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MARCH 2025

Jordan’s King Warns “Massive Conflict” Coming If Israel Moves To Annex West Bank

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Originally appeared at ZeroHedge

With Washington’s backing, Israel is planning to move forward on controversial plans to annex a broad swath of the West Bank, particularly the Jordan Valley, as early as this summer. PM Netanyahu last month issued a likely time table of “within two months”.

Arab nations, especially in the gulf, have remained uncharacteristically mum about the whole thing as they focus on countering Iran (which has, it should be noted, actually brought Saudi Arabia into a quiet ‘covert’ intelligence sharing relationship with Israel over the past couple years).

But Jordan on Friday finally went on the offensive, with King Abdullah telling the German magazine Der Spiegel that Israeli annexation of parts of the West Bank “will lead to a massive conflict with Jordan”.

Jordan's King Warns "Massive Conflict" Coming If Israel Moves To Annex West Bank

Jordanian King Abdullah II, AFP via Getty.

The ‘warning’ was posted to the official website of the king’s Royal Hashemite Court on Friday:

Asked about the impact of Israel potentially moving forward with the annexation of parts of the West Bank, the King said it could lead to a massive conflict with Jordan.

“I don’t want to make threats and create an atmosphere of loggerheads, but we are considering all options. We agree with many countries in Europe and the international community that the law of strength should not apply in the Middle East,” His Majesty added.

He further reaffirmed Jordan’s position that “the two-state solution is the only way for us to be able to move forward.” He at the same time urged the region to focus on collective efforts at fighting coronavirus instead of clashing with each other, as he said will happen if Israel initiates its provocative and ‘illegal’ expansionist plans.

Abdullah, who maintains a close relationship with the United States and has long opened his country to CIA and US military presence especially during the early years of regime change efforts in Syria, also warned that “chaos and extremism in the region” would be unleashed if the Palestinian Authority collapsed.

“Leaders who advocate a one-state solution do not understand what that would mean. What would happen if the Palestinian National Authority collapsed? There would be more chaos and extremism in the region,” he said.

Jordan's King Warns "Massive Conflict" Coming If Israel Moves To Annex West Bank

Image via AFP

Meanwhile, as mentioned the United States will soon approve Israel’s move to annex parts of the West Bank under Trump’s “deal of the century” peace plan.

“President Trump pledged to recognize Israeli sovereignty over the Jewish communities there and in the Jordan Valley,” Netanyahu said last month.

But should Israeli annexation indeed move forward by this summer, as Netanyahu envisions, it could potentially unleash protests and violence on the level of a third Intifiada. Palestinian Authority leaders as well as Hamas have vowed that such an extensive new Israeli land grab will be resisted by call costs.

And now it appears neighboring Jordan, long host to the largest Palestinian ‘permanent’ refugee community in the region, is ready to help stoke the flames of chaos and resistance to the US-Israeli plan. However, it also remains that Jordan has in the end proven itself a compliant puppet state of Washington and Israeli interests time and again.

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Luke Hemmming

I can only think this annexation might be the beginning of the end of Israel as we know it, as Kissinger mentioned sometime ago when he mentioned that Israel will not exist in a few years time. Fake comment or not but where there is smoke there is fire as they say.

klove and light

unrest in lebanon???????? lolol

hezbollah has everything under Control in their neighborhoods/ Areas of lebanon…….that has no what so ever meaning to any war with Israel……quite the opposite……those Missiles and rockets will have a devastating Impact of TINY TINY Israel……….the jew satanic Population is already scraed shitless of the hamas and islamic jihaid rockets that are Nothing more really than bigger fire Crackers..

how will the jews react once the hezbollah Missiles hit CRITICAL infrastructure ie. electricity/water supply/ lolol……. welcome to war…something, just as the US maggots have never ever truly felt. This will be a totally different ballgame….for the jews, not the arabs which are used to getting hit for 70 years+


The Palis refused Trump’s plan, they knew what would be the outcome of their refusal. We will annex the Jordan Valley according to the Deal of the Century, Jordan doesn’t have any say about it.


