Jaysh Maghawir Al-Thawra members alongisde with US-led coalition forces are in southeastern Syria
The US-backed Jaysh Maghawir Al-Thawra militant group operating in southeastern Syria has refused to work alongside another US-backed faction branded as the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), according to the pro-opposition Qasion News Agency.
The agency reported that Jaysh Maghawir Al-Thawra has denied that it intends to redeploy to the Shadadi area in the northern Syrian province of Hasaka and to participate alongside with the SDF in the expected US-backed advance on Deir Ezzor.
Earlier this month, reports appeared that the US is gouing to build a military garrison at Shadadi with the aim to use it as a foothold for the anti-ISIS operation in the province of Deir Ezzor.
What is going on in IRAQ… All operations went stale around the borders for month now.
It seems that Abadi is not allowing PMU to move along the border . See Tel Afar for example .
As it is right now…Mosul is liberated … High morale ..low morale on Isis. I think it is good timing to start some large scale offensive. Seem its more of political stale then logical
Thats what I think I have heard. When Mosul was done, some good Iraqians should go from .. Ramadi and up and also into Syria along Eufrat.
Im sure they have to finish and reorrganize Mosul first. They also need a logistic build before they do.
Why bother with the border when they already have their supply link in the Southeast? mission accomplished as far as the border is concerned.
He is up and down, promoting he is not an american puppet, need them but also would stay friends and independent according Iran.
Why :((
It has mostly been Barzani who has messed with PMU operations to dislodge ISIS in Sinjar and at the border… Barzani has been interupting the PMU as much as possible since early March.
SAA can’t advance alongside the border if Iraqi troops dont back then up from their side of the border
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Not very smart action by them . They should listen to USA because otherwise they will face demise . If USA leaves Al Tanf , this group is done
Hopefully they join SAA can u imagine that? Hehe
Yes they should . And then send them as the first line soldiers against whoever is there – ISIS , rebels you name them
sounds good to me :)))
This news is rather amusing. The US employment of criminal terrorist gangs who all have their own agendas is yet again demonstrating the paucity of US strategy.
Well, thats Your definitions. Yes, gambling make fiascos too.
That may be true if you look at it in isolation, but the loyalist side is not exactly impressing all comers with its own determination. How many weeks is it ago that they were in striking distance of T2. Since that time, the progress in the south seems to have stalled; maybe they’re waiting for action on the Iraqi side of the border.
It’s as if, after cutting off the al-Tanf garrison, Russia wants to give the US a consolation prize further in the east. Old habits are hard to give up.
All too many in the West think that war is a video game , whereas in the real world there are a multitude of issues to contend with and options to consider. Speed is indeed useful at times bot NOT when it is a ‘ Bridge too far ‘.
Have patience my friend.
Numbers are still against SAA en toto, but better than Sept. 15 situation.
Em Toto?
I immediately suspected AL-Thawra would be an anti-revolutionary faction the US has set up to invade TEV-DEM after Thawra is used to secure the border and Deir Ezor
This is good news when there is dissent among the US-backed militias. Divide and rule. The Syrian government should capitalize on this. Qatar must end funding for ALL militias and tell them to hand in their arms. There is not going to be a caliphate. Any anti-Assad or anti-ISIS activity is helping the US-Israel Axis take control of Syrian territory. Unless they want to see that happen, they need to put down their arms. Syria isn’t big enough for all of them – it will just be Syrian Government and the US-puppets. No third group will be tolerated by anyone.
U tell em tigbear :))
Are the Syrian people the ones who govern themselves? Should they have democracy?
thats for them and them alone to decide.
They are placed there for 2 reasons. Kurds only has a non kurdish warzone and they will defend themselves against ISIS, if ISIS still can counterattack there.
Those troops need a lot of training and also some political realisme.
allready there are 6500 SAA in deyrazzor, full armed and elite forces. US cant do it…. never ever !
Not surprising. Isn’t the US-backed Jaysh Maghawir Al-Thawra militant group just Isis defectors who were bribed to return to mercenary work ? They already have bad history with Kurds and would sooner kill them than fight bedside them.
The Pentagon better manage their mercenary forces carefully. Everyone knows everyone else is going to double cross them sooner or later.
But that would be good for SAA and allies yes? :))