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Japan And South Korea Clash In Local Variant Of US-Chinese Economic War

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Japan And South Korea Clash In Local Variant Of US-Chinese Economic War

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On July 15th, South Korean President Moon Jai-in warned that Japan’s tightened economic pressure against Seoul could harm Tokyo more.

He said that Japan’s strengthened export controls of photoresists and other sensitive materials mainly to manufacture semiconductors and display screens could hurt its export-dependent economy and disrupt global supply chains.

“Japan’s export restrictions have broken the framework of economic cooperation between South Korea and Japan that had continued over a half-century based on mutual dependence,” Moon said.

“The shattered credibility of cooperation with Japan in the manufacturing industry will inspire our companies to break out of their dependence on Japanese materials, components and equipment and work toward diversifying import sources or localizing the technologies. I warn that, eventually, it will be the Japanese economy that will be damaged more.”

Approximately a week earlier, Japan tightened restrictions on the export of three materials used in high-tech equipment, citing “inadequate management” of sensitive items exported to South Korea.

The curbs were seen as a response to a South Korean court ruling last year ordering a Japanese company to compensate South Koreans who were forced into labor during World War II.

Japanese officials have cited “inadequate management” of sensitive items exported to South Korea as a reason behind the curbs, as well as lack of information sharing on export controls.

Reportedly, Japan’s NHK and FNN broadcasters reported that hydrogen fluoride, one of the three materials covered by the curbs that can also be used in chemical weapons, had been shipped to North Korea after being exported to the South.

South Korea responded that the accusations were groundless and called for a UN investigation into the matter.

Kim You-geun, deputy chief of South Korea’s presidential National Security Office, said South Korea has been thoroughly implementing U.N. sanctions against North Korea over its nuclear weapons program. He demanded that Japan provide evidence for claims made by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and his conservative aides that there may have been illegal transfers of sensitive materials from South Korea to North Korea.

Kim said the Seoul government proposes Japan accept an inquiry by the U.N. or another international body over the export controls of both countries to end “needless arguments” and to clearly prove whether the Japanese claims are true or not.

“If the result of the investigation reveals that our government did something wrong, our government will apologize for it and immediately apply measures to correct it,” said Kim, reading a prepared statement on live TV.

“We will continue boycotting the consumption and distribution of Japanese products until Japan’s government and the Abe administration apologizes and withdraws its economic retaliation,” Kim said, referring to Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.

“If the result shows that our government has done nothing wrong, the Japanese government should not only apologize but also immediately withdraw the exports restrictions that have the characteristics of a (political) retaliation. There also should be a thorough investigation on (any) Japanese violation,” he said.

On June 9th, South Korea’s trade minister said an “emergency inspection” of companies that process and export the chemicals imported from Japan found no sign of illegal transactions allowing them to reach North Korea or any other country affected by United Nations sanctions.

On July 12th, Japanese and South Korean officials sat down in Tokyo to discuss the tightening of the sanctions, but there appears to be little result.

Following the meetings, Lee Ho-hyeon, a South Korean trade ministry official, gave a briefing. He said that apanese officials cited inadequate bilateral discussions as a reason why they tightened controls on high-tech exports to South Korea, but they didn’t clearly say whether Tokyo believes Seoul may have illegally transferred sensitive materials to North Korea.

Following the South Korean announcement, a Japanese trade official was cited as saying that the sanctions were prompted by a review of trade policy and were not related to WW2 reparations.

These developments are at least partly a direct result of the Trump Administration’s policy towards its economic partners. The recent US actions against the EU bloc in terms of trade, as well as more specifically towards China have created the necessity for the Washington-led establishment to take steps in filling the gaps created by the antagonistic policy that Washington has been applying.

At the same time, the history between Seoul and Tokyo has been completely disregarded, and Washington appears to have overestimated its ability to “push its allies into line.” Forcing both its allies in a falsely established alliance is causing ripples that, with time, would get only stronger. In a sense, Washington’s trade policy, and otherwise, have opened a sort of “Pandora’s Box,” especially in Southeastern Asia.


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‘Completely unacceptable’: Theresa May reprimands Donald Trump over US Democrat women rant.




I agree with a lot of what he says. And disagree with some as well. Ignoring the destruction of the Iran deal for Israel, the embassy move, the scam peace plan, the Talmud/occult Kabbalah underpinnings of Judaism, the mass rape of 1,000 children every week by blood sucking Jew perverts, and I could go on. Are all areas of disagreement that I have with what was presented in the video.

