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MARCH 2025

‘Juniper Falcon’: Israel, US Kick Off Joint Military Exercise

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‘Juniper Falcon’: Israel, US Kick Off Joint Military Exercise

An Iron Dome antimissile system is installed near the Israeli side of the border with Syria in the Golan Heights. IMAGE: AMIR COHEN/REUTERS

The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) and the US military have kicked off the joint military exercise “Juniper Falcon”, the IDF announced on February 4.

In an official statement, the IDF said that the military exercise, that’s being carried out under the authority of the US European Command (EUCOM), simulates a scenario in which Israel is under the threat of surface-to-surface rockets, mortars and other aerial threats.

“The primary goal is to strengthen cooperation, coordination and mutual learning between the two armies, while expanding and maintaining deep strategic cooperation between the countries and their armies, and improving their ability to jointly defend against various threats,” the statement reads.

According to the IDF, several units will take part in the exercise, including the Air Defense Array, the Operations Directorate, the Israeli Navy, logistics units and medical forces.

“In the current exercise, special adjustments were made due to the Coronavirus, in order to ensure that the exercise takes place safely and that the participants remain healthy,” the army noted in its statement.

The Juniper Falcon exercise was first held by the IDF and the EUCOM in Israel in 2001. Since then, it has been held every other year, most recently in 2019.

Israel fears a large attack by Iran and its allies. According to Tel Aviv’s claims, thousands of rockets, missiles and mortar shells are in the hands of Iran’s close allies the Gaza Strip, Lebanon, Yemen and Syria.


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This news service investigative reporter is stating that Israeli intelligence attacked China, Iran, the United States and the planet with coronavirus bioweapons stolen from a US bioweapons lab.



this I believe without a doubt – tells me more than ever that the jews have to go and that there is no future for mankind as long as the jews are allowed to meddle here there and everywhere!

and WHO is in China trying to find evidence that the chinese did it. when are they going to do the same investigation in the disunited states of exceptional morons! I would guess never!


I agree.

They’re the biggest part of the problem and have done enormous damage to the US and our planet.



Fog of War

” This news service investigative reporter is stating that Israeli intelligence attacked China, Iran, the United States and the planet with coronavirus bioweapons stolen from a US bioweapons lab. ” Was this the US funded lab operating in Wuhan with the seeming permission of Chinese authorities ?


No, Fort Dietrich in Maryland and the lab in Chapple Hill, NC. Wuhan looks like a convenient scapegoat. The Chinese are saying much the same thing and have been for quite a while.

Potato Man

A.K.A Stupid Americans going to slaughterhouse for Zion, their masters. Zion would fight to last stupid pig…


https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b7d48f8c57b340c5daadac1286d57b9993cf7602d1121569605c0889fa7b1e56.png https://wikispooks.com/wiki/9-11/Israel_did_it


“Former Italian President Francesco Cossiga (who revealed the existence of Operation Gladio) was reported in November 2007, in Corriere della Sera (Italy’s oldest and most widely read newspaper) that 9-11 was a False flag attack run by the Mossad and the CIA, and that this was common knowledge among global intelligence agencies. In what translates awkwardly into English, Cossiga stated that

“All democratic circles in America and of Europe, especially those of the Italian centre-left, now know that the disastrous attack was planned and realized by the American CIA and Mossad with the help of the Zionist world, to place the blame on Arab countries and to persuade the Western powers to intervene in Iraq and Afghanistan.””

– “9-11/Israel did it” –






“The USS Liberty incident was an attack on a United States Navy technical research ship, USS Liberty, by Israeli Air Force jet fighter aircraft and Israeli Navy motor torpedo boats, on 8 June 1967, during the Six-Day War.[2] The combined air and sea attack killed 34 crew members (naval officers, seamen, two marines, and one civilian NSA employee), wounded 171 crew members, and severely damaged the ship. …

American sources said that no inquiry about ships in the area was made until after the attack on Liberty. In a message sent from U.S. Secretary of State Dean Rusk to U.S. Ambassador Walworth Barbour in Tel Aviv, Israel, Rusk asked for “urgent confirmation” of Israel’s statement. Barbour responded: “No request for info on U.S. ships operating off Sinai was made until after Liberty incident.” Further, Barbour stated: “Had Israelis made such an inquiry it would have been forwarded immediately to the chief of naval operations and other high naval commands and repeated to dept [Department of State].”

