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MARCH 2025

Jordan Officially Accuses Former Crown Prince Of Plotting A Coup D’état

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Jordan Officially Accuses Former Crown Prince Of Plotting A Coup D'état

Jordanian soldiers in the capital Amman on March 18, 2020. Image source: AFP

Jordan has official accused former Crown-Prince Hamzah bin Hussein of plotting a coup d’état with support from foreign powers.

Ayman Safadi, Jordan’s Deputy Prime Minister, made the accusation in a press conference held on the noon of April 4.

Safadi accused Prince Hamzah of aiding actions aimed at targeting the “nation’s security”. According to him, recent investigations by authorities revealed contacts between the prince and his companions with “foreign entities”, all of them were arrested.

“Man linked to foreign security services offered Prince Hamza’s wife a plane to leave Jordan,” the Deputy PM said. “Prince Hamza sought to mobilize local figures for actions designed to harm national security, says deputy PM.”

Initially, Jordan denied reports revealing that Prince Hamzah was placed under house arrest. The prince leaked a video to the press confirming that he was confined at his home. In the video, the prince, who was the second in royal succession line until 2004,  revealed harassment by the military and voiced harsh criticism against the government’s corruption and mismanagement.

In response to the video, Safadi accused Hamzah of distorting facts in an attempt to invite local and foreign empathy.

“All actions, moves contained, nipped in the bud,” Safadi told the press.

According to the Deputy PM, 16 plotters were apprehended by security forces, including Bassem Awadallah and Shareef Hassan bin Zaid. Awadallah has close ties with the Crown-Prince of Saudi Arabia Mohamad Bin Salman. This suggests that the planed coup d’état was linked to the oil-rich Kingdom.

It is worth noting however that Saudi Arabia was among the first countries to condemn the plot in Jordan and support King Abdullah II.

On Twitter, Noor Al Hussein, former Queen of Jordan and mother of Prince Hamzah, celled the accusations against her son a “wicked slander”.

Safadi concluded his conference by saying that the plot is still under investigation, stressing that a “legal path” will be taken. The senior official didn’t clarify if the former Crown Prince will be put on trial for his involvement in the alleged plot.

The alleged coup attempt in Jordan may be linked with the current shift in the balance of power in the Middle East. Jordan always maintained a balance between all the axes in the region, while remaining in a strategic alliance with the US and enjoying extraordinary relations with Israel.


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Do they have the guts to say which “foreign actors” precisely are involved?


I did smile when I saw the Southfront header photo of Jordanian troops photographed with a Saxon APC :)

The Saxon is a British designed pile of scrap that is more suited to the 1930’s designs. It is very underpowered and a pig to drive as well as having a far to high profile’ that makes it an easy target and hard to conceal.

The Brits sold some to the Ukies a few years ago and even they laughed.



Jordan is a US and Zionist occupied colony.

Freemon Sandlewould

Let me guess — someone was “involved” that will motivate Jordan to start in on Iran and Syria because Israel and the USA are desperate not to lose in Syria


mossad and cia more than likely, a repeat of the attempt to replace erdogan with gulen in 2016 and again they fail. amazing the ineptitude the jews are showing – they truly must feel the end is nigh for the jews in palestine and pls also note that Putin told naziyahu over the phone a couple of weeks ago to behave and stop those attacks on targets in Syria or else. and thus nothing much in terms of minor attacks on Syria and needless killing of women and children which the jews usually excel in.

Arch Bungle

israel’s Arab satrap is about to fall apart …

Ashok Varma

Jordan is a artificial British imperialist created cesspool created to protect the Zionist entity in Palestine. These so-called Hashmites are corrupt Zionist catamites.


actually ansarallah has the real hashamite royalty while these “jordanians” are british fatherless children all of which are pretty much spawns of the jewish devils having jewish nannies and teachers and so on to corrupt them since childhood similar to what happened to the pahlavis in fact the same methods can be seen on both


the previous two generations of pahlavis one after another fatherless children aswell with the last generation which i dont count being pretty much two cultureless american whores which are only good for playboy magazine or similar things


they have these corrupted mothers all of them these fake blondies disgusting hedonistic animal creatures which they call their mothers and their fathers are jewish female murderous nannies which is why all of these “royals” get turned into anything but alpha males and therefore they always follow the leadership of their women like they are told since childhood and since their women are pretty much disgusting creatures there cant be expected much of these fake royals


but farbat, the ghareeb toady got no choice here bro…..lol…..these are all muzlim toady no? All on the Zionist payroll. Lot of muzlim countries in this toady predicament……some more so than the others, but they are all castrated. They can do nothing.


Not likely … the little king has power and wields it well enough … hello?


Since the Ziowahhabi terrorists of Ziodi Wahhabia already rushed to support the Jordan king, who in turn just gave complete freedom to UK/US terrorist Ziocorporate globalists to deploy in Jordan, Iran should be getting ready to mitigate a Western MSM campaign to slander Tehran for instigating a coup in Jordan.


Two very simple and sufficient questions will have to be answered :

Who does it benefit to see a nation like Jordan collapse upon itself, and who has active feuds with it ?

Actors passing that criteria aren’t plenty in the region and even beyond. Indeed the Hashemite kingdom has no active feud with any Arab state no matter which sphere of external influence (pro-US Gulf states or Pro-Russia Syria/Algeria/Haftar’s Libya, neutral Lebanon, friendly Egypt, or even Iran. If anything, Al-Hussein has been almost clashing with US pressure to re-open key border crossings with neighboring Syria with which he has persistently shown willingness to re-establish commerce and trade.

