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MARCH 2025

It’s Weird: Iranian Supreme Leader Slams U.S. Offer Of ‘Help’ With COVID-19

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It's Weird: Iranian Supreme Leader Slams U.S. Offer Of 'Help' With COVID-19

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei casts his vote near his office in Tehran. Image source: Reuters

Iran’s Supreme Leader has slammed the U.S. offer of “help” with the coronavirus outbreak in the country, questioning Washington’s real intentions.

In a televised address on March 22, Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei said the offer of help is weird. The Supreme leader also criticized Washington’s management of the pandemic, touching on speculations that the virus was developed by the U.S. itself.

“Americans have said several times that ‘we are ready to help with treatment and medicine; just ask us and we will help’. This is one of the weirdest things which they tell us to ask them,” the Leader said, adding “Firstly, you have a shortage yourself and this is what American officials say. Secondly, you are accused of producing the virus. I do not know how true this accusation is, but when such an accusation is made, which wise person will ask for your help?”

The Supreme Leader went on to call U.S. officials “mendacious, deceitful, shameless and greedy,” describing them as “all kinds of charlatans who speak like charlatans.”

Iran is witnessing a widespread of the coronavirus with more than 21,000 reported cases. The deadly virus has claimed the lives of 1,683 Iranians, so far.

The U.S. offer to “help” Iran with the pandemic appears to be a propaganda move. While Washington was offering its “help,” it was actively increasing sanctions on the Islamic country.

Earlier this week, the U.S. sanctioned nine entities based in South Africa, Hong Kong and China, as well as three Iranian individuals, for engaging in “significant transactions” to trade in Iran’s petrochemicals. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Washington will maintain its maximum-pressure campaign to choke off Tehran’s ability to export its oil.

These measures show that the U.S. maybe trying to take advantage of the COVID-19 pandemic in Iran by employing the disaster in its “maximum pressure” campaign.


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and of course he is right -with a preponderance it all points to a joint effort by the jews in palestine /and the jews in the dysfunctinal states of A and the dysfunctional states of A itself – exactly how the joint work is carried out is not immediately obvious but it’s fair to surmise that the jews have manufactured the virus and set it in motion with the yankeetwats’ ok. China and Italy and others are just misdirections and the price you have to accept if you desire the jews to prosper in the middle east – they shan’t and won’t but the gullible in the white house is just that – gullible and the son in law, jewish war criminal kushner, is hard on the gullible’s tail.

Free man

The Supreme Old Dictator is unwilling to get help from the US even if it means sacrificing the lives of the Iranian citizens.


And Donald is right when he thinks he can fool useful idiots like you while so blatantly lying about his intentions, your incredible comment is a proof that this kind of propaganda works wonders indeed.

First by choosing the very date of the Persian New Year to annonce additional sanctions on the direly diminished country, and explicitly make clear that “Covid-19 will not save Iran from sanctions”, quite verbatim, and knowing full well that it already entails a 70% reduction in Iran’s otherwise exemplary pharmaceutical and medical sector not long ago still renowned in the region for its quality and effectiveness, and immediately moved to shoot down an Iranian request for an emergency 5-billion IMF package a few days ago, all the while completely ignoring constant calls from the UN, China, Russia and Pakistan to provide sanctions relief to aid Iran in combating the virus.

So yeah, Khamenei might well be a certified murderous dictator at home and responsible for a lot of pain and suffering of his own people, but that doesn’t make Donald any less guilty for every single Iranian dying today and for years because of a lack of meds or food.

You’re indeed free to be blind, man.

Free man

If you and the dictator are right, why not agree to get the help and when it is not given you will prove that Trump lied? But the Supreme Dictator will not take the chance. There is no way he will allow the US to help the Iranian people.

jade villaceran

what help are you talking about? let cia operatives go to iran as a doctor/specialist? supplies is impossible because usa is in shortage of med supplies and dont have working test kits, as of now china and russia help them with it


The Iranian Prez yesterday officially called on the US government to provide sanctions relief and his call were disregarded, what the heck are you even talking about ? do you even get the news before adopting a position ? And even then, how is the US actually going to help, considering everything the WH otherwise does is to worsen Iran’s fate nowadays ? Donald knows full well that their “help” is going to be rejected considering their otherwise hostile actions. Actions speak louder than your words and empty rhetoric or sloganeering anyways. He is a criminal and is responsible for a range of dire issues in his own country, I said one doesn’t cancel the other, read again, I don’t absolve the self-proclaimed dictator “guide” of his crime, contrary to you buying into Donald’s propaganda and parroting their lies and public posturing.

