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Japanese Military Almost Lost Cutting Edge Submarine In Desperate Battle With Bulk Carrier

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Japanese Military Almost Lost Cutting Edge Submarine In Desperate Battle With Bulk Carrier

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Mighty samurais that as we know from multiple anime series are the best warriors around the world once again showed their combat skills.

On January 8, a cutting edge submarine of the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force was cowardly attacked by a commercial vessel in the Pacific Ocean off Shikoku, but successfully retreated after a short encounter.

The Japanese side confirmed that 3 crew members received light injures, but the damage suffered by the warship itself was not significant.

Immediately, the trace of the ‘Chinese enemy’ was found in the story.

Top government spokesman Katsunobu Kato said that the 84-meter-long Soryu scraped the hull of the vessel as it was surfacing.

A commercial ship believed to be the one involved in the incident may have been the Ocean Artemis, a Hong Kong-flagged bulk carrier.

The submarine arrived at Kochi port late on February 8 as the Japanese side provides no further details on the encounter.

Japanese Military Almost Lost Cutting Edge Submarine In Desperate Battle With Bulk Carrier

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Japanese Military Almost Lost Cutting Edge Submarine In Desperate Battle With Bulk Carrier

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Japanese Military Almost Lost Cutting Edge Submarine In Desperate Battle With Bulk Carrier

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Japanese Military Almost Lost Cutting Edge Submarine In Desperate Battle With Bulk Carrier

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Potato Man

What…? Why would the sub come up so close to the ship, bulk carrier speed is 13.5–15 knots (25.0–27.8 km/h; 15.5–17.3 mph). You can’t fuking miss bulk carrier even if you have sub from WWII.

Okay just putting some info here:

Defense Minister Nobuo Kishi said the submarine, which was engaged in routine training, saw the commercial vessel through its periscope as it rose but was unable to avoid it in time. As the submarine’s communications equipment was damaged in the accident, reporting of the incident was delayed. The crew was eventually able to do so by mobile phone at around 2:20 p.m.

They had to use their fuking mobile phones…come again. “Soryu Class diesel-electric submarines are being built by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and Kawasaki Shipbuilding Corporation for the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force (JMSDF).” I see why US, Japan, India and S.Korea have to join together to try slow China down.

viktor ziv

Nah, two “reasonable” explanations; a) commercial ships this days are stealth so that Somali pirates can’t see it. b) Japanese are in short of submarine sailors on prestige sonarmen position, so lately they enlist deaf people


I’ll go with the “b” option as the most plausible :)


And ‘daft’ people.

Concrete Mike

How could they not hear the ship above them??

Could there be lots of traffic in the area?

Fucks sake boys pay attention!


I understand that the navigation officer was trained in the USA :)


This is the sort of blunder typical of the US Gay Navy

Servet Köseoğlu

Chinese revenged from Jap submarine for wantonly using underwater sonar which kills whales,dolphins.


“”” Top government spokesman Katsunobu Kato said that the 84-meter-long Soryu scraped the hull of the vessel as it was surfacing.”””

Was the Japanese sub unaware of the bulk carrier in its immediate proximity or above it? Was not the periscope used to survey the position of any ship traffic?


in fact …yes it was! but the problem is the “periscope” went deep inside bulk carrier captain’s arse so they still couldn’t see anything!

erwin vercauteren

(((((one involved in the incident may have been the Ocean Artemis, a Hong Kong-flagged bulk carrier.)))) for info purposes my dear Japanese 1/3 of commercial fleets of the world are registered under Hong Kong FLAG this is called tax evasion paradises just like Monrovia, in Liberia, Panama, Nassau) it’s called cheap labor register flags my own country of Belgium has ships registered in Hong Kong & so do many others EU NATIONS

Hasbara Hunter



Or a whale revenged its relatives.

Siegfried Stahl


Dick Von Dast'Ard

Capcom Super Submarine Fighter Turbo EX VI Alpha Edition… Chun-Li just kicked off the sails diving plains.


So a “cutting-edge” submarine doesn’t have a sufficiently advanced sonar system or hydrophone array to pick the noise of a bulk carrier steaming directly above them?…..

Just… hilarious…. :-P

Ivan Freely

Another bulk carrier accident? LOL Looks like the skipper just lost his job.

cechas vodobenikov

probably operated by an amerikan or dane pilot

Lone Ranger

That looks like a damage in the $50million range… Slow clap…


Stupid article, when chinese are said to monitor every submarin with their satellites, every of their surface boat indeed become a potential attaquer

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