We’re left with… you name it : the Israeli government, of course. With regards to which Al-Hussein has recently withdrawn from existing land-sharing accords a couple years back, and have been quite vocal with their staunch opposition to the extreme-right zionist governement’s Kushner-supported annexion extending Israeli territory right at their border through the West Bank.

There is an expression in France saying “don’t go looking for Noon at 2PM”. When the obvious is written all over the place, “investigations” will only need political courage to go full disclosure on their findings no matter how shameful and/or painful, the whole thing happening ideally on an official tribune for the whole world to see and judge.


Of course … it’s the yids

They want to destabilize a neighbour they’re at Peace with … as if they don’t have enough on their plate …. lol

Sure … YOU’VE made the case prosecutor Fouquier-Timville? lol


Not a slam-dunk, but this says you’re probably on the right trail…https://www.sott.net/article/450991-Businessman-who-offered-to-fly-Prince-Hamzah-out-of-Jordan-is-ex-Mossad-agent-reports-claim Ever since he canceled the land-share agreement, I’ve been looking for this to happen. Israel attacks anyone, even a puppet, if it doesn’t dance just right. Regardless the stupid troll, twatz…Israel has NO friends…only those they seek to control.


Thanks for that zman,

the core of this news is indeed exactly that of my previous rationale. Three years without any real direct diplomatic contacts between Netanyahu and the Jordanian king further compounds that significant fracture practically revolving around Al’Hussein’s long overdue withdrawal from that obscene land deal,that had largely outlived its relevance after countless violations of its spirit by expansionist Israeli cabinets.

And you’re absolutely on point when it comes to Israel toppling even its most loyal puppets in a heartbeat if they display even the slightest sign of self-determined behavior and thus technically distancing themselves from perfect alignment with their interests.

Israel and its US slave have this in common that they do not satisfy merely on dealing with even the most loyal partners. All they ever accept are weak minions,true vassals they can dominate at every level and every instant of their existence.

As for the laptog, I’ve been used to lhim troll following me around for some time, he’s actually funny with his occasionnal barking, I don’t don’t mind him gesticulating off the leash here and there from time to time xD


There, tangible elements are already piling up including in Israeli outlets. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.timesofisrael.com/israeli-offered-to-send-jet-to-evacuate-detained-jordan-princes-family-reports/amp/

Rhodium 10

Jordan is another terrorist nest…FSA& Al Qaeda terrorist live there and have links in Dara and Al Tanf…Palestinian population there support Al Assad and Iran…but King Abdullah is a western Puppet…one example Jordan air force attacked ISIS in Raqqa ( even thought that cost that one of its pilots was burned alive..) and never attacked ISIS in Dara, Sweida , Qneitra because USA&Israel needed ISIS to fight vs SAA and can take Damascus…


Why should the Pals in Jordan support Assad’s Crime Family? Didn’t he just kill 1000’s of Pals during the ‘civil war’ and took their ‘camp’ away from them?

Yarmouk is in Assad’s paws … hello?

YOUR POV is completely estranged from rationality …


Rhodium 10

Tell me why Palestinian authority support Assad and not FSA?…


In order to protect his own position … nothing more … he knows what Assad did to the Pals in Yarmouk … hello?

Rhodium 10

Hello!…Yarkmouk?… You mean an ISIS nest that was smashed?..


Thanks for acknowledging that the Palestinian ‘Refugee Camp’ called Yarmouk was an ‘ISIS nest’

Assad smashed it …. killing men/ women/ children

The Pals are finished … like Assad did to Yarmouk …. the WB & Gaza Pals are just a shot away … eh?

We’re on the SAME PAGE! Who would have thunk it? LMAO



“Thunk “? Are you alright mate, evening drugs kicking in ?


Full support from US / Israel … sure I believes ya …

Syrians just love Pals … that’s why they eat them RAW …

Assad took care of them alright … lol


Because you actually believe I cared about your endorsement on anything, that’s your main issue. Have some milk in zionist dreamland and let people take care of reality for ya. Anyway seems like you’ve taken the evening pill and can’t even line up full sentences. So I’ll let you dwell in your fantasy universe. Don’t thank me, and goodbye Doggo !


Spare me … your viewpoints paint you as the enemy

The vile enemy to be done away with at the earliest possible time



“Spare me … your viewpoints” A simple solution for that to happen would be not to fucking read and react to them if this is so painful to your weak braindead mind. I can toss you around anytime, just ask, you’ve seen me do it a hundred times in a matter of a few months already, we can continue this little game as long as you want. But you can also stop the pain yourself. Your call to behave like a retarded masochist or not in the future.

“paint you as the enemy” That makes two of us. And you will die first.

“The vile enemy to be done away with at the earliest possible time” Good luck with that. Really, I wish you good luck with that.


Yes … Shia love death … your wish is coming ever closer


Good thing I’m an atheist then. By now I think it’s been at least 50 times I told you this, but being an illiterate God loving zionist, I understand you’ve had a hard time coping.


You’re a liar …

I’ve said 100 times I’m secular but born a Jew … but today the Mullahs of Shia Iran want to surround Israel with missiles in order to kill Jews …

You use the term zionist … not Jew interestingly

gryzor84 hiding his race … but undoubtedly a Muslim born with a knowledge base of his own ilk … 1967 borders my aXX with a Muslim majority … save the bs gryzor84


“You’re a liar …”

Says who exactly ? The stubborn wacko still going in circles about me being some kind of Shia extremist ?

“You use the term zionist … not Jew interestingly

That’s precisely because I’m not against Jews or Israelis as a people or a religion, contrary to you genocidal maniac wishing the death of the entire Persian people. I simply oppose the extremist fringe of their ideology when it comes to infringing upon the sovereignty and territorial integrity of its neighbors and the Palestinian people they threw out of their homes at gunpoint.