Jaime Galarza

Are you so blind? Haven’t you observed the development of relations between Iran and the US? When, after the Islamic Republic began, did the US approach the relationship with an honest attitude? Take the chance? Would you take the chance with somebody who has abused you many times? Take a look at the JCPOA. It was a very comprehensive treaty to limit Iran’s Iran’s enrichment capacity. The US, as is its custom, broke it. Hasn’t the US attacked Iran’s using several viruses such as STUXnet? What kind of person are you? Or would you tell your sister or daughter to give her abusive husband “a chance to allow to help” her? Anyway, do you read history? Or do you read the news’ Or at least, do you have common sense?

Xoli Xoli

USA is look for ways to infiltrate Iran and create bases in the name of coronavirus excused.

Zionism = EVIL

Well my friend, the Americunt arseholes have been trying to subvert Iran for 41 years since the revolution and have made fuckall progress as Iranians know that the Americunts are evil scum and supported the Pahlavi parasites and ripped off Iranian oil and that will never happen again. Iranian intelligence agencies are very good and are able to catch the CIA agents very easily and now have databases of western passports so even if the Jews and Americunts use western passports the Chinese AI systems can identify them. China is under similar threat so it shares all intel with Iran and Russia and now after the bio-warfare attack, this cooperation will reach stratospheric levels in all fields.

Xoli Xoli

Thank you .It is indeed a nice combination and information sharing.

Zionism = EVIL

All you mother fucker cowards do is spew impotence from the west. Ali Khamenei is the most admired man in Iran now and the region. What did your Jew arsehole parents do, run off to the west with Iran’s wealth. SCUM!


Sayyed Ali Khamenei leading from the front at Basra marshes 1981.


Another Gem

Zionism = EVIL


Sayyed Ali Khamenei with Sepah 155mm artillery shelling across Arvand Rood 1981.

Free man

“Ali Khamenei is the most admired man in Iran now and the region.” – LOL. This is probably why Iranian protesters are shouting “death to dictator” at every opportunity. My parents left with nothing and worked very hard in the West. I guess you are hatrfull and bitter because of your miserable life in Iran. You probably didn’t have the courage to run away.

Icarus Tanović

Wisely said. Thanks for explanation.


That don’t exonerate hitlary nor odummer nor biden nor bush nor cheney!


Trump will win 2020,liberal democrats can rot in hell with the fake republican bush+co! Freemasons ain’t going anywhere:

Just saying


Exceptionally Well Put, g84, Unfortunately, Free man has absolutely No understanding of his craven stupidity. And, to make matters worse is ‘happy-out’ in his present state of delusion…..

Icarus Tanović

Oh give us a break…


Trump 2020! Soros goes to hell:

chris chuba

Total BS. Iran has asked the U.S. to lift sanctions so that they can buy what they need to make buy their own medicine and medical supplies. This is real help. The U.S. has refused this request. Event GWB and Reagan did this for humanitarian reasons. Iran asked for this and got even more sanctions in response.


The humane narrative will be used against trump,but I guess if irans bush buddy whom helped cia get back in afghanistan after iraq war was done,there is every reason to mock credentials,infact barely any of the sanctions were signed by trump,proof there are too many liars here whom try to use that narrative,not so much usa cannot be trusted,of course you can’t with evil passing on illegal laws,what I don’t understand is how naive are the nations or is it rather deep fake medias trying to get trump put to put in biden?

