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MARCH 2025

Japan Establishes China And North Korea As Adversaries To Justify Militarization

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Japan Establishes China And North Korea As Adversaries To Justify Militarization

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On July 14th, Japan said that it was closely monitoring attempts by China to boost its global influence and was “relentlessly” attempting to undermine Tokyo’s administration of the Senkaku islands.

This outlined in a defense white paper by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s government which criticized Beijing for “relentlessly” attempting to undermine Tokyo’s administration of the Senkaku Islands in the East China Sea.

This was further made worse by the supposed fact that it was taking place when COVID-19 response needed to be internationally coordinated.

With the international community grappling with the pandemic, a further spread of the virus “may expose and intensify strategic competition among countries intending to create international and regional orders more preferable to themselves and to expand their influence,” the white paper said.

But, at the same time, the aid that China was providing to countries all around was also an attempt to further its influence.

So it wasn’t doing enough to counter the virus internationally, but anything it did to counter was only to further its influence, in an apparent Catch-22 scenario.

According to the White Paper, China has been “taking advantage” of its virus-related assistance to other nations in an attempt to advance its political and economic interests, and that Beijing has been engaging in propaganda work such as “spreading disinformation” amid social unrest and confusion sparked by the pandemic.

“Despite protests by our country, Chinese official ships repeatedly intruded into our territorial waters around the Senkaku Islands,” the paper said, according to Kyodo News Agency.

The white paper also referred to China’s unilateral creation of two administrative districts in the South China Sea, in which Beijing has overlapping claims with Brunei, Malaysia, the Philippines, Vietnam and Taiwan.

Together with militarization of outposts in disputed areas of the strategic waterway, China uses such nonmilitary means to force shifts in the regional status quo, drawing the ire of other claimants, especially as countries are focusing on steps to respond to the pandemic, according to the paper.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian criticized the report, telling reporters in Beijing the government had lodged a complaint with Tokyo.

“Japan’s defense white paper is full of biases and false information,” Zhao said, according to Reuters. “It is trying to do all it can to hype up the so-called China threat.”

And this paper comes just one day after US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo stated the official US position of rejecting any maritime claims by China in the South China Sea.

In this year’s white paper, China is given as the justification for Japan’s increasing militarization, while in last year’s one it was North Korea.

“For more than a year, North Korea has carried out a series of tests in which it fires short-range ballistic missiles into the Sea of Japan. The weapons aren’t considered dangerous in the way longer-range weapons are, and they have been theorized to be tests for a new type of rocket artillery,” said the 2019 white paper.

But it is also very apparent that North Korea really has no interest in striking, or invading Japan, and the only potential target for any sort of aggression are the increasing number of US military facilities that are being established in Japan, in addition to South Korea.

This, however, is a result of Japan’s own internal and international policy, and not a result of North Korea’s intentional antagonism of it, since there doesn’t appear to be any.

At the same time, the contradicting accusations towards China also provide a somewhat clear example of an attempt to build up an enemy from the ground, similarly to what the US has done for a while with countries throughout the world and, mostly, Russia.


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Zionism = EVIL

Let’s keep things FACTUAL, the Nips have been occupied and regularly raped since 1945 when the Americunt cowards twice nuked their civilian filed cities. The Japs can’t even refuse to be raped, let alone kiss Americunt warmongers arse.


That means China, Russia and NK have nothing to fear about. https://youtu.be/PpSslKDdzCI

Zionism = EVIL

Bonhomme Dick blowing up in pieces. Enjoy.



Should that worry anyone?


If It saves lives,no arguments then:

James Adams

Fuck off idiot, why don’t you tell us where u live so we can speak like real people. Im waiting bitch?


61 cases of corona in two japan/us bases,not good!


Well done Japan, return back to your greatness and teach those Chinese bastards a good lesson. South Korea will deal with the little rocket man in the North.

Saubhik Ghosh, frnd of israel

indo japanese aussie navy combined outnumbers chinese navy…..and just think about mammoth US navy and nato navy addition….Britain is pondering to deploy an aircraft carrier in IOR…..


I know man, and also India as a regional power which will take back their lands from China and Pakistan.

Saubhik Ghosh, frnd of israel

with China its a long haul….a game need to be played carefully waiting for d opportune moment…at present we r hurting them economically…with China its only d govt which is d problem…but with pakistan the problem is the jehadi population comprising d country…so pakistan will b d first target India will engage


Goodluck guys, hope we can provide you more military systems.