“gryzor84 hiding his race”

Lol, I have nothing to hide and I’m proud of my heritage you moron. You really believe I would ever shy away about who I am to a low-life illiterate dirtbag such as yourself ? And there’s no race but the human race, racist Israeli zionist retard, can’t even pose as anything other than the scum he is for more than a minute.

What you call bs is called International Law, that you criminal zealots substitute with your Thora, just as your Islamist brethren replace it with their Quran when they call for Caliphate instead of actual borders and countries. As I said, you’re all the same kind of backwards scum to me.


International Law? lol

Is that what the rabble say? lol

Thora … that’s your bible the one you call the OT slavic slug


Care …. ?

I care that you’re dead …

I care that whomever you support suffers from an untimely death

Your anti-Israel agenda is clear … ver geharget


I know, petty armchair murderer.

You already care that 80 million other people die in terrible suffering in the flames of nuclear fire, what’s one more guy you wish dead in that beautiful expectation, you drug-addicted psychotic retard.

I support secularism, for which you wish my destruction, just as your Islamofascist brethren do, you theocracy-loving zionist pig.

You’ll eat dust before me, rest assured, wicked scum of this Earth. Fuck you and your masters.


Ain’t gonna happen no matter how much you wish it …. twinkle twinkle little star

I support secular democracy … like in Israel

Trouble is Muslims don’t!

Muslims support the domination over others even within their multi-ethnic society … let alone their ‘jihad for the sake of Allah’ bs


“I support secular democracy … like in Israel”

and you support Islamist theocracy everywhere else,actively working to destroy secularism in Syria hand in hand with Salafist Gulf state monarchies where beheading and crucifixion is commonplace in the 21st century.

“Muslims support the domination over others even within their multi-ethnic society … let alone their ‘jihad for the sake of Allah’ bs”

Your fascistic PM doesn’t even consider Israel as the state of all its citizen and only value Jews by blood in that regard, WTF are you even talking about ?


No … YOU’Ll have to DEAL WITH IT!

Sheesh … secular what?

A Slavic slug? Say it ain’t so …


WooOoOOoOw look at him getting all angry now lol xD cool it down pops, seems you’re losing it again and its bad for tension. Time to sleep. 2nd pill in a row is NOT good. Don’t push it old timer, or you’ll lose the very few neurons you still have left, I can see the ravages as we speak !

And WTF is your obsession with the Slavic thing, gosh, this one needs help…


84 … it was a good year … my son was born …

Slav / Shia … always hiding behind ‘secular’ … lol

You’re afraid … stay fearful


I see you’re enjoying that Captagon fix boy, nice of them Salafist roommates to share .

Fear ? What fear? Not even Pali kids fear you while you destroy their villages hiding like cowards inside US-funded tanks!


Ah … the fear is omnipresent …. it never dissipates

That’s it’s nature


Yep, you’re a living proof of that.


‘Assad always took great care of them’ … as many as he could get his hands on … he killed them including women and children … hello?

You’re nothing but an apologist for Assad and/or the vile Iranian Islamist/ Jihadis YOU SUPPORT!

Coming ta git ya ….


“‘Assad always took great care of them’ … as many as he could get his hands on … he killed them including women and children … hello?”

No, Israel has amde an expertise in doing that every day, and its way enough of a crime already.

Assad for his part never did that, as Syria has always been a welcoming base also for the PLFP’s General Command. He may not be an a perfect leader by any means and I staunchly condemn the political repression that occured beore foreign powers intervened, but if there’s one thing the PA always recognized was that he took care of hundreds of thousands of refugees in that camp ever since its establishment decades ago. >ould it be only as a matter of global strategy he would have been foolish to do otherwise anyway, as the Palestinian brigades under Ahmed Jibril’s command swore an oath since DAY ONE of the war to destroy Israeli and GCC-backed Jihadists, as they are secular by nature, just as the Baathists, and opposed to theocratic rule.

So by their very nature they naturally painted a big target on any Allah-loving retard they could get and resisted a siege by AQ affiliates and ISIS at different points in time until the SAA backed by Russia could change the reality on the ground in their favor once and for all. You know NOTHING of those fundamentals and yet you speak out of your ignorant arse. You’ve got your head so far up your ass mouth-fed with decades of cheap Zionist propaganda that you cannot even comprehend the very basic dynamics of powerplay in that region.

“You’re nothing but an apologist for Assad and/or the vile Iranian Islamist/ Jihadis YOU SUPPORT!”

Again with that line, you ARE a lost cause man. There is ample written evidence of the contrary in literally dozens upon dozens of detailed posts of mine all over this site, including intellectually painful exchanges I’ve had the displeasure of engaging with the retarded Hasbarah-fed fuckhead you are, so get back to your mama with that petty broken record of yours and get a life when you can’t stand other people’s opinion without slandering them and making cheap and meaningless accusations to vent your anger and frustration.

As a reminder , I oppose the theocratic rule anywhere it exists, Iran included. What I don’t oppose is when they intervene on the invitation of a SECULAR country called Syria asking them to protect the existing institution from the hordes of ISRAELI-supported Salafist paramilitaries encamped in the Golan and protected by ISRAELI air cover, along with their friends on other fronts in the north supported by Turkey, the south by the West / Europe / GCC.

All the while you, twatz, openly wished in writing, many , many time, on this very forum, for the nuclear annihilation of 80 millions Iranians without distinction, no matter whom they are. Now what does that make you, if not an armchair genocidal bitch ? And as the certified criminal maniac that kind of repeated lines make you, me saying a big and usual “Fuck You” is basically a largesse, as you’re not even worthy of such insults, you parasitic imbecile staining humankind with your universal mediocrity and miserable hate.

“Coming ta git ya ….”