Short of starting a war with Iran. To which there is enormous domestic institutional resistance. Trump has caved in to the Jews over and over again. Who have succeeded in almost completely eviscerating the antiwar anti Jew world order America First platform that Trump got elected on. At the rate that he’s going, if he doesn’t clean up his act, he’s going to be a 1 term president due to his constant throwing his base under the bus for the vermin Jew. Which will allow them to get another Jew marionette in office more to their liking.


“1,000 children every week” He didnt say every week! He said that between NXIUM, Epstein for many decades that thousands have been victims!

i have made my opinions on Trump and Israel! i have always said that Trump is playing “the art of war” which he has been quoting for 20 years! Trump wrote a book called “the art of the deal” Here are some of his tweets from many years a go! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7eb7d7471e3d1bb9ef7adbddcffb01c07ab8fa30b6b337bf1ce5ec2eb59f5bb9.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3e4cd22cbc6141ce8e9eb4586d1bf8a5c876a7ca1c48e40afd2efbe7e7323cb5.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/5b6f20100a9a7fad9d7224a772788f3b7e6479cb28c852aa413a3edbd406a983.png

the most famous of course is:

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d4d5cfb0d80070bb158795848ee7540f61474066eae43313ddc322774b87f9e0.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d2da739bd3f55afb45544db84e996f57b75d3ee704bf00945fd3d99e6033adaa.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7920a8fb1abb1972d9c260dd22c4806bc3181d5e6107c59abe6b8986300ca870.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7b365ec214eb19d00f05cf5e229bd2cea938fe72f7f2a9f5431f8aa72dcaad6b.jpg

Nobody on this site knows about the Intelligence war that is occurring! WW3 is already being fought! Its a cyber war and an intel war! Do you remember the former Israeli President who so happened to be in the Israeli special Forces and as the head of Mossad?

Did you know he has been visiting Epstein’s mansion for years/??

Intel collection! See his body guard?

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/984e7429aeaa903ade9fcc7775628ed6594843cb4406e65e2e0dc7a28fadbdde.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/05f685621a7430c895f80f852009e9b6b39402daf39f78a494f42e9bd6b7fc68.png

i am asking the people on this site to LISTEN! Yes the CIA created Al-quieda and ISIS! Mossad is the Big brother of the CIA (its master) Mossad created Hamas!

(create your enemies in order to conquer them)

But the problem that people on this site have is understanding they Israel (jewish Globalists) created the new China! Does it take a genious to figure out why the US and the West transferred its industries to a communist nation?

The tech is transferred either by being copied, stolen or sold (think Clinton bathroom server)

China has zero gun laws, one political party, no new politicians coming through the pipelines, a President for life, Digital spy grid, social credit system stays out of wars whilst the US is at war in 5 countries for 30 years!

They are bankrupting the USA and transferring their new Zionist HQ to China!

Understand that they own other bigger enemies too (China and NK) after the fall of the Soviet Union! Trump was and is an intel agent too (just like Putin), funded (like Epstein), working for the NSA (good guys), Knows everything thats been going on (friends with all bad guys for decades) gathering intel!

The white hats are in power! Why is he doing all these good things for Israel? “Keep your friends close and your enemies even closer”

Can American Jews call him anti-semitic? an they say he did nothing for Israel? No!

But the bought and paid for Zionist MSM and left attack him like never before!

The beginning of the end is here! Mossad’s stolen Soviet nuclear sub was destroyed by Russia and the USA working together!

Russian Spy sub found, tracked the rogue sub for a year! Russian and US sub killed the rogue sub when Trump had washington defended heavily under the disguise of a military parade (notice the timing of the sub incident and the military parade?)

The good guy russian attack sub was injured in the destruction of the Rogue sub that was to be used as an insurance policy! (to start a war between Russia and the USA)

Qanon KNEW all this was going to happen and when!

Around July 4 (maximum concentration of military protection in Washington) Russian top secret spy sub found and tracked rogue sub Russian and US attacks subs killed rogue sub Russian attack sub damaged but ok Rogue sub dead!

The movie “The Hunt For Red October” is about a rogue Russian Sub! Over a year a go Qanon said why was ‘the hut for’ dropped / removed?”

Because the top secret super stealth Russian spy sub found it and tracked it! Trump needed july 4th parade to fiercely protect washington but not raise alarm to normal people!

Insurance policy gone! NK denuked and friendly China subdued to sanctions Did not take the bait on Iran drone attack Epstein/ NXIUM / Mossad control via honey trap ended!

