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Italy Betrays Palestine And Its Pro-Arab Tradition

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Italy Betrays Palestine And Its Pro-Arab Tradition

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“The images we have seen show something more than just a war, they show the desire to erase the Jews from this region and it is an act of anti-Semitism. And we must fight it, today as yesterday. We defend Israel’s right to exist, to defend the security of its citizens. We absolutely understand that it is an act of terrorism that must be fought. We think and believe that you are able to do it in the best way, because we are different from those terrorists. We must defeat this barbarism: it is a battle between the forces of civilization and barbaric monsters who have killed, mutilated, raped, beheaded, burned innocent people. This is a test, a test of civility. And we will win it.”

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni never misses an opportunity to prove herself the most Atlanticist among Atlanticists. On a mission to Tel Aviv to meet Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the Italian Prime Minister recited more or less the same script already recited when she met Zelensky at the time of the Russian SMO on Ukrainian territory. It is a model that works very well for the Italian mainstream.

Of course, then, by participating in the Cairo Conference – the result of which was absolute zero – she had to change his tone and register, inviting Israel not to seek “revenge”. But the guard dog effect had already hit the front pages of all the newspapers. Not even a word about the nearly five thousand Palestinians killed by IDF fire. For the Italian government, those are just collateral damage.

Italian foreign policy is reduced to a fake display of pro-Washington globalism, without any care for Italian history and its long pro-Arab and pro-Palestinian tradition. Because Italy wasn’t like that. Over the last sixty years, political relations between Italy and Palestine have changed, in parallel with deeper changes in Italian and Palestinian politics. For decades, Italy has been considered the Western European country most supportive of the Palestinians.

Everything changed in the early nineties. Yet another cadeux from the end of the Cold War. Italian political support for the Palestinians has undergone a gradual but constant change. Italy, in fact, is today one of Israel’s closest European “friends”. There are two main factors behind this political repositioning. One is Italy’s political and social transformation – the long process of cultural, economic and political “integration” into globalized neoliberal policies, closely linked to the neo-imperialist agenda – which has led to a drastic overhaul of Italian foreign affairs.

After the end of the Second World War, Italy paid great attention to the Arab world. The government sought to have an active role in the region, well aware of the need to establish strong and lasting relations, taking advantage of its favorable position as a “bridge” between the Middle East and Europe. Italy has historically attempted to benefit from its geographical proximity to the region to establish an economic presence in the Mediterranean area. This was evident in attempts at direct colonial expansion. Indeed, even though Italian foreign policy was decidedly limited in scope in the midst of growing polarization between the United States and the Soviet sphere in the 1950s, its interests in the Mediterranean endured.

While in the 1950s and 1960s there were only timid attempts to play an active role in the Arab-Israeli question, in the 1970s Italy deviated towards a more decidedly pro-Palestine position. Under the leadership of the then Prime Minister Aldo Moro, Italy promoted various initiatives in favor of the Palestinian cause. For example, together with France, it supported Arafat’s participation in the United Nations General Assembly in 1974. The Italian government of the time also expressed solidarity for the Palestinian drama, not only with declarations and communiqués, but also to the point of allowing the official presence of the PLO in Italy in 1974.

Italy Betrays Palestine And Its Pro-Arab Tradition

Aldo Moro – Click to see the full-size image

National diplomacy aimed to ensure that tension between Palestinian militants and Israeli intelligence did not escalate in Italy. With a secret pact, known as “Lodo Moro”, Italy assured some Palestinian groups the freedom to coordinate and organize their activities on Italian territory in exchange for the guarantee that the actions would not then take place in Italy. Nonetheless, many reconstructions have emerged over the years according to which it appears that the same policy of “pretending not to see” was aimed at the Mossad.

We know what happened to Italian politicians who supported the Arab and Palestinian causes. Aldo Moro (1978) was kidnapped by the Red Brigades and killed in circumstances that are not yet fully clarified. Bettino Craxi was overwhelmed by the moralizing wave of Tangentopoli, the scandal that erased the entire Italian political class coinciding with the end of the Cold War, and died as an exile in Tunisia. Now, Italian foreign policy is nothing more than a dependency of Washington.


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Ole C G Olesen

meloni has deceived the italian voters .. she is nothing but a globalist trojan horse


as is every other candidate in every other country. elections arent real.