Wtf is that even supposed to mean ? A broken jaw is all you gonna get if you ever get close enough to me with those “ideas” and drug-addicted face of yours irl, mate.


Drop it mate,the twatz guy has serious mental health issues. He has no long term memory and sees every event as it happens in one and the same day. “Yesterday”and “Tomorrow” or “timeline” don’t exist in his little fishbowl. He sees ISIS in Yarmouk a given day he will believe ISIS was there for 50 years.


What a pile of utter bullshit, my gosh you truly have no shame of even minimal culture of the topic you bark about, dog.

Reality check for you :Yarmouk was once about to get eaten alive by pro-Western and Israeli-supported salafist hordes and street-by-street urban guerilla warfare was bitterly fought between them and Palestinian locals that were for years besieged from almost all sides ,where have you been during all that time, cave rat ? It was only when the savages’ gains around Damascus and Aleppo were rolled back that Jibril Ahmed’s PLFP’s General Command in Syria then mobilized, regrouped and methodically stormed the hell out of every jihadi pockets still harassing and surrounding the camp in simultaneous multi-pronged attacks with full support from both the SAA and Russian VKS air cover.

If anything the Syrian civil war threw the foundations of a level of comradeship and fraternity yet unseen between Palestinian fighters ans the national Syrian army corps, you dumbass. Besides ,Russians continue to this day to train elite Palestinian brigades integrated with the SAA in the northwest.

And you’re the one speaking of denial and being estranged from realities ? LoL xD


Sure … xD

Russians training Pali brigades! Well hush my mouth and freeze my face!

Those ‘ruskies’ are indispensable … eh?

Truly worthy of Nobel prizes for something … 🤮

The PA formally thanked the Assad Crime Family & Putin? lol

BUT … BUT … BUT I thought the PA were Israel’s bitchez ?

Ya f/kn incoherent sod …



You are a pathetic simpleton.Where did I ever say the PA were Israeli stooges ?I blame them for being tol weak and submissive, lacking courage to stand up hard enough for their right but the balance of power doesn’t help,if you can’t make the distinction then you’re even dumber than I ever smthiught mate, good muck with that brillant brain of yours.

And yeah , with the whole of the US/Europe/GCC/Israel /Turkey colluding to help jihadist paramilitaries overthrow secular Syria and turn it into a terrorist caliohate a la Afghanistan then it was only fair Iran and Russia intervened to kill that little Salafist party of yours in the egg. Of course they were needed in such dire times for an isolated Syria ,nobody in their right minds would say no to a superpower lending a helping hand, just as you’re you have infiltrated Congress to secure more US taxpayer money every year to help you destroy more Arab lives,to each its powerful and indispensable patron,I have no problem with that just as your world-class criminal cabinet doesn”t either ;-)


Franky, Jordan has a history of midget puppet kings and just look at the pygmy soldiers in the photo.


the sooner ansarullah solves the south the sooner it can move north and get its rightful crown back and ditch all the imposters in the sea


every single houthi tribal from ansarullah has more hashemite blood in them than all of these disgusting jordanians combined and this is a fact


The posters here are simply spreading propaganda for their favorite:

1. Assad … supported by the likes of gryzor84 / Rhodium 10 /

2. Iran …. Frank / farbat

It’s comical really … the value of your posts are precious … a real ‘mind swill’ …. congratulatory fist pumps … as you watch your faves



Ahrar Al Sham ==> A hard on for twatz. Nourideen Harakat Al Zinki ==> A hard on for twatz. Tahrir Al Sham ==> A hard on for twatz. Al Nusra ==> A hard on for twatz. The Turkestan Islamic Party ==> A hard on for twatz.

The Turkish-backed National Liberation Front ==> A hard on for twatz.

and last but not least: ISIS ==> Uncontrollable ecstasy by twatz.

I haven’t ever been dreaming and praying day and night while high on LSD for Nuclear Holocaust of Iranians or Israeli or any people whatsoever, for my part, so you get kiss my atheist arse and apologize afterwards with those bright humane ideas that you harbor for the future of our race, twatzo.


You’re a race ?

An Iranian pro-IRGC / pro-Assad slug is that what YOU’RE telling me gryzor84 … a 30-something Iranian sluggo?

Dreaming of annihilating the 9 million Israelis including 2 million Arabs off the map?

9 million vs 80 million sounds fair to me … eh?

Let’s see whose gonna win that fight … am I right?

But … the vile Iranian Mullahs need Shia Brigades in Syria + Hezbollah in Lebanon + Hamas /Islamic Jihad in Gaza + PMU in Iraq to do their dying for them … am I right?

The paper tiger doesn’t fight unless OTHERS DIE FOR THEM … why fight when others will die for you for a few dollars … Shia Muslim blood is cheap … eh gryzor84?


“Dreaming of annihilating the 9 million Israelis including 2 million Arabs off the map? 9 million vs 80 million sounds fair to me … eh?”

Never said that, and claimed the contrary on this very site many times before. I say what the UN says : back to 67 lines, and I said verbatim that both Israel and Palestine had the right to be a state, illiterate silly boy.

“The paper tiger doesn’t fight unless OTHERS DIE FOR THEM … why fight when others will die for you for a few dollars … Shia Muslim blood is cheap … eh gryzor84?”

You have been making Islamofascist militias do your dirty regime change and state disintegration project for you for the past 9 years, how the heck do you even point fingers ?

Plus, you’ve been claiming you’ll take the Iranian nuclear issue into your own hands and fly squadrons to bomb every single site of interest “tomorrow” sometimes its’s “next week” and other times it’s “in a few month”. It has been D-Day for TWENTY YEARS STRAIGHTS AND COUNTING. Not a SINGLE IDF PLANE even remotely close to Iranian airspace to this day, while their nuclear program has been making massive strides.

