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MARCH 2025

Italians Were “Dumbstruck” By Russian Specialists’ Speed

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Italians Were "Dumbstruck" By Russian Specialists' Speed

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The participants in the Russian operation to assist Italy in the fight against COVID-19 said that the Italians were “dumbstruck by our speed of action.”

In just 24 hours, Russia sent unprecedented humanitarian aid to Italy, which in its official press reports tactfully called “an operational group of military doctors, specialists in the field of virology and epidemiology, with modern equipment for diagnosis and disinfection.”

The wording, which does not mention the belonging of the Russians to the Armed Forces, was chosen from diplomatic considerations.

After all, a convoy of Russian troops in full view of Europe is moving through a country that is a member of NATO.

“In fact, Italians were dumbfounded by the speed of our group, they simply were not ready to take our planes in such numbers,” the Russian military told KP. “Their capabilities made it possible to land one aircraft every two hours.” After the fourth, they prayed: “Take a break, we do not have time.”

We in Moscow stood busy and waited for their team. However, some units made a 450-kilometer march to the airfield.

“And then from Rome there was still a column to go 600 kilometers to Bergamo. Why didn’t they put you closer?”

“Just for our big company they decided to allocate the largest airbase.

They did not know our capabilities.

After the first meeting, at which we informed them that we are able to – the equipment that arrived there is ready to process up to 20 thousand square meters or 360 cars per hour – they were impressed.

And they determined the city of Bergamo for us, which must be completely disinfected. At the same time, they thanked us very much. They do not have technology or technique of such a level.”

Moscow sent 20 such special vehicles to Italy, while in Russia there are over 2,000 of them.

Among the equipment is a laboratory capable of doing up to 100 tests for coronavirus per hour. Russia has 14 more such mobile laboratories.

On the way to Bergamo, the convoy stopped for refueling in Florence.

Italians Were "Dumbstruck" By Russian Specialists' Speed

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“Of course, it’s unusual to travel abroad,” admitted one of the drivers, Senior Sergeant Alexander Matryukhin. “But we are ready to perform any task.”

“There were no breakdowns. The roads are empty, it’s clear that it is quarantine,” said Colonel Igor Bogomolov, head of the Research Center.

“But those rare cars that meet greet us and give signals. It was nice.”

From a historical viewpoint, there is a precedent. In Sicily, in the city of Messina, there is a monument to Russian sailors, who in 1908 were the first to help the inhabitants of this city, destroyed by a terrible earthquake.

Italians Were "Dumbstruck" By Russian Specialists' Speed

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For several days the sailors raked the rubble, pulling the Italians buried under the ruins, evacuated women and children to their ships, deployed field kitchens. As a result of repeated earthquakes, Russian sailors suffered losses, but continued to save people.

“In the history of Messina, there were thousands of pages of human kindness and generosity,” Italian journalist Matilda Serao wrote. “But they entered the most eternal and most imperishable page in this story – fair-haired Slavs, so restrained in appearance and so responsive in business …”

Italians on social media appear to be taking on the Russian help positively.

“No haggling” – Putin’s choice and good intentions are taken care of by the ambassador of the Russian Federation in Italy, Sergey Razov.

“Our free aid provided to Italy in a difficult situation – he says – is not the subject of haggling, payment of bills and so on” and is not linked to international sanctions.

In an interview, the diplomat said that “Russia has sent substantial aid to Italy: over 120 doctors, equipment and pharmaceutical products. Supplies are organized by the Ministry of Defense. It was decided that at this stage , the Russian specialists will be sent to one of the most affected cities in northern Italy: Bergamo.

The aim of the Russian medical team is to work concretely alongside Italian colleagues. Our specialists will remain in Italy until a specific decision joint of the Russian and Italian sides”.

Of course, there are also negative voices promoted by mainstream propaganda. Italian daily La Stampa, citing high-level political sources reported that 80% of the aid was “useless.”

“Eighty percent of Russian supplies are totally useless or of little use to Italy. In short, this is little more than a pretext,” an unnamed source told La Stampa.

The source said the Russian supplies consist of disinfection equipment, a field laboratory for sterilization and chemical prevention, and other similar tools.