Game over!

Things will change but quietly! Wars will end and Mossad assets will be destroyed! Israel to subdue and submit! Now Putin can clean Russia from similar mossad elements in Govt!

Russia to become allies with the USA officially after 2020 election! China to be sanctioned due to election interference! Google, facebook twitter to be broken up! New internet bill of rights to become law very soon!

Watch as all i predict comes true although i did not predict this, it was told to us by high level intel people!

Watch what happens! Google and Facebook all worked on behalf of China for the Zionist takeover!

trust me im right on this! Might sound crazy but just remember what i said, screen shot it i dont care, just remember i told u!

Green light was given to attack it!

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/58871d9bd81cadc84ccfc62a5db32ddf99d23712ed79d77b6cd32ba692c67110.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/5c6ca36c1d024a9f9d4eb71ffb66040940014df8ccbeef50dcf387d77c58799a.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e37ef96b3099508c683eb4d8640b507f76f6867642fe1da500b52413dc336d8d.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/617d56b6c58c797c8c5a221c3bb8b952ac6eb2f25764870fc212391b7493827c.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/98544a57f9b4d09f1e325cb3a6f96ddb8d1d461a9f5de683f5560425d39d6fe1.png


You’re misstating what I wrote. I said that the Jews rape 1,000 children every week. Not Pieczenik. More of them in Israel than anywhere else.

I’ve read Sun Tzu. Some of it I agree with, some of it I don’t. I’ve driven a 75 foot car carrier for the past 20 years. Most of it as an owner operator. The past 10 years with my own state and federal transportation authorities, insurance, load board subscriptions, customers, etc. A king of the road.

I also have USMC, mercenary special forces, Front Sight Academy and private security officer training, certification and experience. Including 10 years of ETED contact field work.

My experience in life and the criteria that I use for judging what’s happening is primarily the judicial process of verifiable grades of evidence and the scientific method of hypothesis, theory and fact verifiable in properly run scientific testing laboratories and real life examples. Augmented by metaphysics. Because metaphysics has a history of some of it being verifiable using the scientific method as our technology advances.

Long story short. I judge people primarily by what they do. Not by what they or others say. You’ve offered a ton of unverified conjecture that is currently unsupported by judicial quality evidence and the scientific method. The conclusions that you’ve drawn are speculative at best. And directly contradicted by facts in a number of instances. Such as the fact that Judaism was outlawed in China and the Jews were kicked out decades ago. Almost all Jews in China today are foreigners there for work or tourism. To the best of my knowledge, there are no functioning synagogues or yeshivas in China.

As far as the whole cyber and intel thing winning wars. They’re part of the mix. But shooting wars are won on the battlefield with weapons. Intel always plays a part in what orders are given on how to use or not use the weapons and forces involved. But for the most part is subordinate to the forces and weapons involved.

Non shooting “wars” can be just about anything that anyone wants to describe them as. When I’m referring to wars, I’m primarily referring to shooting wars. Not the wide variety of other conflicts that some people like yourself like to describe as wars.


My first questions to you: Did they really find and kill Osama Bin Laden? Is the Double peer reviewed Global Warming narrative True? Did Israel attack USS liberty? Did the False flag Gulf of Tonkin event really occur? Was Kennedy killed by Russian agents?

There goes your scientific verified facts!

“As far as Q is concerned. It’s obviously a psyop, probably US government, and almost certainly a mix of accurate information, half truths and disinfo.”

That Trump himself is involved in! Qanon baby predicted in October 2018

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/270d14e14b1a309400ea7118c8c1241911f51c49af3d408c9c6e4780e507d8bd.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d816065ca0fb275c979f647b8c9c40e6bc0daaa411b15a289e439b5ed7193c19.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7283b5d7d12de423ca2d439a0d513067f0b84eea87b94e1f1027fbf8b4673f1e.png

Trump calls to the crowd, “look at that baby”! Baby has a Q on its back!

Not a Psyop but an intelligence leak informing the people! Q is 100 bigger than you think!

Nothing is verified until its verified of course but when mathematical impossibilities equate to collaboration then it gets ur attention!

Something GOOD is happening in the USA and i think u are missing out! Since when would a President drop the opportunity to attack iran?

I think u are missing the big picture!

Here is my response to your scientific verification….. The Global warming narrative was proven by a double peer review! That review was a political fasade! in other words its bullshit!

But if u stick to your rules then u must agree that its all real!


