASBARA” they became.

Ah what.. I’m German, I try to see things detached of the internal quarrels in the US-American Political ZOO. But these hypocritical cheap DOUBLE§E-STANDARDS by MSM-Golbalist NWO and the BIBI-faction, are already by a Kindergarten-level.


I stopped with infowars & all that a long time ago…they never came with a real answer…. in here I found many Real answers or at least very plausible…that is one of the reasons SF was attacked many times I believe… some folks did not like what was written…that is a Good sign


Well “tell me who your ENEMIES ARE, and I tell who you are…. :) ” told me once a nice but also sarcastic friend of mine, in my youth. The original is with “friends” of course..) Maybe you shouldn’t quit PP: it’s not healthy to let the Zion-cr@p alone :))


The Elitists and their Henchmen are me Enemy…the Enemy of Humanity & Beyond…


Be proud of that! :)

Hisham Saber

More cannon fodder for the forces of the axis of resistance. Poor fools.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)



They like sand and trouble. Mussolini almost remained stuck in as his men attacked Ethiopia :))

Rüdiger Preiss

Italians like to get stuck in the desert :D

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)


Promitheas Apollonious

exactly WTF. But dont forget italy also been arming the albanians, with brand new armored cars lately as well other hardware in the form of donations. Looks like italian mafia and the vatican protecting their opium trade and mules.


Ah, vatican now :))

Italy is with a foot in bankruptcy and hopes by licking Trump’s fat a##, that gets money from American and Britih-Rothschild-BANKSTERS. mama-m€rkel doesn’t want to finance an Italian NATIONALISTIC anti-Globalist anti BILDERBERG new Government

Italian troops in Syria are just , supernumerary holes-stuffing troops.. like they were on the Russian Front by Hitler, too


They will be getting blackmailed by the US. That’s why the US has so many spies, so it can blackmail people and nations, scum of the earth.

John Whitehot

this news is already almost a week old and the italian mindef has denied these claims.


Please keep your news to yourself John. We like to argue about non events ! :)

Aimo Huikka

Well there is three most irrelevant matter in the world. First, nun’s nipples. Second, pope’s balls and third, army of Italy.

Joe Dirt

Italy in Syria now? Wow everyone wants some land lol.

*Warning* So many will be triggered by this post. Not responsible for broke keyboards, heart failure, or counseling expenses.


Whata mistaka to makea

Empire's Frontiers

An aimless nation deploying a share of corporate mercenaries furthering a soulless mission.

Waging war against a secular society likely isn’t what the Italian boys had in mind signing on.

If they had anything in mind at all.

Rodney Loder

This is the result of Popularism recently taken hold in Italy, the same thing happened December 2016 when GOP was given the US Presidency and both houses, it wasn’t contrived in Italy though, so it’s become a sustained political movement where the extreme views representing opposite poles find common cause and operate against the centre.

This Neoconservative expression of the new Conte (PM) Government will repay the Nationalists probably with economic policies.

But I don’t think the Italians in Syria represent a fighting force willing to endure casualties.


See how the US gradually drags other nations into its wars? The US is going broke, hurry up and get it done.


I wouldn’t have expected this although I wouldn’t be surprised. I wonder what in Italy made the decide to do this, I recall the Danes reduced their contributions amonth or two ago


You either send troops, or we destroy your economy. Love and kisses USA.


I hope you don’t take your job as seriously as you take death and politics.


I also take the law seriously.

In America today, a person accused of a crime is not allowed to see the evidence against him, according to Robert Mueller, a US special prosecutor.


Ordinary Americans are being held prisoner by an illegal regime, time for the world to bomb freedom into America, and free the American people from the tyrants that enslave them.


I will take that as a no.

John Mason

NATO on the move, best that Syria puts a stop to this before all NATO nations turn up, but Italians? Heard this a while ago ” how many gears in an Italian Tank? 6 gears, 1 forward and 5 reverse, in case they get attacked from the front!” US, French now Italians…..what next? Saudi Arabs?


So there are some freemasons in italy too.


Err… the Holy See pretty much runs freemasonry.


What’s so special about anal sex anyway?

Richard M

The same players as WW1. UK, France, Italy vs Ottomans! Wonder how it will come out this time? :D


sounds very strange to me

not only that deploying troops abroad would require authorization from parliament and a political majority, but also the new government is not inclined to such things

also, it would make no sense


false info they are hungry for news so they publish (spread) every unverified carp they can put their hands on


Sorry I might be wrong after all … I have found this on “Sputnik”.

“Italy Sends Troops to Syria’s Oil-Rich Deir Ez-Zor Province ” 13.06.2018 https://sputniknews.com/middleeast/201806131065379027-italy-troops-syria/

Promitheas Apollonious

That is what I am thinking also, after searching it.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Is this the US nobly sharing the glory with it’s allies as they take down the last remnants of Isis in their territory, allowing them to also bask in the warm adulation of the adoring MSM and public as they all stand triumphally side by side after their spectacular victory. No probably not, it’s more like they’re planning on doing something naughty and they want to appear to have a consensus of wills when they do it. French artillery, Italian troops and US special forces providing intel about the SAA in Abu Kamal across the river, what could possibly go wrong.


Name the names, the US started with it in Korea with a massaker of 200.000 Koreans labelled as comminists and excecuted like the Germans did while going towards Russia, staying in front of a ditch while being shot, in presence of US officers controlling the situation( so, understand the anger of north Koreans, later the US bombed the civilian population of pyonyang, 500.000 murdered civilians )! the same modus operandi followed in so many countrys, indonesia, Afghanistan ’89, Chechnia, Jougouslavia, Tunisie, Lybia, Syria


Afghanistan 2001, Irak 2003

Dušan Mirić

Oh, Germans are missing!? Hows that? Partners in crime are already on the site

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