La Stampa’s sources claimed that Putin is pursuing geopolitical and diplomatic opportunities with the aid package dubbed “From Russia With Love,” while Conte accepted the aid in order to secure a good personal relationship with Moscow.

The author of the La Stampa piece is Jacobo Jacoboni. He’s a well-known pro-NATO and anti-Russian figure that regularly writes about the ‘Russian agression’ and ‘meddling’ into European affairs. Furthermore, Jacoboni is linked to the notorious ‘think tank’ Atlantic Council, which is tasked with spreading pro-NATO and pro-Washington establishment propagnada in Europe and around the world. No surprise that it already started working to provide false information about the Russian anti-COVID-19 operation in Italy and present it in negative light.

Russia’s Ambassador to Italy Sergei Razov dismissed La Stampa’s report as “perverse.”

“Such assertions are the product of a perverse mind. A selfless desire to help a friendly people in trouble is seen as insidious,” Razov told Russia’s state-run RIA Novosti news agency.

China is also sending more experts and equipment to help Italy in the fight against the virus.


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Bobby Twoshoes

I believe there were no preconditions but I also believe Italians will want to pay back the kindness. If they don’t then they will not only never have respect from their masters in Brussels and Washington but the rest of the world will write them off as well.

Concrete Mike

The people will be forever grateful to russia, the parasitic political class that is beholden to usa and the zionists will not.

Now is a good time to see who is what.

Harry Smith

He who controls the present – controls the past. (c) Orwell 1984. People en masse believes what ruling elites are saying them. Just try to google how Russian navy saved Yanks in their civil war. Logically, most of Americans have to be grateful to Russia, but the reality is inverted.


Some Prussians helped us also. That doesn’t mean we were obliged to love Hitler.


You only love your yiddish mom when you come up from her basement to her bedroom.


You can’t get your congenitally damaged brain out of the basement, Adolf. Or is it still just floating around in the cesspool?

John Vishnevskaya

who is us Jake ? You and your cooon friends ?


The good old USofA. And nice to see you have let your racist inner self out.


His “us” means USrahell, which is made up by criminal Zionists and misled masses.

Harry Smith

Well, please pardon me for breaking your crystal castle, but USA banks financed Hitler and his party. BTW big USA corporations like Kodak and Coca-cola didn’t stopped their business in the nazzi Germany even for for single a day. Try to google some nazzi advertisements of those corporations. Think you will enjoy them.


Actually Coca Cola stopped doing business with Germany. That’s why the Germans invented Fanta as a replacement.

Harry Smith

Really? You have to study the real history. You can start from the life story of CEO of coca-cola Germany.


I don’t really get your post but Germany was under jUSA sanctions after the World Jewish Council declared war on on Germany and called for a boycott on German goods started in March of 1933, only two months after Hitler became the Chancellor and had no time to harm the Jews at all. So who started this? Coca Cola has become unavailable in Germany. That’s why they came up with FANTA as a Coca Cola substitute. Before the jUSA sanctions Germany HAD Coca Cola!!! Also the Hindenburg airship disaster is directly linked to jUSA sanctions on Nazi Germany; jUSA had a monopoly on Helium but refused to sell to Germany. As a result the Hindenburg had to use the very flammable Hydrogen, which led to the disaster!

Traiano Welcome

Well the nazis wiped out a solid chunk of Jewdom. Does that mean you should hate him?

Traiano Welcome

The Italians sent a large amount of aid and doctors to China some years ago during the massive earthquakes in China. The Chinese aid coming in now is a return of that original good. China and Italy have been joined together in cultural development since the Polo family revolutionised Europe with trade links to Kubilai’s China.


maybe russia and chine should split their resources and include spain in these efforts.

Assad must stay

Yes and iran


Yep, China is shipping lots of industrial wood alcohol to Iran since that seems to be the cure of choice there.

Traiano Welcome

Your statement is devoid of meaning or logic. To you I say:

“Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.” — John 8:44-45


Russia better hope China hold its help for Russia next month when the Russian created bio-weapons Virus comes home to roost big time.


Crazy Zio faqtard! Get lost and drop dead!

John Vishnevskaya

Oh its Jake again. I always love to read your stuff but always wonder why it takes you so long to get into the action. Sometimes I just figure that it is because you put so much effort and time into your serious dialogue. I know that quality is something that cannot be rushed,

Gary Sellars

Do you have anything better to do than being a little pissant inbred whiney faggot?

