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MARCH 2025

Keep Fit: Cola And Mc’D Leaving Russia While Petrol And Gas Wandering Away (18+)

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Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

No GMO high fructose corn syrup with phosphoric acid and no GMO rat burgers with GMO fries? Oy vey…

Pedo Andy

Only American perverted contribution to the world is wars, lies, slavery, racism and now absolute desperation of a failed banana republic. Hopefully, the Zionist free world will now develop an integrated Eurasian economic and social compact as well. US is a deadbeat lower.


Sure, but don’t neglect to add in- Jazz, Blues, and baseball.

Arch Bungle

Baseball is crap. The world has much better to offer than Jazz or Blues.

Windy Harbour

Jazz and blues both originate from the minority ex-slaves experience within the USA. Ex-slaves picked up western musical instruments and added Afro rhythms and their personal narratives to western musical structures and idioms. Jazz came from picking up Civil War era bugles and snares, and blues came from picking up stringed instruments. This music has a complex history with the country it was created in.

Last edited 3 years ago by Windy Harbour
Big Johnson

“Afro Rhythms” !!?

…blues came from picking up stringed instruments !!!?

What pure horse 💩 if I have ever heard it!

Trevor Lorenz

Well and ideas like: The right of revolution, The consent of the governed, The principals of Federalism, Free Quality Schooling, the light bulb, mass production, freedom of speech and expression. Rule of law. And Trump! I’m not an American, and find it very easy to root for the underdog, and jump On the yanky bashing band wagon, but I admire their system of government. Not perfect but better than the west minister system where we don’t vote for the prime minister, but he has more autocratic power then the president. Trump was unable to do much without working with the house, resulting in a more stable hand on the wheel of power.

More power in the people hands, less in the politicians is always better.

Tom Bombastadillo

It is not possible for anything zionist to be positive in any way. Things are screwed up badly BECAUSE OF zionism. What you ask for is an oxymoron: not possible.


Botox lips and plastic surgery. A clear Kardashian influence. Whores discarding their natural beauty for that crap.

Last edited 3 years ago by OnTheFritzZz

Wonderful comment


and no more Hollywood and Netflix crap for Russians! unless they torrent them for free lol. But why would they bother – Hollywood failed to make a half-decent movie since 2000. nothing but superheroes for infantile kids and endless remakes, reboots, recycling of old movies, all much worse than originals and all infested &polluted with massive LGBTWoke ideological brainwashing. Seriously, these sanctions are the best thing ever for Russia: separating them from sick, corrupted, degenerate filth anglo anti-culture.

Porc halal

Evil cripto-jew west shot itself in the foot…hehehe


So true man – 100%! When i want to see a decent movie i usually set the filter to the year 2000 and below :)

Tom Bombastadillo

I quit watching the worthless Hollywood movies in 1980.

Peppe il Sicario

Do you know who 90% of the original creative directors for Marvel and DC comics were? Jews, Jews, Jews……….the consummate evil!!!


No. Hollywood has been pushing degeneracy for at least 70 years. I stopped watching the newer blatant evil that Hollywood has been putting out and turned to the “better” old movies and TV series. BUT GUESS WHAT, the homosexual, antiGod agenda can be seen in the older stuff too. Hollywood should be one of the first targets of nuclear weapons.

Also, Russian movie makers need to be limited now or Russians will end up getting the same indoctrination from their entertainment industry.

And not only Hollywood but American music has also been just as degenerative.


WHY was all this crap in Russia to begin with? For decades now, it’s been a well known fact that jews control the media in the West…is the Russian intelligence community so incompetent that they don’t know about something that is common knowledge on the internet? Putin pretends he’s against the West, but yet he lets all this Western garbage into his country…


Obesity is epidemy in US. Killing far more people than Covid-19.


Long may the obesity plague last in the USA and UK, :)


I don’t remember the Russian version of Coca-Cola or Pepsi having HFCS. I thought they had real sugar like in Europe and anywhere else outside of the US. I also imagined that McDonald’s, being bound by Russian law, wouldn’t use GMOs in their recipes when sold in Russia. Someone told me that the McD burgers in Russia were 100% real beef whereas in the US it’s around 11% beef plus a combo of chemicals.

Not a bad point otherwise. I can imagine there being local alternatives that better cater to the cultural taste.

Last edited 3 years ago by joey_n
Windy Harbour

McDonald’s is a franchise corporation, the franchise agreements force the franchisees to use McDonald owned and controlled supply chains. The regional supply chain will make necessary concessions to localized food regulations and laws when forced to, but seeks to use its lobby power against doing so, or for certain exemptions, whenever possible. The reason McDonald went broke and failed in Iceland is that everything comes from supply chain depots, and the flight costs on aircraft from the central European depots to Iceland were just too expensive to be sustainable.

Last edited 3 years ago by Windy Harbour
Windy Harbour

USA sugary junk foods = dumping ground for all the US government subsidized corn production, in form of highly processed fructose syrup.

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Oh boy, wife material right there. Slava Rossiye 🇷🇺

Arch Bungle

Amen! Concubine, even.

Last edited 3 years ago by Arch Bungle
Freddie Lumberjack

Water and walking, not cola and SUV’s, keeps it all firm and tidy.

Steve Brown

Real natural rossiya milk much better than yankee cola…!


Haha, I am loving this. I need to visit Russia soon after this war.

Universal Order

The horror! Whatever are they going to do without porn and netflix! With all these western companies leaving Russia might actually become a nice place to live jej. I wish my country got this treatment.


no more big mac and cola. russia should thank them. russia has been looking for ways to ban them for some time.

Porc halal

Back to healthy food 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


US sanctions – a blessing in disguise 👍

Last edited 3 years ago by Ostsee

That was a VERY nice video. The woman is built like a Russian T-72A tank – the variant with extra thick, up-front armor. Mama Mia! comrades!

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

DollyParton armor 🤗

Tom Bombastadillo

¡Que gomas grandes!

Peter Jennings

That tank could really pull. I digress.


we all most thank biden for this bless


I thought Coca Cola stopped selling to white people a few years ago. People that eat at Mcdonalds get exactly what they deserve.


Lol, why the 18+ rating?

Porc halal

Because of the jewish perverted pornography aka lgbt netflix …


This should be on western main stream media like YouTube. I think they may understand it better from her than Putin. Besides, it’s funny.

Last edited 3 years ago by StanK

Omg you just gave me the best idea, what if putin came out as a woman and every time they talk shit he just calls them transphobic, it would be like the epitome of power moves…. they would never see it coming.

Porc halal

“That is why we will be more beautiful” …you are already beautiful enough my love …

the end

I have a big happy bear at home, feel free to visit.


That was pretty good. They certainly do have a sense of humour. The best part the fact that she is saying the truth.

Field Du Boulay

:-) well said Natasha


Love it!!!!


jens was coca-colonized from birth

Porc halal

Lol! This is the best post so far on this topic!

Porc halal

Ps.. … and finally his retardation can be explained scientifically!

Bob - Enough

LOL, well said.

Peppe il Sicario

Mount Etna and Mount Vesuvius, right there in center screen!

Hostage (Raptar) Driver

Watch this beautiful Russian woman and then look at the average masculine American woman.

No wonder the west is in decline, when are women are more like men.


Why don’t you show some more of your tits you skanky bitch?

Proof that Russians are no different than Americans.


This woman makes more sense than all EU politicians combined. You should replace Ursula von Ziowhore with this woman.

Tommy Jensen


Ole Olesen

Wonderfull Russian Humour .. my Gues is .. the Amerikanski are so stupid to take at Fac e Value—

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