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Javier Milei Plays The Apocalypse: The Argentinian President Wants The Construction Of The Third Temple Of Jerusalem

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Javier Milei Plays The Apocalypse: The Argentinian President Wants The Construction Of The Third Temple Of Jerusalem

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Written by Piero Messina

Javier Milai plays the role of the apocalyptic Prophet. Nations are often ruled by little men blinded by their perceived power. Men who sometimes delight in playing with people’s lives and with biblical prophecies. Javier Milai is one of them. Not the only one. While the international community tries to stop the unjustifiable violence of the Israeli army against the Palestinian population, the president of Argentina Milai announces that he wants to move the headquarters of the Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, and then expresses his support for the reconstruction of the Third Temple of King Solomon. He concluded this adhesion by citing the prophecy that links the construction of that sacred site to the Advent of the Jewish Messiah. There is a small detail: for the reconstruction of the Third Temple, the Al Aqsa Mosque, a sacred place venerated by over 1.5 billion Muslims, would have to be demolished.

It’s a full Apocalyptic vision of the end of times. In no city do symbols matter as much as in Jerusalem. For this reason, President Milai must still be given credit for having had the courage to say what many political leaders think, from the Ashkenazi Israeli establishment and its globalist chain, from the entire US neo-dem current, from the pro-Trump neocons, from many Western elites and the people of Davos. It is a sort of cupio dissolvi that is justified in the name of the inevitability of the prophecies.

Ultimately, it is a very simple way of justifying war actions that are carried out in the name of the most banal of geopolitical principles: military, social, economic and financial control along the fault lines that separate Heartland and Rimland. More simply: the West wants to once again put the entire Middle East under control and thus cloaks its geostrategic propensity for domination with sacredness. Milai does nothing but follow the wave.

The visit to Israel was the first official visit of the Argentine president abroad, except for a fleeting appearance at the Davos economic forum in Switzerland. Argentine President Milai’s passion for Judaism is nothing new. Although he grew up in a Catholic family, the Argentine Elvis Presley studied the Torah and more than once announced his intention to convert to Judaism.

Milai, the gruff Milai, showed himself in front of the camera, wearing a black kippah, collected and crying with his hands resting on the Western Wall of Jerusalem. From that disputed esplanade he announced his support for the reconstruction of the Third Temple.

Among his future projects there is also the idea of ​​appointing Axel Wahnish, his personal rabbi, as the next Ambassador to Israel. Milai makes no secret of being a follower of the Chabad-Lubavitch Jewish movement, and professes veneration for Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the philosopher and religious figure of Ukrainian origin, seventh Rebbe (Master) of that Kabbalist religious movement.

The link between Argentina and Zionism is much deeper than we can imagine Theodore Herzl, founder of Zionism, immediately thought of Argentina as the seat of the Jewish state he imagined. Argentina had been nominated by Herzl as a possible “promised land”. Maybe now the Milei presidency could recall that ancient dream.

It must also be said, however, that Milai’s sudden passion for biblical prophecies is an excellent ploy to hide the many problems of Argentine society. After visiting Jerusalem, Milai left for Rome, where he met Pope Francis and Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni. Even at a sidereal distance from her Buenos Aires, Milai has not stopped demolishing the increasingly precarious relationship with the political world of his country. Milai’s reforms, still on paper, have sparked popular anger, bringing the country to the brink of yet another civil conflict. Thus, a dive into the Bible one step away from the Apocalypse is also an excellent expedient to divert the media’s attention to the administrative and economic collapse of his political action.

Milai’s apocalyptic vision has deep historical roots. According to the Institute of Abrahamic Studies, attempts to rebuild the Third Temple began even before the Middle Ages. In the 1990s, rumors that Jewish extremists planned to begin rebuilding the temple sparked ongoing riots. As of June 2008, the Temple Institute completed the reconstruction of the Kohen Gadol Hoshen (pectoral that contained the Urim and Thummim) and the Ephod, and in 2012 the menorah, covered with more than 40 kg (95 lb) was displayed ) of pure gold and reportedly worth $2 million. They are all fundamental objects for Orthodox doctrine and necessary in the Temple, clear signs – for those who believe in them – which confirm that the preparation phase is at a much more advanced stage than many claim.

In short, in Jerusalem there is no shortage of precedents and we work in silence to be ready for the appointment with the upcoming prophecies. The most agitated are the Ashkenazis. In 2010 the Hurva synagogue was rebuilt, a place whose history is in some ways a parable of Judaism in Israel. The one that was inaugurated is the third synagogue in Hurva, since the previous two were destroyed in as many conflicts. According to a prophecy of the Gaon of Vilna, the Ashkenazi teacher of the Jews who arrived in Israel from Lithuania, states that when the Hurva synagogue is rebuilt for the third time, work on the construction of the third temple will be able to begin on the esplanade (now a mosque) ( the new one, after those of Solomon and Herod, both destroyed). These are just the words of an old kabbalist. But in the city where everything is a symbol, the same prophecy was now also pronounced by the Argentine president Milei.