How dare them refuse a plan that gave them nothing and takes from them everything. We can bitch and moan endlessly that they don’t want peace, otherwise they’d give everything they got, roll over and die quietly. Now we can massacre them with clear conscience. After all, they are only sub-human like everybody else, right?

Go for it, oh, I’m all for Bibi’s plans and schemes. I’m sure it will bring eternal peace and a thousand years Reich!


It gave them alot, check the plan and the territories. Their best chance was in the year 2000 at Camp David where we offered them 91% of the West Bank + Gaza + Eastern Jerusalem. Guess what? they said no and started the 2nd Intifada. They are big crying babies that refuse peace everytime, like to cry the the world but do nothing to reach an agreement.



Here’s the solution to this colonial quagmire.


In your dreams, it’s an Israeli land and they can accept Trump’s deal or get nothing.

Jens Holm

I can only see they have been getting nothing and less since 1948.

TRump is barking mad in this too. He probatly not even know where Israel is. So why should he know how it shoud be.

Much like You bought him by using his name.

None should be surpices if the Arabs named the Westbank by Israel as Corona.

Jens Holm

You forget the rest. Jews and other immigrants should no take land but make modern western productions as an upgrade for it.

Some also forget more then half actually was the Landscape Syria, which had no coastline and by that not even a harbour at Aqaba.

People forget it already was divided in the Osmans and many more Christians lived there too until the disputes, where Israel and Arabs there didnt like them too according to their versions of Balfour 1 and 2.

Tommy Jensen

So you want the Jews to be nomades again? If the Jewish religion had a Temple I about 3000 years ago, Temple II about 2000 years ago, attempts to rebuild a Temple III about 1000 years ago, they have some relation to the place right?

Rafik Chauhan

jews who stayed for 1000s of years in Palestine is no problem with Palestine. but the Zionist who came from all over the world after 1930s has to go back to thier home and give back the stolen land to the owner . this Palestine land is not for EU or US or any khazar Zionist.

Tommy Jensen

You got a point. Palestine and ancient Jews dont need the interference from the Empire.


but how will you implement it?

Rafik Chauhan


Jens Holm

The best plan for any good solution was by Arafat long time before that.

You both were BAD BAD BAD, and still are.

Jews inegrate well in this behaving looking more and more as arabs.


Btw, I truly hope your plans go into effect in july. I’m on your side with this…same goal. We just believe in differing outcomes. This will not be a manufactured holocaust this time. Prepare for more wandering of the dessert.


Good I’m glad you like our plans. I hope you’d like it better when we return back part of our historic land to Israel, where it belongs.


No sweat bro. You gonna populate it with more fake jews from Mexico China and Africa this time? Seems the euro yids are leaving in droves. Careful tho, the fakes might end up being the majority sending you yids off a wanderin’ again.


After we annex it, any Palis that will give us trouble will be sent deeper into the West Bank or back to Jordan. This is not Europe here, we call the shots not you.


Yah yah yah…you know you’re no more than our sharmootah now, right?

Patience ho, your bìtch slap is coming!

And when it’s does, you’ll ask for more, that’s what you victims of fear do.

Jens Holm

I dont see that. You must be more handicapped then only blind.

Some double Corona hit You. Did someone parashute pigs and Mexiacans to Your garden or what:)

Rafik Chauhan

i want deal of century to go ahead. it will defently will bring israel and US to it knees once war will start. and we will bury zionist into the sea all of the Zionist .of US and israeli thugs . and all of israel will be back in the hands of ressitance. iam waiting fto happen.


Don’t bark at me Arab, we know how to deal with you.

Rafik Chauhan

First deal with Hezbollah and hamas . then shit from your mouth. And iam shia muslim from india. and don’t mess with indian . will put rod with fire behind you.


the problem is that the IDF is too well equiped and trained compared to its enemys so i wont hold my breath if i wheir you.


Again, your ego overwhelms your perception of the facts. Like it did in 2000…2006…1973…1968…etc The last time your people took and held ground was 67…LMFAO


i am sorry but in what way is 2000 1973 and 1968 examples of arab sucsess? also i am not jewish nor do i live in Israel i live in europe and no i dont care weather the Israel gets destroyed or not its none of my consern but i am beeing realistic the only time the IDF got defeated was in 2006 and still even when getting defeated their enemy for evry soldier of the IDF they killed lost 3 of their own in oreder to do it.


