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MARCH 2025

John Bolton Accuses China Of “Stealing” F-35 Fighter Jet

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John Bolton Accuses China Of "Stealing" F-35 Fighter Jet

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On August 28th, US National Security Adviser and avid war enthusiast John Bolton made some more astounding statements – this time regarding China stealing the F-35.

Over the last few days Bolton was visiting Kiev, Ukraine and met with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, and other officials.

During the press conference before departing, he accused China of “stealing” the F-35, saying that the newest fifth generation Chinese fighter jet looked exactly the same.

He said that this was cause for concern.

“We are concerned about the departure of military technology to China. For example, we see a fifth-generation Chinese fighter that looks a lot like the F-35. Because this is the F-35. By and large, they just stole it,” Bolton said during the press conference.

Now, China has one 5th generation fighter jet that is in service – the J-20. Here are some pictures to see what it looks like.

John Bolton Accuses China Of "Stealing" F-35 Fighter Jet

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John Bolton Accuses China Of "Stealing" F-35 Fighter Jet

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It would, quite honestly, take quite a bit of imagination to say that the J-20 looks a lot like the F-35. Yes, they are both fighter jets and these tend to have a relatively similar appearance, but even the very first ever fighter jet the Messerschmitt Me 262 – a German one has some resemblance, to even the 5th generation ones.

One could deem it that the US, Russia, China and every country operating such a combat aircraft simply just stole it from Germany, if absurdity is what one is after, of course. Obviously, it’s a much older aircraft, but it has all the essentials to make it a fighter jet.

John Bolton Accuses China Of "Stealing" F-35 Fighter Jet

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Regardless, here is the F-35. An observer, who wishes to see things as how they are, and not as how they want them to be would see that: the F-35 is much smaller than the J-20, has only one engine and has prominent nose canards.

John Bolton Accuses China Of "Stealing" F-35 Fighter Jet

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John Bolton Accuses China Of "Stealing" F-35 Fighter Jet

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Another possible aircraft that Bolton could be referring to is the Chinese Shenyang FC-31 (also known as the J-31) stealth fighter jet.

John Bolton Accuses China Of "Stealing" F-35 Fighter Jet

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John Bolton Accuses China Of "Stealing" F-35 Fighter Jet

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Specifically, the FC-31 also has two engines, but it does look a bit similar. Only a few prototypes have ever been built and presented over the last 10 years. And this is where, specifically, the similarities with the F-35 fighter jet come – the FC-31 is riddled with numerous and continuous technical issues, so it might, in fact, really be a stolen F-35, since that is also the US fighter jet’s biggest “feature.”

It also could be that Bolton was told, or prepared some sort of accusation, but got his names wrong. Since here is a side-by-side picture of the FC-31 and the F-22, which look somewhat similar.

John Bolton Accuses China Of "Stealing" F-35 Fighter Jet

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All of these similarities are a result of constraints in shape and form, at the current state of technology and necessity of stealth, they’re not something exclusive that the United States came up with.

Regardless, John Bolton continues with his wild accusations, after claiming that Russia stole its hypersonic technology from the US and is now vastly ahead in terms of it.


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Kelli Hernandez

Everyone knows the F-35 is a piece of crap. Maybe Bolton ought to look no further than his home state of Israhell selling military secrets to China LOL! Also, China makes some off the parts for the F-35 waste of money boondoggle.

northerntruthseeker .

The real laugher here is now the Chinese looked at the F35 designs, and after laughing themselves silly, actually came up with a better aircraft that does not use that horrid VTOL engine that makes the F35 too heavy and un-maneuverable….


True, even if Chinese incorporate into the J-31 some stolen elements from the F-35, even IF I repeat, they end up with a much better design with negates to a large part the flaws of the F-35.


In all fairness, only the F-35B has the VTOL engine. The airforce and navy versions don’t have it.

Concrete Mike

I still find the f35 looks like a chubby harrier.

It looks.nothing like the chinese j20.


