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MARCH 2025

Kenosha Shooter Hit With 6 Charges, Including First-Degree Murder

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Originally appeared at ZeroHedge

Now that 17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse has been taken into custody in Illinois after he “fled across state lines” (drove 20 minutes back to his house in Antioch, Illinois), local prosecutors have unveiled the full boat of charges that the 17-year-old is facing, including first degree reckless homicide.

Kenosha Shooter Hit With 6 Charges, Including First-Degree Murder

Kenosha County prosecutors charged the teenager with one count each of first-degree intentional homicide, first-degree reckless homicide and one count of attempted first-degree intentional homicide. He was also charged with two counts of reckless endangerment, and with possessing a dangerous weapon as a minor.

Earlier, the names of Rittenhouse’s victims have been released to the media. They are: Joseph Rosenbaum and Anthony Huber.

Kenosha Shooter Hit With 6 Charges, Including First-Degree Murder

The Daily News and other MSM outlets are already trying to portray them as “sweet, loving” innocent victims who were “peaceful protesters” not “rioters”.

Here’s more on the charges from Reuters:

Kyle Rittenhouse, the 17-year-old who was arrested in connection with shootings in Wisconsin that led to the death of two people and injury of another, has been charged with six criminal counts, according to the criminal complaint disclosed on Thursday.

The charges against Rittenhouse in Kenosha County include first degree reckless homicide in the death of Joseph Rosenbaum and first degree intentional homicide in the death of Anthony Huber, according to the complaint.

Fortunately for Rittenhouse and his family, powerhouse Attorney Lin Wood, who also represented Covington Catholic high schools student Nick Sandmann in his battle against the MSM media outlets that slandered him, has agreed to take on his case.

As some may know, Wood shot to fame after the 1996 Atlanta Olympics bombing when he represented Richard Jewel, who was falsely accused, and then slandered, by the mainstream press.

Wood made the following statement on his Twitter account.

The shooting victim who survived, Gaige Grosskreutz, 26, is a volunteer medic for Black Lives Matter protests in Milwaukee over the summer. Rittenhouse is being held at a Lake County juvenile detention facility. He will appear in court Friday morning, where he’ll face extradition to Kenosha.

The violence took place in Kenosha on Tuesday night as the town was racked by a third night of violence following the police shooting of Jacob Blake, a black criminal suspect.

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johnny rotten

These fucking antifa are the umpteenth version of the terrorism of the Zionist international, who wants to sacrifice all the goyim on the altar of their mad god, no matter where they operate, whether in Syria or Belarus, they are paid by the same principal who every time he invents a new fairy tale to recruit the most mentally ill, only on this tour the banksters have decided to fuck their golem, and it doesn’t seem so bad to tell the truth.


Free Kyle!

Uche Anthony Esealuka

Really, MikeH? What are your pleadings outside of temper tantrums?


Dude was attacked and defended himself. 100% self-defense and totally justified. He shot 3 violent cons and killed 2, one was a pedophile.

Kyle was not only justified but did the world a service.

Uche Anthony Esealuka

You are indeed a bloody fool. Mr. Rittenhouse was not defending himself. He was already a menace to those who gathered to protest. He went there with a long and dangerous weapon not to defend himself nor was he deputized to defend properties or lives. No, he went there to cause harm and he succeeded. Now, he will pay the piper and realize that the world of idle youth spent playing video games is very different from the real world of adults and reality.

Rick B

The goons that were chasing him were carrying weapons. They weren’t there to “peacefully” protest. You’re not seeing reality.

Uche Anthony Esealuka

I must have missed the part where he was being chased by weapon wielding protesters. The video l saw was of him being chased after he had shot a man and some were heroically attempting to take away the gun from him. He shot two of those people. One of whom died right there.

I do not know the company you keep. But most 17 years old l know of do not spend their time polishing and glorifying their guns. Instead, there are busy planning their college education or looking to save and buy a car or at least casting fleeting glances at members of the opposite sex. They do not play pretend cops or carry their rifles across state lines to enforce laws that they are not bound by duty or even the misconception of it to participate in. This young man set out on that fateful day to do harm. He went prepared and he carried out his aim. The law and the black and white residents of Kenosha as members of the jury will determine his fate. It is so sad and tragic.


Just block this fucking clown. Dude is full of crap.


That’s an interesting defense of your position. I consider it a lack of coherence on your part.

Uche Anthony Esealuka

I really don’t have a clue of what it is you seek from me or that you want me to do. Please go away as you have nothing worthwhile to add to this argument.

Uche Anthony Esealuka

By the way if you are going to use someone’s statement like above the least you should do is pay me attribution. By not doing so you are simply engaging in theft. And that tells me a lot about your character.


Americunts first need to understand the Trump/Biden are the same pile of shit in different package and are playing the same game to keep the sheeple thinking about “democracy and freedom” while the US Ziocorporate terrorist globalist regime Trump/Biden both represent keeps on with their COINTELPRO policy of dividing and ruling supreme.

And there are still US fucktards that call that joke of a cuntry a “civilised” nation. Even Cuba is lights year ahead in civilization.