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it is not only milai who is a follower of lubavitch judaism but also putin is another, and putin also wants the reconstruction of the third temple and he himself said during his visit to israel, trump is also another.


true. they are all zionists. they are all antichrist.


hitler also said so .. and staline … and whoever you like


you lie, you lie like a jew,


indian’s oil tankers passing through houthies controld red sea with russian flag, they deliver oil and oil products to israel, the oil in those tankers are bought from russia, many trucks 400-600 deliver cargo from uae to israel every day, much of the cargos are chinese elections parts + indian cargo,


find out who berel lazar is, putin’s friend, harari, abrahmovich, prigozhin…etc. the saudis are too, it’s true. just look at how russia blocks syria to retaliate against israel and how it lets israel bomb syria and irgc


100% true and hes also a young global leader at the world economic forum. according to klaus schwab we penetrate ze kabinets for our agenda. that is why i think the war in ukraine is a facade. rutte and p signed deals just before the crimea annexation rostec is allowed to launder money at kabelweg 57 amsterdam. when other parlemantarians ask rutte about it its in the countries interest that this continues and is state secret.


rutte also said no stone would be left unturned with the mh17 disaster. hes a big liar. this war is likely a facade to enable these young global leaders to push a world wide marxist regime and legislation under the lie of wartime necessity. its time we end this loonacy and all young global leaders they are traitors to us the people.

Last edited 1 year ago by Worldpeace
Professor Xavier

ukraine has always been the khazar 2.0 project. the tribe realized years ago israel is f***** especially for a multitude of reasons. hence the genocide of slavs and whites in ukraine. it’s not really a war against russia. it’s all theater to depopulate it for repopulation of the tribe.

Peter Jennings

president putin also said many things whilst attending world economic forums in the past. he has since changed his mind on a lot of things.


putin was trying to be a diplomat above all else

Peter Jennings

i think it was more of a learning process.


putin is an orthodox christian. all the zios are further west disinformation troll


you should watch adam green from know more news.his videos are long but after you watched a few you will understand the psyop deception within christianity and how is serves judaism. christians are good noahide slaves for the jews to live off and do their dirty work.


i still believe that in its basis jesus was a revolutionairy and a rabbi who tried to reform judaism to christianity and that he revolted against the sanhedrin that is why they the rabbinical elite chrusified him. it was saint paul who was a jew and infiltrated christianity and coopted it to serve judaism in their end their wicked prophecies.


so christianity as you know and understand it today is a slave like ideology that serves the jews makes us loyal slaves to them rather then the strong civilizations we were under paganism. just look at the germanics slavic peoples and greeks how they djd before jew opted christianity conquered them. they were the rulers of the world the most powerful civs


you also mentioned paganism as the right way to live for all individual peoples. but paganism has also been used to enslave as well. neo-paganism was used for about 2 decades in ukraine to create more than a generation of ultranationalist nazis that we see at present. and these people have proved to be useful idiots to the jewish oligarchs in ukraine. each situation needs to be judged on an individual basis and any belief system can be infiltrated by these parasites at any given moment.


false information to lie and distort history, much like the jews, nazis and communists. the greeks started to fall before alexander the great, the germanics and slavs were primitive savages, christianity began civilizing them, and preserved the positive aspects of greek civilization, like st thomas aquinas’ expansion of aristotelian philosophy. in fact, jews have sought to infiltrate and distort christianity, and greatly succeeded over the past 100 years.

Edgar Zetar

mmmmm kind of agree but mostly disagree


st paul was stoned by the jews on various occasions, you’re a blatant liar.

Edgar Zetar

finally, there i found a guy who had read @friedrich nietzsche, the first time i read nietzsche my brain imploded and exploded at the same time and my soul started to dance at the rhythm of zarathustra


he died of the clap, with a rotten sponge brain. check out his house in weimar…good website “nietzsche archive”.


russian orthodox christianity isn’t the same as western christianity. nowadays i would say it exists in a vacuum. it is very independent from the jewish system. or else zelensky the zio puppet wouldn’t be dismantling russian orthodoxy all over ukraine on western globalist orders and creating a fake sect loyal to the west. they want you to believe that all christianity is lost everywhere because when no one has any values, people are easier to control.


orthodoxy is a state controlled, tribal christianity. only the roman catholic church can confront the world. pope st pius v, pope st pius x, orate pro nobis!