You’re ignorance on detailed facts is more than obvious. And your calculation of 2006 is completely wrong. If they’re so strong (israel) why don’t they attack again? Why do they need NATO, US help in every war or battle? Do your homework! Know all sides of the story! Maybe your perception won’t be skewed.


They do not attack for a very simple reason they dont need to if they attack tht will make Israel look bad they are waiting for the arabs to attack first.


60% of Israelis are Arabs…lmao


ummm only 21% of the population in israel is arab 70% are jewish


Fkn moron. Jews are Arabs as well. Semitic Arab Jews lived in Israel long before the yids began terrorizing the indigent population.

I wont even try and teach you how your reality is delusional, to say the least.


m8 jews are considered a diffrent ethnic group to arabs you retard.


No fkn moron, Israel and western Jews are. Ashkanazi….dum fk. Jews live in every Arab country and have for centuries.

Keep the revisionist BS churning…dumass.


yea no shit just like Assyrians and other ethnic groups xD


No. 21% are Palestinians that weren’t forced to leave at gun point in 1948…the vast majority of israelis are Arab. This includes Arabs from other Arab nations that moved after 1948…REVISIONIST HISTORY IS DEAD.


ummmmm wat? No not at all their are some arab jews but very rearly.


Idiot, most israelis are arab


In other words – take pennies for our raping you for 70 years, or we rape you some more.

How very bronze age.


They can blame themselves for rejecting every offer, they should accept Trump’s deal and have a state.


Man, go on and annex the Jordan Valley. The Nazis felt invincible too. I know we shall kick your butt some day, and I hope I can find you personally


Come then, you ask more than you can chew. We will annex it, in July.


Go on dude. Just get ready for when the chickens come home to roost


Fair enough, we should also play dirty this time. You will feel it when the time comes.


You been playing dirty forever. Unlike you, so many of us are cognizant of the fact that 70 years is nothing in the grand scheme of things. When the whole thing comes down crushing, it will be so painful for you


Try us, you might get what you ask for. But please, save your threats to someone who is scared from them.


You can say whatever you want man, no way this ends well for you. It’s always a good thing to study history


I live to fight for my country and to defend it against any threat, the terrorists you love will feel our bombs on their heads, and anyone else that supports them. Mercy time is over.


the problem is this guys example contradicts his argument history proofes the IDF will win the arabs seem to still be the same old inept idiots.


Exactly, thank you man.


Any muslim tough talk against Israel is hot air at this moment. Especially Jordan which survive as a state only with Saudis help. IDF can go annex anything they want. But what about 5 years from now? I don’t think Iran will have nukes but they will have precision / stealth drones. Who knows, maybe even ninja bombs. They will be able to assasinate politicians in Israel. Just my opinion.


In 5 years the Iranian people will throw the mullah regime, with the current sanctions they won’t last 5 years so they have nothing to lose.


Any plan B?


well yes it is and history seems to faivor them over the arabs.

Jens Holm

Then go home and wait the next couple of 1000 years. Dont forget to close the freezer door.

You really think You are something. Now give Your women equal righs and let them take over.

Your men certainly has accomplished hardly nothing apart from children since I remember.

You are just as bad as him and prabatly semit family to. He is in the develloped part if the semmites.


well 70 years might not be alot in the grand scheme but considering how the IDF has beat the shit out of evryone it has faced (yes even hezbollah in 2006 they might have lost that war but their still killed alot more hezbollah then hezbollah killed them).

Jens Holm

More like little roosters with big mouths normally get slaugetred because they not even lay eggs.

Thats what will happen unless Israeliens dont get pest and cholera at the same time and locals around them gets none.

You are no related to facts. Assad Syria is a fact – Isnt it. Hard to see the happyness and understanding. More refugees from there then there ever was from Palestine.

And those 5 million Syrians even deny to come home to homes, they will not live in anymore.