– USS Liberty incident –



it’s an air defenses exercise, we have our own exercises in the ground forces. we are very ready to another conflict, but it’s always good to be in a high level of readiness.


An alien white man, the European Jew, entered the the Arab region

shamelessly claiming to be the Israelite returning home. But today,

he cannot give such an excuse for his existence on Arab soil because

DNA disclosed to the world that his ancestry ties to the Middle East

stands at 0% which makes them 100% alien to that region. Why are

the aliens still continuing to remain on Arab soil?

Fog of War

” An alien white man, the European Jew ” Wrong on both counts again. You should give it up.


http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1k1a72t2xIZ_PPE_HV7dro0WmW-GgqjJs Is Europe highlighted to indicate where Alan Dershowitz’s 98.5% “Ashkenazi Jewish” DNA originated from? Is Asia highlighted to indicate where his 0.1% East Asian DNA is from? Is African highlighted to trace his 0.1% African DNA? Is the Middle East left completely blank because they found nothing connecting him to the Middle East, even not 0.1%?

Fog of War

You have so many logical holes in your argument its amusing. ” First: of all, the Khazar controlled media / press / educational system tries its best to cover up the history of Khazaria and its ” Jews ” meaning they will never publicly admit to their true origins. Second: If the Khazars are from Easter Europe why do they have no genetic connection to the Slavs, Baltics, and Nordics that are indigenous to that area ? Third: If the Khazars are an indigenous people to Easter Europe then show me historical records of their mass conversion to Judaism at some point. The Slavs, Baltics, and Nordics were all either Pagan, Catholic, or Protestant. None ever converted to Judaism. You got some reading to do. ” The Thirteenth Tribe is a 1976 book by Arthur Koestler, in which the author advances the thesis that Ashkenazi Jews are not descended from the historical Israelites of antiquity, but from Khazars, a Turkic people. Koestler hypothesized that the Khazars migrated westwards into Eastern Europe in the 12th and 13th centuries when the Khazar Empire was collapsing.



16,000,000 Ashkenazi = 97% 500,000 Arab Jews = 3%

Fog of War

Silly girl, that’s not even a retort to what I said. Try harder.


Still waiting for you to tell me the origin of snow white Jew.


Wow … thank you

Fog of War

For what ole tzatz ?


Truth telling to the vile H4Y

Again ????

Fog of War

I don’t know if she’s vile, but she is very wrong on that issue.


You haven’t posted any credible information disproving what she’s posted.


Why are you posting this. The comment that you replied to doesn’t claim that AshkeNAZIs are Khazar.

Fog of War

I don’t understand your question ? They ARE khazars.


Because you’re arguing about Khazars that she doesn’t mention. Her claim is that AshkeNAZIs are Europeans, not Middle Easterners. Her evidence supports her claim. Your Khazar information doesn’t disprove that.

Fog of War

” Her evidence supports her claim. Your Khazar information doesn’t disprove that. ” But my logical deductions do. They are not from Eastern Europe nor are they White.


They’re from central and Eastern Europe and they’re white.


“Ten Israeli military positions in the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights were targeted overnight Wednesday by rocket fire at a time when Israel hit Syrian positions in the southern province of Qunaitera amid heightened tension, according to the pan-Arab al-Mayadeen TV.

The targeted Israeli military sites include a military reconnaissance center, a position for border security, a military center for electronic jamming, a military center for spying on wireless and wired networks, a communication station, an observatory for precision weapons, a gunships heliport, the headquarters of the regional military command of brigade-810, the command center of the military battalion in Hermon, and the winter headquarters of the special snow unit, according to the report.”

