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MARCH 2025

Just Beyond The Pale

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Just Beyond The Pale

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Written by Supratim Barman

In a Globalised World, when we see images of the conflict that is currently occurring in Ukraine on our News Feeds, Whatsapp Groups, Telegram Twitter and Instagram; as well as ofcourse on our TeleVision sets; we tend to lose sight of the human element and how close it could have been us instead. We sit far away and analyse it, show our support for the Corporation side by posting stickers and flags on our social media profiles and we feel good; as if we have done something worthwhile with our day. As if we have somehow “helped”.

But what are we actually achieving? I wonder. I am 58 years old and I have been in Kolkata for these past 3 chaotic covid driven lockdown years due to my 86 year old mother not being well and I, feeling that I need to fulfil my obligations; almost my duty, as it were, to be with her. Not that I do much, it is just the reassurance that I am near her that helps her be a little less nervous as her age related dementia slowly takes over her life. This is the longest time I have ever spent at a stretch in the Indian Republic and it is an ongoing unique experience.

These past 3 years has allowed me to see the world and its complex intertwined machinations of media propaganda, lies and deceit from the perspective of, as if almost, of someone who has perhaps never ventured outside the Republic but is trying to make sense of it all from within a nation that is itself deeply complex and almost impossible to categorise into nice “keywords” or even “key phrases”.

This is a vast country of 1,400 million people, 350 million of whom speak English as a first language fluently, and, who are in turn deeply influenced by “Western Values” and “Corporate Media”. There are parts of this gigantic nation that are rooted firmly in the traditions and living standards of the year 1800, and, yet; turn the next corner, and you walk into parts where the value of land and apartments exceed those of New York City and the ultra-posh parts of Central London, and are awash in technology and innovation that will leave you in awe.
Yet, the Indian Republic is; regardless of the constraints that bind it like a vice, still a very important country in the overall grand scheme of things. However when you sit in London and consume the information broadcasts of the British Government owned BBC, (for which every household, by the way, needs to pay for via a tax called the TV Licence Fee of approximately 160 pounds per year), you feel that India hardly even exists; except for when there is a requirement to present a “balanced output” by showing poor Indians eating with their hands, sitting on the floor, their dark faces smiling but oh so happy; which allows the message to be conveyed that — oh, look how spiritual they are and how nicely these Wogs behave themselves even after all the humiliation we put them through, both internationally and within their own country via sanctions and immoral IMF and World Bank loans which are now beginning to generate hyper-inflation and an internal currency crisis.

Look at them, they don’t fight back, nor, complain. They just take it “where the sun don’t shine” and get on with their lives of coolie servitude, (just like when we ruled over them; back in the good ole days). Wish these uppity Arabian sand niggas and Russian steppe niggas would do the same and not be so “Bolshy” about “denazification” and things like “demilitarization”. I mean after all, you know how it is yeah; if those Russkie boys start pulling on that denazification string than how long before it unwinds all over us in the United Kingdom and our deep complicity in fomenting and nurturing this Slavic bloodbath of death and destruction. Why can’t they be just like these “house niggas’ in India and all just sort of, you know, get along and all that.

It’s all fine and it is all good.

But living here within Kolkata and in turn, within the Indian Republic, I realise, now; how this same media machine can alter the very perception of reality for a nation where the median age is 25. A nation where the media is privately owned by huge Corporations that are all at the end of the day, funded generously from the “Home of the Brave” and “The Home of Imperial Empire”. Where a critical analysis of events that are about to radically alter their own futures is given no prominence.

Why is it that when I went downstairs to see how my mother was and to talk to her about the day, (with the TV being in her room), I saw that RT is blocked here in India with just a screen displaying the coloured test bars. I hardly watch TeleVision and didn’t ever really take much notice before. I also noticed that the rest of the English language Indian channels are just mimicking the “West”, (by recycling selective media clips in endless loops) without any real commentary whatsoever. It is extremely surprising that India would block RT, as there has been no official Government Order to do so, until you realise that what has happened is that the private cable operators have just taken the decision upon themselves to act as guardians of good faith for their Colonial pay masters.