James Adams

You do know Antifa and BLM want to turn America into Cuba right? You hate BLM even through they like Cuba. Then you say how great Cuba is. Your a fuckhead mate.. Why don’t you live in Cuba then.

Uche Anthony Esealuka

James Adams: Evidently, you are the one who is misinformed. Do tell us how BLM is trying to turn America into Cuba? Clearly, you must know that BLM is simply demanding that African Americans and other minorities should also enjoy the rights and protection that the US Constitution guarantees to its citizens. This must appear revolutionary to you, otherwise, your likening them to Cuba is certainly shallow and probably idiotic.

Alberto Garza

blm is l linked to maduro and that is a fact ..

Uche Anthony Esealuka

That is not true. You are required to tender proof if you are going to make such an extraordinary and indecent charge. This is similar to a charge made at the beginning of the protests that poor Zimbabwe was funding and running the protests. It was a head scratcher for people with some elementary knowledge that it was impossible for Zimbabwe to engage in the activities it was being accused of. The country is just too poor and presently, maladjusted to organize a color revolution in America.

James Adams

The kid did nothing wrong. He was well in his right to shoot those people. I believe he will get of scot free. He has a very good lawyer already working on the case and has raised $70,000 already as a defence.

Harry Smith

All depends who will be the court members. https://youtu.be/akrTlYc40XE


All three of the dead and wounded appear to have jewish names , so I am sure that a jury will be ‘hand picked’ by the prosecution.

The fact that there is video that clearly shows that Kyle Rittenhouse was assaulted first , also with gunshots being fired by the BLM gangs first.

One can question the wisdom of Kyle to become separated from his group, but that in itself is not a crime AND without his firearm, Kyle would likely be dead himself now.

I have to admire young Kyle for his composure.

Uche Anthony Esealuka

I do not think that you understand the law or even the process by which it is crafted and adopted. On first glance, Mr. Kyle Rittenhouse violated several laws. One of which is a minor bringing a rifle to a public gathering. There is also the issue of him fleeing across state line which makes it a federal crime. There are also two charges of murder and one, of attempted.

I do not intend to give the impression that l know how Mr. Rittenhouse trial will proceed except to underlie the severity of the charges levied against him. And speaking in that same vein, l do not believe that there is any lawyer in America smart enough to prevent him doing a very long and stiff sentence.

I think the mistake you are making is thinking of this like a simple crime like mugging. This is a crime with political dimensions. And the state will exact its punishment as states have always done throughout history. If you show a people how they can “killed”, then you imprinted on them how they should live.


“The Daily News and other MSM outlets are already trying to portray them as “sweet, loving” innocent victims who were “peaceful protesters” not “rioters” Fuck you. You should blame the white supremacist idiot pos kid who deserves to be gang raped in leavenworth until he dies alone in a corner

Rick B

Kyle Rittenhouse is an American hero.

Uche Anthony Esealuka

You cannot make that kind of declaration considering that you are probably not an American. Even on such mundane basis as the law, Mr. Rittenhouse has been charged with a severe crime. It is now up to the state to prove those charges. They appear to have sufficient evidence, from videos, eye witness accounts, etc. to put him away for a very long time. Fortunately for him, the state he is charged in does not have the death penalty. But there are far worse things than death.

Rick B

The people will decide whether he’s a hero. Mark my words. He’ll be considered a hero. His actions mark a turning point in the BLM tyranny.

Uche Anthony Esealuka

But who are these “people” you refer to who will decide he is a hero. The only people he is trending with to marginally be considered a “hero” are among the militia type. And these are an anomaly. They do not contribute to society, seeing that most of them are living off the grid, and they are increasingly showing, that they cannot abide to live in a civilized society either.


You are a fool.

Uche Anthony Esealuka

That’s an interesting defense of your position. I consider it a lack of coherence on your part. I don’t think that you know the argument or the counter argument. Who are these “half” of the people that you refer to? Illiterate.

Rick B

Illiterate? Am I writing incoherently? You’re parroting the BLM goons who aren’t interested in debate… and can’t debate… because most are illiterate.

Uche Anthony Esealuka

You may be right. The protesters do not need to be coherent. We know what it is that they ask for; that the rights guaranteed to all Americans under the US constitution be extended to them. I do not have a problem with that nor do l see their request as badly argued or presented. Indeed, their arguments also help the rest of us preserve our own constitutional rights. I wish l have more time to elaborate on how the blacks struggle for their rights have helped all other Americans to preserve theirs.

Rick B

BLM goons with weapons, criminals, sought to kill Kyle Rittenhouse who was in Kenosha to protect a business from destruction. The authorities allowed burning and looting of businesses carte blanche for two nights. Kyle Rittenhouse stopped the the rioting and looting in Kenosha. Kyle Rittenhouse defended himself in all shooting instances with armed criminal goons. You should watch some of the protests. Perhaps you’ll come to a different conclusion about the protestors. They are goons.

Rick B

The BLM goons are creating an unbridgeable racial divide.