– Rocket fire targets 10 Israeli military positions –



None of them arrived … lol


https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3ec5892118bc9df1e299a2f5f92c3c90a6a2351a09fbce857451b8029d34ee9c.jpg The Israeli military said its Iron Dome rocket defense system intercepted some of the incoming projectiles

– Israel Accuses Iran of Rocket Attack on Golan –



“Beirut-based Al-Mayadeen, said at least 50 missiles were fired from Syria at Israeli forces in the Golan Heights. Al-Ikhbariya TV said missiles targeted 10 Israeli positions.”

– Israel accuses Iranian forces of rocket attack on Golan –



Don’t bring up an article from 2018, we punished them real good after that incident. Anyone brave enough to shoot rockets should be brave enough to face our response. One day Bibi won’t save them Richard, remember it.


You punished them by continuing to lose the Syrian war? Just like you got kicked out of Lebanon, Gaza and Egypt.


We didn’t get kicked out from anywhere, we could have stayed there to this day if we wanted to but for what? we were only there to stop terror attacks coming into Israel. If we ever need to come back, we will don’t worry.


Were the Ashkenazi expelled repeatedly for no reason at all?

Here are the expulsions of European Jews:

Please notice that there are no Arab countries listed below.

Austria …………… 1394 1510 1559 1571 1593 1669 1670 1843 Bavaria…………… 1276 1446 1551 1815 1919 Belgium…………….1370 England………….. 1290 France……………. 1882 1306 1322 1394 1453 Germany…………. 1182 1349 1394 1615 Hungary…………… 1349 1360 1582 Italy………………… 855 1485 1492 Lithuania………….. 1495 1656 1753 Mainz……………… 1012 1438 1462 1483 Naples……………. 1497 1541 1553 Netherlands……… 1442 1444 1582 Poland……………. 1648 Portugal…………… 1919 Prague……………. 1557 1561 1744 Prussia…………… 1510 1843 Russia……………. 1654 1727 1740 1772 1804 1808 1853 1891 Slovakia……..…… 1380 1744 Spain……………… 1492 Strasbourg………. 1388 1514 Switzerland………. 1348 Ukraine……………. 1616 1648 Warsaw……………. 1484 1775


You got kicked out.


So you say, that is not how most of us view it here.


Most people don’t live with constant border attacks.


We don’t live so either. Hamas learnt their lesson twice in 2012 and 2014 and doesn’t dare to do any more border crossings from Gaza into Israel, only shoot Qasam rockets. Hezbollah too, with all of their threats to kill IDF soldiers they didn’t do anything, and it was a wise decision on their side because we were ready to enter and we still are.


Thank you for confirming that missile strikes are “normal” for you.


It is normal as long as Bibi is in power, do not be confused. When he is gone. we will cleanse Gaza from all of the Islamic filth there.


Thar was where the Europeans who hated you wanted to DUMP you.

The Secretary of StateTo the Chargé at Algiers (Chapin)Washington, May 27, 1944

Tito has promised support in rescue of Hungarian Jews. It is essential that we do what we can to facilitate the escape of Jews today in Hungary in view of their plight.The crux of this matter is the finding of suitable places of removal for these refugees. The following should be borne in mind in this connection: These refugees should be moved to camps in the Middle East in the largest numbers possible.


He wasn’t in power when you got kicked out of your neighbors. He’s no different than all of the other prime ministers who’ve done nothing different than Netanyahu. Including Gantz:

“Gantz attacked after saying lessons of the disengagement ‘should be applied elsewhere’ ■ In interview, Netanyahu rival also says ‘we must find a way not to rule over other people'”

– Gantz Defends Gaza Disengagement, Gets Slammed by Right –



Read about Ariel Sharon, our enemies remember his name even after he’s gone. One day, a new Sharon will be in power again.


He’s the one who disengaged. Gantz supports that.


Lieutenant Colonel Harold B. Hoskins March 5, 1945.

I said that the Zionists had attacked me particularly for the statement in my 1943 report that a Zionist State in Palestine could be installed and maintained only by force. I asked the President (Roosevelt) if he agreed with this conclusion, which the Zionists Continue to deny most aggressively, and he said he fully agreed with me.