YouTube and FaceBook, I can understand. They are Imperialist outlets but why the cable operators in India. India is officially neutral in this conflict but the Indian Government is clearly supporting the Russian Federation, and are fully aware themselves that the Indian Republic is now in the direct firing line for secondary sanctions from the US of A and from all the Instruments and Institutions owned by the “Exceptional Nation” and her servants and slaves; from the various UN Organisations and Agencies down to SWIFT.

There is a contradiction here. That contradiction is that the private media here in India is being exposed as totally owned by “foreign money” from the “West”; as are the cable operators, so much so that they feel they can do as their wish with regard to taking a decision to block RT without a Government Order.

This is about to lay the foundation for a problem later, as when these same foreign media sources can, and will, turn on the Government, (for not having voted against the Federation), when ordered to do so from outside the territory of the Republic to then put pressure on the Government by creating Social Chaos and Disturbant Upheaval in India in the form of a Colour Revolution, by magnifying the already difficult situation of rising petrol prices, youth unemployment, enhanced further by inbound food scarcity and a grain price elevation crisis; that have not been caused by this conflict in Ukraine but have been building up, (actually since President Trump took office), within the Financial Derivatives Market in London, Frankfurt and New York as rising inflation was first seen in ETFs such as the RJA and WheatUsd about 3 years ago.

This inflation was not caused by India, nor China, nor Russia nor by the “Global South” but rather by the Hedge Funds that forced unlimited Dollar printing of the World’s Reserve Currency in order to offset the losses from the Great Financial Crisis of 2006/2008 initiated by the Credit Default Swaps of the SubPrime Mortgage Scam. Now, with rising petrol and natural gas prices in the United Kingdom and the US of A, two economies which have both stalled and are facing stagnation and inbound “StagFlation” – a dangerously lethal combination of Stagnation coupled with Rampant Inflation, there is every incentive to destabilise India and gain total access to her vast internal market of 350 million “high end” consumers of junk, her vast resources and her fairly advanced network of technical, agricultural and scientific assets.

Now, at the moment, the Government and the Private Media are on the same page as the current Government uses them blatantly to project a larger than life image of the current Prime Minister and his fine achievements of grand oratory. Each get along nicely as they further each other’s interests. The Private Media get a vice-like grip on the consumption masses and the Government is delighted with the free publicity and lack of friction when it comes to getting them to broadcast delightful illusions to cloud over the current state of affairs, by masking the true conditions of the working classes from these very same workers. But what happens when this Private Media starts to diverge and act like private pirates and mercenaries against the Government of India. And believe me they will as they brook no allegiance except to their bosses in Wall Street, the Military-Financial-Industrial Complexes in the erstwhile, “West”.

The current Government has used this Western Financed Media like a weapon for their own gain and this very same Media knows his weaknesses and how easy it is to make him look like a fool to his own people. This Media has been, unfortunately, allowed to deeply and dangerously embed itself within the infrastructure of the entire Indian Government apparatus.

The Goose that laid the golden egg off which you fed yourself so sumptuously may be about to devour you itself.

When the order is given to punish India for not reading from the same hymn sheet as dictated by the Globalist Corporations, this very same Media will totally destabilise the Indian Republic on a grand scale.

So, it is what it is.

This is from a friend of mine in one of the Five Eyes Nations and I would like to conclude with the exact words as expressed by himself – “RT is suffering from DDOS attack. Here in Canada, you are prompted to DDOS guard when you go their site. So the guardian of democracy and free speech is now funding hackers and blocking news sites”.