The NIST 911 study was a scam. The big pharma psycho shooter drug approval studies are scams. Because the available evidence disproves them. You’re mistaking format for content. Counterfeiting bills doesn’t make them currency.

Unless something has changed with Q. The last time that I looked at it. You might as well read Nostradamus quatrains.

Trump has run a full court press against the Palestinians for the Jews. Cutting funding, closing offices, giving away the Golan and Jerusalem that aren’t his to give away. A deal of the century that is the mockery of the century. Withdrawing from the UN human rights commission. Ignoring the Gaza carnage.

I’m looking at what he’s done. You’re looking at some out in left field fringe conspiracy theory grasping at straws about what’s written on a diaper at a campaign rally. And are putting faith in the ramblings of an AshkeNAZI Jew like Pieczenik claiming things diametrically opposed to what is obviously happening.

That’s not the type of source material for making rational assessments that meets the minimum standards for credibility. In a court of law the judge would not only not allow someone like the Jew shrink your referencing to testify as an expert witness. If you tried to submit your Q material you might get threatened with contempt.

Do you honestly believe that Trump, Kushner and the rest of the zioswamp are trying to force Israel into accepting a deal that the Palestinians would accept after all that Trump’s done against them? I don’t.


OK let me explain to you clearly why this video i sent you with Dr Steve Piezcenik is what Trump also thinks!

1. More and more Q is confirming Trump and Trump is confirming Q. if u need proof ask me later but just take my word for it (and the other 1 billion followers because its a huge movement)

So if Trump is confirming Q…. and therefore Q and Trump are totally on the same page…… then Explain this:

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/43355794497fcc71525011cc49944a254fe72600edd5ed5d98104de19b5de1b7.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/17a547747b6dbbf87691742dade141b0d50f0569f7cf98cbf574a71d12214383.png

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ad8f0ee380d8f5b30e705da75903cfb4bd625f072ee9f1db1b746aa474061849.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/1690ac3f960360c2b10aa24550e2b864a13c82a84aafb231a5fe57382eb2d50d.png

There are a lot more mentions of Mossad and israel but just consider the above posts!

So if Steve Pieczenic (former head of black ops and big time heigh level intel guy) is saying this stuff about Israel that you and i already know to be true

And Q is saying the same thing

And Trump is most certainly confirming Qanon and they are absolutely on the same page

Then it tells you this: “keep your friends close but your enemies even closer”!

So Pieczenic is saying the same as Q. Q is confirmed and vice versa by Trump! There youtube video above = totally what is occuring!


The Q material isn’t judicial quality proof that the Pieczenic contentions are true. Neither of them would be admitted in a court of law as evidence because they don’t meet the minimum thresholds. What would be admitted says that Pieczenic is lying. https://www.justice-integrity.org/images/jip/m-r-photos/mike-pompeo-cheated-graphic.jpg


“Q had predicted Republican success in the 2018 US midterm elections, and claimed that Attorney General Jeff Sessions was involved in secret work for Trump, with apparent tensions between them a cover”

This is absolutely true! Sessions created so many unsealed indictments its insane! Sessions is who really got Epstein charged Sessions named Rosenstein as Deputy and he turned out to be on Trump’s team which enabled them to control Muellar Sessions Hired Huber and Horowitz Horowitz (the IG) has 432 lawyers working for him and over 100,000 indictments have been created! Huber is far away in New Mexico away from the washington leaky city and is doing massive investigations on the pedo’s and deep state!

Sessions hired them all! That is why Q refers to Sessions as the “Stealth Bomber”!

Flynn was the former DIA and they set him up to get him out of office! But Charges on Flynn will be reversed since they know he came into FBI questioning willingly and was setup! Charges on Flynn are being reversed!

Do not Quote wikipedia on this dude! Go straight to the source please!

I feel like i am the only person who knows whats going on!

You will see, its an intelligence war! Of course there is double play and people taking one for the team! I would not be surprised if Muellar comes out on the July 24th hearing and says “China interfered in US election”!

Then the shit will really hit the fan!

This proof and evidence thing u are doing is for science, not for clandestine operations! Because clandestine operations are base on deception!


You’re crazy, your psycho babble isn’t supported any by credible evidence. What I’ve stated is supported by high quality evidence. And it clearly contradicts Pieczenik. There is zero credible evidence that Trump is going to force Israel into a deal that the Palestinians will even negotiate, let alone accept. Q is bs, any rational person can see it. You’ve disproven nothing in the Wikipedia article. The only thing that your psych babble proves is that you’re insane.


you are going on a crazy rant not understanding what u are saying because u havent read anything from the Q posts!

