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January 21, 2024. AFU Shelled Market In Center Of Donetsk. Civilians Were Killed

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January 21, 2024. AFU Shelled Market In Center Of Donetsk. Civilians Were Killed

Photo from the scene of shelling in Donetsk

In the morning of January 21, 2024, the Kirov district of Donetsk came under fire. The main blow fell on the market in the Tekstilshchik district. There are currently 25 dead and 20 injured.

The head of the DPR Denis Pushilin reported that the market was hit when it was most crowded. He blamed the AFU for the shelling.

“According to preliminary information, at least 13 dead and 10 wounded as a result of a monstrous shelling of the market territory in Donetsk’s Tekstilshchik neighborhood.”


He specified that operational services are working on the site, and information about the dead and injured continues to come in. Specialists are looking for fragments of ammunition used in the shelling.

January 21, 2024. AFU Shelled Market In Center Of Donetsk. Civilians Were Killed

Photo from the scene of shelling in Donetsk

According to updated data, the death toll has risen to 25 people. At least 20 people were injured, including two children. There are many seriously injured among the victims. Debris removal continues.


According to the DPR representation in the Joint Center for Control and Coordination of Issues of Ukrainian War Crimes, more than 10 shells of 152 and 155 mm caliber were fired from barrel artillery at the Kirovsky district during the morning. The strike came from two directions: Kurakhovsky and Krasnogorovsky.

January 21, 2024. AFU Shelled Market In Center Of Donetsk. Civilians Were Killed

Photo from the scene of shelling in Donetsk

In addition, a drone munition was dropped on a repair crew fixing an accident on heating networks in Kuibyshev district. The head of Donetsk city, Oleksiy Kulemzin, reported that an excavator worker was injured – the excavator was burned.

This incident once again confirms that the Ukrainian armed forces have no intention of honestly fighting for their independence and are ready to kill civilians at the behest of their Western handlers.


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start an offensive and liquidate all those who do not surrender, after that interrogate the prisoners to find out those responsible for the massacres of civilians, try those guilty of war crimes and those sentenced to hard labor for life, better that way than to execute them

Gaza Is In Ruins!

i would hate to be russian, poo-tin does not even have enough common sense to deploy extra air defense systems to properly cover donbass, when he knows that city is a favorite target of the ukrops for years! these senseless deaths should not be happening and just shows the incompetence of the russians!

Georgeous George

cant become russian if you are low iq, better go to europe they take everybody.

jens holm

speak for your self.

i see sober reflexions.


and yet russia refuses to place ukrainian officers for court martial


denazification as in dead and burned nazi$ is a tad more serious and time saving than some silly “court martial”.

jens holm

they must be at least 65 years old.

jens holm

if they follow orders they are loyal soldiers.

i they dont cant make crimes as well accidents and choise noise(fx civilsions go too).

in den haag are over 20.000 accudes cases.

and there rules for soldiers. you shall give up 100% or else you will be shot.

you should look up. most soldiers from both sides follows that. thats the wagners did not. by that ukras changed too – not all.


russia has been in theater for two years and yet ukraine is still able to attack the city of donetsk with artillery ???


yep. because this is a game.

if this were a real war, it would be over by now.


quite the opposite, in your little call of duty video games the war would have been finished within a few hours. real life is very different.

jens holm

much to me as russians try to save pension for many.

jens holm

haha. they are in the outskifs and normal greades are 10-20-30 km and himars much more.

try maps. donesk for are period a time was named stalino after joseph.


as long as putin,shoigo and gerasimov is in charge russians will die every day.putin cnt wait to become good friend of macron,biden,boris,scholts and all killers including israel.


this shitvhas gone on for 9 years and will not stop until those bastards are out of range, russia should have annihilated maidan by now and turned it to rat shit.

Gneaus stapo

should have, would have, it only it could or even cared.

Lance Ripplinger

patrick lancaster has been on the scene, documenting the terrorist attack by the afu. the carnage is unspeakable.


when this wanton bloodshed comes to the evil eussr, formerly known as urupp, the local tax cattle must realize that they have been betrayed by the filth they call their gubermints and the pedovore politburo in natostan capital brussels. these demons do the bidding of the $atanic lords of the evil anglozionazi empire of filth until the day they are taken “down”…permanently. if ussa imagines it can burn urupp again without paying the price then it is very much mistaken. z

Gneaus stapo

jedem das seine.

Gneaus Stapo

i sucked off my german nazi commanders dik five times today! i’m a faithful and loyal servant. even learned some german in my spare time to woo my herr commander during foreplay.

Gneaus stapo

good for u, whatever floats ur boat

jens holm

thsts nothing. rissians killed and wounded many more in kiev and kharkov today.

they has nicers ruins too.

Kev not Kiev

the ukrainians have to beat up kids on school buses to conscript them to the front, the russians don’t, all russia has to do is show people how ukrainians target banana shops and the recruitment centers get flooded with volunteers. don’t mess with the banana babushkas…or else…winter offensive from hell…

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