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MARCH 2025

Kazakhstan Calming Down – The West Getting Mad

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Kazakhstan Calming Down - The West Getting Mad

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The Administration of President Tokayev continues to take decisive measures after the stabilization of the situation in Kazakhstan.

On January 8, the intensity of street clashes significantly decreased. Some shootings broke out in the cities of Almaty, Toldykorgan and some other locations.

Fierce clashes broke out in the suburbs of Almaty, along the Almaty – Bishkek highway near the village of Rayumbek. The battle lasted for several hours. The Almaty-Bishkek highway is the main route for weapons and militants transfer to Almaty.

About 4,500 thousand rioters have been detained in the country so far. The heads of law enforcement agencies, including the leadership of the National Security Service of Kazakhstan, were arrested. They have been charged with the high treason.

Thus, January 8 marked the final turning point of the security situation in Kazakhstan. The coup failed. In most major cities of Kazakhstan, the situation has been completely stabilized.

On January 8, the deployment of the CSTO forces, which arrived in the country the day before, began.

The main goal of the CSTO peacekeeping mission is to protect strategic facilities.

The Kazakh leadership stated that the military personnel of the CSTO will not be involved either in the protection of public order or in the detention of active protesters, criminals or looters.

According to the information available to SouthFront, the total number of servicemen of the CSTO peacekeeping contingent in Kazakhstan will be up to 4,000 soldiers.

The fulfillment by the CSTO member states of their allied obligations to Kazakhstan in accordance with the Collective Security Treaty of 1992 provoked hysteria in the West.

Until January 6, the US Administration refrained from any harsh statements regarding the situation in Kazakhstan. The Brussels bureaucracy and the British behaved more aggressively in their statements, but without turning to direct threats.

Starting from January 6-7, the rhetoric of Western elites has changed. European functionaries have moved on to direct threats to Kazakhstan as a state and insulting statements addressed to the country’s leadership.

Starting on January 6, even before the landing gear of the first military transport aircraft of the CSTO servicemen broke away from the runways of their home airfields, a massive information campaign was launched by the Western MSM and social networks aimed at discrediting the CSTO peacekeeping forces. Up to the point that the fake news on the alleged CSTO involvement in clashes with rioters in Almaty.

On January 8, a new round of the information campaign began, including the accusations against Russia and Belarus on occupying independent Kazakhstan.

The campaign involves botnets, politicians and opinion leaders. Pro-Turkish, Ukrainian and Lithuanian accounts were especially active.

Among foreign politicians and opinion leaders, among others, there are former US Ambassador to Moscow Michael McFaul, member of the Polish Parliament and the NATO Parliamentary Assembly Michal Shcherba and Swedish businessman Anders Estland, who lives in Ukraine, who took part in creating a negative information background on Twitter around Russia’s actions.

In social media reports were spread under the titles like “Russia has invaded the country and ordinary citizens, whom local authorities call terrorists, are fighting with a regular enemy army.”

The position of Ankara, which has declared itself the self-proclaimed center of the Turkic world, is worth noting. To promote this position in recent years, the Turkish leadership has spent billions of dollars, including a huge amount of resources in the training of the new Kazakh elite through the educational and scientific programs.

Turkish public organizations, media and officials also expressed a very cautious position in assessing events in Kazakhstan until January 6. When it became clear that the coup had failed, and Tokayev turned to the CSTO for help, the rhetoric changed dramatically.

Kazakhstan Calming Down - The West Getting Mad

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For example, the Minister of Defense Akar, claimed that Ankara is ready to provide Kazakhstan, an “important ally” of Turkey, with any necessary assistance.

The former Prime Minister of Turkey, the leader of one of the parties, A. Davutoglu, said that he was “deeply saddened by the events…in the central country of the Turkic world”, he expressed his “concern” that Kazakhstan turned to the CSTO, and Turkey and the Organization of Turkic States did not make the necessary contribution.

Okutan, Secretary General of the Foundation of Kazakh Turks claimed: “We will never forgive the dishonorable Mankurt Tokayev, who brought the genocidal Russian and Armenian military to the homeland of the Turks in Kazakhstan to protect his power.”