Peppe il Sicario

she is a puttana succhia cazzi lecchina degli anglo-ebrei!!!! she should be hung upside down in a public square and have every known object in existence hurled at her. a sell-out traitor whore to her country!!!

Florian Geyer

her ex-boyfriend would have liked her upside down on a gibbet, lol.

Peppe il Sicario

she “rented” him more than likely!!!


you won’t change this situation by putting a paper in a box. representative government is the name of the jewish hacking of the western countries. the “strong and independant” women are weak, jews know it so they teach us the opposite. but hard times will create strong men, see you soon on the battlefield.


she has not deceived italian voters, everyone of these right wing parties in eu/europe is fiercely anti-muslim (=anti-poor people) this is the same in poland, hungary, germany, check, slovakia, france, spain, sweden, denmark…… shame on russian rt for its unconditional support of these parties!


rt is controlled opposition with a global news bend — a globalist knick-knack “alternative” outlet that represents the neo-feudal corporatocracy.


if rt was controlled opposition it wouldn’t be getting censored all over the west and kicked off of youtube. controlled opposition is people like ben shapiro still on youtube with a shit ton of views pretending he has the moral high ground and exposing how corrupt the west has become.

corn pop

it’s all that helium gas he breaths in, makes him light headed.

corn pop

yeah, yeah, yeah – now tell us about the 4th internationale and how workers are the world’s salvation.


it is obvious that rt is a globalist controlled valve to vent rage, monitored and managed by the same forces behind the bbc, cnn and all the other lying shills and hacks.

Maximinus Thrax

dude, you are on southfront. run by a small group of russian patriots. why do you keep bringing up rt?


imperialism and capitalism demands a populist anode (fascist) to prevent the people who are not insiders from gaining any political or economic clout. it satisfies the emotional needs of the bewildered.

corn pop

and what, orban is anti-poor people? he sticks his neck out to not put his national welfare in the hands of idiots like borrell, who plants weeds in his stupid garden. that takes a lot of guts.


indeed all this talk is nothing but a deception

Warrior Nation

daniel is correct. rt the russian version and i know because i live in russia pushed the covid death-vax narrative for the globalists. the globalists are using islam against the world now. shame on sf readers for not seeing through the lies.

corn pop

what did you expect? meloni is an admirer of mussolini. fascism, zionism and neoconservatism go together. they’re all expansionist totalitarians

Last edited 1 year ago by corn pop

western propaganda would have us believe antisemitism is bad while is okay for jews to kill muslims directly and christians by proxy. to believe jews are greater than us and that our enemies should be allowed to kill us. the zionists are the aggressors in their quest for a new world order that they will control and use to eliminate others.


do they not control the new system already?

the reason western propaganda is saying so is because they share the same beliefs as the zionists and without third temple there will be no coming or “unveiling” of their one eyed hidden master.

Edgar Zetar

third temple, hahaha lol! you are crazy. whoever washed your head with propaganda is your hidden master. who was the one it says israel and jerusalen was the center of the world? egypt and the city of tebas was the center of the ancient world, look the pyramids, and in the north of the mediterranean sea was athens (ancient times). the world evolved and empires born and collapsed over the time.

Edgar Zetar

and fyi the hidden masters are the exceptionals and the masters of the universe in western civ, but western civ it’s not the greatest you know? do you what are in the making in asia right now?

Heinrich Richter

that italians are not to be trusted, our fathers already knew

Peppe il Sicario

you germans are the absolute worst, who the f*ck you kidding!!! you can’t get more lackey to the juice and americants than germany is right now!!!!

Heinrich Richter

do not confuse the german people with the german government!

in germany, students are supposed to denounce their comrades if they speak positively about palestinians.

there are clashes between teachers and students at schools, people who have never seen each other before are fighting on the streets!

sorry, you should learn to differentiate.

Heinrich Richter

by the way: a palestinian flag is now considered a “symbol of terrorism” in germany!

nevertheless, thousands of people are taking to the streets against the terror of israel, despite persecution and punishments!


“that italians are not to be trusted, our fathers already knew” (<— geschmacklos)

man kann nicht alle italiener in einen korb legen.

heinrich bitte, du solltest dich entschuldigen, weil peppe nur auf deinen fiesen kommentar geantwortet hat.