Uche Anthony Esealuka

I disagree. The racial divide was already in existence long before BLM came into existence or was conceived as a movement. What did you think the American Civil War was all about? Or the aborted Reconstruction program following the end of that war in 1865 that was intended to finally integrate African Americans into the mainstream or the Civil Rights movement of the 1960s?

I do not know how familiar you are with American history but every group of Americans starting with the second wave of immigration in the 1840s and through the present, we have made extraordinary efforts to integrate them into our mainstream, that is to say, make them Americans. We did this with the Germans, the Irish, the Italians, the Jews and migrants from Eastern Europe. The only group of Americans that we did not attempt to integrate were African Americans. Every promise we made to them we have not kept. The Reconstruction that was supposed to integrate them through education and the allotment of 40 acres of land per person was not honored. Instead, to please the defeated slave trading Southerners, that program was deferred and a new arrangement called Jim Crow was put in its place.

Jim Crow mostly continued their deprivation as it was when they lived and toiled as captives. In 1964, the Great War on Poverty was enacted as part of the Civil Rights Act. But that too got sabotaged by our war in Vietnam. I do not know what racial divide the current protests will give rise to that was not already in place.

Rick B

He’ll be considered a hero by the half of Americans that are fed up with the tyranny of the BLM goons.


The normies are waking up to the dangers of this social justice nonsense. I fully agree this was a turning point.

Raptar Driver

Children should not be charged as adults, this is 1 of the worst things about our current facist system. Otherwise we have too many stupid people in this country, let them kill each other off.

Uche Anthony Esealuka

Well, the laws of each state is clear on this. In Wisconsin, a 17 year old can be charged to adult court depending too, on the severity of the crime. I think some other states in the Union do have lower age threshold.

I think in most civilized cultures, where cannibalism is not a popular preference, a 17 year old is considered old enough to know better. Especially on such fundamental issue, as life or death and how their actions may be a contribute even factor to either.

Raptar Driver

His mind is not developed yet, you do not become an adult until you are twenty. He should be charged, But based on his mental development. This is what similar civilized societies do.

Uche Anthony Esealuka

That is a valid argument to be made and l’m almost sure that his attorneys will make that argument. But that will be done during the sentencing phase of the trial.

Alberto Garza

forgot to say that the so called “victim” was a registered child sex offender and the fact that he was carrying a gun and he was runninng after the gunman who was running from the crowd he fired because he was about to be beaten by the mob .

Uche Anthony Esealuka

It is always possible for someone with a past criminal history to live a productive and contributory life following rehabilitation or failing, through constant surveillance by their parole or probationary agent. Just because one has a prior record does not leave them unprotected by the law. Heck, we have lots of people in the country, including politicians, with prior records that will make a 18th century pirate blush. But we don’t go around denying them protection under the law or provide as some targets practice to some loon who thinks owing a gun makes him a man.


Until we have an better understanding of the time line in this event, everybody has an opinion, but as far I can judge, we cant see that, and you have to remeber the circumstanse of this event, an huge mob, throwing molotovs, armed, screaming, attacking physicaly everybody whom isnt with them and so on, and in that time, this kid was standing guard on an compound, and then this happened, and I read a lot of idiotic prodjections, aka ala the same twisting shit that is soaking the Formeman Mao of Alabama shithole of an site, whom have sliped into lalaland and is stating that everybody is an white ass supremacist etc to nazis, the usual spewing of nonsense, as some are doing here, the same rat pack was dead silent when an black f…. executed an 5 year old child, did you read about that, did you see them same defenders of this BLMs say anything about racism, condemed this, anyone, did they, and compared to this, when the event was more about self defence etc, the MSM and the attention whores was dead silent, huh, how f… convinient.

I am as far I have come into this time line, despite the onslaught of solid PC-ifested drivel and shitheads whining about racism etc to the rifle, he did it in self defence, no doubts about that, and did it with bravour, the entire event was done like an old war veteran, cool, calm and collected, he did not shoot an person that had already rised his hands above the head, but shifted the focus on the attacker, and armed one to, and also called the police to come and help the aslaiant whom was shoot, before some attacked him again, and this time he shoot them down, etc, of course the bitches forgets that, again, how convinient, and I am not the slightest surpriced by the hate rethoric coming from the BLM squad/sqids, and they always lies, and forgets all the violence that have been following the BLM for months and of course that alone sets the standard and also gives as it have done now, the presedence for what could happen when the law is missing, the police whom was supousedly to be there to protect the homes and inocent people, but the truth is, the people had to do it them self, and this is what happened when an attack went wrong, the attackes have all the blame, the boy acted in self defence, period. But as always, when blacks kills, its never even reported in the MSM nor commented by the rat packs, but if an white one is doing something, anything, its suddenly all over, and the shit strom is massive and of course thats because white people are nazis, etc, right. Crawl back to the Moon of Alabama and dont make your self to an drooling idiot, because it shoows and we can smell you from miles away.



Good riddance to Antifa trash, he had every right to take those punks out. These stupid rioters/terrorists think they can just destroy people’s lives and get away with it.

Trap Is Not Gay

The phenotypeless huwhite American deserves all that for knowing how Jews are for decades and yet allowing the kike to allocate space.

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