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MARCH 2025

Japan Building Military Ports Closer To Taiwan In Preparation For Cross-Strait Crisis

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Japan Building Military Ports Closer To Taiwan In Preparation For Cross-Strait Crisis

Japan Defence Ministry image

Originally published on ZeroHedge

Japan is upping the ante in its longstanding simmering tensions with China, given Tokyo leaders have over the past year much more overtly sided with Taiwan amid the crisis which has seen a series of US delegations visit Taipei, most especially Nancy Pelosi’s August 2nd visit.

Japan will expand fuel and ammunition storage facilities on the Nansei Islands in the East China Sea, Defense Minister Yasukazu Hamada told Nikkei on Tuesday, as Tokyo seeks to better prepare for a Taiwan Strait crisis,” Nikkei reports.

This is significant given that most of Japan’s ammunition is stored on faraway Hokkaido, in the complete opposite direction in the north. Thus this latest announcement marks a major strategic refocusing on placing ammo depots and military accessible ports much closer to Taiwan.

“To protect Japan, it’s important for us to have not only hardware such as aircraft and ships, but also enough ammunition for them,” Defense Minister Hamada said. “We will radically strengthen the defense capabilities we need, including our capacity for sustained and flexible deployment.”

And yet, given that “neutral” Japan since WWII has essentially barely even had a military to speak of until recent times, the ammunition that it does have would likely last a very short time by the standards of modern warfare.

Nansei island chain line of defense, where Japan plans to concentrate more military storage…

Japan Building Military Ports Closer To Taiwan In Preparation For Cross-Strait Crisis

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“Japan’s Self-Defense Forces have stockpiled enough ammunition for two months at most. Less than 10% is stored in southwestern Japan’s Kyushu and Okinawa, and the SDF lacks the shipping capacity to send enough to the area during a conflict,” the Nikkei report continues.

The defense ministry announcement this week also previewed an expansion of military logistics infrastructure, to include new port facilities and fuel depots in Okinawa, Kyushu and other islands.

Interestingly, Nikkei’s analysis concludes with the following admission regarding the role of US forces in any future potential conflict with China: “Tokyo’s postwar defense strategy has generally assumed that Japanese forces would need to hold out for a few weeks until the U.S. military arrived to handle the threat. But Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, now stretching into its seventh month, is spurring a rethink.”


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USA to Japan -“you are our Lap Puppy –bark at China even though you will lose trade ( not that we care )–WAN-WAN – ( Japanese dog =woof-woof ) .

Last edited 2 years ago by Donnchadh
Censors KEEP OUT

That’s what happens following a nuclear blast made worse by fuck-ushima radio-active exposure.


Contrary to the above post Japans economy is on a downward trend – one problem being the low birth rate -either they dont like sex or the males are infertile -lack of young people entering the labour market .

They are copying the USA – “Quantitative Easing ” -sly word for MONEY PRINTING to cover debt which in the end pushes up inflation and hits the poor.

2 $Trillion stimulus packages haven’t worked – Japanese citizens –unlike China aren’t buying lots of Japanese goods. Supply bottlenecks /labour market frictions – high energy prices very severe for Japan .

Thats just a bit of several USA business reports so its NOT Russian propaganda that many Paid Posters come out with against Russia — I can supply American links if needed.


This is true, having tied its horse permanently to the american cart, if we cast our minds back the initial causes of the japanese american war it was the US ending the supply of critical resources to the japanese market and the effective blockade enforced by the western interests in the region, their lack of resources hasn’t changed in fact it has gotten worse the scrap metal they used to build an industry on has gone west to china who hoover up all available resources and at a price not based on exploitation, hence japans economic miracle has been on a downward spiral since they have lost the technological lead in effectively shrinking german tech, reducing its production costs, that ended in the late nineties as China rose,and following recent unfriendly actions by Japan there was a significant drop in japanese sales to China in an effective boycott of japanese goods, the problem of printing money is an issue for the entire western sphere the EU just published a report citing european debt at 95% of gdp, and the bunch of colonial has beens cry foul when their demands for global assistance is ignored and the world stands by and shouts karma bitch.


– Adult diapers outsell baby diapers.

“Ever since 2011, sales of adult diapers in Japan have outpaced those of baby diapers. The trend reflects just how big the cohort of senior citizens is: People over 65 make up a larger demographic than any other in Japan. Of the 127.11 million people, about 26.7% of them are seniors.” 2018

There is a somewhat good video on YT called, The Dark Side of Japan: The Lost Generation.

Japan is facing a crisis sooner or later, if they don’t face their problems now.


That would be some of the first targets to strike. Thanks for the heads up Japan.


In less than a minute, all facilities can be completely demolished by China missile, dont waste time and resource

Karl Pomeroy

Good. I’m glad Japan is willing to lend support to Taiwan. I’m glad the US is sending delegations to Taiwan. I want Taiwan to remain free. The Island never belonged to China. The people of Taiwan fled China and have a right to self-determination, just as the people of Donbass have a right to self-determination.

Taiwan is one of the RARE instances in which US policy is on the right side of the issue. Same with Tibet. China is a nightmare dictatorship to people who love freedom. Chinese philosophers have said for centuries that China owns the world, and that they are just lending it to the rest of us temporarily out of kindness. Arrogant balderdash, I say! LIVE FREE OR DIE.

Peter Jennings

Japan’s national debt is 200%. There is a world depression on the horizon, mass energy shortages caused by western colonialists, and world food shortages caused by the same.

Japan doesn’t have any oil of its own so has to buy at market prices. Did i mention that Japan’s national debt is already 200%? The mind boggles.

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