All you clowns did was to send a couple of expensive spy drones that they shot down illico presto, and that’s IT.

I say again : Go, F***, yourself.

Or finally grow a pair, and walk the petty talk. Or get outta my face, parasite.


I’m not predicting EXCEPT to say … Yossi knows and will deny Iran the Nuke

You Slavic slugs ‘think’ you’re so smart?



20 years of that “scary threat”and still nothing done,keep on making me laugh boy. Like your Thora lines, trippin’on primitive myths while ignoring men’s law?

You Stern killing squads think you’re so big ? But you’ve been getti g smaller by the decade lol

You’ve lost land and clout bit by bit ever since 73,you’ll lose more during this decade, just be patient ;-)

Did you teach your son to hate and kill his neighbors too ? Such a beautiful offspring he must be with a trollish, holocaust wishing racist “tutor”like you ahahahah


An anti-Zionist / anti-Judaism troll …. hiding his background … a ‘secular’ model of hate towards Jews / Zionists / Israelis …. bravo punk

I hate your ilk …. the ‘secular’ troll of righteousness …. you’re hiding behind a ‘secular’ facade is tiresome gryzor84 ….

A mask hiding an ugly face ….



No façade here but yours, Thora-loving fanboy posing as a secular jew (secular my ass),I’m damn glad I’m not bound by the same obsurantism of backward fanatism but only care modern laws and international institutions. Your theocracy is a relic of the past that will soon be wiped by time.

Nothing self-righteous about opposing zionism as the hateful and murderous,jihadi-like pseudo-ideology it is ,using the Thora as its psychopatic manifesto for killing door to door instead of the Quran to kill en masse. Different books, same murderous rage and ignorance. Any person with a modicum of decency would outright stand against you,that’s why 99% of the world hate you for what you are.

May you all anachronistic zealots choke on that wicked quest for dominance that you’ve already been losing since 73.

Not my fault if your fake state has been founded on the death of hundreds of thousands and exile of millions. You chose to become mass murderers and terrorists, accept to be called as such and ultimately pay the price of your many cimes against humanity, petty fool.


gryzor84 … the secularist speaks about Israel will be ‘wiped by time’ ?


I spit on your bs ya f/kn anti-Judaism Hater

Your ilk will suffer soon enough … we’ll all be around to experience it



You thick-headed moron, you know full well what I mean by that : the downfall of the zionist “Greater Israel”project encroaching on its neighbors land, absolutely. I recognize Israel solely on the basis of internationally recognized borders which mean not an inch beyond the 67 lines.

Now crawl back to hasbarah land and your revisionist history putting forward the Thora to justify mass killing of infants, invasion ,occupation and aggression.

Your rollback has started ever since the 73 war even if you’re deluded enough to see it as some sort of victory. Ditto South Lebannon in 2000 then Gaza. You will live to see it happen elsewhere,rest assured. And if you do not, I will :-)


1967 borders ?

Without allowing the 5 million ‘refugees’ back inside those borders?

Why not 1948 borders?

Why not 1920 borders?

As for rolling back since 1973? The return of Sinai to Egypt along with a signed Peace Treaty?

As for Lebanon … it was to rid Lebanon of the PLO but the Occupation of South Lebanon was not to acquire territory … especially territory occupied by Muslims …. lol

No mass killings burial sites to discover like in Syria / Libya et al Only Muslims kill others like that … today … well maybe Russians still do … eh?



“Why not 1948 borders?

Why not 1920 borders?”

And ? Israel’s definition is -500 borders ROFL and that was a super solid way to be a smartass, so yeah you are right, why not ! since your psychos in arms take your self-declared borders from a fairy tale called the “Old Testament” dating back 2,500 years, I guess it isn’t that far-fetched to settle on something a bit more relevant and legitimate corresponding closer to the current era and its ethno-geographical composition, rather than tearing apart its fabric artificially at gunpoint based whatever dubious and mostly unverifiable context that existed millennia ago to justify expelling and ethnically cleansing millions of its current innocent owners because “the Bible is in one hand ?” Fucking idiot.

In this case why not give back parts of China and Russia to Iran ? how would you like that ? after all, millennia ago, the Persian empire ruled supreme over entire parts of their contemporary territory ? why not give Iran the whole of Afghanistan too ? and Irak ? all of these were integrated in Mesopotamia so it’s only fair since Israel does the same and its soooo right in your eyes ! what about giving back North America to the Native Indians ? after all they lived there centuries before the very first Europeans ever set foot on. What about the Ottoman Empire ? should we give back entire parts of the middle east and central Europe to Erdogan ? you know he’s been asking that too lately ?

Do I need to go further in your crazy conception of what is supposed to be a nation ? no wonder the entire world hates your guts and you’ve been steadily losing ground in your conquest project.

Giving back the Sinai and Southern Lebanon willingly ? ahahahah you guys held on to both territories sacrificing blood & treasure for close to a decade to the oil-rich desert you wanted to turn green and had been pumping oil from, and almost two decades to the shores of the Litani and water-rich Southern Lebanon and still covet it to this day using Lebanon as an excuse.

Only extremely costly military pressure and campaign finally convinced you to let go. Still hanging on to that old tale of voluntary withdrawal hey :D

You’ve been LOOSING. Even Gaza wasn’t taken back as Bibi called off what Lieberman was asking. All you do is to besieged women & children and bomb them from afar. Period.

And the trend will accelerate should you finally have the balls to directly engage Iran in a shooting war. Be my guest,20 years of barking from your fascistic PM, and still no sight of your airforce anywhere near the country, what’s stopping you ? they’ve been enriching and their military R&D has been making incredible strides in means to attack every inch of your territory, so why the wait xD Every day lost is more projected losses for your guys, you should hurry up xD

Fuck you, ignorant retard.