No? Hmm… didn’t think so.

Traiano Welcome

Why do you keep spreading this propaganda? Of you it should be said:

“Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.” — John 8:44-45

Xoli Xoli

No wonder your father the liar are Satanyahu Satan and your uncle is demon Erdogan.


but the best is still before us and that is when russia offers the dysfunctional states of A and washington dc help to fight and contain and stop the corona virus from spreading further – knowing putin it’s something he might do just to tease the morons in washington dc with a smug smile all over his face.


I think ‘smug’ is the wrong word to use, Verner. English is not your firast language, so I quite understand. A more appropriate word in my opinion would be the word ” Wry “, in he context of a ‘wry smile’. I hope you agree.

“wry /rʌɪ/ adjective

1. using or expressing dry, especially mocking, humour: “a wry smile” “

Pave Way IV

Italy? ITALY?? You dumb NATO bastards said Russia was going to invade POLAND! Do you know how stupid you just made me look? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/4df8aaa0355207bbf10eafd1d7f892ba2ac5e28c0b85a77c18b9f90fb16ae7da.jpg


Next month, Russia will be way too busy trying to save its own azz from the Pandemic and economic collapse to offer much help to anyone. Try to keep up. They sure as hell won’t be helping AH’s like you and yours. You better hope the Israelis who will have a handle on this are willing to help you out when it becomes your turn to face the Pandemic.


Then jewSA is already far ahead on the collapsing event, which you mindlessly predict only in the future for Russia. Shot in the foot Zio basturd!


Russia are in for it but way worse. Their economy will not only be hit by the Pandemic but by an equal hit from Putz Putin’s stupid oil price war and dumb natural gas deals with China. Enjoy. Now go lick some public doorknobs and handrails, Adolf.

Ricky Miller

More hogwash baloney from you. President Putin, that’s Mister Putin to you, you disrespectful flea, has managed Russia well and even his international critics often frustratingly have to acknowledge it. The oil price war was coming for Russia anyway, because the United States refused over and over to participate in production quotas. They took free ride after free ride to greater market share on the backs of others willingness to engage in restraints on production in the hopes for market stability. And this despite the fact that shale is far less competitive. The U.S. is already blinking as oil financiers, on the hook for hundreds of billions have been screaming to elected officials about the potential loss of their businesses. 2,000 jobs were eliminated in North Dakota in just the last 24 hours. Russia wants and will work toward a price stability that brings income at least back to budgetary even but that won’t include giving shale a pass to draft off Russia’s production quota’s and siphon off market share. It’s smart, quite the opposite of the very definition of putz, and you are an idiot worm.

Traiano Welcome

An appropriate characterisation of you would be:

“Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.” — John 8:44-45

Ricky Miller

You need to try and keep up. President Putin just explained yesterday what steps the Kremlin is prepared to take to fend off the virus and to help protect the economy and the Russian people. These steps include a 15% tax on oligarchs money and Russia has hundreds of billions in reserves to shore up the economy. All Russian workers will be paid, even while laid off and isolated and travel into the country has now been cut off. Even Russian rail is shutting down, the elderly have been isolated for two weeks now and schools are on distance learning. Russia is doing much better than nearly all major powers in managing this issue. Even if you were to believe the misinformation and assume all 65,000 isolated Russians by way of contact have Covid-2 19, that would still be less than one tenth of one percent of the population.


The impact of the Pandemic is related to what a country was doing two weeks before, NOT what they belatedly do today. And Putz Putin, the Kremlin and the Russians around here were in full, typical Vodka ginned up he-man denial mode. They and Trump were two pees in a pot. Comes later next month, hope they ENJOY!

Ricky Miller

No, they were not. They closed the border with China and exactly two weeks ago mass isolated Russians 65 yrs and older. Eleven days ago they closed schools and began distance learning. They also were mid-way through testing 130,000 Russians and were ramping up isolation of those with symptoms and those who may have come in contact with them. Your criticisms do not reflect the reality of what they’ve been trying to do, with significant success.