Make no mistake Iran has a serious problem,of all infact the worse muslim nation gods wrath shown upon why? See they are entrenced in deep state neo-liberal doctrines, Usa too has their fkd up military deep state narrative to oblige too,so far atleast Trump made peace with north korea and to think how obvious to know of the low iq soros bots,who think they are better than the dumber soros bots,have been identified here, They will not oust trump,like they shant ever putin or xi or morrison because soros bots cannot nor ever have the attributes to outwit,outdo,or out fox the truth bearers (period)

You be the judge:


Your Jew parents have done a lot damage to your psyche. You have never been to Iran, so why spew ignorant hatred 24/7? Ayatollah Khamenei is a true revolutionary and very well respected in Iran and the region. He has steered Iran through some very tough times, including losing his arm to the terrorists and remained at the frontlines throughout Saddam’s war. You need to get over your childish delusions. Iranians are a great people and I have just seen them at their best.

Ashok Varma

There are some of these type of traitors in India too. Our government is friendly to Iran so keeps them in control.

Free man

The supreme dictator is Iran’s disaster. My parents are Iranian and they really don’t respect the dictator. I will tell you a small Iranian secret, opponents of the mullah regime love Iran much more than supporters of the mullahs cult.

Zionism = EVIL

Fuck you JEW CUNT!


If the USA really wants to help they would lighten the sanctions so Iran can buy needed medical supplies. Instead USA imposed fresh sanctions Marsh 17 2020. https://www.haaretz.com/middle-east-news/iran/u-s-increases-iran-sanctions-seeks-release-of-americans-amid-coronavirus-outbreak-1.8685134


Exactly, Washington is full of duplicitous assholes who’ve basically declared war on Iran. And now they act as though they want to help??? Fuck them. Russia should send aid soon, at least they can trust them.


Only China came to Iran’s instant assistance and now the Iranians have things under control like China, Iran will be COVID-19 free in a few weeks.


The US not unsurprisingly has shown a very ugly and repulsive spiteful face. I was in Iran recently, and it was amazing to see the time honored Persian unity and resilience in very tough times at display. The Iranians are a 3,000 year old proud civilization and stood tall and passed this test too, but now every Iranian hates the US to the core. The only nation that has garnered unlimited respect and admiration in Iranian hearts is China, which instantly came to Iran’s aid despite being gripped by its own medical emergency. US is a soulless, greedy and spiteful charlatan and no one will forget that.

Zionism = EVIL

DAROOD BAR RAHBAR. Great brave man.


A young Ayatollah Khamenei with an Artesh officer under Saddam’s fire at Khorramshahr


Z=E, you do have these great surprises from time to time. Fair play to you, they are much appreciated.

Zionism = EVIL

Merci Azizam, Yeki bood, yeki nabood :) I just say it like it is.

Zionism = EVIL

Let me tell you kiddies a few home truths, the Americunts have proved to be savage hateful ignorant cunts again, so surprise there. Iran and China were the main victims of this Americunt and Zionist bio-warfare attack and Iran has been under the worst illegal sanctions in human history and still with noble Chinese assistance beat back the attack along with China. I am not a big fan of theocratic regimes, but now total admiration for Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei for his honesty and resolute leadership. That should come as no surprise either, as Ayatollah Khe menei has a proven record of courage and bravery dating back to the Jange Tahmili (crazy Saddam’s war) and spent years with the troops in the frontlines and that is why he a devoted following in the Sepah and Basij, who were once again quickly mobilized.

The inhuman behavior of western cunts has now been exposed to all and Iranian population has a very long memory and will never forgive the Americunt beasts who even sanctioned medicines in the middle of the pandemic. Only China came to instant assistance and the so-called Islamic world which is a basketcase anyway proved to be equally dehumanized as not one country even offered cursory help. Iranians again stood alone and beat back the worst bio-warfare attack in human history and only China, their all weather friend and ally stood by them. LONG LIVE SINO-PERSIAN BROTHERHOOD. FUCK AMERICUNTS. LONG LIVE RAHBAR!


Ashok Varma

Iran is good country and US failures are making in more desperate and evil.

Zionism = EVIL

Americunt savages at their best:

White supremacists in the US are encouraging their members to spread coronavirus to cops, Jews, FBI says The alert was sent to local police agencies by federal officials.