Spare me the history lesson …

The lands between the River and the Sea were reassigned to the Jewish People in 1920 … those same Bible lands of yore … even before Alexander the Great conquered what you call Persia or Iran … eh? The same Hebrew Bible the World recognizes … the one the Koran references for without it … it makes NO SENSE … lol

Maybe Russia should take (and keep) a piece of Iran …. like they did twice in the last 100 years?

But … that’s not my business … eh?

I could give a sh Xt about Iran except their aggressive demeanor towards Israel … eh?

The world hates the Jewish People? I agree since Christianity and Islam feel they SUPERSEDED Judaism and both Christians and Muslims have been hateful towards Jews in their ‘revealed’ texts …. lol

It not about Israel … Israel is the latest excuse

Iran will be attacked … your dreams of conquest coming to naught … the vile Iranian Mullah Police State upended … Inshallah

Iran’s destiny will be to become a docile State … eh? The rabid dogs put down



“The lands between the River and the Sea were reassigned to the Jewish People in 1920 …”

Utter horse shyte, and usual disinformation from Israeli propaganda, debunked time & again by some of its own historians and the whole world. “Reassigned” lol you make me laugh so hard mate, their illegal mass immigration during the time of the British Mandate even after WWII was opposed actively by the authorities AND the whole of the local population living there for centuries, a people called the Palestinians. And it ended in the region’s most destructive and horrendous terror bombing of its history perpetrated by the zionist brigades at the King David Hotel, provoking more than a hundred dead instantly and compelling the British mandate to be ultimately dissolved to avoid further casualties.

The making of Israel : First, crude terror of a murderous magnitude unmatched by ANY entity to this very day, Israel indeed still holds the record in blood. That’s how the illegal settlers “self-reassigned” to a land they had stopped belonging to for millenias.

Then came your fascist militias Irgun and Haganah moving thousands of people while they terrorized the British remnants and Palestinians alike, and culminated by systematically harassing, killing and evicting the hundreds of thousands of owners from their land and homes, otherwise known as ethnic cleansing in modern times.

“those same Bible lands of yore … even before Alexander the Great conquered what you call Persia or Iran … eh? The same Hebrew Bible the World recognizes … the one the Koran references for without it … it makes NO SENSE … lol ”

Ahaha, only fanatic hordes like your people still insist on caring about what happened a whole era ago, in which order and which fairy tales references it or not, or in a “coherent” way, it’s pathetic to see you gesticulate like this. What’s the relevance of even quoting Alexander, and in which way does you distorted mind think it can help your case to detail whatever happened tens of centuries ago ? Yeah, and Mongolia’s Genghis Khan was taking over the whole of Eurasia once, super cool, let’s give contemporary Mongolia a piece of the pie too , since those long dead times matter so much to you, let’s redraw the whole fuckin world map while we’re at it ! LOL man, you’re digging deeper in intellectual misery by the post and make no sense whatsoever.

Today’s Iranians aren’t on a crusade to reconquer anything beyond their currently recognized borders, even during the time of the Shah, no such thing ever materialized in their policies, it’s again a zionist exclusivity. Same with Egyptians. Only you and the neo-Ottoman wannabee Er-Gog are so obsessed with regaining lands form a distant past. No wonder you and the little wacko share the same downfall of Syria with similar Salafist hordes and methods.

“Maybe Russia should take (and keep) a piece of Iran …. like they did twice in the last 100 years?”

Or maybe Egypt should make you their slaves again and feed you to their lions but this time no Persian king to ever free you from your fate, how’s that for an alternate scenario ? I can be director too !

Such a man-child you are. If anything that cheap trollish line of yours I just destroyed further sheds light on your wicked , savage, immoral vision of what the world should be about : constant barbaric fighting, where conquest is permanent and might makes right. Poor you, pathetic primate, you have nothing to do in the 21st century boy, get back to sleep for another 1,000 years xD

I could give a sh Xt about Iran except their aggressive demeanor towards Israel … eh?”

Just as I couldn’t give a damn about your broken shit stain of a micro-state and its racist, ultra-militarized society if it weren’t for you forcefully trying to expanding over every single one of your neighbors for decades against all odds and hell-bent on breaking up other state thousands of miles away from you just because you’re jealous they’re still 80 times your size and host many more cultural and archaeological treasures than you’ll ever enjoy, and get visited by the whole world to this day even in such harsh times, and harbor ressources you can only dream of confiscating and siphoning during what’s left of your short existence.

“Iran’s destiny will be to become a docile State … eh? The rabid dogs put down”

The leash will be put around Israel’s neck first, Biden might be a sleepy POTUS, but he is no Trump by any means, and it’s hurting your PM’s butt already :) Iran saw its futur and sealed a deal of the century with rising China that made you cry a river ever since, while you stick to the failing dollar, good for you.

Time for a heroic Israeli strike that will liberate the world from the danger of non-existing Iranian nukes, again, stop the cheap talk and WALK it, moron xD 20 years is enough preparation to assail the fortress, don’t you think?

Sayonara, suckaaaaa’ xD


‘Illegal mass immigration during the mandate and after WWII‘

The Arabs were consulted in 1920 but the Great Powers decided for a Jewish Homeland … eh? There NEVER were Palestinians it’s a figment of your imagination that’s been shattered by the Abraham Accords … the Arabs will make do with a semi-autonomous entity on the WB … eh?

The terror campaign waged against the Brits worked … eh? They left … lol. A few deaths certainly unfortunate but mission accomplished … eh?