Traiano Welcome

Of you I say:

“Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.” — John 8:44-45

John Vishnevskaya

Jake , have you ever helped anyone except yourself ? You have a big stupid mouth that really never has anything to say. May be you should get out there and put your mouth on the line and help real people who are in real trouble rather that spending your time spewing forth garbage.


I can assure you I’ve done more to help others in my long life than a dreg like you could do in 10 short Russian lifetimes. And as I’ve repeatedly noted, When in Rome do as the Romans do. This site is full of bigots and neo-Nazis and Putz Putin Trolls so naturally playing the same. “F” them. May they all go out and use their mouths on public doorknobs and hand railings.

Gary Sellars

Fuck off faggot. No one cares whose arse you are licking or who is treating you like their little bitch.

Traiano Welcome

I assure you you’ve helped not a single soul but yourself. All you do is spread propaganda and lies all day and night. Of you, I say:

“Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.” — John 8:44-45


His Jew nature would not let him help anyone.


Next month, Russia will be way too busy trying to save its own azz from the Pandemic and economic collapse to offer much help to anyone…….then those that they helped will help in return …we are not arseholes like you


Why would anyone help the originators of this Pandemic?

Traiano Welcome

How’s Israel going to hold up?


Fascington has already said that won’t accept Russian help. It would be too humiliating. The Zio rulers rather have more dead goyim.

Assad must stay

Italy will always remember this I’m sure and also how the EU or US refused to help


the yankeetwats are more than likely behind the corona virus together with the jews in palestine (Iran and China primary targets, italy, spain and so on are unintended victims and so be it, tough luck) so nothing to expect from washington dc, which already s evident, and the europeans are just their usual dumbstruck paralysed nincompoops so nothing much to expect from those idiots, either.

Assad must stay

Agree, strange that Russia was not included, as they have been foiling their plans for a long time now


The Russian created bio-weapons Virus which got out from the Chinese bio-weapons lab in Wuhan, will be coming home to roost big time next month in Russia. Ain’t Karma wonderful?

Traiano Welcome

Provide validated sources or you are lying.


If they attacked Russia and Venezuela too, it would have been way too obvious. Besides they may have some fear of the Bear.


In Italy you have many chinese workers, which is the result of several economical and trade cooperations between these two countries. January 25th was the chinese new year celebrations and holidays, when the workers came back from China, short time after the infectionrate increased.


Most likely they will remember they got it from where they got pasta.

Traiano Welcome

We’ll all remember where HIV came from.


but and since the issue of terminating the jews in palestine is of paramount interest for the world, I trust there will be no help for the jews (which most likely isn’t needed since the virus more than likely is developed and manufactured by the jews and let loose by the jews and all safeguards for the jews in palestine are already in place (i.e. the jews have vaccinated the jews))

Ricky Miller

Israel has the capacity to turn back this virus and render medical services to the afflicted. But I promise you that if Tel Aviv asks Russia for assistance it will be provided. No doubt from China too, if needed. The Russian government does not see things the way you suggest, “terminating” jews in Israel or anywhere else, for that matter. I don’t either and find the presentation of that to represent a statement on behalf of evil. Although I disagree with much of Israel’s foreign policy and I believe in justice and compensation for the Palestinians, a two state solution and security for everyone is the only way forward, the only way that works.


So, I believe the Jews are evil and the root cause of the chaos, suffering in the world but I see no reason for punishment. Right?

Ricky Miller

All Jews everywhere, each and every individual? I used to date a girl, Rachel. She’s Jewish. She’s the director of a children’s theater and is of Russian descent with her family escaping the holocaust to New York by way of Sweden in the Great Patriotic War. Does she deserve your punishment? Is she and her children’s theater program guilty of evil and a root cause of all chaos in the world? Opposing Israel’s foreign and military policy doesn’t mean attacking or even threatening all people of that faith, even those who live in Israel. Come back to the light brother.


the act by lloyd george to herzl to allow the jews to return to palestine was in itself illegal since the english had no authority to gift palestine to anyone. since the jews started to arrive in palestine they have managed to lay their grubby hands on the better part of palestine and have locked up a great part of palestinians in what at best can be called a concentration camp a la the nazi era or concentration camp Gaza. the lebensraum program runs unhindered and the atrocities and theft of land has no comparison since, yes Hitler’s henchmen operated the same program, and then you have the idf killing kids with sling shots and starvation of women all around, not forgetting that the entire jewish operation in palestine is in fact an ethnical cleansing program (which brought milosevic to den Haag) which the world watches with no comments and that the jews now are trying to bring to the market gas found under the seabed, the palestinian seabed, having no intention of giving the palestinians any compensation – truly shameful. – and the world has nothing or very little to say. thus the jews have forfeited any right to continue its existence in palestine – the only way forward is a one state solution and that is to reestablish the palestinians in palestine once the jews are out, either on their asses or dug down 6 feet under.