I allow me to compare a little. But I do understand the realisme and You deny it.

Now Syria should take Golan back? What a joke. Assads learned nothing from 1967 and many not even after 1973.

I really do understand Israel never leaving and being tired of people supporting children for putting out landmines and Jews even should be nice to them. The parents raised them for it and send them, so we all in the world should feel pity or something.

I feel nothing for Israel taking more parts of the Westbank. NOTHING. My head is lame by all Your killings and like that both ways.

We sountries in West, most of You dislike or hate, has paid most food to those Palestines since 1949. Why the Fog should we.

My limits are made after many years being naive. All help to You are just like the fish in my aqurium. They just gets möre and more and smaller and smaller.

Uran is same thing. Even 50% of the men has no jobs and women many more %, they cant even feed themselves.

NONE OF YOU WONDER WHY even told in big letters.

You cant even devellop Your agriculture parts form ancient time and even so makes a lot of children.

My fault? USA? Jews? No way.

You seemes forbidden to analyse things, and when we do it by texts and even Youtubes, they all are lies, because You as non thinking parrots are told otherweise.

And is it my problem. Yes it is. Those people come here and 50% of the incommers are minus the rest of their miserable lives. Last Year Denmark paid about 3 billion dollars to the 50%, which cant or deny to as a minimum feed themselves in ways having succes here.

Instead they behave like making enclaves like bugs. And Youir systems wont take them back even we pay for tickets and give them and their Goverments a lot of money.

So the problem is in Your culture, religion, etnicity and like that. When UN gives money for devellopments its used for tunnels. If something is used such as concite and cement the violent palestinians in Gaza as well as Rhe Westbank move in because they think its meant for them.

Here and among Jews we gain respect for, what we do or dont do. Your little roosters even think they are above all vomen because they are raised with an amputation.


Entitled white colonists lose their final project…israel.

You’ve raped the world for eons. You will pay. You euros afe turning on each other like rats…lmfao…good luck with your revisionist history being successful this time.

Jens Holm

My fami ly comes from poor farmers hand and fishermen.

Hard to see them take the declining Empire. My Grandgrandfather was invading Gallipoli with Chuchill in his little fis´herboat.

And me. I was not born, when You not liberated Yourself and others did at WW1. I also wasnt born at WW2 as well as 1948 but much later.


I’m white, wherere’s my colony fair share?


Your welfare check, son. Entitled people don’t know they’re entitled. They think they’ve earned it.


Works for the ppl that receive welfare checks. I bet they think they are deserving them for some ridiculous reasons.


how? Israel has kicked the shit out of the arabs both in the neighboring nations and in the enclaves what will happen now?


East euro yids are cowards. Seems you yids bit off more than you can chew, and that was a couple thousand Hezbs. Watching yall cry as you limp back from southern Lebon…LMFAO. Thieves, criminals, etc have only one track, and the engine pulling you down the track, your ego. Your whole world is created from fear…what a bítch that must be for you inbred schizophrenic society.


Then why are you crying? I’m not. Say thanks to our political leadership, we IDF troops are ready to fuck you anytime we are given an order.


Mmmm, sound delicious! Can’t wait. Don’t forget to pray to your golden cow for more bravery. I hear if you blow into your cowar butthole it whistles…Dixie! You should be a comedian, you yids do well in US with stand up.

Rafik Chauhan

coward IDF ground force is good at killing woman and child and unarmed people. even Zionist knows that that’s why they depend on thier Airforce. once hizbollah or hamas get anti aircraft misslie Zionist are doomed

Jens Holm

You sgould compare most of them with Syrians in Turkey and Palestines not being Palestines anymore in camps.

IT seemes man pages about it is gone too.

Arapastanis always tell Jews cry even none see that apart from Your own nightmare.

Jews in Israel debate and act and do it with succes. I see no Hisbollas succes. The main goal for that partial fatal attack was to neutralize. I see that and not what You descriebe.

Assad has Lebanon now ?

If You see a Lebanese with one leg, its a Hesbollah wasting times and lives for keeping the decades of stupidities in Syria by Assad intact. And the result. In stead of being a kind of respected Hesbollah now are named as terrorists by several nation.