Saubhik Ghosh, frnd of israel

spike , barak8, spyder aad , fab mod defense ak…..all r in service plus Heron and IAI searcher drones more than 200+ in service and thousands of IAI Harpy loitering munitions….our co operation going more deep


You are living off our tax dollars and the virus is destroying the Zionist entity. You are a funny troll.


You again? I’ve already told you, we don’t depend on your money and I bet you don’t even pay taxes as you are one of the left wing protesters idiots that burn down his country too.


Hardly dear troll. I pay more taxes than most. But your fake state is in major trouble as 40% unemployment and growing anger against Nuttingyahoo.


Netanyahu is a traitor and we wil ltake him down eventually, but again check some economic numbers before you write BS. here let me help you, im sure the IMF is not biased right? search Israel’s GDP there. https://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/weo/2020/01/weodata/weorept.aspx?pr.x=93&pr.y=12&sy=2019&ey=2021&ssd=1&sort=country&ds=.&br=1&c=512%2C668%2C914%2C672%2C612%2C946%2C614%2C137%2C311%2C546%2C213%2C674%2C911%2C676%2C314%2C548%2C193%2C556%2C122%2C678%2C912%2C181%2C313%2C867%2C419%2C682%2C513%2C684%2C316%2C273%2C913%2C868%2C124%2C921%2C339%2C948%2C638%2C943%2C514%2C686%2C218%2C688%2C963%2C518%2C616%2C728%2C223%2C836%2C516%2C558%2C918%2C138%2C748%2C196%2C618%2C278%2C624%2C692%2C522%2C694%2C622%2C962%2C156%2C142%2C626%2C449%2C628%2C564%2C228%2C565%2C924%2C283%2C233%2C853%2C632%2C288%2C636%2C293%2C634%2C566%2C238%2C964%2C662%2C182%2C960%2C359%2C423%2C453%2C935%2C968%2C128%2C922%2C611%2C714%2C321%2C862%2C243%2C135%2C248%2C716%2C469%2C456%2C253%2C722%2C642%2C942%2C643%2C718%2C939%2C724%2C734%2C576%2C644%2C936%2C819%2C961%2C172%2C813%2C132%2C726%2C646%2C199%2C648%2C733%2C915%2C184%2C134%2C524%2C652%2C361%2C174%2C362%2C328%2C364%2C258%2C732%2C656%2C366%2C654%2C144%2C336%2C146%2C263%2C463%2C268%2C528%2C532%2C923%2C944%2C738%2C176%2C578%2C534%2C537%2C536%2C742%2C429%2C866%2C433%2C369%2C178%2C744%2C436%2C186%2C136%2C925%2C343%2C869%2C158%2C746%2C439%2C926%2C916%2C466%2C664%2C112%2C826%2C111%2C542%2C298%2C967%2C927%2C443%2C846%2C917%2C299%2C544%2C582%2C941%2C474%2C446%2C754%2C666%2C698&s=PPPGDP&grp=0&a=


I have heard all kinds of hasbara lies, but seen the failed Zionist entity myself, despite billions in our aid there is official 30% poverty now, more perhaps. Have a nice day trolls.


Can’t deal with facts and numbers? same loser like the other SF guys here. Israel and India will keep prospering, take your Chinese shit and go sink in the ocean.


I would expect that from a teenager in post-hormonal change cycle.


Hey stupid shi@ get lost


Can’t take lebanon,assume will take communists? Oh,I see practical advice then.


Yeah,seems like some chronic uncertainty,without checking whos in its own yard! CCP-ISRAEL PORTS,no sht! Yet thinks it steals india from the Commonwealth? It cant even steal lebanon,how the hell can they ever succeed in asia?


China is a superpower, India is superpoor.

Saubhik Ghosh, frnd of israel

hey porki…need some burnol? chinkis will do d same organ harvesting business with ur liver and kidneys just like dey r doing to the uighurs


Sorry, don’t give a flip about Uighur or South Asians. Indians sell their kids organs to old Jews and westerners.

Saubhik Ghosh, frnd of israel

porki..pay ur debts…its now standing at $112 billion….and considering ur paltry reserves lying in ur piggy bank…its only $10 billion…. indian reserves stand at $513 billiojn and economy at $3.2 trillion go get a life


That is rubbish, both India and Pakistan are backward underdeveloped failed states. China only helps Pakistan to keep India off balance. China is looking west to Iran, Turkey, Italy and Greece for its One Belt, both India and Pakistan miss out. It is a shame as China-India trade would be good for Asian development. You sound like an angry child, be rational and mature.