Traiano Welcome

Israel has no such capacity. This is magical thinking.


The Palestinians have a much lower incidence of the Virus than the Israelis, AH. Now please go lick some public door handles in Tel Aviv.

Traiano Welcome

That’s because they have always been under quarrantine. Now your Israeli checkpoints do a better job of protecting Gaza and the West Bank than protecting Israelis.



johnny rotten

Grazie Russia e fanculo €U, nel momento del bisogno si vedono i veri amici.


They just found that the micron images of the Virus have Cyrillic lettering on them.

Alexey Woronov

No, Made in China :)

Ivan Freely

Nope. Made in the US.


No, it was Hebrew mixed with English.

Traiano Welcome

“Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.” — John 8:44-45

Dušan Mirić

I think the English saying goes like this: “When the going gets tough, the tough gets going!”

Romeo Pesiao

So many countries help Italy in controlling covod19, but I wonder why until now the daily death toll in Italy still very high. Are you really helping? or it’s only a propaganda.

jade villaceran

do you think positive result can get overnight?

Traiano Welcome

How many days after foreign aid comes in do you, in your opinion, feel we should begin to see a turnaround?

What about the Czech stealing foreign aid from Italy? What’s your enlightened opinion on the impact of that?

What about the aid provided by the USA, EU, and the Eastern European vassal states? How effective has their aid been to Italy? Please inform us o’ wise one.


COVID19 is done, you don’t want no fight with the Russians


You’ll have your chance at that big time next month at home, Igor.

Traiano Welcome

How’s Israel doing? Apparently half your economy runs on foreign workers, many from the Southeast Asia …


Did y’all see the female ”doc” jump out the ambulance? She hot ain’t she?

cechas vodobenikov

interesting that the virus is concentrated in the north of Italy—Milano has the most polluted air in Europe and vast numbers were afflicted w viruses in 2018–Italy has one of the highest proportions of older people in the world. 99% of deaths so far involve those w pre-existing chronic diseases. this helps to understand the current difficulties and why this assistance is so important

Pave Way IV

The low terrain of the Po Valley (south of Alps) has always been a stagnant pool of pollution, relatively unaffected by the higher-level winds coming over the Alps. It’s also the most densely populated, most industrialized and Italy still uses a mountain of coal for power generation. First image is light pollution, illustrating population and industrial density. Second image is the Nitrogen Dioxide column in the atmosphere. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/35b5722e0b17c48fa326cb11cc7913698b925c2a60882a3a76c5e02730736b35.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f10b948de4761cdb71566e5776e5f79fdd9138bd3b93bb65980badd7a4ed9350.jpg

Dick Von Dast'Ard

This pandemic has happened around Christmas time, (Dec – Jan) where would the major poultry farms be located in Italy?

Traiano Welcome

I would think: Why has Milano the most polluted air? Maybe because it’s an Industrial center. Industrial center, with a lot of foreign workers … Lots of foreign travel acting as a virus vector.

Saif Imam

The Brave nation of Russia. Remember they almost single handedly fucked up Nazi Germany with the bravery & sacrifices made by her people.We will kill this bug,it is definitely possible. God Bless Russia, God bless all mankind.


May we never forget, the world hates us because we’re free.


Nahhhhhhhh…mostly because through the ages, Russia has made other peoples NOT free. Try to get the simplest things correct, Igor.


You’re from that little village on the Niger River, Denial.

Traiano Welcome

You’re from that little squatter camp in Palestine known for creating open air prisons.


Not the world, just some of the scum.


Free, with the destroyed Constitution, growing police state… You have a brain-free scull.


Guess the Russians figured they had to move fast to check on their handiwork before it is realized the virus was a creation of the advanced Russian bio-weapons program and they would quickly become persona non grata.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Have you signed on yet?