You have a site like SouthFront which has its DNS completely blocked off the internet as if they never existed, by their hosting company. These are not Denial of Service attacks where you flood them with spam much like someone shouting over you as you speak so your voice remains unheard and drowned in the noise. DNS is more akin to your house address on the web and blocking it is like preventing you access to enter and leave your own home.

I am myself not too technically abreast of the complexities and nuances of server administration and their setup but the extent that Imperialism will push the limits of decency when faced with opposition to their mindless nonsense, reveals their own insecurities.

SouthFront has been brilliantly able to overcome their difficulties under extreme pressure but the fact remains that why are you so persistent and hell bent on silencing them if you are totally on the right side of history in all this and they are but a fringe nuisance. A dog on your leg barking like a maniac. If so, then why go to such extreme methods? The more you do this the more it leaves an impression that you have something to hide. Something you don’t want SouthFront to show and talk about. After all, is this not all about Debating and Constructive Arguments that you yourself so proudly encourage within the Education System. An Education system that demeans Asians and Africans as all just barbarians that need to be civilised and Russians – ah, well; they are all — just beyond the pale. Nothing good can ever came from those steppe niggas and Slavs in the Ukraine.

I would also like to come back with another short essay of the story with which I opened. The story of a young Indian guy and how he escaped from Kiev with his one year old daughter and young Ukrainian wife and the pictures and details of the total chaos and confusion. It exposes the complicated relationship that exists between racism, politics, being non-combatants, war, lies, propaganda and the selfless urge to survive for the sake of your child and your wife in a situation that has nothing to do with your place in it. All this is – just beyond the pale and exposes deep contradictions which are now all coming home to roost.

I hope to write that next. That is if you liked this one.


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Yamil Perez

I guess this crappy article is being used to hide the fact that Southfront just manipulated its content to move a favored report to the frontline news in order to milk the latest mass murder strike for all it’s worth. That’s a new one, Scooby. These people truly are a Russian Federation demented insane asylum.

Karl Wolfe

Go back and get a real education: writing propaganda for the military isn’t your forte there Stooge.

Yamil Perez

I guess we can call this direct proof that things are not going all that swell inside Putingrad. Right, Scooby? Putin is having too many bouts of diarrhea lately now that things are going south?


How are things in the Kiev Klown Kar today? Did they finish that ATO operation in Donbas? I expect that they should be raising the ol’ Blue and Gold over Sevastopol some time in the next few days. Glory to heroes and territorial integrity of the Ukraine!

Yamil Perez

There, there. Last I heard from Kiev the freedom Russian column decided to join the derby to see who can drive away the fastest.


Delusions don’t win wars kid.

Yamil Perez

The indignity. All they want is to be left alone to commit mass murder without nobody bothering them.

Last edited 2 years ago by Yamil Perez

Again delusions don’t win wars, neither do replying with garbled nonsense you just typed there.

Yamil Perez

It’s common knowledge that they’re commiting mass murder for the sake of committing mass murder knowing full well that their ship is already going down. They already lost the war, sir.

Last edited 2 years ago by Yamil Perez
Clown of Kiev

Yeah, they are sitting right next to your capital, pissing into your river and all you do is farting and barking mad. And hiding behind women and children like dirty ISIS terrorists, no difference whatsoever between them and Maidanazi terrorists. Both serve the same demons from Washington DC.


I hope you’re joking or being sarcastic.


Yeah he’s being sarcastic. NATO has severely lost the war in Ukraine, so they’ll never get close to Sevastopol again.


If your so sure of your propaganda then why post here, why ban RT, I guess you and Western MSM have nothing but petty insults and censoring to lob at the truth, you’re pathetic.