Last edited 1 year ago by Sebastian
corn pop

god bless the italians, anarchists at their hearts and not afraid to give a middle finger to their governments, while the germans like to swear allegiance to their leaders no matter how stupid or lame they are. meloni will be out soon enough but you’ll hang onto dumbo scholz to eternity. just look at merkel. didn’t even have the integrity to insist on implementing minsk ii. instead, she cooked it up as a halloween trick and them wondered, hey – what happened?.

corn pop

it’s with german bloody hands that half a million ukrainians are living six feet under and the rest are about to lose half their country.

and if it’s wwiii, well – that’s 3 world wars then that they had a direct hand in.


so true indeed


problem with germany is the overall majority of people have a herd mentality and are easily swayed by the msm. not enough skepticism in the gene pool.

Lo Hung Testicle

the world wars are both because of the corrupt and morally bankrupt jews… and this 3rd ww will be cause of the most depraved and absurb jew action in history.

the jews are liteally starting their own the jewish gaza holocaust with the final solution of the palestinian people.

Last edited 1 year ago by Lo Hung Testicle
corn pop

germans love their genocides. they backed ukraine when ethnically cleansing the donbass and they do the same with israel now.

the real civilized world, not the phony one the eu thinks it is, should put a fence around germany and let them stew in their sauerkraut.


don’t forget namibia

Peppe il Sicario

so speaks the one-eyed fool. practice what you preach there!!! germans, on the whole as “name” commented below are guilty of having a “herd” mentality. you never question authority and go along with whatever the government says like simple sheep. italians, completely different race altogether!!! rule number 1 for us….never trust the government. i don’t have to add anything else.

corn pop

scholz would make an excellent garden gnome. has borrell offered him the job when his jig is finally up?

corn pop

german leaders’ jigs are never up. they just keep accumulating stupid decisions until they finally go off and crawl into a corner on their own, never to set face in public again.

right, frau merkel?

corn pop

germans are very civilized and orderly. so orderly in fact that they couldn’t bring themselves to burn all those meticulously gathered train manifests to the final resettlement camps before hightailing it to north and south america.

jens holm

my ex husband stapo betrayed me 43 years ago with mulatto sawyer and trait canuck


but you have found love again with your nafomo paramours. congratulations.

WT Baker

prior to the 1970’s american politicians for the most part acted in the traditional qualities of statesmanship. but in the early 70’s richard nixon removed the us dollar from the fixed exchange mechanism established by the bretton woods agreements. this allowed monetarist malthusianism along with the hobbesian “beastman” view of mankind to worm it’s way into societies institutions. it is no great surprise to find pm meloni groveling at the same trough today.

Last edited 1 year ago by WT Baker

the balfour declaration was signed in 1917 to lord rothschild. that prominent jewish family was in control of the uk banking system since the end of napoleon wars. chaim weissman (1st israel president ) said to uk government in 1916 he can bring usa into the war with the help of his friends controlling the msm in usa.


sikes picot aggreement were signed in 1916 and palestine became under (((uk))) control. the balfour declaration in 1917 re-established jews in palestine. weissman was chimist and helped the uk by finding a new way to produce explosives. he admitted all of this in his biography “trials and errors”.

sry for the loooong comment.


they are controlling us since 2 centuries….


maybe try 1688.


that is just complete rubbish. the us politicians fought imperialist wars against themselves, the mexicans, the filipinos, nicaraguans, haitians, germans, japanese, vietnamese and pretty much anyone who stood in the way of the conquest of us speculative finance capitalism. thanks for playing.


shes a bastard dickhead bitch


she a wef member what do you expect?

Last edited 1 year ago by Name
Donald Moore

italian prime minister giorgia meloni is a traitor. when she ran for the office she campaigned on another platform using a favorite to help get the position. when he dies she did a 180 degree turn around and became a us?eu bootlicker!

Peppe il Sicario

exactly, i curse this roman whore every day!!! we call her “carciofara” in italian, basically a low-grade streetside artichoke seller. she’s a member of the us aspen institute, so that should tell you a lot.


common pepe, it’s not very nice for the carciofara!

corn pop

and that’s one reason why she gets along with zelensky and his election platform 180 deg turn. the other reasons i can’t even begin to guess unless i spend a week in an insane asylum and get a taste of the reasoning in the air.

although, to give her some credit – she probably doesn’t have a gang of hh fans threatening her life if she steps out of line.