READ BELOW!!! FACTS!!!!! just read!!!! dont get all hot and flustered please! i know what i am talking about and i read for many hours every day! This is not a tit for tat debate i am having with u its a discussion and i can satisfy your need for “evidence” with PROOF!

” Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ decision to bring in U.S. Attorney John Huber. Turley called it “brilliant”to combine all the powers of the U.S. Department of Justice’s inspector general with a prosecutor who can bring charges, seek indictments, and get results for President Trump far more quickly than a second special counsel.”

Sessions informed Congress in his letter that all the matters recommended for investigation by Goodlatte, Gowdy, and Grassley are “fully within the scope of [Huber’s] existing mandate.” He also informed the chairmen that Inspector General Michael Horowitz, who is working with Huber, has a staff of 470 investigators, giving Huber access to enormous investigative firepower that far exceeds the staff of any special counsel.

That point is critical because as Sessions’ March 29 letter explains, the inspector general’s jurisdiction to conduct civil and criminal investigations includes “actions taken by former employees after they have left government service.” Then Huber can act on any of those matters.”

470 investigators!!!!!!!!!

The office of the Inspector General!

The IG is reporting in 2 months (was expected to report this month but the Epstein case has delayed it by 2 months)

“The Inspector General’s jurisdiction extends not only to allegations of legal violations, but also to allegations that Department employees violated established practices as well,” Sessions added in his letter, which means that the IG’s report can hold people accountable even for actions that do not violate a specific statute.

“I think [Sessions] did the right thing here,” said Turley. “I think the president should listen to General Sessions on this one.”

Sessions “can always appoint a special counsel,” Turley explained, but that should not even be necessary because Huber “has the ability to prosecute cases.”

“Do these prosecutors have the same power to investigate and get to the bottom of things that a special counsel would have?” Varney asked.

“Actually, yes,” Turley answered. “I think people are missing what could be a brilliant move here by Sessions. What he did is he essentially combined the powers of the inspector general with the powers of a line prosecutor.”

“This prosecutor does have not just the experience and training to look for a criminal case; he has the ability to move a case of that kind” in court, Turley emphasized.

Not only that, but if Sessions believes crimes were committed, but Huber for some reason does not bring charges, “Sessions has reserved the right to go ahead and appoint a special counsel,” said Turley.

“That’s a powerful combination,” he observed.

When Varney asked if Huber and Horowitz’s status as “Obama holdovers” creates a possible problem for Sessions and President Trump, Turley said no, observing that each man has a great reputation as a “dogged investigator.”

“Attorney General Jeff Sessions is exploring a potential investigation of social media companies and will be briefed on Sept. 25 by Republican state attorneys general who are already examining the firms’ practices, according to two people familiar with the matter.

The meeting — which will include a representative of the Justice Department’s antitrust division — is intended to help Sessions decide if there’s a federal case to be made against companies such as Alphabet Inc.’s Google, Facebook Inc. and Twitter Inc. for violating consumer-protection or antitrust laws, the people said. They asked not to be identified discussing the matter because of its sensitivity.”

This is happening NOW in the Senate!! On Flynn, if u read up u would know that Flynn’s removal was expected but Trump hired Ezra Cohen-Watnick who worked under flynn at the DIA and knows all the same information! Trump hired him as advisor too! Flynn took a bullet for the Team.

READ THESE 2 web pages!

https://www.foxnews.com/politics/sessions-federal-prosecutor-evaluating-alleged-fbi-doj-wrongdoing-no-second-special-counsel-for-now https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/it-exists-doj-finds-letter-ordering-scrutiny-of-uranium-one-hillary-clinton/ar-BBUzHJZ?ocid=st

i also refer u to this: Sessions hired Rod Rosenstein who turned out to be a “good guy”! Rod Rosenstein over saw the Meullar probe and the Meullar probe came out with “no collusion”! The Deep state was PLAYED!

Sessions started quiet investigations into Clintons, Epstein Uranium one in the middle of 2017 (2 years a go)

You need to read the Q leaks and the links supplied!


Where did all of this copy and paste come from? I don’t want to follow a daisy chain of unverifiable fiction.


The Hill, Fox news, MSN, CBS etc! What i wrote about sessions is COMMON KNOWLEDGE if you are actively following this information!