And Hesbollahs dont do the job for their own land. Lebanong is kept in fatal error control alt delete.


Wtf is this language you are using , man? Work on your communication skills, brah.

Jens Holm

That common english. Its never use here. You use lawyers and doctors english tranlated fro Aran, Farsi and Turkish thinking.

You also has a lot where You not even has a language for. You cant give women equal rights even most of them with the same education is more clever then You.

If You wrote less crap Yourself, I would read and write less.

So help help help so many here write some kind of narrowminded limited pidgin swaheli english – but perfect spelled.

Its like having a car. the only lack is, it has no wheels. Its PER DE FECT.


Again you’ve proven your ignorance, stupidity and delusional. I’ll start you off slow…I’m American, born and raised…do – you – understand, pretty little princess?


You have no respect for women equality, Jens. You suport Sharia law Suni extremism over Assad & Allawites & christians in Syria. Gtfo with your hypocrisy

Jens Holm

You understand most of itr very well but only dare to comment my language.

What about the rest.

There is no debate here.

You and most others here are only allowed to screem and shout what their Goverment, religion, culture, etnicity and primitive language as demanded them too.

You are like football with hoooligan benches and even think the most dirty oppinions made loudest are the best.

So what says Turks: We are 100 right. Assads: We are 100% right. Jihadists 100% right. Israel, USA, Hesbollah, childcarecenter Leader Russia and ISIS: We are 100% right.

No facts about it is allowed. You even has created Your own history books and learned children to behave after that incorrect constructions.

And of course You by that and lies of the worst kind about each other – and more import about what You are told are Your own – You fight about things.

The best hipes for You Region seemes to be all the ones arming themselves kill each other and the peacefull ones can take over.

You even are afraid women might be more clever then men right here show they are.

Many of Our women here are and therefore we see them equal and they make 40% of Our GDP.

Our female Premiere Minister has done things very well. She is not electe by Gender.

Low corruption, yesterday NO corona, economy A + + +, low crime, 55.000 dollar in GDP because we educate all because we have jobs to them and we are rewarded for what we do and not because we are nice to old men, where men gets cars and women flowers for doing same thing – If women are allowed to.

Language is a tool. Ypu hardly has one. Its primitive Lawyers and Doctors language subtracted all the vital things You are punished for talking about.

Much like Your attitudes to fuel. A car is only fuel, isnt it. The rest is nothing or maybee a russian car.


You’re a nutcase, son. Let me make you irrelevant…if you’re not from the area or have a personal stake, stfu.

Euro white trash yapping as if your opinion is meaningful. Deluded and delusional, you seem to jist aked me for someone that gives a sht for opinion…lmfao!


i agree with you on this they did get more then one chance to renoncile but they rejected it and now they will be destroyed weather by famine war or just getting outbred by the jews.

Jens Holm

And Rabbin was killed by Your own …

Don Machiavelli

Zionists are suicidal like never before. I won’t cry whatever the outcome of Israel’s suicide be.

klove and light

lolololololol…the Jordan Zionist jew cock sucking slave opens his dirty mouth…could not get any more ridiculous..

ps. the only……ONLY reason that this prick is still king in jiordan…because of US/British Intervention…waht a KING…….the king who sucks jew cock

Jens Holm

And the news of Love and no Light was created under his or hers bed blanket and are very strong because he took vitamines and both hands.

good american

What’s up with your continual phallus fixations? Give it a break, or take your meds. When you don’t use such vulgar language your comments improve greatly.

Lazy Gamer

Let him be. We are all enlightened on the best curses, derogatory remarks, and most taboo norms, certain people in some regions use.

Jens Holm

I sure even the Jews are crying for You and sell a 7 armed candlesticker and some matches very time You try to look in the dark under Yout bed blanket.

They feel pity and even donate extra to menthal hospitals.


Didn’t even dare try to help syria,atleast certain other leaders had a go,but this nwo us/uk flog?

James Adams

The King is an unelected individual and the people elect Islamists. Part of me doesn’t trust Jordan for some reason.