And to learn how best to deal with their handiwork as their black swan comes home to roost big time next month. The Kremlin has called up their retired expects to help out. First on the list are Putz Putin’s old butt buddies from the KGB Bureau of Truth.

Traiano Welcome

You are manufacturing lies. This is clear to everyone on this site.

The only question is which propaganda organisation you are working for …


For the JewsMedia.

Arch Bungle

I see all the hasbara troll comments have vanished into thin air …

chris chuba

More likely, they are preparing for the attack that they expect could from the soulless west who has shown a willingness to commit genocide against their opponents. It’s not like we don’t telegraph who is on our enemies list.

We have ruthlessly attacked the civilian population of these countries … Iran, Venezuela, Syria, Cuba, and others. Each one has been denied a combination of IMF loans, fuel, doctors, food, and the ability to trade non-military items. The latter without even the pretense of a cause.

Russia figures that a country that is willing to do this, and to coerce others into following suit, has no boundaries. Why shouldn’t they prepare for the worst?

Ricky Miller

The Russian Federation did not create this virus. You have no problem humiliating yourself. Several scientific papers are in the works from multiple academic and geographic points laying out peer reviewed evidence to the natural origin of this pathogen, including it’s complete genome. Ease up on the foolishness powder, it does your point of view no credit.

Traiano Welcome

Please stop manufacturing Propaganda.

Explain to me how Russia is a suspect here when the evidence points either to a) China b) USA c) Israel d) a collaboration of a) and b) e) a collaboration of a) b) c).

Russia is nowhere in the picture.

Robert M

In Italy of course there is – same of many other countries – a fascist wing and the deep state always was servant of the yankees. La Stampa for example belongs to the FIAT corporation, that moved definitely to the USA now. The most of the people (99%) however stands with Russia. Spain, Italy and Greece could exit the EU (the Fouth Reich) soon as it has been a total failure, good just to make the only favourite on the markets the nazis (Germany).


Don’t put down the Nazis! They were after all fighting the Zios, who wreck havoc on the world today. The Zio brainwash/propaganda obviously worked on you. Disinfect your mind from the Zio Scum!


Yeah, the CIAnied Mossadniks actions are so far very impressive; Many are infected or dead!

Ricky Miller

One Italian globalist narrative newspaper. That’s not the government of Italy, it’s health professionals or it’s people. Which 80% is useless? The several hundred ventilators, the masks and other PPE, or the mobile labs able to test for the virus?

AM Hants

Not forgetting the disinfection vehicles.

Ricky Miller

That might be the source material for the dismissive disrespect coming from this Italian newspaper. The Russians operate on the theory that widespread sanitizing of public areas reduce the transmission rates and I have seen videos over the past weeks of Russian workers disinfecting subway stations, public buses and street trains, and even handrails and stairways with sprayers. Some people are not impressed with the potential of these practices to break the infection chain, hence the “80%” useless derision. This practice can only help and not hurt, and still doesn’t take away from ventilators and lab services.

AM Hants

Must admit, for me I was seriously impressed at such a practical and simple procedure. It explains so much.

The same people dissing it, doubt they would want an UN sterile surgeon and team, working in an UN sterile operating theatre, working on them.

Ironically, whilst tapping keyboard, the TV is advertising self isolation and corona virus. Focused on keeping the air orn virus isolated.

AM Hants

Love the video of the Italian gentleman pulling down th EU flag and replacing it with the Russian flag. Plus tweet mentioning Russia, Cuba, China and Venezuela sending help and EU members mistaking Italian Aid for Polish Aid.

Alex Cabrera

do not accept help from China

Traiano Welcome

Why not? Asking as an Italian.

Gary Sellars

Troll eejit…. One Italian newspaper, La Stampa, a known liberast Russophobic rag sympathetic to NATOista establishment.

Judging by your avatar, so are you….

Traiano Welcome

ITALY?? ITALLY? 80% of Italians stood up suddenly and said that? You’re talking bullshit!

rightiswrong rightiswrong

One Italian newspaper made that claim, whose owners are shills to the US.

The US president and government thanked Russia for the aid the Russians have sent to the USA.

The Turds worry greatly about animal to human contagion, given the lust Turds have for goats.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x