If you do not know about IG Horowitz then you dont know whats going on! If you dont know about Huber, then you dont now whats going on! If you dont know about Rod Rosenstein turning out to be a good guy AND AN EYE WITNESS to FISA abuse (because he was a singee) then you dont know whats going on!

these 3 things above were all put in place by Jeff Sessions! Why would sessions recuse himself, name Rod Rosenstein as is deputy and have Rosensetin (a deep state insider) be i charge of the Special Council?

Why did FBI deputy Director tell the New York Times that Rosenstein asked him “Do you want me to wear a wire?” in order to incriminate Trump!

if you dont know about ANY of this, then lets be completely honest Richard, you have no idea what is going on! Thats why i am telling you! Read the Q leaks OR watch those videos i posted to you!

I am not crazy, i actually know what is going on, people are too lazy to find the truth! i have been saying this for 18 months and every call i have made has been correct! Including Iranian Missile bases in Syria!


Governments have been corrupt since day one. Some more than others. Why do you except these investigations in along line of investigations to turn out any different than the white wash and damage control that is standard operating procedure?

Sessions threw Trump under the bus, he said that hiring Sessions was the biggest mistake he made. He fired both Sessions and Eisenstein. Your 1984 Orwellian psycho babble doesn’t change that.


Disinfo! You are falling for the main stream narrative that Trump wants his enemies to think! the entire reson you think the way you are is because you have obviously havent read all the Q posts which link you to REAL evidence and facts!

Sessions was not a mistake if he hired the IG and Huber to investigate EVERYTHING!

People needed to think that Rosenstein was a deep state guy! He was a ood guy the whole time! Watch the videos! just watch (since u dont like to read)


Q isn’t credible judicial quality evidence. All of your 1984 Orwellian double speak about endless federal investigations proves nothing. These types of investigations are standard political jockeying in DC.

Trump has shown zero indication that he’s going to coerce Israel into a deal with the Palestinians. He’s been the most anti Palestinian pro Israel president since Truman, another Jew puppet.

I never disagreed that investigations are happening. Only that they aren’t going to be used to force Israel into a deal. Trump has 15 months until he’s removed from office for selling out America First to the Jews. All of these investigations will go away with him with nothing accomplished. Just like JFK, the USS Liberty, white water, 911, Clinton’s crimes, Russiagate and on and on.

He’s funded every war, stopped non of them, run the debt and deficit up to record levels, given Israel more than any president since Truman, and failed at or circular filed 90% of what he ran on that got him elected. Unless he pulls a rabbit out of the hat or the dems shoot themselves in the foot. He’s headed for the door with almost none of what he ran accomplished. And having done the exact opposite of what he said that he was going to do that got him in office against all odds. Maybe he bit off more than he could chew or underestimated Jew evil and corruption. Whatever the reasons his failures and swamp pandering are plain to see.


“Where did all of this copy and paste come from, Q”

Some from “The Hill” Some from Breitbart But honestly this can be found anywhere! it is no secret that sessions hired Huber and ordered the Inspector General! it is no secret that Huber operates out of UTAH which is as far away from DC as u can get! Huber has 470 investigators and with the IG can can combine massive judicial powers that is x 100 what a special council can do!

Clinton Emails Pedo honey traps Uranium one FISA abuse

And soooo much more! Stay tuned, Huber set for August or September (was due in july until Epstein arrested) WATCH!!!!


Richard please dont get upset, just listen to these videos when u get time! Sessions was hired by Trump and recused himself from the Russia probe! Why? Why didnt Trump fire Sessions immediately? Why was Sessions employed by Trump for 2 whole years???

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xsy20_Lyz-g https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mDbtkZrwfrA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LqZT8PQfQKw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sQl7pjddY9E


I’m calling it the way that I see it. Would you like me to quote you the industry standards for judicial admissible evidence? I assure you, Q doesn’t make the grade.


Watch this video below and tell me in your heart of hearts that something isnt going on!

By the way the Evidence you refer to is THERE hence over 100,000 sealed indictments and ZERO leaks!

But i am giving you Evidence from Q leaks Not PROOF! I assume u know the difference between evidence and proof! I am telling u that the official evidence is sealed and being released after the IG report! What i can tell u is that we already KNOW what the evidence is! Thats what Q is, someone pointing us in the direction of the evidence hence why he says “Coincidence? fact matter!”! Q is not the evidence Q is just someone preparing people for the PANIC so we can understand what is happening and not panic ourselves!



Japan, the empire wannabe

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