The Arab refugees fled … just like they did in Syria circa 2011 and won’t be back …. eh? Should there be another Intifada on the WB … 10’s of 1000’s will die and 100’s of 1000’s will flee and never get back … count on it!

A proud Persian and rightly so … but there are only vile Iranian Mullahs today … eh?

You’re young enough to be a witness to the coming storm … your venomous hatred will be subsumed by envy and tacit admiration

The Future is About to Land …


“There NEVER were Palestinians it’s a figment of your imagination that’s been shattered by the Abraham Accords .”

Millions of Palestinian living in their homes prior to the Israeli aggression, with their families’ initials still carved on thousands of properties confiscated at gunpoint through terror by the criminal paramilitaries known as Haganah, Irgun and the infamous Stern Brigade, and all you have to say is that it was the “world’s imagination”. Only a certified psychopath like yourself could build such thick mental walls of denial around reality.

5 million refugees that you quoted yourself currently lingering in camps and the next day you switch it to a myth : you are simply priceless. You zionists’ astonishing collective denial is anyway only further proof of your closed, fascistic state. Thanks for proving it yet again on this page, your mindset is closer to the brainwashed Germans of the Third Reich days than you’ll ever think.

“The Arabs were consulted in 1920 but the Great Powers decided for a Jewish Homeland … eh?”

How funny it is to see that all of a sudden what “Great Powers” say matter so much to you and should have been respected :)

How about we talk about the UN, International Law, the Human Rights Charter that make you laugh while you go on with your ordinary lives murdering Palestinians practically every week, like a driver just yesterday ?,

How about we talk about the much more recent Olso Accords SIGNED by treacherous Israel stipulating that Tsahal has to fully withdraw from 22% of historical Palestine for the PLO to disarm, which they did, and in return only obtained massive military-backed expansion of the settler activity of a magnitude unseen in the whole of the Israeli occupation period, with 60,000 more homes destroyed and/or confiscated by bulldozers literally running over dead Palestinian bodies ?

” the Arabs will make do with a semi-autonomous entity on the WB … eh?”

In your dreams, people like you laughed at the very idea of a Palestinian Authority and autonomous Palestinian towns a mere week before the first Intifada and shit their pants right after. Rest assured, fate will bite back , and soon.

“The terror campaign waged against the Brits worked … eh? They left … lol. A few deaths certainly unfortunate but mission accomplished … eh?”

Remind me to copy paste that one whenever a Palestinian terror act takes Israeli lives in the future. Really thanks a lot for this one, I’ll keep it aside for you, appreciated. You said it yourself, remember well this day twatz.

On Wednesday, April 7th, 2021, some twatz said : “Terror is justified if it works, spilling of innocent blood is sad but ok, like killing of a hundred people in a single bombing is sad but good if it attains its goals.”

That’s pretty much exactly what you just said in spirit. Congratulations on being a terrorism apologist, I like how you keep on divulging your ever-growing ressemblance with your jhadi, Quran-loving fanatic brethren xD

Next time Israelis die from Palestinian attacks, I’ll be there for you when you start to whine and cry us your victimhood, with a screecap of that beautiful line of yours.

“The Arab refugees fled … just like they did in Syria circa 2011 and won’t be back …. eh? Should there be another Intifada on the WB … 10’s of 1000’s will die and 100’s of 1000’s will flee and never get back … count on it!”

Ditto above : dream on that, history will indeed repeat itself and the Palestinian cause will grow, just as it did after the Intifada. Syria is rebuilding and Israel could only delay the jihadist defeat.

Entire Palestinian brigades from he PLFP’s General Command under Ahmed Jibril are being replenished by Russian investment and training ever since breaking the siege of Yarmouk camp from you head-chopping friends as they demonstrated a will to fight and prowess in battle, just like they had their first official diplomatic contact with Hezbollah today. Times changes, and people like you will die with the past.

“A proud Persian and rightly so … but there are only vile Iranian Mullahs today … eh?”

Despite their corruption and the dire sanction regime of the criminal US of A, the MIT itself estimated in 2007 that Iran’s scientific prowess and industrial know-how evolved 700% within the span of 30 years, and it has only grown further ever since. Among other things, it builds its own integrated air-defenses, electronically-steered radars and pin-point precision ballistic and cruise missile arsenal + recon (and soon guidance) satellites, it’s a member of the space club as well, and all in all these achievements in themselves have proven enough of a deterrent to prevent you wackos from ever attempting to touch their nuclear infrastructure in Iran itself, despite 20 years of empty saber-rattling and still nothing. I dunno for you, but I like that trend :-)

“A proud Persian and rightly so … but there are only vile Iranian Mullahs today … eh?”

Yeah, that’s why I oppose the Mullahs politically and I wish for a secular future in Iran, but whether they stay in power or get overthrown/reformed will have to be decided by its own people and it only, and not some remote criminal micro-state occupying foreign land illegally with a racist manifesto as its Law.

“You’re young enough to be a witness to the coming storm … your venomous hatred will be subsumed by envy and tacit admiration”

We’ll talk about your genocidal vitriol and wishes for nuclear annihilation of 80 million Iranians later. If asking Israel to simply behave like a normal country and get back to its internationally-recognized borders and stop destroying homes of ordinary citizens makes me a venomous hater to the pathological fanatic that you are, I think I’m gonna be just fine with my life xD


Spare me … initials carved ? lol

The Arabs were subjects of the Ottoman Empire and considered themselves ’South Syrians’ … hello?

You’ve been hustled by Arab Propaganda and a World that condones anti-Zionism / anti-Judaism AND you’re a prime example of same whatever your race … hello?