Hamas Is Looking Like A Fool

this is not good for hamas; israel is winning both on the battlefield and the information war! hell, the ukrainians for example might be getting their asses kicked, but at least they are winning the information war against russia. but hamas can’t even do that, someone needs to tell hamas to just surrender, and forfeit your lives, to save your people from dying because of you guys’ bad decision to attack israel!


understand the root of the problem and get out of the cocoon of narrow thinking or you are indeed comfortable with the way of thinking of people who say they are civilized but the fact is they are people who like to do damage and destruction.

corn pop

it’s not ukrainians winning the information war, it’s our western presstitute carciofare! the lies keep catching up with them and then they just switch topics with a new bunch of lies…. but they’re running out of topics faster than ukraine is running out of shells, so sit tight.

Last edited 1 year ago by corn pop

there’s nothing particularly special about it. most european far-right/alt-right political parties support israel due to their primarily anti-islam stance.


thank you


not surprising at all if you’re aware of the similarities between zionism and fascism/nazism… similis simili gaudet!


if jesus would have lived in our times he would have been called an anti semite too, for sure, it seems like this was the reason to murder and crucify him! today their pursuit to wipe out their cousin semites the palestinians after almost a century long of abuses and mass murders and that of christians, arabs these loony zealots only show us one thing, they have utter contempt for humanity!


the palestinians are in fact the true descendants of the hebrews while the khazars actually claiming to be “jews” are a non-semitic people originating from ukraine and the caucasus region.

following jesus most palestinians became christians and some became muslims later on in history.

the roman emperors named the region “palestine” after the destruction of the second temple in 70 ad.

Last edited 1 year ago by Sebastian
corn pop

the khazars were a turkic people who adopted judaism

Edgar Zetar

israel will do whatever they want in gaza and palestine, they are the only power (protected by the masters of the universe and the empire of the exceptionals). so, you better not complaint or else, italian goverment is smart. the thing something big, very big is in the making, and before year 2026 we will some changes in worldwide geopolitics… just wait and see the turn over and the backslash… this could not continue forever. before 2026, wait, its on the making right now


women always break (poop emoji)


the vile lying zionazi sow will get the mussolini upside down treatment when the eussr collapses and pentacon occupation thugs are booted out of urupp. it’s coming and it won’t be that long. as slumville eats itself so too will the natostan abomination be destroyed.


meloni, from a working-class origin, is trying to climb at the top steps of the italian social ladder.


and that means ………………..what ???



actually, she comes from middle-low class, anyway, she is just another badass italian politico, as many others in the western countries, she also usually went to the italian parliament with hermes women’s bags costing about1000 euros each and even talked about the sharp increase in poverty in italy, quite ridiculous to put it mildly!!

best regards.

fabrice, greetings from italy.



continuation of the previous post.

obviously, all the shameful italian media mainstream didn’t point out this huge contradiction at all because they already knew that she was fake political opposition to deceive better italian common people!

best regards.

fabrice, greetings from italy.



she was also already a puppet in the hands of the aspen institute which is nothing more than a para-masonic society, like the bilderberg club but only to a lesser extent, which in turn is nothing more than an appendage of nato and who is in charge in nato? the answer is obvious: the american warmongers passed off by the shameful western media maistream as bearers of democracy and freedom, orwell is an amateur by comparison!

fabrice, greetings from italy.

Maximinus Thrax

there is no italy. just like there is no more germany, greece or france. there is some entities calling themselves by that name, but that is where the comparisons stop.


what did you think was going to happen ??? meloni is no different than orban talk a big game then do exactly what the occidentalist masters tell then to do

jens holm

i pay 200 turkish lira to shine meloni shoes

jens holm

not me. i too senile to ho sho gibber monkey

John Kesich

there were a million children in gaza. now there are nearly 3,000 fewer. the only thing more reprehensible than bombing and denying them water, food, medicine, electricity and fuel is pretending that this is self-defense.

remember rachel corrie, the uss liberty and all the victims – mostly palestinian – of us backed israeli terrorism.

Paul Citro

when will we learn that politicians campaign promises are lies while they are being made?


meloni can ram her strap on into my rectum

jens holm

i use fish and baloney


filthy puttana loves the hooked nose jewish pennis

Massa John

it’s all about insisting on the dollar as reserve currency, their only way to mess-up everything. western countries have been corrupted down to the last bone.

Massa John

first gadaffi, then hussein but at assat there was putin. now it’s putin then and later xi because in 10 years from now the chinese will throw a strike group in the ocean every month, so it’s now or never.

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