It looks chubby because it also had to fit the VTOL engine of the B variant, that’s what you get for one size fits all. But its still only the B-variant which has the engine.

As for the similarity with the J-20, there are obvious similarities as there’s only so many ways you can design an aerodynamic stealth aircraft. Most modern cars look the same to me, except for the high performance cars, which are pushed to different extremes based on which requirements it has to adhere too. The same with high performance jet fighters. There will be obvious similarities, and some major differences as the Chinese went for different mission objectives.

Saso Mange

F 22 is kinda best thing. They should upgrade those or make something much more advance than F 35. But if F 35 really is invisible it was not a waste.


How long willit take Bolton to declare that the US Invented the Wheel ?

northerntruthseeker .

You didn’t know that the US invented the wheel??? Where have you been???


I am humbled by my ignorance my friend.

Tommy Jensen

All Made in China is stolen from American braincells.

Icarus Tanović

Check yours…


Ignorance is a long sought after asset that many Americans have, that has not been appropriated by China.


I can not locate a couple of files on my computer Florian. I think the Chinese have stolen my spreadsheets, dam industrial espionage ! :D


Think yourself lucky , PZ14J, Epstein’s paper bed sheets were swapped for linen ones :) The Chinese obviously wanted the Jewish philanthropist and champion of needy children DEAD.


It was Putin, then he ate my hamster.

chris chuba

And the Iranians stole it!


With Russian help :)




Indeed, I wouldn’t be surprised if Bolton would proclaim on a foreign trip somewhere, seeing people using hot water : “Hey, that’s hot water, we invented that 2000 years ago! Give it back or we will invade your sorry ass country!”


How about Hot Air? The US has vast reserves of that :)


Yes, especially in the Washington DC area….


Its so toxic there that the White Helmets are being deployed to Washington DC.


The fact, that such a complete idiot is national security advisor of the country with such a large army and stock of nuclear weapons – should be matter of concern to every intelligent person on the planet!


half or more of the American people and voters are complete idiots, what did you expect ?

Tiresia Branding

politicians are the mirror of their nation… this is an unfortunately true similarity


Not at all, American politicians particularly do not reflect their nation at all! They accurately reflect a small minority group though. ;)



Maybe they can fix the worthless thing. The F-35 is what happened when the federal government made these development contracts “pre-pay”.

Tiresia Branding

politicians are the mirror of a nation… this is an unfortunately true similarity

Lena Jones

And Bolton stole China’s pubes and glued them to his upper lip.

Patriot Patrol

SU57 is a fake plane lol

Saso Mange

He should mention how USA took Russian designs from early Soviet jets? Russia had advantage back then.

But that is technology, everyone is at close level especially now when gap seems not existing.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Yes China stole F-35 blueprints from right under their noses, because they can, then decided purchasing Russian S-400’s and Su-35’s were a superior option.

Ultimate slap down to the Pentagon!

i.e We came, we stole, we didn’t find anything of worth.


We came, we stole, it died!


In deference to the rather disgusting Mr. Bolton, there was a report several years ago claiming that China had stolen F35 blueprints via cyber attack. It was never varified as far as I know.


Lay off the crack a bit Mr. Bolton.


The US stole rocket technology from the first state who went into space.

Then they gave it to Hitlers favourite scientist to build them one.

Jacob Wohl's Nose

“but but muh F-35 can’t be detected by S-400 at 10 feet away! no country knows how to defeat it. MURICA” – rocket nose, occupy retard, toronto cunto

J Ramirez

Why is the US crying/ They stole massive amounts of land, gold, oil and natural resources from all over the world and there crying for a plane that cant even fly? WTF ;}


The FC-31 seems like a project that only China can do – rip off the design of a competitor and then fly it thumbing their noses (and then abandon it implying it’s crap!!!). Lol.

Icarus Tanović

Well, have they? That is good! Awesome…


I reckon there’s as much sense in saying they stole the design from the Saab Viggen


well johnny that can’t be true because the F(lunky)-35 doesn’t fly whereas the chinese figther does fly.

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