Milei Vanillei

only the genocidal roman chomo “church” with its jesuit pope who built lots of satanic imagery in the vatican can confront the world!


unlike many russian orthodox who praise stalin and lenin, we do not recognize communist berdoglio or montini.


russian orthodoxy is the only christian institution that isn’t filled with lgbt garbage. your catholic institutions love men sodomizing men nowadays. you are infiltrated and done. there’s a reason so many believers in the west are converting to russian orthodoxy not the other way around.


the sodomite orthodox priest who escaped to holland spoke of orthodox bishop sodomites, so the phenomenon sounds prevalent in russia. the only reason believers are converting to orthodoxy or even pentecostalism 20 years ago is because of the vacuum caused by modernism in rome. more people are turning to traditionalist latin mass societies than orthodox tribal churches.


cute story you concocted out of your own desperate projections. the sodomites pedos and everything in between is in the west and especially in your dear holland.great political pedo party you got going on there. weren’t they kidnapping ukrainian children from the war zone to molest back in holland? yes, yes they were.


the root of pedophilia in formerly christian church lies n 2 main points. 1.jews infiltrated christinaity through the priests. 2 jews hooked the church leaders (popes and priests) by making them debt-slaves – ordering them to change internal church-rules – and as reward rtheir debts would be nullified. church rule was changed an church men were forbidden to have wifes.

Last edited 1 year ago by MotherTeresa

by these “small” but very effective “change” which the jews forced onto christian church, they transformed formerly mentally healthy clerics, into abnormal cripples. and because the clerics were no more allowed to live according to gods law, have wifes, normal sex etc . most of them finally turned to eighter men or even children, thus ruining the whole christian church from its core.

Last edited 1 year ago by MotherTeresa

“escaped” lol..no wonder..sodomites flee russia and are welcomed in sodomite heaven..the west…your a forked tongue western devil


you reek of the false idea of western exceptionalism a black and white way of thinking and of course with zero critical thinking skills in sight and that is why you will lose.


“pope” franky bergoglio…the pedo prince of $atan and transgender mutant retard patron of the darkne$$..yes, “they” will $ave us all. check out his sordid past in argentina and his best buddy general, jorge videla, the putsch mobster of al ciaduh’s plan condor that unleashed the “dirty war” in argentina. yes, yes..yes the catlick church will $ave us all…..


viewer. exactly. that’s why the jews – after infiltrating& destroying rome (using christianity to do so as well as foreign barbarians) moved on and force-converted nearly all of formarly strictly pagan northern europe to christianity. the bible makes it visible. old testament is the order resp .concept for the dungeon keepers and slave-owners – and the new testament is the orders and concept for the slaves on how to behave & live.

Last edited 1 year ago by MotherTeresa
BoJo "to the last ukrainian"

pwaaaah. you made me spit a mouthful of coffee onto my monitor, you dipsy doodle.


he was always gonna be a creep.


lying fakers drive me absolutely crazy. running around like a bunch of circus clowns at the 3 ring circus.


milei is a wef plant


with a name like xavier (saviour) one assumes some level of god complex


how in the hell can jews be a persecuted minority and be rulers and governmentmembres in different nonjewish countries in the world at the same time. nothing of this adds up. or is he a nonjew and still wants that temple build?


many non jews want the temple rebuilt. just goes to show how messed up christianity has gotten.


becuz 6 trillions…..

Peter Jennings

milai is a yet another puppet. he got into power by doing what toady blaaar did all those years ago. lying out of his teeth to the electorate. the lies only keep coming from then on. what’s new eh? between tying its economy to the dollar and tying its colours to the zionist mast, argentina is in a lot of trouble. the us is desperate to off-load its debt somewhere.


judaism is the highest form of satanism. judaism is not a religion. its a morph, a mix of an arc-old satanic sect resp. mafia which consists of the lowest must criminal characters of earth who cultivated their evil-powers and money by several thousand years of inbred/inbreeding – thus becoming a people or a race of their own. they are the deciples of satan on earth – they are no victims – their are the perpetrators always !!!

Last edited 1 year ago by MotherTeresa

these criminals stem from the arc-old satanic molech sect. an evil cult of criminals which was known for sacrificing children ! they were soon hunted down because they always lied, stole, killed children & did all kind of sick shit. in order to not get extirpated their head decided to hide their wickedness from the outside and especially from all kind of prosecution by – from now on – claiming to be a “religion”. and this simple trick still works out for these inbred bastards till today !!

Last edited 1 year ago by MotherTeresa

aren’t there supposed to be signs and miracles before this sort of thing happens?

CEO of Yapping

to these people they are the “signs and miracles” buddy… did you missed the memo?

what do you think he called himself?


yeah, they’re probably going to cgi some hogwash and have their ridiculous actor plants making something up.

Robert Blake

the globalists are majority jewish. he’s just another one of their puppets, like zelensky, biden, macron, klaus schwab, trudeau, the imf, the wef, the world bank, most ngo’s, the un, etc. it was painfully obvious from the start that he was “allowed” to win. elections are mostly shams.