Jens Holm

You can trust them 100%. The King with his religion and most Jordanians being poor has had succes avoiding the wars in Syria, Iraq and Lebanon.

And whats elected persons in that Region.

When I was Young my first real job was as porter in an international hotel. Number one was (and are to me) any country can be divided into good bad and the middle people.

This guy do a pretty good job. He has not supported ISIS and only FSA in minum forced to.

He is neutral to US and GB(GB made Jordan to make Palestine as “europe”) and also are independent from the wahabit Saudis.

Thats how I see it…

Lazy Gamer

ICJ suit. There have already been official announcements so the issue is no longer premature. Petition also that succeeding events should not make the case moot.


Jordan would be fucked by israel if it does something against Israel.


No need for a war, we can just stop supplying them with water from our resources, and it’s over in 24hours.


I was warning you about sunni terror yesterday :)


both of them are shit pp, I hope India annex Kashmir too.

Jens Holm

What a waste.

Tommy Jensen

Your fathers father father stole our silver treasure in the Temple in Jerusalem in 64 AD nearly 2000 years ago. In 70 AD YOU guys destroyed our Temple, the holiest we had in our lives.

Now is pay-back time folks, and dont give me this bs that you are not responsible for what your father did. You are responsible because you have stealing in your blood! Now YOU suffer!!

Jens Holm

What a joke. Allah is a cheater too only giving Adam a women made of clay?

What about tomorrow or the rest of today?


then leave the rest of the Earth.

Traiano Welcome

What are you talking about? The hebrews are extinct. You’re no relation to them.

Jens Holm

Westbankers all are Syrians.

If Assads get them as new spendables – so far only 550.000 Syrias has been killed by the Assad policy – Assads could get those already spendables and Golan for the Westbank.

Maybee Golan should be a pig raising zone, so none of You would come there anymore. Peace.



Neo-liberal/nwo/cia policy churchill assflogged by turks in ww1 over 200,000 slaghtered by turks! So much about your ancestry!only the anzacs made it seem a tad more respectable(period) Never forget hitlary/cia/liberal policy is to blame for all the deaths there (period) now it’s judgment time for each unwilling life lost shall also become to all their diseased lands, no exceptions like under unelect abbott/turdbull whom suckered into the scam well, we lost 97 lifes from corona 97 unwillinly died just like they in afghanistan and syria,eye for eye! Yeah punks,you act christian but insult humanity,right whack then old testament here it comes! No exception,ever shot fired will return,ALL THE SHOTS,ALL THE TIMES,FOREVERMORE:

See punk,Assad is a good man,always will be,not perfect but damn better than all accusers see! You punks still just don’t get it do you,fk no! YOU MESSED WITH THE WRONG BLOKE FKWITS!

Jens Holm

Rasing pigs in Golan might be a solution. None of You will come there…

And Assad has lost 550.000 by his non devellopment zone. There should be space in Syria for many of thëm.

Lazy Gamer

Palestinians have been screwed by their neighbors but not as much as their traitorous leaders and groups. Recognition by everyone is not a requirement for statehood. Neither would any concessions be required for such. Seven decades of stupidity. Statehood is not bestowed but asserted by the people. If they were a state, there will be no more talk of annexation since that is invasion.


the two state solution is dead dead and then dead – just one way to go, the one state palestinian solution and the hymies kicked/squashed/mauled/quartered on their way somewhere else (if they can find anyone anywhere prepared to accept them, which indeed is an unlikely proposition).will be a bit of trouble kicking the jews out but it’s doable and will be done when the entire middle east decide that enough is enough.

Lazy Gamer

Either one state or two state is a very difficult and dangerous choice best left to the two peoples concerned. It is only normal for Jordan to choose the two state. lol However, statehood in the meantime does not exclude the one state solution as they can accede or unite in some future date. Statehood in the meantime solves the immediate problems that they are facing. Funny that the UN guarantees peoples right to self determination but refuses to apply the principle in Palestine. Instead it applies it to breakaway regions.

Traiano Welcome

Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.

Annexing the west bank will put Israel at a strategic disadvantage.

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