“During an interview last month on Lebanese state TV, former Iranian diplomat Amir Mousavi revealed that if Israel or the US take “dangerous” steps, Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei may reverse the religious fatwa or ruling that prevents the acquisition, development or use of nuclear weapons.”

– Iran May Reverse Religious Ruling Banning Nukes if Israel, US Act Aggressively, Ex-Diplomat Says –



Who are you kidding? they don’t need any religious fatwa for it as they do it anyway. I know the ME better than you.

Shia man

You know nothing


I know you are terrorists, that’s what matters.


This is just what’s above ground. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/5c69f805d7caef1d1fa63b7a4b84718542d86be0759f639c8991080a6502f37b.jpg https://www.jns.org/iran-spins-up-advanced-centrifuges-at-natanz/


“Abdul Qadeer Khan [note 1] (/ˈɑːbdəl ˈkɑːdɪər ˈkɑːn/ (About this soundlisten); Urdu: عبد القدیر خان‎; born 1 April 1936[2]) NI, HI, FPAS, DEng, known as A. Q. Khan, is a Pakistani nuclear physicist and metallurgist who is colloquially known as the “father of uranium enrichment project” for his nation’s atomic bomb program …

In 1990, the United States alleged that highly sensitive information was being exported to North Korea in exchange for rocket engines. On multiple occasions, Khan leveled accusations against Benazir Bhutto’s administration of providing secret enrichment information, on a compact disc (CD), to North Korea; these accusations were denied by Benazir Bhutto’s staff and military personnel.[52]:113–114[53][54]

Between 1987 and 1989, Khan secretly leaked knowledge of centrifuges to Iran without notifying the Pakistan Government,[54] although this issue is a subject of political controversy.”

– Abdul Qadeer Khan –


Shia man

A terrorist is a person who uses unlawful violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.

That’s the definition of google That’s exactly what you Zionist do your the real terrorist and let me tell you why you don’t dare use your nukes because Iran and it’s allies (the resistance axis) will launch over 100 thousand missiles whipping Israel off the face of earth there is a balance of power but that balance has shifted that’s why your government is panicking the US government and you Zionist don’t know weather to start a war or not. This isn’t 2006 anymore where hezbollah only had 5000 troops while you amassed all your troops to fight them and still lost the war and hezbollah won’t be launching 200 missiles a day on you and hezbollah won’t be alone this time the US doesn’t fight a war if they don’t have proxies to fight for them who is going to protect you the gulf state Arabs that beg you for protection or the Europeans that refused to go to war with the US against Iran. There is nothing you or the US can do to stop Irans rise or china becoming the number 1 world power or the power shifting from west to east it’s over you know it the US knows it the Europeans know it and frankly speaking if you do dare start a war it will only hasten your end.


Getting rid of US Jews and Israel would preserve the US as a great power. And result in it being a good global citizen.


So much bullshit, I couldn’t even read it all. We didn’t even use 5% of our firepower against Hezbollah, and we are not afraid of Iran as my leadership keeps saying Iran will not be a nuclear state. Just wait, the best is yet to come.

Shia man

You even brought reserves to fight lol 60 thousand to be exact https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=95LcFRfEzFk


10K entered, another 30K waited at the border and did not participate. Facts hurt?

Shia man

Ya I bet they do hurt? That’s why you have to lie to yourself to feel mentally better pathetic.


I don’t lie, especially when I say we are ready to hunt down the Hezbo rats. I’m not saying it would be easy, but in the end they will get wiped out in any scenario and Nasrallah knows it very well.

Shia man

If war does happen again there won’t be Israel this time around.


okay buddy.


Nobody thought that the N. Koreans had fusion devices. Fission devices were built going on 100 years ago with slide rules and manual machine tools. How long did N. Korea have fission devices before they started setting them off? The Paks have nukes right next to Iran. It wouldn’t surprise me if Iran can hit Israel with fission devices right now. They can obviously hit Israel with missiles from Iran, Syria, Lebanon and probably Yemen.