Max Hermansen

please listen to what milei said in davos. he said wef is the problem. milei is against the collectivism of schwab.


you have the choice : the jewish left who pretend to work against the jewish bankers or the jewish right who pretend the jewish bankers are not enslaving the goyim with usury…


lying grifters, look at what they do, not what they say. megachurch charlatans, basically every world leader ever. they even talk openly about courting ‘this vote’ and courting ‘that vote’, blatantly admitting they are lying schemers. they count on people wanting to believe them for the sake of ease and mental comfort, rather than confronting the fact that they are a giant pack of lying refuse.

CEO of Yapping

lmfao this ugly clown… hold on, what happened to ending all trade with china? lol

“milei’s softer tone shows how much argentina needs china” – this clown. his words means dog shi*.

Max Hermansen

milei is saving millions of argentinians from poverty by going back to a more open market policy. don’t you see that?

CEO of Yapping

oh buddy let’s forgot the history of argentina’s economy.

“back to a more open market policy” – “how reality upsets milei’s dream of freezing argentina’s relations with china” yeah you also talk shi* what is new?

that is “more open market policy” to you? you eat more shi* than him.


build a replica in buenos aires instead – it would preserve the 1300 year old al aqsa mosque, make a great tourist attraction and be good news for goats!

Max Hermansen

as it is now, no one who is not muslim is allowed up on the tempel mount!


this is antichrist. they reject messiah and the new covenant.

the beast forces us to support the antichrist just as revelations prophesied.

and most people worship the beast, again, just as revelations prophesied.

the end is near but it’s not the way people have been deceived to believe.

jens holm

melei invented by cia in ukrainian laboratory

Edgar Zetar

totally agreed. but only argentinian culture could create this kind of messianic madman

Edgar Zetar

only the childrens would ask for a messiah, no growth man likes or request for them. everytime the western media, the social engineering social networks facebook, youtube are together to brainwash an entire country, something very wrong will happen after they achieve their objectives. remember zelensky, playing the savior of ukraine in the c.i.a controlled netflix, even he plays piano with his d1ck as something funny. wait for mister milei actions, he already started the party.


did he have his schnitzel schmeckled?


maybe the same mohel who did charlie and sons wills and harry?

Max Hermansen

please listen to what milei said in davos. he said wef is the problem. milei is against the collectivism.


he would be anti globalist, he’d not got to davos in the first place (and he’d not be (s)elected either)… there are so many naive around..

Max Hermansen

there are now between 1.8 and 2.0 billion muslims. do you see any problems with the totalitarian ideology of islam and muslims? oppression of women? hatred towards gays?

rat hunter

muslims promotes praising to god everytime they proudly murder a person.

rat hunter

nazism, communism and islam are three different words but very identical ideologies.

Icarus Tanović

do you often talk to yo self like that? you should talk yo yo doctor.

Psionists slaves of America

the almighty creater can travel through space time and the unknown, and be anywhere any time.

the little men with delusions of grandeur and compulsiveness for this or that place on earth, what they do is just create great suffering for normal people.

rat hunter

low life scums and islamic nazis have no place on earth too.


somebody is trying to provoke muslims.. look toward london.. jews are primary deflector from english globalists

jens holm

in my nursing home special lgbt temple where i pray for more sodomy


they should build the temple in their new favourite country ukraine. i mean they are spending the budget of the western world and sacrificing the future of europe to win there …

Peppe il Sicario

uno smidollato venduto e coglione che abbraccia e si mette prono per i “mazza-cristo”!! vero, piero????

IDF Vomit Colored Uniforms

ewwww…yuck yuck yuck…another freak that grovels to the yew


maybe this argenitna guy didn’t want to be assassinated as japan pm shinzo abe?


but george s. alone runs international web of ngo’s, lobbyist, blackmailers, criminals and politicians with hundred of thousands “employees” and millions freelancers. cut the supply of the money, destroy usd and fed and then go for inner circle.

Last edited 1 year ago by huh

there are no more then 20 people running global agenda and this little argentina weasle is not one of them. better address these 20 people, sir j.r. is the first, then we have couple of royal england families , couple of french families, mainly with industrial background and the rest are jews. even “demigods” like george s. is barely a servant of the inner circle.

Last edited 1 year ago by huh
Peter Jennings

people of argentina, you are about to get screwed by the us and its zionists, via their puppet. he is probably selling the people out to us and apartheid regime business. to visit an apartheid regime that is currently committing genocide against its palestinian slaves and not say a word against it, but also to go on and support their palestine clearance operation says everything one needs to know about milai. he is yet another zionist liar.

Peter Jennings

maybe milai is there to chose some stolen palestinian land for himself? perks of the job of being a zionist stooge.


there is no biblical prophecy of “third” temple.

Erik 1953

this is another “biden like” creature. so, and now we are going to wait for the next disaster? help!


another globalist clown….

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