The Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force commissioned its first Soryu-class diesel-electric attack submarine (SSK) equipped with lithium-ion batteries, the Japanese military reported on March 5. The ceremony was held at the Mitsubishi Heavy Industries facility in Kobe, in Hyogo Prefecture in west-central Japan.
— 防衛省 海上自衛隊 (@JMSDF_PAO) March 5, 2020
According to an official release the SSK JS Oryu (pennant number – SS 511) joined the Submarine Flotilla 1, based in Kure, Hiroshima prefecture. The submarine is the 11th SSK of the class to deploy with the Japanese navy and the sixth to be built by MHI.
The SSK JS Oryu is equipped with lithium-ion batteries, which would reportedly enable the submarine to shut off their diesel-electric propulsion and operate on battery power alone for notable periods under water. These batteries are less noisy than diesel-electric engines. So, they should allow to reduce the submarine’s acoustic signature making detection harder.
That would be awesome to know how bis is the batteries & the charging station for those batteries, and whether they got automatic charging from the diesel engine, or does it need to be recharge like our smartphone… Anyone?
dangereaus movement
A Kamikaze sub? Now that”s innovation!
Dangerous Remilitarizing of Japan imperialism is cordone under ZUS controlled msm, as though its another launched if a sony play station.