Ashok Varma

I have lived in America and an average racist hates the Jews.


And let us not forget all of those Yanki sanctions are illegal. Yanki Scumbags only seek propaganda edge to spin fake news across the globe through MSM

Ashok Varma

No country in history has ever imposed sanctions on medicines, US and Zionists do it regularly from Iraq, Gaza to Iran.

Dušan Mirić

Wise man

Xoli Xoli

USA is the enemy of Iran what help to their want to offer.Obviously their want to infect more Iranians.Of cause it is USA who infected Chinese and Iranians to destroy both economies. USA cant even help their allies as their want mass depopulation. Turkey,Italy,Britain and South Korea are suffering.Even USA population are suffering bloody greedy Babylonians.

cechas vodobenikov

only an idiot asks an amerikan for help—like amerikans, their govt is deceitful and greedy—the price for amerikan help is slavery and loss of sovereignty—Huntington was right—nobody admires amerikan values or their ugly nation…it has been their capacity “to organize violence” that has informed their success…this Trojan horse likely includes AIDS infected testing kits


Iran already asked the US to lift the sanctions.

Zionism = EVIL


As a result, Khamenei on Sunday echoing rising public anger at US and in line with Chinese government statements on American complicity in coronavirus attack on both the nations, refused accepting hypocritical U.S. assistance in fighting the virus, picking up on the widely accepted theory promoted by Chinese officials, the Associated Press reported. Some Chinese leaders have openly stated that coronavirus was designed in a biological warfare lab by the U.S. to target their country, which was the first in the world to be hit by the novel virus

Assad must stay

US is barely able to stop coronavirus or help its own people, elon musk and some engineers are the ones making new masks and ventilators, maybe iran should ask these people not US govt


US is seeking Chinese medical supplies as the greedy rich people are hoarding basic supplies. Most of US health care system is in private Jew hands and they only cater for their own. An average American has worst fate than even the poorest parts of the world.

Assad must stay

I hope this evil is truly stopped soon

Zionism = EVIL

It has stopped in China and Iran. This was the most vicious Americunt and Zionist bio-warfare attack in history and now the blowback has begun. More Americunt evil cowards will die than anywhere as the fuckers are mean, nasty and evil and have no healthcare system.

Assad must stay

Yes, I have heard that the reason italy got hit so hard is because they share similarities genetically with iranians, interesting if true

Zionism = EVIL

Very smart, yes, both are Caucasian/Mediterranean people (Aryans) and Italians and Iranians have similar genes and a lot of interaction for centuries during Roman and Persian Empire era. Italy was also attacked due to its participation in the Chinese One Belt project.

Assad must stay

Yes, how much longer do you think it will last, and what do you recommend one does if they get it?

Zionism = EVIL

I believe as I said a few weeks ago, if you keep fit, have good hygiene, eat properly and stay away from congested places you should be fine. You are younger than I am, so should not worry about. Also depends on where you live. If your country has good universal health care and close family ties then there is nothing to worry about. Just take precautions. The impact will be worse in shithole countries like America where the greedy bastards have no health care and hoard everything from stores. Iran and China are old civilizations and managed it well as their societies are strong and used to hardships, not like the Anglo-Saxon mean bastards who only care for themselves. More people will die of panic and stress in these shitholes than the COVID-19 biological weapon.


Assad must stay

Haha thanks stay safe and well :)

Free man

When the Corona crisis is over, the world will hold China and the mullahs responsible for spreading the virus worldwide. You’ll probably stay healthy because you live alone. Those who don’t meet other people probably won’t be infected.


It appears to have ‘slowed’ a little in China but it hasn’t stopped altogether. And I don’t think it’s actually stopped in Iran, or even slowed down at all has it?

Ashok Varma

Respect from India for our Iranian friends Namaste. Our media reports that China and Iran were the intended targets of Pentagon bio-warfare and Italians who share Iranian DNA characteristics were collateral damage. US actions are genocidal criminal.

James Adams

Iran is hiding the true extent of the infection. The government needs to be overthrown for a democratically elected one.


Good call – remember the smallpox blanket donation to the indians.

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