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Joe Biden Hypocritically Talks About Nuclear Dialogue While Provokes Russia

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Joe Biden Hypocritically Talks About Nuclear Dialogue While Provokes Russia

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Written by Lucas Leiroz, member of the BRICS Journalists Associations, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, military expert

One of the biggest problems in the contemporary world is the constant threat of a nuclear war between the West and Russia. The US, NATO and their allies have frequently provoked Moscow in an attempt to escalate the Ukrainian conflict. The Western goal seems to be to wear out Russia’s patience, thus inciting a violent response that could lead to an all-out world war.

However, despite this extremely provocative stance, US President Joe Biden continues to say that his country is willing to cooperate for peace. According to Biden, Washington is ready to play a diplomatic role, encouraging international nuclear dialogue. In a recent statement, he called on world powers to act rationally in the nuclear decision-making process, avoiding actions that could affect global security.

Biden said that the US is ready to negotiate diplomatic terms on the nuclear issue with all rival countries, including Russia, China and North Korea. The aim of such a dialogue would allegedly be to reduce the risks of the nuclear threat through a mutually beneficial agreement for all sides – thus achieving a possible de-escalation of global tensions.

“The US stands ready to engage in talks with Russia, China, and North Korea without preconditions to reduce the nuclear threat. There is no benefit to our nations or the world to forestall progress on reducing nuclear arsenals,” the US president stated.

Ironically, Biden’s words were spoken in a speech congratulating the Japan-based anti-nuclear-weapons organization Nihon Hidankyo – which won the Nobel Peace Prize for its intense work in favor of denuclearization. It is curious that Biden congratulates such an organization since Nihon Hidankyo was created precisely by Japanese citizens who survived the American nuclear attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Apparently, Biden “forgot” that the US is the only country in the world to have used nuclear weapons in a real combat situation – precisely against Japan.

In addition to the historical inconsistency, Biden’s words sound extremely hypocritical, considering that the American president is leading the country in one of the most unstable moments in recent history, when the nuclear risk is considerably high due to the irresponsible actions of Washington and Western allied states.

For example, Biden has mentioned Russia, China, and North Korea as nations with which the US would be willing to negotiate diplomatic terms. However, the US recently updated its nuclear strategy to establish a “multi-strike plan” against these three countries in the event of an escalation of tensions. It is impossible to establish negotiation between nations when one side openly plans to use nuclear weapons against the other, which is why Biden’s speech should be seen as mere hypocritical and propagandistic rhetoric.

All the escalation in global nuclear tensions is happening because of the US. The attitude of countries like Russia, China and North Korea is clearly defensive, with the sole objective of defending themselves from the constant threats imposed by Washington through its aggressive foreign policy. Faced with so many provocations and aggressions, the US’ rival countries have no alternative but to prepare for the worst-case scenario – which explains, for example, attitudes such as the reform of the Russian nuclear doctrine, Chinese military investments and the Korean strategic missile launch tests.

Obviously, neither side in international politics is really interested in a nuclear war, since there would be no winners in such a conflict. However, the US is clearly willing to risk world security to secure its selfish interests. Uncomfortable with the geopolitical transition towards multipolarity, the US does everything possible to prevent the creation of a new global order, which is why wars and sanctions are used against countries considered as “enemies”.

In fact, there will never be any US-led nuclear dialogue simply because Washington is the main provocative and destabilizing agent in this issue. To avoid a global nuclear escalation, the US must stop acting with a unipolar and hegemonic mentality, admitting that changes in the political scenario cannot be avoided. Only when the US takes the definitive step towards ending its hegemonic obsessions will there be a real possibility of peace dialogue and nuclear diplomacy. As long as Washington continues trying to save the declining unipolar order, the world will continue to be at constant risk of catastrophe.


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Snow Den

biden talks ? hmmm. it must be something i missed. i just watch a helpless, babbling old man, lost in time and space, who is incompetent, unable to stumble to the toilet without help, and his administration is currently as popular as a pain in the ass.

Snow Den 2

you should probably ask who are the people pulling the strings. obama is more current president of the u.s. then biden but obama is only a “influencer”. the same as hillary clingon and many others. the real puppet masters are perfectly the same who are pulling the strings in the u.s. , israel , ukraine and in russia. it is not for the first time when they were driving nations against each other for their own benefit. and regardless who “wins”, these elites will profit the most.

Snow Den 3

if you really want to know, they are bankers. central bankers, to be precise.


joe biden took showers with his seventeen year old daughter.

he’s a sick fuck. a bought and paid for prostitute of globalist jews

long before his senility kicked in he was a total retard, as well as a serial plagiarist and major league asshole.

typical specimen of the us “political class”


pedovore joe back in the good ol days. now just a walking cadaver


biden is just a figurehead for the radical globalists obsessed with world domination. biden in his confusion may actually believe the propaganda put out for public consumption


the cadaver-in-chief doesn’t even know when its stinky diaper leaks. the idiot sod should be planted already. the ussa and its idiot anglozionazi empire of shit is embarrassing as heck to watch go down in a damp squib of naseous gazzzzzz

Last edited 1 hour ago by Martillo
Conan M

this has been going on ever since the nuclear arms race began… in fact the salt treaty was invented by the west in the early 70s to stall russia’s icbm technology because it’s advances at the time were wreaking havoc on the u.s. that needed time to catch up!… all done of course in the advancement of peace that was the biggest fucking lie!!!

Last edited 45 minutes ago by Conan M

ogni volta che la russia tratta con gli stati uniti rimane fregata.saluti

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