Mental dyslexic the boy never wins,why it must be a degenerate soros/p00f!


Imported by the clinton foundation,yep no secret,don’t happen in prc though!


You mean california more fkn well like it begotten lieing fascist spogbreath!

Jimmy Jim



Many say the opposite,however soros/cia scum have no good money where as china,australia even india fkn well do,bearing this in mind,fk cia/eu-epp minions!


No north korea has far too many subs to call it a day,besides asswipe no Australian Commonweakth government with 38% economic/strategic partnership with prc would sacrife it just for a few soros/pro lgbtq mkame feminist mindset in any boys body (period) Get off the cia/nazi meth boy!Simply just aint worth the bother,try the gaybar there!


Rocket man may nuke Isarel anytime any day and no usa nor other ever defeated north korea, Besides South korea have just sissys on crack,tcertainly no allie of the japs either,unless paid?

Saubhik Ghosh, frnd of israel

usa-japan-india-australia….the quad is fantastic… Taiwan, phillipines , south korea and vietnam are further juicy additions with d bulk of Nato navy coming in IOR against China……Russia will only give material support to China….Russia and Usa always fought side by side in both d world war…dey hav always come together against expansionist forces


Where did Russia fight alongside US in WW1? Indian history books are probably published in Bollywood. Russia entered into World War I on July 28, 1914, when the Austro-Hungarian Empire declared war on Russia’s ally Serbia.

Saubhik Ghosh, frnd of israel

technically dey fought against common enemies not necessarily shoulder to shoulder


Not really, Russia performed poorly and the dejected Russian troops turned into revolutionaries and Bolsheviks. who the US and UK tried to defeat by supporting White Russian counter-revolutionaries.

Saubhik Ghosh, frnd of israel

dat happened in 1918….d civil war….still despite trust deficit dey fought against hitler in WW 2…..and b4 1917 as well…though again not shoulder to shoulder… dis time also China claims russiahn city of vladivostok…..and if china comes in d arms market…dey will eat away d russian arms market share only…russian dependence on china is financial dependence


China and Russia are too integrated to have a conflict. China is a industrial giant and has made rapid upgrades to the Russian weapons they bought. That is what the US would like to see, but unlikely to happen. The world has changed.

Saubhik Ghosh, frnd of israel

no..chinkis didnt upgraded them but brought out cheap copies reverse engineering them…and yeah i know…Russians and chinese will never go to war…but will provide material support to both India and china…China is yet poor in terms of jet engine technology…plus china is not the member of MTCR…so china cannot get deir hands onto critical imported missile tech over 300km…like deir s400 is having 250km missile but india will get d 380km missile as well….so us sanctions will cripple the chinki regime and russia will happily see d destruction of a powerful china with its communist regime threatning russsia in d long run


Post in a grown up manner and no-name calling. The Chinese are an old superior culture and very hard working and wise people. India has no history, but continued occupation and invasions by all and sundry. No one takes India seriously, that is why it never achieved a seat at the UNSC despite 1.3 billion poor people.


Chinese only bring diseases into this world, in addition to fake products they steal from other countries.


This virus was detected in Spain and Italy first according to the latest University of Liverpool study.


You need to see your doctor, the bipolar medications are not working on you.

Fog of War



No us military planted the gates bio weapon in wuhan during milita games(period) Infact it were desperate democrat dogs who ran to china with some drawings,but reality also concludes usa corporations whom opened factory in china like any normak trade agreements provide all the data to commence production, so your low iq cia rant das no bearing whatsoever and rake it from a real pro, all made in taiwan stuff is utter junk,where as to date all quality produced prc what 5-10-15 years now,no failure to date whatsoever,Trump is a frgn liar! And your computer,well? This is what I mean,wisen up!

Saubhik Ghosh, frnd of israel

have u ever read the oldest civilization in the world?? its harappa mohenjodaro…go get some knowledge in history bcos u seem having none of it….zero was invented in india…its a 10,000 year old civilization….try a bit hard to search about indus valley civilization and vedic civilization


Isn’t that in Pakistan. Hinduism originated from Persian Zoroastrianism. No that it matters.

Saubhik Ghosh, frnd of israel

pakistan was hindu area..it got converted into islam due to 1000 years of invasion…otherwise the culture of both d countries is same including language except religion

Saubhik Ghosh, frnd of israel

wow…i am not even able to laugh on ur make believe historical knowledge…wherefrom hinduism developed from Zoroastrianism?….