The sooner that Israel is gone and the planet is Jew free. Preferably without using wmd. The better that it will be for the planet and humanity. Jews are up to their eyeballs in wmd bioterrorism. You people are the planet’s and humanity’s biggest problem.


And what are you going to do about it? I think a world without Richard is a better world too.


You read it here. It’s called truth that Jews hate so much. That’s why they try to prevent people from seeing it.


The noose is tightening on Israel, this is by design and will continue.


This is your past, present and future created by your evil ideology that needs to be outlawed and abolished to end your malevolent parasitical victimization of our species.

“Jewish population centers have shifted tremendously over time, due to the constant streams of Jewish refugees created by expulsions, persecution, and officially sanctioned killing of Jews in various places at various times. In addition, assimilation and forced conversions have also impacted Jewish population sizes throughout Jewish history.”

– Historical Jewish population comparisons –



Scary ….

Israel believes they’re going for it …


Washington, October 10, 1973

Nixon: There is a serious situation in the Middle East. It has developed into something tougher than the Israelis anticipated.

Kissinger: The Israelis were caught with their pants down —unmobilized.

Nixon: The Israeli tank losses have been extremely heavy. We won’t violate the confidence by giving you figures, but they are far heavier than anticipated.

Kissinger: If the Arabs start to win, all the Arabs will jump in. Israel has suffered the equivalent of 100,000 killed.

Nixon: We will not let Israel go down the tube.



Exactly ….

When do you get your vaccination?


Already did :)




How many got through?

How many hit their target?

As I recall 2 Iranian rockets were picked off by an Iron Dome …

There were Israelis on Mt Hermon skiing at the time …


Frankly, you are a p-oofter kid, so fuck off.


the jews can practice and arm up and assassinate to their hearts content bút they are still just what 8 million jews whereas the rest of mankind is in the zillions. so the jews really don’t stand a friggin chance even if they woul resort to use all their nukes – that would just make the end so much worse.

and given the long line of crimes committed by the jews since beginning of time, they just shouldn’t expect mercy of any kind.






Here is an Ashkenazi who would feel insulted if you refer to him as European.

Even today when their DNA tells them they have 0% Middle Eastern DNA,

they hate that they are European.

Fog of War

However, they have 98% Ashkenazi genes and no other European group has them. How is that possible in your incomplete world view ?


Explain why “Ashkenazi” is grouped with the European DNA?

European DNA

Ashkenazi – Austria – Balkan – Belarus Belgium – Czech Republic – Denmark Estonia – Finland – France – Germany Hungary – Iberian – Iceland – Ireland Italian – Latvia – Lithuania – Luxembourg Netherlands – Norway – Poland – Russia Sardinian – Slovakia – Slovenia – Sweden Switzerland – Ukraine – United Kingdom




Why does it say that Kushner is 99.9% European?


The Middle East is always left blank when tracing

the Ashkenazi DNA but almost always highlighted

when tracing Italian DNA because it is hard to find

an Italian without a significant Middle Eastern

ancestry. You have not told me where you think

the snow white Jew, the Ashkenazi, originated



American Jews called many countries to whom US funds were promised and pretending to be Truman told them if they did not vote in favor of the Zionist project that the funds will be withdrawn. At least 3 countries that we know of changed their vote without which the Zionist project would never have succeeded. It is an amazing document that I encourage you to print it and read it.




The Egyptians understood that foreigners had arrived to invade and occupy their land when the British arrived and so did the Libyans when the Italians arrived, so did the Algerians when the French arrived. But when the European Jew arrived in Palestine who is as European as the French and the British and the Germans, the Palestinians are supposed to say: hey cousin, welcome home? Where did the European Jews come up with this ridiculous notion of identity theft claiming to be the Israelite returning home to the Arab region?


Strange how there are no major US bases in Israel given how close they are.