Ashok Varma

For a dumb troll, you are dumber than dumb old chap.


desperate in arkansas trailer park—Putin now 79% approval thanks to you nazi cretins and success in ukropistan


yamil perez, debes ser un burocrata “analista” a quien le pagan por postear contenido infantil, ¿tienes hijos?, si no eres un asalariado entonces eres peor, supongo que eres así porque el covid te mató a tu mama o a tu papa o a tu perro. Y ¿que es eso de scooby? ¿tienes alguna fijacion sexual con los animales? anda al psiquiatra

Karl Wolfe

You know if you suck the right cocks they might give you a “scholarship” too…

Yamil Perez

Considering that so many Russian soldiers are offering to suck Putin’s cock in order to go back to Russia, he might try and take the offer.


Petty trailer park trash high school insults don’t win wars kid.

Yamil Perez

No, but it keeps them from coming back once the cockroaches are gone for good. These are low IQ idiots.

Last edited 2 years ago by Yamil Perez

What language are you translating from that it let you string that sentence together?

Yamil Perez

I’m fluent in Rus Norse, Scooby. I thought you already knew that. You’re a Rus Norse lunatic. You should know all about it.

Last edited 2 years ago by Yamil Perez
Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

You must be dreaming about Putins dick 24/7…

Yamil Perez

I never sleep these days but I daydreaming and hallucinating a lot. Mostly about dicks, cocks and cockroaches. And Scooby.


Nah, he’s happy with your mama sucking his dick. No one sucks like your ma, not even you: you need to practice on Zelen-banana even more instead of Joe’s limp prick.

Horse Cock Putin

But they are overall still winning, so go fuck a tree stump!

Yamil Perez

Yeah, many Russian mommas giving their Russian sons to roast at the barbecue down in Kiev.

Last edited 2 years ago by Yamil Perez
Yamil Perez Dead

Shemale whore, your gypsy aids infested mama giving many blowjobs to nato sailors, go slurp your dinner from her ass when she finish. Barbecue was in Lwow, 300 roaches burned alive lol. Drop dead in your basement and go join them in pigs hell.

Last edited 2 years ago by Yamil Perez Dead
CIA bot

I guess you shiteating cockroach paid troll now doing two+ shifts per day in that stinky basement, spamming retarded bullshit here 24/7… looks like you never even sleep, you must be on CIA meth like Zelenko. One of these days you’ll just drop dead and no one will even notice….

Yamil Perez

I’ll guess that beats dropping dead roasted on a Kiev bridge and having your corpse interviewed by CNN. That’s just a crappy way for the entire Russian special forces to go, Scooby.

Last edited 2 years ago by Yamil Perez

Scooby? Is that the cartoon you watched to learn English you dumb wetback spic? Me chingo tu puta madre guey


Good house nigga

Ashok Varma

The fascist west lost the propaganda war as well. Get over it and get a real job.


CIA pay you 1 taco


Thank you for the article. Glad the world is seeing the hypocrisy of the imperialists. Quick recovery to your mom.


good articule


Indeed the fact that Western MSM and it’s non-Western lackeys are banning RT, reeks of pure desperation, they know that in the end they can only lie for so long before the whole edifice and narrative comes crashing down.

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Resistance is victory. Down with the crumbling americant empire and jts wrongdoings.


Good piece, I’d like to read more.


interesting stuff on twitter – follow LezLuthor who is in Kiev since 1 week. Fortunately not a bomb, rocket or bullet was fired or heard in the city. He has booked a hotel room in Irpin now to see what is happening there.


A lot of the Western audience is unfortunately too emotionally immature to understand they need to look at both sides of the story to form an opinion. They instead jump to a conclusion based on how much they instantly trust the source of the story, which could be something as simple as last night’s football news.


The West always bragged about freedom of speech. Mostly an illusion, all media are owned by the same scum; Pulitzer and Hearst for example, competed who was going to support war against Spain more with dirty propaganda. But at least some freedom did exist. Not any more. Since Trump’s election they openly censored and purged any different opinion with different ridiculous excuses. The trend even increased during pandemic and now it’s culminating with absolutely insane censorship on all media including internet.