You seem to be dissatisfied with Oslo? With the ‘plight’ of the Pals? I could give a sh Xt … they LOST the Arab/Israeli Conflict … full stop. Their fate is sealed … full stop

YOU sound more and more like an Arab / Muslim with ‘fate’ as your answer … eh? FATE has already happened … the miracle of the Jewish People reclaiming their Homeland is FATE … no other people has done that in the history of mankind … AFTER 2000 YEARS? C’mon Man!

Keep it … it’s yours

The Brits were never gonna stay and fled … the Arab terrorists are paid back hourly / daily wherever they live … they’re Israel’s bitchez

You don’t know the Jews / Zionists / Israelis … eh? They’re NOT the Jews of Europe … they’re not the dhimmi Jews of the Arab World …

They’re the sovereign Jewish People … I’m OK with whatever happens on their watch … eh? They’re looking out for the Jewish People …. how are they doing so far? lol

The Future is About to Land …



The Arabs were subjects of the Ottoman Empire and considered themselves ’South Syrians’ … hello?

And millions of East European “Ashkenazis” with no historical or ethnic links whatsoever to “historical” Israel call themselves rightful owners of the land and get permits produced to replace evicted Palestinian born on their own lands, what is that one supposed to prove to a people born and living thousands of miles away from the land they call theirs for 2,500 years at the very least LoL you are so pathetic again xD

Palestinian will come back from exile and haunt your every night, no worries mate. I’ll live to see it and I’m glad being born at the right time for it.

“You’ve been hustled by Arab Propaganda and a World that condones anti-Zionism / anti-Judaism AND you’re a prime example of same whatever your race … hello?”

Again, there’s no race but the human race, jew supremacist bastard, your racist religion, apartheid society and fascistic zionist manifesto and schools have made wonders in erasing the very fundamentals of what it is to be human biologically to you retarded fanatics, Nazi style.

You’re a prime example of their mass zionist indoctrination project, a anonymous jew turned fascist dreaming on nuclear holocaust of 80 MILLION foreign people, while happy with the killing innocent people by the hundreds of thousands to settle in a home they inhabited 2,500 years ago, and cheering mass terrorism in explicit terms.

Who could have believe it ? how deep have you dug the grave of your conscience ? you’re a zombified bloodthirsty psychopath , a mere shadow of a human, a plain insult to the human race and a shit-stain of a fake micro-state as its template.

“You seem to be dissatisfied with Oslo? With the ‘plight’ of the Pals? I could give a sh Xt … they LOST the Arab/Israeli Conflict … full stop. Their fate is sealed … full stop

Yeah I know you’re a savage creature my little retard,and that to you might makes right. Tomorrow a foreign power can attack you overnight , conquer land by force and then you’ll be ok with it since they “won” right xD

I’ll keep that one too for the coming future too, just like your tasts for terrorism, both are justified for your enemies since you find them acceptable to yourself, you can’t have it both ways, sucker :-)

As for your “conquest” and massive expansion plans of the Greater Israel post-67 was DESTROYED in 73, despite your claims of a “victory”. You had to abandon your most ambitious projects ever there planing to turn the desert green and make ISrael the biggest and most prosperous country of the region, had high hopes and dreams while you briefly turned Israel 300% larger than its former self before shrinking back to whatever you were, and you paraded in the streets monthly to celebrate that new reality until it simply crumbled.

Then you obsessively clung on to a piece of Lebanese lands for its water, all the way to its most coveted Litani river, got your people and youth slaughtered for 17 years straight and had to give it back too, then came Gaza, despite all the sufferings they endure at your inhumane, cowardly hands, you still haven’t tried to occupy it back despite claiming so dozens of times.

“The Brits were never gonna stay and fled … the Arab terrorists are paid back hourly / daily wherever they live … they’re Israel’s bitchez”

And your “economy” wouldn’t stand for 6 months without massive amount of free US Taxpayer money injecting in your dollar-addicted veins, you can talk about bitches for sure, you know a thing or two about it huh xD

“They’re the sovereign Jewish People … I’m OK with whatever happens on their watch … eh? They’re looking out for the Jewish People …. ”

Yeah whatever happens twatzo, you are right, including yourself and your fascist zionist fanatic hordes of savages dying by the hundreds of thousands for all I care, as your mindset has proven : you would burn entire populations with nuclear weapons in a heartbeat if you had the power, so you can die one by one in terrible suffering tomorrow for all I care.

Fascists need to die en mass along with their society, wherever they are. And you will join your many other friends already rotting in hell right now, I know you believe in it and you’re fckin scared shitless about it xD

“how are they doing so far? lol”

They’ve been loosing lands, LOL


Spare me … mr intersectionality … one race … lol

Stick it where the sun don’t shine …

The Pals are finished … their ‘cause’ extinct

The Future is About to Land …


“Intersectionality” huh, I see we’re pulling the big words now xD Just how long did it even take you to spell this one right,illiterate stray dog ? ahah !

Anyhow, glad to be of service, happily shitting on your bullshit self-appointment as the “elected race” in that self-dedicated fairy tale of yours, and you can stick your pathetic jews Über Alles manifesto up your rectum, you second-rate fascist 101 club recruit. I spit on your face mofo, you can choke on your hatred and genocidal dreams that will never come true, if not for yourself.

You know why I’m not worried ? ’cause I believe in empirical science, and so far it says that all fascist regimes from the four corners of the globe have systematically ended up at the end of a rope at some point in history, you and your animal friends certainly won’t be an exception. That’s Darwin’s natural selection for ya, and it usually strikes hard, you’ll experience it soon, biatch xD

Hey twatz !! listen you little prick : “Tick, tock. That’s the sound of you slowly sliding to your graves. Tiiiick, toooock :-)

Greater Israel is the one project that has already proven extinct, it was alive for a mere 6 years and “pouf”, out. Wake up brah.

Now get da fuck outta my face, miserable clown

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