It just proves that we take care of our own security ourselves, we don’t need anyone to fight or die for us. We only need our leadership to allow us to fight without stopping us halfway in every operation (because the other side has too many deads), so we can crush the terrorists regardless of any bullshit coming from the U.N, no more ceasefires.


You the white man did not fight the white people that you said murdered 6 million of your people, but you arrived in my region shamelessly claiming to be Israelite but looking like the German tourists. We want you out of our land and make sure to take your gefilte fish with you.

The Arabs removed the Crusades, the British, the French, the Italians but you cowards made a deal with the US to make sure you do not get expelled.


Ari Shavit – Haaretz – March 4, 2003

In the course of the past year, a new belief has emerged in the town: the belief in war against Iraq. That ardent faith was disseminated by a small group of 25 or 30 neoconservatives, almost all of them Jewish, almost all of them intellectuals, people who are mutual friends and cultivate one another and are convinced that political ideas are a major driving force of history.

Ari Shavit – Haaretz – March 4, 2003

Alan Dershowtiz ……………… Frederick Kagan Bill Kristol ……………………….. Henry Kissenger Charles Krauthammer ………. Irving Kristol Bret Stephens ………………….. James Schlesinger Daniel Pipes …………………….. John Podhoretz Danielle Pletka …………………. Joshua Bolten David Frum ………………………. Kimberly Kagan David Wurmser …………………. Norman Podhoretz Donald Kagan ……………………. Paul Wolfowitz Douglas Feith …………………….. Richard Perle Marc Grossman …………………. Robert Kagan Dov Zakheim ……………………… Scooter Libby Eliot Cohen ……,………………….. Stephen Bryen Elliot Abrams


https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2eccf25e8f2d6ccb5e4ea5f46a39fc1715638d93882ff551c2564cfc0a0f2233.jpg https://freedomstarblog.wordpress.com/2017/05/26/iran-has-built-third-underground-ballistic-missile-factory/


And Richard? they could have shot their ballistic missiles over here long time ago if they wanted, but somethiggn else is stopping them. Guess what.


They shot down US drones, and hit the US base in Iraq with missiles. They’re not afraid of you. You’re the ones who won’t attack Iran because you know what will happen.


You don’t follow the news, so let me help you:



And we are not the U.S, we always retaliate.


Yep! 6,000,000 dead Jews vs. 0 Germans that you killed.


So you retaliate, which is usually in response to aggression on your part. So what? It doesn’t end the attacks. You’ve gotten kicked out from your neighbors and haven’t solved the problem of border problems. You live in an insane asylum of your own making based in your racist supremist Talmud criminal ideology.

– Iran’s Missile Production Program in Lebanon –



You should know most of us are seculars, we don’t follow the Talmud we obey the country laws. Ofcourse we are also Jews, but we are Israelis first. That is why when our enemies hurt us, it units us. Most Israelis serve in the army and are proud of it, anyone trying to hurt us will feel our Iron fist coming on their heads like a hammer.

That being said, a two states solution is the best option but it will be done only when they end their terror actions, or face another operation with a new Israeli government which doesn’t believe in ceasefires.


You dystopia is based in the Talmud insanity. Your government’s policies are based in the Talmud insanity. Whether you agree with it or not doesn’t change that.


Okay Richard, whatever you say.

Off to sleep now. good night.

chris chuba

It that is true then why is this a ‘joint’ military exercise, what role is the U.S. playing and when is Israel going to help us detect Mexican drug Cartel tunnels or stop their infiltration into the U.S.?


Why not do exercises? it is good for both countries to learn from each other. Does it mean we want U.S soldiers to die for us in wars? no, we can fight our own wars ourselves and believe me if it was up to me I’d already order the IDF to start the operations on both fronts. We are not afraid of any islamic terrorists, on the contrary I was kinda disappointed Hezbollah backed down in the end.


http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1FD9-mWXUOLC7dzgsx8ueziAaBn52B7XI Is the European Jew not = 100% European?

Why does it say 100% Ashkenazi = 100% European?

Waiting for your reply.


Good Better Best Never let them rest Until good is better and better is best

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