Medieval times all over again, whoever dares to say whatever slightly different from the narrative is instantly ostracized and branded as a heretic. There is no even an illusion any more, only utterly brainwashed idiots believe that freedom of speech, freedom of press, freedom of thought, freedom of anything still exists.


so this is the “new world order ” what they all talk about . not one government but a bunch of rich folks giving orders. you can disobey but we will ask all yours rich friends to black list you and push propaganda to shape your image to the masses


They want a secret panel government so no one can question the monarch. I highly doubt getting canceled on social media is the punishment. They will have control over all of your assets with a vaccine passport type program. These are twisted people looking to amuse themselves in their final years.

Tommy Jensen

Nice one. At least we have a fixpoint today. We know who the enemy are. This gives us a better performance than walking around in wilderness.

Ashok Varma

The so-called west has shown its true ugly face of lies, distortions and censorship yet again as it also loses the global propaganda war against Russia. JAI RUS!

The maharaja

I do not post much on this site. I found it years ago and loved the videos they produced on the Russian military. The quality was awesome and they had the cool English with Russian accent voice over lady really nailed it all together. I get its a site that shows things from a Russian perspective, not a problem. The other side has 98% of media for their perspective. I think the banning of RT and the assault on all things Russian is pathetic and will be seen for what it is at a later date. I hope access to this site remains, Great content. Now for the comments side of things? It is a bit over the top, dominated by several people with an odd relationship to a couple wanna be nazis . I get everyone has a side and its easy to go off on one another, however I have to say the amount of homosexual related insults is so pervasive in every argument I often wonder if its some sort of weird gay fetish message board? Like maybe I am in the wrong place and this is how young homosexuals hook up in some weird gay self deprecating geo political orgy of sorts? Or is it just insults that are filled with some underlying need to insert homosexual behaviors into everything written? Either way it would be nice if there were a few discussions around actual content, especially if there are people with any real knowledge on the topics posted. Would be great to hear from actual former Russian soldiers or those with knowledge of Russian tactics and weapons etc. Just saying…. a little break form the dildo in your ass cuk type stuff.


Yup, it would be great if they actually moderate this site more often, remove garbage at least 2x times per day instead allowing one nazi psycho (fritz) and one paid troll (yamil) to usurp almost every thread here with their infantile trolling.


as Saker demonstrates tactics is the topic for amateurs—he reports that logistically Russia has entirely defeated ukrops already—it will require their senile retarded masters in Washington weeks to comprehend this, then they will surrender


As a UK citizen I am very concerned with my fellow countrymen. The vast majority of them cannot survive without a TV and so they pay the BBC tax, and in return get lied to all the time. I don’t own a TV and never have, because I know the MSM lies constantly – it cannot be trusted with anything, anything at all. The amount of jingoistic bullcr*p that is being disseminated by the western MSM right now leaves a person feeling like it is May 1914 all over again – these fools never learn!


My Grandfather always taught me to never automatically trust anyone, ever. He use to say, “My dear boy, people are natural-born liars – especially the jews and the christians – so don’t trust everything they say…they’ll tell you anything to get what they want! Instead, take note of what they’ve said but pay close attention to their actions AND the results they’re getting…that will tell you the truth about them and their true intentions.”

In most parts of the world, there are two types of lies: lies of commission, where the liar will make stuff up out of his own imagination for the purposes of deceiving others; and then there are lies of omission, where the liar will conceal a truth by keeping this knowledge secret so that the target of the deception doesn’t find out. This is not the case in the West; in the West it’s perfectly Ok to tell “a little white lie”, and people do it practically everyday (all day!)…but in the West it is consider a matter of good etiquette to keep inconvenient/uncomfortable truths to ones self – unless someone makes you angry! Then it’s Ok to use the truth to hurt them right back!

At any rate, my Grandfather’s teachings prevail, yet again! Supratim Barman is a liar, and is attempting to lie to me in his fake-news article. It’s the jews, stupid!!


Yes please – please write the story…. :-)

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