An emergency meeting of the foreign Ministers of the Organization of Turkic States is scheduled for January 11 in Turkey.

In the Turkish-language media space, there is a massive stove-piping aimed at creating anti-Russian hysteria in civil society.


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Capt. Steven Hiller, USMC

That is great, truly awesme work russia and kazakh forces

Karl Wolfe

Treason doth never prosper.

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

CIAtrolls and Turkroaches are crying and raging. Ukropnazis too… Most excellent Comrades 🤗👍🥇

Liberal guy

That’s so true brother

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Another failed coup for the crumbling americant empire. Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Mianmar Belorussia, Kazakhstan, one defeat after the other. CIAisis is on its last leg along with the pedonazi establishment in D.C.

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Left out Venezuela.

Chris Gr

Iraq and Afghanistan are ruled by radical Muslims though

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Afghanistan yes. Iraq no.

Chris Gr

Kataib Hezbollah and Sadrists are like that.

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

A headshot a day keeps CIAisis away 🤗


Karim Massimov, the security chief arrested for high treason, is linked to Hunter and Joe Biden



Turkey calling Armenia genocidal. We’re truly living in a clown world!

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Turkish humor…


No! Turkish Delusional Braindamages, must be genetic.

Simon Ndiritu

I hadn’t noted that but its true Luciferian Irony from Turkey.


1/ “The West” : again, there are lots of people in “the west”, like me, who are not warmongering globalists, but populists.

2/ By the way, Turkey is indeed part of Nato, but not part of “the west”, and (for 90 %) not part of Europe neither.

3/ “social media” : what about the (western?) new tech social media (gettr, gab, rumble, bitchute) ? There’s no neocon, neiter neoliberal BS there.

Chris Gr

What West. By West they mean US and UK. France, Italy, Germany, Spain and smaller nations like Poland, Serbia, Greece, Romania, etc … are European.

Jim Allen

“Western” Europe, you fool.

Chris Gr

What do you mean basement dweller?

Jim Allen

Yes there is.

Micheal Petrovich

I have to ask everyone here. Was this a sloppy coup or was the reaction just excellent or both. Truth be told, i expected more from CIA / MI6 and the turchroaches. Don´t want to be arrogant but this was really poorly done or again the Russians FSB had everything under control and did counter moves to make the coup toothless.

What do you people think?

Chris Gr

It was mostly a coup by Turkey.

Jim Allen

Yes it was sloppy, and no, this isn’t remarkable. Yes, CSTO, and Russia were/are right on time.

Jen's whore

Ayo Jen Holms my boy, where ya at huh? Fucking CIA janitor


You damn well know, those clowns never comment under-report like this one. Yet, if there are any war crimes done by their masters, they run like pigs as if it is food for them. All they say is the same cheap comment as well, the golden explain is that Plastic_Zion kid, saying childish things such as, “come and fight me/us”, who is stupid to travel to occupied Palestine which was run by British terrorists and handed down to the Zion terrorists and “Jews”.

Jens is from another racist country, Denmark and Danes are racist. He sure as hell has brain damage as well.

Chris Gr

Actually, Jewish terrorists killed many British also. And Danes are not racist.


Danes are extreme racists. All Scandinavians are brainwashed to be “liberal” and woke but deep inside they are nothing but closet Nazis. Same with English, they are the worst racists and xenophobes on Earth.

Chris Gr



At first I wasn’t sure what to think, but as soon as terrorist NATO started insulting the Kazakh government I knew that the rioters were their agents! Turkish, American and EU terrorists are fuming because their mercenaries have been vanquished! Russia should soon go on the offensive and roll back NATO invaders from Syria and Ukraine! Work is not yet done in Syria (Turks, Amers and even israelis need to be kicked out) and Ukraine too must not stay under zionist occupation for long.


We live in interesting times. 500 years Western global rule is ending.

Liberal guy

Love u its more like around 250 years of the anti christ (L. A).

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