Jimmy Jim


Saubhik Ghosh, frnd of israel

largest IT exporter…….plus CEO of google,pepsico, mastercard, adobe.. all r indians first country to find water on moon, cheapest mission to Mars, have our own navigation system , and sent world record 104 satellites of usa ,germany and france at one go…. country having a history of 10,000 years may undergo few years of invasion…the mongols ruled d chinese for 800 years …so what…we fought and we r still 1.2 billion strong and dat is our success u guys converted to shia islam and were not even able to protect zoroastrianism and lecturing us…Go get a life…Ur father usa is coming for u

Saubhik Ghosh, frnd of israel

bcos China vetoes our membership…all other countries support us


It is more than it. India is considered underdeveloped and too poor. China’s progress has been earth shaking. India could have potential if it addressed corruption, caste system and obsession with China and Pakistan.

Saubhik Ghosh, frnd of israel

india is a nation of 1.3 billion…if it was so underdeveloped then it would have disintegrated…but no its still rising every day and getting better


Don’t believe so, I have been to India and China both and so should you, if you get a chance to travel after this Covid era, if ever. India is still very backward and can not manufacture basic consumer electronics even. This virus has hurt India very bad. Anyway, you guys can keep trolling, as I have work to do.


Not whikst you carry the swastika burdeon of the facist cults,you may only prosper if you fk off cia,fk off eu-epp and Respect the commonweath instead ok! Your in no position to start any war with a more than worthy neighbour,wisen up!


Russias missiles are the benchmark,and you can never defeat the most proven capable governance to house 1.4 million people + prosper,you nazi wanker!

Jimmy Jim



Fk I hate curry,yuthh’

Jimmy Jim



CIA/USA,EU-EPP= OUT Commonweakth in! Now it comes to pass there will be no nwo (period)


China is the only superpower left standing. China’s rise will continue unabated.

Jim Bim

Japan is under US military command, they do whatever the US tells them to do. For Japan to label China and North Korea as adversaries is laughable, it was Japan who invaded China and North Korea, committed genocide, barbaric acts and rape on a massive scale, captured 100 of K of women and forced them to be sex slaves for Japanese soldiers. Alone in Nanjing/China, Japan murdered 300-400.000 civilians. Japan stole hundreds of tons of gold from China. No war reparations, no accountability, no official apology.


Japan committed horrendous war crimes against China, the Chinese are nice people who have not punished Japan. The US has occupied Japan since 1945 and Japan is not in a position to make independent decisions. Neither can South Korea, Australia or India, they all have US bases.

Jim Bim


Zionism = EVIL

Rape of Nanjing was one of the worst war crimes and in the same perverted league as Zionist cowardly cunts crimes in Gaza, Palestine or Lebanon.


the Japanese committed the worst crimes inside Unit 731.



Australia has also the chinese base in the nt,99yr leased + 38% economic trades,you think by now it more than justifys usas pittance 5% of todays,truth is money talks todays!

johnny rotten

The Japanese suffer from the Oedipus complex against China, and they will never be able to get rid of it until they stop being the slaves of the Zionist bankers who govern the west, they were once a proud people, today they can only feel shame and dishonor for having betrayed their ancient culture.

Jimmy Jim



US will nuke bejing!!

Zionism = EVIL

And ye shall shit in the street :)



Tommy Jensen

Exactly. China delivered free noodles to American soupkitchens ONLY to undermine the American society and gain leverage and influence inside America against the US Government.

This is also part of China’s “Full Spectrum Global Dominance” doctrine and one of China’s psy-ops.

Zionism = EVIL

But China did give the crappy Americunt flag to the Walmart rednecks.


Millions of American flags come from China. Yet despite being symbols of pseudo- patriotism, they’re not among the products subject to new tariffs.

Tommy Jensen

China hopes the Made In China on our flags will undermine American patriots love for their country. But this hope will be in vain! We will never leave America’s Constitution.

Ivan Freely

The US Constitution has been dead for some time. No one in government follows it.


Sadly,no justice will reap in no sound blessing I’m afraid,oh well Trump!

James Adams

Japan barely has an army they need to arm themselves against ChiNAZI !!!


Certainly not usa in merit one on one (period)The world awakened with an ace up their sleeves,

Bottom line,spawns of the reight sect/incest to recieve the razor sharp edge blow of the sickle, Keep spouting,sour prouts nonesense,won’t need to be,however come push and shove well,

like the diggers who endured fighting for Anzac independance ‘FK OFF YE JAP/NAZI KUNT’s


On The contary japan has adopted a more neutral approach,that dig is cia wannawar debt cults!

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